path: root/gcc
diff options
authorcharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2008-07-20 20:31:59 +0000
committercharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2008-07-20 20:31:59 +0000
commit0c026899deffa8574a02024b6e8e44cf125d843c (patch)
treebfe7d8b69b98c27b1e48c4aa71765056ba1953b2 /gcc
parent6428c36dd64d32d58fdf89ab045619c08f2a94af (diff)
* New file.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc')
2 files changed, 1119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
index f08dc9f72d7..bb42b64460a 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
+++ b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2008-07-20 Arnaud Charlet <>
+ * New file.
2008-07-19 Olivier Hainque <>
* targtyps.c (get_target_default_allocator_alignment): Use
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9d893268055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -0,0 +1,1115 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env perl
+#- --
+#- --
+#- G N A T H T M L --
+#- --
+#- Copyright (C) 1998-2008, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+#- --
+#- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+#- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+#- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+#- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+#- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+#- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+#- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+#- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+#- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+#- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+#- --
+#- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+#- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
+#- --
+## This script converts an Ada file (and its dependency files) to Html.
+## Keywords, comments and strings are color-hilighted. If the cross-referencing
+## information provided by Gnat (when not using the -gnatx switch) is found,
+## the html files will also have some cross-referencing features, i.e. if you
+## click on a type, its declaration will be displayed.
+## To find more about the switches provided by this script, please use the
+## following command :
+## perl -h
+## You may also change the first line of this script to indicates where Perl is
+## installed on your machine, so that you can just type
+## -h
+## Unless you supply another directory with the -odir switch, the html files
+## will be saved saved in a html subdirectory
+use Cwd 'abs_path';
+use File::Basename;
+### Print help if necessary
+sub print_usage
+ print "Usage is:\n";
+ print " $0 [switches] main_file[.adb] main_file2[.adb] ...\n";
+ print " -83 : Use Ada83 keywords only (default is Ada95)\n";
+ print " -cc color : Choose the color for comments\n";
+ print " -d : Convert also the files which main_file depends on\n";
+ print " -D : same as -d, also looks for files in the standard library\n";
+ print " -f : Include cross-references for local entities too\n";
+ print " -absolute : Display absolute filenames in the headers\n";
+ print " -h : Print this help page\n";
+ print " -lnb : Display line numbers every nb lines\n";
+ print " -Idir : Specify library/object files search path\n";
+ print " -odir : Name of the directory where the html files will be\n";
+ print " saved. Default is 'html/'\n";
+ print " -pfile : Use file as a project file (.adp file)\n";
+ print " -sc color : Choose the color for symbol definitions\n";
+ print " -Tfile : Read the name of the files from file rather than the\n";
+ print " command line\n";
+ print " -ext ext : Choose the generated file names extension (default\n";
+ print " is htm)\n";
+ print "This program attemps to generate an html file from an Ada file\n";
+ exit;
+### Parse the command line
+local ($ada83_mode) = 0;
+local ($prjfile) = "";
+local (@list_files) = ();
+local ($line_numbers) = 0;
+local ($dependencies) = 0;
+local ($standard_library) = 0;
+local ($output_dir) = "html";
+local ($xref_variable) = 0;
+local (@search_dir) = ('.');
+local ($tab_size) = 8;
+local ($comment_color) = "green";
+local ($symbol_color) = "red";
+local ($absolute) = 0;
+local ($fileext) = "htm";
+while ($_ = shift @ARGV)
+ /^-83$/ && do { $ada83_mode = 1; };
+ /^-d$/ && do { $dependencies = 1; };
+ /^-D$/ && do { $dependencies = 1;
+ $standard_library = 1; };
+ /^-f$/ && do { $xref_variable = 1; };
+ /^-absolute$/ && do {$absolute = 1; };
+ /^-h$/ && do { &print_usage; };
+ /^[^-]/ && do { $_ .= ".adb" if (! /\.ad[bs]$/);
+ push (@list_files, $_); };
+ if (/^-o\s*(.*)$/)
+ {
+ $output_dir = ($1 eq "") ? shift @ARGV : $1;
+ chop $output_dir if ($output_dir =~ /\/$/);
+ &print_usage if ($output_dir =~ /^-/ || $output_dir eq "");
+ }
+ if (/^-T\s*(.*)$/)
+ {
+ my ($source_file) = ($1 eq "") ? shift @ARGV : $1;
+ local (*SOURCE);
+ open (SOURCE, "$source_file") || die "file not found: $source_file";
+ while (<SOURCE>) {
+ @files = split;
+ foreach (@files) {
+ $_ .= ".adb" if (! /\.ad[bs]$/);
+ push (@list_files, $_);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (/^-cc\s*(.*)$/)
+ {
+ $comment_color = ($1 eq "") ? shift @ARGV : $1;
+ &print_usage if ($comment_color =~ /^-/ || $comment_color eq "");
+ }
+ if (/^-sc\s*(.*)$/)
+ {
+ $symbol_color = ($1 eq "") ? shift @ARGV : $1;
+ &print_usage if ($symbol_color =~ /^-/ || $symbol_color eq "");
+ }
+ if (/^-I\s*(.*)$/)
+ {
+ push (@search_dir, ($1 eq "") ? scalar (shift @ARGV) : $1);
+ }
+ if (/^-p\s*(.*)$/)
+ {
+ $prjfile = ($1 eq "") ? shift @ARGV : $1;
+ &print_usage if ($prjfile =~ /^-/ || $prjfile eq "");
+ }
+ if (/^-l\s*(.*)$/)
+ {
+ $line_numbers = ($1 eq "") ? shift @ARGV : $1;
+ &print_usage if ($line_numbers =~ /^-/ || $line_numbers eq "");
+ }
+ if (/^-ext\s*(.*)$/)
+ {
+ $fileext = ($1 eq "") ? shift @ARGV : $1;
+ &print_usage if ($fileext =~ /^-/ || $fileext eq "");
+ }
+&print_usage if ($#list_files == -1);
+local (@original_list) = @list_files;
+## This regexp should match all the files from the standard library (and only them)
+## Note that at this stage the '.' in the file names has been replaced with __
+local (@src_dir) = ();
+local (@obj_dir) = ();
+if ($standard_library) {
+ open (PIPE, "gnatls -v | ");
+ local ($mode) = "";
+ while (defined ($_ = <PIPE>)) {
+ chop;
+ s/^\s+//;
+ $_ = './' if (/<Current_Directory>/);
+ next if (/^$/);
+ if (/Source Search Path:/) {
+ $mode = 's';
+ }
+ elsif (/Object Search Path:/) {
+ $mode = 'o';
+ }
+ elsif ($mode eq 's') {
+ push (@src_dir, $_);
+ }
+ elsif ($mode eq 'o') {
+ push (@obj_dir, $_);
+ }
+ }
+ close (PIPE);
+ push (@src_dir, "./");
+ push (@obj_dir, "./");
+foreach (@list_files) {
+ local ($dir) = $_;
+ $dir =~ s/\/([^\/]+)$//;
+ push (@src_dir, $dir. '/');
+ push (@obj_dir, $dir. '/');
+### Defines and compiles the Ada key words :
+local (@Ada_keywords) = ('abort', 'abs', 'accept', 'access', 'all', 'and',
+ 'array', 'at', 'begin', 'body', 'case', 'constant',
+ 'declare', 'delay', 'delta', 'digits', 'do', 'else',
+ 'elsif', 'end', 'entry', 'exception', 'exit', 'for',
+ 'function', 'generic', 'goto', 'if', 'in', 'is',
+ 'limited', 'loop', 'mod', 'new', 'not', 'null', 'of',
+ 'or', 'others', 'out', 'package', 'pragma', 'private',
+ 'procedure', 'raise', 'range', 'record', 'rem',
+ 'renames', 'return', 'reverse', 'select', 'separate',
+ 'subtype', 'task', 'terminate', 'then', 'type',
+ 'until', 'use', 'when', 'while', 'with', 'xor');
+local (@Ada95_keywords) = ('abstract', 'aliased', 'protected', 'requeue',
+ 'tagged');
+local (%keywords) = ();
+grep (++ $keywords{$_}, @Ada_keywords);
+grep (++ $keywords{$_}, @Ada95_keywords) unless ($ada83_mode);
+### Symbols declarations for the current file
+### format is (line_column => 1, ...)
+local (%symbols);
+### Symbols usage for the current file
+### format is ($adafile#$line_$column => $htmlfile#$linedecl_$columndecl, ...)
+local (%symbols_used);
+### the global index of all symbols
+### format is ($name => [[file, line, column], [file, line, column], ...])
+local (%global_index);
+## This function create the header of every html file.
+## These header is returned as a string
+## Params: - Name of the Ada file associated with this html file
+sub create_header
+ local ($adafile) = shift;
+ local ($string) = "<HEAD><TITLE>$adafile</TITLE></HEAD>
+ if ($adafile ne "")
+ {
+ $string .= "<HR><DIV ALIGN=\"center\"><H1> File : $adafile "
+ . "</H1></DIV><HR>\n<PRE>";
+ }
+ return $string;
+## Protect a string (or character) from the Html parser
+## Params: - the string to protect
+## Out: - the protected string
+sub protect_string
+ local ($string) = shift;
+ $string =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
+ $string =~ s/</&lt;/g;
+ $string =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
+ return $string;
+## This function creates the footer of the html file
+## The footer is returned as a string
+## Params : - Name of the Ada file associated with this html file
+sub create_footer
+ local ($adafile) = shift;
+ local ($string) = "";
+ $string = "</PRE>" if ($adafile ne "");
+ return $string . "</BODY></HTML>\n";
+## This function creates the string to use for comment output
+## Params : - the comment itself
+sub output_comment
+ local ($comment) = &protect_string (shift);
+ return "<FONT COLOR=$comment_color><EM>--$comment</EM></FONT>";
+## This function creates the string to use for symbols output
+## Params : - the symbol to output
+## - the current line
+## - the current column
+sub output_symbol
+ local ($symbol) = &protect_string (shift);
+ local ($lineno) = shift;
+ local ($column) = shift;
+ return "<FONT COLOR=$symbol_color><A NAME=\"$lineno\_$column\">$symbol</A></FONT>";
+## This function creates the string to use for keyword output
+## Params : - the keyword to output
+sub output_keyword
+ local ($keyw) = shift;
+ return "<b>$keyw</b>";
+## This function outputs a line number
+## Params : - the line number to generate
+sub output_line_number
+ local ($no) = shift;
+ if ($no != -1)
+ {
+ return "<EM><FONT SIZE=-1>" . sprintf ("%4d ", $no) . "</FONT></EM>";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return "<FONT SIZE=-1> </FONT>";
+ }
+## Converts a character into the corresponding Ada type
+## This is based on the ali format (see lib-xref.adb) in the GNAT sources
+## Note: 'f' or 'K' should be returned in case a link from the body to the
+## spec needs to be generated.
+## Params : - the character to convert
+sub to_type
+ local ($char) = shift;
+ $char =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+ return 'array' if ($char eq 'A');
+ return 'boolean' if ($char eq 'B');
+ return 'class' if ($char eq 'C');
+ return 'decimal' if ($char eq 'D');
+ return 'enumeration' if ($char eq 'E');
+ return 'floating point' if ($char eq 'F');
+ return 'signed integer' if ($char eq 'I');
+ # return 'generic package' if ($char eq 'K');
+ return 'block' if ($char eq 'L');
+ return 'modular integer' if ($char eq 'M');
+ return 'enumeration litteral' if ($char eq 'N');
+ return 'ordinary fixed point' if ($char eq 'O');
+ return 'access' if ($char eq 'P');
+ return 'label' if ($char eq 'Q');
+ return 'record' if ($char eq 'R');
+ return 'string' if ($char eq 'S');
+ return 'task' if ($char eq 'T');
+ return 'f' if ($char eq 'U');
+ return 'f' if ($char eq 'V');
+ return 'exception' if ($char eq 'X');
+ return 'entry' if ($char eq 'Y');
+ return "$char";
+## Changes a file name to be http compatible
+sub http_string
+ local ($str) = shift;
+ $str =~ s/\//__/g;
+ $str =~ s/\\/__/g;
+ $str =~ s/:/__/g;
+ $str =~ s/\./__/g;
+ return $str;
+## Creates the complete file-name, with directory
+## use the variables read in the .prj file
+## Params : - file name
+## RETURNS : the relative path_name to the file
+sub get_real_file_name
+ local ($filename) = shift;
+ local ($path) = $filename;
+ foreach (@src_dir)
+ {
+ if ( -r "$_$filename")
+ {
+ $path = "$_$filename";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $path =~ s/^\.\///;
+ return $path if (substr ($path, 0, 1) ne '/');
+ ## We want to return relative paths only, so that the name of the HTML files
+ ## can easily be generated
+ local ($pwd) = `pwd`;
+ chop ($pwd);
+ local (@pwd) = split (/\//, $pwd);
+ local (@path) = split (/\//, $path);
+ while (@pwd)
+ {
+ if ($pwd [0] ne $path [0])
+ {
+ return '../' x ($#pwd + 1) . join ("/", @path);
+ }
+ shift @pwd;
+ shift @path;
+ }
+ return join ('/', @path);
+## Reads and parses .adp files
+## Params : - adp file name
+sub parse_prj_file
+ local ($filename) = shift;
+ local (@src) = ();
+ local (@obj) = ();
+ print "Parsing project file : $filename\n";
+ open (PRJ, $filename) || do { print " ... sorry, file not found\n";
+ return;
+ };
+ while (<PRJ>)
+ {
+ chop;
+ s/\/$//;
+ push (@src, $1 . "/") if (/^src_dir=(.*)/);
+ push (@obj, $1 . "/") if (/^obj_dir=(.*)/);
+ }
+ unshift (@src_dir, @src);
+ unshift (@obj_dir, @obj);
+ close (PRJ);
+## Finds a file in the search path
+## Params : - the name of the file
+## RETURNS : - the directory/file_name
+sub find_file
+ local ($filename) = shift;
+ foreach (@search_dir) {
+ if (-f "$_/$filename") {
+ return "$_/$filename";
+ }
+ }
+ return $filename;
+## Inserts a new reference in the list of references
+## Params: - Ref as it appears in the .ali file ($line$type$column)
+## - Current file for the reference
+## - Current offset to be added from the line (handling of
+## pragma Source_Reference)
+## - Current entity reference
+## Modifies: - %symbols_used
+sub create_new_reference
+ local ($ref) = shift;
+ local ($lastfile) = shift;
+ local ($offset) = shift;
+ local ($currentref) = shift;
+ local ($refline, $type, $refcol);
+ ## Do not generate references to the standard library files if we
+ ## do not generate the corresponding html files
+ return if (! $standard_library && $lastfile =~ /$standard_file_regexp/);
+ ($refline, $type, $extern, $refcol) = /(\d+)(.)(<[^>]+>)?(\d+)/;
+ $refline += $offset;
+ ## If we have a body, then we only generate the cross-reference from
+ ## the spec to the body if we have a subprogram (or a package)
+ if ($type eq "b")
+# && ($symbols {$currentref} eq 'f' || $symbols {$currentref} eq 'K'))
+ {
+ local ($cref_file, $cref) = ($currentref =~ /([^\#]+).$fileext\#(.+)/);
+ $symbols_used {"$cref_file#$cref"} = "$lastfile.$fileext#$refline\_$refcol";
+ $symbols_used {"$lastfile#$refline\_$refcol"} = $currentref;
+ $symbols {"$lastfile.$fileext#$refline\_$refcol"} = "body";
+ }
+ ## Do not generate cross-references for "e" and "t", since these point to the
+ ## semicolon that terminates the block -- irrelevant for gnathtml
+ ## "p" is also removed, since it is used for primitive subprograms
+ ## "d" is also removed, since it is used for discriminants
+ ## "i" is removed since it is used for implicit references
+ ## "z" is used for generic formals
+ ## "k" is for references to parent package
+ ## "=", "<", ">", "^" is for subprogram parameters
+ elsif ($type !~ /[eztpid=<>^k]/)
+ {
+ $symbols_used {"$lastfile#$refline\_$refcol"} = $currentref;
+ }
+## Parses the ali file associated with the current Ada file
+## Params : - the complete ali file name
+sub parse_ali
+ local ($filename) = shift;
+ local ($currentfile);
+ local ($currentref);
+ local ($lastfile);
+ # A file | line type column reference
+ local ($reference) = "(?:(?:\\d+\\|)?\\d+.\\d+|\\w+)";
+ # The following variable is used to represent the possible xref information
+ # output by GNAT when -gnatdM is used. It includes renaming references, and
+ # references to the parent type, as well as references to the generic parent
+ local ($typeref) = "(?:=$reference|<$reference>|\\{$reference\\}|\\($reference\\)|\\[$reference\\])?";
+ # The beginning of an entity declaration line in the ALI file
+ local ($decl_line) = "^(\\d+)(.)(\\d+)[ *]([\\w\\d.-]+|\"..?\")$typeref\\s+(\\S.*)?\$";
+ # Contains entries of the form [ filename source_reference_offset]
+ # Offset needs to be added to the lines read in the cross-references, and are
+ # used when the source comes from a gnatchop-ed file. See, lines
+ # with ^D in the ALI file.
+ local (@reffiles) = ();
+ open (ALI, &find_file ($filename)) || do {
+ print "no ", &find_file ($filename), " file...\n";
+ return;
+ };
+ local (@ali) = <ALI>;
+ close (ALI);
+ undef %symbols;
+ undef %symbols_used;
+ foreach (@ali)
+ {
+ ## The format of D lines is
+ ## D source-name time-stamp checksum [subunit-name] line:file-name
+ if (/^D\s+([\w\d.-]+)\s+\S+ \S+(\s+\D[^: ]+)?( (\d+):(.*))?/)
+ {
+ # The offset will be added to each cross-reference line. If it is
+ # greater than 1, this means that we have a pragma Source_Reference,
+ # and this must not be counted in the xref information.
+ my ($file, $offset) = ($1, (defined $4) ? 2 - $4 : 0);
+ if ($dependencies)
+ {
+ push (@list_files, $1) unless (grep (/$file/, @list_files));
+ }
+ push (@reffiles, [&http_string (&get_real_file_name ($file)), $offset]);
+ }
+ elsif (/^X\s+(\d+)/)
+ {
+ $currentfile = $lastfile = $1 - 1;
+ }
+ elsif (defined $currentfile && /$decl_line/)
+ {
+ my ($line) = $1 + $reffiles[$currentfile][1];
+ next if (! $standard_library
+ && $reffiles[$currentfile][0] =~ /$standard_file_regexp/);
+ if ($xref_variable || $2 eq &uppercases ($2))
+ {
+ $currentref = $reffiles[$currentfile][0] . ".$fileext#$line\_$3";
+ $symbols {$currentref} = &to_type ($2);
+ $lastfile = $currentfile;
+ local ($endofline) = $5;
+ foreach (split (" ", $endofline))
+ {
+ (s/^(\d+)\|//) && do { $lastfile = $1 - 1; };
+ &create_new_reference
+ ($_, $reffiles[$lastfile][0],
+ $reffiles[$lastfile][1], $currentref);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $currentref = "";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/^\.\s(.*)/ && $reffiles[$currentfile][0] ne "" && $currentref ne "")
+ {
+ next if (! $standard_library
+ && $reffiles[$currentfile][0] =~ /$standard_file_regexp/);
+ foreach (split (" ", $1))
+ {
+ (s/^(\d+)\|//) && do { $lastfile = $1 - 1; };
+ &create_new_reference
+ ($_, $reffiles[$lastfile][0], $reffiles[$lastfile][1],
+ $currentref);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+## Return the name of the ALI file to use for a given source
+## Params: - Name of the source file
+## return: Name and location of the ALI file
+sub ali_file_name {
+ local ($source) = shift;
+ local ($alifilename, $unitname);
+ local ($in_separate) = 0;
+ $source =~ s/\.ad[sb]$//;
+ $alifilename = $source;
+ $unitname = $alifilename;
+ $unitname =~ s/-/./g;
+ ## There are two reasons why we might not find the ALI file: either the
+ ## user did not generate them at all, or we are working on a separate unit.
+ ## Thus, we search in the parent's ALI file.
+ while ($alifilename ne "") {
+ ## Search in the object path
+ foreach (@obj_dir) {
+ ## Check if the ALI file does apply to the source file
+ ## We check the ^D lines, which have the following format:
+ ## D source-name time-stamp checksum [subunit-name] line:file-name
+ if (-r "$_$alifilename.ali") {
+ if ($in_separate) {
+ open (FILE, "$_$alifilename.ali");
+ if (grep (/^D \S+\s+\S+\s+\S+ $unitname/, <FILE>)) {
+ close FILE;
+ return "$_$alifilename.ali";
+ } else {
+ ## If the ALI file doesn't apply to the source file, we can
+ ## return now, since there won't be a parent ALI file above
+ ## anyway
+ close FILE;
+ return "$source.ali";
+ }
+ } else {
+ return "$_$alifilename.ali";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Get the parent's ALI file name
+ if (! ($alifilename =~ s/-[^-]+$//)) {
+ $alifilename = "";
+ }
+ $in_separate = 1;
+ }
+ return "$source.ali";
+## Convert a path to an absolute path
+sub to_absolute
+ local ($path) = shift;
+ local ($name, $suffix, $separator);
+ ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse ($path, ());
+ $path = &abs_path ($path);
+ $separator = substr ($path, 0, 1);
+ return $path . $separator . $name;
+## This function outputs the html version of the file FILE
+## The output is send to FILE.htm.
+## Params : - Name of the file to convert (ends with .ads or .adb)
+sub output_file
+ local ($filename_param) = shift;
+ local ($lineno) = 1;
+ local ($column);
+ local ($found);
+ local ($alifilename) = &ali_file_name ($filename_param);
+ $filename = &get_real_file_name ($filename_param);
+ $found = &find_file ($filename);
+ ## Read the whole file
+ open (FILE, $found) || do {
+ print $found, " not found ... skipping.\n";
+ return 0;
+ };
+ local (@file) = <FILE>;
+ close (FILE);
+ ## Parse the .ali file to find the cross-references
+ print "converting ", $filename, "\n";
+ &parse_ali ($alifilename);
+ ## Create and initialize the html file
+ open (OUTPUT, ">$output_dir/" . &http_string ($filename) . ".$fileext")
+ || die "Couldn't write $output_dir/" . &http_string ($filename)
+ . ".$fileext\n";
+ if ($absolute) {
+ print OUTPUT &create_header (&to_absolute ($found)), "\n";
+ } else {
+ print OUTPUT &create_header ($filename_param), "\n";
+ }
+ ## Print the file
+ $filename = &http_string ($filename);
+ foreach (@file)
+ {
+ local ($index);
+ local ($line) = $_;
+ local ($comment);
+ $column = 1;
+ chop ($line);
+ ## Print either the line number or a space if required
+ if ($line_numbers)
+ {
+ if ($lineno % $line_numbers == 0)
+ {
+ print OUTPUT &output_line_number ($lineno);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print OUTPUT &output_line_number (-1);
+ }
+ }
+ ## First, isolate any comment on the line
+ undef $comment;
+ $index = index ($line, '--');
+ if ($index != -1) {
+ $comment = substr ($line, $index + 2);
+ if ($index > 1)
+ {
+ $line = substr ($line, 0, $index);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ undef $line;
+ }
+ }
+ ## Then print the line
+ if (defined $line)
+ {
+ $index = 0;
+ while ($index < length ($line))
+ {
+ local ($substring) = substr ($line, $index);
+ if ($substring =~ /^\t/)
+ {
+ print OUTPUT ' ' x ($tab_size - (($column - 1) % $tab_size));
+ $column += $tab_size - (($column - 1) % $tab_size);
+ $index ++;
+ }
+ elsif ($substring =~ /^(\w+)/
+ || $substring =~ /^("[^\"]*")/
+ || $substring =~ /^(\W)/)
+ {
+ local ($word) = $1;
+ $index += length ($word);
+ local ($lowercase) = $word;
+ $lowercase =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ if ($keywords{$lowercase})
+ {
+ print OUTPUT &output_keyword ($word);
+ }
+ elsif ($symbols {"$filename.$fileext#$lineno\_$column"})
+ {
+ ## A symbol can both have a link and be a reference for
+ ## another link, as is the case for bodies and
+ ## declarations
+ if ($symbols_used{"$filename#$lineno\_$column"})
+ {
+ print OUTPUT "<A HREF=\"",
+ $symbols_used{"$filename#$lineno\_$column"},
+ "\">", &protect_string ($word), "</A>";
+ print OUTPUT &output_symbol ('', $lineno, $column);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print OUTPUT &output_symbol ($word, $lineno, $column);
+ }
+ ## insert only functions into the global index
+ if ($symbols {"$filename.$fileext#$lineno\_$column"} eq 'f')
+ {
+ push (@{$global_index {$word}},
+ [$filename_param, $filename, $lineno, $column]);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($symbols_used{"$filename#$lineno\_$column"})
+ {
+ print OUTPUT "<A HREF=\"",
+ $symbols_used{"$filename#$lineno\_$column"},
+ "\">", &protect_string ($word), "</A>";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print OUTPUT &protect_string ($word);
+ }
+ $column += length ($word);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $index ++;
+ $column ++;
+ print OUTPUT &protect_string (substr ($substring, 0, 1));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Then output the comment
+ print OUTPUT &output_comment ($comment) if (defined $comment);
+ print OUTPUT "\n";
+ $lineno ++;
+ }
+ print OUTPUT &create_footer ($filename);
+ close (OUTPUT);
+ return 1;
+## This function generates the global index
+sub create_index_file
+ open (INDEX, ">$output_dir/index.$fileext") || die "couldn't write $output_dir/index.$fileext";
+ print INDEX <<"EOF";
+<HEAD><TITLE>Source Browser</TITLE></HEAD>
+<FRAMESET COLS='250,*'>
+ ;
+ local (@files) = &create_file_index;
+ print INDEX join ("\n", @files), "\n";
+ print INDEX "<HR>\n";
+ local (@functions) = &create_function_index;
+ print INDEX join ("\n", @functions), "\n";
+ print INDEX <<"EOF";
+<FRAMESET ROWS='50%,50%'>
+<FRAME NAME=files SRC=files.$fileext>
+<FRAME NAME=funcs SRC=funcs.$fileext>
+<FRAME NAME=main SRC=main.$fileext>
+ ;
+ close (INDEX);
+ open (MAIN, ">$output_dir/main.$fileext") || die "couldn't write $output_dir/main.$fileext";
+ print MAIN &create_header (""),
+ "<P ALIGN=right>",
+ "<A HREF=main.$fileext TARGET=_top>[No frame version is here]</A>",
+ "<P>",
+ join ("\n", @files), "\n<HR>",
+ join ("\n", @functions), "\n";
+ if ($dependencies) {
+ print MAIN "<HR>\n";
+ print MAIN "You should start your browsing with one of these files:\n";
+ print MAIN "<UL>\n";
+ foreach (@original_list) {
+ print MAIN "<LI><A HREF=", &http_string (&get_real_file_name ($_)),
+ ".$fileext>$_</A>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print MAIN &create_footer ("");
+ close (MAIN);
+## Convert to upper cases (did not exist in Perl 4)
+sub uppercases {
+ local ($tmp) = shift;
+ $tmp =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+ return $tmp;
+## This function generates the file_index
+## RETURN : - table with the html lines to be printed
+sub create_file_index
+ local (@output) = ("<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Files</H2>");
+ open (FILES, ">$output_dir/files.$fileext") || die "couldn't write $output_dir/files.$fileext";
+ print FILES &create_header (""), join ("\n", @output), "\n";
+ if ($#list_files > 20)
+ {
+ local ($last_letter) = '';
+ foreach (sort {&uppercases ($a) cmp &uppercases ($b)} @list_files)
+ {
+ next if ($_ eq "");
+ if (&uppercases (substr ($_, 0, 1)) ne $last_letter)
+ {
+ if ($last_letter ne '')
+ {
+ print INDEX_FILE "</UL></BODY></HTML>\n";
+ close (INDEX_FILE);
+ }
+ $last_letter = &uppercases (substr ($_, 0, 1));
+ open (INDEX_FILE, ">$output_dir/files/$last_letter.$fileext")
+ || die "couldn't write $output_dir/files/$last_letter.$fileext";
+ print INDEX_FILE <<"EOF";
+<H2>Files - $last_letter</H2>
+<A HREF=../files.$fileext TARGET=_self>[index]</A>
+ ;
+ local ($str) = "<A HREF=files/$last_letter.$fileext>[$last_letter]</A>";
+ push (@output, $str);
+ print FILES "$str\n";
+ }
+ print INDEX_FILE "<LI><A HREF=../",
+ &http_string (&get_real_file_name ($_)),
+ ".$fileext TARGET=main>$_</A>\n"; ## Problem with TARGET when in no_frame mode!
+ }
+ print INDEX_FILE "</UL></BODY></HTML>\n";
+ close INDEX_FILE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push (@output, "<UL COMPACT TYPE=DISC>");
+ foreach (sort {&uppercases ($a) cmp &uppercases ($b)} @list_files)
+ {
+ next if ($_ eq "");
+ local ($ref) = &http_string (&get_real_file_name ($_));
+ push (@output, "<LI><A HREF=$ref.$fileext>$_</A>");
+ print FILES "<LI><A HREF=$ref.$fileext TARGET=main>$_</A>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print FILES &create_footer ("");
+ close (FILES);
+ push (@output, "</UL>");
+ return @output;
+## This function generates the function_index
+## RETURN : - table with the html lines to be printed
+sub create_function_index
+ local (@output) = ("<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Functions/Procedures</H2>");
+ local ($initial) = "";
+ open (FUNCS, ">$output_dir/funcs.$fileext") || die "couldn't write $output_dir/funcs.$fileext";
+ print FUNCS &create_header (""), join ("\n", @output), "\n";
+ ## If there are more than 20 entries, we just want to create some
+ ## submenus
+ if (scalar (keys %global_index) > 20)
+ {
+ local ($last_letter) = '';
+ foreach (sort {&uppercases ($a) cmp &uppercases ($b)} keys %global_index)
+ {
+ if (&uppercases (substr ($_, 0, 1)) ne $last_letter)
+ {
+ if ($last_letter ne '')
+ {
+ print INDEX_FILE "</UL></BODY></HTML>\n";
+ close (INDEX_FILE);
+ }
+ $last_letter = &uppercases (substr ($_, 0, 1));
+ $initial = $last_letter;
+ if ($initial eq '"')
+ {
+ $initial = "operators";
+ }
+ if ($initial ne '.')
+ {
+ open (INDEX_FILE, ">$output_dir/funcs/$initial.$fileext")
+ || die "couldn't write $output_dir/funcs/$initial.$fileext";
+ print INDEX_FILE <<"EOF";
+<H2>Functions - $initial</H2>
+<A HREF=../funcs.$fileext TARGET=_self>[index]</A>
+ ;
+ local ($str) = "<A HREF=funcs/$initial.$fileext>[$initial]</A>";
+ push (@output, $str);
+ print FUNCS "$str\n";
+ }
+ }
+ local ($ref);
+ local ($is_overloaded) = ($#{$global_index {$_}} > 0 ? 1 : 0);
+ foreach $ref (@{$global_index {$_}})
+ {
+ ($file, $full_file, $lineno, $column) = @{$ref};
+ local ($symbol) = ($is_overloaded ? "$_ - $file:$lineno" : $_);
+ print INDEX_FILE "<LI><A HREF=../$full_file.$fileext#$lineno\_$column TARGET=main>$symbol</A>";
+ }
+ }
+ print INDEX_FILE "</UL></BODY></HTML>\n";
+ close INDEX_FILE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push (@output, "<UL COMPACT TYPE=DISC>");
+ foreach (sort {&uppercases ($a) cmp &uppercases ($b)} keys %global_index)
+ {
+ local ($ref);
+ local ($is_overloaded) = ($#{$global_index {$_}} > 0 ? 1 : 0);
+ foreach $ref (@{$global_index {$_}})
+ {
+ ($file, $full_file, $lineno, $column) = @{$ref};
+ local ($symbol) = ($is_overloaded ? "$_ - $file:$lineno" : $_);
+ push (@output, "<LI><A HREF=$full_file.$fileext#$lineno\_$column>$symbol</A>");
+ print FUNCS "<LI><A HREF=$full_file.$fileext#$lineno\_$column TARGET=main>$symbol</A>";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print FUNCS &create_footer ("");
+ close (FUNCS);
+ push (@output, "</UL>");
+ return (@output);
+## Main function
+local ($index_file) = 0;
+mkdir ($output_dir, 0777) if (! -d $output_dir);
+mkdir ($output_dir."/files", 0777) if (! -d $output_dir."/files");
+mkdir ($output_dir."/funcs", 0777) if (! -d $output_dir."/funcs");
+&parse_prj_file ($prjfile) if ($prjfile);
+while ($index_file <= $#list_files)
+ local ($file) = $list_files [$index_file];
+ if (&output_file ($file) == 0)
+ {
+ $list_files [$index_file] = "";
+ }
+ $index_file ++;
+$indexfile = "$output_dir/index.$fileext";
+$indexfile =~ s!//!/!g;
+print "You can now download the $indexfile file to see the ",
+ "created pages\n";