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2 files changed, 1725 insertions, 396 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/g-comlin.adb b/gcc/ada/g-comlin.adb
index 9abd4b0f9dc..61a0d87da27 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/g-comlin.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/g-comlin.adb
@@ -31,73 +31,33 @@
-- --
-with Ada.Command_Line;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
package body GNAT.Command_Line is
package CL renames Ada.Command_Line;
- type Section_Number is new Natural range 0 .. 65534;
- for Section_Number'Size use 16;
- type Parameter_Type is record
- Arg_Num : Positive;
- First : Positive;
- Last : Positive;
- end record;
- The_Parameter : Parameter_Type;
- The_Switch : Parameter_Type;
- -- This type and this variable are provided to store the current switch
- -- and parameter.
- type Is_Switch_Type is array (1 .. CL.Argument_Count) of Boolean;
- pragma Pack (Is_Switch_Type);
- Is_Switch : Is_Switch_Type := (others => False);
- -- Indicates wich arguments on the command line are considered not be
- -- switches or parameters to switches (this leaves e.g. the filenames...).
- type Section_Type is array (1 .. CL.Argument_Count + 1) of Section_Number;
- pragma Pack (Section_Type);
- Section : Section_Type := (others => 1);
- -- Contains the number of the section associated with the current switch.
- -- If this number is 0, then it is a section delimiter, which is never
- -- returns by GetOpt. The last element of this array is set to 0 to avoid
- -- the need to test for reaching the end of the command line in loops.
- Current_Argument : Natural := 1;
- -- Number of the current argument parsed on the command line
- Current_Index : Natural := 1;
- -- Index in the current argument of the character to be processed
- Current_Section : Section_Number := 1;
- Expansion_It : aliased Expansion_Iterator;
- -- When Get_Argument is expanding a file name, this is the iterator used
- In_Expansion : Boolean := False;
- -- True if we are expanding a file
- Switch_Character : Character := '-';
- -- The character at the beginning of the command line arguments, indicating
- -- the beginning of a switch.
- Stop_At_First : Boolean := False;
- -- If it is True then Getopt stops at the first non-switch argument
+ type Switch_Parameter_Type is
+ (Parameter_None,
+ Parameter_With_Optional_Space, -- ':' in getopt
+ Parameter_With_Space_Or_Equal, -- '=' in getopt
+ Parameter_No_Space, -- '!' in getopt
+ Parameter_Optional); -- '?' in getop
procedure Set_Parameter
(Variable : out Parameter_Type;
Arg_Num : Positive;
First : Positive;
- Last : Positive);
+ Last : Positive;
+ Extra : Character := ASCII.NUL);
pragma Inline (Set_Parameter);
-- Set the parameter that will be returned by Parameter below
+ -- Parameters need to be defined ???
- function Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section return Boolean;
- -- Go to the next argument on the command line. If we are at the end of the
- -- current section, we want to make sure there is no other identical
+ function Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section (Parser : Opt_Parser) return Boolean;
+ -- Go to the next argument on the command line. If we are at the end of
+ -- the current section, we want to make sure there is no other identical
-- section on the command line (there might be multiple instances of
-- -largs). Returns True iff there is another argument.
@@ -116,6 +76,87 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
-- converts the given string to canonical all lower case form, so that two
-- file names compare equal if they refer to the same file.
+ procedure Internal_Initialize_Option_Scan
+ (Parser : Opt_Parser;
+ Switch_Char : Character;
+ Stop_At_First_Non_Switch : Boolean;
+ Section_Delimiters : String);
+ -- Initialize Parser, which must have been allocated already
+ function Argument (Parser : Opt_Parser; Index : Integer) return String;
+ -- Return the index-th command line argument
+ procedure Find_Longest_Matching_Switch
+ (Switches : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Index_In_Switches : out Integer;
+ Switch_Length : out Integer;
+ Param : out Switch_Parameter_Type);
+ -- return the Longest switch from Switches that matches at least
+ -- partially Arg. Index_In_Switches is set to 0 if none matches
+ procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Argument_List, Argument_List_Access);
+ procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Command_Line_Configuration_Record, Command_Line_Configuration);
+ type Boolean_Chars is array (Character) of Boolean;
+ procedure Remove (Line : in out Argument_List_Access; Index : Integer);
+ -- Remove a specific element from Line
+ procedure Append
+ (Line : in out Argument_List_Access;
+ Str : String_Access);
+ -- Append a new element to Line
+ function Args_From_Expanded (Args : Boolean_Chars) return String;
+ -- Return the string made of all characters with True in Args
+ type Callback_Procedure is access procedure (Simple_Switch : String);
+ procedure For_Each_Simple_Switch
+ (Cmd : Command_Line;
+ Switch : String;
+ Callback : Callback_Procedure);
+ -- Breaks Switch into as simple switches as possible (expanding aliases and
+ -- ungrouping common prefixes when possible), and call Callback for each of
+ -- these.
+ procedure Group_Switches
+ (Cmd : Command_Line;
+ Result : Argument_List_Access;
+ Params : Argument_List_Access);
+ -- Group switches with common prefixes whenever possible.
+ -- Once they have been grouped, we also check items for possible aliasing
+ procedure Alias_Switches
+ (Cmd : Command_Line;
+ Result : Argument_List_Access;
+ Params : Argument_List_Access);
+ -- When possible, replace or more switches by an alias, ie a shorter
+ -- version.
+ function Looking_At
+ (Type_Str : String;
+ Index : Natural;
+ Substring : String) return Boolean;
+ -- Return True if the characters starting at Index in Type_Str are
+ -- equivalent to Substring.
+ --------------
+ -- Argument --
+ --------------
+ function Argument (Parser : Opt_Parser; Index : Integer) return String is
+ begin
+ if Parser.Arguments /= null then
+ return Parser.Arguments (Index + Parser.Arguments'First - 1).all;
+ else
+ return CL.Argument (Index);
+ end if;
+ end Argument;
-- Canonical_Case_File_Name --
@@ -125,8 +166,8 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
if not File_Names_Case_Sensitive then
for J in S'Range loop
if S (J) in 'A' .. 'Z' then
- S (J) := Character'Val (
- Character'Pos (S (J)) +
+ S (J) := Character'Val
+ (Character'Pos (S (J)) +
Character'Pos ('a') -
Character'Pos ('A'));
end if;
@@ -167,7 +208,7 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
if Current = 1 then
return String'(1 .. 0 => ' ');
- -- Otherwise, continue with the directory at the previous level
+ -- Otherwise continue with the directory at the previous level
Current := Current - 1;
It.Current_Depth := Current;
@@ -210,19 +251,18 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
Name : String :=
- It.Dir_Name (It.Start .. It.Levels (Current).Name_Last) &
- S (1 .. Last);
+ It.Dir_Name (It.Start .. It.Levels (Current).Name_Last)
+ & S (1 .. Last);
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name);
- -- If it matches, return the relative path
+ -- If it matches return the relative path
if GNAT.Regexp.Match (Name, Iterator.Regexp) then
return Name;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
return String'(1 .. 0 => ' ');
@@ -232,90 +272,99 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
-- Full_Switch --
- function Full_Switch return String is
+ function Full_Switch
+ (Parser : Opt_Parser := Command_Line_Parser) return String
+ is
- return CL.Argument (The_Switch.Arg_Num)
- (The_Switch.First .. The_Switch.Last);
+ if Parser.The_Switch.Extra = ASCII.NUL then
+ return Argument (Parser, Parser.The_Switch.Arg_Num)
+ (Parser.The_Switch.First .. Parser.The_Switch.Last);
+ else
+ return Parser.The_Switch.Extra
+ & Argument (Parser, Parser.The_Switch.Arg_Num)
+ (Parser.The_Switch.First .. Parser.The_Switch.Last);
+ end if;
end Full_Switch;
-- Get_Argument --
- function Get_Argument (Do_Expansion : Boolean := False) return String is
- Total : constant Natural := CL.Argument_Count;
+ function Get_Argument
+ (Do_Expansion : Boolean := False;
+ Parser : Opt_Parser := Command_Line_Parser) return String
+ is
- if In_Expansion then
+ if Parser.In_Expansion then
- S : constant String := Expansion (Expansion_It);
+ S : constant String := Expansion (Parser.Expansion_It);
if S'Length /= 0 then
return S;
- In_Expansion := False;
+ Parser.In_Expansion := False;
end if;
end if;
- if Current_Argument > Total then
+ if Parser.Current_Argument > Parser.Arg_Count then
-- If this is the first time this function is called
- if Current_Index = 1 then
- Current_Argument := 1;
- while Current_Argument <= CL.Argument_Count
- and then Section (Current_Argument) /= Current_Section
+ if Parser.Current_Index = 1 then
+ Parser.Current_Argument := 1;
+ while Parser.Current_Argument <= Parser.Arg_Count
+ and then Parser.Section (Parser.Current_Argument) /=
+ Parser.Current_Section
- Current_Argument := Current_Argument + 1;
+ Parser.Current_Argument := Parser.Current_Argument + 1;
end loop;
return String'(1 .. 0 => ' ');
end if;
- elsif Section (Current_Argument) = 0 then
- while Current_Argument <= CL.Argument_Count
- and then Section (Current_Argument) /= Current_Section
+ elsif Parser.Section (Parser.Current_Argument) = 0 then
+ while Parser.Current_Argument <= Parser.Arg_Count
+ and then Parser.Section (Parser.Current_Argument) /=
+ Parser.Current_Section
- Current_Argument := Current_Argument + 1;
+ Parser.Current_Argument := Parser.Current_Argument + 1;
end loop;
end if;
- Current_Index := 2;
+ Parser.Current_Index := Integer'Last;
- while Current_Argument <= Total
- and then Is_Switch (Current_Argument)
+ while Parser.Current_Argument <= Parser.Arg_Count
+ and then Parser.Is_Switch (Parser.Current_Argument)
- Current_Argument := Current_Argument + 1;
+ Parser.Current_Argument := Parser.Current_Argument + 1;
end loop;
- if Current_Argument > Total then
+ if Parser.Current_Argument > Parser.Arg_Count then
return String'(1 .. 0 => ' ');
- end if;
- if Section (Current_Argument) = 0 then
+ elsif Parser.Section (Parser.Current_Argument) = 0 then
return Get_Argument (Do_Expansion);
end if;
- Current_Argument := Current_Argument + 1;
+ Parser.Current_Argument := Parser.Current_Argument + 1;
-- Could it be a file name with wild cards to expand?
if Do_Expansion then
- Arg : constant String := CL.Argument (Current_Argument - 1);
- Index : Positive := Arg'First;
+ Arg : constant String :=
+ Argument (Parser, Parser.Current_Argument - 1);
+ Index : Positive;
+ Index := Arg'First;
while Index <= Arg'Last loop
if Arg (Index) = '*'
or else Arg (Index) = '?'
or else Arg (Index) = '['
- In_Expansion := True;
- Start_Expansion (Expansion_It, Arg);
+ Parser.In_Expansion := True;
+ Start_Expansion (Parser.Expansion_It, Arg);
return Get_Argument (Do_Expansion);
end if;
@@ -324,308 +373,354 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
end if;
- return CL.Argument (Current_Argument - 1);
+ return Argument (Parser, Parser.Current_Argument - 1);
end Get_Argument;
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- Find_Longest_Matching_Switch --
+ ----------------------------------
+ procedure Find_Longest_Matching_Switch
+ (Switches : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Index_In_Switches : out Integer;
+ Switch_Length : out Integer;
+ Param : out Switch_Parameter_Type)
+ is
+ Index : Natural;
+ Length : Natural := 1;
+ P : Switch_Parameter_Type;
+ begin
+ Index_In_Switches := 0;
+ Switch_Length := 0;
+ -- Remove all leading spaces first to make sure that Index points
+ -- at the start of the first switch.
+ Index := Switches'First;
+ while Index <= Switches'Last and then Switches (Index) = ' ' loop
+ Index := Index + 1;
+ end loop;
+ while Index <= Switches'Last loop
+ -- Search the length of the parameter at this position in Switches
+ Length := Index;
+ while Length <= Switches'Last
+ and then Switches (Length) /= ' '
+ loop
+ Length := Length + 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Length = Index + 1 then
+ P := Parameter_None;
+ else
+ case Switches (Length - 1) is
+ when ':' =>
+ P := Parameter_With_Optional_Space;
+ Length := Length - 1;
+ when '=' =>
+ P := Parameter_With_Space_Or_Equal;
+ Length := Length - 1;
+ when '!' =>
+ P := Parameter_No_Space;
+ Length := Length - 1;
+ when '?' =>
+ P := Parameter_Optional;
+ Length := Length - 1;
+ when others =>
+ P := Parameter_None;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ -- If it is the one we searched, it may be a candidate
+ if Arg'First + Length - 1 - Index <= Arg'Last
+ and then Switches (Index .. Length - 1) =
+ Arg (Arg'First .. Arg'First + Length - 1 - Index)
+ and then Length - Index > Switch_Length
+ then
+ Param := P;
+ Index_In_Switches := Index;
+ Switch_Length := Length - Index;
+ end if;
+ -- Look for the next switch in Switches
+ while Index <= Switches'Last
+ and then Switches (Index) /= ' '
+ loop
+ Index := Index + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Index := Index + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Find_Longest_Matching_Switch;
-- Getopt --
function Getopt
(Switches : String;
- Concatenate : Boolean := True) return Character
+ Concatenate : Boolean := True;
+ Parser : Opt_Parser := Command_Line_Parser) return Character
Dummy : Boolean;
pragma Unreferenced (Dummy);
+ <<Restart>>
-- If we have finished parsing the current command line item (there
-- might be multiple switches in a single item), then go to the next
-- element
- if Current_Argument > CL.Argument_Count
- or else (Current_Index > CL.Argument (Current_Argument)'Last
- and then not Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section)
+ if Parser.Current_Argument > Parser.Arg_Count
+ or else (Parser.Current_Index >
+ Argument (Parser, Parser.Current_Argument)'Last
+ and then not Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section (Parser))
return ASCII.NUL;
end if;
- -- If we are on a new item, test if this might be a switch
- if Current_Index = 1 then
- if CL.Argument (Current_Argument)(1) /= Switch_Character then
- if Switches (Switches'First) = '*' then
- Set_Parameter (The_Switch,
- Arg_Num => Current_Argument,
- First => 1,
- Last => CL.Argument (Current_Argument)'Last);
- Is_Switch (Current_Argument) := True;
- Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section;
- return '*';
- end if;
- if Stop_At_First then
- Current_Argument := Positive'Last;
- return ASCII.NUL;
- elsif not Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section then
- return ASCII.NUL;
+ -- By default, the switch will not have a parameter
- else
- return Getopt (Switches);
- end if;
- end if;
- Current_Index := 2;
- Is_Switch (Current_Argument) := True;
- end if;
+ Parser.The_Parameter :=
+ (Integer'Last, Integer'Last, Integer'Last - 1, ASCII.NUL);
+ Parser.The_Separator := ASCII.NUL;
- Arg : constant String := CL.Argument (Current_Argument);
+ Arg : constant String :=
+ Argument (Parser, Parser.Current_Argument);
Index_Switches : Natural := 0;
Max_Length : Natural := 0;
- Index : Natural;
- Length : Natural := 1;
End_Index : Natural;
+ Param : Switch_Parameter_Type;
- -- Remove all leading spaces first to make sure that Index points
- -- at the start of the first switch.
- Index := Switches'First;
- while Index <= Switches'Last and then Switches (Index) = ' ' loop
- Index := Index + 1;
- end loop;
+ -- If we are on a new item, test if this might be a switch
+ if Parser.Current_Index = Arg'First then
+ if Arg (Arg'First) /= Parser.Switch_Character then
+ -- If it isn't a switch, return it immediately. We also know it
+ -- isn't the parameter to a previous switch, since that has
+ -- already been handled
+ if Switches (Switches'First) = '*' then
+ Set_Parameter
+ (Parser.The_Switch,
+ Arg_Num => Parser.Current_Argument,
+ First => Arg'First,
+ Last => Arg'Last);
+ Parser.Is_Switch (Parser.Current_Argument) := True;
+ Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section (Parser);
+ return '*';
+ end if;
- while Index <= Switches'Last loop
+ if Parser.Stop_At_First then
+ Parser.Current_Argument := Positive'Last;
+ return ASCII.NUL;
- -- Search the length of the parameter at this position in Switches
+ elsif not Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section (Parser) then
+ return ASCII.NUL;
- Length := Index;
- while Length <= Switches'Last
- and then Switches (Length) /= ' '
- loop
- Length := Length + 1;
- end loop;
+ else
+ -- Recurse to get the next switch on the command line
- if (Switches (Length - 1) = ':' or else
- Switches (Length - 1) = '=' or else
- Switches (Length - 1) = '?' or else
- Switches (Length - 1) = '!')
- and then Length > Index + 1
- then
- Length := Length - 1;
- end if;
- -- If it is the one we searched, it may be a candidate
- if Current_Index + Length - 1 - Index <= Arg'Last
- and then
- Switches (Index .. Length - 1) =
- Arg (Current_Index .. Current_Index + Length - 1 - Index)
- and then Length - Index > Max_Length
- then
- Index_Switches := Index;
- Max_Length := Length - Index;
+ goto Restart;
+ end if;
end if;
- -- Look for the next switch in Switches
- while Index <= Switches'Last
- and then Switches (Index) /= ' ' loop
- Index := Index + 1;
- end loop;
+ -- We are on the first character of a new command line argument,
+ -- which starts with Switch_Character. Further analysis is needed.
- Index := Index + 1;
- end loop;
+ Parser.Current_Index := Parser.Current_Index + 1;
+ Parser.Is_Switch (Parser.Current_Argument) := True;
+ end if;
- End_Index := Current_Index + Max_Length - 1;
+ Find_Longest_Matching_Switch
+ (Switches => Switches,
+ Arg => Arg (Parser.Current_Index .. Arg'Last),
+ Index_In_Switches => Index_Switches,
+ Switch_Length => Max_Length,
+ Param => Param);
- -- If switch is not accepted, skip it, unless we had '*' in Switches
+ -- If switch is not accepted, it is either invalid or is returned
+ -- in the context of '*'.
if Index_Switches = 0 then
- if Switches (Switches'First) = '*' then
- Set_Parameter (The_Switch,
- Arg_Num => Current_Argument,
- First => 1,
- Last => CL.Argument (Current_Argument)'Last);
- Is_Switch (Current_Argument) := True;
- Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section;
- return '*';
- end if;
-- Depending on the value of Concatenate, the full switch is
- -- a single character (True) or the rest of the argument (False).
+ -- a single character or the rest of the argument.
if Concatenate then
- End_Index := Current_Index;
+ End_Index := Parser.Current_Index;
End_Index := Arg'Last;
end if;
- Set_Parameter (The_Switch,
- Arg_Num => Current_Argument,
- First => Current_Index,
- Last => End_Index);
- Current_Index := End_Index + 1;
- raise Invalid_Switch;
- end if;
+ if Switches (Switches'First) = '*' then
- Set_Parameter (The_Switch,
- Arg_Num => Current_Argument,
- First => Current_Index,
- Last => End_Index);
+ -- Always prepend the switch character, so that users know that
+ -- this comes from a switch on the command line. This is
+ -- especially important when Concatenate is False, since
+ -- otherwise the currrent argument first character is lost.
- -- Case of switch needs an argument
+ Set_Parameter
+ (Parser.The_Switch,
+ Arg_Num => Parser.Current_Argument,
+ First => Parser.Current_Index,
+ Last => Arg'Last,
+ Extra => Parser.Switch_Character);
+ Parser.Is_Switch (Parser.Current_Argument) := True;
+ Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section (Parser);
+ return '*';
+ end if;
- if Index_Switches + Max_Length <= Switches'Last then
+ Set_Parameter
+ (Parser.The_Switch,
+ Arg_Num => Parser.Current_Argument,
+ First => Parser.Current_Index,
+ Last => End_Index);
+ Parser.Current_Index := End_Index + 1;
+ raise Invalid_Switch;
+ end if;
- case Switches (Index_Switches + Max_Length) is
+ End_Index := Parser.Current_Index + Max_Length - 1;
+ Set_Parameter
+ (Parser.The_Switch,
+ Arg_Num => Parser.Current_Argument,
+ First => Parser.Current_Index,
+ Last => End_Index);
+ case Param is
+ when Parameter_With_Optional_Space =>
+ if End_Index < Arg'Last then
+ Set_Parameter
+ (Parser.The_Parameter,
+ Arg_Num => Parser.Current_Argument,
+ First => End_Index + 1,
+ Last => Arg'Last);
+ Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section (Parser);
+ elsif Parser.Current_Argument < Parser.Arg_Count
+ and then Parser.Section (Parser.Current_Argument + 1) /= 0
+ then
+ Parser.Current_Argument := Parser.Current_Argument + 1;
+ Parser.The_Separator := ' ';
+ Set_Parameter
+ (Parser.The_Parameter,
+ Arg_Num => Parser.Current_Argument,
+ First => Argument (Parser, Parser.Current_Argument)'First,
+ Last => Argument (Parser, Parser.Current_Argument)'Last);
+ Parser.Is_Switch (Parser.Current_Argument) := True;
+ Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section (Parser);
+ else
+ Parser.Current_Index := End_Index + 1;
+ raise Invalid_Parameter;
+ end if;
- when ':' =>
+ when Parameter_With_Space_Or_Equal =>
- if End_Index < Arg'Last then
- Set_Parameter (The_Parameter,
- Arg_Num => Current_Argument,
- First => End_Index + 1,
- Last => Arg'Last);
- Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section;
+ -- If the switch is of the form <switch>=xxx
- elsif Section (Current_Argument + 1) /= 0 then
- Set_Parameter
- (The_Parameter,
- Arg_Num => Current_Argument + 1,
- First => 1,
- Last => CL.Argument (Current_Argument + 1)'Last);
- Current_Argument := Current_Argument + 1;
- Is_Switch (Current_Argument) := True;
- Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section;
+ if End_Index < Arg'Last then
+ if Arg (End_Index + 1) = '='
+ and then End_Index + 1 < Arg'Last
+ then
+ Parser.The_Separator := '=';
+ Set_Parameter
+ (Parser.The_Parameter,
+ Arg_Num => Parser.Current_Argument,
+ First => End_Index + 2,
+ Last => Arg'Last);
+ Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section (Parser);
- Current_Index := End_Index + 1;
+ Parser.Current_Index := End_Index + 1;
raise Invalid_Parameter;
end if;
- when '=' =>
- -- If the switch is of the form <switch>=xxx
- if End_Index < Arg'Last then
- if Arg (End_Index + 1) = '='
- and then End_Index + 1 < Arg'Last
- then
- Set_Parameter (The_Parameter,
- Arg_Num => Current_Argument,
- First => End_Index + 2,
- Last => Arg'Last);
- Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section;
- else
- Current_Index := End_Index + 1;
- raise Invalid_Parameter;
- end if;
+ -- If the switch is of the form <switch> xxx
- -- If the switch is of the form <switch> xxx
+ elsif Parser.Current_Argument < Parser.Arg_Count
+ and then Parser.Section (Parser.Current_Argument + 1) /= 0
+ then
+ Parser.Current_Argument := Parser.Current_Argument + 1;
+ Parser.The_Separator := ' ';
+ Set_Parameter
+ (Parser.The_Parameter,
+ Arg_Num => Parser.Current_Argument,
+ First => Argument (Parser, Parser.Current_Argument)'First,
+ Last => Argument (Parser, Parser.Current_Argument)'Last);
+ Parser.Is_Switch (Parser.Current_Argument) := True;
+ Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section (Parser);
+ else
+ Parser.Current_Index := End_Index + 1;
+ raise Invalid_Parameter;
+ end if;
- elsif Section (Current_Argument + 1) /= 0 then
- Set_Parameter
- (The_Parameter,
- Arg_Num => Current_Argument + 1,
- First => 1,
- Last => CL.Argument (Current_Argument + 1)'Last);
- Current_Argument := Current_Argument + 1;
- Is_Switch (Current_Argument) := True;
- Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section;
+ when Parameter_No_Space =>
- else
- Current_Index := End_Index + 1;
- raise Invalid_Parameter;
- end if;
+ if End_Index < Arg'Last then
+ Set_Parameter
+ (Parser.The_Parameter,
+ Arg_Num => Parser.Current_Argument,
+ First => End_Index + 1,
+ Last => Arg'Last);
+ Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section (Parser);
- when '!' =>
+ else
+ Parser.Current_Index := End_Index + 1;
+ raise Invalid_Parameter;
+ end if;
- if End_Index < Arg'Last then
- Set_Parameter (The_Parameter,
- Arg_Num => Current_Argument,
- First => End_Index + 1,
- Last => Arg'Last);
- Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section;
+ when Parameter_Optional =>
- else
- Current_Index := End_Index + 1;
- raise Invalid_Parameter;
- end if;
+ if End_Index < Arg'Last then
+ Set_Parameter
+ (Parser.The_Parameter,
+ Arg_Num => Parser.Current_Argument,
+ First => End_Index + 1,
+ Last => Arg'Last);
+ end if;
- when '?' =>
+ Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section (Parser);
- if End_Index < Arg'Last then
- Set_Parameter (The_Parameter,
- Arg_Num => Current_Argument,
- First => End_Index + 1,
- Last => Arg'Last);
+ when Parameter_None =>
- else
- Set_Parameter (The_Parameter,
- Arg_Num => Current_Argument,
- First => 2,
- Last => 1);
- end if;
- Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section;
+ if Concatenate or else End_Index = Arg'Last then
+ Parser.Current_Index := End_Index + 1;
- when others =>
- if Concatenate or else End_Index = Arg'Last then
- Current_Index := End_Index + 1;
+ else
+ -- If Concatenate is False and the full argument is not
+ -- recognized as a switch, this is an invalid switch.
- else
- -- If Concatenate is False and the full argument is not
- -- recognized as a switch, this is an invalid switch.
- if Switches (Switches'First) = '*' then
- Set_Parameter
- (The_Switch,
- Arg_Num => Current_Argument,
- First => 1,
- Last => CL.Argument (Current_Argument)'Last);
- Is_Switch (Current_Argument) := True;
- Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section;
- return '*';
- end if;
- Set_Parameter (The_Switch,
- Arg_Num => Current_Argument,
- First => Current_Index,
- Last => Arg'Last);
- Current_Index := Arg'Last + 1;
- raise Invalid_Switch;
+ if Switches (Switches'First) = '*' then
+ Set_Parameter
+ (Parser.The_Switch,
+ Arg_Num => Parser.Current_Argument,
+ First => Arg'First,
+ Last => Arg'Last);
+ Parser.Is_Switch (Parser.Current_Argument) := True;
+ Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section (Parser);
+ return '*';
end if;
- end case;
- elsif Concatenate or else End_Index = Arg'Last then
- Current_Index := End_Index + 1;
- else
- -- If Concatenate is False and the full argument is not
- -- recognized as a switch, this is an invalid switch.
- if Switches (Switches'First) = '*' then
- Set_Parameter
- (The_Switch,
- Arg_Num => Current_Argument,
- First => 1,
- Last => CL.Argument (Current_Argument)'Last);
- Is_Switch (Current_Argument) := True;
- Dummy := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section;
- return '*';
- end if;
- Set_Parameter (The_Switch,
- Arg_Num => Current_Argument,
- First => Current_Index,
- Last => Arg'Last);
- Current_Index := Arg'Last + 1;
- raise Invalid_Switch;
- end if;
+ Set_Parameter
+ (Parser.The_Switch,
+ Arg_Num => Parser.Current_Argument,
+ First => Parser.Current_Index,
+ Last => Arg'Last);
+ Parser.Current_Index := Arg'Last + 1;
+ raise Invalid_Switch;
+ end if;
+ end case;
return Switches (Index_Switches);
@@ -635,21 +730,31 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
-- Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section --
- function Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section return Boolean is
+ function Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section
+ (Parser : Opt_Parser) return Boolean
+ is
- Current_Index := 1;
- Current_Argument := Current_Argument + 1;
+ Parser.Current_Argument := Parser.Current_Argument + 1;
- if Section (Current_Argument) = 0 then
+ if Parser.Current_Argument > Parser.Arg_Count
+ or else Parser.Section (Parser.Current_Argument) = 0
+ then
- if Current_Argument > CL.Argument_Count then
+ Parser.Current_Argument := Parser.Current_Argument + 1;
+ if Parser.Current_Argument > Parser.Arg_Count then
+ Parser.Current_Index := 1;
return False;
end if;
- Current_Argument := Current_Argument + 1;
- exit when Section (Current_Argument) = Current_Section;
+ exit when Parser.Section (Parser.Current_Argument) =
+ Parser.Current_Section;
end loop;
end if;
+ Parser.Current_Index :=
+ Argument (Parser, Parser.Current_Argument)'First;
return True;
end Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section;
@@ -657,29 +762,33 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
-- Goto_Section --
- procedure Goto_Section (Name : String := "") is
- Index : Integer := 1;
+ procedure Goto_Section
+ (Name : String := "";
+ Parser : Opt_Parser := Command_Line_Parser)
+ is
+ Index : Integer;
- In_Expansion := False;
+ Parser.In_Expansion := False;
if Name = "" then
- Current_Argument := 1;
- Current_Index := 1;
- Current_Section := 1;
+ Parser.Current_Argument := 1;
+ Parser.Current_Index := 1;
+ Parser.Current_Section := 1;
end if;
- while Index <= CL.Argument_Count loop
- if Section (Index) = 0
- and then CL.Argument (Index) = Switch_Character & Name
+ Index := 1;
+ while Index <= Parser.Arg_Count loop
+ if Parser.Section (Index) = 0
+ and then Argument (Parser, Index) = Parser.Switch_Character & Name
- Current_Argument := Index + 1;
- Current_Index := 1;
+ Parser.Current_Argument := Index + 1;
+ Parser.Current_Index := 1;
- if Current_Argument <= CL.Argument_Count then
- Current_Section := Section (Current_Argument);
+ if Parser.Current_Argument <= Parser.Arg_Count then
+ Parser.Current_Section :=
+ Parser.Section (Parser.Current_Argument);
end if;
end if;
@@ -687,8 +796,8 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
Index := Index + 1;
end loop;
- Current_Argument := Positive'Last;
- Current_Index := 2; -- so that Get_Argument returns nothing
+ Parser.Current_Argument := Positive'Last;
+ Parser.Current_Index := 2; -- so that Get_Argument returns nothing
end Goto_Section;
@@ -697,11 +806,60 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
procedure Initialize_Option_Scan
(Switch_Char : Character := '-';
+ Stop_At_First_Non_Switch : Boolean := False;
+ Section_Delimiters : String := "")
+ is
+ begin
+ Internal_Initialize_Option_Scan
+ (Parser => Command_Line_Parser,
+ Switch_Char => Switch_Char,
+ Stop_At_First_Non_Switch => Stop_At_First_Non_Switch,
+ Section_Delimiters => Section_Delimiters);
+ end Initialize_Option_Scan;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Initialize_Option_Scan --
+ ----------------------------
+ procedure Initialize_Option_Scan
+ (Parser : out Opt_Parser;
+ Command_Line : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List_Access;
+ Switch_Char : Character := '-';
Stop_At_First_Non_Switch : Boolean := False;
Section_Delimiters : String := "")
- Section_Num : Section_Number := 1;
- Section_Index : Integer := Section_Delimiters'First;
+ begin
+ Free (Parser);
+ if Command_Line = null then
+ Parser := new Opt_Parser_Data (CL.Argument_Count);
+ Initialize_Option_Scan
+ (Switch_Char => Switch_Char,
+ Stop_At_First_Non_Switch => Stop_At_First_Non_Switch,
+ Section_Delimiters => Section_Delimiters);
+ else
+ Parser := new Opt_Parser_Data (Command_Line'Length);
+ Parser.Arguments := Command_Line;
+ Internal_Initialize_Option_Scan
+ (Parser => Parser,
+ Switch_Char => Switch_Char,
+ Stop_At_First_Non_Switch => Stop_At_First_Non_Switch,
+ Section_Delimiters => Section_Delimiters);
+ end if;
+ end Initialize_Option_Scan;
+ -------------------------------------
+ -- Internal_Initialize_Option_Scan --
+ -------------------------------------
+ procedure Internal_Initialize_Option_Scan
+ (Parser : Opt_Parser;
+ Switch_Char : Character;
+ Stop_At_First_Non_Switch : Boolean;
+ Section_Delimiters : String)
+ is
+ Section_Num : Section_Number;
+ Section_Index : Integer;
Last : Integer;
Delimiter_Found : Boolean;
@@ -709,18 +867,19 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
pragma Warnings (Off, Discard);
- Current_Argument := 0;
- Current_Index := 0;
- In_Expansion := False;
- Switch_Character := Switch_Char;
- Stop_At_First := Stop_At_First_Non_Switch;
+ Parser.Current_Argument := 0;
+ Parser.Current_Index := 0;
+ Parser.In_Expansion := False;
+ Parser.Switch_Character := Switch_Char;
+ Parser.Stop_At_First := Stop_At_First_Non_Switch;
-- If we are using sections, we have to preprocess the command line
-- to delimit them. A section can be repeated, so we just give each
-- item on the command line a section number
+ Section_Num := 1;
+ Section_Index := Section_Delimiters'First;
while Section_Index <= Section_Delimiters'Last loop
Last := Section_Index;
while Last <= Section_Delimiters'Last
and then Section_Delimiters (Last) /= ' '
@@ -731,21 +890,21 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
Delimiter_Found := False;
Section_Num := Section_Num + 1;
- for Index in 1 .. CL.Argument_Count loop
- if CL.Argument (Index)(1) = Switch_Character
+ for Index in 1 .. Parser.Arg_Count loop
+ if Argument (Parser, Index)(1) = Parser.Switch_Character
and then
- CL.Argument (Index) = Switch_Character &
+ Argument (Parser, Index) = Parser.Switch_Character &
(Section_Index .. Last - 1)
- Section (Index) := 0;
+ Parser.Section (Index) := 0;
Delimiter_Found := True;
- elsif Section (Index) = 0 then
+ elsif Parser.Section (Index) = 0 then
Delimiter_Found := False;
elsif Delimiter_Found then
- Section (Index) := Section_Num;
+ Parser.Section (Index) := Section_Num;
end if;
end loop;
@@ -757,23 +916,36 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
end loop;
end loop;
- Discard := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section;
- end Initialize_Option_Scan;
+ Discard := Goto_Next_Argument_In_Section (Parser);
+ end Internal_Initialize_Option_Scan;
-- Parameter --
- function Parameter return String is
+ function Parameter
+ (Parser : Opt_Parser := Command_Line_Parser) return String
+ is
- if The_Parameter.First > The_Parameter.Last then
+ if Parser.The_Parameter.First > Parser.The_Parameter.Last then
return String'(1 .. 0 => ' ');
- return CL.Argument (The_Parameter.Arg_Num)
- (The_Parameter.First .. The_Parameter.Last);
+ return Argument (Parser, Parser.The_Parameter.Arg_Num)
+ (Parser.The_Parameter.First .. Parser.The_Parameter.Last);
end if;
end Parameter;
+ ---------------
+ -- Separator --
+ ---------------
+ function Separator
+ (Parser : Opt_Parser := Command_Line_Parser) return Character
+ is
+ begin
+ return Parser.The_Separator;
+ end Separator;
-- Set_Parameter --
@@ -782,12 +954,14 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
(Variable : out Parameter_Type;
Arg_Num : Positive;
First : Positive;
- Last : Positive)
+ Last : Positive;
+ Extra : Character := ASCII.NUL)
Variable.Arg_Num := Arg_Num;
Variable.First := First;
Variable.Last := Last;
+ Variable.Extra := Extra;
end Set_Parameter;
@@ -862,6 +1036,718 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
end loop;
end Start_Expansion;
- Section (CL.Argument_Count + 1) := 0;
+ ----------
+ -- Free --
+ ----------
+ procedure Free (Parser : in out Opt_Parser) is
+ procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Opt_Parser_Data, Opt_Parser);
+ begin
+ if Parser /= null
+ and then Parser /= Command_Line_Parser
+ then
+ Free (Parser.Arguments);
+ Unchecked_Free (Parser);
+ end if;
+ end Free;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Args_From_Expanded --
+ ------------------------
+ function Args_From_Expanded (Args : Boolean_Chars) return String is
+ Result : String (1 .. Args'Length);
+ Index : Natural := Result'First;
+ begin
+ for A in Args'Range loop
+ if Args (A) then
+ Result (Index) := A;
+ Index := Index + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result (1 .. Index - 1);
+ end Args_From_Expanded;
+ ------------------
+ -- Define_Alias --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Define_Alias
+ (Config : in out Command_Line_Configuration;
+ Switch : String;
+ Expanded : String)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Config = null then
+ Config := new Command_Line_Configuration_Record;
+ end if;
+ Append (Config.Aliases, new String'(Switch));
+ Append (Config.Expansions, new String'(Expanded));
+ end Define_Alias;
+ -------------------
+ -- Define_Prefix --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Define_Prefix
+ (Config : in out Command_Line_Configuration;
+ Prefix : String)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Config = null then
+ Config := new Command_Line_Configuration_Record;
+ end if;
+ Append (Config.Prefixes, new String'(Prefix));
+ end Define_Prefix;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Set_Configuration --
+ -----------------------
+ procedure Set_Configuration
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Config : Command_Line_Configuration)
+ is
+ begin
+ Cmd.Config := Config;
+ end Set_Configuration;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Set_Command_Line --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Set_Command_Line
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Switches : String;
+ Getopt_Description : String := "";
+ Switch_Char : Character := '-')
+ is
+ Tmp : Argument_List_Access;
+ Parser : Opt_Parser;
+ S : Character;
+ begin
+ Free (Cmd.Expanded);
+ Free (Cmd.Params);
+ if Switches /= "" then
+ Tmp := Argument_String_To_List (Switches);
+ Initialize_Option_Scan (Parser, Tmp, Switch_Char);
+ loop
+ begin
+ S := Getopt (Switches => "* " & Getopt_Description,
+ Concatenate => False,
+ Parser => Parser);
+ exit when S = ASCII.NUL;
+ if S = '*' then
+ Add_Switch (Cmd, Full_Switch (Parser), Parameter (Parser),
+ Separator (Parser));
+ else
+ Add_Switch
+ (Cmd, Switch_Char & Full_Switch (Parser),
+ Parameter (Parser), Separator (Parser));
+ end if;
+ exception
+ when Invalid_Parameter =>
+ -- Add it with no parameter, if that's the way the user
+ -- wants it
+ Add_Switch (Cmd, Switch_Char & Full_Switch (Parser));
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ Free (Parser);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Command_Line;
+ ----------------
+ -- Looking_At --
+ ----------------
+ function Looking_At
+ (Type_Str : String;
+ Index : Natural;
+ Substring : String) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Index + Substring'Length - 1 <= Type_Str'Last
+ and then Type_Str (Index .. Index + Substring'Length - 1) = Substring;
+ end Looking_At;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- For_Each_Simple_Switch --
+ ----------------------------
+ procedure For_Each_Simple_Switch
+ (Cmd : Command_Line;
+ Switch : String;
+ Callback : Callback_Procedure)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Are we adding a switch that can in fact be expanded through aliases ?
+ -- If yes, we add separately each of its expansion.
+ -- This takes care of expansions like "-T" -> "-gnatwrs", where the
+ -- alias and its expansion do not have the same prefix. Given the order
+ -- in which we do things here, the expansion of the alias will itself
+ -- be checked for a common prefix and further split into simple switches
+ if Cmd.Config /= null
+ and then Cmd.Config.Aliases /= null
+ then
+ for A in Cmd.Config.Aliases'Range loop
+ if Cmd.Config.Aliases (A).all = Switch then
+ For_Each_Simple_Switch
+ (Cmd, Cmd.Config.Expansions (A).all, Callback);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- Are we adding a switch grouping several switches ? If yes, add each
+ -- of the simple switches instead.
+ if Cmd.Config /= null
+ and then Cmd.Config.Prefixes /= null
+ then
+ for P in Cmd.Config.Prefixes'Range loop
+ if Switch'Length > Cmd.Config.Prefixes (P)'Length + 1
+ and then Looking_At
+ (Switch, Switch'First, Cmd.Config.Prefixes (P).all)
+ then
+ -- Alias expansion will be done recursively
+ for S in Switch'First + Cmd.Config.Prefixes (P)'Length
+ .. Switch'Last
+ loop
+ For_Each_Simple_Switch
+ (Cmd, Cmd.Config.Prefixes (P).all & Switch (S), Callback);
+ end loop;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Callback (Switch);
+ end For_Each_Simple_Switch;
+ ----------------
+ -- Add_Switch --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Add_Switch
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Switch : String;
+ Parameter : String := "";
+ Separator : Character := ' ')
+ is
+ procedure Add_Simple_Switch (Simple : String);
+ -- Add a new switch that has had all its aliases expanded, and switches
+ -- ungrouped. We know there is no more aliases in Switches
+ -----------------------
+ -- Add_Simple_Switch --
+ -----------------------
+ procedure Add_Simple_Switch (Simple : String) is
+ begin
+ if Cmd.Expanded = null then
+ Cmd.Expanded := new Argument_List'(1 .. 1 => new String'(Simple));
+ if Parameter = "" then
+ Cmd.Params := new Argument_List'(1 .. 1 => null);
+ else
+ Cmd.Params := new Argument_List'
+ (1 .. 1 => new String'(Separator & Parameter));
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Do we already have this switch ?
+ for C in Cmd.Expanded'Range loop
+ if Cmd.Expanded (C).all = Simple
+ and then
+ ((Cmd.Params (C) = null and then Parameter = "")
+ or else
+ (Cmd.Params (C) /= null
+ and then Cmd.Params (C).all = Separator & Parameter))
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Append (Cmd.Expanded, new String'(Simple));
+ if Parameter = "" then
+ Append (Cmd.Params, null);
+ else
+ Append (Cmd.Params, new String'(Separator & Parameter));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Add_Simple_Switch;
+ -- Start of processing for Add_Switch
+ begin
+ For_Each_Simple_Switch
+ (Cmd, Switch, Add_Simple_Switch'Unrestricted_Access);
+ Free (Cmd.Coalesce);
+ end Add_Switch;
+ ------------
+ -- Remove --
+ ------------
+ procedure Remove (Line : in out Argument_List_Access; Index : Integer) is
+ Tmp : Argument_List_Access := Line;
+ begin
+ Line := new Argument_List (Tmp'First .. Tmp'Last - 1);
+ if Index /= Tmp'First then
+ Line (Tmp'First .. Index - 1) := Tmp (Tmp'First .. Index - 1);
+ end if;
+ Free (Tmp (Index));
+ if Index /= Tmp'Last then
+ Line (Index .. Tmp'Last - 1) := Tmp (Index + 1 .. Tmp'Last);
+ end if;
+ Unchecked_Free (Tmp);
+ end Remove;
+ ------------
+ -- Append --
+ ------------
+ procedure Append
+ (Line : in out Argument_List_Access;
+ Str : String_Access)
+ is
+ Tmp : Argument_List_Access := Line;
+ begin
+ if Tmp /= null then
+ Line := new Argument_List (Tmp'First .. Tmp'Last + 1);
+ Line (Tmp'Range) := Tmp.all;
+ Unchecked_Free (Tmp);
+ else
+ Line := new Argument_List (1 .. 1);
+ end if;
+ Line (Line'Last) := Str;
+ end Append;
+ -------------------
+ -- Remove_Switch --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Remove_Switch
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Switch : String;
+ Remove_All : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ procedure Remove_Simple_Switch (Simple : String);
+ -- Removes a simple switch, with no aliasing or grouping
+ --------------------------
+ -- Remove_Simple_Switch --
+ --------------------------
+ procedure Remove_Simple_Switch (Simple : String) is
+ C : Integer;
+ begin
+ if Cmd.Expanded /= null then
+ C := Cmd.Expanded'First;
+ while C <= Cmd.Expanded'Last loop
+ if Cmd.Expanded (C).all = Simple then
+ Remove (Cmd.Expanded, C);
+ Remove (Cmd.Params, C);
+ if not Remove_All then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ else
+ C := C + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Remove_Simple_Switch;
+ -- Start of processing for Remove_Switch
+ begin
+ For_Each_Simple_Switch
+ (Cmd, Switch, Remove_Simple_Switch'Unrestricted_Access);
+ Free (Cmd.Coalesce);
+ end Remove_Switch;
+ -------------------
+ -- Remove_Switch --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Remove_Switch
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Switch : String;
+ Parameter : String)
+ is
+ procedure Remove_Simple_Switch (Simple : String);
+ -- Removes a simple switch, with no aliasing or grouping
+ --------------------------
+ -- Remove_Simple_Switch --
+ --------------------------
+ procedure Remove_Simple_Switch (Simple : String) is
+ C : Integer;
+ begin
+ if Cmd.Expanded /= null then
+ C := Cmd.Expanded'First;
+ while C <= Cmd.Expanded'Last loop
+ if Cmd.Expanded (C).all = Simple
+ and then
+ ((Cmd.Params (C) = null and then Parameter = "")
+ or else
+ (Cmd.Params (C) /= null
+ and then
+ -- Ignore the separator stored in Parameter
+ Cmd.Params (C) (Cmd.Params (C)'First + 1
+ .. Cmd.Params (C)'Last) =
+ Parameter))
+ then
+ Remove (Cmd.Expanded, C);
+ Remove (Cmd.Params, C);
+ -- The switch is necessarily unique by construction of
+ -- Add_Switch
+ return;
+ else
+ C := C + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Remove_Simple_Switch;
+ -- Start of processing for Remove_Switch
+ begin
+ For_Each_Simple_Switch
+ (Cmd, Switch, Remove_Simple_Switch'Unrestricted_Access);
+ Free (Cmd.Coalesce);
+ end Remove_Switch;
+ --------------------
+ -- Group_Switches --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Group_Switches
+ (Cmd : Command_Line;
+ Result : Argument_List_Access;
+ Params : Argument_List_Access)
+ is
+ type Boolean_Array is array (Result'Range) of Boolean;
+ Matched : Boolean_Array;
+ Count : Natural;
+ First : Natural;
+ From_Args : Boolean_Chars;
+ begin
+ if Cmd.Config = null
+ or else Cmd.Config.Prefixes = null
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ for P in Cmd.Config.Prefixes'Range loop
+ Matched := (others => False);
+ Count := 0;
+ for C in Result'Range loop
+ if Result (C) /= null
+ and then Params (C) = null -- ignored if has a parameter
+ and then Looking_At
+ (Result (C).all, Result (C)'First, Cmd.Config.Prefixes (P).all)
+ then
+ Matched (C) := True;
+ Count := Count + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Count > 1 then
+ From_Args := (others => False);
+ First := 0;
+ for M in Matched'Range loop
+ if Matched (M) then
+ if First = 0 then
+ First := M;
+ end if;
+ for A in Result (M)'First + Cmd.Config.Prefixes (P)'Length
+ .. Result (M)'Last
+ loop
+ From_Args (Result (M)(A)) := True;
+ end loop;
+ Free (Result (M));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Result (First) := new String'
+ (Cmd.Config.Prefixes (P).all & Args_From_Expanded (From_Args));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Group_Switches;
+ --------------------
+ -- Alias_Switches --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Alias_Switches
+ (Cmd : Command_Line;
+ Result : Argument_List_Access;
+ Params : Argument_List_Access)
+ is
+ Found : Boolean;
+ First : Natural;
+ procedure Check_Cb (Switch : String);
+ -- Comment required ???
+ procedure Remove_Cb (Switch : String);
+ -- Comment required ???
+ --------------
+ -- Check_Cb --
+ --------------
+ procedure Check_Cb (Switch : String) is
+ begin
+ if Found then
+ for E in Result'Range loop
+ if Result (E) /= null
+ and then Params (E) = null -- Ignore if has a param
+ and then Result (E).all = Switch
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Found := False;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Cb;
+ ---------------
+ -- Remove_Cb --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Remove_Cb (Switch : String) is
+ begin
+ for E in Result'Range loop
+ if Result (E) /= null and then Result (E).all = Switch then
+ if First > E then
+ First := E;
+ end if;
+ Free (Result (E));
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Remove_Cb;
+ -- Start of processing for Alias_Switches
+ begin
+ if Cmd.Config = null
+ or else Cmd.Config.Aliases = null
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ for A in Cmd.Config.Aliases'Range loop
+ -- Compute the various simple switches that make up the alias. We
+ -- split the expansion into as many simple switches as possible, and
+ -- then check whether the expanded command line has all of them.
+ Found := True;
+ For_Each_Simple_Switch
+ (Cmd, Cmd.Config.Expansions (A).all,
+ Check_Cb'Unrestricted_Access);
+ if Found then
+ First := Integer'Last;
+ For_Each_Simple_Switch
+ (Cmd, Cmd.Config.Expansions (A).all,
+ Remove_Cb'Unrestricted_Access);
+ Result (First) := new String'(Cmd.Config.Aliases (A).all);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Alias_Switches;
+ -----------
+ -- Start --
+ -----------
+ procedure Start
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Iter : in out Command_Line_Iterator;
+ Expanded : Boolean)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Coalesce the switches as much as possible
+ if not Expanded
+ and then Cmd.Coalesce = null
+ then
+ Cmd.Coalesce := new Argument_List (Cmd.Expanded'Range);
+ for E in Cmd.Expanded'Range loop
+ Cmd.Coalesce (E) := new String'(Cmd.Expanded (E).all);
+ end loop;
+ -- Not a clone, since we will not modify the parameters anyway
+ Cmd.Coalesce_Params := Cmd.Params;
+ Alias_Switches (Cmd, Cmd.Coalesce, Cmd.Params);
+ Group_Switches (Cmd, Cmd.Coalesce, Cmd.Params);
+ end if;
+ if Expanded then
+ Iter.List := Cmd.Expanded;
+ Iter.Params := Cmd.Params;
+ else
+ Iter.List := Cmd.Coalesce;
+ Iter.Params := Cmd.Coalesce_Params;
+ end if;
+ if Iter.List = null then
+ Iter.Current := Integer'Last;
+ else
+ Iter.Current := Iter.List'First;
+ while Iter.Current <= Iter.List'Last
+ and then Iter.List (Iter.Current) = null
+ loop
+ Iter.Current := Iter.Current + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Start;
+ --------------------
+ -- Current_Switch --
+ --------------------
+ function Current_Switch (Iter : Command_Line_Iterator) return String is
+ begin
+ return Iter.List (Iter.Current).all;
+ end Current_Switch;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Current_Separator --
+ -----------------------
+ function Current_Separator (Iter : Command_Line_Iterator) return String is
+ begin
+ if Iter.Params = null
+ or else Iter.Current > Iter.Params'Last
+ or else Iter.Params (Iter.Current) = null
+ then
+ return "";
+ else
+ declare
+ Sep : constant Character :=
+ Iter.Params (Iter.Current) (Iter.Params (Iter.Current)'First);
+ begin
+ if Sep = ASCII.NUL then
+ return "";
+ else
+ return "" & Sep;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Current_Separator;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Current_Parameter --
+ -----------------------
+ function Current_Parameter (Iter : Command_Line_Iterator) return String is
+ begin
+ if Iter.Params = null
+ or else Iter.Current > Iter.Params'Last
+ or else Iter.Params (Iter.Current) = null
+ then
+ return "";
+ else
+ declare
+ P : constant String := Iter.Params (Iter.Current).all;
+ begin
+ -- Skip separator
+ return P (P'First + 1 .. P'Last);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Current_Parameter;
+ --------------
+ -- Has_More --
+ --------------
+ function Has_More (Iter : Command_Line_Iterator) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Iter.List /= null and then Iter.Current <= Iter.List'Last;
+ end Has_More;
+ ----------
+ -- Next --
+ ----------
+ procedure Next (Iter : in out Command_Line_Iterator) is
+ begin
+ Iter.Current := Iter.Current + 1;
+ while Iter.Current <= Iter.List'Last
+ and then Iter.List (Iter.Current) = null
+ loop
+ Iter.Current := Iter.Current + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Next;
+ ----------
+ -- Free --
+ ----------
+ procedure Free (Config : in out Command_Line_Configuration) is
+ begin
+ if Config /= null then
+ Free (Config.Aliases);
+ Free (Config.Expansions);
+ Free (Config.Prefixes);
+ Unchecked_Free (Config);
+ end if;
+ end Free;
+ ----------
+ -- Free --
+ ----------
+ procedure Free (Cmd : in out Command_Line) is
+ begin
+ Free (Cmd.Expanded);
+ Free (Cmd.Coalesce);
+ Free (Cmd.Params);
+ end Free;
end GNAT.Command_Line;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
index 60073f303c6..6da8237f826 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -31,10 +31,21 @@
-- --
--- High level package for command line parsing
+-- High level package for command line parsing and manipulation
--- This package provides an interface to Ada.Command_Line, to do the
--- parsing of command line arguments. Here is a small usage example:
+-- Parsing the command line
+-- ========================
+-- This package provides an interface for parsing command line arguments,
+-- when they are either read from Ada.Command_Line or read from a string list.
+-- As shown in the example below, one should first retrieve the switches
+-- (special command line arguments starting with '-' by default) and their
+-- parameters, and then the rest of the command line arguments.
+-- This package is flexible enough to accomodate various needs: optional
+-- switch parameters, various characters to separate a switch and its
+-- parameter, whether to stop the parsing at the first non-switch argument
+-- encountered, etc.
-- begin
-- loop
@@ -50,7 +61,7 @@
-- when 'b' =>
-- Put_Line ("Got b + " & Parameter);
-- when others =>
-- raise Program_Error; -- cannot occur!
-- end case;
@@ -64,16 +75,17 @@
-- Put_Line ("Got " & S);
-- end;
-- end loop;
-- exception
-- when Invalid_Switch => Put_Line ("Invalid Switch " & Full_Switch);
-- when Invalid_Parameter => Put_Line ("No parameter for " & Full_Switch);
-- end;
-- A more complicated example would involve the use of sections for the
--- switches, as for instance in gnatmake. These sections are separated by
--- special switches chosen by the programer. Each section acts as a
--- command line of its own.
+-- switches, as for instance in gnatmake. The same command line is used to
+-- provide switches for several tools. Each tool recognizes its switches by
+-- separating them with special switches, chosen by the programer.
+-- Each section acts as a command line of its own.
-- begin
-- Initialize_Option_Scan ('-', False, "largs bargs cargs");
@@ -84,34 +96,198 @@
-- Goto_Section ("bargs");
-- loop
-- -- Same loop as above to get switches and arguments
--- -- The supports switches in Get_Opt might be different
+-- -- The supported switches in Get_Opt might be different
-- end loop;
-- Goto_Section ("cargs");
-- loop
-- -- Same loop as above to get switches and arguments
--- -- The supports switches in Get_Opt might be different
+-- -- The supported switches in Get_Opt might be different
+-- end loop;
+-- end;
+-- The example above have shown how to parse the command line when the
+-- arguments are read directly from Ada.Command_Line. However, these arguments
+-- can also be read from a list of strings. This can be useful in several
+-- contexts, either because your system does not support Ada.Command_Line, or
+-- because you are manipulating other tools and creating their command line by
+-- hand, or for any other reason.
+-- To create the list of strings, it is recommended to use
+-- GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_String_To_List.
+-- The example below shows how to get the parameters from such a list. Note
+-- also the use of '*' to get all the switches, and not report errors when an
+-- unexpected switch was used by the user
+-- declare
+-- Parser : Opt_Parser;
+-- Args : constant Argument_List_Access :=
+-- GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_String_To_List ("-g -O1 -Ipath");
+-- begin
+-- Initialize_Option_Scan (Parser, Args);
+-- while Get_Opt ("* g O! I=", Parser) /= ASCII.NUL loop
+-- Put_Line ("Switch " & Full_Switch (Parser)
+-- & " param=" & Parameter (Parser));
-- end loop;
+-- Free (Parser);
-- end;
+-- Creating and manipulating the command line
+-- ===========================================
+-- This package provides handling of command line by providing methods to
+-- add or remove arguments from it. The resulting command line is kept as
+-- short as possible by coalescing arguments whenever possible.
+-- This package can be used to construct complex command lines for instance
+-- from an GUI interface (although the package itself does not depend on a
+-- specific GUI toolkit). For instance, if you are configuring the command
+-- line to use when spawning a tool with the following characteristics:
+-- * Specifying -gnatwa is the same as specifying -gnatwu -gnatwv, but
+-- shorter and more readable
+-- * All switches starting with -gnatw can be grouped, for instance one
+-- can write -gnatwcd instead of -gnatwc -gnatwd.
+-- Of course, this can be combined with the above and -gnatwacd is the
+-- same as -gnatwc -gnatwd -gnatwu -gnatwv
+-- * The switch -T is the same as -gnatwAB
+-- * A switch -foo takes one mandatory parameter
+-- These attributes can be configured through this package with the following
+-- calls:
+-- Config : Command_Line_Configuration;
+-- Define_Prefix (Config, "-gnatw");
+-- Define_Alias (Config, "-gnatwa", "-gnatwuv");
+-- Define_Alias (Config, "-T", "-gnatwAB");
+-- Using this configuration, one can then construct a command line for the
+-- tool with:
+-- Cmd : Command_Line;
+-- Set_Configuration (Cmd, Config);
+-- Add_Switch (Cmd, "-bar");
+-- Add_Switch (Cmd, "-gnatwu");
+-- Add_Switch (Cmd, "-gnatwv"); -- will be grouped with the above
+-- Add_Switch (Cmd, "-T");
+-- The resulting command line can be iterated over to get all its switches,
+-- There are two modes for this iteration: either you want to get the
+-- shortest possible command line, which would be:
+-- -bar -gnatwaAB
+-- or on the other hand you want each individual switch (so that your own
+-- tool does not have to do further complex processing), which would be:
+-- -bar -gnatwu -gnatwv -gnatwA -gnatwB
+-- Of course, we can assume that the tool you want to spawn would understand
+-- both of these, since they are both compatible with the description we gave
+-- above. However, the first result is useful if you want to show the user
+-- what you are spawning (since that keeps the output shorter), and the second
+-- output is more useful for a tool that would check whether -gnatwu was
+-- passed (which isn't obvious in the first output). Likewise, the second
+-- output is more useful if you have a graphical interface since each switch
+-- can be associated with a widget, and you immediately know whether -gnatwu
+-- was selected.
+-- Some command line arguments can have parameters, which on a command line
+-- appear as a separate argument that must immediately follow the switch.
+-- Since the subprograms in this package will reorganize the switches to group
+-- them, you need to indicate what is a command line
+-- parameter, and what is a switch argument.
+-- This is done by passing an extra argument to Add_Switch, as in:
+-- Add_Switch (Cmd, "-foo", "arg1");
+-- This ensures that "arg1" will always be treated as the argument to -foo,
+-- and will not be grouped with other parts of the command line.
+-- Parsing the command line with grouped arguments
+-- ===============================================
+-- This package also works great in collaboration with GNAT.Command_Line, to
+-- parse the input to your tools. If you are writing the tool we described
+-- above, you would do a first loop with Getopt to pass the switches and
+-- their arguments, and create a temporary representation of the command line
+-- as a Command_Line object. Finally, you can ask each individual switch to
+-- that object. For instance:
+-- declare
+-- Cmd : Command_Line;
+-- Iter : Command_Line_Iterator;
+-- begin
+-- while Getopt ("foo: gnatw! T bar") /= ASCII.NUL loop
+-- Add_Switch (Cmd, Full_Switch, Parameter);
+-- end loop;
+-- Start (Cmd, Iter, Expanded => True);
+-- while Has_More (Iter) loop
+-- if Current_Switch (Iter) = "-gnatwu" then ..
+-- elsif Current_Switch (Iter) = "-gnatwv" then ...
+-- end if;
+-- Next (Iter);
+-- end loop;
+-- The above means that your tool does not have to handle on its own whether
+-- the user passed -gnatwa (in which case -gnatwu was indeed selected), or
+-- just -gnatwu, or a combination of -gnatw switches as in -gnatwuv.
+with Ada.Command_Line;
with GNAT.Directory_Operations;
+with GNAT.OS_Lib;
with GNAT.Regexp;
package GNAT.Command_Line is
+ -------------
+ -- Parsing --
+ -------------
+ type Opt_Parser is private;
+ Command_Line_Parser : constant Opt_Parser;
+ -- This object is responsible for parsing a list of arguments, which by
+ -- default are the standard command line arguments from Ada.Command_Line.
+ -- This is really a pointer to actual data, which must therefore be
+ -- initialized through a call to Initialize_Option_Scan, and must be freed
+ -- with a call to Free.
+ --
+ -- As a special case, Command_Line_Parser does not need to be either
+ -- initialized or free-ed.
procedure Initialize_Option_Scan
(Switch_Char : Character := '-';
Stop_At_First_Non_Switch : Boolean := False;
Section_Delimiters : String := "");
- -- This procedure resets the internal state of the package to prepare
- -- to rescan the parameters. It does not need to be called before the
- -- first use of Getopt (but it could be), but it must be called if you want
- -- to start rescanning the command line parameters from the start. The
+ procedure Initialize_Option_Scan
+ (Parser : out Opt_Parser;
+ Command_Line : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List_Access;
+ Switch_Char : Character := '-';
+ Stop_At_First_Non_Switch : Boolean := False;
+ Section_Delimiters : String := "");
+ -- The first procedure resets the internal state of the package to prepare
+ -- to rescan the parameters. It does not need to be called before the first
+ -- use of Getopt (but it could be), but it must be called if you want to
+ -- start rescanning the command line parameters from the start. The
-- optional parameter Switch_Char can be used to reset the switch
- -- character, e.g. to '/' for use in DOS-like systems. The optional
- -- parameter Stop_At_First_Non_Switch indicates if Getopt is to look for
- -- switches on the whole command line, or if it has to stop as soon as a
- -- non-switch argument is found.
+ -- character, e.g. to '/' for use in DOS-like systems.
+ --
+ -- The second subprogram initializes a parser that takes its arguments from
+ -- an array of strings rather than directly from the command line. In this
+ -- case, the parser is responsible for freeing the strings stored in
+ -- Command_Line. If you pass null to Command_Line, this will in fact create
+ -- a second parser for Ada.Command_Line, which doesn't share any data with
+ -- the default parser. This parser must be free-ed.
+ --
+ -- The optional parameter Stop_At_First_Non_Switch indicates if Getopt is
+ -- to look for switches on the whole command line, or if it has to stop as
+ -- soon as a non-switch argument is found.
-- Example:
@@ -126,27 +302,35 @@ package GNAT.Command_Line is
-- is delimited by any of these delimiters or the end of the command line.
-- Example:
- -- Initialize_Option_Scan ("largs bargs cargs");
+ -- Initialize_Option_Scan (Section_Delimiters => "largs bargs cargs");
-- Arguments on command line : my_application -c -bargs -d -e -largs -f
-- This line is made of three section, the first one is the default one
-- and includes only the '-c' switch, the second one is between -bargs
-- and -largs and includes '-d -e' and the last one includes '-f'
- procedure Goto_Section (Name : String := "");
+ procedure Free (Parser : in out Opt_Parser);
+ -- Free the memory used by the parser. Calling this is not mandatory for
+ -- the Command_Line_Parser
+ procedure Goto_Section
+ (Name : String := "";
+ Parser : Opt_Parser := Command_Line_Parser);
-- Change the current section. The next Getopt of Get_Argument will start
-- looking at the beginning of the section. An empty name ("") refers to
-- the first section between the program name and the first section
-- delimiter. If the section does not exist, then Invalid_Section is
-- raised.
- function Full_Switch return String;
+ function Full_Switch
+ (Parser : Opt_Parser := Command_Line_Parser) return String;
-- Returns the full name of the last switch found (Getopt only returns
-- the first character)
function Getopt
(Switches : String;
- Concatenate : Boolean := True) return Character;
+ Concatenate : Boolean := True;
+ Parser : Opt_Parser := Command_Line_Parser) return Character;
-- This function moves to the next switch on the command line (defined as
-- switch character followed by a character within Switches, casing being
-- significant). The result returned is the first character of the switch
@@ -196,7 +380,10 @@ package GNAT.Command_Line is
-- If the first item in switches is '*', then Getopt will catch
-- every element on the command line that was not caught by any other
- -- switch. The character returned by GetOpt is '*'
+ -- switch. The character returned by GetOpt is '*', but Full_Switch
+ -- contains the full command line argument, including leading '-' if there
+ -- is one. If this character was not returned, there would be no way of
+ -- knowing whether it is there or not.
-- Example
-- Getopt ("* a b")
@@ -204,7 +391,6 @@ package GNAT.Command_Line is
-- successively 'a', '*', '*' and 'b'. When '*' is returned,
-- Full_Switch returns the corresponding item on the command line.
- --
-- When Getopt encounters an invalid switch, it raises the exception
-- Invalid_Switch and sets Full_Switch to return the invalid switch.
-- When Getopt cannot find the parameter associated with a switch, it
@@ -226,7 +412,9 @@ package GNAT.Command_Line is
-- If the command line is '-ab', exception Invalid_Switch will be
-- raised and Full_Switch will return "ab".
- function Get_Argument (Do_Expansion : Boolean := False) return String;
+ function Get_Argument
+ (Do_Expansion : Boolean := False;
+ Parser : Opt_Parser := Command_Line_Parser) return String;
-- Returns the next element on the command line which is not a switch.
-- This function should not be called before Getopt has returned
@@ -238,7 +426,8 @@ package GNAT.Command_Line is
-- string. This is useful in non-Unix systems for obtaining normal
-- expansion of wild card references.
- function Parameter return String;
+ function Parameter
+ (Parser : Opt_Parser := Command_Line_Parser) return String;
-- Returns the parameter associated with the last switch returned by
-- Getopt. If no parameter was associated with the last switch, or no
-- previous call has been made to Get_Argument, raises Invalid_Parameter.
@@ -246,6 +435,14 @@ package GNAT.Command_Line is
-- argument was not found on the command line, Parameter returns an empty
-- string.
+ function Separator
+ (Parser : Opt_Parser := Command_Line_Parser) return Character;
+ -- The separator that was between the switch and its parameter. This is
+ -- of little use in general, only if you want to know exactly what was on
+ -- the command line. This is in general a single character, set to
+ -- ASCII.NUL if the switch and the parameter were concatenated. A space is
+ -- returned if the switch and its argument were in two separate arguments.
type Expansion_Iterator is limited private;
-- Type used during expansion of file names
@@ -288,6 +485,154 @@ package GNAT.Command_Line is
-- Raised when a parameter is missing, or an attempt is made to obtain a
-- parameter for a switch that does not allow a parameter
+ -----------------
+ -- Configuring --
+ -----------------
+ type Command_Line_Configuration is private;
+ procedure Define_Alias
+ (Config : in out Command_Line_Configuration;
+ Switch : String;
+ Expanded : String);
+ -- Indicates that whenever Switch appears on the command line, it should
+ -- be expanded as Expanded. For instance, for the GNAT compiler switches,
+ -- we would define "-gnatwa" as an alias for "-gnatwcfijkmopruvz", ie some
+ -- default warnings to be activated.
+ --
+ -- Likewise, in some context you could define "--verbose" as an alias for
+ -- ("-v", "--full"), ie two switches.
+ procedure Define_Prefix
+ (Config : in out Command_Line_Configuration;
+ Prefix : String);
+ -- Indicates that all switches starting with the given prefix should be
+ -- grouped. For instance, for the GNAT compiler we would define "-gnatw"
+ -- as a prefix, so that "-gnatwu -gnatwv" can be grouped into "-gnatwuv"
+ -- It is assume that the remaining of the switch ("uv") is a set of
+ -- characters whose order is irrelevant. In fact, this package will sort
+ -- them alphabetically.
+ procedure Free (Config : in out Command_Line_Configuration);
+ -- Free the memory used by Config
+ -------------
+ -- Editing --
+ -------------
+ type Command_Line is private;
+ procedure Set_Configuration
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Config : Command_Line_Configuration);
+ -- Set the configuration for this command line
+ procedure Set_Command_Line
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Switches : String;
+ Getopt_Description : String := "";
+ Switch_Char : Character := '-');
+ -- Set the new content of the command line, by replacing the current
+ -- version with Switches.
+ --
+ -- The parsing of Switches is done through calls to Getopt, by passing
+ -- Getopt_Description as an argument. (a "*" is automatically prepended so
+ -- that all switches and command line arguments are accepted).
+ --
+ -- To properly handle switches that take parameters, you should document
+ -- them in Getopt_Description. Otherwise, the switch and its parameter will
+ -- be recorded as two separate command line arguments as returned by a
+ -- Command_Line_Iterator (which might be fine depending on your
+ -- application).
+ --
+ -- This function can be used to reset Cmd by passing an empty string.
+ procedure Add_Switch
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Switch : String;
+ Parameter : String := "";
+ Separator : Character := ' ');
+ -- Add a new switch to the command line, and combine/group it with existing
+ -- switches if possible. Nothing is done if the switch already exists with
+ -- the same parameter.
+ --
+ -- If the Switch takes a parameter, the latter should be specified
+ -- separately, so that the association between the two is always correctly
+ -- recognized even if the order of switches on the command line changes.
+ -- For instance, you should pass "--check=full" as ("--check", "full") so
+ -- that Remove_Switch below can simply take "--check" in parameter. That
+ -- will automatically remove "full" as well. The value of the parameter is
+ -- never modified by this package.
+ --
+ -- On the other hand, you could decide to simply pass "--check=full" as
+ -- the Switch above, and then pass no parameter. This means that you need
+ -- to pass "--check=full" to Remove_Switch as well.
+ --
+ -- A Switch with a parameter will never be grouped with another switch to
+ -- avoid ambiguities as to who the parameter applies to.
+ --
+ -- Separator is the character that goes between the switches and its
+ -- parameter on the command line. If it is set to ASCII.NUL, then no
+ -- separator is applied, and they are concatenated
+ procedure Remove_Switch
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Switch : String;
+ Remove_All : Boolean := False);
+ -- Remove Switch from the command line, and ungroup existing switches if
+ -- necessary.
+ --
+ -- The actual parameter to the switches are ignored. If for instance
+ -- you are removing "-foo", then "-foo param1" and "-foo param2" can
+ -- be removed.
+ --
+ -- If Remove_All is True, then all matching switches are removed, otherwise
+ -- only the first matching one is removed.
+ procedure Remove_Switch
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Switch : String;
+ Parameter : String);
+ -- Remove a switch with a specific parameter. If Parameter is the empty
+ -- string, then only a switch with no parameter will be removed.
+ ---------------
+ -- Iterating --
+ ---------------
+ type Command_Line_Iterator is private;
+ procedure Start
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Iter : in out Command_Line_Iterator;
+ Expanded : Boolean);
+ -- Start iterating over the command line arguments. If Expanded is true,
+ -- then the arguments are not grouped and no alias is used. For instance,
+ -- "-gnatwv" and "-gnatwu" would be returned instead of "-gnatwuv".
+ --
+ -- The iterator becomes invalid if the command line is changed through a
+ -- call to Add_Switch, Remove_Switch or Set_Command_Line.
+ function Current_Switch (Iter : Command_Line_Iterator) return String;
+ function Current_Separator (Iter : Command_Line_Iterator) return String;
+ function Current_Parameter (Iter : Command_Line_Iterator) return String;
+ -- Return the current switch and its parameter (or the empty string if
+ -- there is no parameter or the switch was added through Add_Switch
+ -- without specifying the parameter.
+ --
+ -- Separator is the string that goes between the switch and its separator.
+ -- It could be the empty string if they should be concatenated, or a space
+ -- for instance. When printing, you should not add any other character.
+ function Has_More (Iter : Command_Line_Iterator) return Boolean;
+ -- Return True if there are more switches to be returned
+ procedure Next (Iter : in out Command_Line_Iterator);
+ -- Move to the next switch
+ procedure Free (Cmd : in out Command_Line);
+ -- Free the memory used by Cmd
Max_Depth : constant := 100;
@@ -305,6 +650,22 @@ private
type Level_Array is array (Depth) of Level;
+ type Section_Number is new Natural range 0 .. 65534;
+ for Section_Number'Size use 16;
+ type Parameter_Type is record
+ Arg_Num : Positive;
+ First : Positive;
+ Last : Positive;
+ Extra : Character;
+ end record;
+ type Is_Switch_Type is array (Natural range <>) of Boolean;
+ pragma Pack (Is_Switch_Type);
+ type Section_Type is array (Natural range <>) of Section_Number;
+ pragma Pack (Section_Type);
type Expansion_Iterator is limited record
Start : Positive := 1;
-- Position of the first character of the relative path to check against
@@ -324,4 +685,86 @@ private
-- separators in the pattern.
end record;
+ type Opt_Parser_Data (Arg_Count : Natural) is record
+ Arguments : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List_Access;
+ -- null if reading from the command line
+ The_Parameter : Parameter_Type;
+ The_Separator : Character;
+ The_Switch : Parameter_Type;
+ -- This type and this variable are provided to store the current switch
+ -- and parameter.
+ Is_Switch : Is_Switch_Type (1 .. Arg_Count) := (others => False);
+ -- Indicates wich arguments on the command line are considered not be
+ -- switches or parameters to switches (leaving e.g. filenames,...)
+ Section : Section_Type (1 .. Arg_Count) := (others => 1);
+ -- Contains the number of the section associated with the current
+ -- switch. If this number is 0, then it is a section delimiter, which is
+ -- never returned by GetOpt.
+ Current_Argument : Natural := 1;
+ -- Number of the current argument parsed on the command line
+ Current_Index : Natural := 1;
+ -- Index in the current argument of the character to be processed
+ Current_Section : Section_Number := 1;
+ Expansion_It : aliased Expansion_Iterator;
+ -- When Get_Argument is expanding a file name, this is the iterator used
+ In_Expansion : Boolean := False;
+ -- True if we are expanding a file
+ Switch_Character : Character := '-';
+ -- The character at the beginning of the command line arguments,
+ -- indicating the beginning of a switch.
+ Stop_At_First : Boolean := False;
+ -- If it is True then Getopt stops at the first non-switch argument
+ end record;
+ Command_Line_Parser_Data : aliased Opt_Parser_Data
+ (Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count);
+ -- The internal data used when parsing the command line
+ type Opt_Parser is access all Opt_Parser_Data;
+ Command_Line_Parser : constant Opt_Parser :=
+ Command_Line_Parser_Data'Access;
+ type Command_Line_Configuration_Record is record
+ Prefixes : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List_Access;
+ -- The list of prefixes
+ Aliases : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List_Access;
+ Expansions : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List_Access;
+ -- The aliases. Both arrays have the same indices
+ end record;
+ type Command_Line_Configuration is access Command_Line_Configuration_Record;
+ type Command_Line is record
+ Config : Command_Line_Configuration;
+ Expanded : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List_Access;
+ Params : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List_Access;
+ -- Parameter for the corresponding switch in Expanded. The first
+ -- character is the separator (or ASCII.NUL if there is no separator)
+ Coalesce : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List_Access;
+ Coalesce_Params : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List_Access;
+ -- Cached version of the command line. This is recomputed every time the
+ -- command line changes. Switches are grouped as much as possible, and
+ -- aliases are used to reduce the length of the command line.
+ -- The parameters are not allocated, they point into Params, so must not
+ -- be freed.
+ end record;
+ type Command_Line_Iterator is record
+ List : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List_Access;
+ Params : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List_Access;
+ Current : Natural;
+ end record;
end GNAT.Command_Line;