diff options
2 files changed, 372 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ChangeLog.melt b/gcc/ChangeLog.melt
index 3228dcc00ef..a570da885a5 100644
--- a/gcc/ChangeLog.melt
+++ b/gcc/ChangeLog.melt
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+2008-03-26 Basile Starynkevitch <>
+ * melt/warm-basilys.bysl: adding compilation of multiapply and of (compile-time) field access...
2008-03-24 Basile Starynkevitch <>
* melt/warm-basilys.bysl: Start adding message sending & multicall.
diff --git a/gcc/melt/warm-basilys.bysl b/gcc/melt/warm-basilys.bysl
index 654b007a074..a2b571cb092 100644
--- a/gcc/melt/warm-basilys.bysl
+++ b/gcc/melt/warm-basilys.bysl
@@ -1837,7 +1837,8 @@
;; normalized let binding
(defclass class_normlet_binding
:super class_let_binding
- :fields ()) ;no additional field, but letbind_expr is "normal"
+ :fields ()) ;no additional field, but
+ ;letbind_expr is "normal"
;; label binding
(defclass class_label_binding
@@ -3505,6 +3506,22 @@
:fields (napp_fun ;simple function to apply
napp_args ;tuple of simple arguments
+;; normalized multiapply
+(defclass class_nrep_multiapply
+ :super class_nrep_apply
+ :fields (nmulapp_bindings ;a tuple of formal result bindings
+ nmulapp_body ;body tuple
+;;; normal message sending
+(defclass class_nrep_msend
+ :super class_nrep
+ :fields (nsend_selbind ;the selector binding
+ nsend_recv ;the reciever
+ nsend_args ;the tuple of simple arguments
;; normal chunk is a normalized expansion of primitive
(defclass class_nrep_chunk
:super class_nrep
@@ -3600,13 +3617,7 @@
nlambda_closedv ;the tuple of closed normal values
-;; normalized multiapply
-(defclass class_nrep_multiapply
- :super class_nrep
- :fields (nmulapp_bindings ;a tuple of formal bindings
- nmulapp_apply ;normalized application
- nmulapp_body ;body tuple
;; normalized multisend
(defclass class_nrep_multisend
@@ -5230,22 +5241,70 @@
(sresbind (unsafe_get_field :smulc_resbind recv))
(scall (unsafe_get_field :smulc_call recv))
(sbody (unsafe_get_field :smulc_body recv))
+ (newenv (fresh_env env))
(ncall ncallbindings)
(normal_exp scall env ncx sloc)
(debug_msg "normexp_multicall ncall" ncall (the_callcount))
(debug_msg "normexp_multicall ncallbindings" ncallbindings (the_callcount))
- (cond
- ( (is_a scall class_src_apply)
- (assert_msg "unimplemented normexp_multicall apply" ())
- )
- ( (is_a scall class_src_msend)
- (assert_msg "unimplemented normexp_multicall msend" ())
- )
- ( :else
- (error_plain "multi-called expression neither apply nor send" sloc))
- ))))
+;;; since ncall is normalized, it is a class_nrep_locsymocc and
+;;; the last binding in ncallbindings is a class_normlet_binding
+;;; whose binder is the nocc_symb of the ncall
+ (assert_msg "normexp_multicall check ncall" (is_a ncall class_nrep_locsymocc))
+ (let ( (ncallsym (unsafe_get_field :nocc_symb ncall))
+ (nboxcall (make_box discr_box ())) ;box to contain the real normalized call
+ (nrealcall ()) ;the real call
+ (nincallbindings (make_list discr_list)) ;list of internal bindings to the call
+ )
+ (list_iterate ;loop exited when cbnd is for ncallsym
+ ncallbindings
+ (lambda (cbnd)
+ (assert_msg "normexp_multicall check cbnd" (is_a cbnd class_normlet_binding))
+ (if (== ncallsym (unsafe_get_field :binder cbnd))
+ (let ( (nrealcall (unsafe_get_field :letbind_expr cbnd)) )
+ (box_put nboxcall nrealcall)
+ ())
+ (progn (list_append nincallbindings cbnd) cbnd))))
+ (setq nrealcall (box_content nboxcall))
+ (multiple_iterate
+ sresbind
+ (lambda (bnd :long ix)
+ (put_env newenv bnd)
+ newenv))
+ (multicall
+ (nbody nbodybindings)
+ (normalize_tuple sbody newenv ncx sloc)
+ (debug_msg "normexp_multicall nbody" nbody (the_callcount))
+ (debug_msg "normexp_multicall nbodybindings" nbodybindings (the_callcount))
+ (let ( (wnbodylet (wrap_normal_letseq nbody nbodybindings sloc)) )
+ (cond
+ ( (is_a scall class_src_apply)
+ (assert_msg "normexp_multicall check nrealcall apply" (is_a nrealcall class_nrep_apply))
+ (let ( (nres (make_instance class_nrep_multiapply
+ :nrep_loc sloc
+ :napp_fun (unsafe_get_field :napp_fun nrealcall)
+ :napp_args (unsafe_get_field :napp_args nrealcall)
+ :nmulapp_bindings sresbind
+ :nmulapp_body wnbodylet)) )
+ (debug_msg "normexp_multicall multiapply nres" nres (the_callcount))
+ (return nres nincallbindings)
+ )
+ )
+ ( (is_a scall class_src_msend)
+ (assert_msg "normexp_multicall check nrealcall send" (is_a nrealcall class_nrep_msend))
+ (let ( (nres (make_instance class_nrep_multisend
+ :nrep_loc sloc
+ :nmulsend_bindings sresbind
+ :nmulsend_send nrealcall
+ :nmulsend_body wnbodylet)) )
+ (debug_msg "normexp_multicall multisend nres" nres (the_callcount))
+ (return nres nincallbindings)
+ )
+ )
+ ( :else
+ (error_plain "multi-called expression neither apply nor send" sloc))
+ )))))))
(install_method class_src_multicall normal_exp normexp_multicall)
@@ -5788,7 +5847,7 @@
(assert_msg "@@compile_obj should be implemented in nrep-s subclasses" ())
(install_method class_nrep compile_obj compilobj_catchall_nrep)
;;; selector to put a destination into an objcode
;;; reciever: the objcode
;;; argument: the destination value
@@ -6366,6 +6425,12 @@
obapp_args ;argument tuple
+;;; multiapply instruction
+(defclass class_objmultiapply
+ :super class_objapply
+ :fields (obmultapp_xres ;extraresult tuple
;; raw object allocation instruction
(defclass class_objrawallocobj
:super class_objinstr
@@ -7129,6 +7194,8 @@
(debug_msg "outpucod_objcond end ocond" ocond (the_callcount))
(install_method class_objcond output_c_code outpucod_objcond)
;; output an application
(defun outpucod_objapply (oapp declbuf implbuf :long depth)
@@ -7226,6 +7293,145 @@
(install_method class_objapply output_c_code outpucod_objapply)
+;; output a multiapplication
+(defun outpucod_objmultiapply (oapp declbuf implbuf :long depth)
+ (assert_msg "check oapp" (is_a oapp class_objmultiapply))
+ (debug_msg "outpucod_objmultiapply oapp" oapp (the_callcount))
+ (let (
+ (aloc (unsafe_get_field :obi_loc oapp))
+ (adest (unsafe_get_field :obapp_dest oapp))
+ (oclos (unsafe_get_field :obapp_clos oapp))
+ (oargs (unsafe_get_field :obapp_args oapp))
+ (oxres (unsafe_get_field :obmultapp_xres oapp))
+ (:long nbarg (multiple_length oargs))
+ (:long nbxres (multiple_length oxres))
+ (paramdesclist (make_list discr_list))
+ (resdesclist (make_list discr_list))
+ (boxdepthp1 (make_integerbox discr_integer (+i 1 depth)))
+ )
+ (output_location aloc implbuf depth)
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf "/*multiapply*/{")
+ (add2sbuf_indentnl implbuf (+i 1 depth))
+ (if (>i nbarg 1)
+ (progn
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf "union basilysparam_un argtab[")
+ (add2sbuf_longdec implbuf (-i nbarg 1))
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf "];")
+ (add2sbuf_indentnl implbuf (+i 1 depth))
+ ))
+ (if (>i nbxres 0)
+ (progn
+ (add2sbuf_indentnl implbuf (+i 1 depth))
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf "union basilysparam_un restab[")
+ (add2sbuf_longdec implbuf nbxres)
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf "];")
+ (add2sbuf_indentnl implbuf (+i 1 depth))
+ ))
+ (if (>i nbxres 0)
+ (progn
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf "memset(&restab, 0, sizeof(restab));")
+ (add2sbuf_indentnl implbuf (+i 1 depth))
+ ;; fill the resdesclist and output initialization of restab
+ (multiple_iterate
+ oxres
+ (lambda (cures :long curank)
+ (debug_msg "outputcod_objmultiapply cures" cures)
+ (assert_msg "outputcod_objmultiapply @@@ NOT IMPLEMENTED cures @@@" ())
+ (let ( (curctyp (get_ctype cures (the_null))) )
+ (assert_msg "outputcod_objmultiapply check curctyp res"
+ (is_a curctyp class_ctype))
+ (if (== curctyp ctype_value)
+ (progn
+ )
+ (progn
+ ))
+ (add2sbuf_indentnl implbuf (get_int boxdepthp1))
+ (list_append resdesclist (unsafe_get_field :ctype_parstring curctyp)))
+ oxres
+ ))
+ ))
+ (if (>i nbarg 1)
+ (progn
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf "memset(&argtab, 0, sizeof(argtab));")
+ (add2sbuf_indentnl implbuf (+i 1 depth))
+ ;; output the initialization of argtab and fill the paramdesclist
+ (multiple_iterate
+ oargs
+ (lambda (curarg :long curank)
+ (debug_msg "outputcod_objmultiapply curarg" curarg)
+ (debug_msg "outputcod_objmultiapply curarg discr" (discrim curarg))
+ (cbreak_msg "outputcod_objmultiapply curarg")
+ (if (>i curank 0)
+ (let ( (curctyp (get_ctype curarg (the_null))) )
+ (debug_msg "outputcod_objmultiapply curctyp" curctyp)
+ (assert_msg "check curctyp" (is_a curctyp class_ctype))
+ (output_location aloc implbuf (get_int boxdepthp1))
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf "argtab[")
+ (add2sbuf_longdec implbuf (-i curank 1))
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf "].")
+ (list_append paramdesclist (unsafe_get_field :ctype_parstring curctyp))
+ (if (== curctyp ctype_value)
+ (progn
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf "bp_aptr = (basilys_ptr_t*) &")
+ (output_c_code curarg declbuf implbuf (get_int boxdepthp1))
+ )
+ (progn
+ (add2sbuf_string implbuf (unsafe_get_field :ctype_argfield curctyp))
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf " = ")
+ (output_c_code curarg declbuf implbuf (get_int boxdepthp1))
+ ))
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf ";")
+ ))
+ oargs
+ ))
+ (add2sbuf_indentnl implbuf (get_int boxdepthp1))
+ ))
+;;; output the destination(s)
+ (list_iterate
+ adest
+ (lambda (curdest)
+ (output_c_code curdest declbuf implbuf (get_int boxdepthp1))
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf " = ")
+ adest
+ )
+ )
+ ;; output the apply and the closure
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf " basilysgc_apply ((void*)(")
+ (output_c_code oclos declbuf implbuf (+i 1 depth))
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf "), (")
+ ;; output the first argument
+ (let ( (firstarg (multiple_nth oargs 0)) )
+ (output_c_code firstarg declbuf implbuf (+i 1 depth))
+ )
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf "), (")
+ ;; output the argdescr string
+ (list_iterate
+ paramdesclist
+ (lambda (pard)
+ (add2sbuf_string implbuf pard)
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf " ")
+ paramdesclist))
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf "\"\"), ")
+ ;; output the argtab (or null if none)
+ (if (>i nbarg 1)
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf "argtab,")
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf "(union basilysparam_un*)0,"))
+ ;; no extra results
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf " \"\", (union basilysparam_un*)0")
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf ");")
+ (add2sbuf_indentnl implbuf (+i 1 depth))
+ (add2sbuf_strconst implbuf "}")
+ (add2sbuf_indentnl implbuf depth)
+ )
+ )
+(install_method class_objmultiapply output_c_code outpucod_objmultiapply)
;; output a clear
(defun outpucod_objclear (oclear declbuf implbuf :long depth)
(assert_msg "check oclear" (is_a oclear class_objclear))
@@ -8089,6 +8295,7 @@
(install_method class_nrep_forever compile_obj compilobj_nrep_forever)
;;;; compile an exit
(defun compilobj_nrep_exit (nexi gcx)
(assert_msg "check gcx" (is_a gcx class_genercontext))
@@ -8192,6 +8399,97 @@
+;;;; compile a setq
+(defun compilobj_nrep_setq (nsq gcx)
+ (assert_msg "check nsq" (is_a nsq class_nrep_setq))
+ (assert_msg "check gcx" (is_a gcx class_genercontext))
+ (debug_msg "compilobj_nrep_setq nsq" nsq (the_callcount))
+ (let ( (loc (unsafe_get_field :nrep_loc nsq))
+ (var (unsafe_get_field :nstq_var nsq))
+ (exp (unsafe_get_field :nstq_exp nsq))
+ (cexp (compile_obj exp gcx))
+ (cvar (compile_obj var gcx))
+ (cres (put_objdest cexp cvar))
+ )
+ (and (is_a cres class_objinstr)
+ (null (unsafe_get_field :obi_loc cres))
+ (unsafe_put_fields cres :obi_loc loc))
+ (debug_msg "compilobj_nrep_setq cres" cres (the_callcount))
+ cres
+ ))
+(install_method class_nrep_setq compile_obj compilobj_nrep_setq)
+;;;; compile a multacc [data multiple accessor]
+(defun compilobj_nrep_multacc (nma gcx)
+ (assert_msg "check nma" (is_a nma class_nrep_multacc))
+ (assert_msg "check gcx" (is_a gcx class_genercontext))
+ (debug_msg "compilobj_nrep_multacc nma" nma (the_callcount))
+ (let ( (loc (unsafe_get_field :nrep_loc nma))
+ (mul (unsafe_get_field :naccm_mul nma))
+ (ix (unsafe_get_field :naccm_ix nma))
+ (cmul (compile_obj mul gcx))
+ )
+ (debug_msg "compilobj_nrep_multacc cmul" cmul (the_callcount))
+ (assert_msg "compilobj_nrep_multacc @@ A IMPLEMENTER @@" ())
+ ))
+(install_method class_nrep_multacc compile_obj compilobj_nrep_multacc)
+;;;; compile a fieldacc [data field accessor]
+(defun compilobj_nrep_fieldacc (nfa gcx)
+ (assert_msg "check nfa" (is_a nfa class_nrep_fieldacc))
+ (assert_msg "check gcx" (is_a gcx class_genercontext))
+ (debug_msg "compilobj_nrep_fieldacc nfa" nfa (the_callcount))
+ (let ( (loc (unsafe_get_field :nrep_loc nfa))
+ (obj (unsafe_get_field :naccf_obj nfa))
+ (fld (unsafe_get_field :naccf_fld nfa))
+ (:long fldoff (get_int fld))
+ (boxfldoff (make_integerbox discr_integer fldoff))
+ (cobj (compile_obj obj gcx))
+ ;; we factor the case when the field access cannot be done at compile time
+ (makecompute
+ (lambda (boxfldoff)
+ (let (
+ (fldoff (get_int boxfldoff))
+ (tcont
+ (make_tuple5 discr_multiple
+ (make_string discr_verbatimstring "/*fieldacc*/(basilys_field_object((")
+ cobj
+ (make_string discr_verbatimstring "),")
+ boxfldoff
+ (make_string discr_verbatimstring "))")
+ ))
+ (res
+ (make_instance class_objexpv
+ :obv_type ctype_value
+ :obx_cont tcont))
+ )
+ (debug_msg "compilobj_nrep_fieldacc makecompute res" res)
+ res
+ )))
+ )
+ (assert_msg "compilobj_nrep_fieldacc check fld" (is_a fld class_field))
+ (debug_msg "compilobj_nrep_fieldacc cobj" cobj (the_callcount))
+ (debug_msg "compilobj_nrep_fieldacc fld" fld (the_callcount))
+ (if (is_a cobj class_objinitobject)
+ (let ( (cdata (unsafe_get_field :oie_data cobj))
+ )
+ (if (is_a cdata class_nrep_datainstance)
+ (let ( (slotup (unsafe_get_field :ninst_slots cdata))
+ (ourslot (multiple_nth slotup fldoff))
+ )
+ (if (is_a ourslot class_nrep_data)
+ (let ( (cslot (compile_obj ourslot gcx)) )
+ (debug_msg "compilobj_nrep_fieldacc returning cslot" cslot (the_callcount))
+ (return cslot))
+ (return (makecompute boxfldoff))))
+ (return (makecompute boxfldoff)))
+ )
+ (return (makecompute boxfldoff))
+ )))
+(install_method class_nrep_fieldacc compile_obj compilobj_nrep_fieldacc)
+;;;; compile a simple application
(defun compilobj_nrep_apply (napp gcx)
(assert_msg "check napp" (is_a napp class_nrep_apply))
(assert_msg "check gcx" (is_a gcx class_genercontext))
@@ -8218,6 +8516,58 @@
(install_method class_nrep_apply compile_obj compilobj_nrep_apply)
+(defun compilobj_nrep_multiapply (nmapp gcx)
+ (assert_msg "check napp" (is_a nmapp class_nrep_multiapply))
+ (assert_msg "check gcx" (is_a gcx class_genercontext))
+ (debug_msg "compilobj_nrep_multiapply nmapp" nmapp (the_callcount))
+ (let ( (loc (unsafe_get_field :nrep_loc nmapp))
+ (rbinds (unsafe_get_field :nmulapp_bindings nmapp))
+ (fun (unsafe_get_field :napp_fun nmapp))
+ (args (unsafe_get_field :napp_args nmapp))
+ (body (unsafe_get_field :nmulapp_body nmapp))
+ (:long nbres (multiple_length rbinds))
+ (reslocs
+ (multiple_map
+ rbinds
+ (lambda (bind :long ix)
+ (assert_msg "compilobj_nrep_multiapply check bind"
+ (is_a bind class_formal_binding))
+ (let ( (bder (unsafe_get_field :binder bind))
+ (cty (unsafe_get_field :fbind_type bind))
+ (obva (get_free_objloctyped gcx bder cty))
+ )
+ (assert_msg "compilobj_nrep_multiapply check cty"
+ (is_a cty class_ctype))
+ obva
+ ))))
+ (oxres (make_multiple discr_multiple (if (>i nbres 1) (-i nbres 1) 0)))
+ (firstres (multiple_nth reslocs 0))
+ (ofun (compile_obj fun gcx))
+ (reslist (make_list discr_list))
+ (oargs (multiple_map args
+ (lambda (comp :long ix)
+ (compile_obj comp gcx))))
+ (obody (multiple_map body
+ (lambda (comp :long ix)
+ (compile_obj comp gcx))))
+ (omapp (make_instance class_objmultiapply
+ :obi_loc loc
+ :obapp_dest reslist
+ :obapp_clos (compile_obj fun gcx)
+ :obapp_args oargs
+ :obmultapp_xres oxres))
+ )
+ (if firstres (list_append reslist firstres))
+ (multiple_iterate
+ reslocs
+ (lambda (rloc :long ix)
+ (if (>i ix 0) (multiple_put_nth oxres (-i ix 1) rloc))
+ rloc))
+ (debug_msg "compilobj_nrep_multiapply omapp" omapp (the_callcount))
+ omapp
+ ))
+(install_method class_nrep_multiapply compile_obj compilobj_nrep_multiapply)
(defun putobjdest_objvalue (recv desto)
(assert_msg "check recv" (is_a recv class_objvalue))
(assert_msg "check desto" (is_a desto class_objlocv))