path: root/gcc/ada/9drpc.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/9drpc.adb')
1 files changed, 1053 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/9drpc.adb b/gcc/ada/9drpc.adb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8f749fa51da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/9drpc.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1053 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- S Y S T E M . R P C --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- $Revision: 1.2 $ --
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992,1993,1994,1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
+-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
+-- --
+with Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Ada.Streams;
+with System.RPC.Net_Trace;
+with System.RPC.Garlic;
+with System.RPC.Streams;
+pragma Elaborate (System.RPC.Garlic);
+package body System.RPC is
+ use type Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count;
+ use type Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset;
+ use type Garlic.Protocol_Access;
+ use type Garlic.Lock_Method;
+ Max_Of_Message_Id : constant := 127;
+ subtype Message_Id_Type is
+ Integer range -Max_Of_Message_Id .. Max_Of_Message_Id;
+ -- A message id is either a request id or reply id. A message id is
+ -- provided with a message to a receiving stub which uses the opposite
+ -- as a reply id. A message id helps to retrieve to which task is
+ -- addressed a reply. When the environment task receives a message, the
+ -- message id is extracted : a positive message id stands for a call, a
+ -- negative message id stands for a reply. A null message id stands for
+ -- an asynchronous request.
+ subtype Request_Id_Type is Message_Id_Type range 1 .. Max_Of_Message_Id;
+ -- When a message id is positive, it is a request
+ type Message_Length_Per_Request is array (Request_Id_Type)
+ of Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count;
+ Header_Size : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count
+ := Streams.Get_Integer_Initial_Size +
+ Streams.Get_SEC_Initial_Size;
+ -- Initial size needed for frequently used header streams
+ Stream_Error : exception;
+ -- Occurs when a read procedure is executed on an empty stream
+ -- or when a write procedure is executed on a full stream
+ Partition_RPC_Receiver : RPC_Receiver;
+ -- Cache the RPC_Recevier passed by Establish_RPC_Receiver
+ type Anonymous_Task_Node;
+ type Anonymous_Task_Node_Access is access Anonymous_Task_Node;
+ -- Types we need to construct a singly linked list of anonymous tasks
+ -- This pool is maintained to avoid a task creation each time a RPC
+ -- occurs - to be cont'd
+ task type Anonymous_Task_Type (Self : Anonymous_Task_Node_Access) is
+ entry Start
+ (Message_Id : in Message_Id_Type;
+ Partition : in Partition_ID;
+ Params_Size : in Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count;
+ Result_Size : in Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count;
+ Protocol : in Garlic.Protocol_Access);
+ -- This entry provides an anonymous task a remote call to perform
+ -- This task calls for a
+ -- Request id is provided to construct the reply id by using
+ -- -Request. Partition is used to send the reply message. Params_Size
+ -- is the size of the calling stub Params stream. Then, Protocol
+ -- (used by the environment task previously) allows to extract the
+ -- message following the header (The header is extracted by the
+ -- environment task)
+ end Anonymous_Task_Type;
+ type Anonymous_Task_Access is access Anonymous_Task_Type;
+ type Anonymous_Task_List is
+ record
+ Head : Anonymous_Task_Node_Access;
+ Tail : Anonymous_Task_Node_Access;
+ end record;
+ type Anonymous_Task_Node is
+ record
+ Element : Anonymous_Task_Access;
+ Next : Anonymous_Task_Node_Access;
+ end record;
+ -- Types we need to construct a singly linked list of anonymous tasks
+ -- This pool is maintained to avoid a task creation each time a RPC
+ -- occurs
+ protected Garbage_Collector is
+ procedure Allocate
+ (Item : out Anonymous_Task_Node_Access);
+ -- Anonymous task pool management : if there is an anonymous task
+ -- left, use it. Otherwise, allocate a new one
+ procedure Deallocate
+ (Item : in out Anonymous_Task_Node_Access);
+ -- Anonymous task pool management : queue this task in the pool
+ -- of inactive anonymous tasks.
+ private
+ Anonymous_List : Anonymous_Task_Node_Access;
+ -- The list root of inactive anonymous tasks
+ end Garbage_Collector;
+ task Dispatcher is
+ entry New_Request (Request : out Request_Id_Type);
+ -- To get a new request
+ entry Wait_On (Request_Id_Type)
+ (Length : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count);
+ -- To block the calling stub when it waits for a reply
+ -- When it is resumed, we provide the size of the reply
+ entry Wake_Up
+ (Request : in Request_Id_Type;
+ Length : in Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count);
+ -- To wake up the calling stub when the environnement task has
+ -- received a reply for this request
+ end Dispatcher;
+ task Environnement is
+ entry Start;
+ -- Receive no message until Partition_Receiver is set
+ -- Establish_RPC_Receiver decides when the environment task
+ -- is allowed to start
+ end Environnement;
+ protected Partition_Receiver is
+ entry Is_Set;
+ -- Blocks if the Partition_RPC_Receiver has not been set
+ procedure Set;
+ -- Done by Establish_RPC_Receiver when Partition_RPC_Receiver
+ -- is known
+ private
+ Was_Set : Boolean := False;
+ -- True when Partition_RPC_Receiver has been set
+ end Partition_Receiver;
+ -- Anonymous tasks have to wait for the Partition_RPC_Receiver
+ -- to be established
+ type Debug_Level is
+ (D_Elaborate, -- About the elaboration of this package
+ D_Communication, -- About calls to Send and Receive
+ D_Debug, -- Verbose
+ D_Exception); -- Exception handler
+ -- Debugging levels
+ package Debugging is new System.RPC.Net_Trace (Debug_Level, "RPC : ");
+ -- Debugging package
+ procedure D
+ (Flag : in Debug_Level; Info : in String) renames Debugging.Debug;
+ -- Shortcut
+ ------------------------
+ -- Partition_Receiver --
+ ------------------------
+ protected body Partition_Receiver is
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Partition_Receiver.Is_Set --
+ -------------------------------
+ entry Is_Set when Was_Set is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Is_Set;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Partition_Receiver.Set --
+ ----------------------------
+ procedure Set is
+ begin
+ Was_Set := True;
+ end Set;
+ end Partition_Receiver;
+ ---------------
+ -- Head_Node --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Head_Node
+ (Index : out Packet_Node_Access;
+ Stream : in Params_Stream_Type) is
+ begin
+ Index := Stream.Extra.Head;
+ exception when others =>
+ D (D_Exception, "exception in Head_Node");
+ raise;
+ end Head_Node;
+ ---------------
+ -- Tail_Node --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Tail_Node
+ (Index : out Packet_Node_Access;
+ Stream : in Params_Stream_Type) is
+ begin
+ Index := Stream.Extra.Tail;
+ exception when others =>
+ D (D_Exception, "exception in Tail_Node");
+ raise;
+ end Tail_Node;
+ ---------------
+ -- Null_Node --
+ ---------------
+ function Null_Node
+ (Index : in Packet_Node_Access) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Index = null;
+ exception when others =>
+ D (D_Exception, "exception in Null_Node");
+ raise;
+ end Null_Node;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Delete_Head_Node --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Delete_Head_Node
+ (Stream : in out Params_Stream_Type) is
+ procedure Free is
+ new Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Packet_Node, Packet_Node_Access);
+ Next_Node : Packet_Node_Access := Stream.Extra.Head.Next;
+ begin
+ -- Delete head node and free memory usage
+ Free (Stream.Extra.Head);
+ Stream.Extra.Head := Next_Node;
+ -- If the extra storage is empty, update tail as well
+ if Stream.Extra.Head = null then
+ Stream.Extra.Tail := null;
+ end if;
+ exception when others =>
+ D (D_Exception, "exception in Delete_Head_Node");
+ raise;
+ end Delete_Head_Node;
+ ---------------
+ -- Next_Node --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Next_Node
+ (Node : in out Packet_Node_Access) is
+ begin
+ -- Node is set to the next node
+ -- If not possible, Stream_Error is raised
+ if Node = null then
+ raise Stream_Error;
+ else
+ Node := Node.Next;
+ end if;
+ exception when others =>
+ D (D_Exception, "exception in Next_Node");
+ raise;
+ end Next_Node;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Append_New_Node --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Append_New_Node
+ (Stream : in out Params_Stream_Type) is
+ Index : Packet_Node_Access;
+ begin
+ -- Set Index to the end of the linked list
+ Tail_Node (Index, Stream);
+ if Null_Node (Index) then
+ -- The list is empty : set head as well
+ Stream.Extra.Head := new Packet_Node;
+ Stream.Extra.Tail := Stream.Extra.Head;
+ else
+ -- The list is not empty : link new node with tail
+ Stream.Extra.Tail.Next := new Packet_Node;
+ Stream.Extra.Tail := Stream.Extra.Tail.Next;
+ end if;
+ exception when others =>
+ D (D_Exception, "exception in Append_New_Node");
+ raise;
+ end Append_New_Node;
+ ----------
+ -- Read --
+ ----------
+ procedure Read
+ (Stream : in out Params_Stream_Type;
+ Item : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
+ Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset) renames
+ System.RPC.Streams.Read;
+ -----------
+ -- Write --
+ -----------
+ procedure Write
+ (Stream : in out Params_Stream_Type;
+ Item : in Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array) renames
+ System.RPC.Streams.Write;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Garbage_Collector --
+ -----------------------
+ protected body Garbage_Collector is
+ --------------------------------
+ -- Garbage_Collector.Allocate --
+ --------------------------------
+ procedure Allocate
+ (Item : out Anonymous_Task_Node_Access) is
+ New_Anonymous_Task_Node : Anonymous_Task_Node_Access;
+ Anonymous_Task : Anonymous_Task_Access;
+ begin
+ -- If the list is empty, allocate a new anonymous task
+ -- Otherwise, reuse the first queued anonymous task
+ if Anonymous_List = null then
+ -- Create a new anonymous task
+ -- Provide this new task with its id to allow it
+ -- to enqueue itself into the free anonymous task list
+ -- with the function Deallocate
+ New_Anonymous_Task_Node := new Anonymous_Task_Node;
+ Anonymous_Task :=
+ new Anonymous_Task_Type (New_Anonymous_Task_Node);
+ New_Anonymous_Task_Node.all := (Anonymous_Task, null);
+ else
+ -- Extract one task from the list
+ -- Set the Next field to null to avoid possible bugs
+ New_Anonymous_Task_Node := Anonymous_List;
+ Anonymous_List := Anonymous_List.Next;
+ New_Anonymous_Task_Node.Next := null;
+ end if;
+ -- Item is an out parameter
+ Item := New_Anonymous_Task_Node;
+ exception when others =>
+ D (D_Exception, "exception in Allocate (Anonymous Task)");
+ raise;
+ end Allocate;
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- Garbage_Collector.Deallocate --
+ ----------------------------------
+ procedure Deallocate
+ (Item : in out Anonymous_Task_Node_Access) is
+ begin
+ -- Enqueue the task in the free list
+ Item.Next := Anonymous_List;
+ Anonymous_List := Item;
+ exception when others =>
+ D (D_Exception, "exception in Deallocate (Anonymous Task)");
+ raise;
+ end Deallocate;
+ end Garbage_Collector;
+ ------------
+ -- Do_RPC --
+ ------------
+ procedure Do_RPC
+ (Partition : in Partition_ID;
+ Params : access Params_Stream_Type;
+ Result : access Params_Stream_Type) is
+ Protocol : Protocol_Access;
+ Request : Request_Id_Type;
+ Header : aliased Params_Stream_Type (Header_Size);
+ R_Length : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count;
+ begin
+ -- Parameters order :
+ -- Opcode (provided and used by garlic)
+ -- (1) Size (provided by s-rpc and used by garlic)
+ -- (size of (2)+(3)+(4)+(5))
+ -- (2) Request (provided by calling stub (resp receiving stub) and
+ -- used by anonymous task (resp Do_RPC))
+ -- *** ZERO IF APC ***
+ -- (3) Res.len. (provided by calling stubs and used by anonymous task)
+ -- *** ZERO IF APC ***
+ -- (4) Receiver (provided by calling stubs and used by anonymous task)
+ -- (5) Params (provided by calling stubs and used by anonymous task)
+ -- The call is a remote call or a local call. A local call occurs
+ -- when the pragma All_Calls_Remote has been specified. Do_RPC is
+ -- called and the execution has to be performed in the PCS
+ if Partition /= Garlic.Get_My_Partition_ID then
+ -- Get a request id to be resumed when the reply arrives
+ Dispatcher.New_Request (Request);
+ -- Build header = request (2) + result.initial_size (3)
+ D (D_Debug, "Do_RPC - Build header");
+ Streams.Allocate (Header);
+ Streams.Integer_Write_Attribute -- (2)
+ (Header'Access, Request);
+ System.RPC.Streams.SEC_Write_Attribute -- (3)
+ (Header'Access, Result.Initial_Size);
+ -- Get a protocol method to communicate with the remote partition
+ -- and give the message size
+ D (D_Communication,
+ "Do_RPC - Lookup for protocol to talk to partition" &
+ Partition_ID'Image (Partition));
+ Garlic.Initiate_Send
+ (Partition,
+ Streams.Get_Stream_Size (Header'Access) +
+ Streams.Get_Stream_Size (Params), -- (1)
+ Protocol,
+ Garlic.Remote_Call);
+ -- Send the header by using the protocol method
+ D (D_Communication, "Do_RPC - Send Header to partition" &
+ Partition_ID'Image (Partition));
+ Garlic.Send
+ (Protocol.all,
+ Partition,
+ Header'Access); -- (2) + (3)
+ -- The header is deallocated
+ Streams.Deallocate (Header);
+ -- Send Params from Do_RPC
+ D (D_Communication, "Do_RPC - Send Params to partition" &
+ Partition_ID'Image (Partition));
+ Garlic.Send
+ (Protocol.all,
+ Partition,
+ Params); -- (4) + (5)
+ -- Let Garlic know we have nothing else to send
+ Garlic.Complete_Send
+ (Protocol.all,
+ Partition);
+ D (D_Debug, "Do_RPC - Suspend");
+ -- Wait for a reply and get the reply message length
+ Dispatcher.Wait_On (Request) (R_Length);
+ D (D_Debug, "Do_RPC - Resume");
+ declare
+ New_Result : aliased Params_Stream_Type (R_Length);
+ begin
+ -- Adjust the Result stream size right now to be able to load
+ -- the stream in one receive call. Create a temporary resutl
+ -- that will be substituted to Do_RPC one
+ Streams.Allocate (New_Result);
+ -- Receive the reply message from receiving stub
+ D (D_Communication, "Do_RPC - Receive Result from partition" &
+ Partition_ID'Image (Partition));
+ Garlic.Receive
+ (Protocol.all,
+ Partition,
+ New_Result'Access);
+ -- Let Garlic know we have nothing else to receive
+ Garlic.Complete_Receive
+ (Protocol.all,
+ Partition);
+ -- Update calling stub Result stream
+ D (D_Debug, "Do_RPC - Reconstruct Result");
+ Streams.Deallocate (Result.all);
+ Result.Initial := New_Result.Initial;
+ Streams.Dump ("|||", Result.all);
+ end;
+ else
+ -- Do RPC locally and first wait for Partition_RPC_Receiver to be
+ -- set
+ Partition_Receiver.Is_Set;
+ D (D_Debug, "Do_RPC - Locally");
+ Partition_RPC_Receiver.all (Params, Result);
+ end if;
+ exception when others =>
+ D (D_Exception, "exception in Do_RPC");
+ raise;
+ end Do_RPC;
+ ------------
+ -- Do_APC --
+ ------------
+ procedure Do_APC
+ (Partition : in Partition_ID;
+ Params : access Params_Stream_Type) is
+ Message_Id : Message_Id_Type := 0;
+ Protocol : Protocol_Access;
+ Header : aliased Params_Stream_Type (Header_Size);
+ begin
+ -- For more informations, see above
+ -- Request = 0 as we are not waiting for a reply message
+ -- Result length = 0 as we don't expect a result at all
+ if Partition /= Garlic.Get_My_Partition_ID then
+ -- Build header = request (2) + result.initial_size (3)
+ -- As we have an APC, the request id is null to indicate
+ -- to the receiving stub that we do not expect a reply
+ -- This comes from 0 = -0
+ D (D_Debug, "Do_APC - Build Header");
+ Streams.Allocate (Header);
+ Streams.Integer_Write_Attribute
+ (Header'Access, Integer (Message_Id));
+ Streams.SEC_Write_Attribute
+ (Header'Access, 0);
+ -- Get a protocol method to communicate with the remote partition
+ -- and give the message size
+ D (D_Communication,
+ "Do_APC - Lookup for protocol to talk to partition" &
+ Partition_ID'Image (Partition));
+ Garlic.Initiate_Send
+ (Partition,
+ Streams.Get_Stream_Size (Header'Access) +
+ Streams.Get_Stream_Size (Params),
+ Protocol,
+ Garlic.Remote_Call);
+ -- Send the header by using the protocol method
+ D (D_Communication, "Do_APC - Send Header to partition" &
+ Partition_ID'Image (Partition));
+ Garlic.Send
+ (Protocol.all,
+ Partition,
+ Header'Access);
+ -- The header is deallocated
+ Streams.Deallocate (Header);
+ -- Send Params from Do_APC
+ D (D_Communication, "Do_APC - Send Params to partition" &
+ Partition_ID'Image (Partition));
+ Garlic.Send
+ (Protocol.all,
+ Partition,
+ Params);
+ -- Let Garlic know we have nothing else to send
+ Garlic.Complete_Send
+ (Protocol.all,
+ Partition);
+ else
+ declare
+ Result : aliased Params_Stream_Type (0);
+ begin
+ -- Result is here a dummy parameter
+ -- No reason to deallocate as it is not allocated at all
+ Partition_Receiver.Is_Set;
+ D (D_Debug, "Do_APC - Locally");
+ Partition_RPC_Receiver.all (Params, Result'Access);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ exception when others =>
+ D (D_Exception, "exception in Do_APC");
+ raise;
+ end Do_APC;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Establish_RPC_Receiver --
+ ----------------------------
+ procedure Establish_RPC_Receiver (
+ Partition : in Partition_ID;
+ Receiver : in RPC_Receiver) is
+ begin
+ -- Set Partition_RPC_Receiver and allow RPC mechanism
+ Partition_RPC_Receiver := Receiver;
+ Partition_Receiver.Set;
+ D (D_Elaborate, "Partition_Receiver is set");
+ exception when others =>
+ D (D_Exception, "exception in Establish_RPC_Receiver");
+ raise;
+ end Establish_RPC_Receiver;
+ ----------------
+ -- Dispatcher --
+ ----------------
+ task body Dispatcher is
+ Last_Request : Request_Id_Type := Request_Id_Type'First;
+ Current_Rqst : Request_Id_Type := Request_Id_Type'First;
+ Current_Size : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count;
+ begin
+ loop
+ -- Three services :
+ -- New_Request to get an entry in Dispatcher table
+ -- Wait_On for Do_RPC calls
+ -- Wake_Up called by environment task when a Do_RPC receives
+ -- the result of its remote call
+ select
+ accept New_Request
+ (Request : out Request_Id_Type) do
+ Request := Last_Request;
+ -- << TODO >>
+ -- Avaibility check
+ if Last_Request = Request_Id_Type'Last then
+ Last_Request := Request_Id_Type'First;
+ else
+ Last_Request := Last_Request + 1;
+ end if;
+ end New_Request;
+ or
+ accept Wake_Up
+ (Request : in Request_Id_Type;
+ Length : in Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count) do
+ -- The environment reads the header and has been notified
+ -- of the reply id and the size of the result message
+ Current_Rqst := Request;
+ Current_Size := Length;
+ end Wake_Up;
+ -- << TODO >>
+ -- Must be select with delay for aborted tasks
+ select
+ accept Wait_On (Current_Rqst)
+ (Length : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count) do
+ Length := Current_Size;
+ end Wait_On;
+ or
+ -- To free the Dispatcher when a task is aborted
+ delay 1.0;
+ end select;
+ or
+ terminate;
+ end select;
+ end loop;
+ exception when others =>
+ D (D_Exception, "exception in Dispatcher body");
+ raise;
+ end Dispatcher;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Anonymous_Task_Type --
+ -------------------------
+ task body Anonymous_Task_Type is
+ Whoami : Anonymous_Task_Node_Access := Self;
+ C_Message_Id : Message_Id_Type; -- Current Message Id
+ C_Partition : Partition_ID; -- Current Partition
+ Params_S : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count; -- Params message size
+ Result_S : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count; -- Result message size
+ C_Protocol : Protocol_Access; -- Current Protocol
+ begin
+ loop
+ -- Get a new RPC to execute
+ select
+ accept Start
+ (Message_Id : in Message_Id_Type;
+ Partition : in Partition_ID;
+ Params_Size : in Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count;
+ Result_Size : in Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count;
+ Protocol : in Protocol_Access) do
+ C_Message_Id := Message_Id;
+ C_Partition := Partition;
+ Params_S := Params_Size;
+ Result_S := Result_Size;
+ C_Protocol := Protocol;
+ end Start;
+ or
+ terminate;
+ end select;
+ declare
+ Params : aliased Params_Stream_Type (Params_S);
+ Result : aliased Params_Stream_Type (Result_S);
+ Header : aliased Params_Stream_Type (Header_Size);
+ begin
+ -- We reconstruct all the client context : Params and Result
+ -- with the SAME size, then we receive Params from calling stub
+ D (D_Communication,
+ "Anonymous Task - Receive Params from partition" &
+ Partition_ID'Image (C_Partition));
+ Garlic.Receive
+ (C_Protocol.all,
+ C_Partition,
+ Params'Access);
+ -- Let Garlic know we don't receive anymore
+ Garlic.Complete_Receive
+ (C_Protocol.all,
+ C_Partition);
+ -- Check that Partition_RPC_Receiver has been set
+ Partition_Receiver.Is_Set;
+ -- Do it locally
+ D (D_Debug,
+ "Anonymous Task - Perform Partition_RPC_Receiver for request" &
+ Message_Id_Type'Image (C_Message_Id));
+ Partition_RPC_Receiver (Params'Access, Result'Access);
+ -- If this was a RPC we send the result back
+ -- Otherwise, do nothing else than deallocation
+ if C_Message_Id /= 0 then
+ -- Build Header = -C_Message_Id + Result Size
+ -- Provide the request id to the env task of the calling
+ -- stub partition We get the real result stream size : the
+ -- calling stub (in Do_RPC) updates its size to this one
+ D (D_Debug, "Anonymous Task - Build Header");
+ Streams.Allocate (Header);
+ Streams.Integer_Write_Attribute
+ (Header'Access, Integer (-C_Message_Id));
+ Streams.SEC_Write_Attribute
+ (Header'Access,
+ Streams.Get_Stream_Size (Result'Access));
+ -- Get a protocol method to comunicate with the remote
+ -- partition and give the message size
+ D (D_Communication,
+ "Anonymous Task - Lookup for protocol talk to partition" &
+ Partition_ID'Image (C_Partition));
+ Garlic.Initiate_Send
+ (C_Partition,
+ Streams.Get_Stream_Size (Header'Access) +
+ Streams.Get_Stream_Size (Result'Access),
+ C_Protocol,
+ Garlic.Remote_Call);
+ -- Send the header by using the protocol method
+ D (D_Communication,
+ "Anonymous Task - Send Header to partition" &
+ Partition_ID'Image (C_Partition));
+ Garlic.Send
+ (C_Protocol.all,
+ C_Partition,
+ Header'Access);
+ -- Send Result toDo_RPC
+ D (D_Communication,
+ "Anonymous Task - Send Result to partition" &
+ Partition_ID'Image (C_Partition));
+ Garlic.Send
+ (C_Protocol.all,
+ C_Partition,
+ Result'Access);
+ -- Let Garlic know we don't send anymore
+ Garlic.Complete_Send
+ (C_Protocol.all,
+ C_Partition);
+ Streams.Deallocate (Header);
+ end if;
+ Streams.Deallocate (Params);
+ Streams.Deallocate (Result);
+ end;
+ -- Enqueue into the anonymous task free list : become inactive
+ Garbage_Collector.Deallocate (Whoami);
+ end loop;
+ exception when others =>
+ D (D_Exception, "exception in Anonymous_Task_Type body");
+ raise;
+ end Anonymous_Task_Type;
+ -----------------
+ -- Environment --
+ -----------------
+ task body Environnement is
+ Partition : Partition_ID;
+ Message_Size : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count;
+ Result_Size : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count;
+ Message_Id : Message_Id_Type;
+ Header : aliased Params_Stream_Type (Header_Size);
+ Protocol : Protocol_Access;
+ Anonymous : Anonymous_Task_Node_Access;
+ begin
+ -- Wait the Partition_RPC_Receiver to be set
+ accept Start;
+ D (D_Elaborate, "Environment task elaborated");
+ loop
+ -- We receive first a fixed size message : the header
+ -- Header = Message Id + Message Size
+ Streams.Allocate (Header);
+ -- Garlic provides the size of the received message and the
+ -- protocol to use to communicate with the calling partition
+ Garlic.Initiate_Receive
+ (Partition,
+ Message_Size,
+ Protocol,
+ Garlic.Remote_Call);
+ D (D_Communication,
+ "Environment task - Receive protocol to talk to active partition" &
+ Partition_ID'Image (Partition));
+ -- Extract the header to route the message either to
+ -- an anonymous task (Message Id > 0 <=> Request Id)
+ -- or to a waiting task (Message Id < 0 <=> Reply Id)
+ D (D_Communication,
+ "Environment task - Receive Header from partition" &
+ Partition_ID'Image (Partition));
+ Garlic.Receive
+ (Protocol.all,
+ Partition,
+ Header'Access);
+ -- Evaluate the remaining size of the message
+ Message_Size := Message_Size -
+ Streams.Get_Stream_Size (Header'Access);
+ -- Extract from header : message id and message size
+ Streams.Integer_Read_Attribute (Header'Access, Message_Id);
+ Streams.SEC_Read_Attribute (Header'Access, Result_Size);
+ if Streams.Get_Stream_Size (Header'Access) /= 0 then
+ -- If there are stream elements left in the header ???
+ D (D_Exception, "Header is not empty");
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Message_Id < 0 then
+ -- The message was sent by a receiving stub : wake up the
+ -- calling task - We have a reply there
+ D (D_Debug, "Environment Task - Receive Reply from partition" &
+ Partition_ID'Image (Partition));
+ Dispatcher.Wake_Up (-Message_Id, Result_Size);
+ else
+ -- The message was send by a calling stub : get an anonymous
+ -- task to perform the job
+ D (D_Debug, "Environment Task - Receive Request from partition" &
+ Partition_ID'Image (Partition));
+ Garbage_Collector.Allocate (Anonymous);
+ -- We substracted the size of the header from the size of the
+ -- global message in order to provide immediatly Params size
+ Anonymous.Element.Start
+ (Message_Id,
+ Partition,
+ Message_Size,
+ Result_Size,
+ Protocol);
+ end if;
+ -- Deallocate header : unnecessary - WARNING
+ Streams.Deallocate (Header);
+ end loop;
+ exception when others =>
+ D (D_Exception, "exception in Environment");
+ raise;
+ end Environnement;
+ -- Set debugging information
+ Debugging.Set_Environment_Variable ("RPC");
+ Debugging.Set_Debugging_Name ("D", D_Debug);
+ Debugging.Set_Debugging_Name ("E", D_Exception);
+ Debugging.Set_Debugging_Name ("C", D_Communication);
+ Debugging.Set_Debugging_Name ("Z", D_Elaborate);
+ D (D_Elaborate, "To be elaborated");
+ -- When this body is elaborated we should ensure that RCI name server
+ -- has been already elaborated : this means that Establish_RPC_Receiver
+ -- has already been called and that Partition_RPC_Receiver is set
+ Environnement.Start;
+ D (D_Elaborate, "ELABORATED");
+end System.RPC;