path: root/gcc/ada/a-calend.adb
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1 files changed, 490 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/a-calend.adb b/gcc/ada/a-calend.adb
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+-- --
+-- --
+-- A D A . C A L E N D A R --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- $Revision: 1.51 $
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
+-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
+-- --
+with Unchecked_Conversion;
+with System.OS_Primitives;
+-- used for Clock
+package body Ada.Calendar is
+ ------------------------------
+ -- Use of Pragma Unsuppress --
+ ------------------------------
+ -- This implementation of Calendar takes advantage of the permission in
+ -- Ada 95 of using arithmetic overflow checks to check for out of bounds
+ -- time values. This means that we must catch the constraint error that
+ -- results from arithmetic overflow, so we use pragma Unsuppress to make
+ -- sure that overflow is enabled, using software overflow checking if
+ -- necessary. That way, compiling Calendar with options to suppress this
+ -- checking will not affect its correctness.
+ ------------------------
+ -- Local Declarations --
+ ------------------------
+ type Char_Pointer is access Character;
+ subtype int is Integer;
+ subtype long is Long_Integer;
+ -- Synonyms for C types. We don't want to get them from Interfaces.C
+ -- because there is no point in loading that unit just for calendar.
+ type tm is record
+ tm_sec : int; -- seconds after the minute (0 .. 60)
+ tm_min : int; -- minutes after the hour (0 .. 59)
+ tm_hour : int; -- hours since midnight (0 .. 24)
+ tm_mday : int; -- day of the month (1 .. 31)
+ tm_mon : int; -- months since January (0 .. 11)
+ tm_year : int; -- years since 1900
+ tm_wday : int; -- days since Sunday (0 .. 6)
+ tm_yday : int; -- days since January 1 (0 .. 365)
+ tm_isdst : int; -- Daylight Savings Time flag (-1 .. +1)
+ tm_gmtoff : long; -- offset from CUT in seconds
+ tm_zone : Char_Pointer; -- timezone abbreviation
+ end record;
+ type tm_Pointer is access all tm;
+ subtype time_t is long;
+ type time_t_Pointer is access all time_t;
+ procedure localtime_r (C : time_t_Pointer; res : tm_Pointer);
+ pragma Import (C, localtime_r, "__gnat_localtime_r");
+ function mktime (TM : tm_Pointer) return time_t;
+ pragma Import (C, mktime);
+ -- mktime returns -1 in case the calendar time given by components of
+ -- TM.all cannot be represented.
+ -- The following constants are used in adjusting Ada dates so that they
+ -- fit into the range that can be handled by Unix (1970 - 2038). The trick
+ -- is that the number of days in any four year period in the Ada range of
+ -- years (1901 - 2099) has a constant number of days. This is because we
+ -- have the special case of 2000 which, contrary to the normal exception
+ -- for centuries, is a leap year after all.
+ Unix_Year_Min : constant := 1970;
+ Unix_Year_Max : constant := 2038;
+ Ada_Year_Min : constant := 1901;
+ Ada_Year_Max : constant := 2099;
+ -- Some basic constants used throughout
+ Days_In_Month : constant array (Month_Number) of Day_Number :=
+ (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
+ Days_In_4_Years : constant := 365 * 3 + 366;
+ Seconds_In_4_Years : constant := 86_400 * Days_In_4_Years;
+ Seconds_In_4_YearsD : constant Duration := Duration (Seconds_In_4_Years);
+ ---------
+ -- "+" --
+ ---------
+ function "+" (Left : Time; Right : Duration) return Time is
+ pragma Unsuppress (Overflow_Check);
+ begin
+ return (Left + Time (Right));
+ exception
+ when Constraint_Error =>
+ raise Time_Error;
+ end "+";
+ function "+" (Left : Duration; Right : Time) return Time is
+ pragma Unsuppress (Overflow_Check);
+ begin
+ return (Time (Left) + Right);
+ exception
+ when Constraint_Error =>
+ raise Time_Error;
+ end "+";
+ ---------
+ -- "-" --
+ ---------
+ function "-" (Left : Time; Right : Duration) return Time is
+ pragma Unsuppress (Overflow_Check);
+ begin
+ return Left - Time (Right);
+ exception
+ when Constraint_Error =>
+ raise Time_Error;
+ end "-";
+ function "-" (Left : Time; Right : Time) return Duration is
+ pragma Unsuppress (Overflow_Check);
+ begin
+ return Duration (Left) - Duration (Right);
+ exception
+ when Constraint_Error =>
+ raise Time_Error;
+ end "-";
+ ---------
+ -- "<" --
+ ---------
+ function "<" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Duration (Left) < Duration (Right);
+ end "<";
+ ----------
+ -- "<=" --
+ ----------
+ function "<=" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Duration (Left) <= Duration (Right);
+ end "<=";
+ ---------
+ -- ">" --
+ ---------
+ function ">" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Duration (Left) > Duration (Right);
+ end ">";
+ ----------
+ -- ">=" --
+ ----------
+ function ">=" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Duration (Left) >= Duration (Right);
+ end ">=";
+ -----------
+ -- Clock --
+ -----------
+ function Clock return Time is
+ begin
+ return Time (System.OS_Primitives.Clock);
+ end Clock;
+ ---------
+ -- Day --
+ ---------
+ function Day (Date : Time) return Day_Number is
+ DY : Year_Number;
+ DM : Month_Number;
+ DD : Day_Number;
+ DS : Day_Duration;
+ begin
+ Split (Date, DY, DM, DD, DS);
+ return DD;
+ end Day;
+ -----------
+ -- Month --
+ -----------
+ function Month (Date : Time) return Month_Number is
+ DY : Year_Number;
+ DM : Month_Number;
+ DD : Day_Number;
+ DS : Day_Duration;
+ begin
+ Split (Date, DY, DM, DD, DS);
+ return DM;
+ end Month;
+ -------------
+ -- Seconds --
+ -------------
+ function Seconds (Date : Time) return Day_Duration is
+ DY : Year_Number;
+ DM : Month_Number;
+ DD : Day_Number;
+ DS : Day_Duration;
+ begin
+ Split (Date, DY, DM, DD, DS);
+ return DS;
+ end Seconds;
+ -----------
+ -- Split --
+ -----------
+ procedure Split
+ (Date : Time;
+ Year : out Year_Number;
+ Month : out Month_Number;
+ Day : out Day_Number;
+ Seconds : out Day_Duration)
+ is
+ -- The following declare bounds for duration that are comfortably
+ -- wider than the maximum allowed output result for the Ada range
+ -- of representable split values. These are used for a quick check
+ -- that the value is not wildly out of range.
+ Low : constant := (Ada_Year_Min - Unix_Year_Min - 2) * 365 * 86_400;
+ High : constant := (Ada_Year_Max - Unix_Year_Min + 2) * 365 * 86_400;
+ LowD : constant Duration := Duration (Low);
+ HighD : constant Duration := Duration (High);
+ -- The following declare the maximum duration value that can be
+ -- successfully converted to a 32-bit integer suitable for passing
+ -- to the localtime_r function. Note that we cannot assume that the
+ -- localtime_r function expands to accept 64-bit input on a 64-bit
+ -- machine, but we can count on a 32-bit range on all machines.
+ Max_Time : constant := 2 ** 31 - 1;
+ Max_TimeD : constant Duration := Duration (Max_Time);
+ -- Finally the actual variables used in the computation
+ D : Duration;
+ Frac_Sec : Duration;
+ Year_Val : Integer;
+ Adjusted_Seconds : aliased time_t;
+ Tm_Val : aliased tm;
+ begin
+ -- For us a time is simply a signed duration value, so we work with
+ -- this duration value directly. Note that it can be negative.
+ D := Duration (Date);
+ -- First of all, filter out completely ludicrous values. Remember
+ -- that we use the full stored range of duration values, which may
+ -- be significantly larger than the allowed range of Ada times. Note
+ -- that these checks are wider than required to make absolutely sure
+ -- that there are no end effects from time zone differences.
+ if D < LowD or else D > HighD then
+ raise Time_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- The unix localtime_r function is more or less exactly what we need
+ -- here. The less comes from the fact that it does not support the
+ -- required range of years (the guaranteed range available is only
+ -- EPOCH through EPOCH + N seconds). N is in practice 2 ** 31 - 1.
+ -- If we have a value outside this range, then we first adjust it
+ -- to be in the required range by adding multiples of four years.
+ -- For the range we are interested in, the number of days in any
+ -- consecutive four year period is constant. Then we do the split
+ -- on the adjusted value, and readjust the years value accordingly.
+ Year_Val := 0;
+ while D < 0.0 loop
+ D := D + Seconds_In_4_YearsD;
+ Year_Val := Year_Val - 4;
+ end loop;
+ while D > Max_TimeD loop
+ D := D - Seconds_In_4_YearsD;
+ Year_Val := Year_Val + 4;
+ end loop;
+ -- Now we need to take the value D, which is now non-negative, and
+ -- break it down into seconds (to pass to the localtime_r function)
+ -- and fractions of seconds (for the adjustment below).
+ -- Surprisingly there is no easy way to do this in Ada, and certainly
+ -- no easy way to do it and generate efficient code. Therefore we
+ -- do it at a low level, knowing that it is really represented as
+ -- an integer with units of Small
+ declare
+ type D_Int is range 0 .. 2 ** (Duration'Size - 1) - 1;
+ for D_Int'Size use Duration'Size;
+ Small_Div : constant D_Int := D_Int (1.0 / Duration'Small);
+ D_As_Int : D_Int;
+ function To_D_As_Int is new Unchecked_Conversion (Duration, D_Int);
+ function To_Duration is new Unchecked_Conversion (D_Int, Duration);
+ begin
+ D_As_Int := To_D_As_Int (D);
+ Adjusted_Seconds := time_t (D_As_Int / Small_Div);
+ Frac_Sec := To_Duration (D_As_Int rem Small_Div);
+ end;
+ localtime_r (Adjusted_Seconds'Unchecked_Access, Tm_Val'Unchecked_Access);
+ Year_Val := Tm_Val.tm_year + 1900 + Year_Val;
+ Month := Tm_Val.tm_mon + 1;
+ Day := Tm_Val.tm_mday;
+ -- The Seconds value is a little complex. The localtime function
+ -- returns the integral number of seconds, which is what we want,
+ -- but we want to retain the fractional part from the original
+ -- Time value, since this is typically stored more accurately.
+ Seconds := Duration (Tm_Val.tm_hour * 3600 +
+ Tm_Val.tm_min * 60 +
+ Tm_Val.tm_sec)
+ + Frac_Sec;
+ -- Note: the above expression is pretty horrible, one of these days
+ -- we should stop using time_of and do everything ourselves to avoid
+ -- these unnecessary divides and multiplies???.
+ -- The Year may still be out of range, since our entry test was
+ -- deliberately crude. Trying to make this entry test accurate is
+ -- tricky due to time zone adjustment issues affecting the exact
+ -- boundary. It is interesting to note that whether or not a given
+ -- Calendar.Time value gets Time_Error when split depends on the
+ -- current time zone setting.
+ if Year_Val not in Ada_Year_Min .. Ada_Year_Max then
+ raise Time_Error;
+ else
+ Year := Year_Val;
+ end if;
+ end Split;
+ -------------
+ -- Time_Of --
+ -------------
+ function Time_Of
+ (Year : Year_Number;
+ Month : Month_Number;
+ Day : Day_Number;
+ Seconds : Day_Duration := 0.0)
+ return Time
+ is
+ Result_Secs : aliased time_t;
+ TM_Val : aliased tm;
+ Int_Secs : constant Integer := Integer (Seconds);
+ Year_Val : Integer := Year;
+ Duration_Adjust : Duration := 0.0;
+ begin
+ -- The following checks are redundant with respect to the constraint
+ -- error checks that should normally be made on parameters, but we
+ -- decide to raise Constraint_Error in any case if bad values come
+ -- in (as a result of checks being off in the caller, or for other
+ -- erroneous or bounded error cases).
+ if not Year 'Valid
+ or else not Month 'Valid
+ or else not Day 'Valid
+ or else not Seconds'Valid
+ then
+ raise Constraint_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Check for Day value too large (one might expect mktime to do this
+ -- check, as well as the basi checks we did with 'Valid, but it seems
+ -- that at least on some systems, this built-in check is too weak).
+ if Day > Days_In_Month (Month)
+ and then (Day /= 29 or Month /= 2 or Year mod 4 /= 0)
+ then
+ raise Time_Error;
+ end if;
+ TM_Val.tm_sec := Int_Secs mod 60;
+ TM_Val.tm_min := (Int_Secs / 60) mod 60;
+ TM_Val.tm_hour := (Int_Secs / 60) / 60;
+ TM_Val.tm_mday := Day;
+ TM_Val.tm_mon := Month - 1;
+ -- For the year, we have to adjust it to a year that Unix can handle.
+ -- We do this in four year steps, since the number of days in four
+ -- years is constant, so the timezone effect on the conversion from
+ -- local time to GMT is unaffected.
+ while Year_Val <= Unix_Year_Min loop
+ Year_Val := Year_Val + 4;
+ Duration_Adjust := Duration_Adjust - Seconds_In_4_YearsD;
+ end loop;
+ while Year_Val >= Unix_Year_Max loop
+ Year_Val := Year_Val - 4;
+ Duration_Adjust := Duration_Adjust + Seconds_In_4_YearsD;
+ end loop;
+ TM_Val.tm_year := Year_Val - 1900;
+ -- Since we do not have information on daylight savings,
+ -- rely on the default information.
+ TM_Val.tm_isdst := -1;
+ Result_Secs := mktime (TM_Val'Unchecked_Access);
+ -- That gives us the basic value in seconds. Two adjustments are
+ -- needed. First we must undo the year adjustment carried out above.
+ -- Second we put back the fraction seconds value since in general the
+ -- Day_Duration value we received has additional precision which we
+ -- do not want to lose in the constructed result.
+ return
+ Time (Duration (Result_Secs) +
+ Duration_Adjust +
+ (Seconds - Duration (Int_Secs)));
+ end Time_Of;
+ ----------
+ -- Year --
+ ----------
+ function Year (Date : Time) return Year_Number is
+ DY : Year_Number;
+ DM : Month_Number;
+ DD : Day_Number;
+ DS : Day_Duration;
+ begin
+ Split (Date, DY, DM, DD, DS);
+ return DY;
+ end Year;
+end Ada.Calendar;