path: root/gcc/ada/a-ciormu.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/a-ciormu.adb')
1 files changed, 1659 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/a-ciormu.adb b/gcc/ada/a-ciormu.adb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1d608b03672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/a-ciormu.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1659 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- This specification is derived from the Ada Reference Manual for use with --
+-- GNAT. The copyright notice above, and the license provisions that follow --
+-- apply solely to the contents of the part following the private keyword. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
+-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
+-- --
+-- This unit was originally developed by Matthew J Heaney. --
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Ada.Containers.Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Operations;
+pragma Elaborate_All (Ada.Containers.Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Operations);
+with Ada.Containers.Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Keys;
+pragma Elaborate_All (Ada.Containers.Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Keys);
+with Ada.Containers.Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Set_Operations;
+pragma Elaborate_All (Ada.Containers.Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Set_Operations);
+with System; use type System.Address;
+package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Multisets is
+ use Red_Black_Trees;
+ type Element_Access is access Element_Type;
+ type Node_Type is limited record
+ Parent : Node_Access;
+ Left : Node_Access;
+ Right : Node_Access;
+ Color : Red_Black_Trees.Color_Type := Red;
+ Element : Element_Access;
+ end record;
+ -----------------------------
+ -- Node Access Subprograms --
+ -----------------------------
+ -- These subprograms provide a functional interface to access fields
+ -- of a node, and a procedural interface for modifying these values.
+ function Color (Node : Node_Access) return Color_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Color);
+ function Left (Node : Node_Access) return Node_Access;
+ pragma Inline (Left);
+ function Parent (Node : Node_Access) return Node_Access;
+ pragma Inline (Parent);
+ function Right (Node : Node_Access) return Node_Access;
+ pragma Inline (Right);
+ procedure Set_Parent (Node : Node_Access; Parent : Node_Access);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Parent);
+ procedure Set_Left (Node : Node_Access; Left : Node_Access);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Left);
+ procedure Set_Right (Node : Node_Access; Right : Node_Access);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Right);
+ procedure Set_Color (Node : Node_Access; Color : Color_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Color);
+ -----------------------
+ -- Local Subprograms --
+ -----------------------
+ function Copy_Node (Source : Node_Access) return Node_Access;
+ pragma Inline (Copy_Node);
+ function Copy_Tree (Source_Root : Node_Access) return Node_Access;
+ procedure Delete_Tree (X : in out Node_Access);
+ procedure Free (X : in out Node_Access);
+ procedure Insert_With_Hint
+ (Dst_Tree : in out Tree_Type;
+ Dst_Hint : Node_Access;
+ Src_Node : Node_Access;
+ Dst_Node : out Node_Access);
+ function Is_Equal_Node_Node (L, R : Node_Access) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_Equal_Node_Node);
+ function Is_Greater_Element_Node
+ (Left : Element_Type;
+ Right : Node_Access) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_Greater_Element_Node);
+ function Is_Less_Element_Node
+ (Left : Element_Type;
+ Right : Node_Access) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_Less_Element_Node);
+ function Is_Less_Node_Node (L, R : Node_Access) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_Less_Node_Node);
+ --------------------------
+ -- Local Instantiations --
+ --------------------------
+ package Tree_Operations is
+ new Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Operations
+ (Tree_Types => Tree_Types,
+ Null_Node => Node_Access'(null));
+ use Tree_Operations;
+ procedure Free_Element is
+ new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Element_Type, Element_Access);
+ function Is_Equal is
+ new Tree_Operations.Generic_Equal (Is_Equal_Node_Node);
+ package Set_Ops is
+ new Generic_Set_Operations
+ (Tree_Operations => Tree_Operations,
+ Insert_With_Hint => Insert_With_Hint,
+ Copy_Tree => Copy_Tree,
+ Delete_Tree => Delete_Tree,
+ Is_Less => Is_Less_Node_Node,
+ Free => Free);
+ package Element_Keys is
+ new Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Keys
+ (Tree_Operations => Tree_Operations,
+ Key_Type => Element_Type,
+ Is_Less_Key_Node => Is_Less_Element_Node,
+ Is_Greater_Key_Node => Is_Greater_Element_Node);
+ ---------
+ -- "<" --
+ ---------
+ function "<" (Left, Right : Cursor) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left.Node.Element.all < Right.Node.Element.all;
+ end "<";
+ function "<" (Left : Cursor; Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left.Node.Element.all < Right;
+ end "<";
+ function "<" (Left : Element_Type; Right : Cursor) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left < Right.Node.Element.all;
+ end "<";
+ ---------
+ -- "=" --
+ ---------
+ function "=" (Left, Right : Set) return Boolean is begin
+ if Left'Address = Right'Address then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ return Is_Equal (Left.Tree, Right.Tree);
+ end "=";
+ ---------
+ -- ">" --
+ ---------
+ function ">" (Left : Cursor; Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Right < Left.Node.Element.all;
+ end ">";
+ function ">" (Left, Right : Cursor) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ -- L > R same as R < L
+ return Right.Node.Element.all < Left.Node.Element.all;
+ end ">";
+ function ">" (Left : Element_Type; Right : Cursor) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Right.Node.Element.all < Left;
+ end ">";
+ ------------
+ -- Adjust --
+ ------------
+ procedure Adjust (Container : in out Set) is
+ Tree : Tree_Type renames Container.Tree;
+ N : constant Count_Type := Tree.Length;
+ X : constant Node_Access := Tree.Root;
+ begin
+ if N = 0 then
+ pragma Assert (X = null);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Tree := (Length => 0, others => null);
+ Tree.Root := Copy_Tree (X);
+ Tree.First := Min (Tree.Root);
+ Tree.Last := Max (Tree.Root);
+ Tree.Length := N;
+ end Adjust;
+ -------------
+ -- Ceiling --
+ -------------
+ function Ceiling (Container : Set; Item : Element_Type) return Cursor is
+ Node : constant Node_Access :=
+ Element_Keys.Ceiling (Container.Tree, Item);
+ begin
+ if Node = null then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ return Cursor'(Container'Unchecked_Access, Node);
+ end Ceiling;
+ -----------
+ -- Clear --
+ -----------
+ procedure Clear (Container : in out Set) is
+ Tree : Tree_Type renames Container.Tree;
+ Root : Node_Access := Tree.Root;
+ begin
+ Tree := (Length => 0, others => null);
+ Delete_Tree (Root);
+ end Clear;
+ -----------
+ -- Color --
+ -----------
+ function Color (Node : Node_Access) return Color_Type is
+ begin
+ return Node.Color;
+ end Color;
+ --------------
+ -- Contains --
+ --------------
+ function Contains (Container : Set; Item : Element_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Find (Container, Item) /= No_Element;
+ end Contains;
+ ---------------
+ -- Copy_Node --
+ ---------------
+ function Copy_Node (Source : Node_Access) return Node_Access is
+ X : Element_Access := new Element_Type'(Source.Element.all);
+ begin
+ return new Node_Type'(Parent => null,
+ Left => null,
+ Right => null,
+ Color => Source.Color,
+ Element => X);
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ Free_Element (X);
+ raise;
+ end Copy_Node;
+ ---------------
+ -- Copy_Tree --
+ ---------------
+ function Copy_Tree (Source_Root : Node_Access) return Node_Access is
+ Target_Root : Node_Access := Copy_Node (Source_Root);
+ P, X : Node_Access;
+ begin
+ if Source_Root.Right /= null then
+ Target_Root.Right := Copy_Tree (Source_Root.Right);
+ Target_Root.Right.Parent := Target_Root;
+ end if;
+ P := Target_Root;
+ X := Source_Root.Left;
+ while X /= null loop
+ declare
+ Y : Node_Access := Copy_Node (X);
+ begin
+ P.Left := Y;
+ Y.Parent := P;
+ if X.Right /= null then
+ Y.Right := Copy_Tree (X.Right);
+ Y.Right.Parent := Y;
+ end if;
+ P := Y;
+ X := X.Left;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ return Target_Root;
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ Delete_Tree (Target_Root);
+ raise;
+ end Copy_Tree;
+ ------------
+ -- Delete --
+ ------------
+ procedure Delete (Container : in out Set; Item : Element_Type) is
+ Tree : Tree_Type renames Container.Tree;
+ Node : Node_Access := Element_Keys.Ceiling (Tree, Item);
+ Done : constant Node_Access := Element_Keys.Upper_Bound (Tree, Item);
+ X : Node_Access;
+ begin
+ if Node = Done then
+ raise Constraint_Error;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ X := Node;
+ Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Node);
+ Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Tree, X);
+ Free (X);
+ exit when Node = Done;
+ end loop;
+ end Delete;
+ procedure Delete (Container : in out Set; Position : in out Cursor) is
+ begin
+ if Position = No_Element then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Position.Container /= Set_Access'(Container'Unchecked_Access) then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Container.Tree, Position.Node);
+ Free (Position.Node);
+ Position.Container := null;
+ end Delete;
+ ------------------
+ -- Delete_First --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Delete_First (Container : in out Set) is
+ Tree : Tree_Type renames Container.Tree;
+ X : Node_Access := Tree.First;
+ begin
+ if X = null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Tree, X);
+ Free (X);
+ end Delete_First;
+ -----------------
+ -- Delete_Last --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Delete_Last (Container : in out Set) is
+ Tree : Tree_Type renames Container.Tree;
+ X : Node_Access := Tree.Last;
+ begin
+ if X = null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Tree, X);
+ Free (X);
+ end Delete_Last;
+ -----------------
+ -- Delete_Tree --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Delete_Tree (X : in out Node_Access) is
+ Y : Node_Access;
+ begin
+ while X /= null loop
+ Y := X.Right;
+ Delete_Tree (Y);
+ Y := X.Left;
+ Free (X);
+ X := Y;
+ end loop;
+ end Delete_Tree;
+ ----------------
+ -- Difference --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Difference (Target : in out Set; Source : Set) is
+ begin
+ if Target'Address = Source'Address then
+ Clear (Target);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Ops.Difference (Target.Tree, Source.Tree);
+ end Difference;
+ function Difference (Left, Right : Set) return Set is
+ begin
+ if Left'Address = Right'Address then
+ return Empty_Set;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Tree : constant Tree_Type :=
+ Set_Ops.Difference (Left.Tree, Right.Tree);
+ begin
+ return (Controlled with Tree);
+ end;
+ end Difference;
+ -------------
+ -- Element --
+ -------------
+ function Element (Position : Cursor) return Element_Type is
+ begin
+ return Position.Node.Element.all;
+ end Element;
+ -------------
+ -- Exclude --
+ -------------
+ procedure Exclude (Container : in out Set; Item : Element_Type) is
+ Tree : Tree_Type renames Container.Tree;
+ Node : Node_Access := Element_Keys.Ceiling (Tree, Item);
+ Done : constant Node_Access := Element_Keys.Upper_Bound (Tree, Item);
+ X : Node_Access;
+ begin
+ while Node /= Done loop
+ X := Node;
+ Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Node);
+ Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Tree, X);
+ Free (X);
+ end loop;
+ end Exclude;
+ ----------
+ -- Find --
+ ----------
+ function Find (Container : Set; Item : Element_Type) return Cursor is
+ Node : constant Node_Access :=
+ Element_Keys.Find (Container.Tree, Item);
+ begin
+ if Node = null then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ return Cursor'(Container'Unchecked_Access, Node);
+ end Find;
+ -----------
+ -- First --
+ -----------
+ function First (Container : Set) return Cursor is
+ begin
+ if Container.Tree.First = null then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ return Cursor'(Container'Unchecked_Access, Container.Tree.First);
+ end First;
+ -------------------
+ -- First_Element --
+ -------------------
+ function First_Element (Container : Set) return Element_Type is
+ begin
+ return Container.Tree.First.Element.all;
+ end First_Element;
+ -----------
+ -- Floor --
+ -----------
+ function Floor (Container : Set; Item : Element_Type) return Cursor is
+ Node : constant Node_Access :=
+ Element_Keys.Floor (Container.Tree, Item);
+ begin
+ if Node = null then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ return Cursor'(Container'Unchecked_Access, Node);
+ end Floor;
+ ----------
+ -- Free --
+ ----------
+ procedure Free (X : in out Node_Access) is
+ procedure Deallocate is
+ new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Node_Type, Node_Access);
+ begin
+ if X /= null then
+ Free_Element (X.Element);
+ Deallocate (X);
+ end if;
+ end Free;
+ ------------------
+ -- Generic_Keys --
+ ------------------
+ package body Generic_Keys is
+ -----------------------
+ -- Local Subprograms --
+ -----------------------
+ function Is_Less_Key_Node
+ (Left : Key_Type;
+ Right : Node_Access) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_Less_Key_Node);
+ function Is_Greater_Key_Node
+ (Left : Key_Type;
+ Right : Node_Access) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_Greater_Key_Node);
+ --------------------------
+ -- Local Instantiations --
+ --------------------------
+ package Key_Keys is
+ new Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Keys
+ (Tree_Operations => Tree_Operations,
+ Key_Type => Key_Type,
+ Is_Less_Key_Node => Is_Less_Key_Node,
+ Is_Greater_Key_Node => Is_Greater_Key_Node);
+ ---------
+ -- "<" --
+ ---------
+ function "<" (Left : Key_Type; Right : Cursor) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left < Right.Node.Element.all;
+ end "<";
+ function "<" (Left : Cursor; Right : Key_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Right > Left.Node.Element.all;
+ end "<";
+ ---------
+ -- ">" --
+ ---------
+ function ">" (Left : Key_Type; Right : Cursor) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left > Right.Node.Element.all;
+ end ">";
+ function ">" (Left : Cursor; Right : Key_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Right < Left.Node.Element.all;
+ end ">";
+ -------------
+ -- Ceiling --
+ -------------
+ function Ceiling (Container : Set; Key : Key_Type) return Cursor is
+ Node : constant Node_Access :=
+ Key_Keys.Ceiling (Container.Tree, Key);
+ begin
+ if Node = null then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ return Cursor'(Container'Unchecked_Access, Node);
+ end Ceiling;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Checked_Update_Element --
+ ----------------------------
+ procedure Checked_Update_Element
+ (Container : in out Set;
+ Position : Cursor;
+ Process : not null access procedure (Element : in out Element_Type))
+ is
+ begin
+ if Position.Container = null then
+ raise Constraint_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Position.Container /= Set_Access'(Container'Unchecked_Access) then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Old_Key : Key_Type renames Key (Position.Node.Element.all);
+ begin
+ Process (Position.Node.Element.all);
+ if Old_Key < Position.Node.Element.all
+ or else Old_Key > Position.Node.Element.all
+ then
+ null;
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Container.Tree, Position.Node);
+ Do_Insert : declare
+ Result : Node_Access;
+ function New_Node return Node_Access;
+ pragma Inline (New_Node);
+ procedure Insert_Post is
+ new Key_Keys.Generic_Insert_Post (New_Node);
+ procedure Insert is
+ new Key_Keys.Generic_Unconditional_Insert (Insert_Post);
+ --------------
+ -- New_Node --
+ --------------
+ function New_Node return Node_Access is
+ begin
+ return Position.Node;
+ end New_Node;
+ -- Start of processing for Do_Insert
+ begin
+ Insert
+ (Tree => Container.Tree,
+ Key => Key (Position.Node.Element.all),
+ Node => Result);
+ pragma Assert (Result = Position.Node);
+ end Do_Insert;
+ end Checked_Update_Element;
+ --------------
+ -- Contains --
+ --------------
+ function Contains (Container : Set; Key : Key_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Find (Container, Key) /= No_Element;
+ end Contains;
+ ------------
+ -- Delete --
+ ------------
+ procedure Delete (Container : in out Set; Key : Key_Type) is
+ Tree : Tree_Type renames Container.Tree;
+ Node : Node_Access := Key_Keys.Ceiling (Tree, Key);
+ Done : constant Node_Access := Key_Keys.Upper_Bound (Tree, Key);
+ X : Node_Access;
+ begin
+ if Node = Done then
+ raise Constraint_Error;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ X := Node;
+ Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Node);
+ Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Tree, X);
+ Free (X);
+ exit when Node = Done;
+ end loop;
+ end Delete;
+ -------------
+ -- Element --
+ -------------
+ function Element (Container : Set; Key : Key_Type) return Element_Type is
+ Node : constant Node_Access := Key_Keys.Find (Container.Tree, Key);
+ begin
+ return Node.Element.all;
+ end Element;
+ -------------
+ -- Exclude --
+ -------------
+ procedure Exclude (Container : in out Set; Key : Key_Type) is
+ Tree : Tree_Type renames Container.Tree;
+ Node : Node_Access := Key_Keys.Ceiling (Tree, Key);
+ Done : constant Node_Access := Key_Keys.Upper_Bound (Tree, Key);
+ X : Node_Access;
+ begin
+ while Node /= Done loop
+ X := Node;
+ Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Node);
+ Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Tree, X);
+ Free (X);
+ end loop;
+ end Exclude;
+ ----------
+ -- Find --
+ ----------
+ function Find (Container : Set; Key : Key_Type) return Cursor is
+ Node : constant Node_Access := Key_Keys.Find (Container.Tree, Key);
+ begin
+ if Node = null then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ return Cursor'(Container'Unchecked_Access, Node);
+ end Find;
+ -----------
+ -- Floor --
+ -----------
+ function Floor (Container : Set; Key : Key_Type) return Cursor is
+ Node : constant Node_Access := Key_Keys.Floor (Container.Tree, Key);
+ begin
+ if Node = null then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ return Cursor'(Container'Unchecked_Access, Node);
+ end Floor;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Is_Greater_Key_Node --
+ -------------------------
+ function Is_Greater_Key_Node
+ (Left : Key_Type;
+ Right : Node_Access) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left > Right.Element.all;
+ end Is_Greater_Key_Node;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Is_Less_Key_Node --
+ ----------------------
+ function Is_Less_Key_Node
+ (Left : Key_Type;
+ Right : Node_Access) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Left < Right.Element.all;
+ end Is_Less_Key_Node;
+ -------------
+ -- Iterate --
+ -------------
+ procedure Iterate
+ (Container : Set;
+ Key : Key_Type;
+ Process : not null access procedure (Position : Cursor))
+ is
+ procedure Process_Node (Node : Node_Access);
+ pragma Inline (Process_Node);
+ procedure Local_Iterate is
+ new Key_Keys.Generic_Iteration (Process_Node);
+ ------------------
+ -- Process_Node --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Process_Node (Node : Node_Access) is
+ begin
+ Process (Cursor'(Container'Unchecked_Access, Node));
+ end Process_Node;
+ -- Start of processing for Iterate
+ begin
+ Local_Iterate (Container.Tree, Key);
+ end Iterate;
+ ---------
+ -- Key --
+ ---------
+ function Key (Position : Cursor) return Key_Type is
+ begin
+ return Key (Position.Node.Element.all);
+ end Key;
+ -------------
+ -- Replace --
+ -------------
+ -- In post-madision api: ???
+-- procedure Replace
+-- (Container : in out Set;
+-- Key : Key_Type;
+-- New_Item : Element_Type)
+-- is
+-- Node : Node_Access := Key_Keys.Find (Container.Tree, Key);
+-- begin
+-- if Node = null then
+-- raise Constraint_Error;
+-- end if;
+-- Replace_Node (Container, Node, New_Item);
+-- end Replace;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Reverse_Iterate --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Reverse_Iterate
+ (Container : Set;
+ Key : Key_Type;
+ Process : not null access procedure (Position : Cursor))
+ is
+ procedure Process_Node (Node : Node_Access);
+ pragma Inline (Process_Node);
+ -------------
+ -- Iterate --
+ -------------
+ procedure Local_Reverse_Iterate is
+ new Key_Keys.Generic_Reverse_Iteration (Process_Node);
+ ------------------
+ -- Process_Node --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Process_Node (Node : Node_Access) is
+ begin
+ Process (Cursor'(Container'Unchecked_Access, Node));
+ end Process_Node;
+ -- Start of processing for Reverse_Iterate
+ begin
+ Local_Reverse_Iterate (Container.Tree, Key);
+ end Reverse_Iterate;
+ end Generic_Keys;
+ -----------------
+ -- Has_Element --
+ -----------------
+ function Has_Element (Position : Cursor) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Position /= No_Element;
+ end Has_Element;
+ ------------
+ -- Insert --
+ ------------
+ procedure Insert (Container : in out Set; New_Item : Element_Type) is
+ Position : Cursor;
+ begin
+ Insert (Container, New_Item, Position);
+ end Insert;
+ procedure Insert
+ (Container : in out Set;
+ New_Item : Element_Type;
+ Position : out Cursor)
+ is
+ function New_Node return Node_Access;
+ pragma Inline (New_Node);
+ procedure Insert_Post is
+ new Element_Keys.Generic_Insert_Post (New_Node);
+ procedure Unconditional_Insert_Sans_Hint is
+ new Element_Keys.Generic_Unconditional_Insert (Insert_Post);
+ --------------
+ -- New_Node --
+ --------------
+ function New_Node return Node_Access is
+ X : Element_Access := new Element_Type'(New_Item);
+ begin
+ return new Node_Type'(Parent => null,
+ Left => null,
+ Right => null,
+ Color => Red,
+ Element => X);
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ Free_Element (X);
+ raise;
+ end New_Node;
+ -- Start of processing for Insert
+ begin
+ Unconditional_Insert_Sans_Hint
+ (Container.Tree,
+ New_Item,
+ Position.Node);
+ Position.Container := Container'Unchecked_Access;
+ end Insert;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Insert_With_Hint --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Insert_With_Hint
+ (Dst_Tree : in out Tree_Type;
+ Dst_Hint : Node_Access;
+ Src_Node : Node_Access;
+ Dst_Node : out Node_Access)
+ is
+ function New_Node return Node_Access;
+ pragma Inline (New_Node);
+ procedure Insert_Post is
+ new Element_Keys.Generic_Insert_Post (New_Node);
+ procedure Insert_Sans_Hint is
+ new Element_Keys.Generic_Unconditional_Insert (Insert_Post);
+ procedure Local_Insert_With_Hint is
+ new Element_Keys.Generic_Unconditional_Insert_With_Hint
+ (Insert_Post,
+ Insert_Sans_Hint);
+ --------------
+ -- New_Node --
+ --------------
+ function New_Node return Node_Access is
+ X : Element_Access := new Element_Type'(Src_Node.Element.all);
+ begin
+ return new Node_Type'(Parent => null,
+ Left => null,
+ Right => null,
+ Color => Red,
+ Element => X);
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ Free_Element (X);
+ raise;
+ end New_Node;
+ -- Start of processing for Insert_With_Hint
+ begin
+ Local_Insert_With_Hint
+ (Dst_Tree,
+ Dst_Hint,
+ Src_Node.Element.all,
+ Dst_Node);
+ end Insert_With_Hint;
+ ------------------
+ -- Intersection --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Intersection (Target : in out Set; Source : Set) is
+ begin
+ if Target'Address = Source'Address then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Ops.Intersection (Target.Tree, Source.Tree);
+ end Intersection;
+ function Intersection (Left, Right : Set) return Set is
+ begin
+ if Left'Address = Right'Address then
+ return Left;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Tree : constant Tree_Type :=
+ Set_Ops.Intersection (Left.Tree, Right.Tree);
+ begin
+ return (Controlled with Tree);
+ end;
+ end Intersection;
+ --------------
+ -- Is_Empty --
+ --------------
+ function Is_Empty (Container : Set) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Container.Tree.Length = 0;
+ end Is_Empty;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Is_Equal_Node_Node --
+ ------------------------
+ function Is_Equal_Node_Node (L, R : Node_Access) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return L.Element.all = R.Element.all;
+ end Is_Equal_Node_Node;
+ -----------------------------
+ -- Is_Greater_Element_Node --
+ -----------------------------
+ function Is_Greater_Element_Node
+ (Left : Element_Type;
+ Right : Node_Access) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ -- e > node same as node < e
+ return Right.Element.all < Left;
+ end Is_Greater_Element_Node;
+ --------------------------
+ -- Is_Less_Element_Node --
+ --------------------------
+ function Is_Less_Element_Node
+ (Left : Element_Type;
+ Right : Node_Access) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ return Left < Right.Element.all;
+ end Is_Less_Element_Node;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Is_Less_Node_Node --
+ -----------------------
+ function Is_Less_Node_Node (L, R : Node_Access) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return L.Element.all < R.Element.all;
+ end Is_Less_Node_Node;
+ ---------------
+ -- Is_Subset --
+ ---------------
+ function Is_Subset (Subset : Set; Of_Set : Set) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if Subset'Address = Of_Set'Address then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ return Set_Ops.Is_Subset (Subset => Subset.Tree, Of_Set => Of_Set.Tree);
+ end Is_Subset;
+ -------------
+ -- Iterate --
+ -------------
+ procedure Iterate
+ (Container : Set;
+ Item : Element_Type;
+ Process : not null access procedure (Position : Cursor))
+ is
+ procedure Process_Node (Node : Node_Access);
+ pragma Inline (Process_Node);
+ procedure Local_Iterate is
+ new Element_Keys.Generic_Iteration (Process_Node);
+ ------------------
+ -- Process_Node --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Process_Node (Node : Node_Access) is
+ begin
+ Process (Cursor'(Container'Unchecked_Access, Node));
+ end Process_Node;
+ -- Start of processing for Iterate
+ begin
+ Local_Iterate (Container.Tree, Item);
+ end Iterate;
+ procedure Iterate
+ (Container : Set;
+ Process : not null access procedure (Position : Cursor))
+ is
+ procedure Process_Node (Node : Node_Access);
+ pragma Inline (Process_Node);
+ procedure Local_Iterate is
+ new Tree_Operations.Generic_Iteration (Process_Node);
+ ------------------
+ -- Process_Node --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Process_Node (Node : Node_Access) is
+ begin
+ Process (Cursor'(Container'Unchecked_Access, Node));
+ end Process_Node;
+ -- Start of processing for Iterate
+ begin
+ Local_Iterate (Container.Tree);
+ end Iterate;
+ ----------
+ -- Last --
+ ----------
+ function Last (Container : Set) return Cursor is
+ begin
+ if Container.Tree.Last = null then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ return Cursor'(Container'Unchecked_Access, Container.Tree.Last);
+ end Last;
+ ------------------
+ -- Last_Element --
+ ------------------
+ function Last_Element (Container : Set) return Element_Type is
+ begin
+ return Container.Tree.Last.Element.all;
+ end Last_Element;
+ ----------
+ -- Left --
+ ----------
+ function Left (Node : Node_Access) return Node_Access is
+ begin
+ return Node.Left;
+ end Left;
+ ------------
+ -- Length --
+ ------------
+ function Length (Container : Set) return Count_Type is
+ begin
+ return Container.Tree.Length;
+ end Length;
+ ----------
+ -- Move --
+ ----------
+ procedure Move (Target : in out Set; Source : in out Set) is
+ begin
+ if Target'Address = Source'Address then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Move (Target => Target.Tree, Source => Source.Tree);
+ end Move;
+ ----------
+ -- Next --
+ ----------
+ function Next (Position : Cursor) return Cursor is
+ begin
+ if Position = No_Element then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Node : constant Node_Access :=
+ Tree_Operations.Next (Position.Node);
+ begin
+ if Node = null then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ return Cursor'(Position.Container, Node);
+ end;
+ end Next;
+ procedure Next (Position : in out Cursor) is
+ begin
+ Position := Next (Position);
+ end Next;
+ -------------
+ -- Overlap --
+ -------------
+ function Overlap (Left, Right : Set) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if Left'Address = Right'Address then
+ return Left.Tree.Length /= 0;
+ end if;
+ return Set_Ops.Overlap (Left.Tree, Right.Tree);
+ end Overlap;
+ ------------
+ -- Parent --
+ ------------
+ function Parent (Node : Node_Access) return Node_Access is
+ begin
+ return Node.Parent;
+ end Parent;
+ --------------
+ -- Previous --
+ --------------
+ function Previous (Position : Cursor) return Cursor is
+ begin
+ if Position = No_Element then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Node : constant Node_Access :=
+ Tree_Operations.Previous (Position.Node);
+ begin
+ if Node = null then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ return Cursor'(Position.Container, Node);
+ end;
+ end Previous;
+ procedure Previous (Position : in out Cursor) is
+ begin
+ Position := Previous (Position);
+ end Previous;
+ -------------------
+ -- Query_Element --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Query_Element
+ (Position : Cursor;
+ Process : not null access procedure (Element : Element_Type))
+ is
+ begin
+ Process (Position.Node.Element.all);
+ end Query_Element;
+ ----------
+ -- Read --
+ ----------
+ procedure Read
+ (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Container : out Set)
+ is
+ N : Count_Type'Base;
+ function New_Node return Node_Access;
+ pragma Inline (New_Node);
+ procedure Local_Read is new Tree_Operations.Generic_Read (New_Node);
+ --------------
+ -- New_Node --
+ --------------
+ function New_Node return Node_Access is
+ Node : Node_Access := new Node_Type;
+ begin
+ begin
+ Node.Element := new Element_Type'(Element_Type'Input (Stream));
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ Free (Node);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ return Node;
+ end New_Node;
+ -- Start of processing for Read
+ begin
+ Clear (Container);
+ Count_Type'Base'Read (Stream, N);
+ pragma Assert (N >= 0);
+ Local_Read (Container.Tree, N);
+ end Read;
+ -------------
+ -- Replace --
+ -------------
+ -- NOTE: from post-madison api???
+-- procedure Replace
+-- (Container : in out Set;
+-- Position : Cursor;
+-- By : Element_Type)
+-- is
+-- begin
+-- if Position.Container = null then
+-- raise Constraint_Error;
+-- end if;
+-- if Position.Container /= Set_Access'(Container'Unchecked_Access) then
+-- raise Program_Error;
+-- end if;
+-- Replace_Node (Container, Position.Node, By);
+-- end Replace;
+ ------------------
+ -- Replace_Node --
+ ------------------
+ -- NOTE: from post-madison api???
+-- procedure Replace_Node
+-- (Container : in out Set;
+-- Position : Node_Access;
+-- By : Element_Type);
+-- is
+-- Tree : Tree_Type renames Container.Tree;
+-- Node : Node_Access := Position;
+-- begin
+-- if By < Node.Element
+-- or else Node.Element < By
+-- then
+-- null;
+-- else
+-- begin
+-- Node.Element := By;
+-- exception
+-- when others =>
+-- Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Tree, Node);
+-- Free (Node);
+-- raise;
+-- end;
+-- return;
+-- end if;
+-- Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Tree, Node);
+-- begin
+-- Node.Element := By;
+-- exception
+-- when others =>
+-- Free (Node);
+-- raise;
+-- end;
+-- declare
+-- Result : Node_Access;
+-- Success : Boolean;
+-- function New_Node return Node_Access;
+-- pragma Inline (New_Node);
+-- procedure Insert_Post is
+-- new Element_Keys.Generic_Insert_Post (New_Node);
+-- procedure Insert is
+-- new Element_Keys.Generic_Conditional_Insert (Insert_Post);
+-- --------------
+-- -- New_Node --
+-- --------------
+-- function New_Node return Node_Access is
+-- begin
+-- return Node;
+-- end New_Node;
+-- -- Start of processing for Replace_Node
+-- begin
+-- Insert
+-- (Tree => Tree,
+-- Key => Node.Element,
+-- Node => Result,
+-- Success => Success);
+-- if not Success then
+-- Free (Node);
+-- raise Program_Error;
+-- end if;
+-- pragma Assert (Result = Node);
+-- end;
+-- end Replace_Node;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Reverse_Iterate --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Reverse_Iterate
+ (Container : Set;
+ Item : Element_Type;
+ Process : not null access procedure (Position : Cursor))
+ is
+ procedure Process_Node (Node : Node_Access);
+ pragma Inline (Process_Node);
+ procedure Local_Reverse_Iterate is
+ new Element_Keys.Generic_Reverse_Iteration (Process_Node);
+ ------------------
+ -- Process_Node --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Process_Node (Node : Node_Access) is
+ begin
+ Process (Cursor'(Container'Unchecked_Access, Node));
+ end Process_Node;
+ -- Start of processing for Reverse_Iterate
+ begin
+ Local_Reverse_Iterate (Container.Tree, Item);
+ end Reverse_Iterate;
+ procedure Reverse_Iterate
+ (Container : Set;
+ Process : not null access procedure (Position : Cursor))
+ is
+ procedure Process_Node (Node : Node_Access);
+ pragma Inline (Process_Node);
+ procedure Local_Reverse_Iterate is
+ new Tree_Operations.Generic_Reverse_Iteration (Process_Node);
+ ------------------
+ -- Process_Node --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Process_Node (Node : Node_Access) is
+ begin
+ Process (Cursor'(Container'Unchecked_Access, Node));
+ end Process_Node;
+ -- Start of processing for Reverse_Iterate
+ begin
+ Local_Reverse_Iterate (Container.Tree);
+ end Reverse_Iterate;
+ -----------
+ -- Right --
+ -----------
+ function Right (Node : Node_Access) return Node_Access is
+ begin
+ return Node.Right;
+ end Right;
+ ---------------
+ -- Set_Color --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Set_Color (Node : Node_Access; Color : Color_Type) is
+ begin
+ Node.Color := Color;
+ end Set_Color;
+ --------------
+ -- Set_Left --
+ --------------
+ procedure Set_Left (Node : Node_Access; Left : Node_Access) is
+ begin
+ Node.Left := Left;
+ end Set_Left;
+ ----------------
+ -- Set_Parent --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Set_Parent (Node : Node_Access; Parent : Node_Access) is
+ begin
+ Node.Parent := Parent;
+ end Set_Parent;
+ ---------------
+ -- Set_Right --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Set_Right (Node : Node_Access; Right : Node_Access) is
+ begin
+ Node.Right := Right;
+ end Set_Right;
+ --------------------------
+ -- Symmetric_Difference --
+ --------------------------
+ procedure Symmetric_Difference (Target : in out Set; Source : Set) is
+ begin
+ if Target'Address = Source'Address then
+ Clear (Target);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Ops.Symmetric_Difference (Target.Tree, Source.Tree);
+ end Symmetric_Difference;
+ function Symmetric_Difference (Left, Right : Set) return Set is
+ begin
+ if Left'Address = Right'Address then
+ return Empty_Set;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Tree : constant Tree_Type :=
+ Set_Ops.Symmetric_Difference (Left.Tree, Right.Tree);
+ begin
+ return (Controlled with Tree);
+ end;
+ end Symmetric_Difference;
+ -----------
+ -- Union --
+ -----------
+ procedure Union (Target : in out Set; Source : Set) is
+ begin
+ if Target'Address = Source'Address then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Ops.Union (Target.Tree, Source.Tree);
+ end Union;
+ function Union (Left, Right : Set) return Set is begin
+ if Left'Address = Right'Address then
+ return Left;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Tree : constant Tree_Type := Set_Ops.Union (Left.Tree, Right.Tree);
+ begin
+ return (Controlled with Tree);
+ end;
+ end Union;
+ -----------
+ -- Write --
+ -----------
+ procedure Write
+ (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Container : Set)
+ is
+ procedure Process (Node : Node_Access);
+ pragma Inline (Process);
+ procedure Iterate is new Tree_Operations.Generic_Iteration (Process);
+ -------------
+ -- Process --
+ -------------
+ procedure Process (Node : Node_Access) is
+ begin
+ Element_Type'Output (Stream, Node.Element.all);
+ end Process;
+ -- Start of processing for Write
+ begin
+ Count_Type'Base'Write (Stream, Container.Tree.Length);
+ Iterate (Container.Tree);
+ end Write;
+end Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Multisets;