path: root/gcc/ada/a-except.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/a-except.adb')
1 files changed, 1980 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/a-except.adb b/gcc/ada/a-except.adb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e3228d7d31a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/a-except.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1980 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- A D A . E X C E P T I O N S --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- $Revision: 1.119 $
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
+-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
+-- --
+pragma Polling (Off);
+-- We must turn polling off for this unit, because otherwise we get
+-- elaboration circularities with System.Exception_Tables.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with GNAT.Heap_Sort_A; use GNAT.Heap_Sort_A;
+with System; use System;
+with System.Exception_Table; use System.Exception_Table;
+with System.Exceptions; use System.Exceptions;
+with System.Standard_Library; use System.Standard_Library;
+with System.Storage_Elements; use System.Storage_Elements;
+with System.Soft_Links; use System.Soft_Links;
+with System.Machine_State_Operations; use System.Machine_State_Operations;
+with System.Traceback;
+with Unchecked_Conversion;
+package body Ada.Exceptions is
+ procedure builtin_longjmp (buffer : Address; Flag : Integer);
+ pragma No_Return (builtin_longjmp);
+ pragma Import (C, builtin_longjmp, "_gnat_builtin_longjmp");
+ pragma Suppress (All_Checks);
+ -- We definitely do not want exceptions occurring within this unit, or
+ -- we are in big trouble. If an exceptional situation does occur, better
+ -- that it not be raised, since raising it can cause confusing chaos.
+ type Subprogram_Descriptor_List_Ptr is
+ access all Subprogram_Descriptor_List;
+ Subprogram_Descriptors : Subprogram_Descriptor_List_Ptr;
+ -- This location is initialized by Register_Exceptions to point to a
+ -- list of pointers to procedure descriptors, sorted into ascending
+ -- order of PC addresses.
+ --
+ -- Note that SDP_Table_Build is called *before* this unit (or any
+ -- other unit) is elaborated. That's important, because exceptions can
+ -- and do occur during elaboration of units, and must be handled during
+ -- elaboration. This means that we are counting on the fact that the
+ -- initialization of Subprogram_Descriptors to null is done by the
+ -- load process and NOT by an explicit assignment during elaboration.
+ Num_Subprogram_Descriptors : Natural;
+ -- Number of subprogram descriptors, the useful descriptors are stored
+ -- in Subprogram_Descriptors (1 .. Num_Subprogram_Descriptors). There
+ -- can be unused entries at the end of the array due to elimination of
+ -- duplicated entries (which can arise from use of pragma Import).
+ Exception_Tracebacks : Integer;
+ pragma Import (C, Exception_Tracebacks, "__gl_exception_tracebacks");
+ -- Boolean indicating whether tracebacks should be stored in exception
+ -- occurrences.
+ Nline : constant String := String' (1 => ASCII.LF);
+ -- Convenient shortcut
+ -----------------------
+ -- Local Subprograms --
+ -----------------------
+ -- Note: the exported subprograms in this package body are called directly
+ -- from C clients using the given external name, even though they are not
+ -- technically visible in the Ada sense.
+ procedure AAA;
+ -- Mark start of procedures in this unit
+ procedure ZZZ;
+ -- Mark end of procedures in this package
+ Address_Image_Length : constant :=
+ 13 + 10 * Boolean'Pos (Standard'Address_Size > 32);
+ -- Length of string returned by Address_Image function
+ function Address_Image (A : System.Address) return String;
+ -- Returns at string of the form 0xhhhhhhhhh for 32-bit addresses
+ -- or 0xhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for 64-bit addresses. Hex characters are
+ -- in lower case.
+ procedure Free
+ is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Subprogram_Descriptor_List, Subprogram_Descriptor_List_Ptr);
+ procedure Raise_Current_Excep (E : Exception_Id);
+ pragma No_Return (Raise_Current_Excep);
+ pragma Export (C, Raise_Current_Excep, "__gnat_raise_nodefer_with_msg");
+ -- This is the lowest level raise routine. It raises the exception
+ -- referenced by Current_Excep.all in the TSD, without deferring
+ -- abort (the caller must ensure that abort is deferred on entry).
+ -- The parameter E is ignored.
+ --
+ -- This external name for Raise_Current_Excep is historical, and probably
+ -- should be changed but for now we keep it, because gdb knows about it.
+ -- The parameter is also present for historical compatibility. ???
+ procedure Raise_Exception_No_Defer
+ (E : Exception_Id; Message : String := "");
+ pragma Export (Ada, Raise_Exception_No_Defer,
+ "ada__exceptions__raise_exception_no_defer");
+ pragma No_Return (Raise_Exception_No_Defer);
+ -- Similar to Raise_Exception, but with no abort deferral
+ procedure Raise_With_Msg (E : Exception_Id);
+ pragma No_Return (Raise_With_Msg);
+ pragma Export (C, Raise_With_Msg, "__gnat_raise_with_msg");
+ -- Raises an exception with given exception id value. A message
+ -- is associated with the raise, and has already been stored in the
+ -- exception occurrence referenced by the Current_Excep in the TSD.
+ -- Abort is deferred before the raise call.
+ procedure Raise_With_Location
+ (E : Exception_Id;
+ F : SSL.Big_String_Ptr;
+ L : Integer);
+ pragma No_Return (Raise_With_Location);
+ -- Raise an exception with given exception id value. A filename and line
+ -- number is associated with the raise and is stored in the exception
+ -- occurrence.
+ procedure Raise_Constraint_Error
+ (File : SSL.Big_String_Ptr; Line : Integer);
+ pragma No_Return (Raise_Constraint_Error);
+ pragma Export (C, Raise_Constraint_Error, "__gnat_raise_constraint_error");
+ -- Raise constraint error with file:line information
+ procedure Raise_Program_Error
+ (File : SSL.Big_String_Ptr; Line : Integer);
+ pragma No_Return (Raise_Program_Error);
+ pragma Export (C, Raise_Program_Error, "__gnat_raise_program_error");
+ -- Raise program error with file:line information
+ procedure Raise_Storage_Error
+ (File : SSL.Big_String_Ptr; Line : Integer);
+ pragma No_Return (Raise_Storage_Error);
+ pragma Export (C, Raise_Storage_Error, "__gnat_raise_storage_error");
+ -- Raise storage error with file:line information
+ -- The exception raising process and the automatic tracing mechanism rely
+ -- on some careful use of flags attached to the exception occurrence. The
+ -- graph below illustrates the relations between the Raise_ subprograms
+ -- and identifies the points where basic flags such as Exception_Raised
+ -- are initialized.
+ --
+ -- (i) signs indicate the flags initialization points. R stands for Raise,
+ -- W for With, and E for Exception.
+ --
+ -- R_No_Msg R_E R_Pe R_Ce R_Se
+ -- | | | | |
+ -- +--+ +--+ +---+ | +---+
+ -- | | | | |
+ -- R_E_No_Defer(i) R_W_Msg(i) R_W_Loc R_W_C_Msg
+ -- | | | | | |
+ -- +------------+ | +-----------+ +--+ +--+ |
+ -- | | | | | |
+ -- | | | Set_E_C_Msg(i) |
+ -- | | | |
+ -- | | | +--------------------------+
+ -- | | | |
+ -- Raise_Current_Excep
+ procedure Reraise;
+ pragma No_Return (Reraise);
+ pragma Export (C, Reraise, "__gnat_reraise");
+ -- Reraises the exception referenced by the Current_Excep field of
+ -- the TSD (all fields of this exception occurrence are set). Abort
+ -- is deferred before the reraise operation.
+ function SDP_Table_Sort_Lt (Op1, Op2 : Natural) return Boolean;
+ -- Used in call to sort SDP table (SDP_Table_Build), compares two elements
+ procedure SDP_Table_Sort_Move (From : Natural; To : Natural);
+ -- Used in call to sort SDP table (SDP_Table_Build), moves one element
+ procedure Set_Exception_C_Msg
+ (Id : Exception_Id;
+ Msg : SSL.Big_String_Ptr;
+ Line : Integer := 0);
+ -- This routine is called to setup the exception referenced by the
+ -- Current_Excep field in the TSD to contain the indicated Id value
+ -- and message. Msg is a null terminated string. when Line > 0,
+ -- Msg is the filename and line the line number of the exception location.
+ procedure To_Stderr (S : String);
+ pragma Export (Ada, To_Stderr, "__gnat_to_stderr");
+ -- Little routine to output string to stderr that is also used
+ -- in the tasking run time.
+ procedure Unhandled_Exception_Terminate;
+ pragma No_Return (Unhandled_Exception_Terminate);
+ -- This procedure is called to terminate execution following an unhandled
+ -- exception. The exception information, including traceback if available
+ -- is output, and execution is then terminated. Note that at the point
+ -- where this routine is called, the stack has typically been destroyed
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- Debugger Interface Routines --
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- The routines here are null routines that normally have no effect.
+ -- they are provided for the debugger to place breakpoints on their
+ -- entry points to get control on an exception.
+ procedure Notify_Exception
+ (Id : Exception_Id;
+ Handler : Code_Loc;
+ Is_Others : Boolean);
+ pragma Export (C, Notify_Exception, "__gnat_notify_exception");
+ -- This routine is called whenever an exception is signalled. The Id
+ -- parameter is the Exception_Id of the exception being raised. The
+ -- second parameter Handler is Null_Loc if the exception is unhandled,
+ -- and is otherwise the entry point of the handler that will handle
+ -- the exception. Is_Others is True if the handler is an others handler
+ -- and False otherwise. In the unhandled exception case, if possible
+ -- (and certainly if zero cost exception handling is active), the
+ -- stack is still intact when this procedure is called. Note that this
+ -- routine is entered before any finalization handlers are entered if
+ -- the exception is unhandled by a "real" exception handler.
+ procedure Unhandled_Exception;
+ pragma Export (C, Unhandled_Exception, "__gnat_unhandled_exception");
+ -- This routine is called in addition to Notify_Exception in the
+ -- unhandled exception case. The fact that there are two routines
+ -- which are somewhat redundant is historical. Notify_Exception
+ -- certainly is complete enough, but GDB still uses this routine.
+ ---------------------------------------
+ -- Exception backtracing subprograms --
+ ---------------------------------------
+ -- What is automatically output when exception tracing is on basically
+ -- corresponds to the usual exception information, but with the call
+ -- chain backtrace possibly tailored by a backtrace decorator. Modifying
+ -- Exception_Information itself is not a good idea because the decorated
+ -- output is completely out of control and would break all our code
+ -- related to the streaming of exceptions.
+ --
+ -- We then provide an alternative function to Exception_Information to
+ -- compute the possibly tailored output, which is equivalent if no
+ -- decorator is currently set :
+ function Tailored_Exception_Information
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence)
+ return String;
+ -- Exception information to be output in the case of automatic tracing
+ -- requested through GNAT.Exception_Traces.
+ --
+ -- This is the same as Exception_Information if no backtrace decorator
+ -- is currently in place. Otherwise, this is Exception_Information with
+ -- the call chain raw addresses replaced by the result of a call to the
+ -- current decorator provided with the call chain addresses.
+ pragma Export
+ (Ada, Tailored_Exception_Information,
+ "__gnat_tailored_exception_information");
+ -- This function is used within this package but also from within
+ -- System.Tasking.Stages.
+ --
+ -- The output of Exception_Information and Tailored_Exception_Information
+ -- share a common part which was formerly built using local procedures
+ -- within Exception_Information. These procedures have been extracted from
+ -- their original place to be available to Tailored_Exception_Information
+ -- also.
+ --
+ -- Each of these procedures appends some input to an information string
+ -- currently being built. The Ptr argument represents the last position
+ -- in this string at which a character has been written.
+ procedure Append_Info_Nat
+ (N : Natural;
+ Info : in out String;
+ Ptr : in out Natural);
+ -- Append the image of N at the end of the provided information string.
+ procedure Append_Info_NL
+ (Info : in out String;
+ Ptr : in out Natural);
+ -- Append a CR/LF couple at the end of the provided information string.
+ procedure Append_Info_String
+ (S : String;
+ Info : in out String;
+ Ptr : in out Natural);
+ -- Append a string at the end of the provided information string.
+ -- To build Exception_Information and Tailored_Exception_Information,
+ -- we then use three intermediate functions :
+ function Basic_Exception_Information
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence)
+ return String;
+ -- Returns the basic exception information string associated with a
+ -- given exception occurrence. This is the common part shared by both
+ -- Exception_Information and Tailored_Exception_Infomation.
+ function Basic_Exception_Traceback
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence)
+ return String;
+ -- Returns an image of the complete call chain associated with an
+ -- exception occurence in its most basic form, that is as a raw sequence
+ -- of hexadecimal binary addresses.
+ function Tailored_Exception_Traceback
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence)
+ return String;
+ -- Returns an image of the complete call chain associated with an
+ -- exception occurrence, either in its basic form if no decorator is
+ -- in place, or as formatted by the decorator otherwise.
+ -- The overall organization of the exception information related code
+ -- is summarized below :
+ --
+ -- Exception_Information
+ -- |
+ -- +-------+--------+
+ -- | |
+ -- Basic_Exc_Info & Basic_Exc_Tback
+ --
+ --
+ -- Tailored_Exception_Information
+ -- |
+ -- +----------+----------+
+ -- | |
+ -- Basic_Exc_Info & Tailored_Exc_Tback
+ -- |
+ -- +-----------+------------+
+ -- | |
+ -- Basic_Exc_Tback Or Tback_Decorator
+ -- if no decorator set otherwise
+ --------------------------------
+ -- Import Run-Time C Routines --
+ --------------------------------
+ -- The purpose of the following pragma Imports is to ensure that we
+ -- generate appropriate subprogram descriptors for all C routines in
+ -- the standard GNAT library that can raise exceptions. This ensures
+ -- that the exception propagation can properly find these routines
+ pragma Warnings (Off); -- so old compiler does not complain
+ pragma Propagate_Exceptions;
+ procedure Unhandled_Terminate;
+ pragma Import (C, Unhandled_Terminate, "__gnat_unhandled_terminate");
+ procedure Propagate_Exception (Mstate : Machine_State);
+ pragma No_Return (Propagate_Exception);
+ -- This procedure propagates the exception represented by the occurrence
+ -- referenced by Current_Excep in the TSD for the current task. M is
+ -- the initial machine state, representing the site of the exception
+ -- raise operation. Propagate_Exception searches the exception tables
+ -- for an applicable handler, calling Pop_Frame as needed. If and when
+ -- it locates an applicable handler Propagate_Exception makes a call
+ -- to Enter_Handler to actually enter the handler. If the search is
+ -- unable to locate an applicable handler, execution is terminated by
+ -- calling Unhandled_Exception_Terminate.
+ procedure Call_Chain (Excep : EOA);
+ -- Store up to Max_Tracebacks in Excep, corresponding to the current
+ -- call chain.
+ -----------------------
+ -- Polling Interface --
+ -----------------------
+ type Unsigned is mod 2 ** 32;
+ Counter : Unsigned := 0;
+ -- This counter is provided for convenience. It can be used in Poll to
+ -- perform periodic but not systematic operations.
+ procedure Poll is separate;
+ -- The actual polling routine is separate, so that it can easily
+ -- be replaced with a target dependent version.
+ ---------
+ -- AAA --
+ ---------
+ -- This dummy procedure gives us the start of the PC range for addresses
+ -- within the exception unit itself. We hope that gigi/gcc keep all the
+ -- procedures in their original order!
+ procedure AAA is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end AAA;
+ -------------------
+ -- Address_Image --
+ -------------------
+ function Address_Image (A : Address) return String is
+ S : String (1 .. 18);
+ P : Natural;
+ N : Integer_Address;
+ H : constant array (Integer range 0 .. 15) of Character :=
+ "0123456789abcdef";
+ begin
+ P := S'Last;
+ N := To_Integer (A);
+ while N /= 0 loop
+ S (P) := H (Integer (N mod 16));
+ P := P - 1;
+ N := N / 16;
+ end loop;
+ S (P - 1) := '0';
+ S (P) := 'x';
+ return S (P - 1 .. S'Last);
+ end Address_Image;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Append_Info_Nat --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Append_Info_Nat
+ (N : Natural;
+ Info : in out String;
+ Ptr : in out Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ if N > 9 then
+ Append_Info_Nat (N / 10, Info, Ptr);
+ end if;
+ Ptr := Ptr + 1;
+ Info (Ptr) := Character'Val (Character'Pos ('0') + N mod 10);
+ end Append_Info_Nat;
+ --------------------
+ -- Append_Info_NL --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Append_Info_NL
+ (Info : in out String;
+ Ptr : in out Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ Ptr := Ptr + 1;
+ Info (Ptr) := ASCII.CR;
+ Ptr := Ptr + 1;
+ Info (Ptr) := ASCII.LF;
+ end Append_Info_NL;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Append_Info_String --
+ ------------------------
+ procedure Append_Info_String
+ (S : String;
+ Info : in out String;
+ Ptr : in out Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ Info (Ptr + 1 .. Ptr + S'Length) := S;
+ Ptr := Ptr + S'Length;
+ end Append_Info_String;
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- Basic_Exception_Information --
+ ---------------------------------
+ function Basic_Exception_Information
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence)
+ return String
+ is
+ Name : constant String := Exception_Name (X);
+ Msg : constant String := Exception_Message (X);
+ -- Exception name and message that are going to be included in the
+ -- information to return, if not empty.
+ Name_Len : constant Natural := Name'Length;
+ Msg_Len : constant Natural := Msg'Length;
+ -- Length of these strings, useful to compute the size of the string
+ -- we have to allocate for the complete result as well as in the body
+ -- of this procedure.
+ Info_Maxlen : constant Natural := 50 + Name_Len + Msg_Len;
+ -- Maximum length of the information string we will build, with :
+ --
+ -- 50 = 16 + 2 for the text associated with the name
+ -- + 9 + 2 for the text associated with the message
+ -- + 5 + 2 for the text associated with the pid
+ -- + 14 for the text image of the pid itself and a margin.
+ --
+ -- This is indeed a maximum since some data may not appear at all if
+ -- not relevant. For example, nothing related to the exception message
+ -- will be there if this message is empty.
+ --
+ -- WARNING : Do not forget to update these numbers if anything
+ -- involved in the computation changes.
+ Info : String (1 .. Info_Maxlen);
+ -- Information string we are going to build, containing the common
+ -- part shared by Exc_Info and Tailored_Exc_Info.
+ Ptr : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ -- Output exception name and message except for _ABORT_SIGNAL, where
+ -- these two lines are omitted (see discussion above).
+ if Name (1) /= '_' then
+ Append_Info_String ("Exception name: ", Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_String (Name, Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_NL (Info, Ptr);
+ if Msg_Len /= 0 then
+ Append_Info_String ("Message: ", Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_String (Msg, Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_NL (Info, Ptr);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Output PID line if non-zero
+ if X.Pid /= 0 then
+ Append_Info_String ("PID: ", Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_Nat (X.Pid, Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_NL (Info, Ptr);
+ end if;
+ return Info (1 .. Ptr);
+ end Basic_Exception_Information;
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Basic_Exception_Traceback --
+ -------------------------------
+ function Basic_Exception_Traceback
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence)
+ return String
+ is
+ Info_Maxlen : constant Natural := 35 + X.Num_Tracebacks * 19;
+ -- Maximum length of the information string we are building, with :
+ -- 33 = 31 + 4 for the text before and after the traceback, and
+ -- 19 = 2 + 16 + 1 for each address ("0x" + HHHH + " ")
+ --
+ -- WARNING : Do not forget to update these numbers if anything
+ -- involved in the computation changes.
+ Info : String (1 .. Info_Maxlen);
+ -- Information string we are going to build, containing an image
+ -- of the call chain associated with the exception occurrence in its
+ -- most basic form, that is as a sequence of binary addresses.
+ Ptr : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ if X.Num_Tracebacks > 0 then
+ Append_Info_String ("Call stack traceback locations:", Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_NL (Info, Ptr);
+ for J in 1 .. X.Num_Tracebacks loop
+ Append_Info_String (Address_Image (X.Tracebacks (J)), Info, Ptr);
+ exit when J = X.Num_Tracebacks;
+ Append_Info_String (" ", Info, Ptr);
+ end loop;
+ Append_Info_NL (Info, Ptr);
+ end if;
+ return Info (1 .. Ptr);
+ end Basic_Exception_Traceback;
+ -----------------
+ -- Break_Start --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Break_Start is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Break_Start;
+ ----------------
+ -- Call_Chain --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Call_Chain (Excep : EOA) is
+ begin
+ if Excep.Num_Tracebacks /= 0 then
+ -- This is a reraise, no need to store a new (wrong) chain.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ System.Traceback.Call_Chain
+ (Excep.Tracebacks'Address,
+ Max_Tracebacks,
+ Excep.Num_Tracebacks,
+ AAA'Address,
+ ZZZ'Address);
+ end Call_Chain;
+ ------------------------------
+ -- Current_Target_Exception --
+ ------------------------------
+ function Current_Target_Exception return Exception_Occurrence is
+ begin
+ return Null_Occurrence;
+ end Current_Target_Exception;
+ -------------------
+ -- EId_To_String --
+ -------------------
+ function EId_To_String (X : Exception_Id) return String is
+ begin
+ if X = Null_Id then
+ return "";
+ else
+ return Exception_Name (X);
+ end if;
+ end EId_To_String;
+ ------------------
+ -- EO_To_String --
+ ------------------
+ -- We use the null string to represent the null occurrence, otherwise
+ -- we output the Exception_Information string for the occurrence.
+ function EO_To_String (X : Exception_Occurrence) return String is
+ begin
+ if X.Id = Null_Id then
+ return "";
+ else
+ return Exception_Information (X);
+ end if;
+ end EO_To_String;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Exception_Identity --
+ ------------------------
+ function Exception_Identity
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence)
+ return Exception_Id
+ is
+ begin
+ if X.Id = Null_Id then
+ raise Constraint_Error;
+ else
+ return X.Id;
+ end if;
+ end Exception_Identity;
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Exception_Information --
+ ---------------------------
+ -- The format of the string is:
+ -- Exception_Name: nnnnn
+ -- Message: mmmmm
+ -- PID: ppp
+ -- Call stack traceback locations:
+ -- 0xhhhh 0xhhhh 0xhhhh ... 0xhhh
+ -- where
+ -- nnnn is the fully qualified name of the exception in all upper
+ -- case letters. This line is always present.
+ -- mmmm is the message (this line present only if message is non-null)
+ -- ppp is the Process Id value as a decimal integer (this line is
+ -- present only if the Process Id is non-zero). Currently we are
+ -- not making use of this field.
+ -- The Call stack traceback locations line and the following values
+ -- are present only if at least one traceback location was recorded.
+ -- the values are given in C style format, with lower case letters
+ -- for a-f, and only as many digits present as are necessary.
+ -- The line terminator sequence at the end of each line, including the
+ -- last line is a CR-LF sequence (16#0D# followed by 16#0A#).
+ -- The Exception_Name and Message lines are omitted in the abort
+ -- signal case, since this is not really an exception, and the only
+ -- use of this routine is internal for printing termination output.
+ -- WARNING: if the format of the generated string is changed, please note
+ -- that an equivalent modification to the routine String_To_EO must be
+ -- made to preserve proper functioning of the stream attributes.
+ function Exception_Information (X : Exception_Occurrence) return String is
+ -- This information is now built using the circuitry introduced in
+ -- association with the support of traceback decorators, as the
+ -- catenation of the exception basic information and the call chain
+ -- backtrace in its basic form.
+ Basic_Info : constant String := Basic_Exception_Information (X);
+ Tback_Info : constant String := Basic_Exception_Traceback (X);
+ Basic_Len : constant Natural := Basic_Info'Length;
+ Tback_Len : constant Natural := Tback_Info'Length;
+ Info : String (1 .. Basic_Len + Tback_Len);
+ Ptr : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ Append_Info_String (Basic_Info, Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_String (Tback_Info, Info, Ptr);
+ return Info;
+ end Exception_Information;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Exception_Message --
+ -----------------------
+ function Exception_Message (X : Exception_Occurrence) return String is
+ begin
+ if X.Id = Null_Id then
+ raise Constraint_Error;
+ end if;
+ return X.Msg (1 .. X.Msg_Length);
+ end Exception_Message;
+ --------------------
+ -- Exception_Name --
+ --------------------
+ function Exception_Name (Id : Exception_Id) return String is
+ begin
+ if Id = null then
+ raise Constraint_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Id.Full_Name.all (1 .. Id.Name_Length - 1);
+ end Exception_Name;
+ function Exception_Name (X : Exception_Occurrence) return String is
+ begin
+ return Exception_Name (X.Id);
+ end Exception_Name;
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Exception_Name_Simple --
+ ---------------------------
+ function Exception_Name_Simple (X : Exception_Occurrence) return String is
+ Name : constant String := Exception_Name (X);
+ P : Natural;
+ begin
+ P := Name'Length;
+ while P > 1 loop
+ exit when Name (P - 1) = '.';
+ P := P - 1;
+ end loop;
+ return Name (P .. Name'Length);
+ end Exception_Name_Simple;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Propagate_Exception --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure Propagate_Exception (Mstate : Machine_State) is
+ Excep : constant EOA := Get_Current_Excep.all;
+ Loc : Code_Loc;
+ Lo, Hi : Natural;
+ Pdesc : Natural;
+ Hrec : Handler_Record_Ptr;
+ Info : Subprogram_Info_Type;
+ type Machine_State_Record is
+ new Storage_Array (1 .. Machine_State_Length);
+ for Machine_State_Record'Alignment use Standard'Maximum_Alignment;
+ procedure Duplicate_Machine_State (Dest, Src : Machine_State);
+ -- Copy Src into Dest, assuming that a Machine_State is pointing to
+ -- an area of Machine_State_Length bytes.
+ procedure Duplicate_Machine_State (Dest, Src : Machine_State) is
+ type Machine_State_Record_Access is access Machine_State_Record;
+ function To_MSR is new Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Machine_State, Machine_State_Record_Access);
+ begin
+ To_MSR (Dest).all := To_MSR (Src).all;
+ end Duplicate_Machine_State;
+ -- Data for handling the finalization handler case. A simple approach
+ -- in this routine would simply to unwind stack frames till we find a
+ -- handler and then enter it. But this is undesirable in the case where
+ -- we have only finalization handlers, and no "real" handler, i.e. a
+ -- case where we have an unhandled exception.
+ -- In this case we prefer to signal unhandled exception with the stack
+ -- intact, and entering finalization handlers would destroy the stack
+ -- state. To deal with this, as we unwind the stack, we note the first
+ -- finalization handler, and remember it in the following variables.
+ -- We then continue to unwind. If and when we find a "real", i.e. non-
+ -- finalization handler, then we use these variables to pass control to
+ -- the finalization handler.
+ FH_Found : Boolean := False;
+ -- Set when a finalization handler is found
+ FH_Mstate : aliased Machine_State_Record;
+ -- Records the machine state for the finalization handler
+ FH_Handler : Code_Loc;
+ -- Record handler address for finalization handler
+ FH_Num_Trb : Natural;
+ -- Save number of tracebacks for finalization handler
+ begin
+ -- Loop through stack frames as exception propagates
+ Main_Loop : loop
+ Loc := Get_Code_Loc (Mstate);
+ exit Main_Loop when Loc = Null_Loc;
+ -- Record location unless it is inside this unit. Note: this
+ -- test should really say Code_Address, but Address is the same
+ -- as Code_Address for unnested subprograms, and Code_Address
+ -- would cause a bootstrap problem
+ if Loc < AAA'Address or else Loc > ZZZ'Address then
+ -- Record location unless we already recorded max tracebacks
+ if Excep.Num_Tracebacks /= Max_Tracebacks then
+ -- Do not record location if it is the return point from
+ -- a reraise call from within a cleanup handler
+ if not Excep.Cleanup_Flag then
+ Excep.Num_Tracebacks := Excep.Num_Tracebacks + 1;
+ Excep.Tracebacks (Excep.Num_Tracebacks) := Loc;
+ -- For reraise call from cleanup handler, skip entry and
+ -- clear the flag so that we will start to record again
+ else
+ Excep.Cleanup_Flag := False;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Do binary search on procedure table
+ Lo := 1;
+ Hi := Num_Subprogram_Descriptors;
+ -- Binary search loop
+ loop
+ Pdesc := (Lo + Hi) / 2;
+ -- Note that Loc is expected to be the procedure's call point
+ -- and not the return point.
+ if Loc < Subprogram_Descriptors (Pdesc).Code then
+ Hi := Pdesc - 1;
+ elsif Pdesc < Num_Subprogram_Descriptors
+ and then Loc > Subprogram_Descriptors (Pdesc + 1).Code
+ then
+ Lo := Pdesc + 1;
+ else
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ -- This happens when the current Loc is completely outside of
+ -- the range of the program, which usually means that we reached
+ -- the top level frame (e.g __start). In this case we have an
+ -- unhandled exception.
+ exit Main_Loop when Hi < Lo;
+ end loop;
+ -- Come here with Subprogram_Descriptors (Pdesc) referencing the
+ -- procedure descriptor that applies to this PC value. Now do a
+ -- serial search to see if any handler is applicable to this PC
+ -- value, and to the exception that we are propagating
+ for J in 1 .. Subprogram_Descriptors (Pdesc).Num_Handlers loop
+ Hrec := Subprogram_Descriptors (Pdesc).Handler_Records (J);
+ if Loc >= Hrec.Lo and then Loc < Hrec.Hi then
+ -- PC range is applicable, see if handler is for this exception
+ -- First test for case of "all others" (finalization) handler.
+ -- We do not enter such a handler until we are sure there is
+ -- a real handler further up the stack.
+ if Hrec.Id = All_Others_Id then
+ -- If this is the first finalization handler, then
+ -- save the machine state so we can enter it later
+ -- without having to repeat the search.
+ if not FH_Found then
+ FH_Found := True;
+ Duplicate_Machine_State
+ (Machine_State (FH_Mstate'Address), Mstate);
+ FH_Handler := Hrec.Handler;
+ FH_Num_Trb := Excep.Num_Tracebacks;
+ end if;
+ -- Normal (non-finalization exception with matching Id)
+ elsif Excep.Id = Hrec.Id
+ or else (Hrec.Id = Others_Id
+ and not Excep.Id.Not_Handled_By_Others)
+ then
+ -- Notify the debugger that we have found a handler
+ -- and are about to propagate an exception.
+ Notify_Exception
+ (Excep.Id, Hrec.Handler, Hrec.Id = Others_Id);
+ -- Output some exception information if necessary, as
+ -- specified by GNAT.Exception_Traces. Take care not to
+ -- output information about internal exceptions.
+ --
+ -- ??? The traceback entries we have at this point only
+ -- consist in the ones we stored while walking up the
+ -- stack *up to the handler*. All the frames above the
+ -- subprogram in which the handler is found are missing.
+ if Exception_Trace = Every_Raise
+ and then not Excep.Id.Not_Handled_By_Others
+ then
+ To_Stderr (Nline);
+ To_Stderr ("Exception raised");
+ To_Stderr (Nline);
+ To_Stderr (Tailored_Exception_Information (Excep.all));
+ end if;
+ -- If we already encountered a finalization handler, then
+ -- reset the context to that handler, and enter it.
+ if FH_Found then
+ Excep.Num_Tracebacks := FH_Num_Trb;
+ Excep.Cleanup_Flag := True;
+ Enter_Handler
+ (Machine_State (FH_Mstate'Address), FH_Handler);
+ -- If we have not encountered a finalization handler,
+ -- then enter the current handler.
+ else
+ Enter_Handler (Mstate, Hrec.Handler);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Info := Subprogram_Descriptors (Pdesc).Subprogram_Info;
+ exit Main_Loop when Info = No_Info;
+ Pop_Frame (Mstate, Info);
+ end loop Main_Loop;
+ -- Fall through if no "real" exception handler found. First thing
+ -- is to call the dummy Unhandled_Exception routine with the stack
+ -- intact, so that the debugger can get control.
+ Unhandled_Exception;
+ -- Also make the appropriate Notify_Exception call for the debugger.
+ Notify_Exception (Excep.Id, Null_Loc, False);
+ -- If there were finalization handlers, then enter the top one.
+ -- Just because there is no handler does not mean we don't have
+ -- to still execute all finalizations and cleanups before
+ -- terminating. Note that the process of calling cleanups
+ -- does not disturb the back trace stack, since he same
+ -- exception occurrence gets reraised, and new traceback
+ -- entries added as we go along.
+ if FH_Found then
+ Excep.Num_Tracebacks := FH_Num_Trb;
+ Excep.Cleanup_Flag := True;
+ Enter_Handler (Machine_State (FH_Mstate'Address), FH_Handler);
+ end if;
+ -- If no cleanups, then this is the real unhandled termination
+ Unhandled_Exception_Terminate;
+ end Propagate_Exception;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Raise_Current_Excep --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure Raise_Current_Excep (E : Exception_Id) is
+ pragma Inspection_Point (E);
+ -- This is so the debugger can reliably inspect the parameter
+ Jumpbuf_Ptr : constant Address := Get_Jmpbuf_Address.all;
+ Mstate_Ptr : constant Machine_State :=
+ Machine_State (Get_Machine_State_Addr.all);
+ Excep : EOA;
+ begin
+ -- WARNING : There should be no exception handler for this body
+ -- because this would cause gigi to prepend a setup for a new
+ -- jmpbuf to the sequence of statements. We would then always get
+ -- this new buf in Jumpbuf_Ptr instead of the one for the exception
+ -- we are handling, which would completely break the whole design
+ -- of this procedure.
+ -- If the jump buffer pointer is non-null, it means that a jump
+ -- buffer was allocated (obviously that happens only in the case
+ -- of zero cost exceptions not implemented, or if a jump buffer
+ -- was manually set up by C code).
+ if Jumpbuf_Ptr /= Null_Address then
+ Excep := Get_Current_Excep.all;
+ if Exception_Tracebacks /= 0 then
+ Call_Chain (Excep);
+ end if;
+ if not Excep.Exception_Raised then
+ -- This is not a reraise.
+ Excep.Exception_Raised := True;
+ -- Output some exception information if necessary, as specified
+ -- by GNAT.Exception_Traces. Take care not to output information
+ -- about internal exceptions.
+ if Exception_Trace = Every_Raise
+ and then not Excep.Id.Not_Handled_By_Others
+ then
+ begin
+ -- This is in a block because of the call to
+ -- Tailored_Exception_Information which might
+ -- require an exception handler for secondary
+ -- stack cleanup.
+ To_Stderr (Nline);
+ To_Stderr ("Exception raised");
+ To_Stderr (Nline);
+ To_Stderr (Tailored_Exception_Information (Excep.all));
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ builtin_longjmp (Jumpbuf_Ptr, 1);
+ -- If we have no jump buffer, then either zero cost exception
+ -- handling is in place, or we have no handlers anyway. In
+ -- either case we have an unhandled exception. If zero cost
+ -- exception handling is in place, propagate the exception
+ elsif Subprogram_Descriptors /= null then
+ Set_Machine_State (Mstate_Ptr);
+ Propagate_Exception (Mstate_Ptr);
+ -- Otherwise, we know the exception is unhandled by the absence
+ -- of an allocated jump buffer. Note that this means that we also
+ -- have no finalizations to do other than at the outer level.
+ else
+ if Exception_Tracebacks /= 0 then
+ Call_Chain (Get_Current_Excep.all);
+ end if;
+ Unhandled_Exception;
+ Notify_Exception (E, Null_Loc, False);
+ Unhandled_Exception_Terminate;
+ end if;
+ end Raise_Current_Excep;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Raise_Exception --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Raise_Exception
+ (E : Exception_Id;
+ Message : String := "")
+ is
+ Len : constant Natural :=
+ Natural'Min (Message'Length, Exception_Msg_Max_Length);
+ Excep : constant EOA := Get_Current_Excep.all;
+ begin
+ if E /= null then
+ Excep.Msg_Length := Len;
+ Excep.Msg (1 .. Len) := Message (1 .. Len);
+ Raise_With_Msg (E);
+ end if;
+ end Raise_Exception;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Raise_Exception_Always --
+ ----------------------------
+ procedure Raise_Exception_Always
+ (E : Exception_Id;
+ Message : String := "")
+ is
+ Len : constant Natural :=
+ Natural'Min (Message'Length, Exception_Msg_Max_Length);
+ Excep : constant EOA := Get_Current_Excep.all;
+ begin
+ Excep.Msg_Length := Len;
+ Excep.Msg (1 .. Len) := Message (1 .. Len);
+ Raise_With_Msg (E);
+ end Raise_Exception_Always;
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Raise_From_Signal_Handler --
+ -------------------------------
+ procedure Raise_From_Signal_Handler
+ (E : Exception_Id;
+ M : SSL.Big_String_Ptr)
+ is
+ Jumpbuf_Ptr : constant Address := Get_Jmpbuf_Address.all;
+ Mstate_Ptr : constant Machine_State :=
+ Machine_State (Get_Machine_State_Addr.all);
+ begin
+ Set_Exception_C_Msg (E, M);
+ Abort_Defer.all;
+ -- Now we raise the exception. The following code is essentially
+ -- identical to the Raise_Current_Excep routine, except that in the
+ -- zero cost exception case, we do not call Set_Machine_State, since
+ -- the signal handler that passed control here has already set the
+ -- machine state directly.
+ --
+ -- ??? Updates related to the implementation of automatic backtraces
+ -- have not been done here. Some action will be required when dealing
+ -- the remaining problems in ZCX mode (incomplete backtraces so far).
+ -- If the jump buffer pointer is non-null, it means that a jump
+ -- buffer was allocated (obviously that happens only in the case
+ -- of zero cost exceptions not implemented, or if a jump buffer
+ -- was manually set up by C code).
+ if Jumpbuf_Ptr /= Null_Address then
+ builtin_longjmp (Jumpbuf_Ptr, 1);
+ -- If we have no jump buffer, then either zero cost exception
+ -- handling is in place, or we have no handlers anyway. In
+ -- either case we have an unhandled exception. If zero cost
+ -- exception handling is in place, propagate the exception
+ elsif Subprogram_Descriptors /= null then
+ Propagate_Exception (Mstate_Ptr);
+ -- Otherwise, we know the exception is unhandled by the absence
+ -- of an allocated jump buffer. Note that this means that we also
+ -- have no finalizations to do other than at the outer level.
+ else
+ Unhandled_Exception;
+ Unhandled_Exception_Terminate;
+ end if;
+ end Raise_From_Signal_Handler;
+ ------------------
+ -- Raise_No_Msg --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Raise_No_Msg (E : Exception_Id) is
+ Excep : constant EOA := Get_Current_Excep.all;
+ begin
+ Excep.Msg_Length := 0;
+ Raise_With_Msg (E);
+ end Raise_No_Msg;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Raise_With_Location --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure Raise_With_Location
+ (E : Exception_Id;
+ F : SSL.Big_String_Ptr;
+ L : Integer) is
+ begin
+ Set_Exception_C_Msg (E, F, L);
+ Abort_Defer.all;
+ Raise_Current_Excep (E);
+ end Raise_With_Location;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Raise_Constraint_Error --
+ ----------------------------
+ procedure Raise_Constraint_Error
+ (File : SSL.Big_String_Ptr; Line : Integer) is
+ begin
+ Raise_With_Location (Constraint_Error_Def'Access, File, Line);
+ end Raise_Constraint_Error;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Raise_Program_Error --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure Raise_Program_Error
+ (File : SSL.Big_String_Ptr; Line : Integer) is
+ begin
+ Raise_With_Location (Program_Error_Def'Access, File, Line);
+ end Raise_Program_Error;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Raise_Storage_Error --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure Raise_Storage_Error
+ (File : SSL.Big_String_Ptr; Line : Integer) is
+ begin
+ Raise_With_Location (Storage_Error_Def'Access, File, Line);
+ end Raise_Storage_Error;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Raise_With_C_Msg --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Raise_With_C_Msg
+ (E : Exception_Id;
+ M : SSL.Big_String_Ptr) is
+ begin
+ Set_Exception_C_Msg (E, M);
+ Abort_Defer.all;
+ Raise_Current_Excep (E);
+ end Raise_With_C_Msg;
+ --------------------
+ -- Raise_With_Msg --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Raise_With_Msg (E : Exception_Id) is
+ Excep : constant EOA := Get_Current_Excep.all;
+ begin
+ Excep.Exception_Raised := False;
+ Excep.Id := E;
+ Excep.Num_Tracebacks := 0;
+ Excep.Cleanup_Flag := False;
+ Excep.Pid := Local_Partition_ID;
+ Abort_Defer.all;
+ Raise_Current_Excep (E);
+ end Raise_With_Msg;
+ -------------
+ -- Reraise --
+ -------------
+ procedure Reraise is
+ Excep : constant EOA := Get_Current_Excep.all;
+ begin
+ Abort_Defer.all;
+ Raise_Current_Excep (Excep.Id);
+ end Reraise;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Reraise_Occurrence --
+ ------------------------
+ procedure Reraise_Occurrence (X : Exception_Occurrence) is
+ begin
+ if X.Id /= null then
+ Abort_Defer.all;
+ Save_Occurrence (Get_Current_Excep.all.all, X);
+ Raise_Current_Excep (X.Id);
+ end if;
+ end Reraise_Occurrence;
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Reraise_Occurrence_Always --
+ -------------------------------
+ procedure Reraise_Occurrence_Always (X : Exception_Occurrence) is
+ begin
+ Abort_Defer.all;
+ Save_Occurrence (Get_Current_Excep.all.all, X);
+ Raise_Current_Excep (X.Id);
+ end Reraise_Occurrence_Always;
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- Reraise_Occurrence_No_Defer --
+ ---------------------------------
+ procedure Reraise_Occurrence_No_Defer (X : Exception_Occurrence) is
+ begin
+ Save_Occurrence (Get_Current_Excep.all.all, X);
+ Raise_Current_Excep (X.Id);
+ end Reraise_Occurrence_No_Defer;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Save_Occurrence --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Save_Occurrence
+ (Target : out Exception_Occurrence;
+ Source : Exception_Occurrence)
+ is
+ begin
+ Target.Id := Source.Id;
+ Target.Msg_Length := Source.Msg_Length;
+ Target.Num_Tracebacks := Source.Num_Tracebacks;
+ Target.Pid := Source.Pid;
+ Target.Cleanup_Flag := Source.Cleanup_Flag;
+ Target.Msg (1 .. Target.Msg_Length) :=
+ Source.Msg (1 .. Target.Msg_Length);
+ Target.Tracebacks (1 .. Target.Num_Tracebacks) :=
+ Source.Tracebacks (1 .. Target.Num_Tracebacks);
+ end Save_Occurrence;
+ function Save_Occurrence
+ (Source : Exception_Occurrence)
+ return EOA
+ is
+ Target : EOA := new Exception_Occurrence;
+ begin
+ Save_Occurrence (Target.all, Source);
+ return Target;
+ end Save_Occurrence;
+ ---------------------
+ -- SDP_Table_Build --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure SDP_Table_Build
+ (SDP_Addresses : System.Address;
+ SDP_Count : Natural;
+ Elab_Addresses : System.Address;
+ Elab_Addr_Count : Natural)
+ is
+ type SDLP_Array is array (1 .. SDP_Count) of Subprogram_Descriptors_Ptr;
+ type SDLP_Array_Ptr is access all SDLP_Array;
+ function To_SDLP_Array_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion
+ (System.Address, SDLP_Array_Ptr);
+ T : constant SDLP_Array_Ptr := To_SDLP_Array_Ptr (SDP_Addresses);
+ type Elab_Array is array (1 .. Elab_Addr_Count) of Code_Loc;
+ type Elab_Array_Ptr is access all Elab_Array;
+ function To_Elab_Array_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion
+ (System.Address, Elab_Array_Ptr);
+ EA : constant Elab_Array_Ptr := To_Elab_Array_Ptr (Elab_Addresses);
+ Ndes : Natural;
+ Previous_Subprogram_Descriptors : Subprogram_Descriptor_List_Ptr;
+ begin
+ -- If first call, then initialize count of subprogram descriptors
+ if Subprogram_Descriptors = null then
+ Num_Subprogram_Descriptors := 0;
+ end if;
+ -- First count number of subprogram descriptors. This count includes
+ -- entries with duplicated code addresses (resulting from Import).
+ Ndes := Num_Subprogram_Descriptors + Elab_Addr_Count;
+ for J in T'Range loop
+ Ndes := Ndes + T (J).Count;
+ end loop;
+ -- Now, allocate the new table (extra zero'th element is for sort call)
+ -- after having saved the previous one
+ Previous_Subprogram_Descriptors := Subprogram_Descriptors;
+ Subprogram_Descriptors := new Subprogram_Descriptor_List (0 .. Ndes);
+ -- If there was a previous Subprogram_Descriptors table, copy it back
+ -- into the new one being built. Then free the memory used for the
+ -- previous table.
+ for J in 1 .. Num_Subprogram_Descriptors loop
+ Subprogram_Descriptors (J) := Previous_Subprogram_Descriptors (J);
+ end loop;
+ Free (Previous_Subprogram_Descriptors);
+ -- Next, append the elaboration routine addresses, building dummy
+ -- SDP's for them as we go through the list.
+ Ndes := Num_Subprogram_Descriptors;
+ for J in EA'Range loop
+ Ndes := Ndes + 1;
+ Subprogram_Descriptors (Ndes) := new Subprogram_Descriptor_0;
+ Subprogram_Descriptors (Ndes).all :=
+ Subprogram_Descriptor'
+ (Num_Handlers => 0,
+ Code => Fetch_Code (EA (J)),
+ Subprogram_Info => EA (J),
+ Handler_Records => (1 .. 0 => null));
+ end loop;
+ -- Now copy in pointers to SDP addresses of application subprograms
+ for J in T'Range loop
+ for K in 1 .. T (J).Count loop
+ Ndes := Ndes + 1;
+ Subprogram_Descriptors (Ndes) := T (J).SDesc (K);
+ Subprogram_Descriptors (Ndes).Code :=
+ Fetch_Code (T (J).SDesc (K).Code);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ -- Now we need to sort the table into ascending PC order
+ Sort (Ndes, SDP_Table_Sort_Move'Access, SDP_Table_Sort_Lt'Access);
+ -- Now eliminate duplicate entries. Note that in the case where
+ -- entries have duplicate code addresses, the code for the Lt
+ -- routine ensures that the interesting one (i.e. the one with
+ -- handler entries if there are any) comes first.
+ Num_Subprogram_Descriptors := 1;
+ for J in 2 .. Ndes loop
+ if Subprogram_Descriptors (J).Code /=
+ Subprogram_Descriptors (Num_Subprogram_Descriptors).Code
+ then
+ Num_Subprogram_Descriptors := Num_Subprogram_Descriptors + 1;
+ Subprogram_Descriptors (Num_Subprogram_Descriptors) :=
+ Subprogram_Descriptors (J);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end SDP_Table_Build;
+ -----------------------
+ -- SDP_Table_Sort_Lt --
+ -----------------------
+ function SDP_Table_Sort_Lt (Op1, Op2 : Natural) return Boolean is
+ SDC1 : constant Code_Loc := Subprogram_Descriptors (Op1).Code;
+ SDC2 : constant Code_Loc := Subprogram_Descriptors (Op2).Code;
+ begin
+ if SDC1 < SDC2 then
+ return True;
+ elsif SDC1 > SDC2 then
+ return False;
+ -- For two descriptors for the same procedure, we want the more
+ -- interesting one first. A descriptor with an exception handler
+ -- is more interesting than one without. This happens if the less
+ -- interesting one came from a pragma Import.
+ else
+ return Subprogram_Descriptors (Op1).Num_Handlers /= 0
+ and then Subprogram_Descriptors (Op2).Num_Handlers = 0;
+ end if;
+ end SDP_Table_Sort_Lt;
+ --------------------------
+ -- SDP_Table_Sort_Move --
+ --------------------------
+ procedure SDP_Table_Sort_Move (From : Natural; To : Natural) is
+ begin
+ Subprogram_Descriptors (To) := Subprogram_Descriptors (From);
+ end SDP_Table_Sort_Move;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Set_Exception_C_Msg --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure Set_Exception_C_Msg
+ (Id : Exception_Id;
+ Msg : Big_String_Ptr;
+ Line : Integer := 0)
+ is
+ Excep : constant EOA := Get_Current_Excep.all;
+ Val : Integer := Line;
+ Remind : Integer;
+ Size : Integer := 1;
+ begin
+ Excep.Exception_Raised := False;
+ Excep.Id := Id;
+ Excep.Num_Tracebacks := 0;
+ Excep.Pid := Local_Partition_ID;
+ Excep.Msg_Length := 0;
+ Excep.Cleanup_Flag := False;
+ while Msg (Excep.Msg_Length + 1) /= ASCII.NUL
+ and then Excep.Msg_Length < Exception_Msg_Max_Length
+ loop
+ Excep.Msg_Length := Excep.Msg_Length + 1;
+ Excep.Msg (Excep.Msg_Length) := Msg (Excep.Msg_Length);
+ end loop;
+ if Line > 0 then
+ -- Compute the number of needed characters
+ while Val > 0 loop
+ Val := Val / 10;
+ Size := Size + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- If enough characters are available, put the line number
+ if Excep.Msg_Length <= Exception_Msg_Max_Length - Size then
+ Excep.Msg (Excep.Msg_Length + 1) := ':';
+ Excep.Msg_Length := Excep.Msg_Length + Size;
+ Val := Line;
+ Size := 0;
+ while Val > 0 loop
+ Remind := Val rem 10;
+ Val := Val / 10;
+ Excep.Msg (Excep.Msg_Length - Size) :=
+ Character'Val (Remind + Character'Pos ('0'));
+ Size := Size + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Set_Exception_C_Msg;
+ -------------------
+ -- String_To_EId --
+ -------------------
+ function String_To_EId (S : String) return Exception_Id is
+ begin
+ if S = "" then
+ return Null_Id;
+ else
+ return Exception_Id (Internal_Exception (S));
+ end if;
+ end String_To_EId;
+ ------------------
+ -- String_To_EO --
+ ------------------
+ function String_To_EO (S : String) return Exception_Occurrence is
+ From : Natural;
+ To : Integer;
+ X : Exception_Occurrence;
+ -- This is the exception occurrence we will create
+ procedure Bad_EO;
+ pragma No_Return (Bad_EO);
+ -- Signal bad exception occurrence string
+ procedure Next_String;
+ -- On entry, To points to last character of previous line of the
+ -- message, terminated by CR/LF. On return, From .. To are set to
+ -- specify the next string, or From > To if there are no more lines.
+ procedure Bad_EO is
+ begin
+ Raise_Exception
+ (Program_Error'Identity,
+ "bad exception occurrence in stream input");
+ end Bad_EO;
+ procedure Next_String is
+ begin
+ From := To + 3;
+ if From < S'Last then
+ To := From + 1;
+ while To < S'Last - 2 loop
+ if To >= S'Last then
+ Bad_EO;
+ elsif S (To + 1) = ASCII.CR then
+ exit;
+ else
+ To := To + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Next_String;
+ -- Start of processing for String_To_EO
+ begin
+ if S = "" then
+ return Null_Occurrence;
+ else
+ X.Cleanup_Flag := False;
+ To := S'First - 3;
+ Next_String;
+ if S (From .. From + 15) /= "Exception name: " then
+ Bad_EO;
+ end if;
+ X.Id := Exception_Id (Internal_Exception (S (From + 16 .. To)));
+ Next_String;
+ if From <= To and then S (From) = 'M' then
+ if S (From .. From + 8) /= "Message: " then
+ Bad_EO;
+ end if;
+ X.Msg_Length := To - From - 8;
+ X.Msg (1 .. X.Msg_Length) := S (From + 9 .. To);
+ Next_String;
+ else
+ X.Msg_Length := 0;
+ end if;
+ X.Pid := 0;
+ if From <= To and then S (From) = 'P' then
+ if S (From .. From + 3) /= "PID:" then
+ Bad_EO;
+ end if;
+ From := From + 5; -- skip past PID: space
+ while From <= To loop
+ X.Pid := X.Pid * 10 +
+ (Character'Pos (S (From)) - Character'Pos ('0'));
+ From := From + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Next_String;
+ end if;
+ X.Num_Tracebacks := 0;
+ if From <= To then
+ if S (From .. To) /= "Call stack traceback locations:" then
+ Bad_EO;
+ end if;
+ Next_String;
+ loop
+ exit when From > To;
+ declare
+ Ch : Character;
+ C : Integer_Address;
+ N : Integer_Address;
+ begin
+ if S (From) /= '0'
+ or else S (From + 1) /= 'x'
+ then
+ Bad_EO;
+ else
+ From := From + 2;
+ end if;
+ C := 0;
+ while From <= To loop
+ Ch := S (From);
+ if Ch in '0' .. '9' then
+ N :=
+ Character'Pos (S (From)) - Character'Pos ('0');
+ elsif Ch in 'a' .. 'f' then
+ N :=
+ Character'Pos (S (From)) - Character'Pos ('a') + 10;
+ elsif Ch = ' ' then
+ From := From + 1;
+ exit;
+ else
+ Bad_EO;
+ end if;
+ C := C * 16 + N;
+ From := From + 1;
+ end loop;
+ if X.Num_Tracebacks = Max_Tracebacks then
+ Bad_EO;
+ end if;
+ X.Num_Tracebacks := X.Num_Tracebacks + 1;
+ X.Tracebacks (X.Num_Tracebacks) := To_Address (C);
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- If an exception was converted to a string, it must have
+ -- already been raised, so flag it accordingly and we are done.
+ X.Exception_Raised := True;
+ return X;
+ end if;
+ end String_To_EO;
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- Tailored_Exception_Traceback --
+ ----------------------------------
+ function Tailored_Exception_Traceback
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence)
+ return String
+ is
+ -- We indeed reference the decorator *wrapper* from here and not the
+ -- decorator itself. The purpose of the local variable Wrapper is to
+ -- prevent a potential crash by race condition in the code below. The
+ -- atomicity of this assignment is enforced by pragma Atomic in
+ -- System.Soft_Links.
+ -- The potential race condition here, if no local variable was used,
+ -- relates to the test upon the wrapper's value and the call, which
+ -- are not performed atomically. With the local variable, potential
+ -- changes of the wrapper's global value between the test and the
+ -- call become inoffensive.
+ Wrapper : constant Traceback_Decorator_Wrapper_Call :=
+ Traceback_Decorator_Wrapper;
+ begin
+ if Wrapper = null then
+ return Basic_Exception_Traceback (X);
+ else
+ return Wrapper.all (X.Tracebacks'Address, X.Num_Tracebacks);
+ end if;
+ end Tailored_Exception_Traceback;
+ ------------------------------------
+ -- Tailored_Exception_Information --
+ ------------------------------------
+ function Tailored_Exception_Information
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence)
+ return String
+ is
+ -- The tailored exception information is simply the basic information
+ -- associated with the tailored call chain backtrace.
+ Basic_Info : constant String := Basic_Exception_Information (X);
+ Tback_Info : constant String := Tailored_Exception_Traceback (X);
+ Basic_Len : constant Natural := Basic_Info'Length;
+ Tback_Len : constant Natural := Tback_Info'Length;
+ Info : String (1 .. Basic_Len + Tback_Len);
+ Ptr : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ Append_Info_String (Basic_Info, Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_String (Tback_Info, Info, Ptr);
+ return Info;
+ end Tailored_Exception_Information;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Unhandled_Exception --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure Unhandled_Exception is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Unhandled_Exception;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Notify_Exception --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Notify_Exception
+ (Id : Exception_Id;
+ Handler : Code_Loc;
+ Is_Others : Boolean)
+ is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Notify_Exception;
+ -----------------------------------
+ -- Unhandled_Exception_Terminate --
+ -----------------------------------
+ adafinal_Called : Boolean := False;
+ -- Used to prevent recursive call to adafinal in the event that
+ -- adafinal processing itself raises an unhandled exception.
+ type FILEs is new System.Address;
+ type int is new Integer;
+ procedure Unhandled_Exception_Terminate is
+ Excep : constant EOA := Get_Current_Excep.all;
+ Msg : constant String := Exception_Message (Excep.all);
+ -- Start of processing for Unhandled_Exception_Terminate
+ begin
+ -- First call adafinal
+ if not adafinal_Called then
+ adafinal_Called := True;
+ System.Soft_Links.Adafinal.all;
+ end if;
+ -- Check for special case of raising _ABORT_SIGNAL, which is not
+ -- really an exception at all. We recognize this by the fact that
+ -- it is the only exception whose name starts with underscore.
+ if Exception_Name (Excep.all) (1) = '_' then
+ To_Stderr (Nline);
+ To_Stderr ("Execution terminated by abort of environment task");
+ To_Stderr (Nline);
+ -- If no tracebacks, we print the unhandled exception in the old style
+ -- (i.e. the style used before ZCX was implemented). We do this to
+ -- retain compatibility, especially with the nightly scripts, but
+ -- this can be removed at some point ???
+ elsif Excep.Num_Tracebacks = 0 then
+ To_Stderr (Nline);
+ To_Stderr ("raised ");
+ To_Stderr (Exception_Name (Excep.all));
+ if Msg'Length /= 0 then
+ To_Stderr (" : ");
+ To_Stderr (Msg);
+ end if;
+ To_Stderr (Nline);
+ -- New style, zero cost exception case
+ else
+ -- Tailored_Exception_Information is also called here so that the
+ -- backtrace decorator gets called if it has been set. This is
+ -- currently required because some paths in Raise_Current_Excep
+ -- do not go through the calls that display this information.
+ --
+ -- Note also that with the current scheme in Raise_Current_Excep
+ -- we can have this whole information output twice, typically when
+ -- some handler is found on the call chain but none deals with the
+ -- occurrence or if this occurrence gets reraised up to here.
+ To_Stderr (Nline);
+ To_Stderr ("Execution terminated by unhandled exception");
+ To_Stderr (Nline);
+ To_Stderr (Tailored_Exception_Information (Excep.all));
+ end if;
+ -- Perform system dependent shutdown code
+ declare
+ procedure Unhandled_Terminate;
+ pragma No_Return (Unhandled_Terminate);
+ pragma Import
+ (C, Unhandled_Terminate, "__gnat_unhandled_terminate");
+ begin
+ Unhandled_Terminate;
+ end;
+ end Unhandled_Exception_Terminate;
+ ------------------------------
+ -- Raise_Exception_No_Defer --
+ ------------------------------
+ procedure Raise_Exception_No_Defer
+ (E : Exception_Id;
+ Message : String := "")
+ is
+ Len : constant Natural :=
+ Natural'Min (Message'Length, Exception_Msg_Max_Length);
+ Excep : constant EOA := Get_Current_Excep.all;
+ begin
+ Excep.Exception_Raised := False;
+ Excep.Msg_Length := Len;
+ Excep.Msg (1 .. Len) := Message (1 .. Len);
+ Excep.Id := E;
+ Excep.Num_Tracebacks := 0;
+ Excep.Cleanup_Flag := False;
+ Excep.Pid := Local_Partition_ID;
+ -- DO NOT CALL Abort_Defer.all; !!!!
+ Raise_Current_Excep (E);
+ end Raise_Exception_No_Defer;
+ ---------------
+ -- To_Stderr --
+ ---------------
+ procedure To_Stderr (S : String) is
+ procedure put_char_stderr (C : int);
+ pragma Import (C, put_char_stderr, "put_char_stderr");
+ begin
+ for J in 1 .. S'Length loop
+ if S (J) /= ASCII.CR then
+ put_char_stderr (Character'Pos (S (J)));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end To_Stderr;
+ ---------
+ -- ZZZ --
+ ---------
+ -- This dummy procedure gives us the end of the PC range for addresses
+ -- within the exception unit itself. We hope that gigi/gcc keeps all the
+ -- procedures in their original order!
+ procedure ZZZ is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end ZZZ;
+ -- Allocate the Non-Tasking Machine_State
+ Set_Machine_State_Addr_NT (System.Address (Allocate_Machine_State));
+end Ada.Exceptions;