path: root/gcc/ada/a-exexda.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/a-exexda.adb')
1 files changed, 526 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/a-exexda.adb b/gcc/ada/a-exexda.adb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b88d643092f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/a-exexda.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
+-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
+-- --
+with System.Storage_Elements; use System.Storage_Elements;
+separate (Ada.Exceptions)
+package body Exception_Data is
+ -----------------------
+ -- Local Subprograms --
+ -----------------------
+ function Address_Image (A : System.Address) return String;
+ -- Returns at string of the form 0xhhhhhhhhh for 32-bit addresses
+ -- or 0xhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for 64-bit addresses. Hex characters are
+ -- in lower case.
+ procedure Append_Info_Nat
+ (N : Natural;
+ Info : in out String;
+ Ptr : in out Natural);
+ -- Append the image of N at the end of the provided information string
+ procedure Append_Info_NL
+ (Info : in out String;
+ Ptr : in out Natural);
+ -- Append a LF at the end of the provided information string
+ procedure Append_Info_String
+ (S : String;
+ Info : in out String;
+ Ptr : in out Natural);
+ -- Append a string at the end of the provided information string
+ -- To build Exception_Information and Tailored_Exception_Information,
+ -- we then use three intermediate functions :
+ function Basic_Exception_Information
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence)
+ return String;
+ -- Returns the basic exception information string associated with a
+ -- given exception occurrence. This is the common part shared by both
+ -- Exception_Information and Tailored_Exception_Infomation.
+ function Basic_Exception_Traceback
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence)
+ return String;
+ -- Returns an image of the complete call chain associated with an
+ -- exception occurence in its most basic form, that is as a raw sequence
+ -- of hexadecimal binary addresses.
+ function Tailored_Exception_Traceback
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence)
+ return String;
+ -- Returns an image of the complete call chain associated with an
+ -- exception occurrence, either in its basic form if no decorator is
+ -- in place, or as formatted by the decorator otherwise.
+ -- The overall organization of the exception information related code
+ -- is summarized below :
+ --
+ -- Exception_Information
+ -- |
+ -- +-------+--------+
+ -- | |
+ -- Basic_Exc_Info & Basic_Exc_Tback
+ --
+ --
+ -- Tailored_Exception_Information
+ -- |
+ -- +----------+----------+
+ -- | |
+ -- Basic_Exc_Info & Tailored_Exc_Tback
+ -- |
+ -- +-----------+------------+
+ -- | |
+ -- Basic_Exc_Tback Or Tback_Decorator
+ -- if no decorator set otherwise
+ -------------------
+ -- Address_Image --
+ -------------------
+ function Address_Image (A : Address) return String is
+ S : String (1 .. 18);
+ P : Natural;
+ N : Integer_Address;
+ H : constant array (Integer range 0 .. 15) of Character :=
+ "0123456789abcdef";
+ begin
+ P := S'Last;
+ N := To_Integer (A);
+ while N /= 0 loop
+ S (P) := H (Integer (N mod 16));
+ P := P - 1;
+ N := N / 16;
+ end loop;
+ S (P - 1) := '0';
+ S (P) := 'x';
+ return S (P - 1 .. S'Last);
+ end Address_Image;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Append_Info_Nat --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Append_Info_Nat
+ (N : Natural;
+ Info : in out String;
+ Ptr : in out Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ if N > 9 then
+ Append_Info_Nat (N / 10, Info, Ptr);
+ end if;
+ Ptr := Ptr + 1;
+ Info (Ptr) := Character'Val (Character'Pos ('0') + N mod 10);
+ end Append_Info_Nat;
+ --------------------
+ -- Append_Info_NL --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Append_Info_NL
+ (Info : in out String;
+ Ptr : in out Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ Ptr := Ptr + 1;
+ Info (Ptr) := ASCII.LF;
+ end Append_Info_NL;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Append_Info_String --
+ ------------------------
+ procedure Append_Info_String
+ (S : String;
+ Info : in out String;
+ Ptr : in out Natural)
+ is
+ Last : constant Natural := Integer'Min (Ptr + S'Length, Info'Last);
+ begin
+ Info (Ptr + 1 .. Last) := S;
+ Ptr := Last;
+ end Append_Info_String;
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- Basic_Exception_Information --
+ ---------------------------------
+ function Basic_Exception_Information
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence)
+ return String
+ is
+ Name : constant String := Exception_Name (X);
+ Msg : constant String := Exception_Message (X);
+ -- Exception name and message that are going to be included in the
+ -- information to return, if not empty.
+ Name_Len : constant Natural := Name'Length;
+ Msg_Len : constant Natural := Msg'Length;
+ -- Length of these strings, useful to compute the size of the string
+ -- we have to allocate for the complete result as well as in the body
+ -- of this procedure.
+ Info_Maxlen : constant Natural := 50 + Name_Len + Msg_Len;
+ -- Maximum length of the information string we will build, with :
+ --
+ -- 50 = 16 + 2 for the text associated with the name
+ -- + 9 + 2 for the text associated with the message
+ -- + 5 + 2 for the text associated with the pid
+ -- + 14 for the text image of the pid itself and a margin.
+ --
+ -- This is indeed a maximum since some data may not appear at all if
+ -- not relevant. For example, nothing related to the exception message
+ -- will be there if this message is empty.
+ --
+ -- WARNING : Do not forget to update these numbers if anything
+ -- involved in the computation changes.
+ Info : String (1 .. Info_Maxlen);
+ -- Information string we are going to build, containing the common
+ -- part shared by Exc_Info and Tailored_Exc_Info.
+ Ptr : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ -- Output exception name and message except for _ABORT_SIGNAL, where
+ -- these two lines are omitted (see discussion above).
+ if Name (1) /= '_' then
+ Append_Info_String ("Exception name: ", Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_String (Name, Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_NL (Info, Ptr);
+ if Msg_Len /= 0 then
+ Append_Info_String ("Message: ", Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_String (Msg, Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_NL (Info, Ptr);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Output PID line if non-zero
+ if X.Pid /= 0 then
+ Append_Info_String ("PID: ", Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_Nat (X.Pid, Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_NL (Info, Ptr);
+ end if;
+ return Info (1 .. Ptr);
+ end Basic_Exception_Information;
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Basic_Exception_Traceback --
+ -------------------------------
+ function Basic_Exception_Traceback
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence)
+ return String
+ is
+ Info_Maxlen : constant Natural := 35 + X.Num_Tracebacks * 19;
+ -- Maximum length of the information string we are building, with :
+ -- 33 = 31 + 4 for the text before and after the traceback, and
+ -- 19 = 2 + 16 + 1 for each address ("0x" + HHHH + " ")
+ --
+ -- WARNING : Do not forget to update these numbers if anything
+ -- involved in the computation changes.
+ Info : String (1 .. Info_Maxlen);
+ -- Information string we are going to build, containing an image
+ -- of the call chain associated with the exception occurrence in its
+ -- most basic form, that is as a sequence of binary addresses.
+ Ptr : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ if X.Num_Tracebacks > 0 then
+ Append_Info_String ("Call stack traceback locations:", Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_NL (Info, Ptr);
+ for J in 1 .. X.Num_Tracebacks loop
+ Append_Info_String
+ (Address_Image (TBE.PC_For (X.Tracebacks (J))), Info, Ptr);
+ exit when J = X.Num_Tracebacks;
+ Append_Info_String (" ", Info, Ptr);
+ end loop;
+ Append_Info_NL (Info, Ptr);
+ end if;
+ return Info (1 .. Ptr);
+ end Basic_Exception_Traceback;
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Exception_Information --
+ ---------------------------
+ -- The format of the string is:
+ -- Exception_Name: nnnnn
+ -- Message: mmmmm
+ -- PID: ppp
+ -- Call stack traceback locations:
+ -- 0xhhhh 0xhhhh 0xhhhh ... 0xhhh
+ -- where
+ -- nnnn is the fully qualified name of the exception in all upper
+ -- case letters. This line is always present.
+ -- mmmm is the message (this line present only if message is non-null)
+ -- ppp is the Process Id value as a decimal integer (this line is
+ -- present only if the Process Id is non-zero). Currently we are
+ -- not making use of this field.
+ -- The Call stack traceback locations line and the following values
+ -- are present only if at least one traceback location was recorded.
+ -- the values are given in C style format, with lower case letters
+ -- for a-f, and only as many digits present as are necessary.
+ -- The line terminator sequence at the end of each line, including the
+ -- last line is a CR-LF sequence (16#0D# followed by 16#0A#).
+ -- The Exception_Name and Message lines are omitted in the abort
+ -- signal case, since this is not really an exception, and the only
+ -- use of this routine is internal for printing termination output.
+ -- WARNING: if the format of the generated string is changed, please note
+ -- that an equivalent modification to the routine String_To_EO must be
+ -- made to preserve proper functioning of the stream attributes.
+ function Exception_Information (X : Exception_Occurrence) return String is
+ -- This information is now built using the circuitry introduced in
+ -- association with the support of traceback decorators, as the
+ -- catenation of the exception basic information and the call chain
+ -- backtrace in its basic form.
+ Basic_Info : constant String := Basic_Exception_Information (X);
+ Tback_Info : constant String := Basic_Exception_Traceback (X);
+ Basic_Len : constant Natural := Basic_Info'Length;
+ Tback_Len : constant Natural := Tback_Info'Length;
+ Info : String (1 .. Basic_Len + Tback_Len);
+ Ptr : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ Append_Info_String (Basic_Info, Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_String (Tback_Info, Info, Ptr);
+ return Info;
+ end Exception_Information;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Set_Exception_C_Msg --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure Set_Exception_C_Msg
+ (Id : Exception_Id;
+ Msg1 : Big_String_Ptr;
+ Line : Integer := 0;
+ Msg2 : Big_String_Ptr := null)
+ is
+ Excep : constant EOA := Get_Current_Excep.all;
+ Val : Integer := Line;
+ Remind : Integer;
+ Size : Integer := 1;
+ Ptr : Natural;
+ begin
+ Exception_Propagation.Setup_Exception (Excep, Excep);
+ Excep.Exception_Raised := False;
+ Excep.Id := Id;
+ Excep.Num_Tracebacks := 0;
+ Excep.Pid := Local_Partition_ID;
+ Excep.Msg_Length := 0;
+ Excep.Cleanup_Flag := False;
+ while Msg1 (Excep.Msg_Length + 1) /= ASCII.NUL
+ and then Excep.Msg_Length < Exception_Msg_Max_Length
+ loop
+ Excep.Msg_Length := Excep.Msg_Length + 1;
+ Excep.Msg (Excep.Msg_Length) := Msg1 (Excep.Msg_Length);
+ end loop;
+ -- Append line number if present
+ if Line > 0 then
+ -- Compute the number of needed characters
+ while Val > 0 loop
+ Val := Val / 10;
+ Size := Size + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- If enough characters are available, put the line number
+ if Excep.Msg_Length <= Exception_Msg_Max_Length - Size then
+ Excep.Msg (Excep.Msg_Length + 1) := ':';
+ Excep.Msg_Length := Excep.Msg_Length + Size;
+ Val := Line;
+ Size := 0;
+ while Val > 0 loop
+ Remind := Val rem 10;
+ Val := Val / 10;
+ Excep.Msg (Excep.Msg_Length - Size) :=
+ Character'Val (Remind + Character'Pos ('0'));
+ Size := Size + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Append second message if present
+ if Msg2 /= null
+ and then Excep.Msg_Length + 1 < Exception_Msg_Max_Length
+ then
+ Excep.Msg_Length := Excep.Msg_Length + 1;
+ Excep.Msg (Excep.Msg_Length) := ' ';
+ Ptr := 1;
+ while Msg2 (Ptr) /= ASCII.NUL
+ and then Excep.Msg_Length < Exception_Msg_Max_Length
+ loop
+ Excep.Msg_Length := Excep.Msg_Length + 1;
+ Excep.Msg (Excep.Msg_Length) := Msg2 (Ptr);
+ Ptr := Ptr + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Set_Exception_C_Msg;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Set_Exception_Msg --
+ -----------------------
+ procedure Set_Exception_Msg
+ (Id : Exception_Id;
+ Message : String)
+ is
+ Len : constant Natural :=
+ Natural'Min (Message'Length, Exception_Msg_Max_Length);
+ First : constant Integer := Message'First;
+ Excep : constant EOA := Get_Current_Excep.all;
+ begin
+ Exception_Propagation.Setup_Exception (Excep, Excep);
+ Excep.Exception_Raised := False;
+ Excep.Msg_Length := Len;
+ Excep.Msg (1 .. Len) := Message (First .. First + Len - 1);
+ Excep.Id := Id;
+ Excep.Num_Tracebacks := 0;
+ Excep.Pid := Local_Partition_ID;
+ Excep.Cleanup_Flag := False;
+ end Set_Exception_Msg;
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- Tailored_Exception_Traceback --
+ ----------------------------------
+ function Tailored_Exception_Traceback
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence)
+ return String
+ is
+ -- We indeed reference the decorator *wrapper* from here and not the
+ -- decorator itself. The purpose of the local variable Wrapper is to
+ -- prevent a potential crash by race condition in the code below. The
+ -- atomicity of this assignment is enforced by pragma Atomic in
+ -- System.Soft_Links.
+ -- The potential race condition here, if no local variable was used,
+ -- relates to the test upon the wrapper's value and the call, which
+ -- are not performed atomically. With the local variable, potential
+ -- changes of the wrapper's global value between the test and the
+ -- call become inoffensive.
+ Wrapper : constant Traceback_Decorator_Wrapper_Call :=
+ Traceback_Decorator_Wrapper;
+ begin
+ if Wrapper = null then
+ return Basic_Exception_Traceback (X);
+ else
+ return Wrapper.all (X.Tracebacks'Address, X.Num_Tracebacks);
+ end if;
+ end Tailored_Exception_Traceback;
+ ------------------------------------
+ -- Tailored_Exception_Information --
+ ------------------------------------
+ function Tailored_Exception_Information
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence)
+ return String
+ is
+ -- The tailored exception information is simply the basic information
+ -- associated with the tailored call chain backtrace.
+ Basic_Info : constant String := Basic_Exception_Information (X);
+ Tback_Info : constant String := Tailored_Exception_Traceback (X);
+ Basic_Len : constant Natural := Basic_Info'Length;
+ Tback_Len : constant Natural := Tback_Info'Length;
+ Info : String (1 .. Basic_Len + Tback_Len);
+ Ptr : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ Append_Info_String (Basic_Info, Info, Ptr);
+ Append_Info_String (Tback_Info, Info, Ptr);
+ return Info;
+ end Tailored_Exception_Information;
+ procedure Tailored_Exception_Information
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence;
+ Buff : in out String;
+ Last : in out Integer)
+ is
+ begin
+ Append_Info_String (Basic_Exception_Information (X), Buff, Last);
+ Append_Info_String (Tailored_Exception_Traceback (X), Buff, Last);
+ end Tailored_Exception_Information;
+end Exception_Data;