path: root/gcc/ada/
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
index dc117e1aa20..ed391f03a07 100755
--- a/gcc/ada/
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -34,8 +34,9 @@
-- aspect specifications from the tree. The semantic processing for aspect
-- specifications is found in Sem_Ch13.Analyze_Aspect_Specifications.
-with Namet; use Namet;
-with Types; use Types;
+with Namet; use Namet;
+with Snames; use Snames;
+with Types; use Types;
package Aspects is
@@ -159,6 +160,68 @@ package Aspects is
Aspect_Write => Name,
Boolean_Aspects => Optional);
+ -----------------------------------------
+ -- Table Linking Names and Aspect_Id's --
+ -----------------------------------------
+ type Aspect_Entry is record
+ Nam : Name_Id;
+ Asp : Aspect_Id;
+ end record;
+ -- Table linking aspect names and id's
+ Aspect_Names : constant array (Integer range <>) of Aspect_Entry :=
+ ((Name_Ada_2005, Aspect_Ada_2005),
+ (Name_Ada_2012, Aspect_Ada_2012),
+ (Name_Address, Aspect_Address),
+ (Name_Alignment, Aspect_Alignment),
+ (Name_Atomic, Aspect_Atomic),
+ (Name_Atomic_Components, Aspect_Atomic_Components),
+ (Name_Bit_Order, Aspect_Bit_Order),
+ (Name_Component_Size, Aspect_Component_Size),
+ (Name_Dynamic_Predicate, Aspect_Dynamic_Predicate),
+ (Name_Discard_Names, Aspect_Discard_Names),
+ (Name_External_Tag, Aspect_External_Tag),
+ (Name_Favor_Top_Level, Aspect_Favor_Top_Level),
+ (Name_Inline, Aspect_Inline),
+ (Name_Inline_Always, Aspect_Inline_Always),
+ (Name_Input, Aspect_Input),
+ (Name_Invariant, Aspect_Invariant),
+ (Name_Machine_Radix, Aspect_Machine_Radix),
+ (Name_Object_Size, Aspect_Object_Size),
+ (Name_Output, Aspect_Output),
+ (Name_Pack, Aspect_Pack),
+ (Name_Persistent_BSS, Aspect_Persistent_BSS),
+ (Name_Post, Aspect_Post),
+ (Name_Postcondition, Aspect_Postcondition),
+ (Name_Pre, Aspect_Pre),
+ (Name_Precondition, Aspect_Precondition),
+ (Name_Predicate, Aspect_Predicate),
+ (Name_Preelaborable_Initialization, Aspect_Preelaborable_Initialization),
+ (Name_Pure_Function, Aspect_Pure_Function),
+ (Name_Read, Aspect_Read),
+ (Name_Shared, Aspect_Shared),
+ (Name_Size, Aspect_Size),
+ (Name_Static_Predicate, Aspect_Static_Predicate),
+ (Name_Storage_Pool, Aspect_Storage_Pool),
+ (Name_Storage_Size, Aspect_Storage_Size),
+ (Name_Stream_Size, Aspect_Stream_Size),
+ (Name_Suppress, Aspect_Suppress),
+ (Name_Suppress_Debug_Info, Aspect_Suppress_Debug_Info),
+ (Name_Type_Invariant, Aspect_Type_Invariant),
+ (Name_Unchecked_Union, Aspect_Unchecked_Union),
+ (Name_Universal_Aliasing, Aspect_Universal_Aliasing),
+ (Name_Unmodified, Aspect_Unmodified),
+ (Name_Unreferenced, Aspect_Unreferenced),
+ (Name_Unreferenced_Objects, Aspect_Unreferenced_Objects),
+ (Name_Unsuppress, Aspect_Unsuppress),
+ (Name_Value_Size, Aspect_Value_Size),
+ (Name_Volatile, Aspect_Volatile),
+ (Name_Volatile_Components, Aspect_Volatile_Components),
+ (Name_Warnings, Aspect_Warnings),
+ (Name_Write, Aspect_Write));
function Get_Aspect_Id (Name : Name_Id) return Aspect_Id;
pragma Inline (Get_Aspect_Id);
-- Given a name Nam, returns the corresponding aspect id value. If the name