path: root/gcc/ada/make.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/make.adb')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 301 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/make.adb b/gcc/ada/make.adb
index bab1109ad77..d32d0acf77f 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/make.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/make.adb
@@ -263,6 +263,13 @@ package body Make is
Max_Line_Length : constant := 127;
-- Maximum number of characters per line, when displaying a path
+ Do_Compile_Step : Boolean := True;
+ Do_Bind_Step : Boolean := True;
+ Do_Link_Step : Boolean := True;
+ -- Flags to indicate what step should be executed.
+ -- Can be set to False with the switches -c, -b and -l.
+ -- These flags are reset to True for each invokation of procedure Gnatmake.
-- Marking Routines --
@@ -2507,6 +2514,10 @@ package body Make is
-- really necessary, because it is too hard to decide.
+ Do_Compile_Step := True;
+ Do_Bind_Step := True;
+ Do_Link_Step := True;
if Hostparm.Java_VM then
@@ -2557,7 +2568,8 @@ package body Make is
-- First make sure that the binder and the linker
-- will not be invoked.
- Opt.Compile_Only := True;
+ Do_Bind_Step := False;
+ Do_Link_Step := False;
-- Put all the sources in the queue
@@ -2875,296 +2887,333 @@ package body Make is
Gnatbind_Path := GNAT.OS_Lib.Locate_Exec_On_Path (Gnatbind.all);
Gnatlink_Path := GNAT.OS_Lib.Locate_Exec_On_Path (Gnatlink.all);
+ -- If we have specified -j switch both from the project file
+ -- and on the command line, the one from the command line takes
+ -- precedence.
+ if Saved_Maximum_Processes = 0 then
+ Saved_Maximum_Processes := Opt.Maximum_Processes;
+ end if;
+ -- If either -c, -b or -l has been specified, we will not necessarily
+ -- execute all steps.
+ if Compile_Only or else Bind_Only or else Link_Only then
+ Do_Compile_Step := Do_Compile_Step and Compile_Only;
+ Do_Bind_Step := Do_Bind_Step and Bind_Only;
+ Do_Link_Step := Do_Link_Step and Link_Only;
+ -- If -c has been specified, but not -b, ignore any potential -l
+ if Do_Compile_Step and then not Do_Bind_Step then
+ Do_Link_Step := False;
+ end if;
+ end if;
-- Here is where the make process is started
-- We do the same process for each main
Multiple_Main_Loop : for N_File in 1 .. Osint.Number_Of_Files loop
- Recursive_Compilation_Step : declare
- Args : Argument_List (1 .. Gcc_Switches.Last);
+ if Do_Compile_Step then
+ Recursive_Compilation_Step : declare
+ Args : Argument_List (1 .. Gcc_Switches.Last);
- First_Compiled_File : Name_Id;
+ First_Compiled_File : Name_Id;
- Youngest_Obj_File : Name_Id;
- Youngest_Obj_Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type;
+ Youngest_Obj_File : Name_Id;
+ Youngest_Obj_Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type;
- Executable_Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type;
- -- Executable is the final executable program.
+ Executable_Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type;
+ -- Executable is the final executable program.
- begin
- Executable := No_File;
- Non_Std_Executable := False;
+ begin
+ Executable := No_File;
+ Non_Std_Executable := False;
- for J in 1 .. Gcc_Switches.Last loop
- Args (J) := Gcc_Switches.Table (J);
- end loop;
+ for J in 1 .. Gcc_Switches.Last loop
+ Args (J) := Gcc_Switches.Table (J);
+ end loop;
- -- Look inside the linker switches to see if the name of the final
- -- executable program was specified.
+ -- Look inside the linker switches to see if the name
+ -- of the final executable program was specified.
- for J in Linker_Switches.First .. Linker_Switches.Last loop
- if Linker_Switches.Table (J).all = Output_Flag.all then
- pragma Assert (J < Linker_Switches.Last);
+ for J in Linker_Switches.First .. Linker_Switches.Last loop
+ if Linker_Switches.Table (J).all = Output_Flag.all then
+ pragma Assert (J < Linker_Switches.Last);
- -- We cannot specify a single executable for several
- -- main subprograms!
+ -- We cannot specify a single executable for several
+ -- main subprograms!
- if Osint.Number_Of_Files > 1 then
- Fail
- ("cannot specify a single executable for several mains");
- end if;
+ if Osint.Number_Of_Files > 1 then
+ Fail
+ ("cannot specify a single executable " &
+ "for several mains");
+ end if;
- Name_Len := Linker_Switches.Table (J + 1)'Length;
- Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) :=
- Linker_Switches.Table (J + 1).all;
+ Name_Len := Linker_Switches.Table (J + 1)'Length;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) :=
+ Linker_Switches.Table (J + 1).all;
- -- If target has an executable suffix and it has not been
- -- specified then it is added here.
+ -- If target has an executable suffix and it has not been
+ -- specified then it is added here.
- if Executable_Suffix'Length /= 0
- and then Linker_Switches.Table (J + 1)
- (Name_Len - Executable_Suffix'Length + 1
- .. Name_Len) /= Executable_Suffix
- then
- Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1 ..
- Name_Len + Executable_Suffix'Length) :=
- Executable_Suffix;
- Name_Len := Name_Len + Executable_Suffix'Length;
- end if;
+ if Executable_Suffix'Length /= 0
+ and then Linker_Switches.Table (J + 1)
+ (Name_Len - Executable_Suffix'Length + 1
+ .. Name_Len) /= Executable_Suffix
+ then
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1 ..
+ Name_Len + Executable_Suffix'Length) :=
+ Executable_Suffix;
+ Name_Len := Name_Len + Executable_Suffix'Length;
+ end if;
- Executable := Name_Enter;
+ Executable := Name_Enter;
- Verbose_Msg (Executable, "final executable");
- end if;
- end loop;
+ Verbose_Msg (Executable, "final executable");
+ end if;
+ end loop;
- -- If the name of the final executable program was not specified
- -- then construct it from the main input file.
+ -- If the name of the final executable program was not
+ -- specified then construct it from the main input file.
- if Executable = No_File then
- if Main_Project = No_Project then
- Executable :=
- Executable_Name (Strip_Suffix (Main_Source_File));
+ if Executable = No_File then
+ if Main_Project = No_Project then
+ Executable :=
+ Executable_Name (Strip_Suffix (Main_Source_File));
- else
- -- If we are using a project file, we attempt to
- -- remove the body (or spec) termination of the main
- -- subprogram. We find it the the naming scheme of the
- -- project file. This will avoid to generate an executable
- -- "main.2" for a main subprogram "main.2.ada", when the
- -- body termination is ".2.ada".
+ else
+ -- If we are using a project file, we attempt to
+ -- remove the body (or spec) termination of the main
+ -- subprogram. We find it the the naming scheme of the
+ -- project file. This will avoid to generate an
+ -- executable "main.2" for a main subprogram
+ -- "main.2.ada", when the body termination is ".2.ada".
- declare
- Body_Append : constant String :=
- Get_Name_String
- (Projects.Table
- (Main_Project).
- Naming.Current_Impl_Suffix);
- Spec_Append : constant String :=
- Get_Name_String
- (Projects.Table
- (Main_Project).
- Naming.Current_Spec_Suffix);
+ declare
+ Body_Append : constant String :=
+ Get_Name_String
+ (Projects.Table
+ (Main_Project).
+ Naming.Current_Impl_Suffix);
+ Spec_Append : constant String :=
+ Get_Name_String
+ (Projects.Table
+ (Main_Project).
+ Naming.Current_Spec_Suffix);
- begin
- Get_Name_String (Main_Source_File);
+ begin
+ Get_Name_String (Main_Source_File);
- if Name_Len > Body_Append'Length
- and then Name_Buffer
+ if Name_Len > Body_Append'Length
+ and then Name_Buffer
(Name_Len - Body_Append'Length + 1 .. Name_Len) =
- Body_Append
- then
- -- We have found the body termination. We remove it
- -- add the executable termination (if any) and set
- -- Non_Std_Executable.
- Name_Len := Name_Len - Body_Append'Length;
- Executable := Executable_Name (Name_Find);
- Non_Std_Executable := True;
- elsif Name_Len > Spec_Append'Length
- and then
- Name_Buffer
- (Name_Len - Spec_Append'Length + 1 .. Name_Len) =
- Spec_Append
- then
- -- We have found the spec termination. We remove it,
- -- add the executable termination (if any), and set
- -- Non_Std_Executable.
+ Body_Append
+ then
+ -- We have found the body termination. We remove it
+ -- add the executable termination (if any) and set
+ -- Non_Std_Executable.
+ Name_Len := Name_Len - Body_Append'Length;
+ Executable := Executable_Name (Name_Find);
+ Non_Std_Executable := True;
+ elsif Name_Len > Spec_Append'Length
+ and then
+ Name_Buffer
+ (Name_Len - Spec_Append'Length + 1 .. Name_Len) =
+ Spec_Append
+ then
+ -- We have found the spec termination. We remove
+ -- it, add the executable termination (if any),
+ -- and set Non_Std_Executable.
+ Name_Len := Name_Len - Spec_Append'Length;
+ Executable := Executable_Name (Name_Find);
+ Non_Std_Executable := True;
+ else
+ Executable :=
+ Executable_Name (Strip_Suffix (Main_Source_File));
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end if;
- Name_Len := Name_Len - Spec_Append'Length;
- Executable := Executable_Name (Name_Find);
- Non_Std_Executable := True;
+ -- Now we invoke Compile_Sources for the current main
+ Compile_Sources
+ (Main_Source => Main_Source_File,
+ Args => Args,
+ First_Compiled_File => First_Compiled_File,
+ Most_Recent_Obj_File => Youngest_Obj_File,
+ Most_Recent_Obj_Stamp => Youngest_Obj_Stamp,
+ Main_Unit => Is_Main_Unit,
+ Compilation_Failures => Compilation_Failures,
+ Check_Readonly_Files => Opt.Check_Readonly_Files,
+ Do_Not_Execute => Opt.Do_Not_Execute,
+ Force_Compilations => Opt.Force_Compilations,
+ In_Place_Mode => Opt.In_Place_Mode,
+ Keep_Going => Opt.Keep_Going,
+ Initialize_ALI_Data => True,
+ Max_Process => Saved_Maximum_Processes);
- else
- Executable :=
- Executable_Name (Strip_Suffix (Main_Source_File));
- end if;
- end;
+ if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
+ Write_Str ("End of compilation");
+ Write_Eol;
end if;
- end if;
- -- Now we invoke Compile_Sources for the current main
- Compile_Sources
- (Main_Source => Main_Source_File,
- Args => Args,
- First_Compiled_File => First_Compiled_File,
- Most_Recent_Obj_File => Youngest_Obj_File,
- Most_Recent_Obj_Stamp => Youngest_Obj_Stamp,
- Main_Unit => Is_Main_Unit,
- Compilation_Failures => Compilation_Failures,
- Check_Readonly_Files => Opt.Check_Readonly_Files,
- Do_Not_Execute => Opt.Do_Not_Execute,
- Force_Compilations => Opt.Force_Compilations,
- In_Place_Mode => Opt.In_Place_Mode,
- Keep_Going => Opt.Keep_Going,
- Initialize_ALI_Data => True,
- Max_Process => Opt.Maximum_Processes);
- if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
- Write_Str ("End of compilation");
- Write_Eol;
- end if;
+ if Compilation_Failures /= 0 then
+ List_Bad_Compilations;
+ raise Compilation_Failed;
+ end if;
- if Compilation_Failures /= 0 then
- List_Bad_Compilations;
- raise Compilation_Failed;
- end if;
+ -- Regenerate libraries, if any and if object files
+ -- have been regenerated
- -- Regenerate libraries, if any and if object files
- -- have been regenerated
+ if Main_Project /= No_Project
+ and then MLib.Tgt.Libraries_Are_Supported
+ then
- if Main_Project /= No_Project
- and then MLib.Tgt.Libraries_Are_Supported
- then
+ for Proj in Projects.First .. Projects.Last loop
- for Proj in Projects.First .. Projects.Last loop
+ if Proj /= Main_Project
+ and then Projects.Table (Proj).Flag1
+ then
+ MLib.Prj.Build_Library (For_Project => Proj);
+ end if;
- if Proj /= Main_Project
- and then Projects.Table (Proj).Flag1
- then
- MLib.Prj.Build_Library (For_Project => Proj);
- end if;
+ end loop;
- end loop;
+ end if;
- end if;
+ if Opt.List_Dependencies then
+ if First_Compiled_File /= No_File then
+ Inform
+ (First_Compiled_File,
+ "must be recompiled. Can't generate dependence list.");
+ else
+ List_Depend;
+ end if;
- if Opt.List_Dependencies then
- if First_Compiled_File /= No_File then
- Inform
- (First_Compiled_File,
- "must be recompiled. Can't generate dependence list.");
- else
- List_Depend;
- end if;
+ elsif First_Compiled_File = No_File
+ and then not Do_Bind_Step
+ and then not Opt.Quiet_Output
+ and then Osint.Number_Of_Files = 1
+ then
+ if Unique_Compile then
+ Inform (Msg => "object up to date.");
+ else
+ Inform (Msg => "objects up to date.");
+ end if;
- elsif First_Compiled_File = No_File
- and then Opt.Compile_Only
- and then not Opt.Quiet_Output
- and then Osint.Number_Of_Files = 1
- then
- if Unique_Compile then
- Inform (Msg => "object up to date.");
- else
- Inform (Msg => "objects up to date.");
+ elsif Opt.Do_Not_Execute
+ and then First_Compiled_File /= No_File
+ then
+ Write_Name (First_Compiled_File);
+ Write_Eol;
end if;
- elsif Opt.Do_Not_Execute
- and then First_Compiled_File /= No_File
- then
- Write_Name (First_Compiled_File);
- Write_Eol;
- end if;
- -- Stop after compile step if any of:
+ -- Stop after compile step if any of:
- -- 1) -n (Do_Not_Execute) specified
+ -- 1) -n (Do_Not_Execute) specified
- -- 2) -l (List_Dependencies) specified (also sets Do_Not_Execute
- -- above, so this is probably superfluous).
+ -- 2) -l (List_Dependencies) specified (also sets
+ -- Do_Not_Execute above, so this is probably superfluous).
- -- 3) -c (Compile_Only) specified
+ -- 3) -c (Compile_Only) specified, but not -b (Bind_Only)
- -- 4) Made unit cannot be a main unit
+ -- 4) Made unit cannot be a main unit
- if (Opt.Do_Not_Execute
- or Opt.List_Dependencies
- or Opt.Compile_Only
- or not Is_Main_Unit)
- and then not No_Main_Subprogram
- then
- if Osint.Number_Of_Files = 1 then
- return;
+ if (Opt.Do_Not_Execute
+ or Opt.List_Dependencies
+ or not Do_Bind_Step
+ or not Is_Main_Unit)
+ and then not No_Main_Subprogram
+ then
+ if Osint.Number_Of_Files = 1 then
+ return;
- else
- goto Next_Main;
+ else
+ goto Next_Main;
+ end if;
end if;
- end if;
- -- If the objects were up-to-date check if the executable file
- -- is also up-to-date. For now always bind and link on the JVM
- -- since there is currently no simple way to check the up-to-date
- -- status of objects
+ -- If the objects were up-to-date check if the executable file
+ -- is also up-to-date. For now always bind and link on the JVM
+ -- since there is currently no simple way to check the
+ -- up-to-date status of objects
- if not Hostparm.Java_VM and then First_Compiled_File = No_File then
- Executable_Stamp := File_Stamp (Executable);
+ if not Hostparm.Java_VM
+ and then First_Compiled_File = No_File
+ then
+ Executable_Stamp := File_Stamp (Executable);
- -- Once Executable_Obsolete is set to True, it is never reset
- -- to False, because it is too hard to accurately decide if
- -- a subsequent main need to be rebuilt or not.
+ -- Once Executable_Obsolete is set to True, it is never
+ -- reset to False, because it is too hard to accurately
+ -- decide if a subsequent main need to be rebuilt or not.
- Executable_Obsolete :=
- Executable_Obsolete
- or else Youngest_Obj_Stamp > Executable_Stamp;
+ Executable_Obsolete :=
+ Executable_Obsolete
+ or else Youngest_Obj_Stamp > Executable_Stamp;
- if not Executable_Obsolete then
+ if not Executable_Obsolete then
- -- If no Ada object files obsolete the executable, check
- -- for younger or missing linker files.
+ -- If no Ada object files obsolete the executable, check
+ -- for younger or missing linker files.
- Check_Linker_Options
- (Executable_Stamp, Youngest_Obj_File, Youngest_Obj_Stamp);
+ Check_Linker_Options
+ (Executable_Stamp,
+ Youngest_Obj_File,
+ Youngest_Obj_Stamp);
- Executable_Obsolete := Youngest_Obj_File /= No_File;
- end if;
+ Executable_Obsolete := Youngest_Obj_File /= No_File;
+ end if;
- -- Return if the executable is up to date
- -- and otherwise motivate the relink/rebind.
+ -- Return if the executable is up to date
+ -- and otherwise motivate the relink/rebind.
- if not Executable_Obsolete then
- if not Opt.Quiet_Output then
- Inform (Executable, "up to date.");
- end if;
+ if not Executable_Obsolete then
+ if not Opt.Quiet_Output then
+ Inform (Executable, "up to date.");
+ end if;
- if Osint.Number_Of_Files = 1 then
- return;
+ if Osint.Number_Of_Files = 1 then
+ return;
- else
- goto Next_Main;
+ else
+ goto Next_Main;
+ end if;
end if;
- end if;
- if Executable_Stamp (1) = ' ' then
- Verbose_Msg (Executable, "missing.", Prefix => " ");
+ if Executable_Stamp (1) = ' ' then
+ Verbose_Msg (Executable, "missing.", Prefix => " ");
- elsif Youngest_Obj_Stamp (1) = ' ' then
- Verbose_Msg (Youngest_Obj_File, "missing.", Prefix => " ");
+ elsif Youngest_Obj_Stamp (1) = ' ' then
+ Verbose_Msg
+ (Youngest_Obj_File,
+ "missing.",
+ Prefix => " ");
- elsif Youngest_Obj_Stamp > Executable_Stamp then
- Verbose_Msg (Youngest_Obj_File,
- "(" & String (Youngest_Obj_Stamp) & ") newer than",
- Executable, "(" & String (Executable_Stamp) & ")");
+ elsif Youngest_Obj_Stamp > Executable_Stamp then
+ Verbose_Msg
+ (Youngest_Obj_File,
+ "(" & String (Youngest_Obj_Stamp) & ") newer than",
+ Executable,
+ "(" & String (Executable_Stamp) & ")");
- else
- Verbose_Msg (Executable, "needs to be rebuild.",
- Prefix => " ");
+ else
+ Verbose_Msg
+ (Executable, "needs to be rebuild.",
+ Prefix => " ");
+ end if;
end if;
- end if;
- end Recursive_Compilation_Step;
+ end Recursive_Compilation_Step;
+ end if;
-- If we are here, it means that we need to rebuilt the current
-- main. So we set Executable_Obsolete to True to make sure that
@@ -3197,103 +3246,111 @@ package body Make is
pragma Assert (Main_ALI_File /= No_File);
end Main_ALI_In_Place_Mode_Step;
- Bind_Step : declare
- Args : Argument_List
- (Binder_Switches.First .. Binder_Switches.Last);
+ if Do_Bind_Step then
+ Bind_Step : declare
+ Args : Argument_List
+ (Binder_Switches.First .. Binder_Switches.Last);
- begin
- -- Get all the binder switches
+ begin
+ -- Get all the binder switches
- for J in Binder_Switches.First .. Binder_Switches.Last loop
- Args (J) := Binder_Switches.Table (J);
- end loop;
+ for J in Binder_Switches.First .. Binder_Switches.Last loop
+ Args (J) := Binder_Switches.Table (J);
+ end loop;
- if Main_Project /= No_Project then
+ if Main_Project /= No_Project then
- -- Put all the source directories in ADA_INCLUDE_PATH,
- -- and all the object directories in ADA_OBJECTS_PATH
+ -- Put all the source directories in ADA_INCLUDE_PATH,
+ -- and all the object directories in ADA_OBJECTS_PATH
- Set_Ada_Paths (Main_Project, False);
- end if;
+ Set_Ada_Paths (Main_Project, False);
+ end if;
- Bind (Main_ALI_File, Args);
- end Bind_Step;
+ Bind (Main_ALI_File, Args);
+ end Bind_Step;
- Link_Step : declare
- There_Are_Libraries : Boolean := False;
- Linker_Switches_Last : constant Integer := Linker_Switches.Last;
+ end if;
- begin
+ if Do_Link_Step then
- if Main_Project /= No_Project then
+ Link_Step : declare
+ There_Are_Libraries : Boolean := False;
+ Linker_Switches_Last : constant Integer := Linker_Switches.Last;
- if MLib.Tgt.Libraries_Are_Supported then
- Set_Libraries (Main_Project, There_Are_Libraries);
- end if;
+ begin
- if There_Are_Libraries then
+ if Main_Project /= No_Project then
- -- Add -L<lib_dir> -lgnarl -lgnat -Wl,-rpath,<lib_dir>
+ if MLib.Tgt.Libraries_Are_Supported then
+ Set_Libraries (Main_Project, There_Are_Libraries);
+ end if;
- Linker_Switches.Increment_Last;
- Linker_Switches.Table (Linker_Switches.Last) :=
- new String'("-L" & MLib.Utl.Lib_Directory);
- Linker_Switches.Increment_Last;
- Linker_Switches.Table (Linker_Switches.Last) :=
- new String'("-lgnarl");
- Linker_Switches.Increment_Last;
- Linker_Switches.Table (Linker_Switches.Last) :=
- new String'("-lgnat");
+ if There_Are_Libraries then
- declare
- Option : constant String_Access :=
- MLib.Tgt.Linker_Library_Path_Option
- (MLib.Utl.Lib_Directory);
+ -- Add -L<lib_dir> -lgnarl -lgnat -Wl,-rpath,<lib_dir>
- begin
- if Option /= null then
- Linker_Switches.Increment_Last;
- Linker_Switches.Table (Linker_Switches.Last) := Option;
- end if;
+ Linker_Switches.Increment_Last;
+ Linker_Switches.Table (Linker_Switches.Last) :=
+ new String'("-L" & MLib.Utl.Lib_Directory);
+ Linker_Switches.Increment_Last;
+ Linker_Switches.Table (Linker_Switches.Last) :=
+ new String'("-lgnarl");
+ Linker_Switches.Increment_Last;
+ Linker_Switches.Table (Linker_Switches.Last) :=
+ new String'("-lgnat");
- end;
+ declare
+ Option : constant String_Access :=
+ MLib.Tgt.Linker_Library_Path_Option
+ (MLib.Utl.Lib_Directory);
- end if;
+ begin
+ if Option /= null then
+ Linker_Switches.Increment_Last;
+ Linker_Switches.Table (Linker_Switches.Last) :=
+ Option;
+ end if;
- -- Put the object directories in ADA_OBJECTS_PATH
+ end;
- Set_Ada_Paths (Main_Project, False);
- end if;
+ end if;
- declare
- Args : Argument_List
- (Linker_Switches.First .. Linker_Switches.Last + 2);
+ -- Put the object directories in ADA_OBJECTS_PATH
- begin
- -- Get all the linker switches
+ Set_Ada_Paths (Main_Project, False);
+ end if;
- for J in Linker_Switches.First .. Linker_Switches.Last loop
- Args (J) := Linker_Switches.Table (J);
- end loop;
+ declare
+ Args : Argument_List
+ (Linker_Switches.First .. Linker_Switches.Last + 2);
- -- And invoke the linker
+ begin
+ -- Get all the linker switches
- if Non_Std_Executable then
- Args (Linker_Switches.Last + 1) := new String'("-o");
- Args (Linker_Switches.Last + 2) :=
- new String'(Get_Name_String (Executable));
- Link (Main_ALI_File, Args);
+ for J in Linker_Switches.First .. Linker_Switches.Last loop
+ Args (J) := Linker_Switches.Table (J);
+ end loop;
- else
- Link
- (Main_ALI_File,
- Args (Linker_Switches.First .. Linker_Switches.Last));
- end if;
+ -- And invoke the linker
- end;
+ if Non_Std_Executable then
+ Args (Linker_Switches.Last + 1) := new String'("-o");
+ Args (Linker_Switches.Last + 2) :=
+ new String'(Get_Name_String (Executable));
+ Link (Main_ALI_File, Args);
+ else
+ Link
+ (Main_ALI_File,
+ Args (Linker_Switches.First .. Linker_Switches.Last));
+ end if;
- Linker_Switches.Set_Last (Linker_Switches_Last);
- end Link_Step;
+ end;
+ Linker_Switches.Set_Last (Linker_Switches_Last);
+ end Link_Step;
+ end if;
-- We go to here when we skip the bind and link steps.
@@ -4172,6 +4229,8 @@ package body Make is
Unique_Compile := True;
Opt.Compile_Only := True;
+ Do_Bind_Step := False;
+ Do_Link_Step := False;
-- -Pprj (only once, and only on the command line)
@@ -4251,19 +4310,20 @@ package body Make is
elsif Argv = "-gnath" then
- -- By default all switches with more than one character
- -- or one character switches which are not in 'a' .. 'z'
- -- are passed to the compiler, unless we are dealing
- -- with a -jnum switch or a debug switch (starts with 'd')
+ -- If -gnatc is specified, make sure the bind step and the link
+ -- step are not executed.
+ elsif Argv'Length >= 6 and then Argv (2 .. 6) = "gnatc" then
+ -- If -gnatc is specified, make sure the bind step and the link
+ -- step are not executed.
- elsif Argv'Length > 5
- and then Argv (2 .. 5) = "gnat"
- and then Argv (6) = 'c'
- then
Add_Switch (Argv, Compiler, And_Save => And_Save);
Opt.Operating_Mode := Opt.Check_Semantics;
Opt.Check_Object_Consistency := False;
Opt.Compile_Only := True;
+ Do_Bind_Step := False;
+ Do_Link_Step := False;
elsif Argv (2 .. Argv'Last) = "nostdlib" then
@@ -4274,10 +4334,18 @@ package body Make is
Add_Switch (Argv, Binder, And_Save => And_Save);
elsif Argv (2 .. Argv'Last) = "nostdinc" then
+ -- Pass -nostdinv to the Compiler and to gnatbind
Opt.No_Stdinc := True;
Add_Switch (Argv, Compiler, And_Save => And_Save);
Add_Switch (Argv, Binder, And_Save => And_Save);
+ -- By default all switches with more than one character
+ -- or one character switches which are not in 'a' .. 'z'
+ -- (except 'M') are passed to the compiler, unless we are dealing
+ -- with a debug switch (starts with 'd')
elsif Argv (2) /= 'd'
and then Argv (2 .. Argv'Last) /= "M"
and then (Argv'Length > 2 or else Argv (2) not in 'a' .. 'z')