path: root/gcc/ada/makeutl.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/makeutl.adb')
1 files changed, 375 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/makeutl.adb b/gcc/ada/makeutl.adb
index 44575ba29e7..2c821dc1c92 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/makeutl.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/makeutl.adb
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
-- --
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with ALI; use ALI;
with Debug;
with Err_Vars; use Err_Vars;
@@ -1224,6 +1225,9 @@ package body Makeutl is
Current : Natural := 0;
-- The index of the last main retrieved from the table
+ Count_Of_Mains_With_No_Tree : Natural := 0;
+ -- Number of main units for which we do not know the project tree
-- Add_Main --
@@ -1236,6 +1240,12 @@ package body Makeutl is
Tree : Project_Tree_Ref := null)
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Debug_Output ("Add_Main """ & Name & """ " & Index'Img
+ & " with_tree? "
+ & Boolean'Image (Tree /= null));
+ end if;
Name_Len := 0;
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Name);
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
@@ -1243,6 +1253,14 @@ package body Makeutl is
Names.Table (Names.Last) :=
(Name_Find, Index, Location, No_Source, Project, Tree);
+ if Tree /= null then
+ Builder_Data (Tree).Number_Of_Mains :=
+ Builder_Data (Tree).Number_Of_Mains + 1;
+ else
+ Mains.Count_Of_Mains_With_No_Tree :=
+ Mains.Count_Of_Mains_With_No_Tree + 1;
+ end if;
end Add_Main;
@@ -1281,6 +1299,162 @@ package body Makeutl is
end Delete;
+ --------------------
+ -- Complete_Mains --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Complete_Mains
+ (Root_Project : Project_Id;
+ Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref)
+ is
+ procedure Do_Complete (Project : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref);
+ -- Check the mains for this specific project
+ procedure Complete_All is new For_Project_And_Aggregated
+ (Do_Complete);
+ procedure Do_Complete
+ (Project : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) is
+ begin
+ if Mains.Number_Of_Mains (Tree) > 0
+ or else Mains.Count_Of_Mains_With_No_Tree > 0
+ then
+ for J in Names.First .. Names.Last loop
+ declare
+ File : Main_Info := Names.Table (J);
+ Main_Id : File_Name_Type := File.File;
+ Main : constant String := Get_Name_String (Main_Id);
+ Source : Prj.Source_Id := No_Source;
+ Suffix : File_Name_Type;
+ Iter : Source_Iterator;
+ begin
+ if Base_Name (Main) /= Main then
+ if Is_Absolute_Path (Main) then
+ Main_Id := Create_Name (Base_Name (Main));
+ else
+ Fail_Program
+ (Tree,
+ "mains cannot include directory information ("""
+ & Main & """)");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- If no project or tree was specified for the main, it
+ -- came from the command line. In this case, it needs to
+ -- belong to the root project.
+ -- Note that the assignments below will not modify inside
+ -- the table itself.
+ if File.Project = null then
+ File.Project := Project;
+ end if;
+ if File.Tree = null then
+ File.Tree := Project_Tree;
+ end if;
+ if File.Source = null then
+ -- First, look for the main as specified.
+ Source := Find_Source
+ (In_Tree => File.Tree,
+ Project => File.Project,
+ Base_Name => File.File,
+ Index => File.Index);
+ if Source = No_Source then
+ -- Now look for the main with a body suffix
+ declare
+ -- Main already has a canonical casing
+ Main : constant String :=
+ Get_Name_String (Main_Id);
+ Project : Project_Id;
+ begin
+ Project := File.Project;
+ while Source = No_Source
+ and then Project /= No_Project
+ loop
+ Iter := For_Each_Source (File.Tree, Project);
+ loop
+ Source := Prj.Element (Iter);
+ exit when Source = No_Source;
+ -- Only consider bodies
+ if Source.Kind = Impl then
+ Get_Name_String (Source.File);
+ if Name_Len > Main'Length
+ and then Name_Buffer
+ (1 .. Main'Length) = Main
+ then
+ Suffix :=
+ Source.Language
+ .Config.Naming_Data.Body_Suffix;
+ exit when Suffix /= No_File and then
+ Name_Buffer
+ (Main'Length + 1 .. Name_Len) =
+ Get_Name_String (Suffix);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Next (Iter);
+ end loop;
+ Project := Project.Extends;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ if Source /= No_Source then
+ Debug_Output ("Found main in project",
+ Name_Id (Source.File));
+ Names.Table (J).File := Source.File;
+ Names.Table (J).Project := File.Project;
+ if Names.Table (J).Tree = null then
+ Names.Table (J).Tree := File.Tree;
+ Builder_Data (File.Tree).Number_Of_Mains :=
+ Builder_Data (File.Tree).Number_Of_Mains + 1;
+ Mains.Count_Of_Mains_With_No_Tree :=
+ Mains.Count_Of_Mains_With_No_Tree - 1;
+ end if;
+ Names.Table (J).Source := Source;
+ elsif File.Location /= No_Location then
+ -- If the main is declared in package Builder of
+ -- the main project, report an error. If the main
+ -- is on the command line, it may be a main from
+ -- another project, so do nothing: if the main does
+ -- not exist in another project, an error will be
+ -- reported later.
+ Error_Msg_File_1 := Main_Id;
+ Error_Msg_Name_1 := Root_Project.Name;
+ Errutil.Error_Msg
+ ("{ is not a source of project %%",
+ File.Location);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ if Total_Errors_Detected > 0 then
+ Fail_Program (Tree, "problems with main sources");
+ end if;
+ end Do_Complete;
+ begin
+ Complete_All (Root_Project, Project_Tree);
+ end Complete_Mains;
-- FIll_From_Project --
@@ -1291,7 +1465,8 @@ package body Makeutl is
procedure Add_Mains_From_Project
(Project : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref);
- -- Add the main units from this project into Mains
+ -- Add the main units from this project into Mains.
+ -- This takes into account the aggregated projects
procedure Add_Mains_From_Project
(Project : Project_Id;
@@ -1299,160 +1474,47 @@ package body Makeutl is
List : String_List_Id;
Element : String_Element;
- Agg : Aggregated_Project_List;
- Debug_Output ("Add_Mains_From_Project", Project.Name);
- case Project.Qualifier is
- when Aggregate =>
- Agg := Project.Aggregated_Projects;
- while Agg /= null loop
- Add_Mains_From_Project (Agg.Project, Agg.Tree);
- Agg := Agg.Next;
- end loop;
- when others =>
- List := Project.Mains;
- if List /= Prj.Nil_String then
- -- The attribute Main is not an empty list.
- -- Get the mains in the list
- while List /= Prj.Nil_String loop
- Element := Tree.Shared.String_Elements.Table (List);
- Debug_Output ("Add_Main", Element.Value);
- Add_Main (Name => Get_Name_String (Element.Value),
- Index => Element.Index,
- Location => Element.Location,
- Project => Project,
- Tree => Tree);
- List := Element.Next;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end case;
- end Add_Mains_From_Project;
- begin
- if Number_Of_Mains = 0 then
- Add_Mains_From_Project (Root_Project, Project_Tree);
- end if;
+ if Number_Of_Mains (Tree) = 0
+ and then Mains.Count_Of_Mains_With_No_Tree = 0
+ then
+ Debug_Output ("Add_Mains_From_Project", Project.Name);
+ List := Project.Mains;
+ if List /= Prj.Nil_String then
+ -- The attribute Main is not an empty list.
+ -- Get the mains in the list
- -- If there are mains, check that they are sources of the main
- -- project
- if Mains.Number_Of_Mains > 0 then
- for J in Names.First .. Names.Last loop
- declare
- File : Main_Info := Names.Table (J);
- Main_Id : File_Name_Type := File.File;
- Main : constant String := Get_Name_String (Main_Id);
- Project : Project_Id;
- Source : Prj.Source_Id := No_Source;
- Suffix : File_Name_Type;
- Iter : Source_Iterator;
- begin
- if Base_Name (Main) /= Main then
- if Is_Absolute_Path (Main) then
- Main_Id := Create_Name (Base_Name (Main));
+ while List /= Prj.Nil_String loop
+ Element := Tree.Shared.String_Elements.Table (List);
+ Debug_Output ("Add_Main", Element.Value);
- else
+ if Project.Library then
- (Project_Tree,
- "mains cannot include directory information (""" &
- Main & """)");
+ (Tree,
+ "cannot specify a main program " &
+ "for a library project file");
end if;
- end if;
- -- If no project or tree was specified for the main, it came
- -- from the command line. In this case, it needs to belong
- -- to the root project.
- -- Note that the assignments below will not modify inside
- -- the table itself.
- if File.Project = null then
- File.Project := Root_Project;
- end if;
- if File.Tree = null then
- File.Tree := Project_Tree;
- end if;
- -- First, look for the main as specified.
- Source := Find_Source
- (In_Tree => File.Tree,
- Project => File.Project,
- Base_Name => File.File,
- Index => File.Index);
- if Source = No_Source then
- -- Now look for the main with a body suffix
- declare
- -- Main already has a canonical casing
- Main : constant String := Get_Name_String (Main_Id);
- begin
- Project := File.Project;
- while Source = No_Source
- and then Project /= No_Project
- loop
- Iter := For_Each_Source (File.Tree, Project);
- loop
- Source := Prj.Element (Iter);
- exit when Source = No_Source;
- -- Only consider bodies
- if Source.Kind = Impl then
- Get_Name_String (Source.File);
- if Name_Len > Main'Length
- and then
- Name_Buffer (1 .. Main'Length) = Main
- then
- Suffix :=
- Source.Language
- .Config.Naming_Data.Body_Suffix;
- exit when Suffix /= No_File and then
- Name_Buffer (Main'Length + 1 .. Name_Len)
- = Get_Name_String (Suffix);
- end if;
- end if;
- Next (Iter);
- end loop;
+ Add_Main (Name => Get_Name_String (Element.Value),
+ Index => Element.Index,
+ Location => Element.Location,
+ Project => Project,
+ Tree => Tree);
+ List := Element.Next;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end if;
- Project := Project.Extends;
- end loop;
- end;
- end if;
+ if Total_Errors_Detected > 0 then
+ Fail_Program (Tree, "problems with main sources");
+ end if;
+ end Add_Mains_From_Project;
- if Source /= No_Source then
- Names.Table (J).File := Source.File;
- Names.Table (J).Project := File.Project;
- Names.Table (J).Tree := File.Tree;
- Names.Table (J).Source := Source;
- elsif File.Location /= No_Location then
- -- If the main is declared in package Builder of the
- -- main project, report an error. If the main is on
- -- the command line, it may be a main from another
- -- project, so do nothing: if the main does not exist
- -- in another project, an error will be reported
- -- later.
- Error_Msg_File_1 := Main_Id;
- Error_Msg_Name_1 := Root_Project.Name;
- Errutil.Error_Msg ("{ is not a source of project %%",
- File.Location);
- end if;
- end;
- end loop;
- end if;
+ procedure Fill_All is new For_Project_And_Aggregated
+ (Add_Mains_From_Project);
- if Total_Errors_Detected > 0 then
- Fail_Program (Project_Tree, "problems with main sources");
- end if;
+ begin
+ Fill_All (Root_Project, Project_Tree);
end Fill_From_Project;
@@ -1488,9 +1550,13 @@ package body Makeutl is
-- Number_Of_Mains --
- function Number_Of_Mains return Natural is
+ function Number_Of_Mains (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) return Natural is
- return Names.Last;
+ if Tree = null then
+ return Names.Last;
+ else
+ return Builder_Data (Tree).Number_Of_Mains;
+ end if;
end Number_Of_Mains;
@@ -2017,7 +2083,7 @@ package body Makeutl is
if Current_Verbosity = High then
Write_Str ("Adding """);
Debug_Display (Source);
- Write_Line (" to the queue");
+ Write_Line (""" to the queue");
end if;
Q.Append (New_Val => (Info => Source, Processed => False));
@@ -2344,55 +2410,80 @@ package body Makeutl is
procedure Insert_Project_Sources
- (Project : Project_Id;
- Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- All_Projects : Boolean;
- Unit_Based : Boolean)
+ (Project : Project_Id;
+ Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
+ All_Projects : Boolean;
+ Unique_Compile : Boolean)
- Iter : Source_Iterator;
- Source : Prj.Source_Id;
- begin
- Iter := For_Each_Source (Project_Tree);
- loop
- Source := Prj.Element (Iter);
- exit when Source = No_Source;
- if Is_Compilable (Source)
- and then
- (All_Projects
- or else Is_Extending (Project, Source.Project))
- and then not Source.Locally_Removed
- and then Source.Replaced_By = No_Source
- and then
- (not Source.Project.Externally_Built
- or else
- (Is_Extending (Project, Source.Project)
- and then not Project.Externally_Built))
- and then Source.Kind /= Sep
- and then Source.Path /= No_Path_Information
+ procedure Do_Insert (Project : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref);
+ procedure Do_Insert (Project : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) is
+ Unit_Based : constant Boolean :=
+ Unique_Compile
+ or else not Builder_Data (Tree).Closure_Needed;
+ -- When Unit_Based is True, put in the queue all compilable
+ -- sources including the unit based (Ada) one. When Unit_Based is
+ -- False, put the Ada sources only when they are in a library
+ -- project.
+ Iter : Source_Iterator;
+ Source : Prj.Source_Id;
+ begin
+ -- Nothing to do when "-u" was specified and some files were
+ -- specified on the command line
+ if Unique_Compile
+ and then Mains.Number_Of_Mains (Tree) > 0
- if Source.Kind = Impl
- or else (Source.Unit /= No_Unit_Index
- and then Source.Kind = Spec
- and then (Other_Part (Source) = No_Source
- or else
- Other_Part (Source).Locally_Removed))
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Iter := For_Each_Source (Tree);
+ loop
+ Source := Prj.Element (Iter);
+ exit when Source = No_Source;
+ if Is_Compilable (Source)
+ and then
+ (All_Projects
+ or else Is_Extending (Project, Source.Project))
+ and then not Source.Locally_Removed
+ and then Source.Replaced_By = No_Source
+ and then
+ (not Source.Project.Externally_Built
+ or else
+ (Is_Extending (Project, Source.Project)
+ and then not Project.Externally_Built))
+ and then Source.Kind /= Sep
+ and then Source.Path /= No_Path_Information
- if (Unit_Based
- or else Source.Unit = No_Unit_Index
- or else Source.Project.Library)
- and then not Is_Subunit (Source)
+ if Source.Kind = Impl
+ or else (Source.Unit /= No_Unit_Index
+ and then Source.Kind = Spec
+ and then (Other_Part (Source) = No_Source
+ or else
+ Other_Part (Source).Locally_Removed))
- Queue.Insert
- (Source => (Format => Format_Gprbuild,
- Tree => Project_Tree,
- Id => Source));
+ if (Unit_Based
+ or else Source.Unit = No_Unit_Index
+ or else Source.Project.Library)
+ and then not Is_Subunit (Source)
+ then
+ Queue.Insert
+ (Source => (Format => Format_Gprbuild,
+ Tree => Tree,
+ Id => Source));
+ end if;
end if;
end if;
- end if;
- Next (Iter);
- end loop;
+ Next (Iter);
+ end loop;
+ end Do_Insert;
+ procedure Insert_All is new For_Project_And_Aggregated (Do_Insert);
+ begin
+ Insert_All (Project, Project_Tree);
end Insert_Project_Sources;
@@ -2480,4 +2571,97 @@ package body Makeutl is
end Insert_Withed_Sources_For;
end Queue;
+ ----------
+ -- Free --
+ ----------
+ procedure Free (Data : in out Builder_Project_Tree_Data) is
+ procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Binding_Data_Record, Binding_Data);
+ TmpB, Binding : Binding_Data := Data.Binding;
+ begin
+ while Binding /= null loop
+ TmpB := Binding.Next;
+ Unchecked_Free (Binding);
+ Binding := TmpB;
+ end loop;
+ end Free;
+ ------------------
+ -- Builder_Data --
+ ------------------
+ function Builder_Data
+ (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) return Builder_Data_Access
+ is
+ begin
+ if Tree.Appdata = null then
+ Tree.Appdata := new Builder_Project_Tree_Data;
+ end if;
+ return Builder_Data_Access (Tree.Appdata);
+ end Builder_Data;
+ --------------------------------
+ -- Compute_Compilation_Phases --
+ --------------------------------
+ procedure Compute_Compilation_Phases
+ (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
+ Root_Project : Project_Id;
+ Option_Unique_Compile : Boolean := False; -- Was "-u" specified ?
+ Option_Compile_Only : Boolean := False; -- Was "-c" specified ?
+ Option_Bind_Only : Boolean := False;
+ Option_Link_Only : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ procedure Do_Compute (Project : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref);
+ procedure Do_Compute (Project : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) is
+ Data : constant Builder_Data_Access := Builder_Data (Tree);
+ All_Phases : constant Boolean :=
+ not Option_Compile_Only
+ and then not Option_Bind_Only
+ and then not Option_Link_Only;
+ -- Whether the command line asked for all three phases. Depending on
+ -- the project settings, we might still disable some of the phases.
+ Has_Mains : constant Boolean := Data.Number_Of_Mains > 0;
+ -- Whether there are some main units defined for this project tree
+ -- (either from one of the projects, or from the command line)
+ begin
+ if Option_Unique_Compile then
+ -- If -u or -U is specified on the command line, disregard any -c,
+ -- -b or -l switch: only perform compilation.
+ Data.Closure_Needed := False;
+ Data.Need_Compilation := True;
+ Data.Need_Binding := False;
+ Data.Need_Linking := False;
+ else
+ Data.Closure_Needed := Has_Mains;
+ Data.Need_Compilation := All_Phases or Option_Compile_Only;
+ Data.Need_Binding := All_Phases or Option_Bind_Only;
+ Data.Need_Linking := (All_Phases or Option_Link_Only)
+ and then Has_Mains;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Debug_Output ("Compilation phases: "
+ & " compile=" & Data.Need_Compilation'Img
+ & " bind=" & Data.Need_Binding'Img
+ & " link=" & Data.Need_Linking'Img
+ & " closure=" & Data.Closure_Needed'Img
+ & " mains=" & Data.Number_Of_Mains'Img,
+ Project.Name);
+ end if;
+ end Do_Compute;
+ procedure Compute_All is new For_Project_And_Aggregated (Do_Compute);
+ begin
+ Compute_All (Root_Project, Tree);
+ end Compute_Compilation_Phases;
end Makeutl;