path: root/gcc/ada/mlib-prj.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/mlib-prj.adb')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/mlib-prj.adb b/gcc/ada/mlib-prj.adb
index 7c894e87775..4b82ffaef04 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/mlib-prj.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/mlib-prj.adb
@@ -671,14 +671,9 @@ package body MLib.Prj is
if not Processed_Projects.Get (Data.Name) then
Processed_Projects.Set (Data.Name, True);
- -- If it is a library project, add it to Library_Projs
- if Project /= For_Project and then Data.Library then
- Library_Projs.Increment_Last;
- Library_Projs.Table (Library_Projs.Last) := Project;
- end if;
- -- Call Process_Project recursively for any imported project
+ -- Call Process_Project recursively for any imported project.
+ -- We first process the imported projects to guarantee that
+ -- we have a proper reverse order for the libraries.
while Imported /= Empty_Project_List loop
Element := Project_Lists.Table (Imported);
@@ -689,69 +684,40 @@ package body MLib.Prj is
Imported := Element.Next;
end loop;
+ -- If it is a library project, add it to Library_Projs
+ if Project /= For_Project and then Data.Library then
+ Library_Projs.Increment_Last;
+ Library_Projs.Table (Library_Projs.Last) := Project;
+ end if;
end if;
end Process_Project;
-- Start of processing for Process_Imported_Libraries
- -- Build list of library projects imported directly or indirectly
+ -- Build list of library projects imported directly or indirectly,
+ -- in the reverse order.
Process_Project (For_Project);
- -- If there are more that one library project file, make sure
- -- that if libA depends on libB, libB is first in order.
+ -- Add the -L and -l switches and, if the Rpath option is supported,
+ -- add the directory to the Rpath.
+ -- As the library projects are in the wrong order, process from the
+ -- last to the first.
- if Library_Projs.Last > 1 then
- declare
- Index : Integer := 1;
- Proj1 : Project_Id;
- Proj2 : Project_Id;
- List : Project_List := Empty_Project_List;
- begin
- Library_Loop : while Index < Library_Projs.Last loop
- Proj1 := Library_Projs.Table (Index);
- List := Projects.Table (Proj1).Imported_Projects;
- List_Loop : while List /= Empty_Project_List loop
- Proj2 := Project_Lists.Table (List).Project;
- for J in Index + 1 .. Library_Projs.Last loop
- if Proj2 = Library_Projs.Table (J) then
- Library_Projs.Table (J) := Proj1;
- Library_Projs.Table (Index) := Proj2;
- exit List_Loop;
- end if;
- end loop;
- List := Project_Lists.Table (List).Next;
- end loop List_Loop;
- if List = Empty_Project_List then
- Index := Index + 1;
- end if;
- end loop Library_Loop;
- end;
- end if;
- -- Now that we have a correct order, add the -L and -l switches and,
- -- if the Rpath option is supported, add the directory to the Rpath.
- for Index in 1 .. Library_Projs.Last loop
+ for Index in reverse 1 .. Library_Projs.Last loop
Current := Library_Projs.Table (Index);
+ Get_Name_String (Projects.Table (Current).Library_Dir);
Opts.Table (Opts.Last) :=
- new String'
- ("-L" &
- Get_Name_String
- (Projects.Table (Current).Library_Dir));
+ new String'("-L" & Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
if Path_Option /= null then
- Add_Rpath
- (Get_Name_String
- (Projects.Table (Current).Library_Dir));
+ Add_Rpath (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
end if;