path: root/gcc/ada/prj-nmsc.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/prj-nmsc.adb')
1 files changed, 1972 insertions, 881 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/prj-nmsc.adb b/gcc/ada/prj-nmsc.adb
index 38e5c579a47..27662a3f89e 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/prj-nmsc.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/prj-nmsc.adb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
--- Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
@@ -24,17 +24,20 @@
-- --
-with Errout;
+with Err_Vars; use Err_Vars;
+with Fmap; use Fmap;
with Hostparm;
with MLib.Tgt;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Osint; use Osint;
with Output; use Output;
+with MLib.Tgt; use MLib.Tgt;
with Prj.Com; use Prj.Com;
with Prj.Env; use Prj.Env;
+with Prj.Err;
with Prj.Util; use Prj.Util;
+with Sinput.P;
with Snames; use Snames;
-with Stringt; use Stringt;
with Types; use Types;
with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling;
@@ -45,36 +48,77 @@ with Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants; use Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants;
with GNAT.Case_Util; use GNAT.Case_Util;
with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations;
with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
+with GNAT.HTable;
package body Prj.Nmsc is
- Dir_Sep : Character renames GNAT.OS_Lib.Directory_Separator;
Error_Report : Put_Line_Access := null;
- Current_Project : Project_Id := No_Project;
- procedure Check_Ada_Naming_Scheme (Naming : Naming_Data);
+ ALI_Suffix : constant String := ".ali";
+ type Name_Location is record
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ Location : Source_Ptr;
+ Found : Boolean := False;
+ end record;
+ -- Information about file names found in string list attribute
+ -- Source_Files or in a source list file, stored in hash table
+ -- Source_Names, used by procedure
+ -- Ada_Check.Get_Path_Names_And_Record_Sources.
+ No_Name_Location : constant Name_Location :=
+ (Name => No_Name, Location => No_Location, Found => False);
+ package Source_Names is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable
+ (Header_Num => Header_Num,
+ Element => Name_Location,
+ No_Element => No_Name_Location,
+ Key => Name_Id,
+ Hash => Hash,
+ Equal => "=");
+ -- Hash table to store file names found in string list attribute
+ -- Source_Files or in a source list file, stored in hash table
+ -- Source_Names, used by procedure
+ -- Ada_Check.Get_Path_Names_And_Record_Sources.
+ package Recursive_Dirs is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable
+ (Header_Num => Header_Num,
+ Element => Boolean,
+ No_Element => False,
+ Key => Name_Id,
+ Hash => Hash,
+ Equal => "=");
+ -- Hash table to store recursive source directories, to avoid looking
+ -- several times, and to avoid cycles that may be introduced by symbolic
+ -- links.
+ function ALI_File_Name (Source : String) return String;
+ -- Return the ALI file name corresponding to a source.
+ procedure Check_Ada_Naming_Scheme
+ (Project : Project_Id;
+ Naming : Naming_Data);
-- Check that the package Naming is correct.
procedure Check_Ada_Name
- (Name : Name_Id;
+ (Name : String;
Unit : out Name_Id);
-- Check that a name is a valid Ada unit name.
- procedure Error_Msg (Msg : String; Flag_Location : Source_Ptr);
+ procedure Error_Msg
+ (Project : Project_Id;
+ Msg : String;
+ Flag_Location : Source_Ptr);
-- Output an error message. If Error_Report is null, simply call
- -- Errout.Error_Msg. Otherwise, disregard Flag_Location and use
+ -- Prj.Err.Error_Msg. Otherwise, disregard Flag_Location and use
-- Error_Report.
- function Get_Name_String (S : String_Id) return String;
- -- Get the string from a String_Id
procedure Get_Unit
- (File_Name : Name_Id;
- Naming : Naming_Data;
- Unit_Name : out Name_Id;
- Unit_Kind : out Spec_Or_Body;
- Needs_Pragma : out Boolean);
+ (Canonical_File_Name : Name_Id;
+ Naming : Naming_Data;
+ Unit_Name : out Name_Id;
+ Unit_Kind : out Spec_Or_Body;
+ Needs_Pragma : out Boolean);
-- Find out, from a file name, the unit name, the unit kind and if a
-- specific SFN pragma is needed. If the file name corresponds to no
-- unit, then Unit_Name will be No_Name.
@@ -87,61 +131,163 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- a spec suffix, a body suffix or a separate suffix.
procedure Record_Source
- (File_Name : Name_Id;
- Path_Name : Name_Id;
- Project : Project_Id;
- Data : in out Project_Data;
- Location : Source_Ptr;
- Current_Source : in out String_List_Id);
+ (File_Name : Name_Id;
+ Path_Name : Name_Id;
+ Project : Project_Id;
+ Data : in out Project_Data;
+ Location : Source_Ptr;
+ Current_Source : in out String_List_Id;
+ Source_Recorded : in out Boolean);
-- Put a unit in the list of units of a project, if the file name
-- corresponds to a valid unit name.
procedure Show_Source_Dirs (Project : Project_Id);
-- List all the source directories of a project.
- function Locate_Directory
- (Name : Name_Id;
- Parent : Name_Id)
- return Name_Id;
+ procedure Locate_Directory
+ (Name : Name_Id;
+ Parent : Name_Id;
+ Dir : out Name_Id;
+ Display : out Name_Id);
-- Locate a directory.
-- Returns No_Name if directory does not exist.
function Path_Name_Of
- (File_Name : String_Id;
+ (File_Name : Name_Id;
Directory : Name_Id)
return String;
-- Returns the path name of a (non project) file.
-- Returns an empty string if file cannot be found.
- ---------------
- -- Ada_Check --
- ---------------
+ function Project_Extends
+ (Extending : Project_Id;
+ Extended : Project_Id)
+ return Boolean;
+ -- Returns True if Extending is extending directly or indirectly Extended.
+ procedure Check_Naming_Scheme
+ (Data : in out Project_Data;
+ Project : Project_Id);
+ -- Check the naming scheme part of Data
+ type Unit_Info is record
+ Kind : Spec_Or_Body;
+ Unit : Name_Id;
+ end record;
+ No_Unit : constant Unit_Info := (Specification, No_Name);
+ package Naming_Exceptions is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable
+ (Header_Num => Header_Num,
+ Element => Unit_Info,
+ No_Element => No_Unit,
+ Key => Name_Id,
+ Hash => Hash,
+ Equal => "=");
+ function Hash (Unit : Unit_Info) return Header_Num;
+ package Reverse_Naming_Exceptions is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable
+ (Header_Num => Header_Num,
+ Element => Name_Id,
+ No_Element => No_Name,
+ Key => Unit_Info,
+ Hash => Hash,
+ Equal => "=");
+ -- A table to check if a unit with an exceptional name will hide
+ -- a source with a file name following the naming convention.
+ procedure Prepare_Naming_Exceptions
+ (List : Array_Element_Id;
+ Kind : Spec_Or_Body);
+ -- Prepare the internal hash tables used for checking naming exceptions.
+ -- Insert all elements of List in the tables.
+ procedure Free_Naming_Exceptions;
+ -- Free the internal hash tables used for checking naming exceptions
+ function Compute_Directory_Last (Dir : String) return Natural;
+ -- Return the index of the last significant character in Dir. This is used
+ -- to avoid duplicates '/' at the end of directory names
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Compute_Directory_Last --
+ ----------------------------
+ function Compute_Directory_Last (Dir : String) return Natural is
+ begin
+ if Dir'Length > 1
+ and then (Dir (Dir'Last - 1) = Directory_Separator
+ or else Dir (Dir'Last - 1) = '/')
+ then
+ return Dir'Last - 1;
+ else
+ return Dir'Last;
+ end if;
+ end Compute_Directory_Last;
- procedure Ada_Check
- (Project : Project_Id;
- Report_Error : Put_Line_Access)
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Prepare_Naming_Exceptions --
+ -------------------------------
+ procedure Prepare_Naming_Exceptions
+ (List : Array_Element_Id;
+ Kind : Spec_Or_Body)
- Data : Project_Data;
- Languages : Variable_Value := Nil_Variable_Value;
+ Current : Array_Element_Id := List;
+ Element : Array_Element;
- procedure Check_Unit_Names (List : Array_Element_Id);
- -- Check that a list of unit names contains only valid names.
+ begin
+ while Current /= No_Array_Element loop
+ Element := Array_Elements.Table (Current);
+ if Element.Index /= No_Name then
+ Naming_Exceptions.Set
+ (Element.Value.Value,
+ (Kind => Kind, Unit => Element.Index));
+ Reverse_Naming_Exceptions.Set
+ ((Kind => Kind, Unit => Element.Index),
+ Element.Value.Value);
+ end if;
- procedure Find_Sources;
- -- Find all the sources in all of the source directories
- -- of a project.
+ Current := Element.Next;
+ end loop;
+ end Prepare_Naming_Exceptions;
- procedure Get_Path_Name_And_Record_Source
- (File_Name : String;
- Location : Source_Ptr;
- Current_Source : in out String_List_Id);
- -- Find the path name of a source in the source directories and
- -- record the source, if found.
+ ----------
+ -- Hash --
+ ----------
- procedure Get_Sources_From_File
- (Path : String;
- Location : Source_Ptr);
- -- Get the sources of a project from a text file
+ function Hash (Unit : Unit_Info) return Header_Num is
+ begin
+ return Header_Num (Unit.Unit mod 2048);
+ end Hash;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Free_Naming_Exceptions --
+ ----------------------------
+ procedure Free_Naming_Exceptions is
+ begin
+ Naming_Exceptions.Reset;
+ Reverse_Naming_Exceptions.Reset;
+ end Free_Naming_Exceptions;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Check_Naming_Scheme --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure Check_Naming_Scheme
+ (Data : in out Project_Data;
+ Project : Project_Id)
+ is
+ Naming_Id : constant Package_Id :=
+ Util.Value_Of (Name_Naming, Data.Decl.Packages);
+ Naming : Package_Element;
+ procedure Check_Unit_Names (List : Array_Element_Id);
+ -- Check that a list of unit names contains only valid names.
-- Check_Unit_Names --
@@ -158,19 +304,27 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
while Current /= No_Array_Element loop
Element := Array_Elements.Table (Current);
+ -- Put file name in canonical case
+ Get_Name_String (Element.Value.Value);
+ Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ Element.Value.Value := Name_Find;
-- Check that it contains a valid unit name
- Check_Ada_Name (Element.Index, Unit_Name);
+ Get_Name_String (Element.Index);
+ Check_Ada_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len), Unit_Name);
if Unit_Name = No_Name then
- Errout.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Element.Index;
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Element.Index;
- ("{ is not a valid unit name.",
+ (Project,
+ "{ is not a valid unit name.",
if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Str (" Body_Part (""");
+ Write_Str (" Unit (""");
Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Unit_Name));
Write_Line (""")");
end if;
@@ -183,15 +337,325 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
end loop;
end Check_Unit_Names;
+ -- Start of processing for Check_Naming_Scheme
+ begin
+ -- If there is a package Naming, we will put in Data.Naming what is in
+ -- this package Naming.
+ if Naming_Id /= No_Package then
+ Naming := Packages.Table (Naming_Id);
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Line ("Checking ""Naming"" for Ada.");
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Bodies : constant Array_Element_Id :=
+ Util.Value_Of (Name_Body, Naming.Decl.Arrays);
+ Specs : constant Array_Element_Id :=
+ Util.Value_Of (Name_Spec, Naming.Decl.Arrays);
+ begin
+ if Bodies /= No_Array_Element then
+ -- We have elements in the array Body_Part
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Line ("Found Bodies.");
+ end if;
+ Data.Naming.Bodies := Bodies;
+ Check_Unit_Names (Bodies);
+ else
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Line ("No Bodies.");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Specs /= No_Array_Element then
+ -- We have elements in the array Specs
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Line ("Found Specs.");
+ end if;
+ Data.Naming.Specs := Specs;
+ Check_Unit_Names (Specs);
+ else
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Line ("No Specs.");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ -- We are now checking if variables Dot_Replacement, Casing,
+ -- Spec_Suffix, Body_Suffix and/or Separate_Suffix
+ -- exist.
+ -- For each variable, if it does not exist, we do nothing,
+ -- because we already have the default.
+ -- Check Dot_Replacement
+ declare
+ Dot_Replacement : constant Variable_Value :=
+ Util.Value_Of
+ (Name_Dot_Replacement,
+ Naming.Decl.Attributes);
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Dot_Replacement.Kind = Single,
+ "Dot_Replacement is not a single string");
+ if not Dot_Replacement.Default then
+ Get_Name_String (Dot_Replacement.Value);
+ if Name_Len = 0 then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "Dot_Replacement cannot be empty",
+ Dot_Replacement.Location);
+ else
+ Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ Data.Naming.Dot_Replacement := Name_Find;
+ Data.Naming.Dot_Repl_Loc := Dot_Replacement.Location;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Str (" Dot_Replacement = """);
+ Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Naming.Dot_Replacement));
+ Write_Char ('"');
+ Write_Eol;
+ end if;
+ -- Check Casing
+ declare
+ Casing_String : constant Variable_Value :=
+ Util.Value_Of
+ (Name_Casing, Naming.Decl.Attributes);
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Casing_String.Kind = Single,
+ "Casing is not a single string");
+ if not Casing_String.Default then
+ declare
+ Casing_Image : constant String :=
+ Get_Name_String (Casing_String.Value);
+ begin
+ declare
+ Casing : constant Casing_Type := Value (Casing_Image);
+ begin
+ Data.Naming.Casing := Casing;
+ end;
+ exception
+ when Constraint_Error =>
+ if Casing_Image'Length = 0 then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "Casing cannot be an empty string",
+ Casing_String.Location);
+ else
+ Name_Len := Casing_Image'Length;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Casing_Image;
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Find;
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "{ is not a correct Casing",
+ Casing_String.Location);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Str (" Casing = ");
+ Write_Str (Image (Data.Naming.Casing));
+ Write_Char ('.');
+ Write_Eol;
+ end if;
+ -- Check Spec_Suffix
+ declare
+ Ada_Spec_Suffix : constant Variable_Value :=
+ Prj.Util.Value_Of
+ (Index => Name_Ada,
+ In_Array => Data.Naming.Spec_Suffix);
+ begin
+ if Ada_Spec_Suffix.Kind = Single
+ and then Get_Name_String (Ada_Spec_Suffix.Value) /= ""
+ then
+ Data.Naming.Current_Spec_Suffix := Ada_Spec_Suffix.Value;
+ Data.Naming.Spec_Suffix_Loc := Ada_Spec_Suffix.Location;
+ else
+ Data.Naming.Current_Spec_Suffix := Default_Ada_Spec_Suffix;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Str (" Spec_Suffix = """);
+ Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Naming.Current_Spec_Suffix));
+ Write_Char ('"');
+ Write_Eol;
+ end if;
+ -- Check Body_Suffix
+ declare
+ Ada_Body_Suffix : constant Variable_Value :=
+ Prj.Util.Value_Of
+ (Index => Name_Ada,
+ In_Array => Data.Naming.Body_Suffix);
+ begin
+ if Ada_Body_Suffix.Kind = Single
+ and then Get_Name_String (Ada_Body_Suffix.Value) /= ""
+ then
+ Data.Naming.Current_Body_Suffix := Ada_Body_Suffix.Value;
+ Data.Naming.Body_Suffix_Loc := Ada_Body_Suffix.Location;
+ else
+ Data.Naming.Current_Body_Suffix := Default_Ada_Body_Suffix;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Str (" Body_Suffix = """);
+ Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Naming.Current_Body_Suffix));
+ Write_Char ('"');
+ Write_Eol;
+ end if;
+ -- Check Separate_Suffix
+ declare
+ Ada_Sep_Suffix : constant Variable_Value :=
+ Prj.Util.Value_Of
+ (Variable_Name => Name_Separate_Suffix,
+ In_Variables => Naming.Decl.Attributes);
+ begin
+ if Ada_Sep_Suffix.Default then
+ Data.Naming.Separate_Suffix :=
+ Data.Naming.Current_Body_Suffix;
+ else
+ if Get_Name_String (Ada_Sep_Suffix.Value) = "" then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "Separate_Suffix cannot be empty",
+ Ada_Sep_Suffix.Location);
+ else
+ Data.Naming.Separate_Suffix := Ada_Sep_Suffix.Value;
+ Data.Naming.Sep_Suffix_Loc := Ada_Sep_Suffix.Location;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Str (" Separate_Suffix = """);
+ Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Naming.Separate_Suffix));
+ Write_Char ('"');
+ Write_Eol;
+ end if;
+ -- Check if Data.Naming is valid
+ Check_Ada_Naming_Scheme (Project, Data.Naming);
+ else
+ Data.Naming.Current_Spec_Suffix := Default_Ada_Spec_Suffix;
+ Data.Naming.Current_Body_Suffix := Default_Ada_Body_Suffix;
+ Data.Naming.Separate_Suffix := Default_Ada_Body_Suffix;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Naming_Scheme;
+ ---------------
+ -- Ada_Check --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Ada_Check
+ (Project : Project_Id;
+ Report_Error : Put_Line_Access)
+ is
+ Data : Project_Data;
+ Languages : Variable_Value := Nil_Variable_Value;
+ Extending : Boolean := False;
+ function Check_Project (P : Project_Id) return Boolean;
+ -- Returns True if P is Project or a project extended by Project
+ procedure Find_Sources;
+ -- Find all the sources in all of the source directories
+ -- of a project.
+ procedure Get_Path_Names_And_Record_Sources;
+ -- Find the path names of the source files in the Source_Names table
+ -- in the source directories and record those that are Ada sources.
+ procedure Get_Sources_From_File
+ (Path : String;
+ Location : Source_Ptr);
+ -- Get the sources of a project from a text file
+ procedure Warn_If_Not_Sources
+ (Conventions : Array_Element_Id;
+ Specs : Boolean);
+ -- Check that individual naming conventions apply to immediate
+ -- sources of the project; if not, issue a warning.
+ -------------------
+ -- Check_Project --
+ -------------------
+ function Check_Project (P : Project_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if P = Project then
+ return True;
+ elsif Extending then
+ declare
+ Data : Project_Data := Projects.Table (Project);
+ begin
+ while Data.Extends /= No_Project loop
+ if P = Data.Extends then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ Data := Projects.Table (Data.Extends);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ return False;
+ end Check_Project;
-- Find_Sources --
procedure Find_Sources is
- Source_Dir : String_List_Id := Data.Source_Dirs;
- Element : String_Element;
- Dir : Dir_Type;
- Current_Source : String_List_Id := Nil_String;
+ Source_Dir : String_List_Id := Data.Source_Dirs;
+ Element : String_Element;
+ Dir : Dir_Type;
+ Current_Source : String_List_Id := Nil_String;
+ Source_Recorded : Boolean := False;
if Current_Verbosity = High then
@@ -202,14 +666,14 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
while Source_Dir /= Nil_String loop
+ Source_Recorded := False;
Element := String_Elements.Table (Source_Dir);
- if Element.Value /= No_String then
+ if Element.Value /= No_Name then
- Source_Directory : String
- (1 .. Integer (String_Length (Element.Value)));
+ Source_Directory : constant String :=
+ Get_Name_String (Element.Value);
- String_To_Name_Buffer (Element.Value);
- Source_Directory := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
if Current_Verbosity = High then
Write_Str ("Source_Dir = ");
Write_Line (Source_Directory);
@@ -219,6 +683,8 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Open (Dir, Source_Directory);
+ -- Canonical_Case_File_Name (Source_Directory);
Read (Dir, Name_Buffer, Name_Len);
@@ -229,22 +695,27 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
exit when Name_Len = 0;
- declare
- Path_Access : constant GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access :=
- Locate_Regular_File
- (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len),
- Source_Directory);
+ -- Canonical_Case_File_Name
+ -- (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- File_Name : Name_Id;
+ declare
+ File_Name : constant Name_Id := Name_Find;
+ Dir : constant String :=
+ Source_Directory &
+ Directory_Separator;
+ Dir_Last : constant Natural :=
+ Compute_Directory_Last (Dir);
+ Path : constant String :=
+ Normalize_Pathname
+ (Name => Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len),
+ Directory => Dir (Dir'First .. Dir_Last));
Path_Name : Name_Id;
- -- If it is a regular file
+ if Is_Regular_File (Path) then
- if Path_Access /= null then
- File_Name := Name_Find;
- Name_Len := Path_Access'Length;
- Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Path_Access.all;
+ Name_Len := Path'Length;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Path;
Path_Name := Name_Find;
-- We attempt to register it as a source.
@@ -254,18 +725,13 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- duplicate unit name.
- (File_Name => File_Name,
- Path_Name => Path_Name,
- Project => Project,
- Data => Data,
- Location => No_Location,
- Current_Source => Current_Source);
- else
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Line
- (" Not a regular file.");
- end if;
+ (File_Name => File_Name,
+ Path_Name => Path_Name,
+ Project => Project,
+ Data => Data,
+ Location => No_Location,
+ Current_Source => Current_Source,
+ Source_Recorded => Source_Recorded);
end if;
end loop;
@@ -279,6 +745,10 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
+ if Source_Recorded then
+ String_Elements.Table (Source_Dir).Flag := True;
+ end if;
Source_Dir := Element.Next;
end loop;
@@ -287,100 +757,136 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
end if;
-- If we have looked for sources and found none, then
- -- it is an error. If a project is not supposed to contain
+ -- it is an error, except if it is an extending project.
+ -- If a non extending project is not supposed to contain
-- any source, then we never call Find_Sources.
- if Current_Source = Nil_String then
- Error_Msg ("there are no sources in this project",
- Data.Location);
+ if Data.Extends = No_Project
+ and then Current_Source = Nil_String
+ then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "there are no Ada sources in this project",
+ Data.Location);
end if;
end Find_Sources;
- -------------------------------------
- -- Get_Path_Name_And_Record_Source --
- -------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------
+ -- Get_Path_Names_And_Record_Sources --
+ ---------------------------------------
- procedure Get_Path_Name_And_Record_Source
- (File_Name : String;
- Location : Source_Ptr;
- Current_Source : in out String_List_Id)
- is
+ procedure Get_Path_Names_And_Record_Sources is
Source_Dir : String_List_Id := Data.Source_Dirs;
Element : String_Element;
- Path_Name : GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access;
- File : Name_Id;
Path : Name_Id;
- Found : Boolean := False;
- Fname : String := File_Name;
+ Dir : Dir_Type;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ Canonical_Name : Name_Id;
+ Name_Str : String (1 .. 1_024);
+ Last : Natural := 0;
+ NL : Name_Location;
- begin
- Canonical_Case_File_Name (Fname);
- Name_Len := Fname'Length;
- Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Fname;
- File := Name_Find;
+ Current_Source : String_List_Id := Nil_String;
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Str (" Checking """);
- Write_Str (Fname);
- Write_Line (""".");
- end if;
+ First_Error : Boolean := True;
+ Source_Recorded : Boolean := False;
+ begin
-- We look in all source directories for this file name
while Source_Dir /= Nil_String loop
+ Source_Recorded := False;
Element := String_Elements.Table (Source_Dir);
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Str (" """);
- Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Element.Value));
- Write_Str (""": ");
- end if;
- Path_Name :=
- Locate_Regular_File
- (Fname,
- Get_Name_String (Element.Value));
- if Path_Name /= null then
+ declare
+ Dir_Path : constant String := Get_Name_String (Element.Value);
+ begin
if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Line ("OK");
+ Write_Str ("checking directory """);
+ Write_Str (Dir_Path);
+ Write_Line ("""");
end if;
- Name_Len := Path_Name'Length;
- Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Path_Name.all;
- Path := Name_Find;
+ Open (Dir, Dir_Path);
+ loop
+ Read (Dir, Name_Str, Last);
+ exit when Last = 0;
+ Name_Len := Last;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Name_Str (1 .. Last);
+ Name := Name_Find;
+ Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Str (1 .. Last));
+ Name_Len := Last;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Name_Str (1 .. Last);
+ Canonical_Name := Name_Find;
+ NL := Source_Names.Get (Canonical_Name);
+ if NL /= No_Name_Location and then not NL.Found then
+ NL.Found := True;
+ Source_Names.Set (Canonical_Name, NL);
+ Name_Len := Dir_Path'Length;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Dir_Path;
+ Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (Directory_Separator);
+ Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Name_Str (1 .. Last));
+ Path := Name_Find;
- -- Register the source if it is an Ada compilation unit..
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Str (" found ");
+ Write_Line (Get_Name_String (Name));
+ end if;
- Record_Source
- (File_Name => File,
- Path_Name => Path,
- Project => Project,
- Data => Data,
- Location => Location,
- Current_Source => Current_Source);
- Found := True;
- exit;
+ -- Register the source if it is an Ada compilation unit..
- else
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Line ("No");
- end if;
+ Record_Source
+ (File_Name => Name,
+ Path_Name => Path,
+ Project => Project,
+ Data => Data,
+ Location => NL.Location,
+ Current_Source => Current_Source,
+ Source_Recorded => Source_Recorded);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Close (Dir);
+ end;
- Source_Dir := Element.Next;
+ if Source_Recorded then
+ String_Elements.Table (Source_Dir).Flag := True;
end if;
+ Source_Dir := Element.Next;
end loop;
- -- It is an error if a source file names in a source list or
+ -- It is an error if a source file name in a source list or
-- in a source list file is not found.
- if not Found then
- Errout.Error_Msg_Name_1 := File;
- Error_Msg ("source file { cannot be found", Location);
- end if;
+ NL := Source_Names.Get_First;
+ while NL /= No_Name_Location loop
+ if not NL.Found then
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := NL.Name;
+ if First_Error then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "source file { cannot be found",
+ NL.Location);
+ First_Error := False;
+ else
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "\source file { cannot be found",
+ NL.Location);
+ end if;
+ end if;
- end Get_Path_Name_And_Record_Source;
+ NL := Source_Names.Get_Next;
+ end loop;
+ end Get_Path_Names_And_Record_Sources;
-- Get_Sources_From_File --
@@ -393,7 +899,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
File : Prj.Util.Text_File;
Line : String (1 .. 250);
Last : Natural;
- Current_Source : String_List_Id := Nil_String;
+ Source_Name : Name_Id;
if Current_Verbosity = High then
@@ -407,8 +913,10 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Prj.Util.Open (File, Path);
if not Prj.Util.Is_Valid (File) then
- Error_Msg ("file does not exist", Location);
+ Error_Msg (Project, "file does not exist", Location);
+ Source_Names.Reset;
while not Prj.Util.End_Of_File (File) loop
Prj.Util.Get_Line (File, Line, Last);
@@ -420,10 +928,16 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
if Last /= 0
and then (Last = 1 or else Line (1 .. 2) /= "--")
- Get_Path_Name_And_Record_Source
- (File_Name => Line (1 .. Last),
- Location => Location,
- Current_Source => Current_Source);
+ Name_Len := Last;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Line (1 .. Last);
+ Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ Source_Name := Name_Find;
+ Source_Names.Set
+ (K => Source_Name,
+ E =>
+ (Name => Source_Name,
+ Location => Location,
+ Found => False));
end if;
end loop;
@@ -431,23 +945,86 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
end if;
+ Get_Path_Names_And_Record_Sources;
-- We should have found at least one source.
-- If not, report an error.
- if Current_Source = Nil_String then
- Error_Msg ("this project has no source", Location);
+ if Data.Sources = Nil_String then
+ Error_Msg (Project,
+ "there are no Ada sources in this project",
+ Location);
end if;
end Get_Sources_From_File;
- -- Start of processing for Ada_Check
+ -------------------------
+ -- Warn_If_Not_Sources --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure Warn_If_Not_Sources
+ (Conventions : Array_Element_Id;
+ Specs : Boolean)
+ is
+ Conv : Array_Element_Id := Conventions;
+ Unit : Name_Id;
+ The_Unit_Id : Unit_Id;
+ The_Unit_Data : Unit_Data;
+ Location : Source_Ptr;
+ begin
+ while Conv /= No_Array_Element loop
+ Unit := Array_Elements.Table (Conv).Index;
+ Error_Msg_Name_1 := Unit;
+ Get_Name_String (Unit);
+ To_Lower (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ Unit := Name_Find;
+ The_Unit_Id := Units_Htable.Get (Unit);
+ Location := Array_Elements.Table (Conv).Value.Location;
+ if The_Unit_Id = Prj.Com.No_Unit then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "?unknown unit {",
+ Location);
+ else
+ The_Unit_Data := Units.Table (The_Unit_Id);
+ if Specs then
+ if The_Unit_Data.File_Names (Specification).Project /=
+ Project
+ then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "?unit{ has no spec in this project",
+ Location);
+ end if;
+ else
+ if The_Unit_Data.File_Names (Com.Body_Part).Project /=
+ Project
+ then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "?unit{ has no body in this project",
+ Location);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Conv := Array_Elements.Table (Conv).Next;
+ end loop;
+ end Warn_If_Not_Sources;
+ -- Start of processing for Ada_Check
Language_Independent_Check (Project, Report_Error);
Error_Report := Report_Error;
- Current_Project := Project;
Data := Projects.Table (Project);
+ Extending := Data.Extends /= No_Project;
Languages := Prj.Util.Value_Of (Name_Languages, Data.Decl.Attributes);
Data.Naming.Current_Language := Name_Ada;
@@ -462,7 +1039,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Look_For_Ada : while Current /= Nil_String loop
Element := String_Elements.Table (Current);
- String_To_Name_Buffer (Element.Value);
+ Get_Name_String (Element.Value);
To_Lower (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
if Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) = "ada" then
@@ -482,383 +1059,704 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
end if;
- declare
- Naming_Id : constant Package_Id :=
- Util.Value_Of (Name_Naming, Data.Decl.Packages);
+ Check_Naming_Scheme (Data, Project);
- Naming : Package_Element;
+ Prepare_Naming_Exceptions (Data.Naming.Bodies, Body_Part);
+ Prepare_Naming_Exceptions (Data.Naming.Specs, Specification);
- begin
- -- If there is a package Naming, we will put in Data.Naming
- -- what is in this package Naming.
- if Naming_Id /= No_Package then
- Naming := Packages.Table (Naming_Id);
+ -- If we have source directories, then find the sources
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Line ("Checking ""Naming"" for Ada.");
- end if;
+ if Data.Sources_Present then
+ if Data.Source_Dirs = Nil_String then
+ Data.Sources_Present := False;
+ else
- Bodies : constant Array_Element_Id :=
- Util.Value_Of
- (Name_Implementation, Naming.Decl.Arrays);
+ Sources : constant Variable_Value :=
+ Util.Value_Of
+ (Name_Source_Files,
+ Data.Decl.Attributes);
- Specifications : constant Array_Element_Id :=
- Util.Value_Of
- (Name_Specification, Naming.Decl.Arrays);
+ Source_List_File : constant Variable_Value :=
+ Util.Value_Of
+ (Name_Source_List_File,
+ Data.Decl.Attributes);
- begin
- if Bodies /= No_Array_Element then
+ Locally_Removed : constant Variable_Value :=
+ Util.Value_Of
+ (Name_Locally_Removed_Files,
+ Data.Decl.Attributes);
- -- We have elements in the array Body_Part
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Line ("Found Bodies.");
- end if;
+ begin
+ pragma Assert
+ (Sources.Kind = List,
+ "Source_Files is not a list");
- Data.Naming.Bodies := Bodies;
- Check_Unit_Names (Bodies);
+ pragma Assert
+ (Source_List_File.Kind = Single,
+ "Source_List_File is not a single string");
- else
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Line ("No Bodies.");
+ if not Sources.Default then
+ if not Source_List_File.Default then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "?both variables source_files and " &
+ "source_list_file are present",
+ Source_List_File.Location);
end if;
- end if;
- if Specifications /= No_Array_Element then
+ -- Sources is a list of file names
- -- We have elements in the array Specification
+ declare
+ Current : String_List_Id := Sources.Values;
+ Element : String_Element;
+ Location : Source_Ptr;
+ Name : Name_Id;
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Line ("Found Specifications.");
- end if;
+ begin
+ Source_Names.Reset;
- Data.Naming.Specifications := Specifications;
- Check_Unit_Names (Specifications);
+ Data.Sources_Present := Current /= Nil_String;
- else
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Line ("No Specifications.");
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
+ while Current /= Nil_String loop
+ Element := String_Elements.Table (Current);
+ Get_Name_String (Element.Value);
+ Canonical_Case_File_Name
+ (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ Name := Name_Find;
- -- We are now checking if variables Dot_Replacement, Casing,
- -- Specification_Append, Body_Append and/or Separate_Append
- -- exist.
+ -- If the element has no location, then use the
+ -- location of Sources to report possible errors.
- -- For each variable, if it does not exist, we do nothing,
- -- because we already have the default.
+ if Element.Location = No_Location then
+ Location := Sources.Location;
- -- Check Dot_Replacement
+ else
+ Location := Element.Location;
+ end if;
- declare
- Dot_Replacement : constant Variable_Value :=
- Util.Value_Of
- (Name_Dot_Replacement,
- Naming.Decl.Attributes);
+ Source_Names.Set
+ (K => Name,
+ E =>
+ (Name => Name,
+ Location => Location,
+ Found => False));
- begin
- pragma Assert (Dot_Replacement.Kind = Single,
- "Dot_Replacement is not a single string");
+ Current := Element.Next;
+ end loop;
- if not Dot_Replacement.Default then
+ Get_Path_Names_And_Record_Sources;
+ end;
- String_To_Name_Buffer (Dot_Replacement.Value);
+ -- No source_files specified.
+ -- We check Source_List_File has been specified.
- if Name_Len = 0 then
- Error_Msg ("Dot_Replacement cannot be empty",
- Dot_Replacement.Location);
+ elsif not Source_List_File.Default then
- else
- Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- Data.Naming.Dot_Replacement := Name_Find;
- Data.Naming.Dot_Repl_Loc := Dot_Replacement.Location;
- end if;
+ -- Source_List_File is the name of the file
+ -- that contains the source file names
- end if;
+ declare
+ Source_File_Path_Name : constant String :=
+ Path_Name_Of
+ (Source_List_File.Value,
+ Data.Directory);
- end;
+ begin
+ if Source_File_Path_Name'Length = 0 then
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Source_List_File.Value;
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "file with sources { does not exist",
+ Source_List_File.Location);
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Str (" Dot_Replacement = """);
- Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Naming.Dot_Replacement));
- Write_Char ('"');
- Write_Eol;
- end if;
+ else
+ Get_Sources_From_File
+ (Source_File_Path_Name,
+ Source_List_File.Location);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ else
+ -- Neither Source_Files nor Source_List_File has been
+ -- specified.
+ -- Find all the files that satisfy
+ -- the naming scheme in all the source directories.
- -- Check Casing
+ Find_Sources;
+ end if;
- declare
- Casing_String : constant Variable_Value :=
- Util.Value_Of (Name_Casing, Naming.Decl.Attributes);
+ -- If there are sources that are locally removed, mark them as
+ -- such in the Units table.
- begin
- pragma Assert (Casing_String.Kind = Single,
- "Casing is not a single string");
+ if not Locally_Removed.Default then
+ -- Sources can be locally removed only in extending
+ -- project files.
- if not Casing_String.Default then
- declare
- Casing_Image : constant String :=
- Get_Name_String (Casing_String.Value);
+ if Data.Extends = No_Project then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "Locally_Removed_Files can only be used " &
+ "in an extending project file",
+ Locally_Removed.Location);
- begin
+ else
- Casing : constant Casing_Type :=
- Value (Casing_Image);
+ Current : String_List_Id :=
+ Locally_Removed.Values;
+ Element : String_Element;
+ Location : Source_Ptr;
+ OK : Boolean;
+ Unit : Unit_Data;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ Extended : Project_Id;
- Data.Naming.Casing := Casing;
- end;
+ while Current /= Nil_String loop
+ Element := String_Elements.Table (Current);
+ Get_Name_String (Element.Value);
+ Canonical_Case_File_Name
+ (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ Name := Name_Find;
- exception
- when Constraint_Error =>
- if Casing_Image'Length = 0 then
- Error_Msg ("Casing cannot be an empty string",
- Casing_String.Location);
+ -- If the element has no location, then use the
+ -- location of Locally_Removed to report
+ -- possible errors.
- else
- Name_Len := Casing_Image'Length;
- Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Casing_Image;
- Errout.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Find;
- Error_Msg
- ("{ is not a correct Casing",
- Casing_String.Location);
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- end;
+ if Element.Location = No_Location then
+ Location := Locally_Removed.Location;
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Str (" Casing = ");
- Write_Str (Image (Data.Naming.Casing));
- Write_Char ('.');
- Write_Eol;
- end if;
+ else
+ Location := Element.Location;
+ end if;
- -- Check Specification_Suffix
+ OK := False;
+ for Index in 1 .. Units.Last loop
+ Unit := Units.Table (Index);
+ if
+ Unit.File_Names (Specification).Name = Name
+ then
+ OK := True;
+ -- Check that this is from a project that
+ -- the current project extends, but not the
+ -- current project.
+ Extended := Unit.File_Names
+ (Specification).Project;
+ if Extended = Project then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "cannot remove a source " &
+ "of the same project",
+ Location);
+ elsif
+ Project_Extends (Project, Extended)
+ then
+ Unit.File_Names
+ (Specification).Path := Slash;
+ Unit.File_Names
+ (Specification).Needs_Pragma := False;
+ Units.Table (Index) := Unit;
+ Add_Forbidden_File_Name
+ (Unit.File_Names (Specification).Name);
+ exit;
+ else
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "cannot remove a source from " &
+ "another project",
+ Location);
+ end if;
+ elsif
+ Unit.File_Names (Body_Part).Name = Name
+ then
+ OK := True;
+ -- Check that this is from a project that
+ -- the current project extends, but not the
+ -- current project.
+ Extended := Unit.File_Names
+ (Body_Part).Project;
+ if Extended = Project then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "cannot remove a source " &
+ "of the same project",
+ Location);
+ elsif
+ Project_Extends (Project, Extended)
+ then
+ Unit.File_Names (Body_Part).Path := Slash;
+ Unit.File_Names (Body_Part).Needs_Pragma
+ := False;
+ Units.Table (Index) := Unit;
+ Add_Forbidden_File_Name
+ (Unit.File_Names (Body_Part).Name);
+ exit;
+ end if;
- declare
- Ada_Spec_Suffix : constant Variable_Value :=
- Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Index => Name_Ada,
- In_Array => Data.Naming.Specification_Suffix);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
- begin
- if Ada_Spec_Suffix.Kind = Single
- and then String_Length (Ada_Spec_Suffix.Value) /= 0
- then
- String_To_Name_Buffer (Ada_Spec_Suffix.Value);
- Data.Naming.Current_Spec_Suffix := Name_Find;
- Data.Naming.Spec_Suffix_Loc := Ada_Spec_Suffix.Location;
+ if not OK then
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name;
+ Error_Msg (Project, "unknown file {", Location);
+ end if;
- else
- Data.Naming.Current_Spec_Suffix := Default_Ada_Spec_Suffix;
+ Current := Element.Next;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Str (" Specification_Suffix = """);
- Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Naming.Current_Spec_Suffix));
- Write_Char ('"');
- Write_Eol;
- end if;
+ if Data.Sources_Present then
- -- Check Implementation_Suffix
+ -- Check that all individual naming conventions apply to
+ -- sources of this project file.
- declare
- Ada_Impl_Suffix : constant Variable_Value :=
- Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Index => Name_Ada,
- In_Array => Data.Naming.Implementation_Suffix);
+ Warn_If_Not_Sources (Data.Naming.Bodies, Specs => False);
+ Warn_If_Not_Sources (Data.Naming.Specs, Specs => True);
+ end if;
- begin
- if Ada_Impl_Suffix.Kind = Single
- and then String_Length (Ada_Impl_Suffix.Value) /= 0
- then
- String_To_Name_Buffer (Ada_Impl_Suffix.Value);
- Data.Naming.Current_Impl_Suffix := Name_Find;
- Data.Naming.Impl_Suffix_Loc := Ada_Impl_Suffix.Location;
+ -- If it is a library project file, check if it is a standalone library
+ if Data.Library then
+ Standalone_Library : declare
+ Lib_Interfaces : constant Prj.Variable_Value :=
+ Prj.Util.Value_Of
+ (Snames.Name_Library_Interface,
+ Data.Decl.Attributes);
+ Lib_Auto_Init : constant Prj.Variable_Value :=
+ Prj.Util.Value_Of
+ (Snames.Name_Library_Auto_Init,
+ Data.Decl.Attributes);
+ Lib_Src_Dir : constant Prj.Variable_Value :=
+ Prj.Util.Value_Of
+ (Snames.Name_Library_Src_Dir,
+ Data.Decl.Attributes);
+ Auto_Init_Supported
+ : constant Boolean :=
+ MLib.Tgt.
+ Standalone_Library_Auto_Init_Is_Supported;
- else
- Data.Naming.Current_Impl_Suffix := Default_Ada_Impl_Suffix;
- end if;
- end;
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Lib_Interfaces.Kind = List);
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Str (" Implementation_Suffix = """);
- Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Naming.Current_Impl_Suffix));
- Write_Char ('"');
- Write_Eol;
- end if;
+ -- It is a library project file if attribute Library_Interface
+ -- is defined.
- -- Check Separate_Suffix
+ if not Lib_Interfaces.Default then
+ declare
+ Interfaces : String_List_Id := Lib_Interfaces.Values;
+ Interface_ALIs : String_List_Id := Nil_String;
+ Unit : Name_Id;
+ The_Unit_Id : Unit_Id;
+ The_Unit_Data : Unit_Data;
- declare
- Ada_Sep_Suffix : constant Variable_Value :=
- Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Variable_Name => Name_Separate_Suffix,
- In_Variables => Naming.Decl.Attributes);
- begin
- if Ada_Sep_Suffix.Default then
- Data.Naming.Separate_Suffix :=
- Data.Naming.Current_Impl_Suffix;
+ procedure Add_ALI_For (Source : Name_Id);
+ -- Add an ALI file name to the list of Interface ALIs
- else
- String_To_Name_Buffer (Ada_Sep_Suffix.Value);
+ -----------------
+ -- Add_ALI_For --
+ -----------------
- if Name_Len = 0 then
- Error_Msg ("Separate_Suffix cannot be empty",
- Ada_Sep_Suffix.Location);
+ procedure Add_ALI_For (Source : Name_Id) is
+ begin
+ Get_Name_String (Source);
- else
- Data.Naming.Separate_Suffix := Name_Find;
- Data.Naming.Sep_Suffix_Loc := Ada_Sep_Suffix.Location;
- end if;
+ declare
+ ALI : constant String :=
+ ALI_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ ALI_Name_Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Name_Len := ALI'Length;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := ALI;
+ ALI_Name_Id := Name_Find;
+ String_Elements.Increment_Last;
+ String_Elements.Table (String_Elements.Last) :=
+ (Value => ALI_Name_Id,
+ Display_Value => No_Name,
+ Location => String_Elements.Table
+ (Interfaces).Location,
+ Flag => False,
+ Next => Interface_ALIs);
+ Interface_ALIs := String_Elements.Last;
+ end;
+ end Add_ALI_For;
- end if;
+ begin
+ Data.Standalone_Library := True;
- end;
+ -- Library_Interface cannot be an empty list
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Str (" Separate_Suffix = """);
- Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Naming.Separate_Suffix));
- Write_Char ('"');
- Write_Eol;
- end if;
+ if Interfaces = Nil_String then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "Library_Interface cannot be an empty list",
+ Lib_Interfaces.Location);
+ end if;
- -- Check if Data.Naming is valid
+ -- Process each unit name specified in the attribute
+ -- Library_Interface.
- Check_Ada_Naming_Scheme (Data.Naming);
+ while Interfaces /= Nil_String loop
+ Get_Name_String
+ (String_Elements.Table (Interfaces).Value);
+ To_Lower (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- else
- Data.Naming.Current_Spec_Suffix := Default_Ada_Spec_Suffix;
- Data.Naming.Current_Impl_Suffix := Default_Ada_Impl_Suffix;
- Data.Naming.Separate_Suffix := Default_Ada_Impl_Suffix;
- end if;
- end;
+ if Name_Len = 0 then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "an interface cannot be an empty string",
+ String_Elements.Table (Interfaces).Location);
- -- If we have source directories, then find the sources
+ else
+ Unit := Name_Find;
+ Error_Msg_Name_1 := Unit;
+ The_Unit_Id := Units_Htable.Get (Unit);
- if Data.Sources_Present then
- if Data.Source_Dirs = Nil_String then
- Data.Sources_Present := False;
+ if The_Unit_Id = Prj.Com.No_Unit then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "unknown unit {",
+ String_Elements.Table (Interfaces).Location);
- else
- declare
- Sources : constant Variable_Value :=
- Util.Value_Of
- (Name_Source_Files,
- Data.Decl.Attributes);
+ else
+ -- Check that the unit is part of the project
+ The_Unit_Data := Units.Table (The_Unit_Id);
+ if The_Unit_Data.File_Names
+ (Com.Body_Part).Name /= No_Name
+ and then The_Unit_Data.File_Names
+ (Com.Body_Part).Path /= Slash
+ then
+ if Check_Project
+ (The_Unit_Data.File_Names (Body_Part).Project)
+ then
+ -- There is a body for this unit.
+ -- If there is no spec, we need to check
+ -- that it is not a subunit.
+ if The_Unit_Data.File_Names
+ (Specification).Name = No_Name
+ then
+ declare
+ Src_Ind : Source_File_Index;
+ begin
+ Src_Ind := Sinput.P.Load_Project_File
+ (Get_Name_String
+ (The_Unit_Data.File_Names
+ (Body_Part).Path));
+ if Sinput.P.Source_File_Is_Subunit
+ (Src_Ind)
+ then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "{ is a subunit; " &
+ "it cannot be an interface",
+ String_Elements.Table
+ (Interfaces).Location);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- The unit is not a subunit, so we add
+ -- to the Interface ALIs the ALI file
+ -- corresponding to the body.
+ Add_ALI_For
+ (The_Unit_Data.File_Names (Body_Part).Name);
+ else
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "{ is not an unit of this project",
+ String_Elements.Table
+ (Interfaces).Location);
+ end if;
- Source_List_File : constant Variable_Value :=
- Util.Value_Of
- (Name_Source_List_File,
- Data.Decl.Attributes);
+ elsif The_Unit_Data.File_Names
+ (Com.Specification).Name /= No_Name
+ and then The_Unit_Data.File_Names
+ (Com.Specification).Path /= Slash
+ and then Check_Project
+ (The_Unit_Data.File_Names
+ (Specification).Project)
- begin
- pragma Assert
- (Sources.Kind = List,
- "Source_Files is not a list");
- pragma Assert
- (Source_List_File.Kind = Single,
- "Source_List_File is not a single string");
+ then
+ -- The unit is part of the project, it has
+ -- a spec, but no body. We add to the Interface
+ -- ALIs the ALI file corresponding to the spec.
- if not Sources.Default then
- if not Source_List_File.Default then
- Error_Msg
- ("?both variables source_files and " &
- "source_list_file are present",
- Source_List_File.Location);
- end if;
+ Add_ALI_For
+ (The_Unit_Data.File_Names (Specification).Name);
- -- Sources is a list of file names
+ else
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "{ is not an unit of this project",
+ String_Elements.Table (Interfaces).Location);
+ end if;
+ end if;
- declare
- Current_Source : String_List_Id := Nil_String;
- Current : String_List_Id := Sources.Values;
- Element : String_Element;
+ end if;
- begin
- Data.Sources_Present := Current /= Nil_String;
+ Interfaces := String_Elements.Table (Interfaces).Next;
+ end loop;
- while Current /= Nil_String loop
- Element := String_Elements.Table (Current);
- String_To_Name_Buffer (Element.Value);
+ -- Put the list of Interface ALIs in the project data
- declare
- File_Name : constant String :=
- Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
+ Data.Lib_Interface_ALIs := Interface_ALIs;
- begin
- Get_Path_Name_And_Record_Source
- (File_Name => File_Name,
- Location => Element.Location,
- Current_Source => Current_Source);
- Current := Element.Next;
- end;
- end loop;
- end;
+ -- Check value of attribute Library_Auto_Init and set
+ -- Lib_Auto_Init accordingly.
- -- No source_files specified.
- -- We check Source_List_File has been specified.
+ if Lib_Auto_Init.Default then
+ -- If no attribute Library_Auto_Init is declared, then
+ -- set auto init only if it is supported.
- elsif not Source_List_File.Default then
+ Data.Lib_Auto_Init := Auto_Init_Supported;
- -- Source_List_File is the name of the file
- -- that contains the source file names
+ else
+ Get_Name_String (Lib_Auto_Init.Value);
+ To_Lower (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- declare
- Source_File_Path_Name : constant String :=
- Path_Name_Of
- (Source_List_File.Value,
- Data.Directory);
+ if Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) = "false" then
+ Data.Lib_Auto_Init := False;
- begin
- if Source_File_Path_Name'Length = 0 then
- String_To_Name_Buffer (Source_List_File.Value);
- Errout.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Find;
- Error_Msg
- ("file with sources { does not exist",
- Source_List_File.Location);
+ elsif Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) = "true" then
+ if Auto_Init_Supported then
+ Data.Lib_Auto_Init := True;
+ else
+ -- Library_Auto_Init cannot be "true" if auto init
+ -- is not supported
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "library auto init not supported " &
+ "on this platform",
+ Lib_Auto_Init.Location);
+ end if;
- Get_Sources_From_File
- (Source_File_Path_Name,
- Source_List_File.Location);
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "invalid value for attribute Library_Auto_Init",
+ Lib_Auto_Init.Location);
end if;
- end;
+ end if;
- else
- -- Neither Source_Files nor Source_List_File has been
- -- specified.
- -- Find all the files that satisfy
- -- the naming scheme in all the source directories.
+ if Lib_Src_Dir.Value /= Empty_String then
+ declare
+ Dir_Id : constant Name_Id := Lib_Src_Dir.Value;
- Find_Sources;
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
+ begin
+ Locate_Directory
+ (Dir_Id, Data.Display_Directory,
+ Data.Library_Src_Dir,
+ Data.Display_Library_Src_Dir);
+ -- Comment needed here ???
+ if Data.Library_Src_Dir = No_Name then
+ -- Get the absolute name of the library directory
+ -- that does not exist, to report an error.
+ declare
+ Dir_Name : constant String :=
+ Get_Name_String (Dir_Id);
+ begin
+ if Is_Absolute_Path (Dir_Name) then
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Dir_Id;
+ else
+ Get_Name_String (Data.Directory);
+ if Name_Buffer (Name_Len) /=
+ Directory_Separator
+ then
+ Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Len) :=
+ Directory_Separator;
+ end if;
+ Name_Buffer
+ (Name_Len + 1 ..
+ Name_Len + Dir_Name'Length) :=
+ Dir_Name;
+ Name_Len := Name_Len + Dir_Name'Length;
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Find;
+ end if;
+ -- Report the error
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "Directory { does not exist",
+ Lib_Src_Dir.Location);
+ end;
+ -- And comment needed here ???
+ elsif Data.Library_Src_Dir = Data.Object_Directory then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "directory to copy interfaces cannot be " &
+ "the object directory",
+ Lib_Src_Dir.Location);
+ Data.Library_Src_Dir := No_Name;
+ -- And comment needed here ???
+ else
+ declare
+ Src_Dirs : String_List_Id := Data.Source_Dirs;
+ Src_Dir : String_Element;
+ begin
+ while Src_Dirs /= Nil_String loop
+ Src_Dir := String_Elements.Table (Src_Dirs);
+ Src_Dirs := Src_Dir.Next;
+ if Data.Library_Src_Dir = Src_Dir.Value then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "directory to copy interfaces cannot " &
+ "be one of the source directories",
+ Lib_Src_Dir.Location);
+ Data.Library_Src_Dir := No_Name;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ if Data.Library_Src_Dir /= No_Name
+ and then Current_Verbosity = High
+ then
+ Write_Str ("Directory to copy interfaces =""");
+ Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Dir));
+ Write_Line ("""");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Standalone_Library;
end if;
+ -- Put the list of Mains, if any, in the project data
+ declare
+ Mains : constant Variable_Value :=
+ Prj.Util.Value_Of (Name_Main, Data.Decl.Attributes);
+ begin
+ Data.Mains := Mains.Values;
+ -- If no Mains were specified, and if we are an extending
+ -- project, inherit the Mains from the project we are extending.
+ if Mains.Default then
+ if Data.Extends /= No_Project then
+ Data.Mains := Projects.Table (Data.Extends).Mains;
+ end if;
+ -- In a library project file, Main cannot be specified
+ elsif Data.Library then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "a library project file cannot have Main specified",
+ Mains.Location);
+ end if;
+ end;
Projects.Table (Project) := Data;
+ Free_Naming_Exceptions;
end Ada_Check;
+ -------------------
+ -- ALI_File_Name --
+ -------------------
+ function ALI_File_Name (Source : String) return String is
+ begin
+ -- If the source name has an extension, then replace it with
+ -- the ALI suffix.
+ for Index in reverse Source'First + 1 .. Source'Last loop
+ if Source (Index) = '.' then
+ return Source (Source'First .. Index - 1) & ALI_Suffix;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- If there is no dot, or if it is the first character, just add the
+ -- ALI suffix.
+ return Source & ALI_Suffix;
+ end ALI_File_Name;
-- Check_Ada_Name --
procedure Check_Ada_Name
- (Name : Name_Id;
+ (Name : String;
Unit : out Name_Id)
- The_Name : String := Get_Name_String (Name);
+ The_Name : String := Name;
+ Real_Name : Name_Id;
Need_Letter : Boolean := True;
Last_Underscore : Boolean := False;
OK : Boolean := The_Name'Length > 0;
+ To_Lower (The_Name);
+ Name_Len := The_Name'Length;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := The_Name;
+ Real_Name := Name_Find;
+ -- Check first that the given name is not an Ada reserved word
+ if Get_Name_Table_Byte (Real_Name) /= 0
+ and then Real_Name /= Name_Project
+ and then Real_Name /= Name_Extends
+ and then Real_Name /= Name_External
+ then
+ Unit := No_Name;
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Str (The_Name);
+ Write_Line (" is an Ada reserved word.");
+ end if;
+ return;
+ end if;
for Index in The_Name'Range loop
if Need_Letter then
@@ -932,7 +1830,8 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
OK := OK and then not Need_Letter and then not Last_Underscore;
if OK then
- Unit := Name;
+ Unit := Real_Name;
-- Signal a problem with No_Name
@@ -944,7 +1843,10 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- Check_Ada_Naming_Scheme --
- procedure Check_Ada_Naming_Scheme (Naming : Naming_Data) is
+ procedure Check_Ada_Naming_Scheme
+ (Project : Project_Id;
+ Naming : Naming_Data)
+ is
-- Only check if we are not using the standard naming scheme
@@ -954,13 +1856,13 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
- Specification_Suffix : constant String :=
+ Spec_Suffix : constant String :=
- Implementation_Suffix : constant String :=
+ Body_Suffix : constant String :=
- (Naming.Current_Impl_Suffix);
+ (Naming.Current_Body_Suffix);
Separate_Suffix : constant String :=
@@ -991,89 +1893,96 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Pattern => ".") /= 0)
- ('"' & Dot_Replacement &
+ (Project,
+ '"' & Dot_Replacement &
""" is illegal for Dot_Replacement.",
end if;
-- Suffixes cannot
-- - be empty
- -- - start with an alphanumeric
- -- - start with an '_' followed by an alphanumeric
if Is_Illegal_Suffix
- (Specification_Suffix, Dot_Replacement = ".")
+ (Spec_Suffix, Dot_Replacement = ".")
- Errout.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Naming.Current_Spec_Suffix;
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Naming.Current_Spec_Suffix;
- ("{ is illegal for Specification_Suffix",
+ (Project,
+ "{ is illegal for Spec_Suffix",
end if;
if Is_Illegal_Suffix
- (Implementation_Suffix, Dot_Replacement = ".")
+ (Body_Suffix, Dot_Replacement = ".")
- Errout.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Naming.Current_Impl_Suffix;
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Naming.Current_Body_Suffix;
- ("{ is illegal for Implementation_Suffix",
- Naming.Impl_Suffix_Loc);
+ (Project,
+ "{ is illegal for Body_Suffix",
+ Naming.Body_Suffix_Loc);
end if;
- if Implementation_Suffix /= Separate_Suffix then
+ if Body_Suffix /= Separate_Suffix then
if Is_Illegal_Suffix
(Separate_Suffix, Dot_Replacement = ".")
- Errout.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Naming.Separate_Suffix;
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Naming.Separate_Suffix;
- ("{ is illegal for Separate_Suffix",
+ (Project,
+ "{ is illegal for Separate_Suffix",
end if;
end if;
- -- Specification_Suffix cannot have the same termination as
- -- Implementation_Suffix or Separate_Suffix
+ -- Spec_Suffix cannot have the same termination as
+ -- Body_Suffix or Separate_Suffix
- if Specification_Suffix'Length <= Implementation_Suffix'Length
+ if Spec_Suffix'Length <= Body_Suffix'Length
and then
- Implementation_Suffix (Implementation_Suffix'Last -
- Specification_Suffix'Length + 1 ..
- Implementation_Suffix'Last) = Specification_Suffix
+ Body_Suffix (Body_Suffix'Last -
+ Spec_Suffix'Length + 1 ..
+ Body_Suffix'Last) = Spec_Suffix
- ("Implementation_Suffix (""" &
- Implementation_Suffix &
+ (Project,
+ "Body_Suffix (""" &
+ Body_Suffix &
""") cannot end with" &
- "Specification_Suffix (""" &
- Specification_Suffix & """).",
- Naming.Impl_Suffix_Loc);
+ " Spec_Suffix (""" &
+ Spec_Suffix & """).",
+ Naming.Body_Suffix_Loc);
end if;
- if Specification_Suffix'Length <= Separate_Suffix'Length
+ if Body_Suffix /= Separate_Suffix
+ and then Spec_Suffix'Length <= Separate_Suffix'Length
and then
- (Separate_Suffix'Last - Specification_Suffix'Length + 1
+ (Separate_Suffix'Last - Spec_Suffix'Length + 1
- Separate_Suffix'Last) = Specification_Suffix
+ Separate_Suffix'Last) = Spec_Suffix
- ("Separate_Suffix (""" &
+ (Project,
+ "Separate_Suffix (""" &
Separate_Suffix &
""") cannot end with" &
- " Specification_Suffix (""" &
- Specification_Suffix & """).",
+ " Spec_Suffix (""" &
+ Spec_Suffix & """).",
end if;
end if;
end Check_Ada_Naming_Scheme;
-- Error_Msg --
- procedure Error_Msg (Msg : String; Flag_Location : Source_Ptr) is
+ procedure Error_Msg
+ (Project : Project_Id;
+ Msg : String;
+ Flag_Location : Source_Ptr)
+ is
Error_Buffer : String (1 .. 5_000);
Error_Last : Natural := 0;
Msg_Name : Natural := 0;
@@ -1114,7 +2023,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
if Error_Report = null then
- Errout.Error_Msg (Msg, Flag_Location);
+ Prj.Err.Error_Msg (Msg, Flag_Location);
end if;
@@ -1126,8 +2035,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
elsif Msg (First) = '?' then
- -- Warning character. It is always the first one,
- -- in this package.
+ -- Warning character. It is always the first one in this package
First := First + 1;
Add ("Warning: ");
@@ -1142,9 +2050,9 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Add ('"');
case Msg_Name is
- when 1 => Add (Errout.Error_Msg_Name_1);
- when 2 => Add (Errout.Error_Msg_Name_2);
- when 3 => Add (Errout.Error_Msg_Name_3);
+ when 1 => Add (Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1);
+ when 2 => Add (Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_2);
+ when 3 => Add (Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_3);
when others => null;
end case;
@@ -1157,125 +2065,80 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
end loop;
- Error_Report (Error_Buffer (1 .. Error_Last), Current_Project);
+ Error_Report (Error_Buffer (1 .. Error_Last), Project);
end Error_Msg;
- ---------------------
- -- Get_Name_String --
- ---------------------
- function Get_Name_String (S : String_Id) return String is
- begin
- if S = No_String then
- return "";
- else
- String_To_Name_Buffer (S);
- return Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
- end if;
- end Get_Name_String;
-- Get_Unit --
procedure Get_Unit
- (File_Name : Name_Id;
- Naming : Naming_Data;
- Unit_Name : out Name_Id;
- Unit_Kind : out Spec_Or_Body;
- Needs_Pragma : out Boolean)
+ (Canonical_File_Name : Name_Id;
+ Naming : Naming_Data;
+ Unit_Name : out Name_Id;
+ Unit_Kind : out Spec_Or_Body;
+ Needs_Pragma : out Boolean)
- Canonical_Case_Name : Name_Id;
- begin
- Needs_Pragma := False;
- Get_Name_String (File_Name);
- Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- Canonical_Case_Name := Name_Find;
- if Naming.Bodies /= No_Array_Element then
- -- There are some specified file names for some bodies
- -- of this project. Find out if File_Name is one of these bodies.
- declare
- Current : Array_Element_Id := Naming.Bodies;
- Element : Array_Element;
- begin
- while Current /= No_Array_Element loop
- Element := Array_Elements.Table (Current);
+ function Check_Exception (Canonical : Name_Id) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Check_Exception);
+ -- Check if Canonical is one of the exceptions in List.
+ -- Returns True if Get_Unit should exit
- if Element.Index /= No_Name then
- String_To_Name_Buffer (Element.Value.Value);
- Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- if Canonical_Case_Name = Name_Find then
+ ---------------------
+ -- Check_Exception --
+ ---------------------
- -- File_Name corresponds to one body.
- -- So, we know it is a body, and we know the unit name.
+ function Check_Exception (Canonical : Name_Id) return Boolean is
+ Info : Unit_Info := Naming_Exceptions.Get (Canonical);
+ VMS_Name : Name_Id;
- Unit_Kind := Body_Part;
- Unit_Name := Element.Index;
- Needs_Pragma := True;
- return;
- end if;
+ begin
+ if Info = No_Unit then
+ if Hostparm.OpenVMS then
+ VMS_Name := Canonical;
+ Get_Name_String (VMS_Name);
+ if Name_Buffer (Name_Len) = '.' then
+ Name_Len := Name_Len - 1;
+ VMS_Name := Name_Find;
end if;
- Current := Element.Next;
- end loop;
- end;
- end if;
- if Naming.Specifications /= No_Array_Element then
- -- There are some specified file names for some bodiesspecifications
- -- of this project. Find out if File_Name is one of these
- -- specifications.
- declare
- Current : Array_Element_Id := Naming.Specifications;
- Element : Array_Element;
- begin
- while Current /= No_Array_Element loop
- Element := Array_Elements.Table (Current);
+ Info := Naming_Exceptions.Get (VMS_Name);
+ end if;
- if Element.Index /= No_Name then
- String_To_Name_Buffer (Element.Value.Value);
- Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ if Info = No_Unit then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end if;
- if Canonical_Case_Name = Name_Find then
+ Unit_Kind := Info.Kind;
+ Unit_Name := Info.Unit;
+ Needs_Pragma := True;
+ return True;
+ end Check_Exception;
- -- File_Name corresponds to one specification.
- -- So, we know it is a spec, and we know the unit name.
+ -- Start of processing for Get_Unit
- Unit_Kind := Specification;
- Unit_Name := Element.Index;
- Needs_Pragma := True;
- return;
- end if;
- end if;
+ begin
+ Needs_Pragma := False;
- Current := Element.Next;
- end loop;
- end;
+ if Check_Exception (Canonical_File_Name) then
+ return;
end if;
- declare
- File : String := Get_Name_String (Canonical_Case_Name);
- First : Positive := File'First;
- Last : Natural := File'Last;
+ Get_Name_String (Canonical_File_Name);
- Standard_GNAT : Boolean :=
- Naming.Current_Spec_Suffix =
- Default_Ada_Spec_Suffix
- and then
- Naming.Current_Impl_Suffix =
- Default_Ada_Impl_Suffix;
+ declare
+ File : String := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
+ First : constant Positive := File'First;
+ Last : Natural := File'Last;
+ Standard_GNAT : Boolean;
+ Standard_GNAT :=
+ Naming.Current_Spec_Suffix = Default_Ada_Spec_Suffix
+ and then Naming.Current_Body_Suffix = Default_Ada_Body_Suffix;
-- Check if the end of the file name is Specification_Append
Get_Name_String (Naming.Current_Spec_Suffix);
@@ -1295,7 +2158,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
end if;
- Get_Name_String (Naming.Current_Impl_Suffix);
+ Get_Name_String (Naming.Current_Body_Suffix);
-- Check if the end of the file name is Body_Append
@@ -1474,16 +2337,12 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Write_Line (Src);
end if;
- Name_Len := Src'Length;
- Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Src;
-- Now, we check if this name is a valid unit name
- Check_Ada_Name (Name => Name_Find, Unit => Unit_Name);
+ Check_Ada_Name (Name => Src, Unit => Unit_Name);
end Get_Unit;
@@ -1496,13 +2355,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
return Boolean
- if Suffix'Length = 0
- or else Is_Alphanumeric (Suffix (Suffix'First))
- or else Index (Suffix, ".") = 0
- or else (Suffix'Length >= 2
- and then Suffix (Suffix'First) = '_'
- and then Is_Alphanumeric (Suffix (Suffix'First + 1)))
- then
+ if Suffix'Length = 0 or else Index (Suffix, ".") = 0 then
return True;
end if;
@@ -1538,10 +2391,10 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
(Project : Project_Id;
Report_Error : Put_Line_Access)
- Last_Source_Dir : String_List_Id := Nil_String;
- Data : Project_Data := Projects.Table (Project);
+ Last_Source_Dir : String_List_Id := Nil_String;
+ Data : Project_Data := Projects.Table (Project);
- procedure Find_Source_Dirs (From : String_Id; Location : Source_Ptr);
+ procedure Find_Source_Dirs (From : Name_Id; Location : Source_Ptr);
-- Find one or several source directories, and add them
-- to the list of source directories of the project.
@@ -1549,13 +2402,12 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- Find_Source_Dirs --
- procedure Find_Source_Dirs (From : String_Id; Location : Source_Ptr) is
- Directory : String (1 .. Integer (String_Length (From)));
- Directory_Id : Name_Id;
+ procedure Find_Source_Dirs (From : Name_Id; Location : Source_Ptr) is
+ Directory : constant String := Get_Name_String (From);
+ Canonical_Directory_Id : Name_Id;
Element : String_Element;
- procedure Recursive_Find_Dirs (Path : String_Id);
+ procedure Recursive_Find_Dirs (Path : Name_Id);
-- Find all the subdirectories (recursively) of Path
-- and add them to the list of source directories
-- of the project.
@@ -1564,112 +2416,159 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- Recursive_Find_Dirs --
- procedure Recursive_Find_Dirs (Path : String_Id) is
+ procedure Recursive_Find_Dirs (Path : Name_Id) is
Dir : Dir_Type;
Name : String (1 .. 250);
Last : Natural;
- The_Path : String := Get_Name_String (Path) & Dir_Sep;
+ List : String_List_Id := Data.Source_Dirs;
+ Element : String_Element;
+ Found : Boolean := False;
- The_Path_Last : Positive := The_Path'Last;
+ Canonical_Path : Name_Id := No_Name;
- if The_Path'Length > 1
- and then
- (The_Path (The_Path_Last - 1) = Dir_Sep
- or else The_Path (The_Path_Last - 1) = '/')
- then
- The_Path_Last := The_Path_Last - 1;
- end if;
+ Get_Name_String (Path);
+ Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- Canonical_Case_File_Name (The_Path);
+ declare
+ The_Path : String :=
+ Normalize_Pathname
+ (Name => Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len)) &
+ Directory_Separator;
+ The_Path_Last : constant Natural :=
+ Compute_Directory_Last (The_Path);
+ begin
+ Name_Len := The_Path_Last - The_Path'First + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) :=
+ The_Path (The_Path'First .. The_Path_Last);
+ Canonical_Path := Name_Find;
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Str (" ");
- Write_Line (The_Path (The_Path'First .. The_Path_Last));
- end if;
+ -- To avoid processing the same directory several times, check
+ -- if the directory is already in Recursive_Dirs. If it is,
+ -- then there is nothing to do, just return. If it is not, put
+ -- it there and continue recursive processing.
- String_Elements.Increment_Last;
- Element :=
- (Value => Path,
- Location => No_Location,
- Next => Nil_String);
+ if Recursive_Dirs.Get (Canonical_Path) then
+ return;
- -- Case of first source directory
+ else
+ Recursive_Dirs.Set (Canonical_Path, True);
+ end if;
- if Last_Source_Dir = Nil_String then
- Data.Source_Dirs := String_Elements.Last;
+ -- Check if directory is already in list
- -- Here we already have source directories.
+ while List /= Nil_String loop
+ Element := String_Elements.Table (List);
- else
- -- Link the previous last to the new one
+ if Element.Value /= No_Name then
+ Get_Name_String (Element.Value);
+ Found :=
+ The_Path (The_Path'First .. The_Path_Last) =
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
+ exit when Found;
+ end if;
- String_Elements.Table (Last_Source_Dir).Next :=
- String_Elements.Last;
- end if;
+ List := Element.Next;
+ end loop;
- -- And register this source directory as the new last
+ -- If directory is not already in list, put it there
- Last_Source_Dir := String_Elements.Last;
- String_Elements.Table (Last_Source_Dir) := Element;
+ if not Found then
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Str (" ");
+ Write_Line (The_Path (The_Path'First .. The_Path_Last));
+ end if;
- -- Now look for subdirectories
+ String_Elements.Increment_Last;
+ Element :=
+ (Value => Canonical_Path,
+ Display_Value => No_Name,
+ Location => No_Location,
+ Flag => False,
+ Next => Nil_String);
- Open (Dir, The_Path (The_Path'First .. The_Path_Last));
+ -- Case of first source directory
- loop
- Read (Dir, Name, Last);
- exit when Last = 0;
+ if Last_Source_Dir = Nil_String then
+ Data.Source_Dirs := String_Elements.Last;
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Str (" Checking ");
- Write_Line (Name (1 .. Last));
- end if;
+ -- Here we already have source directories.
- if Name (1 .. Last) /= "."
- and then Name (1 .. Last) /= ".."
- then
- -- Avoid . and ..
+ else
+ -- Link the previous last to the new one
- declare
- Path_Name : String :=
- The_Path (The_Path'First .. The_Path_Last) &
- Name (1 .. Last);
+ String_Elements.Table (Last_Source_Dir).Next :=
+ String_Elements.Last;
+ end if;
- begin
- Canonical_Case_File_Name (Path_Name);
+ -- And register this source directory as the new last
+ Last_Source_Dir := String_Elements.Last;
+ String_Elements.Table (Last_Source_Dir) := Element;
+ end if;
- if Is_Directory (Path_Name) then
+ -- Now look for subdirectories. We do that even when this
+ -- directory is already in the list, because some of its
+ -- subdirectories may not be in the list yet.
- -- We have found a new subdirectory,
- -- register it and find its own subdirectories.
+ Open (Dir, The_Path (The_Path'First .. The_Path_Last));
- Start_String;
- Store_String_Chars (Path_Name);
- Recursive_Find_Dirs (End_String);
+ loop
+ Read (Dir, Name, Last);
+ exit when Last = 0;
+ if Name (1 .. Last) /= "."
+ and then Name (1 .. Last) /= ".."
+ then
+ -- Avoid . and ..
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Str (" Checking ");
+ Write_Line (Name (1 .. Last));
end if;
- end;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Close (Dir);
+ declare
+ Path_Name : String :=
+ Normalize_Pathname
+ (Name => Name (1 .. Last),
+ Directory =>
+ The_Path
+ (The_Path'First .. The_Path_Last));
+ begin
+ Canonical_Case_File_Name (Path_Name);
+ if Is_Directory (Path_Name) then
+ -- We have found a new subdirectory, call self
+ Name_Len := Path_Name'Length;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Path_Name;
+ Recursive_Find_Dirs (Name_Find);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Close (Dir);
+ end;
when Directory_Error =>
end Recursive_Find_Dirs;
- -- Start of processing for Find_Source_Dirs
+ -- Start of processing for Find_Source_Dirs
if Current_Verbosity = High then
Write_Str ("Find_Source_Dirs (""");
end if;
- String_To_Name_Buffer (From);
+ Get_Name_String (From);
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- Directory := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
- Directory_Id := Name_Find;
+ -- Directory := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
+ Canonical_Directory_Id := Name_Find;
if Current_Verbosity = High then
Write_Str (Directory);
@@ -1683,11 +2582,14 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
and then Directory (Directory'Last - 1 .. Directory'Last) = "**"
and then (Directory (Directory'Last - 2) = '/'
or else
- Directory (Directory'Last - 2) = Dir_Sep)
+ Directory (Directory'Last - 2) = Directory_Separator)
+ Data.Known_Order_Of_Source_Dirs := False;
Name_Len := Directory'Length - 3;
if Name_Len = 0 then
-- This is the case of "/**": all directories
-- in the file system.
@@ -1707,16 +2609,26 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Base_Dir : constant Name_Id := Name_Find;
- Root : constant Name_Id :=
- Locate_Directory (Base_Dir, Data.Directory);
+ Root_Dir : constant String :=
+ Normalize_Pathname
+ (Name => Get_Name_String (Base_Dir),
+ Directory =>
+ Get_Name_String (Data.Display_Directory));
- if Root = No_Name then
- Errout.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Base_Dir;
+ if Root_Dir'Length = 0 then
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Base_Dir;
if Location = No_Location then
- Error_Msg ("{ is not a valid directory.", Data.Location);
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "{ is not a valid directory.",
+ Data.Location);
- Error_Msg ("{ is not a valid directory.", Location);
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "{ is not a valid directory.",
+ Location);
end if;
@@ -1727,9 +2639,9 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Write_Line ("Looking for source directories:");
end if;
- Start_String;
- Store_String_Chars (Get_Name_String (Root));
- Recursive_Find_Dirs (End_String);
+ Name_Len := Root_Dir'Length;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Root_Dir;
+ Recursive_Find_Dirs (Name_Find);
if Current_Verbosity = High then
Write_Line ("End of looking for source directories.");
@@ -1741,16 +2653,24 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
- Path_Name : constant Name_Id :=
- Locate_Directory (Directory_Id, Data.Directory);
+ Path_Name : Name_Id;
+ Display_Path_Name : Name_Id;
+ Locate_Directory
+ (From, Data.Display_Directory, Path_Name, Display_Path_Name);
if Path_Name = No_Name then
- Errout.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Directory_Id;
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := From;
if Location = No_Location then
- Error_Msg ("{ is not a valid directory", Data.Location);
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "{ is not a valid directory",
+ Data.Location);
- Error_Msg ("{ is not a valid directory", Location);
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "{ is not a valid directory",
+ Location);
end if;
@@ -1758,9 +2678,8 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- the list of directories.
- Start_String;
- Store_String_Chars (Get_Name_String (Path_Name));
- Element.Value := End_String;
+ Element.Value := Path_Name;
+ Element.Display_Value := Display_Path_Name;
if Last_Source_Dir = Nil_String then
@@ -1785,10 +2704,9 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
end if;
end Find_Source_Dirs;
- -- Start of processing for Language_Independent_Check
+ -- Start of processing for Language_Independent_Check
if Data.Language_Independent_Checked then
end if;
@@ -1797,6 +2715,8 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Error_Report := Report_Error;
+ Recursive_Dirs.Reset;
if Current_Verbosity = High then
Write_Line ("Starting to look for directories");
end if;
@@ -1804,7 +2724,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- Check the object directory
- Object_Dir : Variable_Value :=
+ Object_Dir : constant Variable_Value :=
Util.Value_Of (Name_Object_Dir, Data.Decl.Attributes);
@@ -1813,36 +2733,46 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- We set the object directory to its default
- Data.Object_Directory := Data.Directory;
+ Data.Object_Directory := Data.Directory;
+ Data.Display_Object_Dir := Data.Display_Directory;
- if not String_Equal (Object_Dir.Value, Empty_String) then
+ if Object_Dir.Value /= Empty_String then
- String_To_Name_Buffer (Object_Dir.Value);
+ Get_Name_String (Object_Dir.Value);
if Name_Len = 0 then
- Error_Msg ("Object_Dir cannot be empty",
- Object_Dir.Location);
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "Object_Dir cannot be empty",
+ Object_Dir.Location);
-- We check that the specified object directory
-- does exist.
- Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- declare
- Dir_Id : constant Name_Id := Name_Find;
+ Locate_Directory
+ (Object_Dir.Value, Data.Display_Directory,
+ Data.Object_Directory, Data.Display_Object_Dir);
- begin
- Data.Object_Directory :=
- Locate_Directory (Dir_Id, Data.Directory);
- if Data.Object_Directory = No_Name then
- Errout.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Dir_Id;
- Error_Msg
- ("the object directory { cannot be found",
- Data.Location);
- end if;
- end;
+ if Data.Object_Directory = No_Name then
+ -- The object directory does not exist, report an error
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Object_Dir.Value;
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "the object directory { cannot be found",
+ Data.Location);
+ -- Do not keep a nil Object_Directory. Set it to the
+ -- specified (relative or absolute) path.
+ -- This is for the benefit of tools that recover from
+ -- errors; for example, these tools could create the
+ -- non existent directory.
+ Data.Display_Object_Dir := Object_Dir.Value;
+ Get_Name_String (Object_Dir.Value);
+ Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ Data.Object_Directory := Name_Find;
+ end if;
end if;
end if;
@@ -1852,7 +2782,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Write_Line ("No object directory");
Write_Str ("Object directory: """);
- Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Object_Directory));
+ Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Display_Object_Dir));
Write_Line ("""");
end if;
end if;
@@ -1860,7 +2790,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- Check the exec directory
- Exec_Dir : Variable_Value :=
+ Exec_Dir : constant Variable_Value :=
Util.Value_Of (Name_Exec_Dir, Data.Decl.Attributes);
@@ -1869,36 +2799,34 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- We set the object directory to its default
- Data.Exec_Directory := Data.Object_Directory;
+ Data.Exec_Directory := Data.Object_Directory;
+ Data.Display_Exec_Dir := Data.Display_Object_Dir;
- if not String_Equal (Exec_Dir.Value, Empty_String) then
+ if Exec_Dir.Value /= Empty_String then
- String_To_Name_Buffer (Exec_Dir.Value);
+ Get_Name_String (Exec_Dir.Value);
if Name_Len = 0 then
- Error_Msg ("Exec_Dir cannot be empty",
- Exec_Dir.Location);
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "Exec_Dir cannot be empty",
+ Exec_Dir.Location);
-- We check that the specified object directory
-- does exist.
- Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- declare
- Dir_Id : constant Name_Id := Name_Find;
+ Locate_Directory
+ (Exec_Dir.Value, Data.Directory,
+ Data.Exec_Directory, Data.Display_Exec_Dir);
- begin
- Data.Exec_Directory :=
- Locate_Directory (Dir_Id, Data.Directory);
- if Data.Exec_Directory = No_Name then
- Errout.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Dir_Id;
- Error_Msg
- ("the exec directory { cannot be found",
- Data.Location);
- end if;
- end;
+ if Data.Exec_Directory = No_Name then
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Exec_Dir.Value;
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "the exec directory { cannot be found",
+ Data.Location);
+ end if;
end if;
end if;
@@ -1908,7 +2836,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Write_Line ("No exec directory");
Write_Str ("Exec directory: """);
- Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Exec_Directory));
+ Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Display_Exec_Dir));
Write_Line ("""");
end if;
end if;
@@ -1916,11 +2844,11 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- Look for the source directories
- Source_Dirs : Variable_Value :=
- Util.Value_Of (Name_Source_Dirs, Data.Decl.Attributes);
+ Source_Dirs : constant Variable_Value :=
+ Util.Value_Of
+ (Name_Source_Dirs, Data.Decl.Attributes);
if Current_Verbosity = High then
Write_Line ("Starting to look for source directories");
end if;
@@ -1935,26 +2863,30 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Data.Source_Dirs := String_Elements.Last;
- Start_String;
- Store_String_Chars (Get_Name_String (Data.Directory));
String_Elements.Table (Data.Source_Dirs) :=
- (Value => End_String,
+ (Value => Data.Directory,
+ Display_Value => Data.Display_Directory,
Location => No_Location,
+ Flag => False,
Next => Nil_String);
if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Line ("(Undefined) Single object directory:");
+ Write_Line ("Single source directory:");
Write_Str (" """);
- Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Directory));
+ Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Display_Directory));
Write_Line ("""");
end if;
elsif Source_Dirs.Values = Nil_String then
-- If Source_Dirs is an empty string list, this means
- -- that this project contains no source.
+ -- that this project contains no source. For projects that
+ -- don't extend other projects, this also means that there is no
+ -- need for an object directory, if not specified.
- if Data.Object_Directory = Data.Directory then
+ if Data.Extends = No_Project
+ and then Data.Object_Directory = Data.Directory
+ then
Data.Object_Directory := No_Name;
end if;
@@ -1979,7 +2911,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
end if;
if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Line ("Puting source directories in canonical cases");
+ Write_Line ("Putting source directories in canonical cases");
end if;
@@ -1989,12 +2921,11 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
while Current /= Nil_String loop
Element := String_Elements.Table (Current);
- if Element.Value /= No_String then
- String_To_Name_Buffer (Element.Value);
+ if Element.Value /= No_Name then
+ Element.Display_Value := Element.Value;
+ Get_Name_String (Element.Value);
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- Start_String;
- Store_String_Chars (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- Element.Value := End_String;
+ Element.Value := Name_Find;
String_Elements.Table (Current) := Element;
end if;
@@ -2003,26 +2934,57 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
- -- Library Dir, Name, Version and Kind
+ -- Library attributes
Attributes : constant Prj.Variable_Id := Data.Decl.Attributes;
- Lib_Dir : Prj.Variable_Value :=
+ Lib_Dir : constant Prj.Variable_Value :=
Prj.Util.Value_Of (Snames.Name_Library_Dir, Attributes);
- Lib_Name : Prj.Variable_Value :=
+ Lib_Name : constant Prj.Variable_Value :=
Prj.Util.Value_Of (Snames.Name_Library_Name, Attributes);
- Lib_Version : Prj.Variable_Value :=
+ Lib_Version : constant Prj.Variable_Value :=
(Snames.Name_Library_Version, Attributes);
- The_Lib_Kind : Prj.Variable_Value :=
+ The_Lib_Kind : constant Prj.Variable_Value :=
(Snames.Name_Library_Kind, Attributes);
+ -- Special case of extending project
+ if Data.Extends /= No_Project then
+ declare
+ Extended_Data : constant Project_Data :=
+ Projects.Table (Data.Extends);
+ begin
+ -- If the project extended is a library project, we inherit
+ -- the library name, if it is not redefined; we check that
+ -- the library directory is specified; and we reset the
+ -- library flag for the extended project.
+ if Extended_Data.Library then
+ if Lib_Name.Default then
+ Data.Library_Name := Extended_Data.Library_Name;
+ end if;
+ if Lib_Dir.Default then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "a project extending a library project must specify " &
+ "an attribute Library_Dir",
+ Data.Location);
+ end if;
+ Projects.Table (Data.Extends).Library := False;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
pragma Assert (Lib_Dir.Kind = Single);
if Lib_Dir.Value = Empty_String then
@@ -2034,69 +2996,83 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- Find path name, check that it is a directory
- Stringt.String_To_Name_Buffer (Lib_Dir.Value);
+ Locate_Directory
+ (Lib_Dir.Value, Data.Display_Directory,
+ Data.Library_Dir, Data.Display_Library_Dir);
- declare
- Dir_Id : constant Name_Id := Name_Find;
+ if Data.Library_Dir = No_Name then
+ -- Get the absolute name of the library directory that
+ -- does not exist, to report an error.
- begin
- Data.Library_Dir :=
- Locate_Directory (Dir_Id, Data.Directory);
+ declare
+ Dir_Name : constant String :=
+ Get_Name_String (Lib_Dir.Value);
+ begin
+ if Is_Absolute_Path (Dir_Name) then
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Lib_Dir.Value;
- if Data.Library_Dir = No_Name then
- Error_Msg ("not an existing directory",
- Lib_Dir.Location);
+ else
+ Get_Name_String (Data.Display_Directory);
+ if Name_Buffer (Name_Len) /= Directory_Separator then
+ Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := Directory_Separator;
+ end if;
+ Name_Buffer
+ (Name_Len + 1 .. Name_Len + Dir_Name'Length) :=
+ Dir_Name;
+ Name_Len := Name_Len + Dir_Name'Length;
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Find;
+ end if;
+ -- Report the error
- elsif Data.Library_Dir = Data.Object_Directory then
- ("library directory cannot be the same " &
- "as object directory",
+ (Project,
+ "library directory { does not exist",
- Data.Library_Dir := No_Name;
+ end;
- else
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Str ("Library directory =""");
- Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Dir));
- Write_Line ("""");
- end if;
+ elsif Data.Library_Dir = Data.Object_Directory then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "library directory cannot be the same " &
+ "as object directory",
+ Lib_Dir.Location);
+ Data.Library_Dir := No_Name;
+ Data.Display_Library_Dir := No_Name;
+ else
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Str ("Library directory =""");
+ Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Display_Library_Dir));
+ Write_Line ("""");
end if;
- end;
+ end if;
end if;
pragma Assert (Lib_Name.Kind = Single);
if Lib_Name.Value = Empty_String then
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ if Current_Verbosity = High
+ and then Data.Library_Name = No_Name
+ then
Write_Line ("No library name");
end if;
- Stringt.String_To_Name_Buffer (Lib_Name.Value);
- if not Is_Letter (Name_Buffer (1)) then
- Error_Msg ("must start with a letter",
- Lib_Name.Location);
+ -- There is no restriction on the syntax of library names
- else
- Data.Library_Name := Name_Find;
- for Index in 2 .. Name_Len loop
- if not Is_Alphanumeric (Name_Buffer (Index)) then
- Data.Library_Name := No_Name;
- Error_Msg ("only letters and digits are allowed",
- Lib_Name.Location);
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
+ Data.Library_Name := Lib_Name.Value;
+ end if;
- if Data.Library_Name /= No_Name
- and then Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Str ("Library name = """);
- Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Name));
- Write_Line ("""");
- end if;
- end if;
+ if Data.Library_Name /= No_Name
+ and then Current_Verbosity = High
+ then
+ Write_Str ("Library name = """);
+ Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Name));
+ Write_Line ("""");
end if;
Data.Library :=
@@ -2105,17 +3081,14 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Data.Library_Name /= No_Name;
if Data.Library then
- if not MLib.Tgt.Libraries_Are_Supported then
- Error_Msg ("?libraries are not supported on this platform",
- Lib_Name.Location);
+ if MLib.Tgt.Support_For_Libraries = MLib.Tgt.None then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "?libraries are not supported on this platform",
+ Lib_Name.Location);
Data.Library := False;
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Line ("This is a library project file");
- end if;
pragma Assert (Lib_Version.Kind = Single);
if Lib_Version.Value = Empty_String then
@@ -2124,8 +3097,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
end if;
- Stringt.String_To_Name_Buffer (Lib_Version.Value);
- Data.Lib_Internal_Name := Name_Find;
+ Data.Lib_Internal_Name := Lib_Version.Value;
end if;
pragma Assert (The_Lib_Kind.Kind = Single);
@@ -2136,7 +3108,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
end if;
- Stringt.String_To_Name_Buffer (The_Lib_Kind.Value);
+ Get_Name_String (The_Lib_Kind.Value);
Kind_Name : constant String :=
@@ -2156,7 +3128,8 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
- ("illegal value for Library_Kind",
+ (Project,
+ "illegal value for Library_Kind",
OK := False;
end if;
@@ -2165,8 +3138,24 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Write_Str ("Library kind = ");
Write_Line (Kind_Name);
end if;
+ if Data.Library_Kind /= Static and then
+ MLib.Tgt.Support_For_Libraries = MLib.Tgt.Static_Only
+ then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "only static libraries are supported " &
+ "on this platform",
+ The_Lib_Kind.Location);
+ Data.Library := False;
+ end if;
end if;
+ if Data.Library and then Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Line ("This is a library project file");
+ end if;
end if;
end if;
@@ -2192,12 +3181,12 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Write_Line ("Checking ""Naming"".");
end if;
- -- Check Specification_Suffix
+ -- Check Spec_Suffix
Spec_Suffixs : Array_Element_Id :=
- (Name_Specification_Suffix,
+ (Name_Spec_Suffix,
Suffix : Array_Element_Id;
Element : Array_Element;
@@ -2207,10 +3196,10 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- If some suffixs have been specified, we make sure that
-- for each language for which a default suffix has been
-- specified, there is a suffix specified, either the one
- -- in the project file or if there were noe, the default.
+ -- in the project file or if there were none, the default.
if Spec_Suffixs /= No_Array_Element then
- Suffix := Data.Naming.Specification_Suffix;
+ Suffix := Data.Naming.Spec_Suffix;
while Suffix /= No_Array_Element loop
Element := Array_Elements.Table (Suffix);
@@ -2230,6 +3219,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Array_Elements.Table (Array_Elements.Last) :=
(Index => Element.Index,
+ Index_Case_Sensitive => False,
Value => Element.Value,
Next => Spec_Suffixs);
Spec_Suffixs := Array_Elements.Last;
@@ -2240,22 +3230,23 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- Put the resulting array as the specification suffixs
- Data.Naming.Specification_Suffix := Spec_Suffixs;
+ Data.Naming.Spec_Suffix := Spec_Suffixs;
end if;
- Current : Array_Element_Id := Data.Naming.Specification_Suffix;
+ Current : Array_Element_Id := Data.Naming.Spec_Suffix;
Element : Array_Element;
while Current /= No_Array_Element loop
Element := Array_Elements.Table (Current);
- String_To_Name_Buffer (Element.Value.Value);
+ Get_Name_String (Element.Value.Value);
if Name_Len = 0 then
- ("Specification_Suffix cannot be empty",
+ (Project,
+ "Spec_Suffix cannot be empty",
end if;
@@ -2264,16 +3255,18 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
end loop;
- -- Check Implementation_Suffix
+ -- Check Body_Suffix
Impl_Suffixs : Array_Element_Id :=
- Util.Value_Of
- (Name_Implementation_Suffix,
- Naming.Decl.Arrays);
+ Util.Value_Of
+ (Name_Body_Suffix,
+ Naming.Decl.Arrays);
Suffix : Array_Element_Id;
Element : Array_Element;
Suffix2 : Array_Element_Id;
-- If some suffixs have been specified, we make sure that
-- for each language for which a default suffix has been
@@ -2281,7 +3274,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- in the project file or if there were noe, the default.
if Impl_Suffixs /= No_Array_Element then
- Suffix := Data.Naming.Implementation_Suffix;
+ Suffix := Data.Naming.Body_Suffix;
while Suffix /= No_Array_Element loop
Element := Array_Elements.Table (Suffix);
@@ -2301,6 +3294,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Array_Elements.Table (Array_Elements.Last) :=
(Index => Element.Index,
+ Index_Case_Sensitive => False,
Value => Element.Value,
Next => Impl_Suffixs);
Impl_Suffixs := Array_Elements.Last;
@@ -2311,22 +3305,23 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- Put the resulting array as the implementation suffixs
- Data.Naming.Implementation_Suffix := Impl_Suffixs;
+ Data.Naming.Body_Suffix := Impl_Suffixs;
end if;
- Current : Array_Element_Id := Data.Naming.Implementation_Suffix;
+ Current : Array_Element_Id := Data.Naming.Body_Suffix;
Element : Array_Element;
while Current /= No_Array_Element loop
Element := Array_Elements.Table (Current);
- String_To_Name_Buffer (Element.Value.Value);
+ Get_Name_String (Element.Value.Value);
if Name_Len = 0 then
- ("Implementation_Suffix cannot be empty",
+ (Project,
+ "Body_Suffix cannot be empty",
end if;
@@ -2356,25 +3351,19 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- Locate_Directory --
- function Locate_Directory
- (Name : Name_Id;
- Parent : Name_Id)
- return Name_Id
+ procedure Locate_Directory
+ (Name : Name_Id;
+ Parent : Name_Id;
+ Dir : out Name_Id;
+ Display : out Name_Id)
The_Name : constant String := Get_Name_String (Name);
The_Parent : constant String :=
- Get_Name_String (Parent) & Dir_Sep;
- The_Parent_Last : Positive := The_Parent'Last;
+ Get_Name_String (Parent) & Directory_Separator;
+ The_Parent_Last : constant Natural :=
+ Compute_Directory_Last (The_Parent);
- if The_Parent'Length > 1
- and then (The_Parent (The_Parent_Last - 1) = Dir_Sep
- or else The_Parent (The_Parent_Last - 1) = '/')
- then
- The_Parent_Last := The_Parent_Last - 1;
- end if;
if Current_Verbosity = High then
Write_Str ("Locate_Directory (""");
Write_Str (The_Name);
@@ -2383,28 +3372,46 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Write_Line (""")");
end if;
+ Dir := No_Name;
+ Display := No_Name;
if Is_Absolute_Path (The_Name) then
if Is_Directory (The_Name) then
- return Name;
+ declare
+ Normed : constant String :=
+ Normalize_Pathname (The_Name);
+ begin
+ Name_Len := Normed'Length;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Normed;
+ Display := Name_Find;
+ Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ Dir := Name_Find;
+ end;
end if;
Full_Path : constant String :=
The_Parent (The_Parent'First .. The_Parent_Last) &
- The_Name;
+ The_Name;
if Is_Directory (Full_Path) then
- Name_Len := Full_Path'Length;
- Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Full_Path;
- return Name_Find;
+ declare
+ Normed : constant String :=
+ Normalize_Pathname (Full_Path);
+ begin
+ Name_Len := Normed'Length;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Normed;
+ Display := Name_Find;
+ Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ Dir := Name_Find;
+ end;
end if;
end if;
- return No_Name;
end Locate_Directory;
@@ -2412,7 +3419,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
function Path_Name_Of
- (File_Name : String_Id;
+ (File_Name : Name_Id;
Directory : Name_Id)
return String
@@ -2420,7 +3427,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
The_Directory : constant String := Get_Name_String (Directory);
- String_To_Name_Buffer (File_Name);
+ Get_Name_String (File_Name);
Result := Locate_Regular_File
(File_Name => Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len),
Path => The_Directory);
@@ -2433,52 +3440,111 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
end if;
end Path_Name_Of;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Project_Extends --
+ ---------------------
+ function Project_Extends
+ (Extending : Project_Id;
+ Extended : Project_Id)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ Current : Project_Id := Extending;
+ begin
+ loop
+ if Current = No_Project then
+ return False;
+ elsif Current = Extended then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ Current := Projects.Table (Current).Extends;
+ end loop;
+ end Project_Extends;
-- Record_Source --
procedure Record_Source
- (File_Name : Name_Id;
- Path_Name : Name_Id;
- Project : Project_Id;
- Data : in out Project_Data;
- Location : Source_Ptr;
- Current_Source : in out String_List_Id)
+ (File_Name : Name_Id;
+ Path_Name : Name_Id;
+ Project : Project_Id;
+ Data : in out Project_Data;
+ Location : Source_Ptr;
+ Current_Source : in out String_List_Id;
+ Source_Recorded : in out Boolean)
+ Canonical_File_Name : Name_Id;
+ Canonical_Path_Name : Name_Id;
Unit_Name : Name_Id;
Unit_Kind : Spec_Or_Body;
Needs_Pragma : Boolean;
- The_Location : Source_Ptr := Location;
+ The_Location : Source_Ptr := Location;
+ Previous_Source : constant String_List_Id := Current_Source;
+ Except_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
+ Get_Name_String (File_Name);
+ Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ Canonical_File_Name := Name_Find;
+ Get_Name_String (Path_Name);
+ Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ Canonical_Path_Name := Name_Find;
-- Find out the unit name, the unit kind and if it needs
-- a specific SFN pragma.
- (File_Name => File_Name,
- Naming => Data.Naming,
- Unit_Name => Unit_Name,
- Unit_Kind => Unit_Kind,
- Needs_Pragma => Needs_Pragma);
+ (Canonical_File_Name => Canonical_File_Name,
+ Naming => Data.Naming,
+ Unit_Name => Unit_Name,
+ Unit_Kind => Unit_Kind,
+ Needs_Pragma => Needs_Pragma);
if Unit_Name = No_Name then
if Current_Verbosity = High then
Write_Str (" """);
- Write_Str (Get_Name_String (File_Name));
+ Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Canonical_File_Name));
Write_Line (""" is not a valid source file name (ignored).");
end if;
+ -- Check to see if the source has been hidden by an exception,
+ -- but only if it is not an exception.
+ if not Needs_Pragma then
+ Except_Name :=
+ Reverse_Naming_Exceptions.Get ((Unit_Kind, Unit_Name));
+ if Except_Name /= No_Name then
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Str (" """);
+ Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Canonical_File_Name));
+ Write_Str (""" contains a unit that is found in """);
+ Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Except_Name));
+ Write_Line (""" (ignored).");
+ end if;
+ -- The file is not included in the source of the project,
+ -- because it is hidden by the exception.
+ -- So, there is nothing else to do.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
-- Put the file name in the list of sources of the project
- Get_Name_String (File_Name);
- Start_String;
- Store_String_Chars (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
String_Elements.Table (String_Elements.Last) :=
- (Value => End_String,
- Location => No_Location,
- Next => Nil_String);
+ (Value => Canonical_File_Name,
+ Display_Value => File_Name,
+ Location => No_Location,
+ Flag => False,
+ Next => Nil_String);
if Current_Source = Nil_String then
Data.Sources := String_Elements.Last;
@@ -2511,17 +3577,39 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
The_Unit_Data := Units.Table (The_Unit);
if The_Unit_Data.File_Names (Unit_Kind).Name = No_Name
- or else (Data.Modifies /= No_Project
- and then
- The_Unit_Data.File_Names (Unit_Kind).Project =
- Data.Modifies)
+ or else Project_Extends
+ (Data.Extends,
+ The_Unit_Data.File_Names (Unit_Kind).Project)
+ if The_Unit_Data.File_Names (Unit_Kind).Path = Slash then
+ Remove_Forbidden_File_Name
+ (The_Unit_Data.File_Names (Unit_Kind).Name);
+ end if;
The_Unit_Data.File_Names (Unit_Kind) :=
- (Name => File_Name,
- Path => Path_Name,
+ (Name => Canonical_File_Name,
+ Display_Name => File_Name,
+ Path => Canonical_Path_Name,
+ Display_Path => Path_Name,
Project => Project,
Needs_Pragma => Needs_Pragma);
Units.Table (The_Unit) := The_Unit_Data;
+ Source_Recorded := True;
+ elsif The_Unit_Data.File_Names (Unit_Kind).Project = Project
+ and then (Data.Known_Order_Of_Source_Dirs or else
+ The_Unit_Data.File_Names (Unit_Kind).Path =
+ Canonical_Path_Name)
+ then
+ if Previous_Source = Nil_String then
+ Data.Sources := Nil_String;
+ else
+ String_Elements.Table (Previous_Source).Next :=
+ Nil_String;
+ String_Elements.Decrement_Last;
+ end if;
+ Current_Source := Previous_Source;
-- It is an error to have two units with the same name
@@ -2531,19 +3619,19 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
The_Location := Projects.Table (Project).Location;
end if;
- Errout.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Unit_Name;
- Error_Msg ("duplicate source {", The_Location);
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Unit_Name;
+ Error_Msg (Project, "duplicate source {", The_Location);
- Errout.Error_Msg_Name_1 :=
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 :=
(The_Unit_Data.File_Names (Unit_Kind).Project).Name;
- Errout.Error_Msg_Name_2 :=
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_2 :=
The_Unit_Data.File_Names (Unit_Kind).Path;
- Error_Msg ("\ project file {, {", The_Location);
+ Error_Msg (Project, "\ project file {, {", The_Location);
- Errout.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Projects.Table (Project).Name;
- Errout.Error_Msg_Name_2 := Path_Name;
- Error_Msg ("\ project file {, {", The_Location);
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Projects.Table (Project).Name;
+ Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_2 := Canonical_Path_Name;
+ Error_Msg (Project, "\ project file {, {", The_Location);
end if;
@@ -2555,11 +3643,14 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Units_Htable.Set (Unit_Name, The_Unit);
The_Unit_Data.Name := Unit_Name;
The_Unit_Data.File_Names (Unit_Kind) :=
- (Name => File_Name,
- Path => Path_Name,
+ (Name => Canonical_File_Name,
+ Display_Name => File_Name,
+ Path => Canonical_Path_Name,
+ Display_Path => Path_Name,
Project => Project,
Needs_Pragma => Needs_Pragma);
Units.Table (The_Unit) := The_Unit_Data;
+ Source_Recorded := True;
end if;
end if;