path: root/gcc/ada/
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1 files changed, 220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
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index 00000000000..56381c60bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- S Y S T E M . T A S K I N G . I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N --
+-- --
+-- S p e c --
+-- --
+-- $Revision: 1.24 $
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-1999, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNARL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNARL; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
+-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
+-- --
+-- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. It is --
+-- now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc. in cooperation with Florida --
+-- State University ( --
+-- --
+-- This package provides overall initialization of the tasking portion of the
+-- RTS. This package must be elaborated before any tasking features are used.
+-- It also contains initialization for Ada Task Control Block (ATCB) records.
+package System.Tasking.Initialization is
+ procedure Remove_From_All_Tasks_List (T : Task_ID);
+ -- Remove T from All_Tasks_List.
+ ------------------------------------------------
+ -- Static (Compile-Time) Configuration Flags --
+ ------------------------------------------------
+ -- ?????
+ -- Maybe this does not belong here? Where else?
+ -- For now, it is here because so is Change_Base_Priority,
+ -- and the two are used together.
+ Dynamic_Priority_Support : constant Boolean := True;
+ -- Should we poll for pending base priority changes at every
+ -- abort completion point?
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- Tasking-Specific Soft Links --
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- These permit us to leave out certain portions of the tasking
+ -- run-time system if they are not used. They are only used internally
+ -- by the tasking run-time system.
+ -- So far, the only example is support for Ada.Task_Attributes.
+ type Proc_T is access procedure (T : Task_ID);
+ procedure Finalize_Attributes (T : Task_ID);
+ procedure Initialize_Attributes (T : Task_ID);
+ Finalize_Attributes_Link : Proc_T := Finalize_Attributes'Access;
+ -- should be called with abortion deferred and T.L write-locked
+ Initialize_Attributes_Link : Proc_T := Initialize_Attributes'Access;
+ -- should be called with abortion deferred, but holding no locks
+ -------------------------
+ -- Abort Defer/Undefer --
+ -------------------------
+ -- Defer_Abort defers the affects of low-level abort and priority change
+ -- in the calling task until a matching Undefer_Abort call is executed.
+ -- Undefer_Abort DOES MORE than just undo the effects of one call to
+ -- Defer_Abort. It is the universal "polling point" for deferred
+ -- processing, including the following:
+ -- 1) base priority changes
+ -- 2) exceptions that need to be raised
+ -- 3) abort/ATC
+ -- Abort deferral MAY be nested (Self_ID.Deferral_Level is a count),
+ -- but to avoid waste and undetected errors, it generally SHOULD NOT
+ -- be nested. The symptom of over-deferring abort is that an exception
+ -- may fail to be raised, or an abort may fail to take place.
+ -- Therefore, there are two sets of the inlinable defer/undefer
+ -- routines, which are the ones to be used inside GNARL.
+ -- One set allows nesting. The other does not. People who
+ -- maintain the GNARL should try to avoid using the nested versions,
+ -- or at least look very critically at the places where they are
+ -- used.
+ -- In general, any GNARL call that is potentially blocking, or
+ -- whose semantics require that it sometimes raise an exception,
+ -- or that is required to be an abort completion point, must be
+ -- made with abort Deferral_Level = 1.
+ -- In general, non-blocking GNARL calls, which may be made from inside
+ -- a protected action, are likely to need to allow nested abort
+ -- deferral.
+ -- With some critical exceptions (which are supposed to be documented),
+ -- internal calls to the tasking runtime system assume abort is already
+ -- deferred, and do not modify the deferral level.
+ -- There is also a set of non-linable defer/undefer routines,
+ -- for direct call from the compiler. These are not in-lineable
+ -- because they may need to be called via pointers ("soft links").
+ -- For the sake of efficiency, the version with Self_ID as parameter
+ -- should used wherever possible. These are all nestable.
+ -- Non-nestable inline versions --
+ procedure Defer_Abort (Self_ID : Task_ID);
+ pragma Inline (Defer_Abort);
+ procedure Undefer_Abort (Self_ID : Task_ID);
+ pragma Inline (Undefer_Abort);
+ -- Nestable inline versions --
+ procedure Defer_Abort_Nestable (Self_ID : Task_ID);
+ pragma Inline (Defer_Abort_Nestable);
+ procedure Undefer_Abort_Nestable (Self_ID : Task_ID);
+ pragma Inline (Undefer_Abort_Nestable);
+ -- NON-INLINE versions without Self_ID for code generated by the
+ -- expander and for hard links
+ procedure Defer_Abortion;
+ procedure Undefer_Abortion;
+ -- ?????
+ -- Try to phase out all uses of the above versions.
+ function Check_Abort_Status return Integer;
+ -- Returns Boolean'Pos (True) iff abort signal should raise
+ -- Standard.Abort_Signal. Only used by IRIX currently.
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Change Base Priority --
+ ---------------------------
+ procedure Change_Base_Priority (T : Task_ID);
+ -- Change the base priority of T.
+ -- Has to be called with the affected task's ATCB write-locked.
+ -- May temporariliy release the lock.
+ procedure Poll_Base_Priority_Change (Self_ID : Task_ID);
+ -- Has to be called with Self_ID's ATCB write-locked.
+ -- May temporariliy release the lock.
+ pragma Inline (Poll_Base_Priority_Change);
+ ----------------------
+ -- Task Lock/Unlock --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Task_Lock (Self_ID : Task_ID);
+ procedure Task_Unlock (Self_ID : Task_ID);
+ -- These are versions of Lock_Task and Unlock_Task created for use
+ -- within the GNARL.
+ procedure Final_Task_Unlock (Self_ID : Task_ID);
+ -- This version is only for use in Terminate_Task, when the task
+ -- is relinquishing further rights to its own ATCB.
+ -- There is a very interesting potential race condition there, where
+ -- the old task may run concurrently with a new task that is allocated
+ -- the old tasks (now reused) ATCB. The critical thing here is to
+ -- not make any reference to the ATCB after the lock is released.
+ -- See also comments on Terminate_Task and Unlock.
+ procedure Wakeup_Entry_Caller
+ (Self_ID : Task_ID;
+ Entry_Call : Entry_Call_Link;
+ New_State : Entry_Call_State);
+ pragma Inline (Wakeup_Entry_Caller);
+ -- This is called at the end of service of an entry call,
+ -- to abort the caller if he is in an abortable part, and
+ -- to wake up the caller if he is on Entry_Caller_Sleep.
+ -- Call it holding the lock of Entry_Call.Self.
+ --
+ -- Timed_Call or Simple_Call:
+ -- The caller is waiting on Entry_Caller_Sleep, in
+ -- Wait_For_Completion, or Wait_For_Completion_With_Timeout.
+ --
+ -- Conditional_Call:
+ -- The caller might be in Wait_For_Completion,
+ -- waiting for a rendezvous (possibly requeued without abort)
+ -- to complete.
+ --
+ -- Asynchronous_Call:
+ -- The caller may be executing in the abortable part o
+ -- an async. select, or on a time delay,
+ -- if Entry_Call.State >= Was_Abortable.
+ procedure Locked_Abort_To_Level
+ (Self_ID : Task_ID;
+ T : Task_ID;
+ L : ATC_Level);
+ pragma Inline (Locked_Abort_To_Level);
+ -- Abort a task to a specified ATC level.
+ -- Call this only with T locked.
+end System.Tasking.Initialization;