path: root/gcc/ada/s-tassta.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/s-tassta.adb')
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/s-tassta.adb b/gcc/ada/s-tassta.adb
index 54f92ebcde8..4ceea414a6d 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/s-tassta.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/s-tassta.adb
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ with System.Soft_Links;
-- specific data. In the absence of tasking, these routines refer to global
-- data. In the presense of tasking, they must be replaced with pointers to
-- task-specific versions. Also used for Create_TSD, Destroy_TSD,
--- Get_Current_Excep
+-- Get_Current_Excep, Finalize_Global_List, Task_Termination, Handler.
with System.Tasking.Initialization;
-- Used for Remove_From_All_Tasks_List
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ pragma Elaborate_All (System.Tasking.Initialization);
with System.Tasking.Utilities;
-- Used for Make_Passive
-- Abort_One_Task
+-- Abort_Tasks
with System.Tasking.Queuing;
-- Used for Dequeue_Head
@@ -94,9 +95,6 @@ with System.Tasking.Rendezvous;
with System.OS_Primitives;
-- Used for Delay_Modes
-with System.Finalization_Implementation;
--- Used for System.Finalization_Implementation.Finalize_Global_List
with System.Secondary_Stack;
-- Used for SS_Init
@@ -115,6 +113,8 @@ with System.Traces.Tasking;
with Unchecked_Deallocation;
-- To recover from failure of ATCB initialization
+with System.Stack_Usage;
package body System.Tasking.Stages is
package STPO renames System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
@@ -232,17 +232,6 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
procedure Abort_Tasks (Tasks : Task_List) is
- -- If pragma Detect_Blocking is active then Program_Error must be
- -- raised if this potentially blocking operation is called from a
- -- protected action.
- if System.Tasking.Detect_Blocking
- and then STPO.Self.Common.Protected_Action_Nesting > 0
- then
- Ada.Exceptions.Raise_Exception
- (Program_Error'Identity, "potentially blocking operation");
- end if;
Utilities.Abort_Tasks (Tasks);
end Abort_Tasks;
@@ -826,7 +815,19 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
Vulnerable_Complete_Task (Self_ID);
- System.Finalization_Implementation.Finalize_Global_List;
+ -- Handle normal task termination by the environment task, but only
+ -- for the normal task termination. In the case of Abnormal and
+ -- Unhandled_Exception they must have been handled before, and the
+ -- task termination soft link must have been changed so the task
+ -- termination routine is not executed twice.
+ SSL.Task_Termination_Handler.all (Ada.Exceptions.Null_Occurrence);
+ -- Finalize the global list for controlled objects if needed
+ SSL.Finalize_Global_List.all;
+ -- Reset the soft links to non-tasking
SSL.Abort_Defer := SSL.Abort_Defer_NT'Access;
SSL.Abort_Undefer := SSL.Abort_Undefer_NT'Access;
@@ -890,14 +891,32 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
use type System.Parameters.Size_Type;
use type SSE.Storage_Offset;
use System.Standard_Library;
+ use System.Stack_Usage;
+ Bottom_Of_Stack : aliased Integer;
+ Secondary_Stack_Size :
+ constant SSE.Storage_Offset :=
+ Self_ID.Common.Compiler_Data.Pri_Stack_Info.Size *
+ SSE.Storage_Offset (Parameters.Sec_Stack_Ratio) / 100;
Secondary_Stack :
aliased SSE.Storage_Array
- (1 .. Self_ID.Common.Compiler_Data.Pri_Stack_Info.Size *
- SSE.Storage_Offset (Parameters.Sec_Stack_Ratio) / 100);
+ (1 .. Secondary_Stack_Size);
+ pragma Warnings (Off);
Secondary_Stack_Address : System.Address := Secondary_Stack'Address;
+ Overflow_Guard : constant := 16#1_000#;
+ Size :
+ Natural := Natural (Self_ID.Common.Compiler_Data.Pri_Stack_Info.Size);
+ pragma Warnings (On);
+ -- Address of secondary stack. In the fixed secondary stack case, this
+ -- value is not modified, causing a warning, hence the bracketing with
+ -- Warnings (Off/On).
SEH_Table : aliased SSE.Storage_Array (1 .. 8);
-- Structured Exception Registration table (2 words)
@@ -905,6 +924,43 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
pragma Import (C, Install_SEH_Handler, "__gnat_install_SEH_handler");
-- Install the SEH (Structured Exception Handling) handler
+ Cause : Cause_Of_Termination := Normal;
+ -- Indicates the reason why this task terminates. Normal corresponds to
+ -- a task terminating due to completing the last statement of its body,
+ -- or as a result of waiting on a terminate alternative. If the task
+ -- terminates because it is being aborted then Cause will be set to
+ -- Abnormal. If the task terminates because of an exception raised by
+ -- the execution of its task body, then Cause is set to
+ -- Unhandled_Exception.
+ EO : Exception_Occurrence;
+ -- If the task terminates because of an exception raised by the
+ -- execution of its task body, then EO will contain the associated
+ -- exception occurrence. Otherwise, it will contain Null_Occurrence.
+ procedure Search_Fall_Back_Handler (ID : Task_Id);
+ -- Procedure that searches recursively a fall-back handler through the
+ -- master relationship.
+ procedure Search_Fall_Back_Handler (ID : Task_Id) is
+ begin
+ -- If there is a fall back handler, execute it
+ if ID.Common.Fall_Back_Handler /= null then
+ ID.Common.Fall_Back_Handler.all (Cause, Self_ID, EO);
+ -- Otherwise look for a fall back handler in the parent
+ elsif ID.Common.Parent /= null then
+ Search_Fall_Back_Handler (ID.Common.Parent);
+ -- Otherwise, do nothing
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end Search_Fall_Back_Handler;
pragma Assert (Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 1);
@@ -912,10 +968,24 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
Self_ID.Common.Compiler_Data.Sec_Stack_Addr :=
SST.SS_Init (Secondary_Stack_Address, Integer (Secondary_Stack'Last));
+ Size := Size - Natural (Secondary_Stack_Size);
+ end if;
+ Size := Size - Overflow_Guard;
+ if System.Stack_Usage.Is_Enabled then
+ STPO.Lock_RTS;
+ Initialize_Analyzer (Self_ID.Common.Analyzer,
+ Self_ID.Common.Task_Image
+ (1 .. Self_ID.Common.Task_Image_Len),
+ Size,
+ SSE.To_Integer (Bottom_Of_Stack'Address));
+ STPO.Unlock_RTS;
+ Fill_Stack (Self_ID.Common.Analyzer);
end if;
- -- Set the guard page at the bottom of the stack. The call to
- -- unprotect the page is done in Terminate_Task
+ -- Set the guard page at the bottom of the stack. The call to unprotect
+ -- the page is done in Terminate_Task
Stack_Guard (Self_ID, True);
@@ -930,9 +1000,13 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
Install_SEH_Handler (SEH_Table'Address);
- -- We lock RTS_Lock to wait for activator to finish activating
- -- the rest of the chain, so that everyone in the chain comes out
- -- in priority order.
+ -- Initialize exception occurrence
+ Save_Occurrence (EO, Ada.Exceptions.Null_Occurrence);
+ -- We lock RTS_Lock to wait for activator to finish activating the rest
+ -- of the chain, so that everyone in the chain comes out in priority
+ -- order.
-- This also protects the value of
-- Self_ID.Common.Activator.Common.Wait_Count.
@@ -980,6 +1054,17 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
when Standard'Abort_Signal =>
Initialization.Defer_Abort_Nestable (Self_ID);
+ -- Update the cause that motivated the task termination so that
+ -- the appropriate information is passed to the task termination
+ -- procedure. Task termination as a result of waiting on a
+ -- terminate alternative is a normal termination, although it is
+ -- implemented using the abort mechanisms.
+ if Self_ID.Terminate_Alternative then
+ Cause := Normal;
+ else
+ Cause := Abnormal;
+ end if;
when others =>
-- ??? Using an E : others here causes CD2C11A to fail on
-- DEC Unix, see 7925-005.
@@ -998,8 +1083,33 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
if Exception_Trace = Unhandled_Raise then
Trace_Unhandled_Exception_In_Task (Self_ID);
end if;
+ -- Update the cause that motivated the task termination so that
+ -- the appropriate information is passed to the task termination
+ -- procedure, as well as the associated Exception_Occurrence.
+ Cause := Unhandled_Exception;
+ Save_Occurrence (EO, SSL.Get_Current_Excep.all.all);
+ -- Look for a task termination handler. This code is for all tasks but
+ -- the environment task. The task termination code for the environment
+ -- task is executed by SSL.Task_Termination_Handler.
+ if Self_ID.Common.Specific_Handler /= null then
+ Self_ID.Common.Specific_Handler.all (Cause, Self_ID, EO);
+ else
+ -- Look for a fall-back handler following the master relationship
+ -- for the task.
+ Search_Fall_Back_Handler (Self_ID);
+ end if;
+ if System.Stack_Usage.Is_Enabled then
+ Compute_Result (Self_ID.Common.Analyzer);
+ Report_Result (Self_ID.Common.Analyzer);
+ end if;
Terminate_Task (Self_ID);
end Task_Wrapper;
@@ -1021,16 +1131,16 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
-- We can't call Destroy_TSD while we are holding any other locks, because
-- it locks Global_Task_Lock, and our deadlock prevention rules require
-- that to be the outermost lock. Our first "solution" was to just lock
- -- Global_Task_Lock in addition to the other locks, and force the parent
- -- to also lock this lock between its wakeup and its freeing of the ATCB.
- -- See Complete_Task for the parent-side of the code that has the matching
+ -- Global_Task_Lock in addition to the other locks, and force the parent to
+ -- also lock this lock between its wakeup and its freeing of the ATCB. See
+ -- Complete_Task for the parent-side of the code that has the matching
-- calls to Task_Lock and Task_Unlock. That was not really a solution,
-- since the operation Task_Unlock continued to access the ATCB after
- -- unlocking, after which the parent was observed to race ahead,
- -- deallocate the ATCB, and then reallocate it to another task. The
- -- call to Undefer_Abortion in Task_Unlock by the "terminated" task was
- -- overwriting the data of the new task that reused the ATCB! To solve
- -- this problem, we introduced the new operation Final_Task_Unlock.
+ -- unlocking, after which the parent was observed to race ahead, deallocate
+ -- the ATCB, and then reallocate it to another task. The call to
+ -- Undefer_Abortion in Task_Unlock by the "terminated" task was overwriting
+ -- the data of the new task that reused the ATCB! To solve this problem, we
+ -- introduced the new operation Final_Task_Unlock.
procedure Terminate_Task (Self_ID : Task_Id) is
Environment_Task : constant Task_Id := STPO.Environment_Task;