path: root/libgo/go/go/types/check.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'libgo/go/go/types/check.go')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libgo/go/go/types/check.go b/libgo/go/go/types/check.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bb0b07415e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/go/types/check.go
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file implements the Check function, which drives type-checking.
+package types
+import (
+ "go/ast"
+ "go/constant"
+ "go/token"
+// debugging/development support
+const (
+ debug = false // leave on during development
+ trace = false // turn on for detailed type resolution traces
+// If Strict is set, the type-checker enforces additional
+// rules not specified by the Go 1 spec, but which will
+// catch guaranteed run-time errors if the respective
+// code is executed. In other words, programs passing in
+// Strict mode are Go 1 compliant, but not all Go 1 programs
+// will pass in Strict mode. The additional rules are:
+// - A type assertion x.(T) where T is an interface type
+// is invalid if any (statically known) method that exists
+// for both x and T have different signatures.
+const strict = false
+// exprInfo stores information about an untyped expression.
+type exprInfo struct {
+ isLhs bool // expression is lhs operand of a shift with delayed type-check
+ mode operandMode
+ typ *Basic
+ val constant.Value // constant value; or nil (if not a constant)
+// funcInfo stores the information required for type-checking a function.
+type funcInfo struct {
+ name string // for debugging/tracing only
+ decl *declInfo // for cycle detection
+ sig *Signature
+ body *ast.BlockStmt
+// A context represents the context within which an object is type-checked.
+type context struct {
+ decl *declInfo // package-level declaration whose init expression/function body is checked
+ scope *Scope // top-most scope for lookups
+ iota constant.Value // value of iota in a constant declaration; nil otherwise
+ sig *Signature // function signature if inside a function; nil otherwise
+ hasLabel bool // set if a function makes use of labels (only ~1% of functions); unused outside functions
+ hasCallOrRecv bool // set if an expression contains a function call or channel receive operation
+// A Checker maintains the state of the type checker.
+// It must be created with NewChecker.
+type Checker struct {
+ // package information
+ // (initialized by NewChecker, valid for the life-time of checker)
+ conf *Config
+ fset *token.FileSet
+ pkg *Package
+ *Info
+ objMap map[Object]*declInfo // maps package-level object to declaration info
+ // information collected during type-checking of a set of package files
+ // (initialized by Files, valid only for the duration of check.Files;
+ // maps and lists are allocated on demand)
+ files []*ast.File // package files
+ unusedDotImports map[*Scope]map[*Package]token.Pos // positions of unused dot-imported packages for each file scope
+ firstErr error // first error encountered
+ methods map[string][]*Func // maps type names to associated methods
+ untyped map[ast.Expr]exprInfo // map of expressions without final type
+ funcs []funcInfo // list of functions to type-check
+ delayed []func() // delayed checks requiring fully setup types
+ // context within which the current object is type-checked
+ // (valid only for the duration of type-checking a specific object)
+ context
+ pos token.Pos // if valid, identifiers are looked up as if at position pos (used by Eval)
+ // debugging
+ indent int // indentation for tracing
+// addUnusedImport adds the position of a dot-imported package
+// pkg to the map of dot imports for the given file scope.
+func (check *Checker) addUnusedDotImport(scope *Scope, pkg *Package, pos token.Pos) {
+ mm := check.unusedDotImports
+ if mm == nil {
+ mm = make(map[*Scope]map[*Package]token.Pos)
+ check.unusedDotImports = mm
+ }
+ m := mm[scope]
+ if m == nil {
+ m = make(map[*Package]token.Pos)
+ mm[scope] = m
+ }
+ m[pkg] = pos
+// addDeclDep adds the dependency edge (check.decl -> to) if check.decl exists
+func (check *Checker) addDeclDep(to Object) {
+ from := check.decl
+ if from == nil {
+ return // not in a package-level init expression
+ }
+ if _, found := check.objMap[to]; !found {
+ return // to is not a package-level object
+ }
+ from.addDep(to)
+func (check *Checker) assocMethod(tname string, meth *Func) {
+ m := check.methods
+ if m == nil {
+ m = make(map[string][]*Func)
+ check.methods = m
+ }
+ m[tname] = append(m[tname], meth)
+func (check *Checker) rememberUntyped(e ast.Expr, lhs bool, mode operandMode, typ *Basic, val constant.Value) {
+ m := check.untyped
+ if m == nil {
+ m = make(map[ast.Expr]exprInfo)
+ check.untyped = m
+ }
+ m[e] = exprInfo{lhs, mode, typ, val}
+func (check *Checker) later(name string, decl *declInfo, sig *Signature, body *ast.BlockStmt) {
+ check.funcs = append(check.funcs, funcInfo{name, decl, sig, body})
+func (check *Checker) delay(f func()) {
+ check.delayed = append(check.delayed, f)
+// NewChecker returns a new Checker instance for a given package.
+// Package files may be added incrementally via checker.Files.
+func NewChecker(conf *Config, fset *token.FileSet, pkg *Package, info *Info) *Checker {
+ // make sure we have a configuration
+ if conf == nil {
+ conf = new(Config)
+ }
+ // make sure we have an info struct
+ if info == nil {
+ info = new(Info)
+ }
+ return &Checker{
+ conf: conf,
+ fset: fset,
+ pkg: pkg,
+ Info: info,
+ objMap: make(map[Object]*declInfo),
+ }
+// initFiles initializes the files-specific portion of checker.
+// The provided files must all belong to the same package.
+func (check *Checker) initFiles(files []*ast.File) {
+ // start with a clean slate (check.Files may be called multiple times)
+ check.files = nil
+ check.unusedDotImports = nil
+ check.firstErr = nil
+ check.methods = nil
+ check.untyped = nil
+ check.funcs = nil
+ check.delayed = nil
+ // determine package name and collect valid files
+ pkg := check.pkg
+ for _, file := range files {
+ switch name := file.Name.Name; {
+ case "":
+ if name != "_" {
+ = name
+ } else {
+ check.errorf(file.Name.Pos(), "invalid package name _")
+ }
+ fallthrough
+ case name:
+ check.files = append(check.files, file)
+ default:
+ check.errorf(file.Package, "package %s; expected %s", name,
+ // ignore this file
+ }
+ }
+// A bailout panic is used for early termination.
+type bailout struct{}
+func (check *Checker) handleBailout(err *error) {
+ switch p := recover().(type) {
+ case nil, bailout:
+ // normal return or early exit
+ *err = check.firstErr
+ default:
+ // re-panic
+ panic(p)
+ }
+// Files checks the provided files as part of the checker's package.
+func (check *Checker) Files(files []*ast.File) (err error) {
+ defer check.handleBailout(&err)
+ check.initFiles(files)
+ check.collectObjects()
+ check.packageObjects(check.resolveOrder())
+ check.functionBodies()
+ check.initOrder()
+ if !check.conf.DisableUnusedImportCheck {
+ check.unusedImports()
+ }
+ // perform delayed checks
+ for _, f := range check.delayed {
+ f()
+ }
+ check.recordUntyped()
+ check.pkg.complete = true
+ return
+func (check *Checker) recordUntyped() {
+ if !debug && check.Types == nil {
+ return // nothing to do
+ }
+ for x, info := range check.untyped {
+ if debug && isTyped(info.typ) {
+ check.dump("%s: %s (type %s) is typed", x.Pos(), x, info.typ)
+ unreachable()
+ }
+ check.recordTypeAndValue(x, info.mode, info.typ, info.val)
+ }
+func (check *Checker) recordTypeAndValue(x ast.Expr, mode operandMode, typ Type, val constant.Value) {
+ assert(x != nil)
+ assert(typ != nil)
+ if mode == invalid {
+ return // omit
+ }
+ assert(typ != nil)
+ if mode == constant_ {
+ assert(val != nil)
+ assert(typ == Typ[Invalid] || isConstType(typ))
+ }
+ if m := check.Types; m != nil {
+ m[x] = TypeAndValue{mode, typ, val}
+ }
+func (check *Checker) recordBuiltinType(f ast.Expr, sig *Signature) {
+ // f must be a (possibly parenthesized) identifier denoting a built-in
+ // (built-ins in package unsafe always produce a constant result and
+ // we don't record their signatures, so we don't see qualified idents
+ // here): record the signature for f and possible children.
+ for {
+ check.recordTypeAndValue(f, builtin, sig, nil)
+ switch p := f.(type) {
+ case *ast.Ident:
+ return // we're done
+ case *ast.ParenExpr:
+ f = p.X
+ default:
+ unreachable()
+ }
+ }
+func (check *Checker) recordCommaOkTypes(x ast.Expr, a [2]Type) {
+ assert(x != nil)
+ if a[0] == nil || a[1] == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ assert(isTyped(a[0]) && isTyped(a[1]) && isBoolean(a[1]))
+ if m := check.Types; m != nil {
+ for {
+ tv := m[x]
+ assert(tv.Type != nil) // should have been recorded already
+ pos := x.Pos()
+ tv.Type = NewTuple(
+ NewVar(pos, check.pkg, "", a[0]),
+ NewVar(pos, check.pkg, "", a[1]),
+ )
+ m[x] = tv
+ // if x is a parenthesized expression (p.X), update p.X
+ p, _ := x.(*ast.ParenExpr)
+ if p == nil {
+ break
+ }
+ x = p.X
+ }
+ }
+func (check *Checker) recordDef(id *ast.Ident, obj Object) {
+ assert(id != nil)
+ if m := check.Defs; m != nil {
+ m[id] = obj
+ }
+func (check *Checker) recordUse(id *ast.Ident, obj Object) {
+ assert(id != nil)
+ assert(obj != nil)
+ if m := check.Uses; m != nil {
+ m[id] = obj
+ }
+func (check *Checker) recordImplicit(node ast.Node, obj Object) {
+ assert(node != nil)
+ assert(obj != nil)
+ if m := check.Implicits; m != nil {
+ m[node] = obj
+ }
+func (check *Checker) recordSelection(x *ast.SelectorExpr, kind SelectionKind, recv Type, obj Object, index []int, indirect bool) {
+ assert(obj != nil && (recv == nil || len(index) > 0))
+ check.recordUse(x.Sel, obj)
+ // TODO(gri) Should we also call recordTypeAndValue?
+ if m := check.Selections; m != nil {
+ m[x] = &Selection{kind, recv, obj, index, indirect}
+ }
+func (check *Checker) recordScope(node ast.Node, scope *Scope) {
+ assert(node != nil)
+ assert(scope != nil)
+ if m := check.Scopes; m != nil {
+ m[node] = scope
+ }