/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. It has been auto-edited by fixincludes from: "fixinc/tests/inc/time.h" This had to be done to correct non-standard usages in the original, manufacturer supplied header file. */ #if defined( VXWORKS_NEEDS_VXTYPES_CHECK ) unsigned int _clocks_per_sec; #endif /* VXWORKS_NEEDS_VXTYPES_CHECK */ #if defined( VXWORKS_TIME_CHECK ) #ifndef __gcc_VOIDFUNCPTR_defined #ifdef __cplusplus typedef void (*__gcc_VOIDFUNCPTR) (...); #else typedef void (*__gcc_VOIDFUNCPTR) (); #endif #define __gcc_VOIDFUNCPTR_defined #endif #define VOIDFUNCPTR __gcc_VOIDFUNCPTR #endif /* VXWORKS_TIME_CHECK */ #if defined( VXWORKS_TIME_H_SYSLIB_CHECK ) /* kernel header pattern: */ #include #include /* rtp header pattern: */ #ifndef _YVALS #include #endif /* _YVALS */ #include #define CLOCKS_PER_SEC sysClkRateGet() #endif /* VXWORKS_TIME_H_SYSLIB_CHECK */