------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- G N A T . S O C K E T S . T H I N -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2001 Ada Core Technologies, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write -- -- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, -- -- MA 02111-1307, USA. -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- -- covered by the GNU Public License. -- -- -- -- GNAT is maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc (http://www.gnat.com). -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This version is for NT. package body GNAT.Sockets.Thin is use type C.unsigned; WSAData_Dummy : array (1 .. 512) of C.int; WS_Version : constant := 16#0101#; Initialized : Boolean := False; ----------- -- Clear -- ----------- procedure Clear (Item : in out Fd_Set; Socket : C.int) is begin for J in 1 .. Item.fd_count loop if Item.fd_array (J) = Socket then Item.fd_array (J .. Item.fd_count - 1) := Item.fd_array (J + 1 .. Item.fd_count); Item.fd_count := Item.fd_count - 1; exit; end if; end loop; end Clear; ----------- -- Empty -- ----------- procedure Empty (Item : in out Fd_Set) is begin Item := Null_Fd_Set; end Empty; -------------- -- Finalize -- -------------- procedure Finalize is begin if Initialized then WSACleanup; Initialized := False; end if; end Finalize; -------------- -- Is_Empty -- -------------- function Is_Empty (Item : Fd_Set) return Boolean is begin return Item.fd_count = 0; end Is_Empty; ------------ -- Is_Set -- ------------ function Is_Set (Item : Fd_Set; Socket : C.int) return Boolean is begin for J in 1 .. Item.fd_count loop if Item.fd_array (J) = Socket then return True; end if; end loop; return False; end Is_Set; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- procedure Initialize (Process_Blocking_IO : Boolean := False) is Return_Value : Interfaces.C.int; begin if not Initialized then Return_Value := WSAStartup (WS_Version, WSAData_Dummy'Address); pragma Assert (Interfaces.C."=" (Return_Value, 0)); Initialized := True; end if; end Initialize; --------- -- Max -- --------- function Max (Item : Fd_Set) return C.int is L : C.int := 0; begin for J in 1 .. Item.fd_count loop if Item.fd_array (J) > L then L := Item.fd_array (J); end if; end loop; return L; end Max; --------- -- Set -- --------- procedure Set (Item : in out Fd_Set; Socket : in C.int) is begin Item.fd_count := Item.fd_count + 1; Item.fd_array (Item.fd_count) := Socket; end Set; -------------------------- -- Socket_Error_Message -- -------------------------- function Socket_Error_Message (Errno : Integer) return String is use GNAT.Sockets.Constants; begin case Errno is when EINTR => return "Interrupted system call"; when EBADF => return "Bad file number"; when EACCES => return "Permission denied"; when EFAULT => return "Bad address"; when EINVAL => return "Invalid argument"; when EMFILE => return "Too many open files"; when EWOULDBLOCK => return "Operation would block"; when EINPROGRESS => return "Operation now in progress. This error is " & "returned if any Windows Sockets API " & "function is called while a blocking " & "function is in progress"; when EALREADY => return "Operation already in progress"; when ENOTSOCK => return "Socket operation on nonsocket"; when EDESTADDRREQ => return "Destination address required"; when EMSGSIZE => return "Message too long"; when EPROTOTYPE => return "Protocol wrong type for socket"; when ENOPROTOOPT => return "Protocol not available"; when EPROTONOSUPPORT => return "Protocol not supported"; when ESOCKTNOSUPPORT => return "Socket type not supported"; when EOPNOTSUPP => return "Operation not supported on socket"; when EPFNOSUPPORT => return "Protocol family not supported"; when EAFNOSUPPORT => return "Address family not supported by protocol family"; when EADDRINUSE => return "Address already in use"; when EADDRNOTAVAIL => return "Cannot assign requested address"; when ENETDOWN => return "Network is down. This error may be " & "reported at any time if the Windows " & "Sockets implementation detects an " & "underlying failure"; when ENETUNREACH => return "Network is unreachable"; when ENETRESET => return "Network dropped connection on reset"; when ECONNABORTED => return "Software caused connection abort"; when ECONNRESET => return "Connection reset by peer"; when ENOBUFS => return "No buffer space available"; when EISCONN => return "Socket is already connected"; when ENOTCONN => return "Socket is not connected"; when ESHUTDOWN => return "Cannot send after socket shutdown"; when ETOOMANYREFS => return "Too many references: cannot splice"; when ETIMEDOUT => return "Connection timed out"; when ECONNREFUSED => return "Connection refused"; when ELOOP => return "Too many levels of symbolic links"; when ENAMETOOLONG => return "File name too long"; when EHOSTDOWN => return "Host is down"; when EHOSTUNREACH => return "No route to host"; when SYSNOTREADY => return "Returned by WSAStartup(), indicating that " & "the network subsystem is unusable"; when VERNOTSUPPORTED => return "Returned by WSAStartup(), indicating that " & "the Windows Sockets DLL cannot support this application"; when NOTINITIALISED => return "Winsock not initialized. This message is " & "returned by any function except WSAStartup(), " & "indicating that a successful WSAStartup() has " & "not yet been performed"; when EDISCON => return "Disconnect"; when HOST_NOT_FOUND => return "Host not found. This message indicates " & "that the key (name, address, and so on) was not found"; when TRY_AGAIN => return "Nonauthoritative host not found. This error may " & "suggest that the name service itself is not functioning"; when NO_RECOVERY => return "Nonrecoverable error. This error may suggest that the " & "name service itself is not functioning"; when NO_DATA => return "Valid name, no data record of requested type. " & "This error indicates that the key (name, address, " & "and so on) was not found."; when others => return "Unknown system error"; end case; end Socket_Error_Message; end GNAT.Sockets.Thin;