------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y S T E M . S E C O N D A R Y _ S T A C K -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2020, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pragma Compiler_Unit_Warning; with System.Parameters; with System.Storage_Elements; package System.Secondary_Stack is pragma Preelaborate; package SP renames System.Parameters; package SSE renames System.Storage_Elements; use type SP.Size_Type; type SS_Stack (Default_Chunk_Size : SP.Size_Type) is private; -- An abstraction for a heap structure maintained in a stack-like fashion. -- The structure is comprised of chunks which accommodate allocations of -- varying sizes. See the private part of the package for further details. -- Default_Chunk_Size indicates the size of the static chunk, and provides -- a minimum size for all dynamic chunks. type SS_Stack_Ptr is access all SS_Stack; -- A reference to a secondary stack type Mark_Id is private; -- An abstraction for tracking the state of the secondary stack procedure SS_Init (Stack : in out SS_Stack_Ptr; Size : SP.Size_Type := SP.Unspecified_Size); -- Initialize or reuse a secondary stack denoted by reference Stack. If -- Stack is null, create a new stack of size Size in the following manner: -- -- * If Size denotes Unspecified_Size, allocate the stack from the binder -- generated pool as long as the pool has not been exhausted. -- -- * Otherwise allocate the stack from the heap. -- -- If Stack is not null, reset the state of the stack. No existing chunks -- are freed because they may be reused again. procedure SS_Allocate (Addr : out Address; Storage_Size : SSE.Storage_Count); -- Allocate enough space on the secondary stack of the invoking task to -- accommodate an alloction of size Storage_Size. Return the address of the -- first byte of the allocation in Addr. The routine may carry out one or -- more of the following actions: -- -- * Reuse an existing chunk that is big enough to accommodate the -- requested Storage_Size. -- -- * Free an existing chunk that is too small to accommodate the -- requested Storage_Size. -- -- * Create a new chunk that fits the requested Storage_Size. procedure SS_Free (Stack : in out SS_Stack_Ptr); -- Free all dynamic chunks of secondary stack Stack. If possible, free the -- stack itself. function SS_Mark return Mark_Id; -- Capture and return the state of the invoking task's secondary stack procedure SS_Release (M : Mark_Id); -- Restore the state of the invoking task's secondary stack to mark M function SS_Get_Max return Long_Long_Integer; -- Return the high water mark of the invoking task's secondary stack, in -- bytes. generic with procedure Put_Line (S : String); procedure SS_Info; -- Debugging procedure for outputting the internals of the invoking task's -- secondary stack. This procedure is generic in order to avoid a direct -- dependence on a particular IO package. Instantiate with Text_IO.Put_Line -- for example. private SS_Pool : Integer; -- Unused entity that is just present to ease the sharing of the pool -- mechanism for specific allocation/deallocation in the compiler. ------------------ -- Introduction -- ------------------ -- The secondary stack is a runtime data structure managed in a stack-like -- fashion. It is part of the runtime support for functions that return -- results of caller-unknown size. -- -- The secondary stack is utilized as follows: -- -- * The compiler pushes the caller-unknown size result on the secondary -- stack as part of return statement or build-in-place semantics. -- -- * The caller receives a reference to the result. -- -- * Using the reference, the caller may "offload" the result into its -- primary stack, or use it in-place while still on the secondary -- stack. -- -- * Once the caller has utilized the result, the compiler reclaims the -- memory occupied by the result by popping the secondary stack up to -- a safe limit. ------------ -- Design -- ------------ -- 1) Chunk -- -- The secondary stack is a linked structure which consist of "chunks". -- A chunk is both a memory storage and a linked-list node. Addresses of -- allocated objects refer to addresses within the memory storage of a -- chunk. Chunks come in two variants - static and dynamic. -- -- 1.1) Static chunk -- -- The secondary stack has exactly one static chunk that is created on the -- primary stack. The static chunk allows secondary-stack usage on targets -- where dynamic allocation is not available or desirable. The static chunk -- is always the "first" chunk and precedes all dynamic chunks. -- -- 1.2) Dynamic chunk -- -- The secondary stack may have zero or more dynamic chunks, created on the -- heap. Dynamic chunks allow the secondary stack to grow beyond the limits -- of the initial static chunk. They provide a finer-grained management of -- the memory by means of reuse and deallocation. -- -- 2) Mark -- -- The secondary stack captures its state in a "mark". The mark is used by -- the compiler to indicate how far the stack can be safely popped after a -- sequence of pushes has taken place. -- -- 3) Secondary stack -- -- The secondary stack maintains a singly-linked list of chunks, starting -- with the static chunk, along with a stack pointer. -- -- 4) Allocation -- -- The process of allocation equates to "pushing" on the secondary stack. -- Depending on whether dynamic allocation is allowed or not, there are -- two variants of allocation - static and dynamic. -- -- 4.1) Static allocation -- -- In this case the secondary stack has only the static chunk to work with. -- The requested size is reserved on the static chunk and the stack pointer -- is advanced. If the requested size will overflow the static chunk, then -- Storage_Error is raised. -- -- 4.2) Dynamic allocation -- -- In this case the secondary stack may carry out several actions depending -- on how much free memory is available in the chunk indicated by the stack -- pointer. -- -- * If the indicated chunk is big enough, allocation is carried out on -- it. -- -- * If the indicated chunk is too small, subsequent chunks (if any) are -- examined. If a subsequent chunk is big enough, allocation is carried -- out on it, otherwise the subsequent chunk is deallocated. -- -- * If none of the chunks following and including the indicated chunk -- are big enough, a new chunk is created and the allocation is carried -- out on it. -- -- This model of operation has several desirable effects: -- -- * Leftover chunks from prior allocations, followed by at least one pop -- are either reused or deallocated. This compacts the memory footprint -- of the secondary stack. -- -- * When a new chunk is created, its size is exactly the requested size. -- This keeps the memory usage of the secondary stack tight. -- -- * Allocation is in general an expensive operation. Compaction is thus -- added to this cost, rather than penalizing mark and pop operations. -- -- 5) Marking -- -- The process of marking involves capturing the secondary-stack pointer -- in a mark for later restore. -- -- 6) Releasing -- -- The process of releasing equates to "popping" the secondary stack. It -- moves the stack pointer to a previously captured mark, causing chunks -- to become reusable or deallocatable during the allocation process. ------------------ -- Architecture -- ------------------ -- Secondary stack -- -- +------------+ -- | Top.Byte ------------------------+ -- | Top.Chunk ------------------+ | -- | | | | -- | | v | -- +------------+ +--------+ +-----|--+ +--------+ -- | Memory | | Memory | | Memo|y | | Memory | -- | ######### | | ##### | | ####| | | ##### | -- | | | | | | | | -- | Next ---> | Next ---> | Next ---> | Next ---> x -- +------------+ +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ -- -- Static chunk Chunk 2 Chunk 3 Chunk 4 -------------------------- -- Memory-related types -- -------------------------- subtype Memory_Size_With_Invalid is SP.Size_Type; -- Memory storage size which also includes an invalid negative range Invalid_Memory_Size : constant Memory_Size_With_Invalid := -1; subtype Memory_Size is Memory_Size_With_Invalid range 0 .. SP.Size_Type'Last; -- The memory storage size of a single chunk or the whole secondary stack. -- A non-negative size is considered a "valid" size. subtype Memory_Index is Memory_Size; -- Index into the memory storage of a single chunk Memory_Alignment : constant := Standard'Maximum_Alignment * 2; -- The memory alignment we will want to honor on every allocation. -- -- At this stage, gigi assumes we can accommodate any alignment requirement -- there might be on the data type for which the memory gets allocated (see -- build_call_alloc_dealloc). -- -- The multiplication factor is intended to account for requirements -- by user code compiled with specific arch/cpu options such as -mavx -- on X86[_64] targets, which Standard'Maximum_Alignment doesn't convey -- without such compilation options. * 4 would actually be needed to -- support -mavx512f on X86, but this would incur more annoying memory -- consumption overheads. type Chunk_Memory is array (Memory_Size range <>) of SSE.Storage_Element; for Chunk_Memory'Alignment use Memory_Alignment; -- The memory storage of a single chunk -------------- -- SS_Chunk -- -------------- type SS_Chunk (Size : Memory_Size); -- Abstraction for a chunk. Size indicates the memory capacity of the -- chunk. type SS_Chunk_Ptr is access all SS_Chunk; -- Reference to the static or any dynamic chunk type SS_Chunk (Size : Memory_Size) is record Next : SS_Chunk_Ptr; -- Pointer to the next chunk. The direction of the pointer is from the -- static chunk to the first dynamic chunk, and so on. Size_Up_To_Chunk : Memory_Size; -- The size of the secondary stack up to, but excluding the current -- chunk. This value aids in calculating the total amount of memory -- the stack is consuming, for high-water-mark update purposes. Memory : Chunk_Memory (1 .. Size); -- The memory storage of the chunk. The 1-indexing facilitates various -- size and indexing calculations. end record; ------------------- -- Stack_Pointer -- ------------------- -- Abstraction for a secondary stack pointer type Stack_Pointer is record Byte : Memory_Index; -- The position of the first free byte within the memory storage of -- Chunk.all. Byte - 1 denotes the last occupied byte within Chunk.all. Chunk : SS_Chunk_Ptr; -- Reference to the chunk that accommodated the most recent allocation. -- This could be the static or any dynamic chunk. end record; -------------- -- SS_Stack -- -------------- type SS_Stack (Default_Chunk_Size : SP.Size_Type) is record Freeable : Boolean; -- Indicates whether the secondary stack can be freed High_Water_Mark : Memory_Size; -- The maximum amount of memory in use throughout the lifetime of the -- secondary stack. Top : Stack_Pointer; -- The stack pointer Static_Chunk : aliased SS_Chunk (Default_Chunk_Size); -- A special chunk with a default size. On targets that do not support -- dynamic allocations, this chunk represents the capacity of the whole -- secondary stack. end record; ------------- -- Mark_Id -- ------------- type Mark_Id is record Stack : SS_Stack_Ptr; -- The secondary stack whose mark was taken Top : Stack_Pointer; -- The value of Stack.Top at the point in time when the mark was taken end record; ------------------ -- Testing Aids -- ------------------ -- The following section provides lightweight versions of all abstractions -- used to implement a secondary stack. The contents of these versions may -- look identical to the original abstractions, however there are several -- important implications: -- -- * The versions do not expose pointers. -- -- * The types of the versions are all definite. In addition, there are -- no per-object constrained components. As a result, the versions do -- not involve the secondary stack or the heap in any way. -- -- * The types of the versions do not contain potentially big components. subtype Chunk_Id_With_Invalid is Natural; -- Numeric Id of a chunk with value zero Invalid_Chunk_Id : constant Chunk_Id_With_Invalid := 0; subtype Chunk_Id is Chunk_Id_With_Invalid range 1 .. Chunk_Id_With_Invalid'Last; -- Numeric Id of a chunk. A positive Id is considered "valid" because a -- secondary stack will have at least one chunk (the static chunk). subtype Chunk_Count is Natural; -- Number of chunks in a secondary stack -- Lightweight version of SS_Chunk type Chunk_Info is record Size : Memory_Size_With_Invalid; -- The memory capacity of the chunk Size_Up_To_Chunk : Memory_Size_With_Invalid; -- The size of the secondary stack up to, but excluding the current -- chunk. end record; Invalid_Chunk : constant Chunk_Info := (Size => Invalid_Memory_Size, Size_Up_To_Chunk => Invalid_Memory_Size); -- Lightweight version of Stack_Pointer type Stack_Pointer_Info is record Byte : Memory_Index; -- The position of the first free byte within the memory storage of -- Chunk. Byte - 1 denotes the last occupied byte within Chunk. Chunk : Chunk_Id_With_Invalid; -- The Id of the chunk that accommodated the most recent allocation. -- This could be the static or any dynamic chunk. end record; -- Lightweight version of SS_Stack type Stack_Info is record Default_Chunk_Size : Memory_Size; -- The default memory capacity of a chunk Freeable : Boolean; -- Indicates whether the secondary stack can be freed High_Water_Mark : Memory_Size; -- The maximum amount of memory in use throughout the lifetime of the -- secondary stack. Number_Of_Chunks : Chunk_Count; -- The total number of static and dynamic chunks in the secondary stack Top : Stack_Pointer_Info; -- The stack pointer end record; function Get_Chunk_Info (Stack : SS_Stack_Ptr; C_Id : Chunk_Id) return Chunk_Info; -- Obtain the information attributes of a chunk that belongs to secondary -- stack Stack and is identified by Id C_Id. function Get_Stack_Info (Stack : SS_Stack_Ptr) return Stack_Info; -- Obtain the information attributes of secondary stack Stack end System.Secondary_Stack;