------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- P R J . C O N F -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2006-2009, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Ada.Directories; use Ada.Directories; with GNAT.HTable; use GNAT.HTable; with Makeutl; use Makeutl; with MLib.Tgt; with Opt; use Opt; with Output; use Output; with Prj.Env; with Prj.Err; with Prj.Part; with Prj.PP; with Prj.Proc; use Prj.Proc; with Prj.Tree; use Prj.Tree; with Prj.Util; use Prj.Util; with Prj; use Prj; with Snames; use Snames; with System.Case_Util; use System.Case_Util; with System; package body Prj.Conf is Auto_Cgpr : constant String := "auto.cgpr"; Default_Name : constant String := "default.cgpr"; -- Default configuration file that will be used if found Config_Project_Env_Var : constant String := "GPR_CONFIG"; -- Name of the environment variable that provides the name of the -- configuration file to use. Gprconfig_Name : constant String := "gprconfig"; package RTS_Languages is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable (Header_Num => Prj.Header_Num, Element => Name_Id, No_Element => No_Name, Key => Name_Id, Hash => Prj.Hash, Equal => "="); -- Stores the runtime names for the various languages. This is in general -- set from a --RTS command line option. procedure Add_Attributes (Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; Conf_Decl : Declarations; User_Decl : in out Declarations); -- Process the attributes in the config declarations. -- For single string values, if the attribute is not declared in the user -- declarations, declare it with the value in the config declarations. -- For string list values, prepend the value in the user declarations with -- the value in the config declarations. function Locate_Config_File (Name : String) return String_Access; -- Search for Name in the config files directory. Return full path if -- found, or null otherwise function Check_Target (Config_File : Prj.Project_Id; Autoconf_Specified : Boolean; Project_Tree : Prj.Project_Tree_Ref; Target : String := "") return Boolean; -- Check that the config file's target matches Target. -- Target should be set to the empty string when the user did not specify -- a target. If the target in the configuration file is invalid, this -- function will raise Invalid_Config with an appropriate message. -- Autoconf_Specified should be set to True if the user has used --autoconf -------------------- -- Add_Attributes -- -------------------- procedure Add_Attributes (Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; Conf_Decl : Declarations; User_Decl : in out Declarations) is Conf_Attr_Id : Variable_Id; Conf_Attr : Variable; Conf_Array_Id : Array_Id; Conf_Array : Array_Data; Conf_Array_Elem_Id : Array_Element_Id; Conf_Array_Elem : Array_Element; Conf_List : String_List_Id; Conf_List_Elem : String_Element; User_Attr_Id : Variable_Id; User_Attr : Variable; User_Array_Id : Array_Id; User_Array : Array_Data; User_Array_Elem_Id : Array_Element_Id; User_Array_Elem : Array_Element; begin Conf_Attr_Id := Conf_Decl.Attributes; User_Attr_Id := User_Decl.Attributes; while Conf_Attr_Id /= No_Variable loop Conf_Attr := Project_Tree.Variable_Elements.Table (Conf_Attr_Id); User_Attr := Project_Tree.Variable_Elements.Table (User_Attr_Id); if not Conf_Attr.Value.Default then if User_Attr.Value.Default then -- No attribute declared in user project file: just copy the -- value of the configuration attribute. User_Attr.Value := Conf_Attr.Value; Project_Tree.Variable_Elements.Table (User_Attr_Id) := User_Attr; elsif User_Attr.Value.Kind = List and then Conf_Attr.Value.Values /= Nil_String then -- List attribute declared in both the user project and the -- configuration project: prepend the user list with the -- configuration list. declare Conf_List : String_List_Id := Conf_Attr.Value.Values; Conf_Elem : String_Element; User_List : constant String_List_Id := User_Attr.Value.Values; New_List : String_List_Id; New_Elem : String_Element; begin -- Create new list String_Element_Table.Increment_Last (Project_Tree.String_Elements); New_List := String_Element_Table.Last (Project_Tree.String_Elements); -- Value of attribute is new list User_Attr.Value.Values := New_List; Project_Tree.Variable_Elements.Table (User_Attr_Id) := User_Attr; loop -- Get each element of configuration list Conf_Elem := Project_Tree.String_Elements.Table (Conf_List); New_Elem := Conf_Elem; Conf_List := Conf_Elem.Next; if Conf_List = Nil_String then -- If it is the last element in the list, connect to -- first element of user list, and we are done. New_Elem.Next := User_List; Project_Tree.String_Elements.Table (New_List) := New_Elem; exit; else -- If it is not the last element in the list, add to -- new list. String_Element_Table.Increment_Last (Project_Tree.String_Elements); New_Elem.Next := String_Element_Table.Last (Project_Tree.String_Elements); Project_Tree.String_Elements.Table (New_List) := New_Elem; New_List := New_Elem.Next; end if; end loop; end; end if; end if; Conf_Attr_Id := Conf_Attr.Next; User_Attr_Id := User_Attr.Next; end loop; Conf_Array_Id := Conf_Decl.Arrays; while Conf_Array_Id /= No_Array loop Conf_Array := Project_Tree.Arrays.Table (Conf_Array_Id); User_Array_Id := User_Decl.Arrays; while User_Array_Id /= No_Array loop User_Array := Project_Tree.Arrays.Table (User_Array_Id); exit when User_Array.Name = Conf_Array.Name; User_Array_Id := User_Array.Next; end loop; -- If this associative array does not exist in the user project file, -- do a shallow copy of the full associative array. if User_Array_Id = No_Array then Array_Table.Increment_Last (Project_Tree.Arrays); User_Array := Conf_Array; User_Array.Next := User_Decl.Arrays; User_Decl.Arrays := Array_Table.Last (Project_Tree.Arrays); Project_Tree.Arrays.Table (User_Decl.Arrays) := User_Array; else -- Otherwise, check each array element Conf_Array_Elem_Id := Conf_Array.Value; while Conf_Array_Elem_Id /= No_Array_Element loop Conf_Array_Elem := Project_Tree.Array_Elements.Table (Conf_Array_Elem_Id); User_Array_Elem_Id := User_Array.Value; while User_Array_Elem_Id /= No_Array_Element loop User_Array_Elem := Project_Tree.Array_Elements.Table (User_Array_Elem_Id); exit when User_Array_Elem.Index = Conf_Array_Elem.Index; User_Array_Elem_Id := User_Array_Elem.Next; end loop; -- If the array element does not exist in the user array, -- insert a shallow copy of the conf array element in the -- user array. if User_Array_Elem_Id = No_Array_Element then Array_Element_Table.Increment_Last (Project_Tree.Array_Elements); User_Array_Elem := Conf_Array_Elem; User_Array_Elem.Next := User_Array.Value; User_Array.Value := Array_Element_Table.Last (Project_Tree.Array_Elements); Project_Tree.Array_Elements.Table (User_Array.Value) := User_Array_Elem; Project_Tree.Arrays.Table (User_Array_Id) := User_Array; -- Otherwise, if the value is a string list, prepend the -- user array element with the conf array element value. elsif Conf_Array_Elem.Value.Kind = List then Conf_List := Conf_Array_Elem.Value.Values; if Conf_List /= Nil_String then declare Link : constant String_List_Id := User_Array_Elem.Value.Values; Previous : String_List_Id := Nil_String; Next : String_List_Id; begin loop Conf_List_Elem := Project_Tree.String_Elements.Table (Conf_List); String_Element_Table.Increment_Last (Project_Tree.String_Elements); Next := String_Element_Table.Last (Project_Tree.String_Elements); Project_Tree.String_Elements.Table (Next) := Conf_List_Elem; if Previous = Nil_String then User_Array_Elem.Value.Values := Next; Project_Tree.Array_Elements.Table (User_Array_Elem_Id) := User_Array_Elem; else Project_Tree.String_Elements.Table (Previous).Next := Next; end if; Previous := Next; Conf_List := Conf_List_Elem.Next; if Conf_List = Nil_String then Project_Tree.String_Elements.Table (Previous).Next := Link; exit; end if; end loop; end; end if; end if; Conf_Array_Elem_Id := Conf_Array_Elem.Next; end loop; end if; Conf_Array_Id := Conf_Array.Next; end loop; end Add_Attributes; ------------------------ -- Locate_Config_File -- ------------------------ function Locate_Config_File (Name : String) return String_Access is Prefix_Path : constant String := Executable_Prefix_Path; begin if Prefix_Path'Length /= 0 then return Locate_Regular_File (Name, "." & Path_Separator & Prefix_Path & "share" & Directory_Separator & "gpr"); else return Locate_Regular_File (Name, "."); end if; end Locate_Config_File; ------------------ -- Check_Target -- ------------------ function Check_Target (Config_File : Project_Id; Autoconf_Specified : Boolean; Project_Tree : Prj.Project_Tree_Ref; Target : String := "") return Boolean is Variable : constant Variable_Value := Value_Of (Name_Target, Config_File.Decl.Attributes, Project_Tree); Tgt_Name : Name_Id := No_Name; OK : Boolean; begin if Variable /= Nil_Variable_Value and then not Variable.Default then Tgt_Name := Variable.Value; end if; if Target = "" then OK := not Autoconf_Specified or else Tgt_Name = No_Name; else OK := Tgt_Name /= No_Name and then Target = Get_Name_String (Tgt_Name); end if; if not OK then if Autoconf_Specified then if Verbose_Mode then Write_Line ("inconsistent targets, performing autoconf"); end if; return False; else if Tgt_Name /= No_Name then raise Invalid_Config with "invalid target name """ & Get_Name_String (Tgt_Name) & """ in configuration"; else raise Invalid_Config with "no target specified in configuration file"; end if; end if; end if; return True; end Check_Target; -------------------------------------- -- Get_Or_Create_Configuration_File -- -------------------------------------- procedure Get_Or_Create_Configuration_File (Project : Project_Id; Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; Project_Node_Tree : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Allow_Automatic_Generation : Boolean; Config_File_Name : String := ""; Autoconf_Specified : Boolean; Target_Name : String := ""; Normalized_Hostname : String; Packages_To_Check : String_List_Access := null; Config : out Prj.Project_Id; Config_File_Path : out String_Access; Automatically_Generated : out Boolean; Flags : Processing_Flags; On_Load_Config : Config_File_Hook := null) is function Default_File_Name return String; -- Return the name of the default config file that should be tested procedure Do_Autoconf; -- Generate a new config file through gprconfig. -- In case of error, this raises the Invalid_Config exception with an -- appropriate message function Get_Config_Switches return Argument_List_Access; -- Return the --config switches to use for gprconfig function Might_Have_Sources (Project : Project_Id) return Boolean; -- True if the specified project might have sources (ie the user has not -- explicitly specified it. We haven't checked the file system, nor do -- we need to at this stage. ----------------------- -- Default_File_Name -- ----------------------- function Default_File_Name return String is Ada_RTS : constant String := Runtime_Name_For (Name_Ada); Tmp : String_Access; begin if Target_Name /= "" then if Ada_RTS /= "" then return Target_Name & '-' & Ada_RTS & Config_Project_File_Extension; else return Target_Name & Config_Project_File_Extension; end if; elsif Ada_RTS /= "" then return Ada_RTS & Config_Project_File_Extension; else Tmp := Getenv (Config_Project_Env_Var); declare T : constant String := Tmp.all; begin Free (Tmp); if T'Length = 0 then return Default_Name; else return T; end if; end; end if; end Default_File_Name; ------------------------ -- Might_Have_Sources -- ------------------------ function Might_Have_Sources (Project : Project_Id) return Boolean is Variable : Variable_Value; begin Variable := Value_Of (Name_Source_Dirs, Project.Decl.Attributes, Project_Tree); if Variable = Nil_Variable_Value or else Variable.Default or else Variable.Values /= Nil_String then Variable := Value_Of (Name_Source_Files, Project.Decl.Attributes, Project_Tree); return Variable = Nil_Variable_Value or else Variable.Default or else Variable.Values /= Nil_String; else return False; end if; end Might_Have_Sources; ------------------------- -- Get_Config_Switches -- ------------------------- function Get_Config_Switches return Argument_List_Access is package Language_Htable is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable (Header_Num => Prj.Header_Num, Element => Name_Id, No_Element => No_Name, Key => Name_Id, Hash => Prj.Hash, Equal => "="); -- Hash table to keep the languages used in the project tree IDE : constant Package_Id := Value_Of (Name_Ide, Project.Decl.Packages, Project_Tree); Prj_Iter : Project_List; List : String_List_Id; Elem : String_Element; Lang : Name_Id; Variable : Variable_Value; Name : Name_Id; Count : Natural; Result : Argument_List_Access; begin Prj_Iter := Project_Tree.Projects; while Prj_Iter /= null loop if Might_Have_Sources (Prj_Iter.Project) then Variable := Value_Of (Name_Languages, Prj_Iter.Project.Decl.Attributes, Project_Tree); if Variable = Nil_Variable_Value or else Variable.Default then -- Languages is not declared. If it is not an extending -- project, check for Default_Language if Prj_Iter.Project.Extends = No_Project then Variable := Value_Of (Name_Default_Language, Prj_Iter.Project.Decl.Attributes, Project_Tree); if Variable /= Nil_Variable_Value and then not Variable.Default then Get_Name_String (Variable.Value); To_Lower (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len)); Lang := Name_Find; Language_Htable.Set (Lang, Lang); else -- If no language is declared, default to Ada Language_Htable.Set (Name_Ada, Name_Ada); end if; end if; elsif Variable.Values /= Nil_String then -- Attribute Languages is declared with a non empty -- list: put all the languages in Language_HTable. List := Variable.Values; while List /= Nil_String loop Elem := Project_Tree.String_Elements.Table (List); Get_Name_String (Elem.Value); To_Lower (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len)); Lang := Name_Find; Language_Htable.Set (Lang, Lang); List := Elem.Next; end loop; end if; end if; Prj_Iter := Prj_Iter.Next; end loop; Name := Language_Htable.Get_First; Count := 0; while Name /= No_Name loop Count := Count + 1; Name := Language_Htable.Get_Next; end loop; Result := new String_List (1 .. Count); Count := 1; Name := Language_Htable.Get_First; while Name /= No_Name loop -- Check if IDE'Compiler_Command is declared for the language. -- If it is, use its value to invoke gprconfig. Variable := Value_Of (Name, Attribute_Or_Array_Name => Name_Compiler_Command, In_Package => IDE, In_Tree => Project_Tree, Force_Lower_Case_Index => True); declare Config_Command : constant String := "--config=" & Get_Name_String (Name); Runtime_Name : constant String := Runtime_Name_For (Name); begin if Variable = Nil_Variable_Value or else Length_Of_Name (Variable.Value) = 0 then Result (Count) := new String'(Config_Command & ",," & Runtime_Name); else declare Compiler_Command : constant String := Get_Name_String (Variable.Value); begin if Is_Absolute_Path (Compiler_Command) then Result (Count) := new String' (Config_Command & ",," & Runtime_Name & "," & Containing_Directory (Compiler_Command) & "," & Simple_Name (Compiler_Command)); else Result (Count) := new String' (Config_Command & ",," & Runtime_Name & ",," & Compiler_Command); end if; end; end if; end; Count := Count + 1; Name := Language_Htable.Get_Next; end loop; return Result; end Get_Config_Switches; ----------------- -- Do_Autoconf -- ----------------- procedure Do_Autoconf is Obj_Dir : constant Variable_Value := Value_Of (Name_Object_Dir, Project.Decl.Attributes, Project_Tree); Gprconfig_Path : String_Access; Success : Boolean; begin Gprconfig_Path := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Gprconfig_Name); if Gprconfig_Path = null then raise Invalid_Config with "could not locate gprconfig for auto-configuration"; end if; -- First, find the object directory of the user's project if Obj_Dir = Nil_Variable_Value or else Obj_Dir.Default then Get_Name_String (Project.Directory.Name); else if Is_Absolute_Path (Get_Name_String (Obj_Dir.Value)) then Get_Name_String (Obj_Dir.Value); else Name_Len := 0; Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Get_Name_String (Project.Directory.Name)); Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Get_Name_String (Obj_Dir.Value)); end if; end if; if Subdirs /= null then Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (Directory_Separator); Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Subdirs.all); end if; for J in 1 .. Name_Len loop if Name_Buffer (J) = '/' then Name_Buffer (J) := Directory_Separator; end if; end loop; declare Obj_Dir : constant String := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len); Switches : Argument_List_Access := Get_Config_Switches; Args : Argument_List (1 .. 5); Arg_Last : Positive; Obj_Dir_Exists : Boolean := True; begin -- Check if the object directory exists. If Setup_Projects is True -- (-p) and directory does not exist, attempt to create it. -- Otherwise, if directory does not exist, fail without calling -- gprconfig. if not Is_Directory (Obj_Dir) and then (Setup_Projects or else Subdirs /= null) then begin Create_Path (Obj_Dir); if not Quiet_Output then Write_Str ("object directory """); Write_Str (Obj_Dir); Write_Line (""" created"); end if; exception when others => raise Invalid_Config with "could not create object directory " & Obj_Dir; end; end if; if not Is_Directory (Obj_Dir) then case Flags.Require_Obj_Dirs is when Error => raise Invalid_Config with "object directory " & Obj_Dir & " does not exist"; when Warning => Prj.Err.Error_Msg (Flags, "?object directory " & Obj_Dir & " does not exist"); Obj_Dir_Exists := False; when Silent => null; end case; end if; -- Invoke gprconfig Args (1) := new String'("--batch"); Args (2) := new String'("-o"); -- If no config file was specified, set the auto.cgpr one if Config_File_Name = "" then if Obj_Dir_Exists then Args (3) := new String'(Obj_Dir & Directory_Separator & Auto_Cgpr); else declare Path_FD : File_Descriptor; Path_Name : Path_Name_Type; begin Prj.Env.Create_Temp_File (In_Tree => Project_Tree, Path_FD => Path_FD, Path_Name => Path_Name, File_Use => "configuration file"); if Path_FD /= Invalid_FD then Args (3) := new String'(Get_Name_String (Path_Name)); GNAT.OS_Lib.Close (Path_FD); else -- We'll have an error message later on Args (3) := new String' (Obj_Dir & Directory_Separator & Auto_Cgpr); end if; end; end if; else Args (3) := new String'(Config_File_Name); end if; if Normalized_Hostname = "" then Arg_Last := 3; else if Target_Name = "" then Args (4) := new String'("--target=" & Normalized_Hostname); else Args (4) := new String'("--target=" & Target_Name); end if; Arg_Last := 4; end if; if not Verbose_Mode then Arg_Last := Arg_Last + 1; Args (Arg_Last) := new String'("-q"); end if; if Verbose_Mode then Write_Str (Gprconfig_Name); for J in 1 .. Arg_Last loop Write_Char (' '); Write_Str (Args (J).all); end loop; for J in Switches'Range loop Write_Char (' '); Write_Str (Switches (J).all); end loop; Write_Eol; elsif not Quiet_Output then -- Display no message if we are creating auto.cgpr, unless in -- verbose mode if Config_File_Name /= "" or else Verbose_Mode then Write_Str ("creating "); Write_Str (Simple_Name (Args (3).all)); Write_Eol; end if; end if; Spawn (Gprconfig_Path.all, Args (1 .. Arg_Last) & Switches.all, Success); Free (Switches); Config_File_Path := Locate_Config_File (Args (3).all); if Config_File_Path = null then raise Invalid_Config with "could not create " & Args (3).all; end if; for F in Args'Range loop Free (Args (F)); end loop; end; end Do_Autoconf; Success : Boolean; Config_Project_Node : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node; begin Free (Config_File_Path); Config := No_Project; if Config_File_Name /= "" then Config_File_Path := Locate_Config_File (Config_File_Name); else Config_File_Path := Locate_Config_File (Default_File_Name); end if; if Config_File_Path = null then if (not Allow_Automatic_Generation) and then Config_File_Name /= "" then raise Invalid_Config with "could not locate main configuration project " & Config_File_Name; end if; end if; Automatically_Generated := Allow_Automatic_Generation and then Config_File_Path = null; <<Process_Config_File>> if Automatically_Generated then -- This might raise an Invalid_Config exception Do_Autoconf; end if; -- Parse the configuration file if Verbose_Mode and then Config_File_Path /= null then Write_Str ("Checking configuration "); Write_Line (Config_File_Path.all); end if; if Config_File_Path /= null then Prj.Part.Parse (In_Tree => Project_Node_Tree, Project => Config_Project_Node, Project_File_Name => Config_File_Path.all, Always_Errout_Finalize => False, Packages_To_Check => Packages_To_Check, Current_Directory => Current_Directory, Is_Config_File => True, Flags => Flags); else -- Maybe the user will want to create his own configuration file Config_Project_Node := Empty_Node; end if; if On_Load_Config /= null then On_Load_Config (Config_File => Config_Project_Node, Project_Node_Tree => Project_Node_Tree); end if; if Config_Project_Node /= Empty_Node then Prj.Proc.Process_Project_Tree_Phase_1 (In_Tree => Project_Tree, Project => Config, Success => Success, From_Project_Node => Config_Project_Node, From_Project_Node_Tree => Project_Node_Tree, Flags => Flags, Reset_Tree => False); end if; if Config_Project_Node = Empty_Node or else Config = No_Project then raise Invalid_Config with "processing of configuration project """ & Config_File_Path.all & """ failed"; end if; -- Check that the target of the configuration file is the one the user -- specified on the command line. We do not need to check that when in -- auto-conf mode, since the appropriate target was passed to gprconfig. if not Automatically_Generated and then not Check_Target (Config, Autoconf_Specified, Project_Tree, Target_Name) then Automatically_Generated := True; goto Process_Config_File; end if; end Get_Or_Create_Configuration_File; -------------------------------------- -- Process_Project_And_Apply_Config -- -------------------------------------- procedure Process_Project_And_Apply_Config (Main_Project : out Prj.Project_Id; User_Project_Node : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Id; Config_File_Name : String := ""; Autoconf_Specified : Boolean; Project_Tree : Prj.Project_Tree_Ref; Project_Node_Tree : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Packages_To_Check : String_List_Access; Allow_Automatic_Generation : Boolean := True; Automatically_Generated : out Boolean; Config_File_Path : out String_Access; Target_Name : String := ""; Normalized_Hostname : String; Flags : Processing_Flags; On_Load_Config : Config_File_Hook := null; Reset_Tree : Boolean := True) is Main_Config_Project : Project_Id; Success : Boolean; begin Main_Project := No_Project; Automatically_Generated := False; Process_Project_Tree_Phase_1 (In_Tree => Project_Tree, Project => Main_Project, Success => Success, From_Project_Node => User_Project_Node, From_Project_Node_Tree => Project_Node_Tree, Flags => Flags, Reset_Tree => Reset_Tree); if not Success then Main_Project := No_Project; return; end if; -- Find configuration file Get_Or_Create_Configuration_File (Config => Main_Config_Project, Project => Main_Project, Project_Tree => Project_Tree, Project_Node_Tree => Project_Node_Tree, Allow_Automatic_Generation => Allow_Automatic_Generation, Config_File_Name => Config_File_Name, Autoconf_Specified => Autoconf_Specified, Target_Name => Target_Name, Normalized_Hostname => Normalized_Hostname, Packages_To_Check => Packages_To_Check, Config_File_Path => Config_File_Path, Automatically_Generated => Automatically_Generated, Flags => Flags, On_Load_Config => On_Load_Config); Apply_Config_File (Main_Config_Project, Project_Tree); -- Finish processing the user's project Prj.Proc.Process_Project_Tree_Phase_2 (In_Tree => Project_Tree, Project => Main_Project, Success => Success, From_Project_Node => User_Project_Node, From_Project_Node_Tree => Project_Node_Tree, Flags => Flags); if not Success then Main_Project := No_Project; end if; end Process_Project_And_Apply_Config; ------------------------------------ -- Parse_Project_And_Apply_Config -- ------------------------------------ procedure Parse_Project_And_Apply_Config (Main_Project : out Prj.Project_Id; User_Project_Node : out Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Id; Config_File_Name : String := ""; Autoconf_Specified : Boolean; Project_File_Name : String; Project_Tree : Prj.Project_Tree_Ref; Project_Node_Tree : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Tree_Ref; Packages_To_Check : String_List_Access; Allow_Automatic_Generation : Boolean := True; Automatically_Generated : out Boolean; Config_File_Path : out String_Access; Target_Name : String := ""; Normalized_Hostname : String; Flags : Processing_Flags; On_Load_Config : Config_File_Hook := null) is begin -- Parse the user project tree Prj.Initialize (Project_Tree); Main_Project := No_Project; Automatically_Generated := False; Prj.Part.Parse (In_Tree => Project_Node_Tree, Project => User_Project_Node, Project_File_Name => Project_File_Name, Always_Errout_Finalize => False, Packages_To_Check => Packages_To_Check, Current_Directory => Current_Directory, Is_Config_File => False, Flags => Flags); if User_Project_Node = Empty_Node then User_Project_Node := Empty_Node; return; end if; Process_Project_And_Apply_Config (Main_Project => Main_Project, User_Project_Node => User_Project_Node, Config_File_Name => Config_File_Name, Autoconf_Specified => Autoconf_Specified, Project_Tree => Project_Tree, Project_Node_Tree => Project_Node_Tree, Packages_To_Check => Packages_To_Check, Allow_Automatic_Generation => Allow_Automatic_Generation, Automatically_Generated => Automatically_Generated, Config_File_Path => Config_File_Path, Target_Name => Target_Name, Normalized_Hostname => Normalized_Hostname, Flags => Flags, On_Load_Config => On_Load_Config); end Parse_Project_And_Apply_Config; ----------------------- -- Apply_Config_File -- ----------------------- procedure Apply_Config_File (Config_File : Prj.Project_Id; Project_Tree : Prj.Project_Tree_Ref) is Conf_Decl : constant Declarations := Config_File.Decl; Conf_Pack_Id : Package_Id; Conf_Pack : Package_Element; User_Decl : Declarations; User_Pack_Id : Package_Id; User_Pack : Package_Element; Proj : Project_List; begin Proj := Project_Tree.Projects; while Proj /= null loop if Proj.Project /= Config_File then User_Decl := Proj.Project.Decl; Add_Attributes (Project_Tree => Project_Tree, Conf_Decl => Conf_Decl, User_Decl => User_Decl); Conf_Pack_Id := Conf_Decl.Packages; while Conf_Pack_Id /= No_Package loop Conf_Pack := Project_Tree.Packages.Table (Conf_Pack_Id); User_Pack_Id := User_Decl.Packages; while User_Pack_Id /= No_Package loop User_Pack := Project_Tree.Packages.Table (User_Pack_Id); exit when User_Pack.Name = Conf_Pack.Name; User_Pack_Id := User_Pack.Next; end loop; if User_Pack_Id = No_Package then Package_Table.Increment_Last (Project_Tree.Packages); User_Pack := Conf_Pack; User_Pack.Next := User_Decl.Packages; User_Decl.Packages := Package_Table.Last (Project_Tree.Packages); Project_Tree.Packages.Table (User_Decl.Packages) := User_Pack; else Add_Attributes (Project_Tree => Project_Tree, Conf_Decl => Conf_Pack.Decl, User_Decl => Project_Tree.Packages.Table (User_Pack_Id).Decl); end if; Conf_Pack_Id := Conf_Pack.Next; end loop; Proj.Project.Decl := User_Decl; end if; Proj := Proj.Next; end loop; end Apply_Config_File; --------------------- -- Set_Runtime_For -- --------------------- procedure Set_Runtime_For (Language : Name_Id; RTS_Name : String) is begin Name_Len := RTS_Name'Length; Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := RTS_Name; RTS_Languages.Set (Language, Name_Find); end Set_Runtime_For; ---------------------- -- Runtime_Name_For -- ---------------------- function Runtime_Name_For (Language : Name_Id) return String is begin if RTS_Languages.Get (Language) /= No_Name then return Get_Name_String (RTS_Languages.Get (Language)); else return ""; end if; end Runtime_Name_For; ------------------------------------ -- Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme -- ------------------------------------ procedure Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme (Config_File : in out Project_Node_Id; Project_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) is procedure Create_Attribute (Name : Name_Id; Value : String; Index : String := ""; Pkg : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node); ---------------------- -- Create_Attribute -- ---------------------- procedure Create_Attribute (Name : Name_Id; Value : String; Index : String := ""; Pkg : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node) is Attr : Project_Node_Id; Val, Expr : Name_Id := No_Name; Parent : Project_Node_Id := Config_File; pragma Unreferenced (Attr); begin if Index /= "" then Name_Len := Index'Length; Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Index; Val := Name_Find; end if; if Pkg /= Empty_Node then Parent := Pkg; end if; Name_Len := Value'Length; Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Value; Expr := Name_Find; Attr := Create_Attribute (Tree => Project_Tree, Prj_Or_Pkg => Parent, Name => Name, Index_Name => Val, Kind => Prj.Single, Value => Create_Literal_String (Expr, Project_Tree)); end Create_Attribute; Name : Name_Id; Naming : Project_Node_Id; -- Start of processing for Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme begin if Config_File = Empty_Node then -- Create a dummy config file is none was found Name_Len := Auto_Cgpr'Length; Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Auto_Cgpr; Name := Name_Find; -- An invalid project name to avoid conflicts with user-created ones Name_Len := 5; Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := "_auto"; Config_File := Create_Project (In_Tree => Project_Tree, Name => Name_Find, Full_Path => Path_Name_Type (Name), Is_Config_File => True); -- Setup library support case MLib.Tgt.Support_For_Libraries is when None => null; when Static_Only => Create_Attribute (Name_Library_Support, "static_only"); when Full => Create_Attribute (Name_Library_Support, "full"); end case; if MLib.Tgt.Standalone_Library_Auto_Init_Is_Supported then Create_Attribute (Name_Library_Auto_Init_Supported, "true"); else Create_Attribute (Name_Library_Auto_Init_Supported, "false"); end if; -- Setup Ada support (Ada is the default language here, since this -- is only called when no config file existed initially, ie for -- gnatmake). Create_Attribute (Name_Default_Language, "ada"); Naming := Create_Package (Project_Tree, Config_File, "naming"); Create_Attribute (Name_Spec_Suffix, ".ads", "ada", Pkg => Naming); Create_Attribute (Name_Separate_Suffix, ".adb", "ada", Pkg => Naming); Create_Attribute (Name_Body_Suffix, ".adb", "ada", Pkg => Naming); Create_Attribute (Name_Dot_Replacement, "-", Pkg => Naming); Create_Attribute (Name_Casing, "lowercase", Pkg => Naming); if Current_Verbosity = High then Write_Line ("Automatically generated (in-memory) config file"); Prj.PP.Pretty_Print (Project => Config_File, In_Tree => Project_Tree, Backward_Compatibility => False); end if; end if; end Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme; end Prj.Conf;