-- --
-- --
-- R E P I N F O --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1999-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- . --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Alloc; use Alloc;
with Atree; use Atree;
with Casing; use Casing;
with Debug; use Debug;
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Lib; use Lib;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
with Opt; use Opt;
with Output; use Output;
with Sem_Aux; use Sem_Aux;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Sinput; use Sinput;
with Snames; use Snames;
with Stand; use Stand;
with Stringt; use Stringt;
with Table; use Table;
with Uname; use Uname;
with Urealp; use Urealp;
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
package body Repinfo is
SSU : constant := 8;
-- Value for Storage_Unit, we do not want to get this from TTypes, since
-- this introduces problematic dependencies in ASIS, and in any case this
-- value is assumed to be 8 for the implementation of the DDA.
-- This is wrong for AAMP???
-- Representation of gcc Expressions --
-- This table is used only if Frontend_Layout_On_Target is False, so gigi
-- lays out dynamic size/offset fields using encoded gcc expressions.
-- A table internal to this unit is used to hold the values of back
-- annotated expressions. This table is written out by -gnatt and read
-- back in for ASIS processing.
-- Node values are stored as Uint values using the negative of the node
-- index in this table. Constants appear as non-negative Uint values.
type Exp_Node is record
Expr : TCode;
Op1 : Node_Ref_Or_Val;
Op2 : Node_Ref_Or_Val;
Op3 : Node_Ref_Or_Val;
end record;
-- The following representation clause ensures that the above record
-- has no holes. We do this so that when instances of this record are
-- written by Tree_Gen, we do not write uninitialized values to the file.
for Exp_Node use record
Expr at 0 range 0 .. 31;
Op1 at 4 range 0 .. 31;
Op2 at 8 range 0 .. 31;
Op3 at 12 range 0 .. 31;
end record;
for Exp_Node'Size use 16 * 8;
-- This ensures that we did not leave out any fields
package Rep_Table is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => Exp_Node,
Table_Index_Type => Nat,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => Alloc.Rep_Table_Initial,
Table_Increment => Alloc.Rep_Table_Increment,
Table_Name => "BE_Rep_Table");
-- Representation of Front-End Dynamic Size/Offset Entities --
package Dynamic_SO_Entity_Table is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => Entity_Id,
Table_Index_Type => Nat,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => Alloc.Rep_Table_Initial,
Table_Increment => Alloc.Rep_Table_Increment,
Table_Name => "FE_Rep_Table");
Unit_Casing : Casing_Type;
-- Identifier casing for current unit. This is set by List_Rep_Info for
-- each unit, before calling subprograms which may read it.
Need_Blank_Line : Boolean;
-- Set True if a blank line is needed before outputting any information for
-- the current entity. Set True when a new entity is processed, and false
-- when the blank line is output.
-- Local Subprograms --
function Back_End_Layout return Boolean;
-- Test for layout mode, True = back end, False = front end. This function
-- is used rather than checking the configuration parameter because we do
-- not want Repinfo to depend on Targparm (for ASIS)
procedure Blank_Line;
-- Called before outputting anything for an entity. Ensures that
-- a blank line precedes the output for a particular entity.
procedure List_Entities (Ent : Entity_Id; Bytes_Big_Endian : Boolean);
-- This procedure lists the entities associated with the entity E, starting
-- with the First_Entity and using the Next_Entity link. If a nested
-- package is found, entities within the package are recursively processed.
procedure List_Name (Ent : Entity_Id);
-- List name of entity Ent in appropriate case. The name is listed with
-- full qualification up to but not including the compilation unit name.
procedure List_Array_Info (Ent : Entity_Id; Bytes_Big_Endian : Boolean);
-- List representation info for array type Ent
procedure List_Linker_Section (Ent : Entity_Id);
-- List linker section for Ent (caller has checked that Ent is an entity
-- for which the Linker_Section_Pragma field is defined).
procedure List_Mechanisms (Ent : Entity_Id);
-- List mechanism information for parameters of Ent, which is subprogram,
-- subprogram type, or an entry or entry family.
procedure List_Object_Info (Ent : Entity_Id);
-- List representation info for object Ent
procedure List_Record_Info (Ent : Entity_Id; Bytes_Big_Endian : Boolean);
-- List representation info for record type Ent
procedure List_Scalar_Storage_Order
(Ent : Entity_Id;
Bytes_Big_Endian : Boolean);
-- List scalar storage order information for record or array type Ent.
-- Also includes bit order information for record types, if necessary.
procedure List_Type_Info (Ent : Entity_Id);
-- List type info for type Ent
function Rep_Not_Constant (Val : Node_Ref_Or_Val) return Boolean;
-- Returns True if Val represents a variable value, and False if it
-- represents a value that is fixed at compile time.
procedure Spaces (N : Natural);
-- Output given number of spaces
procedure Write_Info_Line (S : String);
-- Routine to write a line to Repinfo output file. This routine is passed
-- as a special output procedure to Output.Set_Special_Output. Note that
-- Write_Info_Line is called with an EOL character at the end of each line,
-- as per the Output spec, but the internal call to the appropriate routine
-- in Osint requires that the end of line sequence be stripped off.
procedure Write_Mechanism (M : Mechanism_Type);
-- Writes symbolic string for mechanism represented by M
procedure Write_Val (Val : Node_Ref_Or_Val; Paren : Boolean := False);
-- Given a representation value, write it out. No_Uint values or values
-- dependent on discriminants are written as two question marks. If the
-- flag Paren is set, then the output is surrounded in parentheses if it is
-- other than a simple value.
-- Back_End_Layout --
function Back_End_Layout return Boolean is
-- We have back end layout if the back end has made any entries in the
-- table of GCC expressions, otherwise we have front end layout.
return Rep_Table.Last > 0;
end Back_End_Layout;
-- Blank_Line --
procedure Blank_Line is
if Need_Blank_Line then
Need_Blank_Line := False;
end if;
end Blank_Line;
-- Create_Discrim_Ref --
function Create_Discrim_Ref (Discr : Entity_Id) return Node_Ref is
return Create_Node
(Expr => Discrim_Val,
Op1 => Discriminant_Number (Discr));
end Create_Discrim_Ref;
-- Create_Dynamic_SO_Ref --
function Create_Dynamic_SO_Ref (E : Entity_Id) return Dynamic_SO_Ref is
Dynamic_SO_Entity_Table.Append (E);
return UI_From_Int (-Dynamic_SO_Entity_Table.Last);
end Create_Dynamic_SO_Ref;
-- Create_Node --
function Create_Node
(Expr : TCode;
Op1 : Node_Ref_Or_Val;
Op2 : Node_Ref_Or_Val := No_Uint;
Op3 : Node_Ref_Or_Val := No_Uint) return Node_Ref
Rep_Table.Append (
(Expr => Expr,
Op1 => Op1,
Op2 => Op2,
Op3 => Op3));
return UI_From_Int (-Rep_Table.Last);
end Create_Node;
-- Get_Dynamic_SO_Entity --
function Get_Dynamic_SO_Entity (U : Dynamic_SO_Ref) return Entity_Id is
return Dynamic_SO_Entity_Table.Table (-UI_To_Int (U));
end Get_Dynamic_SO_Entity;
-- Is_Dynamic_SO_Ref --
function Is_Dynamic_SO_Ref (U : SO_Ref) return Boolean is
return U < Uint_0;
end Is_Dynamic_SO_Ref;
-- Is_Static_SO_Ref --
function Is_Static_SO_Ref (U : SO_Ref) return Boolean is
return U >= Uint_0;
end Is_Static_SO_Ref;
-- lgx --
procedure lgx (U : Node_Ref_Or_Val) is
List_GCC_Expression (U);
end lgx;
-- List_Array_Info --
procedure List_Array_Info (Ent : Entity_Id; Bytes_Big_Endian : Boolean) is
List_Type_Info (Ent);
Write_Str ("for ");
List_Name (Ent);
Write_Str ("'Component_Size use ");
Write_Val (Component_Size (Ent));
Write_Line (";");
List_Scalar_Storage_Order (Ent, Bytes_Big_Endian);
end List_Array_Info;
-- List_Entities --
procedure List_Entities (Ent : Entity_Id; Bytes_Big_Endian : Boolean) is
Body_E : Entity_Id;
E : Entity_Id;
function Find_Declaration (E : Entity_Id) return Node_Id;
-- Utility to retrieve declaration node for entity in the
-- case of package bodies and subprograms.
-- Find_Declaration --
function Find_Declaration (E : Entity_Id) return Node_Id is
Decl : Node_Id;
Decl := Parent (E);
while Present (Decl)
and then Nkind (Decl) /= N_Package_Body
and then Nkind (Decl) /= N_Subprogram_Declaration
and then Nkind (Decl) /= N_Subprogram_Body
Decl := Parent (Decl);
end loop;
return Decl;
end Find_Declaration;
-- Start of processing for List_Entities
-- List entity if we have one, and it is not a renaming declaration.
-- For renamings, we don't get proper information, and really it makes
-- sense to restrict the output to the renamed entity.
if Present (Ent)
and then Nkind (Declaration_Node (Ent)) not in N_Renaming_Declaration
-- If entity is a subprogram and we are listing mechanisms,
-- then we need to list mechanisms for this entity.
if List_Representation_Info_Mechanisms
and then (Is_Subprogram (Ent)
or else Ekind (Ent) = E_Entry
or else Ekind (Ent) = E_Entry_Family)
Need_Blank_Line := True;
List_Mechanisms (Ent);
end if;
E := First_Entity (Ent);
while Present (E) loop
Need_Blank_Line := True;
-- We list entities that come from source (excluding private or
-- incomplete types or deferred constants, where we will list the
-- info for the full view). If debug flag A is set, then all
-- entities are listed
if (Comes_From_Source (E)
and then not Is_Incomplete_Or_Private_Type (E)
and then not (Ekind (E) = E_Constant
and then Present (Full_View (E))))
or else Debug_Flag_AA
if Is_Subprogram (E) then
List_Linker_Section (E);
if List_Representation_Info_Mechanisms then
List_Mechanisms (E);
end if;
elsif Ekind_In (E, E_Entry,
if List_Representation_Info_Mechanisms then
List_Mechanisms (E);
end if;
elsif Is_Record_Type (E) then
if List_Representation_Info >= 1 then
List_Record_Info (E, Bytes_Big_Endian);
end if;
List_Linker_Section (E);
elsif Is_Array_Type (E) then
if List_Representation_Info >= 1 then
List_Array_Info (E, Bytes_Big_Endian);
end if;
List_Linker_Section (E);
elsif Is_Type (E) then
if List_Representation_Info >= 2 then
List_Type_Info (E);
List_Linker_Section (E);
end if;
elsif Ekind_In (E, E_Variable, E_Constant) then
if List_Representation_Info >= 2 then
List_Object_Info (E);
List_Linker_Section (E);
end if;
elsif Ekind (E) = E_Loop_Parameter or else Is_Formal (E) then
if List_Representation_Info >= 2 then
List_Object_Info (E);
end if;
end if;
-- Recurse into nested package, but not if they are package
-- renamings (in particular renamings of the enclosing package,
-- as for some Java bindings and for generic instances).
if Ekind (E) = E_Package then
if No (Renamed_Object (E)) then
List_Entities (E, Bytes_Big_Endian);
end if;
-- Recurse into bodies
elsif Ekind_In (E, E_Protected_Type,
List_Entities (E, Bytes_Big_Endian);
-- Recurse into blocks
elsif Ekind (E) = E_Block then
List_Entities (E, Bytes_Big_Endian);
end if;
end if;
E := Next_Entity (E);
end loop;
-- For a package body, the entities of the visible subprograms are
-- declared in the corresponding spec. Iterate over its entities in
-- order to handle properly the subprogram bodies. Skip bodies in
-- subunits, which are listed independently.
if Ekind (Ent) = E_Package_Body
and then Present (Corresponding_Spec (Find_Declaration (Ent)))
E := First_Entity (Corresponding_Spec (Find_Declaration (Ent)));
while Present (E) loop
if Is_Subprogram (E)
and then
Nkind (Find_Declaration (E)) = N_Subprogram_Declaration
Body_E := Corresponding_Body (Find_Declaration (E));
if Present (Body_E)
and then
Nkind (Parent (Find_Declaration (Body_E))) /= N_Subunit
List_Entities (Body_E, Bytes_Big_Endian);
end if;
end if;
Next_Entity (E);
end loop;
end if;
end if;
end List_Entities;
-- List_GCC_Expression --
procedure List_GCC_Expression (U : Node_Ref_Or_Val) is
procedure Print_Expr (Val : Node_Ref_Or_Val);
-- Internal recursive procedure to print expression
-- Print_Expr --
procedure Print_Expr (Val : Node_Ref_Or_Val) is
if Val >= 0 then
UI_Write (Val, Decimal);
Node : Exp_Node renames Rep_Table.Table (-UI_To_Int (Val));
procedure Binop (S : String);
-- Output text for binary operator with S being operator name
-- Binop --
procedure Binop (S : String) is
Write_Char ('(');
Print_Expr (Node.Op1);
Write_Str (S);
Print_Expr (Node.Op2);
Write_Char (')');
end Binop;
-- Start of processing for Print_Expr
case Node.Expr is
when Cond_Expr =>
Write_Str ("(if ");
Print_Expr (Node.Op1);
Write_Str (" then ");
Print_Expr (Node.Op2);
Write_Str (" else ");
Print_Expr (Node.Op3);
Write_Str (" end)");
when Plus_Expr =>
Binop (" + ");
when Minus_Expr =>
Binop (" - ");
when Mult_Expr =>
Binop (" * ");
when Trunc_Div_Expr =>
Binop (" /t ");
when Ceil_Div_Expr =>
Binop (" /c ");
when Floor_Div_Expr =>
Binop (" /f ");
when Trunc_Mod_Expr =>
Binop (" modt ");
when Floor_Mod_Expr =>
Binop (" modf ");
when Ceil_Mod_Expr =>
Binop (" modc ");
when Exact_Div_Expr =>
Binop (" /e ");
when Negate_Expr =>
Write_Char ('-');
Print_Expr (Node.Op1);
when Min_Expr =>
Binop (" min ");
when Max_Expr =>
Binop (" max ");
when Abs_Expr =>
Write_Str ("abs ");
Print_Expr (Node.Op1);
when Truth_Andif_Expr =>
Binop (" and if ");
when Truth_Orif_Expr =>
Binop (" or if ");
when Truth_And_Expr =>
Binop (" and ");
when Truth_Or_Expr =>
Binop (" or ");
when Truth_Xor_Expr =>
Binop (" xor ");
when Truth_Not_Expr =>
Write_Str ("not ");
Print_Expr (Node.Op1);
when Bit_And_Expr =>
Binop (" & ");
when Lt_Expr =>
Binop (" < ");
when Le_Expr =>
Binop (" <= ");
when Gt_Expr =>
Binop (" > ");
when Ge_Expr =>
Binop (" >= ");
when Eq_Expr =>
Binop (" == ");
when Ne_Expr =>
Binop (" != ");
when Discrim_Val =>
Write_Char ('#');
UI_Write (Node.Op1);
end case;
end if;
end Print_Expr;
-- Start of processing for List_GCC_Expression
if U = No_Uint then
Write_Str ("??");
Print_Expr (U);
end if;
end List_GCC_Expression;
-- List_Linker_Section --
procedure List_Linker_Section (Ent : Entity_Id) is
Arg : Node_Id;
if Present (Linker_Section_Pragma (Ent)) then
Write_Str ("pragma Linker_Section (");
List_Name (Ent);
Write_Str (", """);
Arg :=
Last (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Linker_Section_Pragma (Ent)));
if Nkind (Arg) = N_Pragma_Argument_Association then
Arg := Expression (Arg);
end if;
pragma Assert (Nkind (Arg) = N_String_Literal);
String_To_Name_Buffer (Strval (Arg));
Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Write_Str (""");");
end if;
end List_Linker_Section;
-- List_Mechanisms --
procedure List_Mechanisms (Ent : Entity_Id) is
Plen : Natural;
Form : Entity_Id;
case Ekind (Ent) is
when E_Function =>
Write_Str ("function ");
when E_Operator =>
Write_Str ("operator ");
when E_Procedure =>
Write_Str ("procedure ");
when E_Subprogram_Type =>
Write_Str ("type ");
when E_Entry | E_Entry_Family =>
Write_Str ("entry ");
when others =>
raise Program_Error;
end case;
Get_Unqualified_Decoded_Name_String (Chars (Ent));
Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Write_Str (" declared at ");
Write_Location (Sloc (Ent));
Write_Str (" convention : ");
case Convention (Ent) is
when Convention_Ada =>
Write_Line ("Ada");
when Convention_Ada_Pass_By_Copy =>
Write_Line ("Ada_Pass_By_Copy");
when Convention_Ada_Pass_By_Reference =>
Write_Line ("Ada_Pass_By_Reference");
when Convention_Intrinsic =>
Write_Line ("Intrinsic");
when Convention_Entry =>
Write_Line ("Entry");
when Convention_Protected =>
Write_Line ("Protected");
when Convention_Assembler =>
Write_Line ("Assembler");
when Convention_C =>
Write_Line ("C");
when Convention_COBOL =>
Write_Line ("COBOL");
when Convention_CPP =>
Write_Line ("C++");
when Convention_Fortran =>
Write_Line ("Fortran");
when Convention_Stdcall =>
Write_Line ("Stdcall");
when Convention_Stubbed =>
Write_Line ("Stubbed");
end case;
-- Find max length of formal name
Plen := 0;
Form := First_Formal (Ent);
while Present (Form) loop
Get_Unqualified_Decoded_Name_String (Chars (Form));
if Name_Len > Plen then
Plen := Name_Len;
end if;
Next_Formal (Form);
end loop;
-- Output formals and mechanisms
Form := First_Formal (Ent);
while Present (Form) loop
Get_Unqualified_Decoded_Name_String (Chars (Form));
while Name_Len <= Plen loop
Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := ' ';
end loop;
Write_Str (" ");
Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Plen + 1));
Write_Str (": passed by ");
Write_Mechanism (Mechanism (Form));
Next_Formal (Form);
end loop;
if Etype (Ent) /= Standard_Void_Type then
Write_Str (" returns by ");
Write_Mechanism (Mechanism (Ent));
end if;
end List_Mechanisms;
-- List_Name --
procedure List_Name (Ent : Entity_Id) is
if not Is_Compilation_Unit (Scope (Ent)) then
List_Name (Scope (Ent));
Write_Char ('.');
end if;
Get_Unqualified_Decoded_Name_String (Chars (Ent));
Set_Casing (Unit_Casing);
Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
end List_Name;
-- List_Object_Info --
procedure List_Object_Info (Ent : Entity_Id) is
Write_Str ("for ");
List_Name (Ent);
Write_Str ("'Size use ");
Write_Val (Esize (Ent));
Write_Line (";");
Write_Str ("for ");
List_Name (Ent);
Write_Str ("'Alignment use ");
Write_Val (Alignment (Ent));
Write_Line (";");
end List_Object_Info;
-- List_Record_Info --
procedure List_Record_Info (Ent : Entity_Id; Bytes_Big_Endian : Boolean) is
Comp : Entity_Id;
Cfbit : Uint;
Sunit : Uint;
Max_Name_Length : Natural;
Max_Suni_Length : Natural;
List_Type_Info (Ent);
Write_Str ("for ");
List_Name (Ent);
Write_Line (" use record");
-- First loop finds out max line length and max starting position
-- length, for the purpose of lining things up nicely.
Max_Name_Length := 0;
Max_Suni_Length := 0;
Comp := First_Component_Or_Discriminant (Ent);
while Present (Comp) loop
-- Skip discriminant in unchecked union (since it is not there!)
if Ekind (Comp) = E_Discriminant
and then Is_Unchecked_Union (Ent)
-- All other cases
Get_Decoded_Name_String (Chars (Comp));
Max_Name_Length := Natural'Max (Max_Name_Length, Name_Len);
Cfbit := Component_Bit_Offset (Comp);
if Rep_Not_Constant (Cfbit) then
UI_Image_Length := 2;
-- Complete annotation in case not done
Set_Normalized_Position (Comp, Cfbit / SSU);
Set_Normalized_First_Bit (Comp, Cfbit mod SSU);
Sunit := Cfbit / SSU;
UI_Image (Sunit);
end if;
-- If the record is not packed, then we know that all fields
-- whose position is not specified have a starting normalized
-- bit position of zero.
if Unknown_Normalized_First_Bit (Comp)
and then not Is_Packed (Ent)
Set_Normalized_First_Bit (Comp, Uint_0);
end if;
Max_Suni_Length :=
Natural'Max (Max_Suni_Length, UI_Image_Length);
end if;
Next_Component_Or_Discriminant (Comp);
end loop;
-- Second loop does actual output based on those values
Comp := First_Component_Or_Discriminant (Ent);
while Present (Comp) loop
-- Skip discriminant in unchecked union (since it is not there!)
if Ekind (Comp) = E_Discriminant
and then Is_Unchecked_Union (Ent)
goto Continue;
end if;
-- All other cases
Esiz : constant Uint := Esize (Comp);
Bofs : constant Uint := Component_Bit_Offset (Comp);
Npos : constant Uint := Normalized_Position (Comp);
Fbit : constant Uint := Normalized_First_Bit (Comp);
Lbit : Uint;
Write_Str (" ");
Get_Decoded_Name_String (Chars (Comp));
Set_Casing (Unit_Casing);
Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
for J in 1 .. Max_Name_Length - Name_Len loop
Write_Char (' ');
end loop;
Write_Str (" at ");
if Known_Static_Normalized_Position (Comp) then
UI_Image (Npos);
Spaces (Max_Suni_Length - UI_Image_Length);
Write_Str (UI_Image_Buffer (1 .. UI_Image_Length));
elsif Known_Component_Bit_Offset (Comp)
and then List_Representation_Info = 3
Spaces (Max_Suni_Length - 2);
Write_Str ("bit offset");
Write_Val (Bofs, Paren => True);
Write_Str (" size in bits = ");
Write_Val (Esiz, Paren => True);
goto Continue;
elsif Known_Normalized_Position (Comp)
and then List_Representation_Info = 3
Spaces (Max_Suni_Length - 2);
Write_Val (Npos);
-- For the packed case, we don't know the bit positions if we
-- don't know the starting position.
if Is_Packed (Ent) then
Write_Line ("?? range ? .. ??;");
goto Continue;
-- Otherwise we can continue
Write_Str ("??");
end if;
end if;
Write_Str (" range ");
UI_Write (Fbit);
Write_Str (" .. ");
-- Allowing Uint_0 here is an annoying special case. Really this
-- should be a fine Esize value but currently it means unknown,
-- except that we know after gigi has back annotated that a size
-- of zero is real, since otherwise gigi back annotates using
-- No_Uint as the value to indicate unknown).
if (Esize (Comp) = Uint_0 or else Known_Static_Esize (Comp))
and then Known_Static_Normalized_First_Bit (Comp)
Lbit := Fbit + Esiz - 1;
if Lbit < 10 then
Write_Char (' ');
end if;
UI_Write (Lbit);
-- The test for Esize (Comp) not Uint_0 here is an annoying
-- special case. Officially a value of zero for Esize means
-- unknown, but here we use the fact that we know that gigi
-- annotates Esize with No_Uint, not Uint_0. Really everyone
-- should use No_Uint???
elsif List_Representation_Info < 3
or else (Esize (Comp) /= Uint_0 and then Unknown_Esize (Comp))
Write_Str ("??");
-- List_Representation >= 3 and Known_Esize (Comp)
Write_Val (Esiz, Paren => True);
-- If in front end layout mode, then dynamic size is stored
-- in storage units, so renormalize for output
if not Back_End_Layout then
Write_Str (" * ");
Write_Int (SSU);
end if;
-- Add appropriate first bit offset
if Fbit = 0 then
Write_Str (" - 1");
elsif Fbit = 1 then
Write_Str (" + ");
Write_Int (UI_To_Int (Fbit) - 1);
end if;
end if;
Write_Line (";");
Next_Component_Or_Discriminant (Comp);
end loop;
Write_Line ("end record;");
List_Scalar_Storage_Order (Ent, Bytes_Big_Endian);
end List_Record_Info;
-- List_Rep_Info --
procedure List_Rep_Info (Bytes_Big_Endian : Boolean) is
Col : Nat;
if List_Representation_Info /= 0
or else List_Representation_Info_Mechanisms
for U in Main_Unit .. Last_Unit loop
if In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit (Cunit_Entity (U)) then
Unit_Casing := Identifier_Casing (Source_Index (U));
-- Normal case, list to standard output
if not List_Representation_Info_To_File then
Write_Str ("Representation information for unit ");
Write_Unit_Name (Unit_Name (U));
Col := Column;
for J in 1 .. Col - 1 loop
Write_Char ('-');
end loop;
List_Entities (Cunit_Entity (U), Bytes_Big_Endian);
-- List representation information to file
(Get_Name_String (File_Name (Source_Index (U))));
Set_Special_Output (Write_Info_Line'Access);
List_Entities (Cunit_Entity (U), Bytes_Big_Endian);
Set_Special_Output (null);
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end List_Rep_Info;
-- List_Scalar_Storage_Order --
procedure List_Scalar_Storage_Order
(Ent : Entity_Id;
Bytes_Big_Endian : Boolean)
procedure List_Attr (Attr_Name : String; Is_Reversed : Boolean);
-- Show attribute definition clause for Attr_Name (an endianness
-- attribute), depending on whether or not the endianness is reversed
-- compared to native endianness.
-- List_Attr --
procedure List_Attr (Attr_Name : String; Is_Reversed : Boolean) is
Write_Str ("for ");
List_Name (Ent);
Write_Str ("'" & Attr_Name & " use System.");
if Bytes_Big_Endian xor Is_Reversed then
Write_Str ("High");
Write_Str ("Low");
end if;
Write_Line ("_Order_First;");
end List_Attr;
List_SSO : constant Boolean :=
Has_Rep_Item (Ent, Name_Scalar_Storage_Order)
or else SSO_Set_Low_By_Default (Ent)
or else SSO_Set_High_By_Default (Ent);
-- Scalar_Storage_Order is displayed if specified explicitly
-- or set by Default_Scalar_Storage_Order.
-- Start of processing for List_Scalar_Storage_Order
-- For record types, list Bit_Order if not default, or if SSO is shown
if Is_Record_Type (Ent)
and then (List_SSO or else Reverse_Bit_Order (Ent))
List_Attr ("Bit_Order", Reverse_Bit_Order (Ent));
end if;
-- List SSO if required. If not, then storage is supposed to be in
-- native order.
if List_SSO then
List_Attr ("Scalar_Storage_Order", Reverse_Storage_Order (Ent));
pragma Assert (not Reverse_Storage_Order (Ent));
end if;
end List_Scalar_Storage_Order;
-- List_Type_Info --
procedure List_Type_Info (Ent : Entity_Id) is
-- Do not list size info for unconstrained arrays, not meaningful
if Is_Array_Type (Ent) and then not Is_Constrained (Ent) then
-- If Esize and RM_Size are the same and known, list as Size. This
-- is a common case, which we may as well list in simple form.
if Esize (Ent) = RM_Size (Ent) then
Write_Str ("for ");
List_Name (Ent);
Write_Str ("'Size use ");
Write_Val (Esize (Ent));
Write_Line (";");
-- For now, temporary case, to be removed when gigi properly back
-- annotates RM_Size, if RM_Size is not set, then list Esize as Size.
-- This avoids odd Object_Size output till we fix things???
elsif Unknown_RM_Size (Ent) then
Write_Str ("for ");
List_Name (Ent);
Write_Str ("'Size use ");
Write_Val (Esize (Ent));
Write_Line (";");
-- Otherwise list size values separately if they are set
Write_Str ("for ");
List_Name (Ent);
Write_Str ("'Object_Size use ");
Write_Val (Esize (Ent));
Write_Line (";");
-- Note on following check: The RM_Size of a discrete type can
-- legitimately be set to zero, so a special check is needed.
Write_Str ("for ");
List_Name (Ent);
Write_Str ("'Value_Size use ");
Write_Val (RM_Size (Ent));
Write_Line (";");
end if;
end if;
Write_Str ("for ");
List_Name (Ent);
Write_Str ("'Alignment use ");
Write_Val (Alignment (Ent));
Write_Line (";");
-- Special stuff for fixed-point
if Is_Fixed_Point_Type (Ent) then
-- Write small (always a static constant)
Write_Str ("for ");
List_Name (Ent);
Write_Str ("'Small use ");
UR_Write (Small_Value (Ent));
Write_Line (";");
-- Write range if static
R : constant Node_Id := Scalar_Range (Ent);
if Nkind (Low_Bound (R)) = N_Real_Literal
and then
Nkind (High_Bound (R)) = N_Real_Literal
Write_Str ("for ");
List_Name (Ent);
Write_Str ("'Range use ");
UR_Write (Realval (Low_Bound (R)));
Write_Str (" .. ");
UR_Write (Realval (High_Bound (R)));
Write_Line (";");
end if;
end if;
end List_Type_Info;
-- Rep_Not_Constant --
function Rep_Not_Constant (Val : Node_Ref_Or_Val) return Boolean is
if Val = No_Uint or else Val < 0 then
return True;
return False;
end if;
end Rep_Not_Constant;
-- Rep_Value --
function Rep_Value
(Val : Node_Ref_Or_Val;
D : Discrim_List) return Uint
function B (Val : Boolean) return Uint;
-- Returns Uint_0 for False, Uint_1 for True
function T (Val : Node_Ref_Or_Val) return Boolean;
-- Returns True for 0, False for any non-zero (i.e. True)
function V (Val : Node_Ref_Or_Val) return Uint;
-- Internal recursive routine to evaluate tree
function W (Val : Uint) return Word;
-- Convert Val to Word, assuming Val is always in the Int range. This
-- is a helper function for the evaluation of bitwise expressions like
-- Bit_And_Expr, for which there is no direct support in uintp. Uint
-- values out of the Int range are expected to be seen in such
-- expressions only with overflowing byte sizes around, introducing
-- inherent unreliabilities in computations anyway.
-- B --
function B (Val : Boolean) return Uint is
if Val then
return Uint_1;
return Uint_0;
end if;
end B;
-- T --
function T (Val : Node_Ref_Or_Val) return Boolean is
if V (Val) = 0 then
return False;
return True;
end if;
end T;
-- V --
function V (Val : Node_Ref_Or_Val) return Uint is
L, R, Q : Uint;
if Val >= 0 then
return Val;
Node : Exp_Node renames Rep_Table.Table (-UI_To_Int (Val));
case Node.Expr is
when Cond_Expr =>
if T (Node.Op1) then
return V (Node.Op2);
return V (Node.Op3);
end if;
when Plus_Expr =>
return V (Node.Op1) + V (Node.Op2);
when Minus_Expr =>
return V (Node.Op1) - V (Node.Op2);
when Mult_Expr =>
return V (Node.Op1) * V (Node.Op2);
when Trunc_Div_Expr =>
return V (Node.Op1) / V (Node.Op2);
when Ceil_Div_Expr =>
(V (Node.Op1) / UR_From_Uint (V (Node.Op2)));
when Floor_Div_Expr =>
(V (Node.Op1) / UR_From_Uint (V (Node.Op2)));
when Trunc_Mod_Expr =>
return V (Node.Op1) rem V (Node.Op2);
when Floor_Mod_Expr =>
return V (Node.Op1) mod V (Node.Op2);
when Ceil_Mod_Expr =>
L := V (Node.Op1);
R := V (Node.Op2);
Q := UR_Ceiling (L / UR_From_Uint (R));
return L - R * Q;
when Exact_Div_Expr =>
return V (Node.Op1) / V (Node.Op2);
when Negate_Expr =>
return -V (Node.Op1);
when Min_Expr =>
return UI_Min (V (Node.Op1), V (Node.Op2));
when Max_Expr =>
return UI_Max (V (Node.Op1), V (Node.Op2));
when Abs_Expr =>
return UI_Abs (V (Node.Op1));
when Truth_Andif_Expr =>
return B (T (Node.Op1) and then T (Node.Op2));
when Truth_Orif_Expr =>
return B (T (Node.Op1) or else T (Node.Op2));
when Truth_And_Expr =>
return B (T (Node.Op1) and then T (Node.Op2));
when Truth_Or_Expr =>
return B (T (Node.Op1) or else T (Node.Op2));
when Truth_Xor_Expr =>
return B (T (Node.Op1) xor T (Node.Op2));
when Truth_Not_Expr =>
return B (not T (Node.Op1));
when Bit_And_Expr =>
L := V (Node.Op1);
R := V (Node.Op2);
return UI_From_Int (Int (W (L) and W (R)));
when Lt_Expr =>
return B (V (Node.Op1) < V (Node.Op2));
when Le_Expr =>
return B (V (Node.Op1) <= V (Node.Op2));
when Gt_Expr =>
return B (V (Node.Op1) > V (Node.Op2));
when Ge_Expr =>
return B (V (Node.Op1) >= V (Node.Op2));
when Eq_Expr =>
return B (V (Node.Op1) = V (Node.Op2));
when Ne_Expr =>
return B (V (Node.Op1) /= V (Node.Op2));
when Discrim_Val =>
Sub : constant Int := UI_To_Int (Node.Op1);
pragma Assert (Sub in D'Range);
return D (Sub);
end case;
end if;
end V;
-- W --
-- We use an unchecked conversion to map Int values to their Word
-- bitwise equivalent, which we could not achieve with a normal type
-- conversion for negative Ints. We want bitwise equivalents because W
-- is used as a helper for bit operators like Bit_And_Expr, and can be
-- called for negative Ints in the context of aligning expressions like
-- X+Align & -Align.
function W (Val : Uint) return Word is
function To_Word is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Int, Word);
return To_Word (UI_To_Int (Val));
end W;
-- Start of processing for Rep_Value
if Val = No_Uint then
return No_Uint;
return V (Val);
end if;
end Rep_Value;
-- Spaces --
procedure Spaces (N : Natural) is
for J in 1 .. N loop
Write_Char (' ');
end loop;
end Spaces;
-- Tree_Read --
procedure Tree_Read is
end Tree_Read;
-- Tree_Write --
procedure Tree_Write is
end Tree_Write;
-- Write_Info_Line --
procedure Write_Info_Line (S : String) is
Write_Repinfo_Line_Access.all (S (S'First .. S'Last - 1));
end Write_Info_Line;
-- Write_Mechanism --
procedure Write_Mechanism (M : Mechanism_Type) is
case M is
when 0 =>
Write_Str ("default");
when -1 =>
Write_Str ("copy");
when -2 =>
Write_Str ("reference");
when others =>
raise Program_Error;
end case;
end Write_Mechanism;
-- Write_Val --
procedure Write_Val (Val : Node_Ref_Or_Val; Paren : Boolean := False) is
if Rep_Not_Constant (Val) then
if List_Representation_Info < 3 or else Val = No_Uint then
Write_Str ("??");
if Back_End_Layout then
Write_Char (' ');
if Paren then
Write_Char ('(');
List_GCC_Expression (Val);
Write_Char (')');
List_GCC_Expression (Val);
end if;
Write_Char (' ');
if Paren then
Write_Char ('(');
Write_Name_Decoded (Chars (Get_Dynamic_SO_Entity (Val)));
Write_Char (')');
Write_Name_Decoded (Chars (Get_Dynamic_SO_Entity (Val)));
end if;
end if;
end if;
UI_Write (Val);
end if;
end Write_Val;
end Repinfo;