------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- X R _ T A B L S -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write -- -- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, -- -- MA 02111-1307, USA. -- -- -- -- GNAT is maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc (http://www.gnat.com). -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Osint; with Unchecked_Deallocation; with Ada.IO_Exceptions; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; with Ada.Strings; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with GNAT.IO_Aux; with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib; with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations; package body Xr_Tabls is function Base_File_Name (File : String) return String; -- Return the base file name for File (ie not including the directory) function Dir_Name (File : String; Base : String := "") return String; -- Return the directory name of File, or "" if there is no directory part -- in File. -- This includes the last separator at the end, and always return an -- absolute path name (directories are relative to Base, or the current -- directory if Base is "") Dir_Sep : Character renames GNAT.OS_Lib.Directory_Separator; Files : File_Table; Entities : Entity_Table; Directories : Project_File_Ptr; Default_Match : Boolean := False; --------------------- -- Add_Declaration -- --------------------- function Add_Declaration (File_Ref : File_Reference; Symbol : String; Line : Natural; Column : Natural; Decl_Type : Character) return Declaration_Reference is The_Entities : Declaration_Reference := Entities.Table; New_Decl : Declaration_Reference; Result : Compare_Result; Prev : Declaration_Reference := null; begin -- Check if the identifier already exists in the table while The_Entities /= null loop Result := Compare (The_Entities, File_Ref, Line, Column, Symbol); exit when Result = GreaterThan; if Result = Equal then return The_Entities; end if; Prev := The_Entities; The_Entities := The_Entities.Next; end loop; -- Insert the Declaration in the table New_Decl := new Declaration_Record' (Symbol_Length => Symbol'Length, Symbol => Symbol, Decl => (File => File_Ref, Line => Line, Column => Column, Source_Line => Null_Unbounded_String, Next => null), Decl_Type => Decl_Type, Body_Ref => null, Ref_Ref => null, Modif_Ref => null, Match => Default_Match or else Match (File_Ref, Line, Column), Par_Symbol => null, Next => null); if Prev = null then New_Decl.Next := Entities.Table; Entities.Table := New_Decl; else New_Decl.Next := Prev.Next; Prev.Next := New_Decl; end if; if New_Decl.Match then Files.Longest_Name := Natural'Max (File_Ref.File'Length, Files.Longest_Name); end if; return New_Decl; end Add_Declaration; ---------------------- -- Add_To_Xref_File -- ---------------------- procedure Add_To_Xref_File (File_Name : String; File_Existed : out Boolean; Ref : out File_Reference; Visited : Boolean := True; Emit_Warning : Boolean := False; Gnatchop_File : String := ""; Gnatchop_Offset : Integer := 0) is The_Files : File_Reference := Files.Table; Base : constant String := Base_File_Name (File_Name); Dir : constant String := Xr_Tabls.Dir_Name (File_Name); Dir_Acc : String_Access := null; begin -- Do we have a directory name as well? if Dir /= "" then Dir_Acc := new String' (Dir); end if; -- Check if the file already exists in the table while The_Files /= null loop if The_Files.File = File_Name then File_Existed := True; Ref := The_Files; return; end if; The_Files := The_Files.Next; end loop; Ref := new File_Record' (File_Length => Base'Length, File => Base, Dir => Dir_Acc, Lines => null, Visited => Visited, Emit_Warning => Emit_Warning, Gnatchop_File => new String' (Gnatchop_File), Gnatchop_Offset => Gnatchop_Offset, Next => Files.Table); Files.Table := Ref; File_Existed := False; end Add_To_Xref_File; -------------- -- Add_Line -- -------------- procedure Add_Line (File : File_Reference; Line : Natural; Column : Natural) is begin File.Lines := new Ref_In_File'(Line => Line, Column => Column, Next => File.Lines); end Add_Line; ---------------- -- Add_Parent -- ---------------- procedure Add_Parent (Declaration : in out Declaration_Reference; Symbol : String; Line : Natural; Column : Natural; File_Ref : File_Reference) is begin Declaration.Par_Symbol := new Declaration_Record' (Symbol_Length => Symbol'Length, Symbol => Symbol, Decl => (File => File_Ref, Line => Line, Column => Column, Source_Line => Null_Unbounded_String, Next => null), Decl_Type => ' ', Body_Ref => null, Ref_Ref => null, Modif_Ref => null, Match => False, Par_Symbol => null, Next => null); end Add_Parent; ------------------- -- Add_Reference -- ------------------- procedure Add_Reference (Declaration : Declaration_Reference; File_Ref : File_Reference; Line : Natural; Column : Natural; Ref_Type : Character) is procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Reference_Record, Reference); Ref : Reference; Prev : Reference := null; Result : Compare_Result; New_Ref : Reference := new Reference_Record' (File => File_Ref, Line => Line, Column => Column, Source_Line => Null_Unbounded_String, Next => null); begin case Ref_Type is when 'b' | 'c' => Ref := Declaration.Body_Ref; when 'r' | 'i' | 'l' | ' ' | 'x' => Ref := Declaration.Ref_Ref; when 'm' => Ref := Declaration.Modif_Ref; when 'e' | 't' | 'p' => return; when others => Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Unknown reference type: " & Ref_Type); return; end case; -- Check if the reference already exists while Ref /= null loop Result := Compare (New_Ref, Ref); exit when Result = LessThan; if Result = Equal then Free (New_Ref); return; end if; Prev := Ref; Ref := Ref.Next; end loop; -- Insert it in the list if Prev /= null then New_Ref.Next := Prev.Next; Prev.Next := New_Ref; else case Ref_Type is when 'b' | 'c' => New_Ref.Next := Declaration.Body_Ref; Declaration.Body_Ref := New_Ref; when 'r' | 'i' | 'l' | ' ' | 'x' => New_Ref.Next := Declaration.Ref_Ref; Declaration.Ref_Ref := New_Ref; when 'm' => New_Ref.Next := Declaration.Modif_Ref; Declaration.Modif_Ref := New_Ref; when others => null; end case; end if; if not Declaration.Match then Declaration.Match := Match (File_Ref, Line, Column); end if; if Declaration.Match then Files.Longest_Name := Natural'Max (File_Ref.File'Length, Files.Longest_Name); end if; end Add_Reference; ------------------- -- ALI_File_Name -- ------------------- function ALI_File_Name (Ada_File_Name : String) return String is Index : Natural := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Ada_File_Name, ".", Going => Ada.Strings.Backward); begin if Index /= 0 then return Ada_File_Name (Ada_File_Name'First .. Index) & "ali"; else return Ada_File_Name & ".ali"; end if; end ALI_File_Name; -------------------- -- Base_File_Name -- -------------------- function Base_File_Name (File : String) return String is begin for J in reverse File'Range loop if File (J) = '/' or else File (J) = Dir_Sep then return File (J + 1 .. File'Last); end if; end loop; return File; end Base_File_Name; ------------- -- Compare -- ------------- function Compare (Ref1 : Reference; Ref2 : Reference) return Compare_Result is begin if Ref1 = null then return GreaterThan; elsif Ref2 = null then return LessThan; end if; if Ref1.File.File < Ref2.File.File then return LessThan; elsif Ref1.File.File = Ref2.File.File then if Ref1.Line < Ref2.Line then return LessThan; elsif Ref1.Line = Ref2.Line then if Ref1.Column < Ref2.Column then return LessThan; elsif Ref1.Column = Ref2.Column then return Equal; else return GreaterThan; end if; else return GreaterThan; end if; else return GreaterThan; end if; end Compare; ------------- -- Compare -- ------------- function Compare (Decl1 : Declaration_Reference; File2 : File_Reference; Line2 : Integer; Col2 : Integer; Symb2 : String) return Compare_Result is begin if Decl1 = null then return GreaterThan; end if; if Decl1.Symbol < Symb2 then return LessThan; elsif Decl1.Symbol > Symb2 then return GreaterThan; end if; if Decl1.Decl.File.File < Get_File (File2) then return LessThan; elsif Decl1.Decl.File.File = Get_File (File2) then if Decl1.Decl.Line < Line2 then return LessThan; elsif Decl1.Decl.Line = Line2 then if Decl1.Decl.Column < Col2 then return LessThan; elsif Decl1.Decl.Column = Col2 then return Equal; else return GreaterThan; end if; else return GreaterThan; end if; else return GreaterThan; end if; end Compare; ------------------------- -- Create_Project_File -- ------------------------- procedure Create_Project_File (Name : String) is use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; Obj_Dir : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String; Src_Dir : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String; Build_Dir : Unbounded_String; Gnatls_Src_Cache : Unbounded_String; Gnatls_Obj_Cache : Unbounded_String; F : File_Descriptor; Len : Positive; File_Name : aliased String := Name & ASCII.NUL; begin -- Read the size of the file F := Open_Read (File_Name'Address, Text); -- Project file not found if F /= Invalid_FD then Len := Positive (File_Length (F)); declare Buffer : String (1 .. Len); Index : Positive := Buffer'First; Last : Positive; begin Len := Read (F, Buffer'Address, Len); Close (F); -- First, look for Build_Dir, since all the source and object -- path are relative to it. while Index <= Buffer'Last loop -- find the end of line Last := Index; while Last <= Buffer'Last and then Buffer (Last) /= ASCII.LF and then Buffer (Last) /= ASCII.CR loop Last := Last + 1; end loop; if Index <= Buffer'Last - 9 and then Buffer (Index .. Index + 9) = "build_dir=" then Index := Index + 10; while Index <= Last and then (Buffer (Index) = ' ' or else Buffer (Index) = ASCII.HT) loop Index := Index + 1; end loop; Build_Dir := To_Unbounded_String (Buffer (Index .. Last - 1)); if Buffer (Last - 1) /= Dir_Sep then Append (Build_Dir, Dir_Sep); end if; end if; Index := Last + 1; -- In case we had a ASCII.CR/ASCII.LF end of line, skip the -- remaining symbol if Index <= Buffer'Last and then Buffer (Index) = ASCII.LF then Index := Index + 1; end if; end loop; -- Now parse the source and object paths Index := Buffer'First; while Index <= Buffer'Last loop -- find the end of line Last := Index; while Last <= Buffer'Last and then Buffer (Last) /= ASCII.LF and then Buffer (Last) /= ASCII.CR loop Last := Last + 1; end loop; if Index <= Buffer'Last - 7 and then Buffer (Index .. Index + 7) = "src_dir=" then declare S : String := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Buffer (Index + 8 .. Last - 1), Ada.Strings.Both); begin -- A relative directory ? if S (S'First) /= Dir_Sep then Append (Src_Dir, Build_Dir); end if; if S (S'Last) = Dir_Sep then Append (Src_Dir, S & " "); else Append (Src_Dir, S & Dir_Sep & " "); end if; end; elsif Index <= Buffer'Last - 7 and then Buffer (Index .. Index + 7) = "obj_dir=" then declare S : String := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Buffer (Index + 8 .. Last - 1), Ada.Strings.Both); begin -- A relative directory ? if S (S'First) /= Dir_Sep then Append (Obj_Dir, Build_Dir); end if; if S (S'Last) = Dir_Sep then Append (Obj_Dir, S & " "); else Append (Obj_Dir, S & Dir_Sep & " "); end if; end; end if; -- In case we had a ASCII.CR/ASCII.LF end of line, skip the -- remaining symbol Index := Last + 1; if Index <= Buffer'Last and then Buffer (Index) = ASCII.LF then Index := Index + 1; end if; end loop; end; end if; Parse_Gnatls (Gnatls_Src_Cache, Gnatls_Obj_Cache); Directories := new Project_File' (Src_Dir_Length => Length (Src_Dir) + Length (Gnatls_Src_Cache), Obj_Dir_Length => Length (Obj_Dir) + Length (Gnatls_Obj_Cache), Src_Dir => To_String (Src_Dir & Gnatls_Src_Cache), Obj_Dir => To_String (Obj_Dir & Gnatls_Obj_Cache), Src_Dir_Index => 1, Obj_Dir_Index => 1, Last_Obj_Dir_Start => 0); end Create_Project_File; --------------------- -- Current_Obj_Dir -- --------------------- function Current_Obj_Dir return String is begin return Directories.Obj_Dir (Directories.Last_Obj_Dir_Start .. Directories.Obj_Dir_Index - 2); end Current_Obj_Dir; -------------- -- Dir_Name -- -------------- function Dir_Name (File : String; Base : String := "") return String is begin for J in reverse File'Range loop if File (J) = '/' or else File (J) = Dir_Sep then -- Is this an absolute directory ? if File (File'First) = '/' or else File (File'First) = Dir_Sep then return File (File'First .. J); -- Else do we know the base directory ? elsif Base /= "" then return Base & File (File'First .. J); else declare Max_Path : Integer; pragma Import (C, Max_Path, "max_path_len"); Base2 : Dir_Name_Str (1 .. Max_Path); Last : Natural; begin Get_Current_Dir (Base2, Last); return Base2 (Base2'First .. Last) & File (File'First .. J); end; end if; end if; end loop; return ""; end Dir_Name; ------------------- -- Find_ALI_File -- ------------------- function Find_ALI_File (Short_Name : String) return String is use type Ada.Strings.Unbounded.String_Access; Old_Obj_Dir : constant Integer := Directories.Obj_Dir_Index; begin Reset_Obj_Dir; loop declare Obj_Dir : String := Next_Obj_Dir; begin exit when Obj_Dir'Length = 0; if GNAT.IO_Aux.File_Exists (Obj_Dir & Short_Name) then Directories.Obj_Dir_Index := Old_Obj_Dir; return Obj_Dir; end if; end; end loop; -- Finally look in the standard directories Directories.Obj_Dir_Index := Old_Obj_Dir; return ""; end Find_ALI_File; ---------------------- -- Find_Source_File -- ---------------------- function Find_Source_File (Short_Name : String) return String is use type Ada.Strings.Unbounded.String_Access; begin Reset_Src_Dir; loop declare Src_Dir : String := Next_Src_Dir; begin exit when Src_Dir'Length = 0; if GNAT.IO_Aux.File_Exists (Src_Dir & Short_Name) then return Src_Dir; end if; end; end loop; -- Finally look in the standard directories return ""; end Find_Source_File; ---------------- -- First_Body -- ---------------- function First_Body (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return Reference is begin return Decl.Body_Ref; end First_Body; ----------------------- -- First_Declaration -- ----------------------- function First_Declaration return Declaration_Reference is begin return Entities.Table; end First_Declaration; ----------------- -- First_Modif -- ----------------- function First_Modif (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return Reference is begin return Decl.Modif_Ref; end First_Modif; --------------------- -- First_Reference -- --------------------- function First_Reference (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return Reference is begin return Decl.Ref_Ref; end First_Reference; ---------------- -- Get_Column -- ---------------- function Get_Column (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return String is begin return Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Natural'Image (Decl.Decl.Column), Ada.Strings.Left); end Get_Column; function Get_Column (Ref : Reference) return String is begin return Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Natural'Image (Ref.Column), Ada.Strings.Left); end Get_Column; --------------------- -- Get_Declaration -- --------------------- function Get_Declaration (File_Ref : File_Reference; Line : Natural; Column : Natural) return Declaration_Reference is The_Entities : Declaration_Reference := Entities.Table; begin while The_Entities /= null loop if The_Entities.Decl.Line = Line and then The_Entities.Decl.Column = Column and then The_Entities.Decl.File = File_Ref then return The_Entities; else The_Entities := The_Entities.Next; end if; end loop; return Empty_Declaration; end Get_Declaration; ---------------------- -- Get_Emit_Warning -- ---------------------- function Get_Emit_Warning (File : File_Reference) return Boolean is begin return File.Emit_Warning; end Get_Emit_Warning; -------------- -- Get_File -- -------------- function Get_File (Decl : Declaration_Reference; With_Dir : Boolean := False) return String is begin return Get_File (Decl.Decl.File, With_Dir); end Get_File; function Get_File (Ref : Reference; With_Dir : Boolean := False) return String is begin return Get_File (Ref.File, With_Dir); end Get_File; function Get_File (File : File_Reference; With_Dir : in Boolean := False; Strip : Natural := 0) return String is function Internal_Strip (Full_Name : String) return String; -- Internal function to process the Strip parameter -------------------- -- Internal_Strip -- -------------------- function Internal_Strip (Full_Name : String) return String is Unit_End, Extension_Start : Natural; S : Natural := Strip; begin if Strip = 0 then return Full_Name; end if; -- Isolate the file extension Extension_Start := Full_Name'Last; while Extension_Start >= Full_Name'First and then Full_Name (Extension_Start) /= '.' loop Extension_Start := Extension_Start - 1; end loop; -- Strip the right number of subunit_names Unit_End := Extension_Start - 1; while Unit_End >= Full_Name'First and then S > 0 loop if Full_Name (Unit_End) = '-' then S := S - 1; end if; Unit_End := Unit_End - 1; end loop; if Unit_End < Full_Name'First then return ""; else return Full_Name (Full_Name'First .. Unit_End) & Full_Name (Extension_Start .. Full_Name'Last); end if; end Internal_Strip; begin -- If we do not want the full path name if not With_Dir then return Internal_Strip (File.File); end if; if File.Dir = null then if Ada.Strings.Fixed.Tail (File.File, 3) = "ali" then File.Dir := new String'(Find_ALI_File (File.File)); else File.Dir := new String'(Find_Source_File (File.File)); end if; end if; return Internal_Strip (File.Dir.all & File.File); end Get_File; ------------------ -- Get_File_Ref -- ------------------ function Get_File_Ref (Ref : Reference) return File_Reference is begin return Ref.File; end Get_File_Ref; ----------------------- -- Get_Gnatchop_File -- ----------------------- function Get_Gnatchop_File (File : File_Reference; With_Dir : Boolean := False) return String is begin if File.Gnatchop_File.all = "" then return Get_File (File, With_Dir); else return File.Gnatchop_File.all; end if; end Get_Gnatchop_File; ----------------------- -- Get_Gnatchop_File -- ----------------------- function Get_Gnatchop_File (Ref : Reference; With_Dir : Boolean := False) return String is begin return Get_Gnatchop_File (Ref.File, With_Dir); end Get_Gnatchop_File; ----------------------- -- Get_Gnatchop_File -- ----------------------- function Get_Gnatchop_File (Decl : Declaration_Reference; With_Dir : Boolean := False) return String is begin return Get_Gnatchop_File (Decl.Decl.File, With_Dir); end Get_Gnatchop_File; -------------- -- Get_Line -- -------------- function Get_Line (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return String is begin return Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Natural'Image (Decl.Decl.Line), Ada.Strings.Left); end Get_Line; function Get_Line (Ref : Reference) return String is begin return Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Natural'Image (Ref.Line), Ada.Strings.Left); end Get_Line; ---------------- -- Get_Parent -- ---------------- function Get_Parent (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return Declaration_Reference is begin return Decl.Par_Symbol; end Get_Parent; --------------------- -- Get_Source_Line -- --------------------- function Get_Source_Line (Ref : Reference) return String is begin return To_String (Ref.Source_Line); end Get_Source_Line; function Get_Source_Line (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return String is begin return To_String (Decl.Decl.Source_Line); end Get_Source_Line; ---------------- -- Get_Symbol -- ---------------- function Get_Symbol (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return String is begin return Decl.Symbol; end Get_Symbol; -------------- -- Get_Type -- -------------- function Get_Type (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return Character is begin return Decl.Decl_Type; end Get_Type; ----------------------- -- Grep_Source_Files -- ----------------------- procedure Grep_Source_Files is Decl : Declaration_Reference := First_Declaration; type Simple_Ref; type Simple_Ref_Access is access Simple_Ref; type Simple_Ref is record Ref : Reference; Next : Simple_Ref_Access; end record; List : Simple_Ref_Access := null; -- This structure is used to speed up the parsing of Ada sources: -- Every reference found by parsing the .ali files is inserted in this -- list, sorted by filename and line numbers. This allows avoiding -- parsing a same ada file multiple times procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Simple_Ref, Simple_Ref_Access); -- Clear an element of the list procedure Grep_List; -- For each reference in the list, parse the file and find the -- source line procedure Insert_In_Order (Ref : Reference); -- Insert a new reference in the list, ordered by line numbers procedure Insert_List_Ref (First_Ref : Reference); -- Process a list of references --------------- -- Grep_List -- --------------- procedure Grep_List is Line : String (1 .. 1024); Last : Natural; File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; Line_Number : Natural; Pos : Natural; Save_List : Simple_Ref_Access := List; Current_File : File_Reference; begin while List /= null loop -- Makes sure we can find and read the file Current_File := List.Ref.File; Line_Number := 0; begin Ada.Text_IO.Open (File, Ada.Text_IO.In_File, Get_File (List.Ref, True)); -- Read the file and find every relevant lines while List /= null and then List.Ref.File = Current_File and then not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File (File) loop Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line (File, Line, Last); Line_Number := Line_Number + 1; while List /= null and then Line_Number = List.Ref.Line loop -- Skip the leading blanks on the line Pos := 1; while Line (Pos) = ' ' or else Line (Pos) = ASCII.HT loop Pos := Pos + 1; end loop; List.Ref.Source_Line := To_Unbounded_String (Line (Pos .. Last)); -- Find the next element in the list List := List.Next; end loop; end loop; Ada.Text_IO.Close (File); -- If the Current_File was not found, just skip it exception when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Name_Error => null; end; -- If the line or the file were not found while List /= null and then List.Ref.File = Current_File loop List := List.Next; end loop; end loop; -- Clear the list while Save_List /= null loop List := Save_List; Save_List := Save_List.Next; Free (List); end loop; end Grep_List; --------------------- -- Insert_In_Order -- --------------------- procedure Insert_In_Order (Ref : Reference) is Iter : Simple_Ref_Access := List; Prev : Simple_Ref_Access := null; begin while Iter /= null loop -- If we have found the file, sort by lines if Iter.Ref.File = Ref.File then while Iter /= null and then Iter.Ref.File = Ref.File loop if Iter.Ref.Line > Ref.Line then if Iter = List then List := new Simple_Ref'(Ref, List); else Prev.Next := new Simple_Ref'(Ref, Iter); end if; return; end if; Prev := Iter; Iter := Iter.Next; end loop; if Iter = List then List := new Simple_Ref'(Ref, List); else Prev.Next := new Simple_Ref'(Ref, Iter); end if; return; end if; Prev := Iter; Iter := Iter.Next; end loop; -- The file was not already in the list, insert it List := new Simple_Ref'(Ref, List); end Insert_In_Order; --------------------- -- Insert_List_Ref -- --------------------- procedure Insert_List_Ref (First_Ref : Reference) is Ref : Reference := First_Ref; begin while Ref /= Empty_Reference loop Insert_In_Order (Ref); Ref := Next (Ref); end loop; end Insert_List_Ref; -- Start of processing for Grep_Source_Files begin while Decl /= Empty_Declaration loop Insert_In_Order (Decl.Decl'Access); Insert_List_Ref (First_Body (Decl)); Insert_List_Ref (First_Reference (Decl)); Insert_List_Ref (First_Modif (Decl)); Decl := Next (Decl); end loop; Grep_List; end Grep_Source_Files; ----------------------- -- Longest_File_Name -- ----------------------- function Longest_File_Name return Natural is begin return Files.Longest_Name; end Longest_File_Name; ----------- -- Match -- ----------- function Match (File : File_Reference; Line : Natural; Column : Natural) return Boolean is Ref : Ref_In_File_Ptr := File.Lines; begin while Ref /= null loop if (Ref.Line = 0 or else Ref.Line = Line) and then (Ref.Column = 0 or else Ref.Column = Column) then return True; end if; Ref := Ref.Next; end loop; return False; end Match; ----------- -- Match -- ----------- function Match (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return Boolean is begin return Decl.Match; end Match; ---------- -- Next -- ---------- function Next (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return Declaration_Reference is begin return Decl.Next; end Next; ---------- -- Next -- ---------- function Next (Ref : Reference) return Reference is begin return Ref.Next; end Next; ------------------ -- Next_Obj_Dir -- ------------------ function Next_Obj_Dir return String is First : Integer := Directories.Obj_Dir_Index; Last : Integer := Directories.Obj_Dir_Index; begin if Last > Directories.Obj_Dir_Length then return String'(1 .. 0 => ' '); end if; while Directories.Obj_Dir (Last) /= ' ' loop Last := Last + 1; end loop; Directories.Obj_Dir_Index := Last + 1; Directories.Last_Obj_Dir_Start := First; return Directories.Obj_Dir (First .. Last - 1); end Next_Obj_Dir; ------------------ -- Next_Src_Dir -- ------------------ function Next_Src_Dir return String is First : Integer := Directories.Src_Dir_Index; Last : Integer := Directories.Src_Dir_Index; begin if Last > Directories.Src_Dir_Length then return String'(1 .. 0 => ' '); end if; while Directories.Src_Dir (Last) /= ' ' loop Last := Last + 1; end loop; Directories.Src_Dir_Index := Last + 1; return Directories.Src_Dir (First .. Last - 1); end Next_Src_Dir; ------------------------- -- Next_Unvisited_File -- ------------------------- function Next_Unvisited_File return File_Reference is The_Files : File_Reference := Files.Table; begin while The_Files /= null loop if not The_Files.Visited then The_Files.Visited := True; return The_Files; end if; The_Files := The_Files.Next; end loop; return Empty_File; end Next_Unvisited_File; ------------------ -- Parse_Gnatls -- ------------------ procedure Parse_Gnatls (Gnatls_Src_Cache : out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String; Gnatls_Obj_Cache : out Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) is begin Osint.Add_Default_Search_Dirs; for J in 1 .. Osint.Nb_Dir_In_Src_Search_Path loop if Osint.Dir_In_Src_Search_Path (J)'Length = 0 then Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Append (Gnatls_Src_Cache, "./" & ' '); else Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Append (Gnatls_Src_Cache, Osint.Dir_In_Src_Search_Path (J).all & ' '); end if; end loop; for J in 1 .. Osint.Nb_Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path loop if Osint.Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path (J)'Length = 0 then Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Append (Gnatls_Obj_Cache, "./" & ' '); else Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Append (Gnatls_Obj_Cache, Osint.Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path (J).all & ' '); end if; end loop; end Parse_Gnatls; ------------------- -- Reset_Obj_Dir -- ------------------- procedure Reset_Obj_Dir is begin Directories.Obj_Dir_Index := 1; end Reset_Obj_Dir; ------------------- -- Reset_Src_Dir -- ------------------- procedure Reset_Src_Dir is begin Directories.Src_Dir_Index := 1; end Reset_Src_Dir; ----------------------- -- Set_Default_Match -- ----------------------- procedure Set_Default_Match (Value : Boolean) is begin Default_Match := Value; end Set_Default_Match; ------------------- -- Set_Directory -- ------------------- procedure Set_Directory (File : in File_Reference; Dir : in String) is begin File.Dir := new String'(Dir); end Set_Directory; ------------------- -- Set_Unvisited -- ------------------- procedure Set_Unvisited (File_Ref : in File_Reference) is The_Files : File_Reference := Files.Table; begin while The_Files /= null loop if The_Files = File_Ref then The_Files.Visited := False; return; end if; The_Files := The_Files.Next; end loop; end Set_Unvisited; end Xr_Tabls;