;; file parse-infix-syntax.melt -*- Lisp -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (comment "*** Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Basile Starynkevitch This file is part of GCC. GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see . ***") ;; the copyright notice above apply both to parse-infix-syntax.melt and ;; to the generated file or warmelt-infixsyntax*.c ;; This file is the 3rd part of a bootstrapping compiler for the ;; MELT lisp dialect, compiler which should be able to ;; compile itself (into generated C file[s]) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #| Extended BNF syntax. ==================== The lexer is parsing with the meltgc_infix_lexeme function in file melt-runtime.c and reads: * ordinary symbols -starting with letter, underscore _ or dollar $ or any symbol starting with a skipped backslash \ ; in every symbol, case in insensitive and read as uppercase * additive symbols -starting with plus + minus - or vertical-bar | * multiplicative symbols -starting with star *, slash /, amperstand &, percent % * relational symbols -starting with less <, greater >, equal =, exclamation !, tilde ~, or at @ * integers, like 23, +123, 0x34, -678, and characters read as integer codes like #'a for lowercase a, #\t for tabulation * strings like in C eg "boo" or "bar\ntab" * macrostrings like in Melt #{ .... $aa ....}# We note in capital uppercase letters any Lisp symbol like LET or INSTANCE etc. Delimiters or operator-symbols are quoted in double-quotes Non-terminals are in lower cases Parenthesis are meta-linguistic [unless double-quoted]. The meta-lingustic * and + suffixes are denoting 0 to many or 1 to many repetitions. The meta-linguistic ? suffix is for optionality. The meta-linguistic | is an infix binary alternative. |# ;;**************************************************************** (defprimitive open_infix_file (:cstring filpath) :void #{melt_open_infix_file($filpath)}#) (defprimitive close_infix_file (:cstring filpath) :void #{melt_close_infix_file($filpath)}#) (defprimitive infix_lexeme (locnam delimap) :value #{meltgc_infix_lexeme((melt_ptr_t)($locnam), (melt_ptr_t)($delimap))}#) (defclass class_infix_parser :super class_named :doc #{The $CLASS_INFIX_PARSER is an internal class for infix parsing. $IFXP_FILNAM is the parsed file name, $IFXP_ENV is the topmost parsing environment, $IFXP_DELIMAP is the delimiter string map, $IFXP_TOKENLIST is the lexical token list.}# :fields (ifxp_filnam ifxp_env ifxp_delimap ifxp_tokenlist )) ;; peek the next (or (N+1)-th next) lexeme but don't consume it (defun infix_peeklex (ipars :long n) (assert_msg "check ipars" (is_a ipars class_infix_parser)) (assert_msg "check n" (>=i n 0)) (let ( (toklist (unsafe_get_field :ifxp_tokenlist ipars)) (:long nbtok (list_length toklist)) ) (assert_msg "check toklist" (is_list toklist)) (forever getlexloop (if (>=i nbtok n) (exit getlexloop)) (let ( (newtok (infix_lexeme (unsafe_get_field :ifxp_filnam ipars) (unsafe_get_field :ifxp_delimap ipars))) ) (list_append toklist newtok) (setq nbtok (+i nbtok 1)) )) (cond ( (==i n 0) (pair_head (list_first toklist))) ( (==i n 1) (pair_head (pair_tail (list_first toklist)))) (:else (let ( (:long cnt 0) ) (foreach_in_list (toklist) (curpair curtok) (if (>=i cnt n) (return curtok)) (setq cnt (+i cnt 1)) )))))) ;; return the next lexeme and consume it (defun infix_getlex (ipars) (assert_msg "check ipars" (is_a ipars class_infix_parser)) (let ( (toklist (unsafe_get_field :ifxp_tokenlist ipars)) (token (list_popfirst toklist)) ) (if (null token) (let ( (peektok (infix_peeklex ipars 0)) (poptok (list_popfirst toklist)) ) (assert_msg "check peektop=potok" (== peektok poptok)) (setq token poptok) (debug_msg token "infix_getlex returns parsed token") ) (debug_msg token "infix_getlex returns buffered token") ) (return token) )) ;; pop a given number of lexemes (defun infix_poplex (ipars :long n) (assert_msg "check ipars" (is_a ipars class_infix_parser)) (assert_msg "check n" (>=i n 0)) (infix_peeklex ipars n) (let ( (toklist (unsafe_get_field :ifxp_tokenlist ipars)) ) (foreach_long_upto (1 n) (:long ix) (list_popfirst toklist)))) (defclass class_infix_delimiter :super class_named :fields (idelim_string) :doc #{The $CLASS_INFIX_DELIMITER is an internal class for infix delimiters. $IDELIM_STRING is the delimiter.}# ) (definstance infix_delimiter_left_paren class_infix_delimiter :named_name '"infix_delimiter_LEFT_PAREN" :idelim_string '"(") (definstance infix_delimiter_right_paren class_infix_delimiter :named_name '"infix_delimiter_RIGHT_PAREN" :idelim_string '")") (definstance infix_delimiter_left_brace class_infix_delimiter :named_name '"infix_delimiter_LEFT_BRACE" :idelim_string '"{") (definstance infix_delimiter_right_brace class_infix_delimiter :named_name '"infix_delimiter_RIGHT_BRACE" :idelim_string '"}") (definstance infix_delimiter_comma class_infix_delimiter :named_name '"infix_delimiter_COMMA" :idelim_string '",") (definstance infix_delimiter_dot class_infix_delimiter :named_name '"infix_delimiter_DOT" :idelim_string '".") (definstance infix_delimiter_semi_colon class_infix_delimiter :named_name '"infix_delimiter_SEMI_COLON" :idelim_string '";") (definstance infix_delimiter_equal class_infix_delimiter :named_name '"infix_delimiter_EQUAL" :idelim_string '"=") (defun infix_make_binary_expression (opsym left right loca env) (assert_msg "check opsym" (is_a opsym class_symbol)) (assert_msg "check env" (is_a env class_environment)) (let ( (opbind (find_env opsym env)) ) (match opbind (?(instance class_function_binding) (instance class_source_apply :loca_location loca :sapp_fun opsym :sargop_args (tuple left right))) (?(instance class_primitive_binding :pbind_primitive ?prim) (instance class_source_primitive :loca_location loca :sprim_oper prim :sargop_args (tuple left right))) (?(instance class_selector_binding) (instance class_source_msend :loca_location loca :msend_selsymb opsym :msend_recv left :sargop_args (tuple right))) (?(instance class_value_binding :vbind_value ?(and ?prim ?(instance class_primitive))) (instance class_source_primitive :loca_location loca :sprim_oper prim :sargop_args (tuple left right))) (?(instance class_value_binding :vbind_value ?(instance class_selector)) (instance class_source_msend :loca_location loca :msend_selsymb opsym :msend_recv left :sargop_args (tuple right))) (?(instance class_value_binding :vbind_value ?(closure)) (instance class_source_apply :loca_location loca :sapp_fun opsym :sargop_args (tuple left right))) (?_ (error_strv loca "invalid infix binary operation" (get_field :named_name opsym))) ))) #| ;; iparse_field crash the MELT translator :-( (defun iparse_field (iparser env) (assert_msg "check iparser" (is_a iparser class_infix_parser)) (assert_msg "check env" (is_a env class_environment)) (let ( (ctok (infix_peeklex iparser 0)) ) (match ctok (?(or ?(instance class_infix_symbol :loca_location ?loc :lexeme_data ?(and ?sy ?(instance class_symbol :named_name ?nm))) ?(instance class_infix_keyword :loca_location ?loc :lexeme_data ?(instance class_keyword :named_name ?nm))) (if (null sy) (setq sy (create_symbolstr nm))) (let ( (fldbind (find_env env sy)) ) (match fldbind (?(instance class_field_binding :flbind_field ?fld) (infix_poplex iparser 1) (debug_msg fld "iparse_field got straight field") (return fld)) (?(instance class_value_binding :vbind_value ?(and ?fld ?(instance class_field))) (infix_poplex iparser 1) (debug_msg fld "iparse_field got value field") (return fld)) (?_ (error_strv loc "incorrect infix field" nm)))) ) (?(instance class_located :loca_location ?loc) (error_plain loc "expecting field in infix notation"))))) (defun iparse_simple_expression (iparser env) (assert_msg "check iparser" (is_a iparser class_infix_parser)) (assert_msg "check env" (is_a env class_environment)) (let ( (ctok (infix_peeklex iparser 0)) ) (match ctok (?(instance class_infix_integer_literal :lexeme_data ?i) (infix_getlex iparser) (debug_msg i "iparse_simple_expression got integer") i) (?(instance class_infix_string_literal :lexeme_data ?s) (infix_getlex iparser) (debug_msg s "iparse_simple_expression got string") s) (?(instance class_infix_symbol :lexeme_data ?sy) (infix_getlex iparser) (let ( (transformer (iparse_simple_transformer iparser env)) ) (if (is_closure transformer) (transformer sy env) sy) ))) )) (defun iparse_multiplicative_expression (iparser env) (assert_msg "check iparser" (is_a iparser class_infix_parser)) (assert_msg "check env" (is_a env class_environment)) (let ( (leftexp (iparse_simple_expression iparser env)) (ctok (infix_peeklex iparser 0)) ) (match ctok (?(instance class_infix_multiplicative_symbol :lexeme_data ?sy :loca_location ?loc) (infix_poplex iparser 1) (let ( (rightexp (iparse_simple_expression iparser env)) ) (if rightexp (let ( ) ))))))) |# (defun get_lexeme_location (lx) (get_field :loca_location lx)) (defun iparse_simple_transformer (iparser env) (assert_msg "check iparser" (is_a iparser class_infix_parser)) (assert_msg "check env" (is_a env class_environment)) (let ( (ctok (infix_peeklex iparser 0)) (ntok (infix_peeklex iparser 1)) ) #| (match ctok (?(instance class_infix_delimiter :loca_location ?loc :lexeme_data infix_delimiter_dot) (infix_poplex iparser 1) (let ( (fld (iparse_field iparser env)) ) (if (is_a fld class_field) (let ( (transformer (iparse_simple_transformer iparser env)) ) (if (is_closure transformer) (lambda (exp env) (transformer (instance class_source_get_field :loca_location loc :suget_obj exp :suget_field fld))) (lambda (exp env) (instance class_source_get_field :loca_location loc :suget_obj exp :suget_field fld) ) )) (error_plain loc "infix field expected after dot") )) )) |# )) (defun parse_infix_file (filnam env) (debug_msg filnam "parse_infix_file start filnam") (assert_msg "check filnam" (is_string filnam)) (assert_msg "check env" (is_a env class_environment)) (let ( (iparsnam (let ( (buf (make_strbuf discr_strbuf)) ) (add2sbuf_strconst buf "infpars.") (add2sbuf_string buf filnam) (strbuf2string discr_string buf))) (delimap (make_mapstring discr_map_strings 31)) (toklist (make_list discr_list)) (iparser (instance class_infix_parser :named_name iparsnam :ifxp_filnam filnam :ifxp_env env :ifxp_delimap delimap :ifxp_tokenlist toklist)) ) ;; install all our delimiters (foreach_in_multiple ((tuple infix_delimiter_left_paren infix_delimiter_right_paren infix_delimiter_left_brace infix_delimiter_right_brace infix_delimiter_comma infix_delimiter_semi_colon infix_delimiter_equal infix_delimiter_dot )) (idel :long dix) (assert_msg "check idel" (is_a idel class_infix_delimiter)) (let ( (idelstr (unsafe_get_field :idelim_string idel)) (:long idelstrlen (string_length idelstr)) ) (assert_msg "check idelstr" (is_string idelstr)) (assert_msg "check idelstrlen" (and (>i idelstrlen 0) (<=i idelstrlen 2))) (mapstring_putstr delimap idelstr idel))) ;; (assert_msg "@$@unimplemented parse_infix_file" ()) )) (compile_warning "parse-infix-syntax.melt is incomplete") (export_class class_infix_parser class_infix_delimiter ) (export_values infix_getlex infix_peeklex infix_poplex infix_make_binary_expression infix_delimiter_comma infix_delimiter_dot infix_delimiter_equal infix_delimiter_left_brace infix_delimiter_left_paren infix_delimiter_right_brace infix_delimiter_right_paren infix_delimiter_semi_colon ) ;; eof parse-infix-syntax.melt