%{ /* -*- c -*- emacs mode c */ /* TREELANG Compiler parser. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. In other words, you are welcome to use, share and improve this program. You are forbidden to forbid anyone else to use, share and improve what you give them. Help stamp out software-hoarding! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Tim Josling 1999-2001, based in part on other parts of the GCC compiler. */ /* Grammar Conflicts ***************** There are no conflicts in this grammar. Please keep it that way. */ #undef IN_GCC typedef void *tree; #include #include #include #include "ansidecl.h" #include "config.h" #include "system.h" #include "diagnostic.h" #include "treelang.h" #include "treetree.h" #define YYDEBUG 1 #define YYPRINT(file, type, value) print_token (file, type, value) #define YYERROR_VERBOSE YES extern int option_parser_trace; /* Local prototypes. */ static void yyerror (const char *error_message); int yylex (void); int yyparse (void); void print_token (FILE * file, unsigned int type ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, YYSTYPE value); static struct production *reverse_prod_list (struct production *old_first); static void ensure_not_void (unsigned int type, struct token* name); static int check_type_match (int type_num, struct production *exp); static int get_common_type (struct production *type1, struct production *type2); static struct production *make_integer_constant (struct token* value); static void set_storage (struct production *prod); /* File global variables. */ static struct production *current_function=NULL; %} /* Not %raw - seems to have bugs. */ %token_table /* Punctuation. */ %token RIGHT_BRACE %token LEFT_BRACE %token RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET %token LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET %token RIGHT_PARENTHESIS %token LEFT_PARENTHESIS %token SEMICOLON %token ASTERISK %token COMMA %right EQUALS %right ASSIGN %left PLUS %left MINUS /* Literals. */ %token INTEGER /* Keywords. */ %token IF %token ELSE %token RETURN %token CHAR %token INT %token UNSIGNED %token VOID %token TYPEDEF %token NAME %token STATIC %token AUTOMATIC %token EXTERNAL_DEFINITION %token EXTERNAL_REFERENCE /* Tokens not passed to parser. */ %token WHITESPACE %token COMMENT /* Pseudo tokens - productions. */ %token PROD_VARIABLE_NAME %token PROD_TYPE_NAME %token PROD_FUNCTION_NAME %token PROD_INTEGER_CONSTANT %token PROD_PLUS_EXPRESSION %token PROD_MINUS_EXPRESSION %token PROD_ASSIGN_EXPRESSION %token PROD_VARIABLE_REFERENCE_EXPRESSION %token PROD_PARAMETER %token PROD_FUNCTION_INVOCATION %expect 0 %% file: /* Nil. */ { /* Nothing to do. */ } |declarations { /* Nothing to do. */ } ; declarations: declaration { /* Nothing to do. */ } | declarations declaration { /* Nothing to do. */ } ; declaration: variable_def { /* Nothing to do. */ } |function_prototype { /* Nothing to do. */ } |function { /* Nothing to do. */ } ; variable_def: storage typename NAME init_opt SEMICOLON { struct token* tok; struct production *prod; tok = $3; prod = make_production (PROD_VARIABLE_NAME, tok); SYMBOL_TABLE_NAME (prod) = tok; EXPRESSION_TYPE (prod) = $2; VAR_INIT (prod) = $4; NUMERIC_TYPE (prod) = NUMERIC_TYPE (( (struct production*)EXPRESSION_TYPE (prod))); ensure_not_void (NUMERIC_TYPE (prod), tok); if (insert_tree_name (prod)) { YYERROR; } STORAGE_CLASS_TOKEN (prod) = $1; set_storage (prod); if (VAR_INIT (prod)) { if (! ((struct production*)VAR_INIT (prod))->code) abort (); if (STORAGE_CLASS (prod) == EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_STORAGE) { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%i:%i: External reference variables may not have initial value\n", in_fname, tok->lineno, tok->charno); print_token (stderr, 0, tok); errorcount++; YYERROR; } } prod->code = tree_code_create_variable (STORAGE_CLASS (prod), ((struct token*)SYMBOL_TABLE_NAME (prod))->chars, ((struct token*)SYMBOL_TABLE_NAME (prod))->length, NUMERIC_TYPE (prod), VAR_INIT (prod)? ((struct production*)VAR_INIT (prod))->code:NULL, in_fname, tok->lineno); if (!prod->code) abort (); } ; storage: STATIC |AUTOMATIC |EXTERNAL_DEFINITION |EXTERNAL_REFERENCE ; parameter: typename NAME { struct token* tok; struct production *prod; struct production *prod2; tok = $2; prod = make_production (PROD_VARIABLE_NAME, tok); SYMBOL_TABLE_NAME (prod) = $2; EXPRESSION_TYPE (prod) = $1; NUMERIC_TYPE (prod) = NUMERIC_TYPE (( (struct production*)EXPRESSION_TYPE (prod))); ensure_not_void (NUMERIC_TYPE (prod), tok); if (insert_tree_name (prod)) { YYERROR; } prod2 = make_production (PROD_PARAMETER, tok); VARIABLE (prod2) = prod; $$ = prod2; } ; function_prototype: storage typename NAME LEFT_PARENTHESIS parameters RIGHT_PARENTHESIS SEMICOLON { struct token* tok; struct production *prod; struct production *type; struct tree_parameter_list* first_parms; struct tree_parameter_list* last_parms; struct tree_parameter_list* this_parms; struct production *this_parm; struct production *this_parm_var; tok = $3; prod = make_production (PROD_FUNCTION_NAME, $3); SYMBOL_TABLE_NAME (prod) = $3; EXPRESSION_TYPE (prod) = $2; NUMERIC_TYPE (prod) = NUMERIC_TYPE (( (struct production*)EXPRESSION_TYPE (prod))); PARAMETERS (prod) = reverse_prod_list ($5); insert_tree_name (prod); STORAGE_CLASS_TOKEN (prod) = $1; set_storage (prod); switch (STORAGE_CLASS (prod)) { case STATIC_STORAGE: case EXTERNAL_DEFINITION_STORAGE: break; case AUTOMATIC_STORAGE: fprintf (stderr, "%s:%i:%i: A function cannot be automatic\n", in_fname, tok->lineno, tok->charno); print_token (stderr, 0, tok); errorcount++; YYERROR; break; default: abort (); } type = EXPRESSION_TYPE (prod); /* Create a parameter list in a non-front end specific format. */ for (first_parms = NULL, last_parms = NULL, this_parm = PARAMETERS (prod); this_parm; this_parm = this_parm->next) { if (this_parm->category != production_category) abort (); this_parm_var = VARIABLE (this_parm); if (!this_parm_var) abort (); if (this_parm_var->category != production_category) abort (); this_parms = my_malloc (sizeof (struct tree_parameter_list)); if (!this_parm_var->main_token) abort (); this_parms->variable_name = this_parm_var->main_token->chars; this_parms->type = NUMERIC_TYPE (( (struct production*)EXPRESSION_TYPE (this_parm_var))); if (last_parms) { last_parms->next = this_parms; last_parms = this_parms; } else { first_parms = this_parms; last_parms = this_parms; } this_parms->where_to_put_var_tree = & (( (struct production*)VARIABLE (this_parm))->code); } FIRST_PARMS (prod) = first_parms; prod->code = tree_code_create_function_prototype (tok->chars, STORAGE_CLASS (prod), NUMERIC_TYPE (type), first_parms, in_fname, tok->lineno); } ; function: NAME LEFT_BRACE { struct production *proto; struct production search_prod; struct token* tok; struct production *this_parm; tok = $1; SYMBOL_TABLE_NAME ((&search_prod)) = tok; current_function = proto = lookup_tree_name (&search_prod); if (!proto) { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%i:%i: Function prototype not found\n", in_fname, tok->lineno, tok->charno); print_token (stderr, 0, tok); errorcount++; YYERROR; } if (!proto->code) abort (); tree_code_create_function_initial (proto->code, in_fname, tok->lineno, FIRST_PARMS (current_function)); /* Check all the parameters have code. */ for (this_parm = PARAMETERS (proto); this_parm; this_parm = this_parm->next) { if (! (struct production*)VARIABLE (this_parm)) abort (); if (! (( (struct production*)VARIABLE (this_parm))->code)) abort (); } } variable_defs_opt statements_opt RIGHT_BRACE { struct token* tok; tok = $1; tree_code_create_function_wrapup (in_fname, tok->lineno); current_function = NULL; } ; variable_defs_opt: /* Nil. */ { $$ = 0; } |variable_defs { $$ = $1; } ; statements_opt: /* Nil. */ { $$ = 0; } |statements { $$ = $1; } ; variable_defs: variable_def { /* Nothing to do. */ } |variable_defs variable_def { /* Nothing to do. */ } ; typename: INT { struct token* tok; struct production *prod; tok = $1; prod = make_production (PROD_TYPE_NAME, tok); NUMERIC_TYPE (prod) = SIGNED_INT; prod->code = tree_code_get_type (NUMERIC_TYPE (prod)); $$ = prod; } |UNSIGNED INT { struct token* tok; struct production *prod; tok = $1; prod = make_production (PROD_TYPE_NAME, tok); NUMERIC_TYPE (prod) = UNSIGNED_INT; prod->code = tree_code_get_type (NUMERIC_TYPE (prod)); $$ = prod; } |CHAR { struct token* tok; struct production *prod; tok = $1; prod = make_production (PROD_TYPE_NAME, tok); NUMERIC_TYPE (prod) = SIGNED_CHAR; prod->code = tree_code_get_type (NUMERIC_TYPE (prod)); $$ = prod; } |UNSIGNED CHAR { struct token* tok; struct production *prod; tok = $1; prod = make_production (PROD_TYPE_NAME, tok); NUMERIC_TYPE (prod) = UNSIGNED_CHAR; prod->code = tree_code_get_type (NUMERIC_TYPE (prod)); $$ = prod; } |VOID { struct token* tok; struct production *prod; tok = $1; prod = make_production (PROD_TYPE_NAME, tok); NUMERIC_TYPE (prod) = VOID_TYPE; prod->code = tree_code_get_type (NUMERIC_TYPE (prod)); $$ = prod; } ; parameters: parameter { /* Nothing to do. */ $$ = $1; } |parameters COMMA parameter { struct production *prod1; prod1 = $3; prod1->next = $1; /* Insert in reverse order. */ $$ = prod1; } ; statements: statement { /* Nothing to do. */ } |statements statement { /* Nothing to do. */ } ; statement: expression SEMICOLON { struct production *exp; exp = $1; tree_code_output_expression_statement (exp->code, in_fname, exp->main_token->lineno); } |return SEMICOLON { /* Nothing to do. */ } |if_statement { /* Nothing to do. */ } ; if_statement: IF LEFT_PARENTHESIS expression RIGHT_PARENTHESIS { struct token* tok; struct production *exp; tok = $1; exp = $3; ensure_not_void (NUMERIC_TYPE (exp), exp->main_token); tree_code_if_start (exp->code, in_fname, tok->lineno); } LEFT_BRACE statements_opt RIGHT_BRACE { /* Just let the statements flow. */ } ELSE { struct token* tok; tok = $1; tree_code_if_else (in_fname, tok->lineno); } LEFT_BRACE statements_opt RIGHT_BRACE { struct token* tok; tok = $12; tree_code_if_end (in_fname, tok->lineno); } ; return: RETURN expression_opt { struct production *type_prod; struct token* ret_tok; ret_tok = $1; type_prod = EXPRESSION_TYPE (current_function); if (NUMERIC_TYPE (type_prod) == VOID) if ($2 == NULL) tree_code_generate_return (type_prod->code, NULL); else { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%i:%i: Redundant expression in return\n", in_fname, ret_tok->lineno, ret_tok->charno); print_token (stderr, 0, ret_tok); errorcount++; tree_code_generate_return (type_prod->code, NULL); } else if ($2 == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%i:%i: Expression missing in return\n", in_fname, ret_tok->lineno, ret_tok->charno); print_token (stderr, 0, ret_tok); errorcount++; } else { struct production *exp; exp = $2; /* Check same type. */ if (check_type_match (NUMERIC_TYPE (type_prod), $2)) { if (!type_prod->code) abort (); if (!exp->code) abort (); /* Generate the code. */ tree_code_generate_return (type_prod->code, exp->code); } } } ; expression_opt: /* Nil. */ { $$ = 0; } |expression { struct production *exp; exp = $1; if (!exp->code) abort (); $$ = $1; } ; expression: INTEGER { $$ = make_integer_constant ($1); } |variable_ref { $$ = $1; } |expression PLUS expression { struct token* tok; struct production *prod; struct production *op1; struct production *op2; tree type; op1 = $1; op2 = $3; tok = $2; ensure_not_void (NUMERIC_TYPE (op1), op1->main_token); ensure_not_void (NUMERIC_TYPE (op2), op2->main_token); prod = make_production (PROD_PLUS_EXPRESSION, tok); NUMERIC_TYPE (prod) = get_common_type (op1, op2); if (!NUMERIC_TYPE (prod)) YYERROR; else { type = get_type_for_numeric_type (NUMERIC_TYPE (prod)); if (!type) abort (); OP1 (prod) = $1; OP2 (prod) = $3; prod->code = tree_code_get_expression (EXP_PLUS, type, op1->code, op2->code, NULL); } $$ = prod; } |expression MINUS expression %prec PLUS { struct token* tok; struct production *prod; struct production *op1; struct production *op2; tree type; op1 = $1; op2 = $3; ensure_not_void (NUMERIC_TYPE (op1), op1->main_token); ensure_not_void (NUMERIC_TYPE (op2), op2->main_token); tok = $2; prod = make_production (PROD_PLUS_EXPRESSION, tok); NUMERIC_TYPE (prod) = get_common_type (op1, op2); if (!NUMERIC_TYPE (prod)) YYERROR; else { type = get_type_for_numeric_type (NUMERIC_TYPE (prod)); if (!type) abort (); OP1 (prod) = $1; OP2 (prod) = $3; prod->code = tree_code_get_expression (EXP_MINUS, type, op1->code, op2->code, NULL); } $$ = prod; } |expression EQUALS expression { struct token* tok; struct production *prod; struct production *op1; struct production *op2; tree type; op1 = $1; op2 = $3; ensure_not_void (NUMERIC_TYPE (op1), op1->main_token); ensure_not_void (NUMERIC_TYPE (op2), op2->main_token); tok = $2; prod = make_production (PROD_PLUS_EXPRESSION, tok); NUMERIC_TYPE (prod) = SIGNED_INT; if (!NUMERIC_TYPE (prod)) YYERROR; else { type = get_type_for_numeric_type (NUMERIC_TYPE (prod)); if (!type) abort (); OP1 (prod) = $1; OP2 (prod) = $3; prod->code = tree_code_get_expression (EXP_EQUALS, type, op1->code, op2->code, NULL); } $$ = prod; } |variable_ref ASSIGN expression { struct token* tok; struct production *prod; struct production *op1; struct production *op2; tree type; op1 = $1; op2 = $3; tok = $2; ensure_not_void (NUMERIC_TYPE (op2), op2->main_token); prod = make_production (PROD_ASSIGN_EXPRESSION, tok); NUMERIC_TYPE (prod) = NUMERIC_TYPE (op1); if (!NUMERIC_TYPE (prod)) YYERROR; else { type = get_type_for_numeric_type (NUMERIC_TYPE (prod)); if (!type) abort (); OP1 (prod) = $1; OP2 (prod) = $3; prod->code = tree_code_get_expression (EXP_ASSIGN, type, op1->code, op2->code, NULL); } $$ = prod; } |function_invocation { $$ = $1; } ; function_invocation: NAME LEFT_PARENTHESIS expressions_with_commas RIGHT_PARENTHESIS { struct production *prod; struct token* tok; struct production search_prod; struct production *proto; struct production *exp; struct production *exp_proto; struct production *var; int exp_proto_count; int exp_count; tree parms; tree type; tok = $1; prod = make_production (PROD_FUNCTION_INVOCATION, tok); SYMBOL_TABLE_NAME (prod) = tok; PARAMETERS (prod) = reverse_prod_list ($3); SYMBOL_TABLE_NAME ((&search_prod)) = tok; proto = lookup_tree_name (&search_prod); if (!proto) { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%i:%i: Function prototype not found\n", in_fname, tok->lineno, tok->charno); print_token (stderr, 0, tok); errorcount++; YYERROR; } EXPRESSION_TYPE (prod) = EXPRESSION_TYPE (proto); NUMERIC_TYPE (prod) = NUMERIC_TYPE (proto); /* Count the expressions and ensure they match the prototype. */ for (exp_proto_count = 0, exp_proto = PARAMETERS (proto); exp_proto; exp_proto = exp_proto->next) exp_proto_count++; for (exp_count = 0, exp = PARAMETERS (prod); exp; exp = exp->next) exp_count++; if (exp_count != exp_proto_count) { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%i:%i: expression count mismatch with prototype\n", in_fname, tok->lineno, tok->charno); print_token (stderr, 0, tok); errorcount++; YYERROR; } parms = tree_code_init_parameters (); for (exp_proto = PARAMETERS (proto), exp = PARAMETERS (prod); exp_proto; exp = exp->next, exp_proto = exp_proto->next) { if (!exp) abort (); if (!exp_proto) abort (); if (!exp->code) abort (); var = VARIABLE (exp_proto); if (!var) abort (); if (!var->code) abort (); parms = tree_code_add_parameter (parms, var->code, exp->code); } type = get_type_for_numeric_type (NUMERIC_TYPE (prod)); prod->code = tree_code_get_expression (EXP_FUNCTION_INVOCATION, type, proto->code, parms, NULL); $$ = prod; } ; expressions_with_commas: expression { struct production *exp; exp = $1; ensure_not_void (NUMERIC_TYPE (exp), exp->main_token); $$ = $1; } |expressions_with_commas COMMA expression { struct production *exp; exp = $3; ensure_not_void (NUMERIC_TYPE (exp), exp->main_token); exp->next = $1; /* Reverse order. */ $$ = exp; } ; variable_ref: NAME { struct production search_prod; struct production *prod; struct production *symbol_table_entry; struct token* tok; tree type; tok = $1; SYMBOL_TABLE_NAME ((&search_prod)) = tok; symbol_table_entry = lookup_tree_name (&search_prod); if (!symbol_table_entry) { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%i:%i: Variable referred to but not defined\n", in_fname, tok->lineno, tok->charno); print_token (stderr, 0, tok); errorcount++; YYERROR; } prod = make_production (PROD_VARIABLE_REFERENCE_EXPRESSION, tok); NUMERIC_TYPE (prod) = NUMERIC_TYPE (symbol_table_entry); type = get_type_for_numeric_type (NUMERIC_TYPE (prod)); if (!NUMERIC_TYPE (prod)) YYERROR; OP1 (prod) = $1; prod->code = tree_code_get_expression (EXP_REFERENCE, type, symbol_table_entry->code, NULL, NULL); $$ = prod; } ; init_opt: /* Nil. */ { $$ = 0; } |init { /* Nothing to do. */ } init: ASSIGN init_element { } ; init_element: INTEGER { $$ = make_integer_constant ($1); } ; %% /* Print a token VALUE to file FILE. Ignore TYPE which is the token type. */ void print_token (FILE * file, unsigned int type ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, YYSTYPE value) { struct token *tok; unsigned int ix; tok = value; fprintf (file, "%d \"", tok->lineno); for (ix = 0; ix < tok->length; ix++) fprintf (file, "%c", tok->chars[ix]); fprintf (file, "\""); } /* Output a message ERROR_MESSAGE from the parser. */ void yyerror (const char *error_message) { struct token *tok; tok = yylval; if (tok) { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%i:%i: %s\n", in_fname, tok->lineno, tok->charno, error_message); print_token (stderr, 0, tok); } else fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", error_message); errorcount++; } /* Reverse the order of a token list, linked by parse_next, old first token is OLD_FIRST. */ static struct production* reverse_prod_list (struct production *old_first) { struct production *current; struct production *next; struct production *prev = NULL; current = old_first; prev = NULL; while (current) { if (current->category != production_category) abort (); next = current->next; current->next = prev; prev = current; current = next; } return prev; } /* Ensure TYPE is not VOID. Use NAME as the token for the error location. */ static void ensure_not_void (unsigned int type, struct token* name) { if (type == VOID) { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%i:%i: Type must not be void in this context\n", in_fname, name->lineno, name->charno); print_token (stderr, 0, name); errorcount++; } } /* Check TYPE1 and TYPE2 which are integral types. Return the lowest common type (min is signed int). */ static int get_common_type (struct production *type1, struct production *type2) { if (NUMERIC_TYPE (type1) == UNSIGNED_INT) return UNSIGNED_INT; if (NUMERIC_TYPE (type2) == UNSIGNED_INT) return UNSIGNED_INT; return SIGNED_INT; } /* Check type (TYPE_NUM) and expression (EXP) match. Return the 1 if OK else 0. Must be exact match - same name unless it is an integral type. */ static int check_type_match (int type_num, struct production *exp) { switch (type_num) { case SIGNED_INT: case UNSIGNED_INT: case SIGNED_CHAR: case UNSIGNED_CHAR: switch (NUMERIC_TYPE (exp)) { case SIGNED_INT: case UNSIGNED_INT: case SIGNED_CHAR: case UNSIGNED_CHAR: return 1; case VOID: abort (); default: abort (); } break; case VOID: abort (); default: abort (); } } /* Make a production for an integer constant VALUE. */ static struct production * make_integer_constant (struct token* value) { struct token* tok; struct production *prod; tok = value; prod = make_production (PROD_INTEGER_CONSTANT, tok); if ((tok->chars[0] == (unsigned char)'-')|| (tok->chars[0] == (unsigned char)'+')) NUMERIC_TYPE (prod) = SIGNED_INT; else NUMERIC_TYPE (prod) = UNSIGNED_INT; prod->code = tree_code_get_integer_value (tok->chars, tok->length); return prod; } /* Set STORAGE_CLASS in PROD according to CLASS_TOKEN. */ static void set_storage (struct production *prod) { struct token* stg_class; stg_class = STORAGE_CLASS_TOKEN (prod); switch (stg_class->type) { case STATIC: STORAGE_CLASS (prod) = STATIC_STORAGE; break; case AUTOMATIC: STORAGE_CLASS (prod) = AUTOMATIC_STORAGE; break; case EXTERNAL_DEFINITION: STORAGE_CLASS (prod) = EXTERNAL_DEFINITION_STORAGE; break; case EXTERNAL_REFERENCE: STORAGE_CLASS (prod) = EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_STORAGE; break; default: abort (); } } /* Set parse trace. */ void treelang_debug (void) { if (option_parser_trace) yydebug = 1; }