/* Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Fortran run-time library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Fortran is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with GNU Fortran; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <math.h> /* for j0 et al */ #include <f2c.h> typedef void *sig_proc; /* For now, this will have to do. */ #ifdef Labort int abort_ (void) { extern int G77_abort_0 (void); return G77_abort_0 (); } #endif #ifdef Lderf double derf_ (doublereal *x) { extern double G77_derf_0 (doublereal *x); return G77_derf_0 (x); } #endif #ifdef Lderfc double derfc_ (doublereal *x) { extern double G77_derfc_0 (doublereal *x); return G77_derfc_0 (x); } #endif #ifdef Lef1asc int ef1asc_ (ftnint *a, ftnlen *la, ftnint *b, ftnlen *lb) { extern int G77_ef1asc_0 (ftnint *a, ftnlen *la, ftnint *b, ftnlen *lb); return G77_ef1asc_0 (a, la, b, lb); } #endif #ifdef Lef1cmc integer ef1cmc_ (ftnint *a, ftnlen *la, ftnint *b, ftnlen *lb) { extern integer G77_ef1cmc_0 (ftnint *a, ftnlen *la, ftnint *b, ftnlen *lb); return G77_ef1cmc_0 (a, la, b, lb); } #endif #ifdef Lerf double erf_ (real *x) { extern double G77_erf_0 (real *x); return G77_erf_0 (x); } #endif #ifdef Lerfc double erfc_ (real *x) { extern double G77_erfc_0 (real *x); return G77_erfc_0 (x); } #endif #ifdef Lexit void exit_ (integer *rc) { extern void G77_exit_0 (integer *rc); G77_exit_0 (rc); } #endif #ifdef Lgetarg void getarg_ (ftnint *n, char *s, ftnlen ls) { extern void G77_getarg_0 (ftnint *n, char *s, ftnlen ls); G77_getarg_0 (n, s, ls); } #endif #ifdef Lgetenv void getenv_ (char *fname, char *value, ftnlen flen, ftnlen vlen) { extern void G77_getenv_0 (char *fname, char *value, ftnlen flen, ftnlen vlen); G77_getenv_0 (fname, value, flen, vlen); } #endif #ifdef Liargc ftnint iargc_ (void) { extern ftnint G77_iargc_0 (void); return G77_iargc_0 (); } #endif #ifdef Lsignal void *signal_ (integer *sigp, sig_proc proc) { extern void *G77_signal_0 (integer *sigp, sig_proc proc); return G77_signal_0 (sigp, proc); } #endif #ifdef Lsystem integer system_ (char *s, ftnlen n) { extern integer G77_system_0 (char *s, ftnlen n); return G77_system_0 (s, n); } #endif #ifdef Lflush int flush_ (void) { extern int G77_flush_0 (void); return G77_flush_0 (); } #endif #ifdef Lftell integer ftell_ (integer *Unit) { extern integer G77_ftell_0 (integer *Unit); return G77_ftell_0 (Unit); } #endif #ifdef Lfseek integer fseek_ (integer *Unit, integer *offset, integer *xwhence) { extern integer G77_fseek_0 (integer *Unit, integer *offset, integer *xwhence); return G77_fseek_0 (Unit, offset, xwhence); } #endif #ifdef Laccess integer access_ (const char *name, const char *mode, ftnlen Lname, ftnlen Lmode) { extern integer G77_access_0 (const char *name, const char *mode, ftnlen Lname, ftnlen Lmode); return G77_access_0 (name, mode, Lname, Lmode); } #endif #ifdef Lalarm integer alarm_ (integer *seconds, sig_proc proc, integer *status __attribute__ ((__unused__))) { extern integer G77_alarm_0 (integer *seconds, sig_proc proc); return G77_alarm_0 (seconds, proc); } #endif #ifdef Lbesj0 double besj0_ (const real *x) { return j0 (*x); } #endif #ifdef Lbesj1 double besj1_ (const real *x) { return j1 (*x); } #endif #ifdef Lbesjn double besjn_ (const integer *n, real *x) { return jn (*n, *x); } #endif #ifdef Lbesy0 double besy0_ (const real *x) { return y0 (*x); } #endif #ifdef Lbesy1 double besy1_ (const real *x) { return y1 (*x); } #endif #ifdef Lbesyn double besyn_ (const integer *n, real *x) { return yn (*n, *x); } #endif #ifdef Lchdir integer chdir_ (const char *name, const ftnlen Lname) { extern integer G77_chdir_0 (const char *name, const ftnlen Lname); return G77_chdir_0 (name, Lname); } #endif #ifdef Lchmod integer chmod_ (const char *name, const char *mode, const ftnlen Lname, const ftnlen Lmode) { extern integer G77_chmod_0 (const char *name, const char *mode, const ftnlen Lname, const ftnlen Lmode); return G77_chmod_0 (name, mode, Lname, Lmode); } #endif #ifdef Lctime void ctime_ (char *chtime, const ftnlen Lchtime, longint *xstime) { extern void G77_ctime_0 (char *chtime, const ftnlen Lchtime, longint *xstime); G77_ctime_0 (chtime, Lchtime, xstime); } #endif #ifdef Ldate_y2kbuggy int date_ (char *buf, ftnlen buf_len) { /* Fail to link, so user sees attempt to invoke non-Y2K-compliant routine. */ extern int G77_date_y2kbuggy_0 (char *buf, ftnlen buf_len); return G77_date_y2kbuggy_0 (buf, buf_len); } #endif #ifdef Ldate_y2kbug int date_y2kbug__ (char *buf, ftnlen buf_len) { /* If user wants to invoke the non-Y2K-compliant routine via an `EXTERNAL' interface, avoiding the warning via g77's `INTRINSIC' interface, force coding of "y2kbug" string in user's program. */ extern int G77_date_y2kbug_0 (char *buf, ftnlen buf_len); return G77_date_y2kbug_0 (buf, buf_len); } #endif #ifdef Ldbesj0 double dbesj0_ (const double *x) { return j0 (*x); } #endif #ifdef Ldbesj1 double dbesj1_ (const double *x) { return j1 (*x); } #endif #ifdef Ldbesjn double dbesjn_ (const integer *n, double *x) { return jn (*n, *x); } #endif #ifdef Ldbesy0 double dbesy0_ (const double *x) { return y0 (*x); } #endif #ifdef Ldbesy1 double dbesy1_ (const double *x) { return y1 (*x); } #endif #ifdef Ldbesyn double dbesyn_ (const integer *n, double *x) { return yn (*n, *x); } #endif #ifdef Ldtime double dtime_ (real tarray[2]) { extern double G77_dtime_0 (real tarray[2]); return G77_dtime_0 (tarray); } #endif #ifdef Letime double etime_ (real tarray[2]) { extern double G77_etime_0 (real tarray[2]); return G77_etime_0 (tarray); } #endif #ifdef Lfdate void fdate_ (char *ret_val, ftnlen ret_val_len) { extern void G77_fdate_0 (char *ret_val, ftnlen ret_val_len); G77_fdate_0 (ret_val, ret_val_len); } #endif #ifdef Lfgetc integer fgetc_ (const integer *lunit, char *c, ftnlen Lc) { extern integer G77_fgetc_0 (const integer *lunit, char *c, ftnlen Lc); return G77_fgetc_0 (lunit, c, Lc); } #endif #ifdef Lfget integer fget_ (char *c, const ftnlen Lc) { extern integer G77_fget_0 (char *c, const ftnlen Lc); return G77_fget_0 (c, Lc); } #endif #ifdef Lflush1 int flush1_ (const integer *lunit) { extern int G77_flush1_0 (const integer *lunit); return G77_flush1_0 (lunit); } #endif #ifdef Lfnum integer fnum_ (integer *lunit) { extern integer G77_fnum_0 (integer *lunit); return G77_fnum_0 (lunit); } #endif #ifdef Lfputc integer fputc_ (const integer *lunit, const char *c, const ftnlen Lc) { extern integer G77_fputc_0 (const integer *lunit, const char *c, const ftnlen Lc); return G77_fputc_0 (lunit, c, Lc); } #endif #ifdef Lfput integer fput_ (const char *c, const ftnlen Lc) { extern integer G77_fput_0 (const char *c, const ftnlen Lc); return G77_fput_0 (c, Lc); } #endif #ifdef Lfstat integer fstat_ (const integer *lunit, integer statb[13]) { extern integer G77_fstat_0 (const integer *lunit, integer statb[13]); return G77_fstat_0 (lunit, statb); } #endif #ifdef Lgerror int gerror_ (char *str, ftnlen Lstr) { extern int G77_gerror_0 (char *str, ftnlen Lstr); return G77_gerror_0 (str, Lstr); } #endif #ifdef Lgetcwd integer getcwd_ (char *str, const ftnlen Lstr) { extern integer G77_getcwd_0 (char *str, const ftnlen Lstr); return G77_getcwd_0 (str, Lstr); } #endif #ifdef Lgetgid integer getgid_ (void) { extern integer G77_getgid_0 (void); return G77_getgid_0 (); } #endif #ifdef Lgetlog int getlog_ (char *str, const ftnlen Lstr) { extern int G77_getlog_0 (char *str, const ftnlen Lstr); return G77_getlog_0 (str, Lstr); } #endif #ifdef Lgetpid integer getpid_ (void) { extern integer G77_getpid_0 (void); return G77_getpid_0 (); } #endif #ifdef Lgetuid integer getuid_ (void) { extern integer G77_getuid_0 (void); return G77_getuid_0 (); } #endif #ifdef Lgmtime int gmtime_ (const integer *stime, integer tarray[9]) { extern int G77_gmtime_0 (const integer *stime, integer tarray[9]); return G77_gmtime_0 (stime, tarray); } #endif #ifdef Lhostnm integer hostnm_ (char *name, ftnlen Lname) { extern integer G77_hostnm_0 (char *name, ftnlen Lname); return G77_hostnm_0 (name, Lname); } #endif #ifdef Lidate int idate_ (int iarray[3]) { extern int G77_idate_0 (int iarray[3]); return G77_idate_0 (iarray); } #endif #ifdef Lierrno integer ierrno_ (void) { extern integer G77_ierrno_0 (void); return G77_ierrno_0 (); } #endif #ifdef Lirand integer irand_ (integer *flag) { extern integer G77_irand_0 (integer *flag); return G77_irand_0 (flag); } #endif #ifdef Lisatty logical isatty_ (integer *lunit) { extern logical G77_isatty_0 (integer *lunit); return G77_isatty_0 (lunit); } #endif #ifdef Litime int itime_ (integer tarray[3]) { extern int G77_itime_0 (integer tarray[3]); return G77_itime_0 (tarray); } #endif #ifdef Lkill integer kill_ (const integer *pid, const integer *signum) { extern integer G77_kill_0 (const integer *pid, const integer *signum); return G77_kill_0 (pid, signum); } #endif #ifdef Llink integer link_ (const char *path1, const char *path2, const ftnlen Lpath1, const ftnlen Lpath2) { extern integer G77_link_0 (const char *path1, const char *path2, const ftnlen Lpath1, const ftnlen Lpath2); return G77_link_0 (path1, path2, Lpath1, Lpath2); } #endif #ifdef Llnblnk integer lnblnk_ (char *str, ftnlen str_len) { extern integer G77_lnblnk_0 (char *str, ftnlen str_len); return G77_lnblnk_0 (str, str_len); } #endif #ifdef Llstat integer lstat_ (const char *name, integer statb[13], const ftnlen Lname) { extern integer G77_lstat_0 (const char *name, integer statb[13], const ftnlen Lname); return G77_lstat_0 (name, statb, Lname); } #endif #ifdef Lltime int ltime_ (const integer *stime, integer tarray[9]) { extern int G77_ltime_0 (const integer *stime, integer tarray[9]); return G77_ltime_0 (stime, tarray); } #endif #ifdef Lmclock longint mclock_ (void) { extern longint G77_mclock_0 (void); return G77_mclock_0 (); } #endif #ifdef Lperror int perror_ (const char *str, const ftnlen Lstr) { extern int G77_perror_0 (const char *str, const ftnlen Lstr); return G77_perror_0 (str, Lstr); } #endif #ifdef Lrand double rand_ (integer *flag) { extern double G77_rand_0 (integer *flag); return G77_rand_0 (flag); } #endif #ifdef Lrename integer rename_ (const char *path1, const char *path2, const ftnlen Lpath1, const ftnlen Lpath2) { extern integer G77_rename_0 (const char *path1, const char *path2, const ftnlen Lpath1, const ftnlen Lpath2); return G77_rename_0 (path1, path2, Lpath1, Lpath2); } #endif #ifdef Lsecnds double secnds_ (real *r) { extern double G77_secnds_0 (real *r); return G77_secnds_0 (r); } #endif #ifdef Lsecond double second_ () { extern double G77_second_0 (); return G77_second_0 (); } #endif #ifdef Lsleep int sleep_ (const integer *seconds) { extern int G77_sleep_0 (const integer *seconds); return G77_sleep_0 (seconds); } #endif #ifdef Lsrand int srand_ (const integer *seed) { extern int G77_srand_0 (const integer *seed); return G77_srand_0 (seed); } #endif #ifdef Lstat integer stat_ (const char *name, integer statb[13], const ftnlen Lname) { extern integer G77_stat_0 (const char *name, integer statb[13], const ftnlen Lname); return G77_stat_0 (name, statb, Lname); } #endif #ifdef Lsymlnk integer symlnk_ (const char *path1, const char *path2, const ftnlen Lpath1, const ftnlen Lpath2) { extern integer G77_symlnk_0 (const char *path1, const char *path2, const ftnlen Lpath1, const ftnlen Lpath2); return G77_symlnk_0 (path1, path2, Lpath1, Lpath2); } #endif #ifdef Ltime longint time_ (void) { extern longint G77_time_0 (void); return G77_time_0 (); } #endif #ifdef Lttynam void ttynam_ (char *ret_val, ftnlen ret_val_len, integer *lunit) { extern void G77_ttynam_0 (char *ret_val, ftnlen ret_val_len, integer *lunit); G77_ttynam_0 (ret_val, ret_val_len, lunit); } #endif #ifdef Lumask integer umask_ (integer *mask) { extern integer G77_umask_0 (integer *mask); return G77_umask_0 (mask); } #endif #ifdef Lunlink integer unlink_ (const char *str, const ftnlen Lstr) { extern integer G77_unlink_0 (const char *str, const ftnlen Lstr); return G77_unlink_0 (str, Lstr); } #endif #ifdef Lvxtidt_y2kbuggy int vxtidate_ (integer *m, integer *d, integer *y) { /* Fail to link, so user sees attempt to invoke non-Y2K-compliant routine. */ extern int G77_vxtidate_y2kbuggy_0 (integer *m, integer *d, integer *y); return G77_vxtidate_y2kbuggy_0 (m, d, y); } #endif #ifdef Lvxtidt_y2kbug int vxtidate_y2kbug__ (integer *m, integer *d, integer *y) { /* If user wants to invoke the non-Y2K-compliant routine via an `EXTERNAL' interface, avoiding the warning via g77's `INTRINSIC' interface, force coding of "y2kbug" string in user's program. */ extern int G77_vxtidate_y2kbug_0 (integer *m, integer *d, integer *y); return G77_vxtidate_y2kbug_0 (m, d, y); } #endif #ifdef Lvxttim void vxttime_ (char chtime[8], const ftnlen Lchtime) { extern void G77_vxttime_0 (char chtime[8], const ftnlen Lchtime); G77_vxttime_0 (chtime, Lchtime); } #endif