// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package scanner import ( "bytes" "fmt" "os" "strings" "testing" "utf8" ) // A StringReader delivers its data one string segment at a time via Read. type StringReader struct { data []string step int } func (r *StringReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err os.Error) { if r.step < len(r.data) { s := r.data[r.step] n = copy(p, s) r.step++ } else { err = os.EOF } return } func readRuneSegments(t *testing.T, segments []string) { got := "" want := strings.Join(segments, "") s := new(Scanner).Init(&StringReader{data: segments}) for { ch := s.Next() if ch == EOF { break } got += string(ch) } if got != want { t.Errorf("segments=%v got=%s want=%s", segments, got, want) } } var segmentList = [][]string{ {}, {""}, {"日", "本語"}, {"\u65e5", "\u672c", "\u8a9e"}, {"\U000065e5", " ", "\U0000672c", "\U00008a9e"}, {"\xe6", "\x97\xa5\xe6", "\x9c\xac\xe8\xaa\x9e"}, {"Hello", ", ", "World", "!"}, {"Hello", ", ", "", "World", "!"}, } func TestNext(t *testing.T) { for _, s := range segmentList { readRuneSegments(t, s) } } type token struct { tok int text string } var f100 = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" var tokenList = []token{ {Comment, "// line comments"}, {Comment, "//"}, {Comment, "////"}, {Comment, "// comment"}, {Comment, "// /* comment */"}, {Comment, "// // comment //"}, {Comment, "//" + f100}, {Comment, "// general comments"}, {Comment, "/**/"}, {Comment, "/***/"}, {Comment, "/* comment */"}, {Comment, "/* // comment */"}, {Comment, "/* /* comment */"}, {Comment, "/*\n comment\n*/"}, {Comment, "/*" + f100 + "*/"}, {Comment, "// identifiers"}, {Ident, "a"}, {Ident, "a0"}, {Ident, "foobar"}, {Ident, "abc123"}, {Ident, "LGTM"}, {Ident, "_"}, {Ident, "_abc123"}, {Ident, "abc123_"}, {Ident, "_abc_123_"}, {Ident, "_äöü"}, {Ident, "_本"}, // TODO for unknown reasons these fail when checking the literals /* token{Ident, "äöü"}, token{Ident, "本"}, */ {Ident, "a۰۱۸"}, {Ident, "foo६४"}, {Ident, "bar9876"}, {Ident, f100}, {Comment, "// decimal ints"}, {Int, "0"}, {Int, "1"}, {Int, "9"}, {Int, "42"}, {Int, "1234567890"}, {Comment, "// octal ints"}, {Int, "00"}, {Int, "01"}, {Int, "07"}, {Int, "042"}, {Int, "01234567"}, {Comment, "// hexadecimal ints"}, {Int, "0x0"}, {Int, "0x1"}, {Int, "0xf"}, {Int, "0x42"}, {Int, "0x123456789abcDEF"}, {Int, "0x" + f100}, {Int, "0X0"}, {Int, "0X1"}, {Int, "0XF"}, {Int, "0X42"}, {Int, "0X123456789abcDEF"}, {Int, "0X" + f100}, {Comment, "// floats"}, {Float, "0."}, {Float, "1."}, {Float, "42."}, {Float, "01234567890."}, {Float, ".0"}, {Float, ".1"}, {Float, ".42"}, {Float, ".0123456789"}, {Float, "0.0"}, {Float, "1.0"}, {Float, "42.0"}, {Float, "01234567890.0"}, {Float, "0e0"}, {Float, "1e0"}, {Float, "42e0"}, {Float, "01234567890e0"}, {Float, "0E0"}, {Float, "1E0"}, {Float, "42E0"}, {Float, "01234567890E0"}, {Float, "0e+10"}, {Float, "1e-10"}, {Float, "42e+10"}, {Float, "01234567890e-10"}, {Float, "0E+10"}, {Float, "1E-10"}, {Float, "42E+10"}, {Float, "01234567890E-10"}, {Comment, "// chars"}, {Char, `' '`}, {Char, `'a'`}, {Char, `'本'`}, {Char, `'\a'`}, {Char, `'\b'`}, {Char, `'\f'`}, {Char, `'\n'`}, {Char, `'\r'`}, {Char, `'\t'`}, {Char, `'\v'`}, {Char, `'\''`}, {Char, `'\000'`}, {Char, `'\777'`}, {Char, `'\x00'`}, {Char, `'\xff'`}, {Char, `'\u0000'`}, {Char, `'\ufA16'`}, {Char, `'\U00000000'`}, {Char, `'\U0000ffAB'`}, {Comment, "// strings"}, {String, `" "`}, {String, `"a"`}, {String, `"本"`}, {String, `"\a"`}, {String, `"\b"`}, {String, `"\f"`}, {String, `"\n"`}, {String, `"\r"`}, {String, `"\t"`}, {String, `"\v"`}, {String, `"\""`}, {String, `"\000"`}, {String, `"\777"`}, {String, `"\x00"`}, {String, `"\xff"`}, {String, `"\u0000"`}, {String, `"\ufA16"`}, {String, `"\U00000000"`}, {String, `"\U0000ffAB"`}, {String, `"` + f100 + `"`}, {Comment, "// raw strings"}, {String, "``"}, {String, "`\\`"}, {String, "`" + "\n\n/* foobar */\n\n" + "`"}, {String, "`" + f100 + "`"}, {Comment, "// individual characters"}, // NUL character is not allowed {'\x01', "\x01"}, {' ' - 1, string(' ' - 1)}, {'+', "+"}, {'/', "/"}, {'.', "."}, {'~', "~"}, {'(', "("}, } func makeSource(pattern string) *bytes.Buffer { var buf bytes.Buffer for _, k := range tokenList { fmt.Fprintf(&buf, pattern, k.text) } return &buf } func checkTok(t *testing.T, s *Scanner, line, got, want int, text string) { if got != want { t.Fatalf("tok = %s, want %s for %q", TokenString(got), TokenString(want), text) } if s.Line != line { t.Errorf("line = %d, want %d for %q", s.Line, line, text) } stext := s.TokenText() if stext != text { t.Errorf("text = %q, want %q", stext, text) } else { // check idempotency of TokenText() call stext = s.TokenText() if stext != text { t.Errorf("text = %q, want %q (idempotency check)", stext, text) } } } func countNewlines(s string) int { n := 0 for _, ch := range s { if ch == '\n' { n++ } } return n } func testScan(t *testing.T, mode uint) { s := new(Scanner).Init(makeSource(" \t%s\n")) s.Mode = mode tok := s.Scan() line := 1 for _, k := range tokenList { if mode&SkipComments == 0 || k.tok != Comment { checkTok(t, s, line, tok, k.tok, k.text) tok = s.Scan() } line += countNewlines(k.text) + 1 // each token is on a new line } checkTok(t, s, line, tok, EOF, "") } func TestScan(t *testing.T) { testScan(t, GoTokens) testScan(t, GoTokens&^SkipComments) } func TestPosition(t *testing.T) { src := makeSource("\t\t\t\t%s\n") s := new(Scanner).Init(src) s.Mode = GoTokens &^ SkipComments s.Scan() pos := Position{"", 4, 1, 5} for _, k := range tokenList { if s.Offset != pos.Offset { t.Errorf("offset = %d, want %d for %q", s.Offset, pos.Offset, k.text) } if s.Line != pos.Line { t.Errorf("line = %d, want %d for %q", s.Line, pos.Line, k.text) } if s.Column != pos.Column { t.Errorf("column = %d, want %d for %q", s.Column, pos.Column, k.text) } pos.Offset += 4 + len(k.text) + 1 // 4 tabs + token bytes + newline pos.Line += countNewlines(k.text) + 1 // each token is on a new line s.Scan() } // make sure there were no token-internal errors reported by scanner if s.ErrorCount != 0 { t.Errorf("%d errors", s.ErrorCount) } } func TestScanZeroMode(t *testing.T) { src := makeSource("%s\n") str := src.String() s := new(Scanner).Init(src) s.Mode = 0 // don't recognize any token classes s.Whitespace = 0 // don't skip any whitespace tok := s.Scan() for i, ch := range str { if tok != ch { t.Fatalf("%d. tok = %s, want %s", i, TokenString(tok), TokenString(ch)) } tok = s.Scan() } if tok != EOF { t.Fatalf("tok = %s, want EOF", TokenString(tok)) } if s.ErrorCount != 0 { t.Errorf("%d errors", s.ErrorCount) } } func testScanSelectedMode(t *testing.T, mode uint, class int) { src := makeSource("%s\n") s := new(Scanner).Init(src) s.Mode = mode tok := s.Scan() for tok != EOF { if tok < 0 && tok != class { t.Fatalf("tok = %s, want %s", TokenString(tok), TokenString(class)) } tok = s.Scan() } if s.ErrorCount != 0 { t.Errorf("%d errors", s.ErrorCount) } } func TestScanSelectedMask(t *testing.T) { testScanSelectedMode(t, 0, 0) testScanSelectedMode(t, ScanIdents, Ident) // Don't test ScanInts and ScanNumbers since some parts of // the floats in the source look like (illegal) octal ints // and ScanNumbers may return either Int or Float. testScanSelectedMode(t, ScanChars, Char) testScanSelectedMode(t, ScanStrings, String) testScanSelectedMode(t, SkipComments, 0) testScanSelectedMode(t, ScanComments, Comment) } func TestScanNext(t *testing.T) { s := new(Scanner).Init(bytes.NewBufferString("if a == bcd /* comment */ {\n\ta += c\n} // line comment ending in eof")) checkTok(t, s, 1, s.Scan(), Ident, "if") checkTok(t, s, 1, s.Scan(), Ident, "a") checkTok(t, s, 1, s.Scan(), '=', "=") checkTok(t, s, 1, s.Next(), '=', "") checkTok(t, s, 1, s.Next(), ' ', "") checkTok(t, s, 1, s.Next(), 'b', "") checkTok(t, s, 1, s.Scan(), Ident, "cd") checkTok(t, s, 1, s.Scan(), '{', "{") checkTok(t, s, 2, s.Scan(), Ident, "a") checkTok(t, s, 2, s.Scan(), '+', "+") checkTok(t, s, 2, s.Next(), '=', "") checkTok(t, s, 2, s.Scan(), Ident, "c") checkTok(t, s, 3, s.Scan(), '}', "}") checkTok(t, s, 3, s.Scan(), -1, "") if s.ErrorCount != 0 { t.Errorf("%d errors", s.ErrorCount) } } func TestScanWhitespace(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer var ws uint64 // start at 1, NUL character is not allowed for ch := byte(1); ch < ' '; ch++ { buf.WriteByte(ch) ws |= 1 << ch } const orig = 'x' buf.WriteByte(orig) s := new(Scanner).Init(&buf) s.Mode = 0 s.Whitespace = ws tok := s.Scan() if tok != orig { t.Errorf("tok = %s, want %s", TokenString(tok), TokenString(orig)) } } func testError(t *testing.T, src, pos, msg string, tok int) { s := new(Scanner).Init(bytes.NewBufferString(src)) errorCalled := false s.Error = func(s *Scanner, m string) { if !errorCalled { // only look at first error if p := s.Pos().String(); p != pos { t.Errorf("pos = %q, want %q for %q", p, pos, src) } if m != msg { t.Errorf("msg = %q, want %q for %q", m, msg, src) } errorCalled = true } } tk := s.Scan() if tk != tok { t.Errorf("tok = %s, want %s for %q", TokenString(tk), TokenString(tok), src) } if !errorCalled { t.Errorf("error handler not called for %q", src) } if s.ErrorCount == 0 { t.Errorf("count = %d, want > 0 for %q", s.ErrorCount, src) } } func TestError(t *testing.T) { testError(t, "\x00", "1:1", "illegal character NUL", 0) testError(t, "\x80", "1:1", "illegal UTF-8 encoding", utf8.RuneError) testError(t, "\xff", "1:1", "illegal UTF-8 encoding", utf8.RuneError) testError(t, "a\x00", "1:2", "illegal character NUL", Ident) testError(t, "ab\x80", "1:3", "illegal UTF-8 encoding", Ident) testError(t, "abc\xff", "1:4", "illegal UTF-8 encoding", Ident) testError(t, `"a`+"\x00", "1:3", "illegal character NUL", String) testError(t, `"ab`+"\x80", "1:4", "illegal UTF-8 encoding", String) testError(t, `"abc`+"\xff", "1:5", "illegal UTF-8 encoding", String) testError(t, "`a"+"\x00", "1:3", "illegal character NUL", String) testError(t, "`ab"+"\x80", "1:4", "illegal UTF-8 encoding", String) testError(t, "`abc"+"\xff", "1:5", "illegal UTF-8 encoding", String) testError(t, `'\"'`, "1:3", "illegal char escape", Char) testError(t, `"\'"`, "1:3", "illegal char escape", String) testError(t, `01238`, "1:6", "illegal octal number", Int) testError(t, `'aa'`, "1:4", "illegal char literal", Char) testError(t, `'`, "1:2", "literal not terminated", Char) testError(t, `'`+"\n", "1:2", "literal not terminated", Char) testError(t, `"abc`, "1:5", "literal not terminated", String) testError(t, `"abc`+"\n", "1:5", "literal not terminated", String) testError(t, "`abc\n", "2:1", "literal not terminated", String) testError(t, `/*/`, "1:4", "comment not terminated", EOF) } func checkPos(t *testing.T, got, want Position) { if got.Offset != want.Offset || got.Line != want.Line || got.Column != want.Column { t.Errorf("got offset, line, column = %d, %d, %d; want %d, %d, %d", got.Offset, got.Line, got.Column, want.Offset, want.Line, want.Column) } } func checkNextPos(t *testing.T, s *Scanner, offset, line, column, char int) { if ch := s.Next(); ch != char { t.Errorf("ch = %s, want %s", TokenString(ch), TokenString(char)) } want := Position{Offset: offset, Line: line, Column: column} checkPos(t, s.Pos(), want) } func checkScanPos(t *testing.T, s *Scanner, offset, line, column, char int) { want := Position{Offset: offset, Line: line, Column: column} checkPos(t, s.Pos(), want) if ch := s.Scan(); ch != char { t.Errorf("ch = %s, want %s", TokenString(ch), TokenString(char)) if string(ch) != s.TokenText() { t.Errorf("tok = %q, want %q", s.TokenText(), string(ch)) } } checkPos(t, s.Position, want) } func TestPos(t *testing.T) { // corner case: empty source s := new(Scanner).Init(bytes.NewBufferString("")) checkPos(t, s.Pos(), Position{Offset: 0, Line: 1, Column: 1}) s.Peek() // peek doesn't affect the position checkPos(t, s.Pos(), Position{Offset: 0, Line: 1, Column: 1}) // corner case: source with only a newline s = new(Scanner).Init(bytes.NewBufferString("\n")) checkPos(t, s.Pos(), Position{Offset: 0, Line: 1, Column: 1}) checkNextPos(t, s, 1, 2, 1, '\n') // after EOF position doesn't change for i := 10; i > 0; i-- { checkScanPos(t, s, 1, 2, 1, EOF) } if s.ErrorCount != 0 { t.Errorf("%d errors", s.ErrorCount) } // corner case: source with only a single character s = new(Scanner).Init(bytes.NewBufferString("本")) checkPos(t, s.Pos(), Position{Offset: 0, Line: 1, Column: 1}) checkNextPos(t, s, 3, 1, 2, '本') // after EOF position doesn't change for i := 10; i > 0; i-- { checkScanPos(t, s, 3, 1, 2, EOF) } if s.ErrorCount != 0 { t.Errorf("%d errors", s.ErrorCount) } // positions after calling Next s = new(Scanner).Init(bytes.NewBufferString(" foo६४ \n\n本語\n")) checkNextPos(t, s, 1, 1, 2, ' ') s.Peek() // peek doesn't affect the position checkNextPos(t, s, 2, 1, 3, ' ') checkNextPos(t, s, 3, 1, 4, 'f') checkNextPos(t, s, 4, 1, 5, 'o') checkNextPos(t, s, 5, 1, 6, 'o') checkNextPos(t, s, 8, 1, 7, '६') checkNextPos(t, s, 11, 1, 8, '४') checkNextPos(t, s, 12, 1, 9, ' ') checkNextPos(t, s, 13, 1, 10, ' ') checkNextPos(t, s, 14, 2, 1, '\n') checkNextPos(t, s, 15, 3, 1, '\n') checkNextPos(t, s, 18, 3, 2, '本') checkNextPos(t, s, 21, 3, 3, '語') checkNextPos(t, s, 22, 4, 1, '\n') // after EOF position doesn't change for i := 10; i > 0; i-- { checkScanPos(t, s, 22, 4, 1, EOF) } if s.ErrorCount != 0 { t.Errorf("%d errors", s.ErrorCount) } // positions after calling Scan s = new(Scanner).Init(bytes.NewBufferString("abc\n本語\n\nx")) s.Mode = 0 s.Whitespace = 0 checkScanPos(t, s, 0, 1, 1, 'a') s.Peek() // peek doesn't affect the position checkScanPos(t, s, 1, 1, 2, 'b') checkScanPos(t, s, 2, 1, 3, 'c') checkScanPos(t, s, 3, 1, 4, '\n') checkScanPos(t, s, 4, 2, 1, '本') checkScanPos(t, s, 7, 2, 2, '語') checkScanPos(t, s, 10, 2, 3, '\n') checkScanPos(t, s, 11, 3, 1, '\n') checkScanPos(t, s, 12, 4, 1, 'x') // after EOF position doesn't change for i := 10; i > 0; i-- { checkScanPos(t, s, 13, 4, 2, EOF) } if s.ErrorCount != 0 { t.Errorf("%d errors", s.ErrorCount) } }