/* BasicStroke.java -- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Classpath. GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination. As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ package java.awt; import gnu.java.awt.java2d.CubicSegment; import gnu.java.awt.java2d.LineSegment; import gnu.java.awt.java2d.QuadSegment; import gnu.java.awt.java2d.Segment; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.awt.geom.PathIterator; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.Arrays; /** * A general purpose {@link Stroke} implementation that can represent a wide * variety of line styles for use with subclasses of {@link Graphics2D}. *

* The line cap and join styles can be set using the options illustrated * here: *

* Illustration of line cap and join styles *

* A dash array can be used to specify lines with alternating opaque and * transparent sections. */ public class BasicStroke implements Stroke { /** * Indicates a mitered line join style. See the class overview for an * illustration. */ public static final int JOIN_MITER = 0; /** * Indicates a rounded line join style. See the class overview for an * illustration. */ public static final int JOIN_ROUND = 1; /** * Indicates a bevelled line join style. See the class overview for an * illustration. */ public static final int JOIN_BEVEL = 2; /** * Indicates a flat line cap style. See the class overview for an * illustration. */ public static final int CAP_BUTT = 0; /** * Indicates a rounded line cap style. See the class overview for an * illustration. */ public static final int CAP_ROUND = 1; /** * Indicates a square line cap style. See the class overview for an * illustration. */ public static final int CAP_SQUARE = 2; /** The stroke width. */ private final float width; /** The line cap style. */ private final int cap; /** The line join style. */ private final int join; /** The miter limit. */ private final float limit; /** The dash array. */ private final float[] dash; /** The dash phase. */ private final float phase; private Segment start, end; /** * Creates a new BasicStroke instance with the given attributes. * * @param width the line width (>= 0.0f). * @param cap the line cap style (one of {@link #CAP_BUTT}, * {@link #CAP_ROUND} or {@link #CAP_SQUARE}). * @param join the line join style (one of {@link #JOIN_ROUND}, * {@link #JOIN_BEVEL}, or {@link #JOIN_MITER}). * @param miterlimit the limit to trim the miter join. The miterlimit must be * greater than or equal to 1.0f. * @param dash The array representing the dashing pattern. There must be at * least one non-zero entry. * @param dashPhase is negative and dash is not null. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If one input parameter doesn't meet * its needs. */ public BasicStroke(float width, int cap, int join, float miterlimit, float[] dash, float dashPhase) { if (width < 0.0f ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("width " + width + " < 0"); else if (cap < CAP_BUTT || cap > CAP_SQUARE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("cap " + cap + " out of range [" + CAP_BUTT + ".." + CAP_SQUARE + "]"); else if (miterlimit < 1.0f && join == JOIN_MITER) throw new IllegalArgumentException("miterlimit " + miterlimit + " < 1.0f while join == JOIN_MITER"); else if (join < JOIN_MITER || join > JOIN_BEVEL) throw new IllegalArgumentException("join " + join + " out of range [" + JOIN_MITER + ".." + JOIN_BEVEL + "]"); else if (dashPhase < 0.0f && dash != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("dashPhase " + dashPhase + " < 0.0f while dash != null"); else if (dash != null) if (dash.length == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("dash.length is 0"); else { boolean allZero = true; for ( int i = 0; i < dash.length; ++i) { if (dash[i] != 0.0f) { allZero = false; break; } } if (allZero) throw new IllegalArgumentException("all dashes are 0.0f"); } this.width = width; this.cap = cap; this.join = join; limit = miterlimit; this.dash = dash == null ? null : (float[]) dash.clone(); phase = dashPhase; } /** * Creates a new BasicStroke instance with the given attributes. * * @param width the line width (>= 0.0f). * @param cap the line cap style (one of {@link #CAP_BUTT}, * {@link #CAP_ROUND} or {@link #CAP_SQUARE}). * @param join the line join style (one of {@link #JOIN_ROUND}, * {@link #JOIN_BEVEL}, or {@link #JOIN_MITER}). * @param miterlimit the limit to trim the miter join. The miterlimit must be * greater than or equal to 1.0f. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If one input parameter doesn't meet * its needs. */ public BasicStroke(float width, int cap, int join, float miterlimit) { this(width, cap, join, miterlimit, null, 0); } /** * Creates a new BasicStroke instance with the given attributes. * The miter limit defaults to 10.0. * * @param width the line width (>= 0.0f). * @param cap the line cap style (one of {@link #CAP_BUTT}, * {@link #CAP_ROUND} or {@link #CAP_SQUARE}). * @param join the line join style (one of {@link #JOIN_ROUND}, * {@link #JOIN_BEVEL}, or {@link #JOIN_MITER}). * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If one input parameter doesn't meet * its needs. */ public BasicStroke(float width, int cap, int join) { this(width, cap, join, 10, null, 0); } /** * Creates a new BasicStroke instance with the given line * width. The default values are: *

* * @param width the line width (>= 0.0f). * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If width is negative. */ public BasicStroke(float width) { this(width, CAP_SQUARE, JOIN_MITER, 10, null, 0); } /** * Creates a new BasicStroke instance. The default values are: * */ public BasicStroke() { this(1, CAP_SQUARE, JOIN_MITER, 10, null, 0); } /** * Creates a shape representing the stroked outline of the given shape. * THIS METHOD IS NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. * * @param s the shape. */ public Shape createStrokedShape(Shape s) { PathIterator pi = s.getPathIterator( new AffineTransform() ); if( dash == null ) return solidStroke( pi ); return dashedStroke( pi ); } /** * Returns the line width. * * @return The line width. */ public float getLineWidth() { return width; } /** * Returns a code indicating the line cap style (one of {@link #CAP_BUTT}, * {@link #CAP_ROUND}, {@link #CAP_SQUARE}). * * @return A code indicating the line cap style. */ public int getEndCap() { return cap; } /** * Returns a code indicating the line join style (one of {@link #JOIN_BEVEL}, * {@link #JOIN_MITER} or {@link #JOIN_ROUND}). * * @return A code indicating the line join style. */ public int getLineJoin() { return join; } /** * Returns the miter limit. * * @return The miter limit. */ public float getMiterLimit() { return limit; } /** * Returns the dash array, which defines the length of alternate opaque and * transparent sections in lines drawn with this stroke. If * null, a continuous line will be drawn. * * @return The dash array (possibly null). */ public float[] getDashArray() { return dash; } /** * Returns the dash phase for the stroke. This is the offset from the start * of a path at which the pattern defined by {@link #getDashArray()} is * rendered. * * @return The dash phase. */ public float getDashPhase() { return phase; } /** * Returns the hash code for this object. The hash is calculated by * xoring the hash, cap, join, limit, dash array and phase values * (converted to int first with * Float.floatToIntBits() if the value is a * float). * * @return The hash code. */ public int hashCode() { int hash = Float.floatToIntBits(width); hash ^= cap; hash ^= join; hash ^= Float.floatToIntBits(limit); if (dash != null) for (int i = 0; i < dash.length; i++) hash ^= Float.floatToIntBits(dash[i]); hash ^= Float.floatToIntBits(phase); return hash; } /** * Compares this BasicStroke for equality with an arbitrary * object. This method returns true if and only if: * * * @param o the object (null permitted). * * @return true if this stroke is equal to o and * false otherwise. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { if (! (o instanceof BasicStroke)) return false; BasicStroke s = (BasicStroke) o; return width == s.width && cap == s.cap && join == s.join && limit == s.limit && Arrays.equals(dash, s.dash) && phase == s.phase; } private Shape solidStroke(PathIterator pi) { double[] coords = new double[6]; double x, y, x0, y0; boolean pathOpen = false; GeneralPath output = new GeneralPath( ); Segment[] p; x = x0 = y = y0 = 0; while( !pi.isDone() ) { switch( pi.currentSegment(coords) ) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: x0 = x = coords[0]; y0 = y = coords[1]; if( pathOpen ) { capEnds(); convertPath(output, start); start = end = null; pathOpen = false; } break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: p = (new LineSegment(x, y, coords[0], coords[1])). getDisplacedSegments(width/2.0); if( !pathOpen ) { start = p[0]; end = p[1]; pathOpen = true; } else addSegments(p); x = coords[0]; y = coords[1]; break; case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: p = (new QuadSegment(x, y, coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3])).getDisplacedSegments(width/2.0); if( !pathOpen ) { start = p[0]; end = p[1]; pathOpen = true; } else addSegments(p); x = coords[0]; y = coords[1]; break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: p = new CubicSegment(x, y, coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4], coords[5]).getDisplacedSegments(width/2.0); if( !pathOpen ) { start = p[0]; end = p[1]; pathOpen = true; } else addSegments(p); x = coords[0]; y = coords[1]; break; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: p = (new LineSegment(x, y, x0, y0)).getDisplacedSegments(width/2.0); addSegments(p); convertPath(output, start); convertPath(output, end); start = end = null; pathOpen = false; break; } pi.next(); } if( pathOpen ) { capEnds(); convertPath(output, start); } return output; } private Shape dashedStroke(PathIterator pi) { GeneralPath out = new GeneralPath(); return out; } /** * Cap the ends of the path (joining the start and end list of segments) */ private void capEnds() { Segment returnPath = end.last; end.reverseAll(); // reverse the path. end = null; capEnd(start, returnPath); start.last = returnPath.last; end = null; capEnd(start, start); } /** * Convert and add the linked list of Segments in s to a GeneralPath p. */ private void convertPath(GeneralPath p, Segment s) { Segment v = s; p.moveTo((float)s.P1.getX(), (float)s.P1.getY()); do { if(v instanceof LineSegment) p.lineTo((float)v.P2.getX(), (float)v.P2.getY()); else if(v instanceof QuadSegment) p.quadTo((float)((QuadSegment)v).cp.getX(), (float)((QuadSegment)v).cp.getY(), (float)v.P2.getX(), (float)v.P2.getY()); else if(v instanceof CubicSegment) p.curveTo((float)((CubicSegment)v).cp1.getX(), (float)((CubicSegment)v).cp1.getY(), (float)((CubicSegment)v).cp2.getX(), (float)((CubicSegment)v).cp2.getY(), (float)v.P2.getX(), (float)v.P2.getY()); v = v.next; } while(v != s && v != null); p.closePath(); } /** * Add to segments to start and end, joining the outer pair and */ private void addSegments(Segment[] segments) { double[] p0 = start.last.last(); double[] p1 = new double[]{start.last.P2.getX(), start.last.P2.getY()}; double[] p2 = new double[]{segments[0].P1.getX(), segments[0].P1.getY()}; double[] p3 = segments[0].first(); Point2D p; double det = (p1[0] - p0[0])*(p3[1] - p2[1]) - (p3[0] - p2[0])*(p1[1] - p0[1]); if( det > 0 ) { // start and segment[0] form the 'inner' part of a join, // connect the overlapping segments p = lineIntersection(p0[0],p0[1],p1[0],p1[1],p2[0],p2[1],p3[0],p3[1], false); if( p == null ) { // Dodgy. start.add(new LineSegment(start.last.P2, segments[0].P1)); p = new Point2D.Double((segments[0].P1.getX()+ start.last.P2.getX())/2.0, (segments[0].P1.getY()+ start.last.P2.getY())/2.0); } else segments[0].P1 = start.last.P2 = p; start.add( segments[0] ); joinSegments(end, segments[1], p); } else { // end and segment[1] form the 'inner' part p0 = end.last.last(); p1 = new double[]{end.last.P2.getX(), end.last.P2.getY()}; p2 = new double[]{segments[1].P1.getX(), segments[1].P1.getY()}; p3 = segments[1].first(); p = lineIntersection(p0[0],p0[1],p1[0],p1[1], p2[0],p2[1],p3[0],p3[1], false); if( p == null ) { // Dodgy. end.add(new LineSegment(end.last.P2, segments[1].P1)); p = new Point2D.Double((segments[1].P1.getX()+ end.last.P2.getX())/2.0, (segments[1].P1.getY()+ end.last.P2.getY())/2.0); } else segments[1].P1 = end.last.P2 = p; end.add( segments[1] ); joinSegments(start, segments[0], p); } } /** * Make a cap between a and b segments, * where a-->b is the direction of iteration. */ private void capEnd(Segment a, Segment b) { double[] p0, p1; double dx, dy, l; Point2D c1,c2; switch( cap ) { case CAP_BUTT: a.add(new LineSegment(a.last.P2, b.P1)); break; case CAP_SQUARE: p0 = a.last.last(); p1 = new double[]{a.last.P2.getX(), a.last.P2.getY()}; dx = p1[0] - p0[0]; dy = p1[1] - p0[1]; l = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); dx = 0.5*width*dx/l; dy = 0.5*width*dy/l; c1 = new Point2D.Double(p1[0] + dx, p1[1] + dy); c2 = new Point2D.Double(b.P1.getX() + dx, b.P1.getY() + dy); a.add(new LineSegment(a.last.P2, c1)); a.add(new LineSegment(c1, c2)); a.add(new LineSegment(c2, b.P1)); break; case CAP_ROUND: p0 = a.last.last(); p1 = new double[]{a.last.P2.getX(), a.last.P2.getY()}; dx = p1[0] - p0[0]; dy = p1[1] - p0[1]; l = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); dx = (2.0/3.0)*width*dx/l; dy = (2.0/3.0)*width*dy/l; c1 = new Point2D.Double(p1[0] + dx, p1[1] + dy); c2 = new Point2D.Double(b.P1.getX() + dx, b.P1.getY() + dy); a.add(new CubicSegment(a.last.P2, c1, c2, b.P1)); break; } a.add(b); } /** * Returns the intersection of two lines, or null if there isn't one. * @param infinite - true if the lines should be regarded as infinite, false * if the intersection must be within the given segments. * @return a Point2D or null. */ private Point2D lineIntersection(double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2, double X3, double Y3, double X4, double Y4, boolean infinite) { double x1 = X1; double y1 = Y1; double rx = X2 - x1; double ry = Y2 - y1; double x2 = X3; double y2 = Y3; double sx = X4 - x2; double sy = Y4 - y2; double determinant = sx * ry - sy * rx; double nom = (sx * (y2 - y1) + sy * (x1 - x2)); // lines can be considered parallel. if (Math.abs(determinant) < 1E-6) return null; nom = nom / determinant; // check if lines are within the bounds if(!infinite && (nom > 1.0 || nom < 0.0)) return null; return new Point2D.Double(x1 + nom * rx, y1 + nom * ry); } /** * Join a and b segments, where a-->b is the direction of iteration. * * insideP is the inside intersection point of the join, needed for * calculating miter lengths. */ private void joinSegments(Segment a, Segment b, Point2D insideP) { double[] p0, p1; double dx, dy, l; Point2D c1,c2; switch( join ) { case JOIN_MITER: p0 = a.last.last(); p1 = new double[]{a.last.P2.getX(), a.last.P2.getY()}; double[] p2 = new double[]{b.P1.getX(), b.P1.getY()}; double[] p3 = b.first(); Point2D p = lineIntersection(p0[0],p0[1],p1[0],p1[1],p2[0],p2[1],p3[0],p3[1], true); if( p == null || insideP == null ) a.add(new LineSegment(a.last.P2, b.P1)); else if((p.distance(insideP)/width) < limit) { a.add(new LineSegment(a.last.P2, p)); a.add(new LineSegment(p, b.P1)); } else { // outside miter limit, do a bevel join. a.add(new LineSegment(a.last.P2, b.P1)); } break; case JOIN_ROUND: p0 = a.last.last(); p1 = new double[]{a.last.P2.getX(), a.last.P2.getY()}; dx = p1[0] - p0[0]; dy = p1[1] - p0[1]; l = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); dx = 0.5*width*dx/l; dy = 0.5*width*dy/l; c1 = new Point2D.Double(p1[0] + dx, p1[1] + dy); p0 = new double[]{b.P1.getX(), b.P1.getY()}; p1 = b.first(); dx = p0[0] - p1[0]; // backwards direction. dy = p0[1] - p1[1]; l = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); dx = 0.5*width*dx/l; dy = 0.5*width*dy/l; c2 = new Point2D.Double(p0[0] + dx, p0[1] + dy); a.add(new CubicSegment(a.last.P2, c1, c2, b.P1)); break; case JOIN_BEVEL: a.add(new LineSegment(a.last.P2, b.P1)); break; } a.add(b); } }