path: root/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/funcargs.c
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authorJason Molenda <>1999-06-28 16:06:02 +0000
committerJason Molenda <>1999-06-28 16:06:02 +0000
commit3aa48797ecc40f0b9fa07da4685595b9a5bcf07a (patch)
tree6071aaa9824ade430d70cba71650efb16e77a591 /gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/funcargs.c
parent4683ebe4e2ebe3d956e90b55271a01fc6ce735cf (diff)
import gdb-1999-06-28 snapshot
Diffstat (limited to 'gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/funcargs.c')
1 files changed, 289 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/funcargs.c b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/funcargs.c
index ead67e551ee..98d390bc345 100644
--- a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/funcargs.c
+++ b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/funcargs.c
@@ -71,8 +71,12 @@ char carray[] = {'a', 'n', ' ', 'a', 'r', 'r', 'a', 'y', '\0'};
/* Test various permutations and interleaving of integral arguments */
+void call0a (char c, short s, int i, long l)
call0a (c, s, i, l)
char c; short s; int i; long l;
c = 'a';
s = 5;
@@ -80,26 +84,42 @@ char c; short s; int i; long l;
l = 7;
+void call0b (short s, int i, long l, char c)
call0b (s, i, l, c)
short s; int i; long l; char c;
s = 6; i = 7; l = 8; c = 'j';
+void call0c (int i, long l, char c, short s)
call0c (i, l, c, s)
int i; long l; char c; short s;
i = 3; l = 4; c = 'k'; s = 5;
+void call0d (long l, char c, short s, int i)
call0d (l, c, s, i)
long l; char c; short s; int i;
l = 7; c = 'z'; s = 8; i = 9;
+void call0e (char c1, long l, char c2, int i, char c3, short s, char c4, char c5)
call0e (c1, l, c2, i, c3, s, c4, c5)
char c1; long l; char c2; int i; char c3; short s; char c4; char c5;
c1 = 'a'; l = 5; c2 = 'b'; i = 7; c3 = 'c'; s = 7; c4 = 'f'; c5 = 'g';
@@ -108,33 +128,53 @@ char c1; long l; char c2; int i; char c3; short s; char c4; char c5;
/* Test various permutations and interleaving of unsigned integral arguments */
+void call1a (unsigned char uc, unsigned short us, unsigned int ui, unsigned long ul)
call1a (uc, us, ui, ul)
unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
uc = 5; us = 6; ui = 7; ul = 8;
+void call1b (unsigned short us, unsigned int ui, unsigned long ul, unsigned char uc)
call1b (us, ui, ul, uc)
unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul; unsigned char uc;
uc = 5; us = 6; ui = 7; ul = 8;
+void call1c (unsigned int ui, unsigned long ul, unsigned char uc, unsigned short us)
call1c (ui, ul, uc, us)
unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul; unsigned char uc; unsigned short us;
uc = 5; us = 6; ui = 7; ul = 8;
+void call1d (unsigned long ul, unsigned char uc, unsigned short us, unsigned int ui)
call1d (ul, uc, us, ui)
unsigned long ul; unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui;
uc = 5; us = 6; ui = 7; ul = 8;
+void call1e (unsigned char uc1, unsigned long ul, unsigned char uc2, unsigned int ui, unsigned char uc3, unsigned short us, unsigned char uc4, unsigned char uc5)
call1e (uc1, ul, uc2, ui, uc3, us, uc4, uc5)
unsigned char uc1; unsigned long ul; unsigned char uc2; unsigned int ui;
unsigned char uc3; unsigned short us; unsigned char uc4; unsigned char uc5;
uc1 = 5; ul = 7; uc2 = 8; ui = 9; uc3 = 10; us = 11; uc4 = 12; uc5 = 55;
@@ -143,57 +183,93 @@ unsigned char uc3; unsigned short us; unsigned char uc4; unsigned char uc5;
floating point arguments. */
+void call2a (char c, float f1, short s, double d1, int i, float f2, long l, double d2)
call2a (c, f1, s, d1, i, f2, l, d2)
char c; float f1; short s; double d1; int i; float f2; long l; double d2;
c = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; s = 5; d1 = 0.0; i = 6; f2 = 0.1; l = 7; d2 = 0.2;
+void call2b (float f1, short s, double d1, int i, float f2, long l, double d2, char c)
call2b (f1, s, d1, i, f2, l, d2, c)
float f1; short s; double d1; int i; float f2; long l; double d2; char c;
c = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; s = 5; d1 = 0.0; i = 6; f2 = 0.1; l = 7; d2 = 0.2;
+void call2c (short s, double d1, int i, float f2, long l, double d2, char c, float f1)
call2c (s, d1, i, f2, l, d2, c, f1)
short s; double d1; int i; float f2; long l; double d2; char c; float f1;
c = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; s = 5; d1 = 0.0; i = 6; f2 = 0.1; l = 7; d2 = 0.2;
+void call2d (double d1, int i, float f2, long l, double d2, char c, float f1, short s)
call2d (d1, i, f2, l, d2, c, f1, s)
double d1; int i; float f2; long l; double d2; char c; float f1; short s;
c = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; s = 5; d1 = 0.0; i = 6; f2 = 0.1; l = 7; d2 = 0.2;
+void call2e (int i, float f2, long l, double d2, char c, float f1, short s, double d1)
call2e (i, f2, l, d2, c, f1, s, d1)
int i; float f2; long l; double d2; char c; float f1; short s; double d1;
c = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; s = 5; d1 = 0.0; i = 6; f2 = 0.1; l = 7; d2 = 0.2;
+void call2f (float f2, long l, double d2, char c, float f1, short s, double d1, int i)
call2f (f2, l, d2, c, f1, s, d1, i)
float f2; long l; double d2; char c; float f1; short s; double d1; int i;
c = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; s = 5; d1 = 0.0; i = 6; f2 = 0.1; l = 7; d2 = 0.2;
+void call2g (long l, double d2, char c, float f1, short s, double d1, int i, float f2)
call2g (l, d2, c, f1, s, d1, i, f2)
long l; double d2; char c; float f1; short s; double d1; int i; float f2;
c = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; s = 5; d1 = 0.0; i = 6; f2 = 0.1; l = 7; d2 = 0.2;
+void call2h (double d2, char c, float f1, short s, double d1, int i, float f2, long l)
call2h (d2, c, f1, s, d1, i, f2, l)
double d2; char c; float f1; short s; double d1; int i; float f2; long l;
c = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; s = 5; d1 = 0.0; i = 6; f2 = 0.1; l = 7; d2 = 0.2;
+void call2i (char c1, float f1, char c2, char c3, double d1, char c4, char c5, char c6, float f2, short s, char c7, double d2)
call2i (c1, f1, c2, c3, d1, c4, c5, c6, f2, s, c7, d2)
char c1; float f1; char c2; char c3; double d1; char c4; char c5; char c6;
float f2; short s; char c7; double d2;
c1 = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; c2 = 5; d1 = 0.0; c3 = 6; f2 = 0.1; c4 = 7; d2 = 0.2;
c5 = 's'; c6 = 'f'; c7 = 'z'; s = 77;
@@ -203,21 +279,33 @@ float f2; short s; char c7; double d2;
/* Test pointers to various integral and floating types. */
+void call3a (char *cp, short *sp, int *ip, long *lp)
call3a (cp, sp, ip, lp)
char *cp; short *sp; int *ip; long *lp;
cp = 0; sp = 0; ip = 0; lp = 0;
+void call3b (unsigned char *ucp, unsigned short *usp, unsigned int *uip, unsigned long *ulp)
call3b (ucp, usp, uip, ulp)
unsigned char *ucp; unsigned short *usp; unsigned int *uip;
unsigned long *ulp;
ucp = 0; usp = 0; uip = 0; ulp = 0;
+void call3c (float *fp, double *dp)
call3c (fp, dp)
float *fp; double *dp;
fp = 0; dp = 0;
@@ -226,12 +314,20 @@ float *fp; double *dp;
/* Test passing structures and unions by reference. */
+void call4a (struct stag *stp)
call4a (stp)
-struct stag *stp; {
-stp = 0;}
+struct stag *stp;
+{stp = 0;}
+void call4b (union utag *unp)
call4b (unp)
union utag *unp;
unp = 0;
@@ -240,165 +336,258 @@ union utag *unp;
/* Test passing structures and unions by value. */
+void call5a (struct stag st)
call5a (st)
-struct stag st; {st.s1 = 5;}
+struct stag st;
+{st.s1 = 5;}
+void call5b (union utag un)
call5b (un)
-union utag un; {un.u1 = 7;}
+union utag un;
+{un.u1 = 7;}
/* Test shuffling of args */
-call6a (c, s, i, l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul)
-char c; short s; int i; long l; float f; double d;
-unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
+void call6k ()
- c = c;
- call6b (s, i, l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul);
-call6b (s, i, l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul)
-short s; int i; long l; float f; double d;
-unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
+void call6j (unsigned long ul)
+call6j (ul)
+unsigned long ul;
- s = s;
- call6c (i, l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul);
+ ul = ul;
+ call6k ();
-call6c (i, l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul)
-int i; long l; float f; double d;
-unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
+void call6i (unsigned int ui, unsigned long ul)
+call6i (ui, ul)
+unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
- i = i;
- call6d (l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul);
+ ui = ui;
+ call6j (ul);
-call6d (l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul)
-long l; float f; double d;
-unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
+void call6h (unsigned short us, unsigned int ui, unsigned long ul)
+call6h (us, ui, ul)
+unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
- l = l;
- call6e (f, d, uc, us, ui, ul);
+ us = us;
+ call6i (ui, ul);
-call6e (f, d, uc, us, ui, ul)
-float f; double d;
+void call6g (unsigned char uc, unsigned short us, unsigned int ui, unsigned long ul)
+call6g (uc, us, ui, ul)
unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
- f = f;
- call6f (d, uc, us, ui, ul);
+ uc = uc;
+ call6h (us, ui, ul);
+void call6f (double d, unsigned char uc, unsigned short us, unsigned int ui, unsigned long ul)
call6f (d, uc, us, ui, ul)
double d;
unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
d = d;
call6g (uc, us, ui, ul);
-call6g (uc, us, ui, ul)
+void call6e (float f, double d, unsigned char uc, unsigned short us, unsigned int ui, unsigned long ul)
+call6e (f, d, uc, us, ui, ul)
+float f; double d;
unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
- uc = uc;
- call6h (us, ui, ul);
+ f = f;
+ call6f (d, uc, us, ui, ul);
-call6h (us, ui, ul)
-unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
+void call6d (long l, float f, double d, unsigned char uc, unsigned short us, unsigned int ui, unsigned long ul)
+call6d (l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul)
+long l; float f; double d;
+unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
- us = us;
- call6i (ui, ul);
+ l = l;
+ call6e (f, d, uc, us, ui, ul);
-call6i (ui, ul)
-unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
+void call6c (int i, long l, float f, double d, unsigned char uc, unsigned short us, unsigned int ui, unsigned long ul)
+call6c (i, l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul)
+int i; long l; float f; double d;
+unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
- ui = ui;
- call6j (ul);
+ i = i;
+ call6d (l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul);
-call6j (ul)
-unsigned long ul;
+void call6b (short s, int i, long l, float f, double d, unsigned char uc, unsigned short us, unsigned int ui, unsigned long ul)
+call6b (s, i, l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul)
+short s; int i; long l; float f; double d;
+unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
- ul = ul;
- call6k ();
+ s = s;
+ call6c (i, l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul);
-call6k ()
+void call6a (char c, short s, int i, long l, float f, double d, unsigned char uc, unsigned short us, unsigned int ui, unsigned long ul)
+call6a (c, s, i, l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul)
+char c; short s; int i; long l; float f; double d;
+unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
+ c = c;
+ call6b (s, i, l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul);
/* Test shuffling of args, round robin */
-call7a (c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui)
+void call7k (char c, int i, short s, long l, float f, unsigned char uc, double d, unsigned short us, unsigned long ul, unsigned int ui)
+call7k (c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui)
char c; int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui;
- call7b (i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c);
+ c = 'a'; i = 7; s = 8; l = 7; f = 0.3; uc = 44; d = 0.44; us = 77;
+ ul = 43; ui = 33;
-call7b (i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c)
-int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c;
+void call7j (unsigned int ui, char c, int i, short s, long l, float f, unsigned char uc, double d, unsigned short us, unsigned long ul)
+call7j (ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul)
+unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul;
- call7c (s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i);
+ call7k (c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui);
-call7c (s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i)
-short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i;
+void call7i (unsigned long ul, unsigned int ui, char c, int i, short s, long l, float f, unsigned char uc, double d, unsigned short us)
+call7i (ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us)
+unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us;
- call7d (l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s);
+ call7j (ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul);
-call7d (l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s)
-long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s;
+void call7h (unsigned short us, unsigned long ul, unsigned int ui, char c, int i, short s, long l, float f, unsigned char uc, double d)
+call7h (us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d)
+unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d;
- call7e (f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l);
+ call7i (ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us);
-call7e (f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l)
-float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s; long l;
+void call7g (double d, unsigned short us, unsigned long ul, unsigned int ui, char c, int i, short s, long l, float f, unsigned char uc)
+call7g (d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc)
+double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc;
- call7f (uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f);
+ call7h (us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d);
+void call7f (unsigned char uc, double d, unsigned short us, unsigned long ul, unsigned int ui, char c, int i, short s, long l, float f)
call7f (uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f)
unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s; long l; float f;
call7g (d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc);
-call7g (d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc)
-double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc;
+void call7e (float f, unsigned char uc, double d, unsigned short us, unsigned long ul, unsigned int ui, char c, int i, short s, long l)
+call7e (f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l)
+float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s; long l;
- call7h (us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d);
+ call7f (uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f);
-call7h (us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d)
-unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d;
+void call7d (long l, float f, unsigned char uc, double d, unsigned short us, unsigned long ul, unsigned int ui, char c, int i, short s)
+call7d (l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s)
+long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s;
- call7i (ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us);
+ call7e (f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l);
-call7i (ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us)
-unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us;
+void call7c (short s, long l, float f, unsigned char uc, double d, unsigned short us, unsigned long ul, unsigned int ui, char c, int i)
+call7c (s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i)
+short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i;
- call7j (ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul);
+ call7d (l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s);
-call7j (ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul)
-unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul;
+void call7b (int i, short s, long l, float f, unsigned char uc, double d, unsigned short us, unsigned long ul, unsigned int ui, char c)
+call7b (i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c)
+int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c;
- call7k (c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui);
+ call7c (s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i);
-call7k (c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui)
+void call7a (char c, int i, short s, long l, float f, unsigned char uc, double d, unsigned short us, unsigned long ul, unsigned int ui)
+call7a (c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui)
char c; int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui;
- c = 'a'; i = 7; s = 8; l = 7; f = 0.3; uc = 44; d = 0.44; us = 77;
- ul = 43; ui = 33;
+ call7b (i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c);
@@ -412,13 +601,17 @@ typedef struct s
long l;
-hitbottom ()
+void hitbottom ()
+void recurse (SVAL a, int depth)
void recurse (a, depth)
int depth;
a.s = a.i = a.l = --depth;
if (depth == 0)
@@ -427,7 +620,7 @@ int depth;
recurse (a, depth);
-test_struct_args ()
+void test_struct_args ()
SVAL s; s.s = 5; s.i = 5; s.l = 5;
@@ -438,12 +631,16 @@ test_struct_args ()
calls alloca may do things differently with respect to frames. So give
it a try. */
+void localvars_after_alloca (char c, short s, int i, long l)
localvars_after_alloca (c, s, i, l)
char c;
short s;
int i;
long l;
/* No need to use the alloca.c alloca-on-top-of-malloc; it doesn't
@@ -458,21 +655,29 @@ localvars_after_alloca (c, s, i, l)
l = 7;
+void call_after_alloca_subr (char c, short s, int i, long l, unsigned char uc, unsigned short us, unsigned int ui, unsigned long ul)
call_after_alloca_subr (c, s, i, l, uc, us, ui, ul)
char c; int i; short s; long l; unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui;
c = 'a';
i = 7; s = 8; l = 7; uc = 44; us = 77;
ul = 43; ui = 33;
+void call_after_alloca (char c, short s, int i, long l)
call_after_alloca (c, s, i, l)
char c;
short s;
int i;
long l;
/* No need to use the alloca.c alloca-on-top-of-malloc; it doesn't
@@ -491,9 +696,13 @@ call_after_alloca (c, s, i, l)
will require a trampoline between dyncall and this function on the
call path, then another trampoline on between this function and main
on the return path. */
+double call_with_trampolines (double d1)
call_with_trampolines (d1)
double d1;
return d1;
} /* End of call_with_trampolines, this comment is needed by funcargs.exp */
@@ -506,10 +715,10 @@ marker_indirect_call () {}
marker_call_with_trampolines () {}
-main ()
+int main ()
- int (*pointer_to_call0a) () = call0a;
- double (*pointer_to_call_with_trampolines) () = call_with_trampolines;
+ void (*pointer_to_call0a) (char, short, int, long) = (void (*)(char, short, int, long))call0a;
+ double (*pointer_to_call_with_trampolines) (double) = call_with_trampolines;
#ifdef usestubs
@@ -579,4 +788,5 @@ main ()
(*pointer_to_call0a) (c, s, i, l); /* Second step into call0a. */
marker_call_with_trampolines ();
(*pointer_to_call_with_trampolines) (d); /* Test multiple trampolines. */
+ return 0;