path: root/itcl/iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/canvasprintbox.n.html
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authorIan Roxborough <>2001-09-09 19:49:03 +0000
committerIan Roxborough <>2001-09-09 19:49:03 +0000
commit57e8350a3895a1579b77cc134d6d7d49b056678e (patch)
tree7584c16f5407dd1371b8290109b3b822067afd5a /itcl/iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/canvasprintbox.n.html
parent7467241ff2a5cd6da7bbecb7111fc0dc3211c7de (diff)
Itcl import for Tcl/Tk8.3 upgradeITCL_TCL_8_3
Diffstat (limited to 'itcl/iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/canvasprintbox.n.html')
1 files changed, 305 insertions, 302 deletions
diff --git a/itcl/iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/canvasprintbox.n.html b/itcl/iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/canvasprintbox.n.html
index a103402def1..8f11d07912e 100644
--- a/itcl/iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/canvasprintbox.n.html
+++ b/itcl/iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/canvasprintbox.n.html
@@ -1,302 +1,305 @@
-<TITLE>iwidgets2.2.0 User Commands - canvasprintbox</TITLE>
-<H1>iwidgets2.2.0 User Commands - canvasprintbox</H1>
- canvasprintbox - Create and manipulate a canvas print box
- widget
- <STRONG>canvasprintbox</STRONG> <EM>pathName</EM> ?<EM>options</EM>?
- itk::Widget &lt;- Canvasprintbox
- <STRONG>activeBackground</STRONG> <STRONG>background</STRONG> <STRONG>borderWidthcursor</STRONG>
- <STRONG>foreground</STRONG> <STRONG>highlightBackground</STRONG> <STRONG>highlightColorhighlightThickness</STRONG>
- <STRONG>insertBackground</STRONG> <STRONG>insertBorderWidthinsertOffTimeinsertOnTime</STRONG>
- <STRONG>insertWidth</STRONG> <STRONG>relief</STRONG> <STRONG>repeatDelay</STRONG> <STRONG>repeatInterval</STRONG>
- <STRONG>selectBackground</STRONG> <STRONG>selectBorderWidthselectForeground</STRONG>
- See the "options" manual entry for details on the standard
- options.
- Name: <STRONG>filename</STRONG>
- Class: <STRONG>FileName</STRONG>
- Command-Line Switch: <STRONG>-filename</STRONG>
- The file to write the postscript output to (Only when
- output is set to "file"). If posterizing is turned on
- and <STRONG>hpagecnt</STRONG> and/or <STRONG>vpagecnt</STRONG> is more than 1, x.y is
- appended to the filename where x is the horizontal page
- number and y the vertical page number.
- Name: <STRONG>hpagecnt</STRONG>
- Class: <STRONG>PageCnt</STRONG>
- Command-Line Switch: <STRONG>-hpagecnt</STRONG>
- Is used in combination with <STRONG>posterize</STRONG> to determine over
- how many pages the output should be distributed. This
- attribute specifies how many pages should be used hor-
- izontaly. Any change to this attribute will automati-
- cally update the "stamp". Defaults to 1.
- Name: <STRONG>orient</STRONG>
- Class: <STRONG>Orient</STRONG>
- Command-Line Switch: <STRONG>-orient</STRONG>
- Determines the orientation of the output to the printer
- (or file). It can take the value "portrait" or
- "landscape" (default). Changes to this attribute will
- be reflected immediately in the "stamp". Defaults to
- "landscape" but will be changed automaticaly to the
- value deemed appropiate for the current canvas. Setting
- this attribute when the canvasprintbox is first con-
- structed (instead of using the "configure" method) will
- turn off the auto adjustment of this attribute.
- Name: <STRONG>output</STRONG>
- Class: <STRONG>Output</STRONG>
- Command-Line Switch: <STRONG>-output</STRONG>
- Specifies where the postscript output should go: to the
- printer or to a file. Can take on the values "printer"
- or "file". The corresponding entry-widget will reflect
- the contents of either the <STRONG>printcmd</STRONG> attribute or the
- <STRONG>filename</STRONG> attribute. Defaults to "printer".
- Name: <STRONG>pageSize</STRONG>
- Class: <STRONG>PageSize</STRONG>
- Command-Line Switch: <STRONG>-pagesize</STRONG>
- The pagesize the printer supports. Changes to this
- attribute will be reflected immediately in the "stamp".
- Defaults to "a4".
- Name: <STRONG>posterize</STRONG>
- Class: <STRONG>Posterize</STRONG>
- Command-Line Switch: <STRONG>-posterize</STRONG>
- Indicates if posterizing is turned on or not. Posteriz-
- ing the output means that it is possible to distribute
- the output over more than one page. This way it is pos-
- sible to print a canvas/region which is larger than the
- specified pagesize without stretching. If used in com-
- bination with stretching it can be used to "blow up"
- the contents of a canvas to as large as size as you
- want (See attributes: hpagecnt and vpagecnt). Any
- change to this attribute will automatically update the
- "stamp". Defaults to 0.
- Name: <STRONG>printCmd</STRONG>
- Class: <STRONG>PrintCmd</STRONG>
- Command-Line Switch: <STRONG>-printcmd</STRONG>
- The command to execute when printing the postscript
- output. The command will get the postscript directed
- to its standard input (Only when output is set to
- "printer"). Defaults to "lpr".
- Name: <STRONG>printRegion</STRONG>
- Class: <STRONG>PrintRegion</STRONG>
- Command-Line Switch: <STRONG>-printregion</STRONG>
- A list of four coordinates specifying which part of the
- canvas to print. An empty list means that the canvas'
- entire <STRONG>scrollregion</STRONG> should be printed. Any change to
- this attribute will automatically update the "stamp".
- Defaults to an empty list.
- Name: <STRONG>stretch</STRONG>
- Class: <STRONG>Stretch</STRONG>
- Command-Line Switch: <STRONG>-stretch</STRONG>
- Determines if the output should be stretched to fill
- the page (as defined by the attribute pagesize) as
- large as possible. The aspect-ratio of the output will
- be retained and the output will never fall outside of
- the boundaries of the page. Defaults to 0 but will be
- changed automaticaly to the value deemed appropiate for
- the current canvas. Setting this attribute when the
- canvasprintbox is first constructed (instead of using
- the "configure" method) will turn off the auto adjust-
- ment of this attribute.
- Name: <STRONG>vPageCnt</STRONG>
- Class: <STRONG>PageCnt</STRONG>
- Command-Line Switch: <STRONG>-vpagecnt</STRONG>
- Is used in combination with "posterize" to determine
- over how many pages the output should be distributed.
- This attribute specifies how many pages should be used
- verticaly. Any change to this attribute will automati-
- cally update the "stamp". Defaults to 1.
- Implements a print box for printing the contents of a canvas
- widget to a printer or a file. It is possible to specify
- page orientation, the number of pages to print the image on
- and if the output should be stretched to fit the page.
- Options exist to control the appearance and actions of the
- widget.
- The <STRONG>canvasprintbox</STRONG> command creates a new Tcl command whose
- name is <EM>pathName</EM>. This command may be used to invoke vari-
- ous operations on the widget. It has the following general
- form:
- <EM>pathName</EM> <EM>option</EM> ?<EM>arg</EM> <EM>arg</EM> ...?
- <EM>Option</EM> and the <EM>arg</EM>s determine the exact behavior of the com-
- mand. The following commands are possible for can-
- vasprintbox widgets:
- <EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>cget</STRONG> <EM>option</EM>
- Returns the current value of the configuration option
- given by <EM>option</EM>. <EM>Option</EM> may have any of the values
- accepted by the <STRONG>canvasprintbox</STRONG> command.
- <EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>configure</STRONG> ?<EM>option</EM>? ?<EM>value</EM> <EM>option</EM> <EM>value</EM> ...?
- Query or modify the configuration options of the
- widget. If no <EM>option</EM> is specified, returns a list
- describing all of the available options for <EM>pathName</EM>
- (see <STRONG>Tk_ConfigureInfo</STRONG> for information on the format of
- this list). If <EM>option</EM> is specified with no <EM>value</EM>, then
- the command returns a list describing the one named
- option (this list will be identical to the correspond-
- ing sublist of the value returned if no <EM>option</EM> is
- specified). If one or more <EM>option</EM> - <EM>value</EM> pairs are
- specified, then the command modifies the given widget
- option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the
- command returns an empty string. <EM>Option</EM> may have any
- of the values accepted by the <STRONG>canvasprintbox</STRONG> command.
- <EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>getoutput</STRONG>
- Returns the value of the <STRONG>printercmd</STRONG> or <STRONG>filename</STRONG> option
- depending on the current setting of <STRONG>output</STRONG>.
- <EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>print</STRONG>
- Perfrom the actual printing of the canvas using the
- current settings of all the attributes. Returns a
- boolean indicating wether the printing was successful
- or not.
- <EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>refresh</STRONG>
- Retrieves the current value for all edit fields and
- updates the stamp accordingly. Is useful for Apply-
- buttons.
- <EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>setcanvas</STRONG> <EM>canvas</EM>
- This is used to set the <EM>canvas</EM> that has to be printed.
- A stamp-sized copy will automatically be drawn to show
- how the output would look with the current settings.
- <EM>pathName</EM> <STRONG>stop</STRONG>
- Stops the drawing of the "stamp". I'm currently unable
- to detect when a Canvasprintbox gets destroyed or with-
- drawn. It's therefore advised that you perform a stop
- before you do something like that.
- Name: <STRONG>prtflentry</STRONG>
- Class: <STRONG>Entry</STRONG>
- The prtflentry component is the entry field for user
- input of the <STRONG>filename</STRONG> or <STRONG>printer</STRONG> command (depending on
- the value of <STRONG>output</STRONG>).
- Name: <STRONG>hpcnt</STRONG>
- Class: <STRONG>Entry</STRONG>
- The hpcnt component is the entry field for user input
- of the number of pages to use horizontaly when <STRONG>poster-</STRONG>
- <STRONG>ize</STRONG> is turned on.
- Name: <STRONG>vpcnt</STRONG>
- Class: <STRONG>Entry</STRONG>
- The vpcnt component is the entry field for user input
- of the number of pages to use verticaly when <STRONG>posterize</STRONG>
- is turned on.
- option add *textBackground GhostWhite
- canvasprintbox .fsb -orient landscape -stretch 1
- pack .fsb -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill both -expand yes
- Tako Schotanus
- canvasprintbox, widget
+<TITLE>canvasprintbox - Create and manipulate a canvas print box widget</TITLE>
+<H1>canvasprintbox - Create and manipulate a canvas print box widget</H1>
+<B>canvasprintbox<I> <I>pathName </I>?<I>options</I>?
+itk::Widget &lt;- Canvasprintbox
+<table cellpadding=5>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+See the <A HREF=""> "options" </A> manual entry for details on the standard options.
+Name: <B>filename</B>
+Class: <B>FileName</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-filename</B>
+The file to write the postscript output to (Only when output
+is set to "file"). If posterizing is turned on and <B>hpagecnt</B>
+and/or <B>vpagecnt</B> is more than 1, x.y is appended to the filename
+where x is the horizontal page number and y the vertical page number.
+Name: <B>hpagecnt</B>
+Class: <B>PageCnt</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-hpagecnt</B>
+Is used in combination with <B>posterize</B> to determine over
+how many pages the output should be distributed. This
+attribute specifies how many pages should be used horizontaly.
+Any change to this attribute will automatically update the "stamp".
+Defaults to 1.
+Name: <B>orient</B>
+Class: <B>Orient</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-orient</B>
+Determines the orientation of the output to the printer (or file).
+It can take the value "portrait" or "landscape" (default). Changes
+to this attribute will be reflected immediately in the "stamp".
+Defaults to "landscape" but will be changed automaticaly to the value
+deemed appropiate for the current canvas. Setting this attribute
+when the canvasprintbox is first constructed (instead of using the
+"configure" method) will turn off the auto adjustment of this attribute.
+Name: <B>output</B>
+Class: <B>Output</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-output</B>
+Specifies where the postscript output should go: to the printer
+or to a file. Can take on the values "printer" or "file".
+The corresponding entry-widget will reflect the contents of
+either the <B>printcmd</B> attribute or the <B>filename</B> attribute.
+Defaults to "printer".
+Name: <B>pageSize</B>
+Class: <B>PageSize</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-pagesize</B>
+The pagesize the printer supports. Changes to this attribute
+will be reflected immediately in the "stamp".
+Defaults to "a4".
+Name: <B>posterize</B>
+Class: <B>Posterize</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-posterize</B>
+Indicates if posterizing is turned on or not. Posterizing
+the output means that it is possible to distribute the
+output over more than one page. This way it is possible to
+print a canvas/region which is larger than the specified
+pagesize without stretching. If used in combination with
+stretching it can be used to "blow up" the contents of a
+canvas to as large as size as you want (See attributes:
+hpagecnt and vpagecnt). Any change to this attribute will
+automatically update the "stamp".
+Defaults to 0.
+Name: <B>printCmd</B>
+Class: <B>PrintCmd</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-printcmd</B>
+The command to execute when printing the postscript output.
+The command will get the postscript directed to its standard
+input (Only when output is set to "printer").
+Defaults to "lpr".
+Name: <B>printRegion</B>
+Class: <B>PrintRegion</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-printregion</B>
+A list of four coordinates specifying which part of the canvas to print.
+An empty list means that the canvas' entire <B>scrollregion</B> should be
+printed. Any change to this attribute will automatically update the "stamp".
+Defaults to an empty list.
+Name: <B>stretch</B>
+Class: <B>Stretch</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-stretch</B>
+Determines if the output should be stretched to fill the
+page (as defined by the attribute pagesize) as large as
+possible. The aspect-ratio of the output will be retained
+and the output will never fall outside of the boundaries
+of the page.
+Defaults to 0 but will be changed automaticaly to the value
+deemed appropiate for the current canvas. Setting this attribute
+when the canvasprintbox is first constructed (instead of using the
+"configure" method) will turn off the auto adjustment of this attribute.
+Name: <B>vPageCnt</B>
+Class: <B>PageCnt</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-vpagecnt</B>
+Is used in combination with "posterize" to determine over
+how many pages the output should be distributed. This
+attribute specifies how many pages should be used verticaly.
+Any change to this attribute will automatically update the "stamp".
+Defaults to 1.
+Implements a print box for printing the contents of a canvas widget
+to a printer or a file. It is possible to specify page orientation, the
+number of pages to print the image on and if the output should be
+stretched to fit the page. Options exist to control the appearance and
+actions of the widget.
+The <B>canvasprintbox</B> command creates a new Tcl command whose
+name is <I>pathName</I>. This
+command may be used to invoke various
+operations on the widget. It has the following general form:
+<I>pathName option </I>?<I>arg arg ...</I>?
+<I>Option</I> and the <I>arg</I>s
+determine the exact behavior of the command. The following
+commands are possible for canvasprintbox widgets:
+<DT> <I>pathName <B>cget</B> <I>option</I>
+<DD> Returns the current value of the configuration option given
+by <I>option</I>.
+<I>Option</I> may have any of the values accepted by the <B>canvasprintbox</B>
+<DT> <I>pathName</I> <B>configure</B> ?<I>option</I>? ?<I>value option value ...</I>?
+<DD> Query or modify the configuration options of the widget.
+If no <I>option</I> is specified, returns a list describing all of
+the available options for <I>pathName</I> (see <B>Tk_ConfigureInfo</B> for
+information on the format of this list). If <I>option</I> is specified
+with no <I>value</I>, then the command returns a list describing the
+one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding
+sublist of the value returned if no <I>option</I> is specified). If
+one or more <I>option-value</I> pairs are specified, then the command
+modifies the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in
+this case the command returns an empty string.
+<I>Option</I> may have any of the values accepted by the <B>canvasprintbox</B>
+<DT> <I>pathName</I> <B>getoutput</B>
+<DD> Returns the value of the <B>printercmd</B> or <B>filename</B> option
+depending on the current setting of <B>output</B>.
+<DT> <I>pathName</I> <B>print</B>
+<DD> Perfrom the actual printing of the canvas using the current settings of
+all the attributes. Returns a boolean indicating wether the printing was
+successful or not.
+<DT> <I>pathName</I> <B>refresh</B>
+<DD> Retrieves the current value for all edit fields and updates
+the stamp accordingly. Is useful for Apply-buttons.
+<DT> <I>pathName</I> <B>setcanvas</B> <I>canvas</I>
+<DD> This is used to set the <I>canvas</I> that has to be printed.
+A stamp-sized copy will automatically be drawn to show how the
+output would look with the current settings.
+<DT> <I>pathName <B>stop</B>
+<DD> Stops the drawing of the "stamp". I'm currently unable to detect
+when a Canvasprintbox gets destroyed or withdrawn. It's therefore
+advised that you perform a stop before you do something like that.
+Name: <B>prtflentry</B>
+Class: <B>Entry</B>
+The prtflentry component is the entry field for user input of the
+<B>filename</B> or <B>printer</B> command (depending on the value of
+Name: <B>hpcnt</B>
+Class: <B>Entry</B>
+The hpcnt component is the entry field for user input of the number of
+pages to use horizontaly when <B>posterize</B> is turned on.
+Name: <B>vpcnt</B>
+Class: <B>Entry</B>
+The vpcnt component is the entry field for user input of the number of
+pages to use verticaly when <B>posterize</B> is turned on.
+canvasprintbox .fsb -orient landscape -stretch 1
+pack .fsb -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill both -expand yes
+Tako Schotanus
+canvasprintbox, widget