path: root/cgen/desc.scm
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1 files changed, 238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cgen/desc.scm b/cgen/desc.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d5ba7529b2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cgen/desc.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+; General cpu info generator support.
+; Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat, Inc.
+; This file is part of CGEN.
+; This file generates C versions of the more salient parts of the description
+; file. It's currently part of opcodes or simulator support,
+; and doesn't exist as its own "application" (i.e. user of cgen),
+; though that's not precluded.
+; strip-mnemonic?: If each mnemonic is constant, the insn table doesn't need
+; to record them in the syntax field as the mnemonic field also contains it.
+; Furthermore, the insn table can be hashed on complete mnemonic.
+; ??? Should live in <derived-arch-data> or some such.
+(define strip-mnemonic? #f)
+; Attribute support code.
+(define (gen-attr-table-defn type attr-list)
+ (string-append
+ "const CGEN_ATTR_TABLE "
+ "@arch@_cgen_" type "_attr_table[] =\n{\n"
+ (string-map (lambda (attr)
+ (gen-obj-sanitize
+ attr
+ (string-append " { "
+ "\""
+ (string-upcase (obj:name attr))
+ "\", "
+ (if (class-instance? <boolean-attribute> attr)
+ "&bool_attr[0], &bool_attr[0]"
+ (string-append "& " (gen-sym attr)
+ "_attr[0], & "
+ (gen-sym attr)
+ "_attr[0]"))
+ " },\n")))
+ attr-list)
+ " { 0, 0, 0 }\n"
+ "};\n\n")
+(define (gen-attr-table-defns)
+ (logit 2 "Generating attribute table defns ...\n")
+ (string-append
+ "\
+/* Attributes. */
+static const CGEN_ATTR_ENTRY bool_attr[] =
+ { \"#f\", 0 },
+ { \"#t\", 1 },
+ { 0, 0 }
+ ; Generate tables mapping names to values for all the non-boolean attrs.
+ (string-map gen-defn (current-attr-list))
+ ; Generate tables for each domain (ifld, insn, etc.) mapping attribute type
+ ; to index.
+ (gen-attr-table-defn "ifield" (current-ifld-attr-list))
+ (gen-attr-table-defn "hardware" (current-hw-attr-list))
+ (gen-attr-table-defn "operand" (current-op-attr-list))
+ (gen-attr-table-defn "insn" (current-insn-attr-list))
+ )
+; HW-ASM is the base class for supporting hardware elements in the opcode table
+; (aka assembler/disassembler).
+; Return the C declaration.
+; It is up to a derived class to redefine this as necessary.
+(method-make! <hw-asm> 'gen-decl (lambda (self) ""))
+; Return the C definition.
+; It is up to a derived class to redefine this as necessary.
+(method-make! <hw-asm> 'gen-defn (lambda (self) ""))
+(method-make! <hw-asm> 'gen-ref (lambda (self) "0"))
+(method-make! <hw-asm> 'gen-init (lambda (self) ""))
+(method-make! <hw-asm> 'gen-table-entry (lambda (self) "CGEN_ASM_NONE, 0, "))
+; Prefix of global variables describing operand values.
+(define hw-asm-prefix "@arch@_cgen_opval_")
+; Emit a C reference to a value operand.
+; Usually the operand's details are stored in a struct so in the default
+; case return that struct (?correct?). The caller must add the "&" if desired.
+(define (gen-hw-asm-ref name)
+ (string-append hw-asm-prefix (gen-c-symbol name))
+; Keyword support.
+; Keyword operands.
+; Return the C declaration of a keyword list.
+ <keyword> 'gen-decl
+ (lambda (self)
+ (string-append
+ "extern CGEN_KEYWORD "
+ (gen-hw-asm-ref (elm-get self 'name))
+ ";\n"))
+; Return the C definition of a keyword list.
+ <keyword> 'gen-defn
+ (lambda (self)
+ (string-append
+ (gen-hw-asm-ref (elm-get self 'name)) "_entries"
+ "[] =\n{\n"
+ (string-drop -2 ; Delete trailing ",\n" [don't want the ,]
+ (string-map (lambda (e)
+ (string-append
+ " { "
+ "\"" (car e) "\", " ; operand name
+ (if (string? (cadr e))
+ (cadr e)
+ (number->string (cadr e))) ; value
+ ", {0, {0}}, 0, 0"
+ " },\n"
+ ))
+ (elm-get self 'values)))
+ "\n};\n\n"
+ (gen-hw-asm-ref (elm-get self 'name))
+ " =\n{\n"
+ " & " (gen-hw-asm-ref (elm-get self 'name)) "_entries[0],\n"
+ " " (number->string (length (elm-get self 'values))) ",\n"
+ " 0, 0, 0, 0\n"
+ "};\n\n"
+ )
+ )
+; Return a reference to a keyword table.
+ <keyword> 'gen-ref
+ (lambda (self) (string-append "& " (gen-hw-asm-ref (elm-get self 'name))))
+ <keyword> 'gen-table-entry
+ (lambda (self)
+ (string-append "CGEN_ASM_KEYWORD, (PTR) " (send self 'gen-ref) ", "))
+; Return the C code to initialize a keyword.
+; If the `hash' attr is present, the values are hashed. Currently this is
+; done by calling back to GAS to have it add the registers to its symbol table.
+; FIXME: Currently unused. Should be done either in the open routine or
+; lazily upon lookup.
+ <keyword> 'gen-init
+ (lambda (self)
+ (cond ((has-attr? self 'HASH)
+ (string-append
+ " @arch@_cgen_asm_hash_keywords ("
+ (send self 'gen-ref)
+ ");\n"
+ ))
+ (else ""))
+ )
+; Operand support.
+; Return a reference to the operand's attributes.
+ <operand> 'gen-attr-ref
+ (lambda (self)
+ (string-append "& CGEN_OPERAND_ATTRS (CGEN_SYM (operand_table)) "
+ "[" (op-enum self) "]"))
+; Name of C variable that is a pointer to the fields struct.
+(define ifields-var "fields")
+; Given FIELD, an `ifield' object, return an lvalue for the operand in
+(define (gen-operand-result-var field)
+ (string-append ifields-var "->" (gen-sym field))
+; Basic description init,finish,analyzer support.
+; Return a boolean indicating if all insns have a constant mnemonic
+; (ie: no $'s in insn's name in `syntax' field).
+; If constant, one can build the assembler hash table using the entire
+; mnemonic.
+(define (constant-mnemonics?)
+ #f ; FIXME
+; Initialize any "desc" specific things before loading the .cpu file.
+; N.B. Since "desc" is always a part of another application, that
+; application's init! routine must call this one.
+(define (desc-init!)
+; Finish any "desc" specific things after loading the .cpu file.
+; This is separate from analyze-data! as cpu-load performs some
+; consistency checks in between.
+; N.B. Since "desc" is always a part of another application, that
+; application's finish! routine must call this one.
+(define (desc-finish!)
+; Compute various needed globals and assign any computed fields of
+; the various objects. This is the standard routine that is called after
+; a .cpu file is loaded.
+; N.B. Since "desc" is always a part of another application, that
+; application's analyze! routine must call this one.
+(define (desc-analyze!)
+ (set! strip-mnemonic? (constant-mnemonics?))