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+@c Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat, Inc.
+@c This file is part of the CGEN manual.
+@c For copying conditions, see the file cgen.texi.
+@node Introduction
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@chapter Introduction to CGEN
+* Overview::
+* CPU description language::
+* Opcodes support::
+* Simulator support::
+* Testing support::
+* Implementation language::
+@end menu
+@node Overview
+@section Overview
+CGEN is a project to provide a framework and toolkit for writing cpu tools.
+* Goal:: What CGEN tries to achieve.
+* Why do it?::
+* Maybe it should not be done?::
+* How ambitious is CGEN?::
+* What is missing that should be there soon?::
+@end menu
+@node Goal
+@subsection Goal
+The goal of CGEN (pronounced @emph{seejen}, and short for
+"Cpu tools GENerator") is to provide a uniform framework and toolkit
+for writing programs like assemblers, disassemblers, and
+simulators without explicitly closing any doors on future things one
+might wish to do. In the end, its scope is the things the software developer
+cares about when writing software for the cpu (compilation, assembly,
+linking, simulation, profiling, debugging, ???).
+Achieving the goal is centered around having an application independent
+description of a CPU (plus environment, like ABI) that applications can then
+make use of. In the end that's a lot to ask for from one language. What
+applications can or should be able to use CGEN is left to evolve over time.
+The description language itself is thus also left to evolve over time!
+Achieving the goal also involves having a toolkit, libcgen, that contains
+a compiled form of the cpu description plus a suite of routines for working
+with the data.
+CGEN is not a new idea. Some GNU ports have done something like this --
+for example, the SH port in its early days. However, the idea never really
+``caught on''. CGEN was started because I think it should.
+Since CGEN is a very ambitious project, there are currently lots of
+things that aren't written down, let alone implemented. It will take
+some time to flush all the details out, but in and of itself that doesn't
+necessarily mean they can't be flushed out, or that they haven't been
+@node Why do it?
+@subsection Why do it?
+I think it is important that GNU assembler/disassembler/simulator ports
+be done from a common framework. On some level it's fun doing things
+from scratch, which was and still is to a large extent current
+practice, but this is not the place for that.
+@itemize @bullet
+@item the more ports of something one has, the more important it is that they
+be the same.
+@item the more complex each of them become, the more important it is
+that they be the same.
+@item if they all are the same, a feature added to one is added to all
+of them--within the context of their similarity, of course.
+@item with a common framework in place the planning of how to architect
+a port is taken care of, the main part of what's left is simply writing
+the CPU description.
+@item the more applications that use the common framework, the fewer
+places the data needs to be typed in and maintained.
+@item new applications can take advantage of data and utilities that
+already exist.
+@item a common framework provides a better launching point for bigger things.
+@end itemize
+@node Maybe it should not be done?
+@subsection Maybe it should not be done?
+However, no one has yet succeeded in pushing for such an extensive common
+framework.@footnote{I'm just trying to solicit input here. Maybe these
+questions will help get that input.}
+@itemize @bullet
+@item maybe people think it's not worth it?
+@item maybe they just haven't had the inclination to see it through?
+(where ``inclination'' includes everything from the time it would take
+to the dealing with the various parties whose turf you would tread on)
+@item maybe in the case of assemblers and simulators they're not complex
+enough to see much benefit?
+@item maybe the resulting tight coupling among the various applications
+will cause problems that offset any gains?
+@item maybe there's too much variance to try to achieve a common
+framework, so that all attempts are doomed to become overly complex?
+@item as a corollary of the previous item, maybe in the end trying to
+combine ISA syntax (the assembly language), with ISA semantics (simulation),
+with architecture implementation (performance), would become overly complex?
+@end itemize
+@node How ambitious is CGEN?
+@subsection How ambitious is CGEN?
+CGEN is a very ambitious project, as future projects can be:
+* More complicated simulators::
+* Profiling tools::
+* Program analysis tools::
+* ABI description::
+* Machine generated architecture reference material::
+* Tools like what NJMCT provides::
+* Input to a compiler's backend::
+* Hardware/software codesign::
+@end menu
+@node More complicated simulators
+@subsubsection More complicated simulators
+Current CGEN-based simulators achieve their speed by using GCC's
+"computed goto" facility to implement a threaded interpreter.
+The "main loop" of the cpu engine is contained within one function
+and the administrivia of running the program is reduced to about three
+host instructions per target instruction (one to increment a "virtual pc",
+one to fetch the address of code that implements that next target instruction,
+and one to branch to it). Target instructions can be simulated with as few as
+seven@footnote{Actually, this can be reduced even more by creating copies of
+an instruction specialized for all the various inputs.} instructions for an
+"add" (load address of src1, load src1, load address of src2, load src2, add,
+load address of result, store result). So ignoring overhead (which
+is minimal for frequently executed code) that's ten host instructions per
+"typical" target instruction. Pretty good.@footnote{The actual results
+depend, of course, on the exact mix of target instructions in the application,
+what instructions the host cpu has, and how efficiently the rest of the
+simulator is (e.g. floating point and memory operations can require a hundred
+or more host instructions).}
+However, things can still be better. There is still some implementation
+related overhead that can be removed. The two instructions to branch
+to the next instruction would be unnecessary if instruction executors
+were concatenated together. The fetching and storing of target registers
+can be reduced if target registers were kept in host registers across
+instruction boundaries (and the longer one can keep them in host registers
+the better). A consequence of both of these improvements is the number
+of memory operations is drastically reduced. There isn't a lot of ILP
+in the simulation of target instructions to hide memory latencies.
+Another consequence of these improvements is the opportunity to perform
+inter-target-instruction scheduling of the host instructions and other
+There are two ways to achieve these improvements. Both involve converting
+basic blocks (or superblocks) in the target application into the host
+instruction set and compiling that. The first way involves doing this
+"offline". The target program is analyzed and each instruction is converted
+into, for example, C code that implements the instruction. The result is
+compiled and then the new version of the target program is run.
+The second way is to do the translation from target instruction set to
+host instruction set while the target program is running. This is often
+refered to as JIT (Just In Time) simulation (FIXME: proper phrasing here?).
+One way to implement this is to simulate instructions the way existing
+CGEN simulators do, but keep track of how frequently a basic block is
+executed. If a block gets executed often enough, then compile a translation
+of it to the host instruction set and switch to using that. This avoids
+the overhead of doing the compilation on code that is rarely executed.
+Note that here is one place where a dual cpu system can be put to good use.
+One cpu handles the simulation and the other handles compilation (translating
+target instructions to host instructions).
+CGEN can@footnote{This hasn't actually been implemented so there is
+some hand waving here.} handle a large part of building the JIT compiler
+because both host and target architectures are recorded in a way that is
+amenable to program manipulation.
+A hybrid of these two ways is to translate target basic blocks to
+C code, compile it, and dynamically load the result into the running
+simulation. Problems with this are that one must invoke an external program
+(though one could dynamically load a special form of C compiler I suppose)
+and there's a lot of overhead parsing and optimizing the C code. On the
+other hand one gets to take full advantage of the compiler's optimization
+technology. And if the application takes a long time to simulate, the
+extra cost may be worthwhile. A dual cpu system is of benefit here too.
+@node Profiling tools
+@subsubsection Profiling tools
+It is useful to know how well an architecture is being utilized.
+For one, this helps build better architectures. It also helps determine
+how well a compilation system is using an architecture.
+CGEN-based simulators already compute instruction frequency counts.
+It's straightforward to add register frequency counts.
+Monitoring other aspects of the ISA is also possible. The description
+file provides all the necessary data, all that's needed is to write a
+generator for an application that then performs the desired analysis.
+Function unit, pipeline, and other architecture implementation related items
+requires a lot more effort but it is doable. The guideline for this effort
+is again coming up with an application-independent specification of these
+CGEN does not currently support memory or cache profiling.
+Obviously they're important, and support may be added in the future.
+One thing that would be straightforward to add is the building of
+trace data for usage by cache and memory analysis tools.
+The point though is that these tools won't benefit much from CGEN's
+Another kind of profiling tool is one that takes the program to
+be profiled as input, inserts profiling code into it, and then generates
+a new version of the program which is then run.@footnote{Note that there
+are other uses for such a program modification tool besides profiling.}
+Recorded in CGEN's description files should be all the necessary ISA related
+data to do this. One thing that's missing is code to handle the file format
+and relocations.@xref{ABI description}.
+@node Program analysis tools
+@subsubsection Program analysis tools
+Related to profiling tools are static program analysis tools.
+By this I mean taking machine code as input and analyzing it in some way.
+Except for symbolic information (which could come from BFD or elsewhere),
+CGEN provides enough information to analyze machine code, both the
+the raw instructions *and* their semantics. Libcgen should contain
+all the basic tools for doing this.
+@node ABI description
+@subsubsection ABI description
+Several tools need knowledge of not only a cpu's ISA but also of the ABI
+in use. I believe it makes sense to apply the same goals that went into
+CGEN's architecture description language to an ABI description language:
+specify the ABI in an application independent way and then have a basic
+toolkit/library that uses that data and allow the writing of program
+generators for applications that want more than what the toolkit/library
+Part of what an ABI defines is the file format and relocations.
+This is something that BFD is built for. I think a BFD rewrite
+should happen and should be based, at least in part, on a CGEN-style
+ABI description. This rewrite would be one user of the ABI description,
+but certainly not the only user.
+One problem with this approach is that BFD requires a lot of file format
+specific C code. I doubt all of this code is amenable to being described
+in an application independent way. Careful separation of such things
+will be necessary. It may even be useful to ignore old file formats
+and limit such a BFD rewrite to ELF (not that ELF is free from such
+warts, of course).
+@node Machine generated architecture reference material
+@subsubsection Machine generated architecture reference material
+Engineers often need to refer to architecture documentation.
+One problem is that there's often only so many hardcopy manuals
+to go around. Since the CPU description contains a lot of the information
+engineers need to find it makes sense to convert that information back
+into a readable form. The manual can then be online available to everyone.
+Furthermore, each architecture will be documented using the same style
+making it easier to move from architecture to architecture.
+@node Tools like what NJMCT provides
+@subsubsection Tools like what NJMCT provides
+NJMCT is the New Jersey Machine Code Toolkit.
+It focuses exclusively on the encoding and decoding of instructions.
+[FIXME: wip, need to say more].
+@node Input to a compiler's backend
+@subsubsection Input to a compiler's backend
+One can define a GCC port to include these four things:
+@itemize @bullet
+@item cpu architecture description
+@item cpu implementation description
+@item ABI description
+@item miscellaneous
+@end itemize
+The CGEN description provides all of the cpu architecture description
+that the compiler needs.
+However, the current design of the CPU description language is geared
+towards going from machine instructions to semantic content, whereas
+what a compiler wants is to do is go from semantic content to machine
+instructions, so in the end this might not be a reasonable thing to
+pursue. On the other hand, that problem can be solved in part by
+specifying two sets of semantics for each instruction: one for the
+compiler side of things, and one for the simulator side of things.
+Frequently they will be the same thing and thus need only be specified once.
+Though specifying them twice, for the two different contexts, is reasonable
+I think. If the two versions of the semantics are used by multiple applications
+this makes even more sense.
+The planned rewrite of model support in CGEN will support whatever the
+compiler needs for the implementation description.
+Compiler's also need to know the target's ABI, which isn't relevant
+for an architecture description. On the other hand, more than just
+the compiler needs knowledge of the ABI. Thus it makes sense to think
+about how many tools there are that need this knowledge and whether one
+can come up with a unifying description of the ABI. Hence one future
+project is to add the ABI description to CGEN. This would encompass
+in essence most of what is contained in the System V ABI documentation.
+That leaves the "miscellaneous" part. Essentially this is a catchall
+for whatever else is needed. This would include things like
+include file directory locations, ???. There's probably no need to
+add these to the CGEN description language.
+One can even envision a day when GCC emits object files directly.
+The instruction description contains enough information to build
+the instructions and the ABI support would provide enough
+information on relocations and object file formats.
+Debugging information should be treated as an orthogonal concept.
+At present it is outside the scope of CGEN, though clearly the same
+reasoning behind CGEN applies to debugging support as well.
+@node Hardware/software codesign
+@subsubsection Hardware/software codesign
+This section isn't very well thought out -- not much time has been put
+into it. The thought is that some interface with VHDL/Verilog could
+be created that would assist hw/sw codesign.
+Another related application is to have a feedback mechanism from the
+compilation system that helps improve the architecture description
+(both CGEN and HDL).
+For example, the compiler could determine what instructions would have
+made a significant benefit for a particular application. CGEN descriptions
+for these instructions could be generated, resulting in a new set of
+compilation tools from which the hypothesis of adding the new instructions
+could then be validated. Note that adding these new instructions only
+required writing CGEN descriptions of them (setting aside HDL concerns).
+Once done, all relevant tools would be automagically updated to support
+the new instructions.
+@node What is missing that should be there soon?
+@subsection What's missing that should be there soon?
+@itemize @bullet
+@item Support for complex ISA's (i386, m68k).
+Early versions had the framework of the support, but it's all bit-rotten.
+@item ABI description
+As discussed elsewhere, one thing that many tools need knowledge of besides
+the ISA is the ABI. Clearly ABI's are orthogonal to ISA's and one cpu
+may have multiple ABI's running on it. Thus the ABI description needs to
+be independent of the architecture description. It would still be useful
+for the ABI to refer to things in the architecture description.
+@item Model description
+The current design is enough to get reasonable cycle counts from
+the simulator but it doesn't take into account all the uses one would
+want to make of this data.
+@item File organization
+I believe a lot of what is in libopcodes should be moved to libcgen.
+Libcgen will contain the bulk of the cpu description in processed form.
+It will also contain a suite of utilities for accessing the data.
+ABI support could either live in libcgen or separately in libcgenabi.
+libbfd would be a user of this library.
+Instruction semantics should also be recorded in libcgen, probably
+in bytecode form. Operand usage tables, needed for example by the
+m32r assembler, can be lazily computed at runtime.
+Applications can either make use of libcgen or given the application
+independence of the description language they can write their won code
+generators to tailor the output as needed.
+@end itemize
+@node CPU description language
+@section CPU description language
+The goal of CGEN is to provide a uniform and extensible framework for
+doing assemblers/disassemblers and simulators, as well as allowing
+further tools to be developed as necessary.
+With that in mind I think the place to start is in defining a CPU
+description language that is sufficiently powerful for all the current
+and perceived future needs: an application independent description of
+the CPU. From the CPU description, tables and code can be generated
+that an application framework can then use (e.g. opcode table for
+assembly/disassembly, decoder/executor for simulation).
+By "application independence" I mean the data is recorded in a way that
+doesn't intentionally close any doors on uses of the data. One example of
+this is using RTL to describe instruction semantics rather than, say, C.
+The assembler can also make use of the instruction semantics. It doesn't
+make use of the semantics, per se, but what it does use is the input and
+output operand information that is machine generated from the semantics.
+Groking operand usage from C is possible I guess, but a lot harder.
+So by writing the semantics in RTL multiple applications can make use if it.
+One can also generate from the RTL code in languages other than C.
+* Language requirements::
+* Layout::
+* Language problems::
+@end menu
+@node Language requirements
+@subsection Language requirements
+The CPU description file needs to provide at least the following:
+@itemize @bullet
+@item elements of the CPU's architecture (registers, etc.)
+@item elements of a CPU's implementation (e.g. pipeline)
+@item how the bits of an instruction word map to the instruction's semantics
+@item semantic specification in a way that is amenable to being
+understood and manipulated
+@item performance measurement parameters
+@item support for multiple ISA variants
+@item assembler syntax of the instruction set
+@item how that syntax maps to the bits of the instruction word, and back
+@item support for generating test files
+@item ???
+@end itemize
+In addition to this, elements of the particular ABI in use is also needed.
+These things will obviously need to be defined separately from the cpu
+for obvious reasons.
+@itemize @bullet
+@item file format
+@item relocations
+@item function calling conventions
+@item ???
+@end itemize
+Some architectures require knowledge of the pipeline in order to do
+accurate simulation (because, for example, some registers don't have
+interlocks) so that will be required as well, as opposed to being solely
+for performance measurement. Pipeline knowledge is also needed in order
+to achieve accurate profiling information. However, I haven't spent
+much time on this yet. The current design/implementation is a first
+pass in order to get something working, and will be revisited.
+Support for generating test files is not complete. Currently the GAS
+test suite generator gets by (barely) without them. The simulator test
+suite generator just generates templates and leaves the programmer to
+fill in the details. But I think this information should be present,
+meaning that for situations where test vectors can't be derived from the
+existing specs, new specs should be added as part of the description
+language. This would make writing testcases an integral part of writing
+the .cpu file. Clearly there is a risk in having machine generated
+testcases - but there are ways to eliminate or control the risk.
+The syntax of a suitable description language needs to have these
+@itemize @bullet
+@item simple
+@item expressive
+@item easily parsed
+@item easy to learn
+@item understandable by program generators
+@item extensible
+@end itemize
+It would also help to not start over completely from scratch. GCC's RTL
+satisfies all these goals, and is used as the basis for the description
+language used by CGEN.
+Extensibility is achieved by specifying everything as name/value pairs.
+This allows new elements to be added and even CPU specific elements to
+be added without complicating the language or requiring a new element in
+a @code{define_insn} type entry to be added to each existing port.
+Macros can be used to eliminate the verbosity of repetitively specifying
+the ``name'' part, so one can have it both ways. Imagine GCC's
+@file{.md} file elements specified as name/value pairs with macro's
+called @code{define_expand}, @code{define_insn}, etc. that handle the
+common cases and expand the entry to the full @code{(define_full_expand
+(name addsi3) (template ...) (condition ...) ...)}.
+Scheme also uses @code{(foo :keyword1 value1 :keyword2 value2 ...)},
+though that isn't implemented yet (or maybe @code{#:keyword} depending
+upon what is enabled in Guile).
+@node Layout
+@subsection Layout
+Here is a graphical layout of the hierarchy of elements of a @file{.cpu} file.
+ architecture
+ / \
+ cpu-family1 cpu-family2 ...
+ / \
+ machine1 machine2 ...
+ / \
+ model1 model2 ...
+@end example
+Each of these elements is explained in more detail in @ref{RTL}. The
+@emph{architecture} is one of @samp{sparc}, @samp{m32r}, etc. Within
+the @samp{sparc} architecture, the @emph{cpu-family} might be
+@samp{sparc32} or @samp{sparc64}. Within the @samp{sparc32} CPU family,
+the @emph{machine} might be @samp{sparc-v8}, @samp{sparclite}, etc.
+Within the @samp{sparc-v8} machine classificiation, the @emph{model}
+might be @samp{hypersparc} or @samp{supersparc}.
+Instructions form their own hierarchy as each instruction may be supported
+by more than one machine. Also, some architectures can handle more than
+one instruction set on one chip (e.g. ARM).
+ isa
+ |
+ instruction
+ / \
+ operand1 operand2 ...
+ | |
+ hw1+ifield1 hw2+ifield2 ...
+@end example
+Each of these elements is explained in more detail in @ref{RTL}.
+@node Language problems
+@subsection Language problems
+There are at least two potential problem areas in the language's design.
+The first problem is variation in assembly language syntax. Examples of
+this are Intel vs AT&T i386 syntax, and Motorola vs MIT M68k syntax.
+I think there isn't a sufficient number of important cases to warrant
+handling this efficiently. One could either ignore the issue for
+situations where divergence is sufficient to dissuade one from handling
+it in the existing design, or one could provide a front end or
+use/extend the existing macro mechanism.
+One can certainly argue that description of assembler syntax should be
+separated from the hardware description. Doing so would prevent
+complications in supporting multiple or even difficult assembler
+syntaxes from complicating the hardware description. On the other hand,
+there is a lot of duplication, and in the end for the intended uses of
+CGEN I think the benefits of combining assembler support with hardware
+description outweigh the disadvantages. Note that the assembler
+portions of the description aren't used by the simulator @footnote{The
+simulator currently uses elements of the opcode table since the opcode
+table is a nice central repository for such things. However, the
+assembler/disassembler isn't part of the simulator, and the
+portions of the opcode table can be generated and recorded elsewhere
+should it prove reasonable to do so. The CPU description file won't
+change, which is the important thing.}, so if one wanted to implement
+the disassembler/assembler via other means one can.
+The other potential problem area is relocations. Clearly part of
+processing assembly code is dealing with the relocations involved
+(e.g. GOT table specification). Relocation support necessarily requires
+BFD and GAS support, both of which need cleanup in this area. Rewriting
+BFD to provide a better interface so reloc handling in GAS can be
+cleaned up is believed to be something this project can and should take
+advantage of, and that any attempt at adding relocation support should
+be done by first cleaning up GAS/BFD. That can be left for another day
+though. :-)
+One can certainly argue trying to combine an ABI description with a
+hardware description is problematic as there can be more than one ABI.
+However, there often isn't and in the cases where there isn't the
+simplified porting and maintenance is worth it, in the author's opinion.
+Furthermore, the current language doesn't embed ABI elements
+with hardware description elements. Careful segregation of such things
+might ameliorate any problems.
+@node Opcodes support
+@section Opcodes support
+Opcodes support comes in the form of machine generated opcode tables as
+well as supporting routines.
+@node Simulator support
+@section Simulator support
+Simulator support comes in the form of machine generated the decoder/executer
+as well as the structure that records CPU state information (ie. registers).
+@node Testing support
+@section Testing support
+* Assembler/disassembler testing::
+* Simulator testing::
+@end menu
+Inherent in the design is the ability to machine generate test cases both
+for the assembler/disassembler and for the simulator. Furthermore, it
+is not unreasonable to add to the description file data specifically
+intended to assist or guide the testing process. What kinds of
+additions that will be needed is unknown at present.
+@node Assembler/disassembler testing
+@subsection Assembler/disassembler testing
+The description of instructions and their fields contains to some extent
+not only the syntax but the possible values for each field. For
+example, in the specification of an immediate field, it is known what
+the allowable range of values is. Thus it is possible to machine
+generate test cases for such instructions. Obviously one wouldn't want
+to test for each number that a number field can contain, however one can
+generate a representative set of any size. Likewise with register
+fields, mnemonic fields, etc. A good starting point would be the edge
+cases, the values at either end of the range of allowable values.
+When I first raised the possibility of machine generated test cases the
+first response I got was that this wouldn't be useful because the same
+data was being used to generate both the program and the test cases. An
+error might be propagated to both and thus nullify the test. For
+example if an opcode field was supposed to have the value 1 and the
+description file had the value 2, then this error wouldn't be caught.
+However, this assumes test cases are generated during the testing run!
+And it ignores the profound amount of typing that is saved by machine
+generating test cases! (I discount the argument that this kind of
+exhaustive testing is unnecessary).
+One solution to the above problem is to not generate the test cases
+during the testing run (which was implicit in the proposal, but perhaps
+should have been explicit). Another solution is to generate the
+test cases during the test run but first verify them by some external
+means before actually using them in any test. The latter solution is
+only mentioned for completeness sake; its implementation is problematic
+as any external means would necessarily be computer driven and the level
+of confidence in the result isn't 100%.
+So how are machine generated test cases verified? By machine, by hand,
+and by time. The test cases are checked into CVS and are not regenerated
+without care. Every time the test cases are regenerated, the diffs are
+examined to ensure the bug triggering the regeneration has been fixed
+and that no new bugs have been introduced. In all likelihood once a
+port is more or less done, regeneration of test cases would stop anyway,
+and all further changes would be done manually.
+``By machine'' means that for example in the case of ports with a native
+assembler one can run the test case through the native assembler and use
+that as a good first pass.
+``By hand'' means one can go through each test case and verifying them
+manually. This is what is done in the case of non-machine generated
+test cases, the only difference is the perceived difference in quantity.
+And in the case of machine generated test cases comments can be added to
+each test to help with the manual verification (e.g. a comment can be
+added that splits the instruction into its fields and shows their names
+and values).
+``By time'' means that this process needn't be done instantaneously.
+This is no different than the non-machine generated case again except in
+the perceived difference in quantity of test cases.
+Note that no claim is made that manually generated test cases aren't
+needed. Clearly there will be some cases that the description file
+doesn't describe and thus can't machine generate.
+@node Simulator testing
+@subsection Simulator testing
+Machine generation of simulator test cases is possible because the
+semantics of each instruction is written in a way that is understandable
+to the generator. At the very least, knowledge of what the instructions
+are is present! Obviously there will be some instructions that can't
+be adequately expressed in RTL and are thus not amenable to having a
+test case being machine generated. There may even be some RTL'd
+semantics that fall into this category. It is believed, however, that
+there will still be a large percentage of instructions amenable to
+having test cases machine generated for them. Such test cases can
+certainly be hand generated, but it is believed that this is a large
+amount of unnecessary typing that typically won't be done due to the
+amount. Again, I discount the argument that this kind of exhaustive
+testing isn't necessary.
+An example is the simple arithmetic instructions. These take zero, one,
+or more arguments and produce a result. The description file contains
+sufficient data to generate such an instruction, the hard part is in
+providing the environment to set up the required inputs (e.g. loading
+values into registers) and retrieve the output (e.g. retrieve a value
+from a register).
+Certainly at the very least all the administrivia for each test case can
+be machine generated (i.e. a template file can be generated for each
+instruction, leaving the programmer to fill in the details).
+The strategy used for assembler/disassembler test cases is also used here.
+Test cases are kept in CVS and are not regenerated without care.
+@node Implementation language
+@section Implementation language
+The chosen implementation language is Scheme. The reasons for this are:
+@itemize @bullet
+@item Parsing RTL in Scheme is real easy, though I did make some albeit
+minor changes to make it easier. While it doesn't take more than a few
+dozen lines of C to parse RTL, it doesn't take any lines of Scheme -
+the parser is built into the interpreter.
+@item An interactive environment is a better environment to work in,
+especially in the early stages of an ambitious project like this.
+@item Guile is developing as an embeddable interpreter.
+I wanted room for growth in many dimensions, and having the implementation
+language be an embeddable interpreter supports this.
+@item I wanted to learn Scheme (Yes, not a technical reason, blah blah blah).
+@item Numbers in Scheme can have arbitrary precision so representing 64
+bit (or higher) numbers on a 32 bit host is well defined.
+@item It seemed useful to have an implementation language similar to the
+CPU description language. The Scheme implementation seems simpler
+than a C implementation would be.
+@end itemize
+One issue that arises with the use of Scheme as the implementation
+language is whether to generate files in the source tree, with the
+issues that involves, or generate the files in the build tree (and thus
+require Guile to build Binutils and the issues that involves). Trying
+to develop something like this is easier in an interactive environment,
+so Scheme as the first implementation language is, to me, a better
+choice than C or C++. In such a big project it also helps to have a
+more expressive language so relatively complex code and be written with
+fewer lines of code.
+One consequence is maintenance is more difficult in that the
+generated files (e.g. @file{opcodes/m32r-*.[ch]}) are checked into CVS
+at Red Hat, and a change to a CPU description requires rebuilding the
+generated files and checking them in as well. And a change that affects
+each port requires each port to be regenerated and checked in.
+This is more palatable for maintainer tools such as @code{bison},
+@code{flex}, @code{autoconf} and @code{automake}, as their input files
+don't change as often.
+Whether to continue with Scheme, convert the code to a compiled
+language, or have both is an important, open issue.