path: root/cgen/read.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'cgen/read.scm')
1 files changed, 1198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cgen/read.scm b/cgen/read.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2b2ef008b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cgen/read.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,1198 @@
+; Top level file for reading and recording .cpu file contents.
+; Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat, Inc.
+; This file is part of CGEN.
+; See file COPYING.CGEN for details.
+; This file [and its subordinates] contain no C code (well, as little as
+; possible). That lives at a layer above us.
+; A .cpu file consists of several sections:
+; - basic definitions (e.g. cpu variants, word size, endianness, etc.)
+; - enums (enums are used throughout so by convention there is a special
+; section in which they're defined)
+; - attributes
+; - instruction fields and formats
+; - hardware descriptions (e.g. registers, allowable immediate values)
+; - model descriptions (e.g. pipelines, latencies, etc.)
+; - instruction operands (mapping of insn fields to associated hardware)
+; - instruction definitions
+; - macro instruction definitions
+; TODO:
+; - memory access, layout, etc.
+; - floating point quirks
+; - ability to describe an ABI
+; - anything else that comes along
+; Notes:
+; - by convention most objects are subclasses of <ident> (having name, comment,
+; and attrs elements and they are the first three elements of any .cpu file
+; entry
+; Guidelines:
+; - Try to conform to R5RS, try to limit guile-ness.
+; The current code is undoubtedly off in many places.
+; Conventions:
+; [I want there to be a plethora of conventions and I want them strictly
+; adhered to. ??? There's probably a few violations here and there.
+; No big deal - fix them!]
+; These conventions are subject to revision.
+; - procs/vars local to a file are named "-foo"
+; - only routines that emit application code begin with "gen-"
+; - symbols beginning with "c-" are either variables containing C code
+; or procedures that generate C code, similarily for C++ and "c++-"
+; - variables containing C code begin with "c-"
+; - only routines that emit an entire file begin with "cgen-"
+; - all .cpu file elements shall have -foo-parse and -foo-read procedures
+; - global vars containing class definitions shall be named "<class-name>"
+; - procs related to a particular class shall be named "class-name-proc-name",
+; class-name may be abbreviated
+; - procs that test whether something is an object of a particular class
+; shall be named "class-name?"
+; - in keeping with Scheme conventions, predicates shall have a "?" suffix
+; - in keeping with Scheme conventions, methods and procedures that modify an
+; argument or have other side effects shall have a "!" suffix,
+; usually these procs return "*UNSPECIFIED*"
+; - all -foo-parse,parse-foo procs shall have `context' as the first arg
+; [FIXME: not all such procs have been converted]
+; - stay away from non-portable C symbols, it makes using hobbit more difficult
+; e.g. don't have anything named `index', sigh.
+; Variables representing misc. global constants.
+; A list of three numbers designating the cgen version: major minor fixlevel.
+(define -CGEN-VERSION '(0 7 2))
+(define (cgen-major) (car -CGEN-VERSION))
+(define (cgen-minor) (cadr -CGEN-VERSION))
+(define (cgen-fixlevel) (caddr -CGEN-VERSION))
+; A list of three numbers designating the description language version.
+; Note that this is different from -CGEN-VERSION.
+(define -CGEN-LANG-VERSION '(0 7 2))
+(define (cgen-lang-major) (car -CGEN-LANG-VERSION))
+(define (cgen-lang-minor) (cadr -CGEN-LANG-VERSION))
+(define (cgen-lang-fixlevel) (caddr -CGEN-LANG-VERSION))
+; Which application is in use (UNKNOWN, DESC, OPCODES, SIMULATOR, ???).
+; This is mostly for descriptive purposes.
+; Things are organized so that files can be compiled with Hobbit for
+; experimentation. Thus we need one file that loads all the other files.
+; This is that file, though it would make sense to move the code in this
+; file to another.
+; If a routine to initialize compiled-in code is defined, run it.
+(if (defined? 'cgen-init-c) (cgen-init-c))
+; Don't use the debugging evaluator unless asked for.
+(if (not (defined? 'DEBUG-EVAL))
+ (define DEBUG-EVAL #f))
+(if (and (not DEBUG-EVAL)
+ (memq 'debug-extensions *features*))
+ (begin
+ (debug-disable 'debug)
+ (read-disable 'positions)
+ ))
+; If this is set to #f, the file is always loaded.
+; Don't override any current setting, e.g. from dev.scm.
+(if (not (defined? 'CHECK-LOADED?))
+ (define CHECK-LOADED? #t))
+; Unlink file if we're reloaded (say in an interactive session).
+; Dynamic loading is enabled by setting LIBCPU.SO to the pathname of the .so.
+(if (and (defined? ' (dynamic-object?
+ (dynamic-unlink
+(define #f)
+(if (and (defined? 'LIBCPU.SO)
+ (file-exists? LIBCPU.SO))
+ (set! (dynamic-link LIBCPU.SO))
+; List of loaded files.
+(if (not (defined? '-loaded-file-list))
+ (define -loaded-file-list '()))
+; Return non-zero if FILE was loaded last time through.
+(define (-loaded-file? file)
+ (->bool (memq (string->symbol file) -loaded-file-list))
+; Record FILE as compiled in.
+(define (-loaded-file-record! file)
+ (let ((file (string->symbol file)))
+ (if (not (memq file -loaded-file-list))
+ (set! -loaded-file-list (cons file -loaded-file-list))))
+; Load FILE if SYM is not compiled in.
+(define (maybe-load file init-func sym)
+ ; Return non-#f if FUNC is present in DYNOBJ.
+ (define (dynamic-func? func dynobj)
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda () (dynamic-func func dynobj))
+ (lambda args #f))
+ )
+ (let ((init-func (string-append "init_" (if init-func init-func file))))
+ (cond ((and
+ (dynamic-func? init-func
+ (dynamic-call init-func
+ (display (string-append "Skipping " file ", dynamically loaded.\n")))
+ ((or (not CHECK-LOADED?)
+ (not (defined? sym))
+ (-loaded-file? file))
+ (-loaded-file-record! file)
+ (load file))
+ (else
+ (display (string-append "Skipping " file ", already loaded.\n")))))
+(maybe-load "pmacros" #f 'define-pmacro)
+(maybe-load "cos" #f 'make)
+(maybe-load "slib/sort" #f 'sort)
+; Used to pretty-print debugging messages.
+(maybe-load "slib/pp" #f 'pretty-print)
+; Used by pretty-print.
+(maybe-load "slib/genwrite" #f 'generic-write)
+(maybe-load "utils" #f 'logit)
+(maybe-load "utils-cgen" "utils_cgen" 'obj:name)
+(maybe-load "attr" #f '<attribute>)
+(maybe-load "enum" #f '<enum>)
+(maybe-load "mach" #f '<mach>)
+(maybe-load "model" #f '<model>)
+(maybe-load "types" #f '<scalar>)
+(maybe-load "mode" #f '<mode>)
+(maybe-load "ifield" #f '<ifield>)
+(maybe-load "iformat" #f '<iformat>)
+(maybe-load "hardware" #f '<hardware-base>)
+(maybe-load "operand" #f '<operand>)
+(maybe-load "insn" #f '<insn>)
+(maybe-load "minsn" #f '<macro-insn>)
+(maybe-load "decode" #f 'decode-build-table)
+(maybe-load "rtl" "rtl" '<rtx-func>)
+(maybe-load "rtx-funcs" "rtx_funcs" 'def-rtx-funcs)
+(maybe-load "rtl-c" "rtl_c" '<c-expr>)
+(maybe-load "semantics" #f 'semantic-compile)
+(maybe-load "sem-frags" "sem_frags" 'gen-threaded-engine)
+(maybe-load "utils-gen" "utils_gen" 'attr-gen-decl)
+(maybe-load "pgmr-tools" "pgmr_tools" 'pgmr-pretty-print-insn-format)
+; Reader state data.
+; All state regarding the reading of a .cpu file is kept in an object of
+; class <reader>.
+; Class to record info for each top-level `command' (for lack of a better
+; word) in the description file.
+; Top level commands are things like define-*.
+(define <command>
+ (class-make '<command>
+ '(<ident>)
+ '(
+ ; argument spec to `lambda'
+ arg-spec
+ ; lambda that processes the entry
+ handler
+ )
+ nil)
+(define command-arg-spec (elm-make-getter <command> 'arg-spec))
+(define command-handler (elm-make-getter <command> 'handler))
+; Return help text for COMMAND.
+(define (command-help cmd)
+ (string-append
+ (obj:comment cmd)
+ "Arguments: "
+ (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write (command-arg-spec cmd))))
+ "\n")
+; A pair of two lists: machs to keep, machs to drop.
+; Keep all machs, drop none.
+(define -keep-all-machs '((all)))
+; Main reader state class.
+(define <reader>
+ (class-make '<reader>
+ nil
+ (list
+ ; Selected machs to keep.
+ ; A pair of two lists: the car lists the machs to keep, the cdr
+ ; lists the machs to drop. Two special entries are `all' and
+ ; `base'. Both are only valid in the keep list. `base' is a
+ ; place holder for objects that are common to all machine
+ ; variants in the architecture, it is the default value of the
+ ; MACH attribute. If `all' is present the drop list is still
+ ; processed.
+ (cons 'keep-mach -keep-all-machs)
+ ; Selected isas to keep or `all'.
+ '(keep-isa . (all))
+ ; Currently select cpu family, computed from `keep-mach'.
+ ; Some applications don't care, and this is moderately
+ ; expensive to compute so we use delay/force.
+ 'current-cpu
+ ; Associative list of file entry commands
+ ; (e.g. define-insn, etc.).
+ ; Each entry is (name . command-object).
+ (cons 'commands nil)
+ )
+ nil)
+; Accessors.
+(define-getters <reader> reader (keep-mach keep-isa current-cpu commands))
+(define-setters <reader> reader (keep-mach keep-isa current-cpu commands))
+(define (reader-add-command! name comment attrs arg-spec handler)
+ (reader-set-commands! CURRENT-READER
+ (acons name
+ (make <command> name comment attrs
+ arg-spec handler)
+ (reader-commands CURRENT-READER)))
+(define (reader-lookup-command name)
+ (assq-ref (reader-commands CURRENT-READER) name)
+; Reader state for current .cpu file.
+(define CURRENT-READER #f)
+; Signal an error while reading a .cpu file.
+(define (reader-error msg expr help-text)
+ (let ((errmsg
+ (string-append (or (port-filename (current-input-port))
+ "<input>")
+ ":"
+ (number->string (port-line (current-input-port)))
+ ": "
+ msg
+ ":")))
+ (error (string-append errmsg "\n" help-text)
+ expr))
+; Signal a parse error while reading a .cpu file.
+(define (parse-error errtxt message . args)
+ (reader-error (string-append errtxt ": " message ":") args "")
+; Process a macro-expanded entry.
+(define (-reader-process-expanded-1 entry)
+ (logit 4 (with-output-to-string (lambda () (pretty-print entry))))
+ (let ((command (reader-lookup-command (car entry))))
+ (if command
+ (let* ((handler (command-handler command))
+ (arg-spec (command-arg-spec command))
+ (num-args (num-args arg-spec)))
+ (if (cdr num-args)
+ ; Variable number of trailing arguments.
+ (if (< (length (cdr entry)) (car num-args))
+ (reader-error (string-append "Incorrect number of arguments to "
+ (car entry)
+ ", expecting at least "
+ (number->string (car num-args)))
+ entry
+ (command-help command))
+ (apply handler (cdr entry)))
+ ; Fixed number of arguments.
+ (if (!= (length (cdr entry)) (car num-args))
+ (reader-error (string-append "Incorrect number of arguments to "
+ (car entry)
+ ", expecting "
+ (number->string (car num-args)))
+ entry
+ (command-help command))
+ (apply handler (cdr entry)))))
+ (reader-error "unknown entry type" entry "")))
+; Process 1 or more macro-expanded entries.
+(define (-reader-process-expanded entry)
+ ; `begin' is used to group a collection of entries into one, since pmacro
+ ; can only return one expression (borrowed from Scheme of course).
+ ; ??? Maybe someday (begin ...) will be equivalent to (sequence () ...)
+ ; but not yet.
+ ; Recurse in case there are nested begins.
+ (if (eq? (car entry) 'begin)
+ (for-each -reader-process-expanded
+ (cdr entry))
+ (-reader-process-expanded-1 entry))
+; Process file entry ENTRY.
+(define (reader-process entry)
+ (if (not (form? entry))
+ (reader-error "improperly formed entry" entry ""))
+ ; First do macro expansion, but not if define-pmacro of course.
+ (let ((expansion (if (eq? (car entry) 'define-pmacro)
+ entry
+ (pmacro-expand entry))))
+ (-reader-process-expanded expansion))
+; Read in and process FILE.
+; It would be nice to get the line number of the beginning of the object,
+; but that's extra work, so for now we do the simple thing and use
+; port-line after we've read an entry.
+(define (reader-read-file! file)
+ (let ((readit (lambda ()
+ (let loop ((entry (read)))
+ (if (eof-object? entry)
+ #t ; done
+ (begin
+ (reader-process entry)
+ (loop (read)))))))
+ )
+ (with-input-from-file file readit)
+; Cpu data is recorded in an object of class <arch>.
+; This is necessary as we need to allow recording of multiple cpu descriptions
+; simultaneously.
+; Class <arch> is defined in mach.scm.
+; Global containing all data of the currently selected architecture.
+(define CURRENT-ARCH #f)
+; `keep-mach' processing.
+; Return the currently selected cpu family.
+; If a specific cpu family has been selected, each machine that is kept must
+; be in that cpu family [so there's no ambiguity in the result].
+; This is a moderately expensive computation so use delay/force.
+(define (current-cpu) (force (reader-current-cpu CURRENT-READER)))
+; Return a boolean indicating if CPU-NAME is to be kept.
+; ??? Currently this is always true. Note that this doesn't necessarily apply
+; to machs in CPU-NAME.
+(define (keep-cpu? cpu-name) #t)
+; Cover proc to set `keep-mach'.
+; MACH-NAME-LIST is a comma separated string of machines to keep and drop
+; (if prefixed with !).
+(define (-keep-mach-set! mach-name-list)
+ (let* ((mach-name-list (string-cut mach-name-list #\,))
+ (keep (find (lambda (name) (not (char=? (string-ref name 0) #\!)))
+ mach-name-list))
+ (drop (map (lambda (name) (string->symbol (string-drop 1 name)))
+ (find (lambda (name) (char=? (string-ref name 0) #\!))
+ mach-name-list))))
+ (reader-set-keep-mach! CURRENT-READER
+ (cons (map string->symbol keep)
+ (map string->symbol drop)))
+ ; Reset current-cpu.
+ (reader-set-current-cpu!
+ (delay (let ((selected-machs (find (lambda (mach)
+ (keep-mach? (list (obj:name mach))))
+ (current-mach-list))))
+ (if (= (length selected-machs) 0)
+ (error "no machs selected"))
+ (if (not (all-true? (map (lambda (mach)
+ (eq? (obj:name (mach-cpu mach))
+ (obj:name (mach-cpu (car selected-machs)))))
+ selected-machs)))
+ (error "machs from different cpu families selected"))
+ (mach-cpu (car selected-machs)))))
+; Validate the user-provided keep-mach list against the list of machs
+; specified in the .cpu file (in define-arch).
+(define (keep-mach-validate!)
+ (let ((mach-names (cons 'all (current-arch-mach-name-list)))
+ (keep-mach (reader-keep-mach CURRENT-READER)))
+ (for-each (lambda (mach)
+ (if (not (memq mach mach-names))
+ (error "unknown mach to keep:" mach)))
+ (car keep-mach))
+ (for-each (lambda (mach)
+ (if (not (memq mach mach-names))
+ (error "unknown mach to drop:" mach)))
+ (cdr keep-mach))
+ )
+; Return #t if a machine in MACH-LIST, a list of symbols, is to be kept.
+; If any machine in MACH-LIST is to be kept, the result is #t.
+; If MACH-LIST is the empty list (no particular mach specified, thus the base
+; mach), the result is #t.
+(define (keep-mach? mach-list)
+ (if (null? mach-list)
+ #t
+ (let* ((keep-mach (reader-keep-mach CURRENT-READER))
+ (keep (cons 'base (car keep-mach)))
+ (drop (cdr keep-mach))
+ (keep? (map (lambda (m) (memq m keep)) mach-list))
+ (all? (memq 'all keep))
+ (drop? (map (lambda (m) (memq m drop)) mach-list)))
+ (any-true? (map (lambda (k d)
+ ; keep if K(ept) or ALL? and not D(ropped)
+ (->bool (and (or k all?) (not d))))
+ keep? drop?))))
+; Return non-#f if the object containing ATLIST is to be kept.
+; OBJ is the container object or #f if there is none.
+; The object is kept if its attribute list specifies a `MACH' that is
+; kept (and not dropped) or does not have the `MACH' attribute (which means
+; it has the default value which means it's for use with all machines).
+(define (keep-mach-atlist? atlist obj)
+ ; The MACH attribute is not created until the .cpu file is read in which
+ ; is too late for us [we will get called for builtin objects].
+ ; Thus we peek inside the attribute list directly.
+ ; ??? Maybe postpone creation of builtins until after define-arch?
+ (let ((machs (atlist-attr-value-no-default atlist 'MACH obj)))
+ (if (null? machs)
+ #t
+ (keep-mach? (map string->symbol (string-cut machs #\,)))))
+; Return a boolean indicating if the object containing ATLIST is to be kept.
+; OBJ is the container object or #f if there is none.
+; The object is kept if both its isa and its mach are kept.
+(define (keep-atlist? atlist obj)
+ (and (keep-mach-atlist? atlist obj)
+ (keep-isa-atlist? atlist obj))
+; Return a boolean indicating if multiple cpu families are being kept.
+(define (keep-multiple?)
+ (let ((selected-machs (find (lambda (mach)
+ (keep-mach? (list (obj:name mach))))
+ (current-mach-list))))
+ (not (all-true? (map (lambda (mach)
+ (eq? (obj:name (mach-cpu mach))
+ (obj:name (mach-cpu (car selected-machs)))))
+ selected-machs))))
+; Return a boolean indicating if everything is kept.
+(define (keep-all?)
+ (equal? (reader-keep-mach CURRENT-READER) -keep-all-machs)
+; Ensure all cpu families were kept, necessary for generating files that
+; encompass the entire architecture.
+(define (assert-keep-all)
+ (if (not (keep-all?))
+ (error "no can do, all cpu families not selected"))
+; Ensure exactly one cpu family was kept, necessary for generating files that
+; are specific to one cpu family.
+(define (assert-keep-one)
+ (if (keep-multiple?)
+ (error "no can do, multiple cpu families selected"))
+; `keep-isa' processing.
+; Cover proc to set `keep-isa'.
+; ISA-NAME-LIST is a comma separated string of isas to keep.
+; ??? We don't support the !drop notation of keep-mach processing.
+; Perhaps we should as otherwise there are two different styles the user
+; has to remember. On the other hand, !drop support is moderately complicated,
+; and it can be added in an upward compatible manner later.
+(define (-keep-isa-set! isa-name-list)
+ (let ((isa-name-list (map string->symbol (string-cut isa-name-list #\,))))
+ (reader-set-keep-isa! CURRENT-READER isa-name-list)
+ )
+; Validate the user-provided keep-isa list against the list of isas
+; specified in the .cpu file (in define-arch).
+(define (keep-isa-validate!)
+ (let ((isa-names (cons 'all (current-arch-isa-name-list)))
+ (keep-isa (reader-keep-isa CURRENT-READER)))
+ (for-each (lambda (isa)
+ (if (not (memq isa isa-names))
+ (error "unknown isa to keep:" isa)))
+ keep-isa)
+ )
+; Return currently selected isa (there must be exactly one).
+(define (current-isa)
+ (let ((keep-isa (reader-keep-isa CURRENT-READER)))
+ (if (equal? keep-isa '(all))
+ (let ((isas (current-isa-list)))
+ (if (= (length isas) 1)
+ (car isas)
+ (error "multiple isas selected" keep-isa)))
+ (if (= (length keep-isa) 1)
+ (current-isa-lookup (car keep-isa))
+ (error "multiple isas selected" keep-isa))))
+; Return #t if an isa in ISA-LIST, a list of symbols, is to be kept.
+; If any isa in ISA-LIST is to be kept, the result is #t.
+; If ISA-LIST is the empty list (no particular isa specified) use the default
+; isa.
+(define (keep-isa? isa-list)
+ (if (null? isa-list)
+ (set! isa-list (list (car (current-arch-isa-name-list)))))
+ (let* ((keep (reader-keep-isa CURRENT-READER))
+ (keep? (map (lambda (i)
+ (or (memq i keep)
+ (memq 'all keep)))
+ isa-list)))
+ (any-true? keep?))
+; Return #t if the object containing ATLIST is to be kept.
+; OBJ is the container object or #f if there is none.
+; The object is kept if its attribute list specifies an `ISA' that is
+; kept or does not have the `ISA' attribute (which means it has the default
+; value) and the default isa is being kept.
+(define (keep-isa-atlist? atlist obj)
+ (let ((isas (atlist-attr-value atlist 'ISA obj)))
+ (keep-isa? (map string->symbol (string-cut isas #\,))))
+; Return non-#f if object OBJ is to be kept, according to its ISA attribute.
+(define (keep-isa-obj? obj)
+ (keep-isa-atlist? (obj-atlist obj) obj)
+; Return a boolean indicating if multiple isas are being kept.
+(define (keep-isa-multiple?)
+ (let ((keep (reader-keep-isa CURRENT-READER)))
+ (or (> (length keep) 1)
+ (and (memq 'all keep)
+ (> (length (current-arch-isa-name-list)) 1))))
+; Return list of isa names currently being kept.
+(define (current-keep-isa-name-list)
+ (reader-keep-isa CURRENT-READER)
+; If #f, treat reserved fields as operands and extract them with the insn.
+; Code can then be emitted in the extraction routines to validate them.
+; If #t, treat reserved fields as part of the opcode.
+; This complicates the decoding process as these fields have to be
+; checked too.
+; ??? Unimplemented.
+(define option:reserved-as-opcode? #f)
+; Process options passed in on the command line.
+; OPTIONS is a space separated string of name=value values.
+; Each application is required to provide: option-init!, option-set!.
+(define (set-cgen-options! options)
+ (option-init!)
+ (for-each (lambda (opt)
+ (if (null? opt)
+ #t ; ignore extraneous spaces
+ (let ((name (string->symbol (car opt)))
+ (value (cdr opt)))
+ (logit 1 "Setting option `" name "' to \""
+ (apply string-append value) "\".\n")
+ (option-set! name value))))
+ (map (lambda (opt) (string-cut opt #\=))
+ (string-cut options #\space)))
+; Application specific object creation support.
+; Each entry in the .cpu file has a basic container class.
+; Each application adds functionality by subclassing the container
+; and registering with set-for-new! the proper class to create.
+; ??? Not sure this is the best way to handle this, but it does keep the
+; complexity down while not requiring as dynamic a language as I had before.
+; ??? Class local variables would provide a more efficient way to do this.
+; Assuming one wants to continue on this route.
+(define -cpu-new-class-list nil)
+(define (set-for-new! parent child)
+ (set! -cpu-new-class-list (acons parent child -cpu-new-class-list))
+; Lookup the class registered with set-for-new!
+; If none registered, return PARENT.
+(define (lookup-for-new parent)
+ (let ((child (assq-ref -cpu-new-class-list parent)))
+ (if child
+ child
+ parent))
+; .cpu file loader support
+; Prepare to parse a .cpu file.
+; This initializes the application independent tables.
+; KEEP-MACH specifies what machs to keep.
+; KEEP-ISA specifies what isas to keep.
+; OPTIONS is a list of options to control code generation.
+; The values are application dependent.
+(define (-init-parse-cpu! keep-mach keep-isa options)
+ (set! -cpu-new-class-list nil)
+ (set! CURRENT-READER (new <reader>))
+ (set! CURRENT-ARCH (new <arch>))
+ (-keep-mach-set! keep-mach)
+ (-keep-isa-set! keep-isa)
+ (set-cgen-options! options)
+ (reader-add-command! 'include
+ "Include a file.\n"
+ nil '(file) include
+ )
+ (reader-add-command! 'if
+ "(if test then . else)\n"
+ nil '(test then . else) cmd-if
+ )
+ ; Rather than add cgen specific stuff to pmacros.scm, we create
+ ; a define-pmacro command here.
+ (pmacros-init!)
+ (reader-add-command! 'define-pmacro
+ "\
+Define a preprocessor-style macro.
+ nil '(name arg1 . arg-rest) define-pmacro)
+ ; The order here is important.
+ (arch-init!) ; Must be done first.
+ (enum-init!)
+ (attr-init!)
+ (types-init!)
+ (mach-init!)
+ (model-init!)
+ (mode-init!)
+ (ifield-init!)
+ (hardware-init!)
+ (operand-init!)
+ (insn-init!)
+ (minsn-init!)
+ (rtl-init!)
+ (rtl-c-init!)
+ (utils-init!)
+; Install any builtin objects.
+; This is defered until define-arch is read.
+; One reason is that attributes MACH and ISA don't exist until then.
+(define (reader-install-builtin!)
+ ; The order here is important.
+ (attr-builtin!)
+ (mode-builtin!)
+ (ifield-builtin!)
+ (hardware-builtin!)
+ (operand-builtin!)
+ ; This is mainly for the insn attributes.
+ (insn-builtin!)
+ (rtl-builtin!)
+; Do anything necessary for the application independent parts after parsing
+; a .cpu file.
+; The lists get cons'd in reverse order. One thing this does is change them
+; back to file order, it makes things easier for the human viewer.
+(define (-finish-parse-cpu!)
+ ; The order here is generally the reverse of init-parse-cpu!.
+ (rtl-finish!)
+ (minsn-finish!)
+ (insn-finish!)
+ (operand-finish!)
+ (hardware-finish!)
+ (ifield-finish!)
+ (mode-finish!)
+ (model-finish!)
+ (mach-finish!)
+ (types-finish!)
+ (attr-finish!)
+ (enum-finish!)
+ (arch-finish!) ; Must be done last.
+; Perform a global error checking pass after the .cpu file has been read in.
+(define (-global-error-checks)
+ ; ??? None yet.
+ ; TODO:
+ ; - all hardware elements with same name must have same rank and
+ ; compatible modes (which for now means same float mode or all int modes)
+ #f
+; .cpu file include mechanism
+(define (include file)
+ (display (string-append "Including file " file " ...\n"))
+ (reader-read-file! (string-append srcdir "/" file))
+ (logit 2 "Resuming previous file ...\n")
+; Version of `if' invokable at the top level of a description file.
+; This is a work-in-progress. Its presence in the description file is ok,
+; but the implementation will need to evolve.
+(define (cmd-if test then . else)
+ (if (> (length else) 1)
+ (reader-error "wrong number of arguments to `if'"
+ (cons 'if (cons test (cons then else)))
+ ""))
+ ; ??? rtx-eval test
+ (if (not (memq (car test) '(keep-isa? keep-mach?)))
+ (reader-error "only (if (keep-mach?|keep-isa? ...) ...) is currently supported"))
+ (case (car test)
+ ((keep-isa?)
+ (if (keep-isa? (cadr test))
+ (eval then)
+ (if (null? else)
+ #f
+ (eval (car else)))))
+ ((keep-mach?)
+ (if (keep-mach? (cadr test))
+ (eval then)
+ (if (null? else)
+ #f
+ (eval (car else))))))
+; Top level routine for loading .cpu files.
+; FILE is the name of the .cpu file to load.
+; KEEP-MACH is a string of comma separated machines to keep
+; (or not keep if prefixed with !).
+; KEEP-ISA is a string of comma separated isas to keep.
+; OPTIONS is the OPTIONS argument to -init-parse-cpu!.
+; APP-INITER! is an application specific zero argument proc (thunk)
+; to call after -init-parse-cpu!
+; APP-FINISHER! is an application specific zero argument proc to call after
+; -finish-parse-cpu!
+; ANALYZER! is a zero argument proc to call after loading the .cpu file.
+; It is expected to set up various tables and things useful for the application
+; in question.
+(define (cpu-load file keep-mach keep-isa options
+ app-initer! app-finisher! analyzer!)
+ (-init-parse-cpu! keep-mach keep-isa options)
+ (app-initer!)
+ ; This used to be done here, but is now defered until define-arch.
+ ;(reader-install-builtin!)
+ (display (string-append "Loading cpu file " file " ...\n"))
+ (reader-read-file! file)
+ (display (string-append "Processing cpu file " file " ...\n"))
+ (-finish-parse-cpu!)
+ (app-finisher!)
+ (-global-error-checks)
+ (analyzer!)
+; Argument parsing utilities.
+; Generate a usage message.
+; ERRTYPE is one of 'help, 'unknown, 'missing.
+; OPTION is the option that had the error or "" if ERRTYPE is 'help.
+(define (cgen-usage errtype option arguments)
+ (let ((cep (current-error-port)))
+ (case errtype
+ ((help) #f)
+ ((unknown) (display (string-append "Unknown option: " option "\n") cep))
+ ((missing) (display (string-append "Missing argument: " option "\n") cep))
+ (else (display "Unknown error!\n" cep)))
+ (display "Usage: cgen arguments ...\n" cep)
+ (for-each (lambda (arg)
+ (display (string-append (car arg)
+ " " (if (cadr arg) (cadr arg) "")
+ " - " (caddr arg)
+ "\n")
+ cep))
+ arguments)
+ (display "...\n" cep)
+ (case errtype
+ ((help) (quit 0))
+ ((unknown missing) (quit 1))
+ (else (quit 2))))
+; Poor man's getopt.
+; [We don't know where to find the real one until we've parsed the args,
+; and this isn't something we need to get too fancy about anyways.]
+; The result is always ((a . b) . c).
+; If the argument is valid, the result is ((opt-spec . arg) . remaining-argv),
+; or (('unknown . option) . remaining-argv) if `option' isn't recognized,
+; or (('missing . option) . remaining argv) if `option' is missing a required
+; argument,
+; or ((#f . #f) . #f) if there are no more arguments.
+; OPT-SPEC is a list of option specs.
+; Each element is an alist of at least 3 elements: option argument help-text.
+; `option' is a string or symbol naming the option. e.g. -a, --help, "-i".
+; symbols are supported for backward compatibility, -i is a complex number.
+; `argument' is a string naming the argument or #f if the option takes no
+; arguments.
+; `help-text' is a string that is printed with the usage information.
+; Elements beyond `help-text' are ignored.
+(define (-getopt argv opt-spec)
+ (if (null? argv)
+ (cons (cons #f #f) #f)
+ (let ((opt (assoc (car argv) opt-spec)))
+ (cond ((not opt) (cons (cons 'unknown (car argv)) (cdr argv)))
+ ((and (cadr opt) (null? (cdr argv)))
+ (cons (cons 'missing (car argv)) (cdr argv)))
+ ((cadr opt) (cons (cons opt (cadr argv)) (cddr argv)))
+ (else ; must be option that doesn't take an argument
+ (cons (cons opt #f) (cdr argv))))))
+; Convert old style option spec to new style.
+; This involves converting a symbol option name to a string.
+(define (-opt-spec-update spec-list)
+ (map (lambda (spec)
+ (if (symbol? (car spec))
+ (cons (symbol->string (car spec)) (cdr spec))
+ spec))
+ spec-list)
+; Used to ensure backtraces are printed if an error occurs.
+(define (catch-with-backtrace thunk)
+ (lazy-catch #t thunk
+ (lambda args
+ ;(display args (current-error-port))
+ ;(newline (current-error-port))
+ ; display-error takes 6 arguments.
+ ; If `quit' is called from elsewhere, it may not have 6
+ ; arguments. Not sure how best to handle this.
+ (if (= (length args) 5)
+ (begin
+ (apply display-error #f (current-error-port) (cdr args))
+ (save-stack)
+ (backtrace)))
+ (quit 1)))
+; Return (cadr args) or print a pretty error message if not possible.
+(define (option-arg args)
+ (if (and (pair? args) (pair? (cdr args)))
+ (cadr args)
+ (parse-error "option processing" "missing argument to" (car args)))
+; Record of arguments passed to debug-repl, so they can be accessed in
+; the repl loop.
+(define debug-env #f)
+; Return list of recorded variables for debugging.
+(define (debug-var-names) (map car debug-env))
+; Return value of recorded var NAME.
+(define (debug-var name) (assq-ref debug-env name))
+; Enter a repl loop for debugging purposes.
+; Use (quit) to exit cgen completely.
+; Use (debug-quit) or (quit 0) to exit the debugging session and
+; resume argument processing.
+; ENV-ALIST can be anything, but it is intended to be an alist of values
+; the caller will want to be able to access in the repl loop.
+; It is stored in global `debug-env'.
+; FIXME: Move to utils.scm.
+(define (debug-repl env-alist)
+ (set! debug-env env-alist)
+ (let loop ()
+ (let ((rc (top-repl)))
+ (if (null? rc)
+ (quit 1)) ; indicate error to `make'
+ (if (not (equal? rc '(0)))
+ (loop))))
+; Utility for debug-repl.
+(define (debug-quit)
+ ; Keep around for later debugging.
+ ;(set! debug-env #f)
+ (quit 0)
+; Macro to simplify calling debug-repl.
+; Usage: (debug-repl-env var-name1 var-name2 ...)
+(defmacro debug-repl-env var-names
+ (let ((env (map (lambda (var-name)
+ (list 'cons (list 'quote var-name) var-name))
+ var-names)))
+ (list 'debug-repl (cons 'list env)))
+; List of common arguments.
+; ??? Another useful arg would be one that says "do file generation with
+; arguments specified up til now, then continue with next batch of args".
+(define common-arguments
+ '(("-a" "arch" "set arch, specifies name of .cpu file to load")
+ ("-b" #f "use debugging evaluator, for backtraces")
+ ("-d" #f "start interactive debugging session")
+ ("-f" "flags" "specify a set of flags to control code generation")
+ ("-h" #f "print usage information")
+ ("--help" #f "print usage information")
+ ("-i" "isa-list" "specify isa-list entries to keep")
+ ("-m" "mach-list" "specify mach-list entries to keep")
+ ("-s" "srcdir" "set srcdir")
+ ("-v" #f "increment verbosity level")
+ ("--version" #f "print version info")
+ )
+; Parse options and call generators.
+; ARGS is a #:keyword delimited list of arguments.
+; #:app-name name
+; #:arg-spec optspec ; FIXME: rename to #:opt-spec
+; #:init init-routine
+; #:finish finish-routine
+; #:analyze analysis-routine
+; #:argv command-line-arguments
+; ARGSPEC is a list of (option option-arg comment option-handler) elements.
+; OPTION-HANDLER is either (lambda () ...) or (lambda (arg) ...) and
+; processes the option.
+(define -cgen
+ (lambda args
+ (let ((app-name "unknown")
+ (opt-spec nil)
+ (app-init! (lambda () #f))
+ (app-finish! (lambda () #f))
+ (app-analyze! (lambda () #f))
+ (argv (list "cgen"))
+ )
+ (let loop ((args args))
+ (if (not (null? args))
+ (case (car args)
+ ((#:app-name) (begin
+ (set! app-name (option-arg args))
+ (loop (cddr args))))
+ ((#:arg-spec) (begin
+ (set! opt-spec (option-arg args))
+ (loop (cddr args))))
+ ((#:init) (begin
+ (set! app-init! (option-arg args))
+ (loop (cddr args))))
+ ((#:finish) (begin
+ (set! app-finish! (option-arg args))
+ (loop (cddr args))))
+ ((#:analyze) (begin
+ (set! app-analyze! (option-arg args))
+ (loop (cddr args))))
+ ((#:argv) (begin
+ (set! argv (option-arg args))
+ (loop (cddr args))))
+ (else (error "cgen: unknown argument" (car args))))))
+ ; ARGS has been processed, now we can process ARGV.
+ (let (
+ (opt-spec (append common-arguments (-opt-spec-update opt-spec)))
+ (app-args nil) ; application's args are queued here
+ (repl? #f)
+ (arch #f)
+ (keep-mach "all") ; default is all machs
+ (keep-isa "all") ; default is all isas
+ (flags "")
+ (moreopts? #t)
+ (cep (current-error-port))
+ (str=? string=?)
+ )
+ (let loop ((argv (cdr argv)))
+ (let* ((new-argv (-getopt argv opt-spec))
+ (opt (caar new-argv))
+ (arg (cdar new-argv)))
+ (case opt
+ ((#f) (set! moreopts? #f))
+ ((unknown) (cgen-usage 'unknown arg opt-spec))
+ ((missing) (cgen-usage 'missing arg opt-spec))
+ (else
+ (cond ((str=? "-a" (car opt))
+ (set! arch arg)
+ )
+ ((str=? "-b" (car opt))
+ (if (memq 'debug-extensions *features*)
+ (begin
+ (debug-enable 'backtrace)
+ (debug-enable 'debug)
+ (debug-enable 'backwards)
+ (debug-set! depth 200)
+ (debug-set! frames 10)
+ (read-enable 'positions)))
+ )
+ ((str=? "-d" (car opt))
+ (let ((prompt (string-append "cgen-" app-name "> ")))
+ (set! repl? #t)
+ (set-repl-prompt! prompt)
+ (if (feature? 'readline)
+ (set-readline-prompt! prompt))
+ ))
+ ((str=? "-f" (car opt))
+ (set! flags arg)
+ )
+ ((str=? "-h" (car opt))
+ (cgen-usage 'help "" opt-spec)
+ )
+ ((str=? "--help" (car opt))
+ (cgen-usage 'help "" opt-spec)
+ )
+ ((str=? "-i" (car opt))
+ (set! keep-isa arg)
+ )
+ ((str=? "-m" (car opt))
+ (set! keep-mach arg)
+ )
+ ((str=? "-s" (car opt))
+ #f ; ignore, already processed by caller
+ )
+ ((str=? "-v" (car opt))
+ (verbose-inc!)
+ )
+ ((str=? "--version" (car opt))
+ (begin
+ (display "Cpu tools GENerator version ")
+ (display (cgen-major))
+ (display ".")
+ (display (cgen-minor))
+ (display ".")
+ (display (cgen-fixlevel))
+ (newline)
+ (quit 0)
+ ))
+ ; Else this is an application specific option.
+ (else
+ ; Record it for later processing. Note that they're
+ ; recorded in reverse order (easier). This is undone
+ ; later.
+ (set! app-args (acons opt arg app-args)))
+ )))
+ (if moreopts? (loop (cdr new-argv)))
+ )
+ ) ; end of loop
+ ; All arguments have been parsed.
+ (if (not arch)
+ (error "-a option missing, no architecture specified"))
+ (if repl?
+ (debug-repl nil))
+ (cpu-load (string-append srcdir "/" arch ".cpu")
+ keep-mach keep-isa flags
+ app-init! app-finish! app-analyze!)
+ ; Start another repl loop if -d.
+ ; Awkward. Both places are useful, though this is more useful.
+ (if repl?
+ (debug-repl nil))
+ ; Done with processing the arguments. Call the application's
+ ; file generators.
+ (for-each (lambda (opt-arg)
+ (let ((opt (car opt-arg))
+ (arg (cdr opt-arg)))
+ (if (cadr opt)
+ ((cadddr opt) arg)
+ ((cadddr opt)))))
+ (reverse app-args))
+ )
+ )
+ #f) ; end of lambda
+; Main entry point called by application file generators.
+; Cover fn to -cgen that uses catch-with-backtrace.
+; ??? (debug-enable 'backtrace) might also work except I seem to remember
+; having problems with it. They may be fixed now.
+(define cgen
+ (lambda args
+ (catch-with-backtrace (lambda () (apply -cgen args))))