path: root/cgen/rtl-c.scm
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1 files changed, 1662 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cgen/rtl-c.scm b/cgen/rtl-c.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0469c9be6d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cgen/rtl-c.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,1662 @@
+; RTL->C translation support.
+; Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat, Inc.
+; This file is part of CGEN.
+; See file COPYING.CGEN for details.
+; Generating C from RTL
+; ---------------------
+; The main way to generate C code from an RTL expression is:
+; (rtl-c mode '(func mode ...) nil)
+; E.g.
+; (rtl-c DFLT '(add SI (const SI 1) (const SI 2)) nil)
+; -->
+; "ADDSI (1, 2)"
+; Mode `DFLT' (DEFAULTmode) means "use the default/natural mode".
+; The expression is in source form or may be already compiled (with
+; rtx-compile).
+; The `set' rtx needs to be handled a little carefully.
+; Both the dest and src are processed first, and then code to perform the
+; assignment is computed. However, the dest may require more than a simple
+; C assignment. Therefore set dests are converted to the specified object
+; (e.g. a hardware operand) and then a message is sent to this object to
+; perform the actual code generation.
+; All interesting operands (e.g. regs, mem) are `operand' objects.
+; The following messages must be supported by operand objects.
+; - get-mode - return mode of operand
+; - cxmake-get - return <c-expr> object containing operand's value
+; - gen-set-quiet - return string of C code to set operand's value (no tracing)
+; - gen-set-trace - return string of C code to set operand's value
+; Instruction fields are refered to by name.
+; (estate-owner estate) must be an instruction that has the field.
+; Instruction ifields must have these methods:
+; - get-mode
+; - cxmake-get
+; Conventions used in this file:
+; - see rtl.scm
+; The <c-expr> object.
+; This is a fully translated expression (i.e. C code).
+(define <c-expr>
+ (class-make '<c-expr> nil
+ '(
+ ; The mode of C-CODE.
+ mode
+ ; The translated C code.
+ c-code
+ ; The source expression, for debugging.
+ expr
+ ; Attributes of the expression.
+ atlist
+ ; List of temporaries required to compute the expression.
+ ; ??? wip. These would be combined as the expression is
+ ; built up. Then in sets and other statements, the temporaries
+ ; would be declared.
+ ;(tmps . nil)
+ )
+ nil)
+ <c-expr> 'make!
+ (lambda (self mode c-code atlist)
+ ; FIXME: Extend COS to allow specifying member predicates.
+ (assert (mode? mode))
+ (assert (string? c-code))
+ ;(assert (atlist? atlist)) ; FIXME: What should this be?
+ (elm-set! self 'mode mode)
+ (elm-set! self 'c-code c-code)
+ (elm-set! self 'atlist atlist)
+ self)
+; Accessor fns
+(define cx:mode (elm-make-getter <c-expr> 'mode))
+(define cx:c-code (elm-make-getter <c-expr> 'c-code))
+(define cx:expr (elm-make-getter <c-expr> 'expr))
+(define cx:atlist (elm-make-getter <c-expr> 'atlist))
+;(define cx:tmps (elm-make-getter <c-expr> 'tmps))
+; Any object with attributes requires the get-atlist method.
+(method-make! <c-expr> 'get-atlist (lambda (self) (elm-get self 'atlist)))
+; Respond to 'get-mode messages.
+(method-make! <c-expr> 'get-mode (lambda (self) (elm-get self 'mode)))
+; Respond to 'get-name messages for rtx-dump.
+ <c-expr> 'get-name
+ (lambda (self)
+ (string-append "(" (obj:name (elm-get self 'mode)) ") "
+ (cx:c self)))
+; Return C code to perform an assignment.
+; NEWVAL is a <c-expr> object of the value to be assigned to SELF.
+(method-make! <c-expr> 'gen-set-quiet
+ (lambda (self estate mode indx selector newval)
+ (string-append " " (cx:c self) " = " (cx:c newval) ";\n"))
+(method-make! <c-expr> 'gen-set-trace
+ (lambda (self estate mode indx selector newval)
+ (string-append " " (cx:c self) " = " (cx:c newval) ";\n"))
+; Return the C code of CX.
+; ??? This used to handle lazy evaluation of the expression.
+; Maybe it will again, so it's left in, as a cover fn to cx:c-code.
+(define (cx:c cx)
+ (cx:c-code cx)
+; Main routine to create a <c-expr> node object.
+; MODE is either the mode's symbol (e.g. 'QI) or a mode object.
+; CODE is a string of C code.
+(define (cx:make mode code)
+ (make <c-expr> (mode:lookup mode) code nil)
+; Make copy of CX in new mode MODE.
+; MODE must be a <mode> object.
+(define (cx-new-mode mode cx)
+ (make <c-expr> mode (cx:c cx) (cx:atlist cx))
+; Same as cx:make except with attributes.
+(define (cx:make-with-atlist mode code atlist)
+ (make <c-expr> (mode:lookup mode) code atlist)
+; Return a boolean indicated if X is a <c-expr> object.
+(define (c-expr? x) (class-instance? <c-expr> x))
+; RTX environment support.
+ <rtx-temp> 'cxmake-get
+ (lambda (self estate mode indx selector)
+ (cx:make mode (rtx-temp-value self)))
+ <rtx-temp> 'gen-set-quiet
+ (lambda (self estate mode indx selector src)
+ (string-append " " (rtx-temp-value self) " = " (cx:c src) ";\n"))
+ <rtx-temp> 'gen-set-trace
+ (lambda (self estate mode indx selector src)
+ (string-append " " (rtx-temp-value self) " = " (cx:c src) ";\n"))
+(define (gen-temp-defs estate env)
+ (string-map (lambda (temp)
+ (let ((temp-obj (cdr temp)))
+ (string-append " " (mode:c-type (rtx-temp-mode temp-obj))
+ " " (rtx-temp-value temp-obj) ";\n")))
+ env)
+; Top level routines to handle rtl->c translation.
+; rtl->c configuration parameters
+; #t -> emit calls to rtl cover fns, otherwise emit plain C where possible.
+(define -rtl-c-rtl-cover-fns? #f)
+; Called before emitting code to configure the generator.
+; ??? I think this can go away now (since cover-fn specification is also
+; done at each call to rtl-c).
+(define (rtl-c-config! . args)
+ (set! -rtl-c-rtl-cover-fns? #f)
+ (let loop ((args args))
+ (if (null? args)
+ #f ; done
+ (begin
+ (case (car args)
+ ((#:rtl-cover-fns?)
+ (set! -rtl-c-rtl-cover-fns? (cadr args)))
+ (else (error "rtl-c-config: unknown option:" (car args))))
+ (loop (cddr args)))))
+; Subclass of <eval-state> to record additional things needed for rtl->c.
+(define <rtl-c-eval-state>
+ (class-make '<rtl-c-eval-state> '(<eval-state>)
+ '(
+ ; #t -> emit calls to rtl cover fns.
+ (rtl-cover-fns? . #f)
+ ; name of output language, "c" or "c++"
+ (output-language . "c")
+ ; #t if generating code for a macro.
+ ; Each newline is then preceeded with '\\'.
+ (macro? . #f)
+ ; #f -> reference ifield values using FLD macro.
+ ; #t -> use C variables.
+ ; ??? This is only needed to get correct ifield references
+ ; in opcodes, decoder, and semantics. Maybe a better way to
+ ; go would be to specify the caller's name so there'd be just
+ ; one of these, rather than an increasing number. However,
+ ; for now either way is the same.
+ ; An alternative is to specify a callback to try first.
+ (ifield-var? . #f)
+ )
+ nil)
+; FIXME: involves upcasting.
+(define-getters <rtl-c-eval-state> estate
+ (rtl-cover-fns? output-language macro? ifield-var?)
+; Return booleans indicating if output language is C/C++.
+(define (estate-output-language-c? estate)
+ (string=? (estate-output-language estate) "c")
+(define (estate-output-language-c++? estate)
+ (string=? (estate-output-language estate) "c++")
+ <rtl-c-eval-state> 'vmake!
+ (lambda (self args)
+ ; Initialize parent class first.
+ (let loop ((args (send-next self 'vmake! args)) (unrecognized nil))
+ (if (null? args)
+ (reverse! unrecognized) ; ??? Could invoke method to initialize here.
+ (begin
+ (case (car args)
+ ((#:rtl-cover-fns?)
+ (elm-set! self 'rtl-cover-fns? (cadr args)))
+ ((#:output-language)
+ (elm-set! self 'output-language (cadr args)))
+ ((#:macro?)
+ (elm-set! self 'macro? (cadr args)))
+ ((#:ifield-var?)
+ (elm-set! self 'ifield-var? (cadr args)))
+ (else
+ ; Build in reverse order, as we reverse it back when we're done.
+ (set! unrecognized
+ (cons (cadr args) (cons (car args) unrecognized)))))
+ (loop (cddr args) unrecognized)))))
+; Build an estate for use in generating C.
+; CONTEXT is a <context> object or #f if there is none.
+; OWNER is the owner of the expression or #f if there is none.
+; EXTRA-VARS-ALIST is an association list of (symbol <mode> value)
+; elements to be used during value lookup.
+; OVERRIDES is a #:keyword/value list of parameters to apply last.
+(define (estate-make-for-rtl-c context owner extra-vars-alist
+ rtl-cover-fns? macro? overrides)
+ (apply vmake
+ (append!
+ (list
+ <rtl-c-eval-state>
+ #:context context
+ #:owner owner
+ #:expr-fn (lambda (rtx-obj expr mode estate)
+ (rtl-c-generator rtx-obj))
+ #:env (rtx-env-init-stack1 extra-vars-alist)
+ #:rtl-cover-fns? rtl-cover-fns?
+ #:macro? macro?)
+ overrides))
+(define (estate-make-for-normal-rtl-c extra-vars-alist overrides)
+ (estate-make-for-rtl-c
+ #f ; FIXME: context
+ #f ; FIXME: owner
+ extra-vars-alist
+ -rtl-c-rtl-cover-fns?
+ #f ; macro?
+ overrides)
+; Translate RTL expression EXPR to C.
+; ESTATE is the current rtx evaluation state.
+(define (rtl-c-with-estate estate mode expr)
+ (cx:c (rtl-c-get estate mode (rtx-eval-with-estate expr mode estate)))
+; Translate parsed RTL expression X to a string of C code.
+; X must have already been fed through rtx-parse/rtx-compile.
+; MODE is the desired mode of the value or DFLT for "natural mode".
+; EXTRA-VARS-ALIST is an association list of extra (symbol <mode> value)
+; elements to be used during value lookup.
+; OVERRIDES is a #:keyword/value list of arguments to build the eval state
+; with.
+; ??? Maybe EXTRA-VARS-ALIST should be handled this way.
+(define (rtl-c-parsed mode x extra-vars-alist . overrides)
+ (let ((estate (estate-make-for-normal-rtl-c extra-vars-alist overrides)))
+ (rtl-c-with-estate estate mode x))
+; Same as rtl-c-parsed but X is unparsed.
+(define (rtl-c mode x extra-vars-alist . overrides)
+ ; ??? rtx-compile could return a closure, then we wouldn't have to
+ ; pass EXTRA-VARS-ALIST to two routines here.
+ (let ((estate (estate-make-for-normal-rtl-c extra-vars-alist overrides)))
+ (rtl-c-with-estate estate mode (rtx-compile #f x extra-vars-alist)))
+; C++ versions of rtl-c routines.
+; Build an estate for use in generating C++.
+; EXTRA-VARS-ALIST is an association list of (symbol <mode> value)
+; elements to be used during value lookup.
+; OVERRIDES is a #:keyword/value list of parameters to apply last.
+(define (estate-make-for-normal-rtl-c++ extra-vars-alist overrides)
+ (estate-make-for-rtl-c
+ #f ; FIXME: context
+ #f ; FIXME: owner
+ extra-vars-alist
+ -rtl-c-rtl-cover-fns?
+ #f ; macro?
+ (cons #:output-language (cons "c++" overrides)))
+; Translate parsed RTL expression X to a string of C++ code.
+; X must have already been fed through rtx-parse/rtx-compile.
+; MODE is the desired mode of the value or DFLT for "natural mode".
+; EXTRA-VARS-ALIST is an association list of extra (symbol <mode> value)
+; elements to be used during value lookup.
+; OVERRIDES is a #:keyword/value list of arguments to build the eval state
+; with.
+; ??? Maybe EXTRA-VARS-ALIST should be handled this way.
+(define (rtl-c++-parsed mode x extra-vars-alist . overrides)
+ (let ((estate (estate-make-for-normal-rtl-c++ extra-vars-alist overrides)))
+ (rtl-c-with-estate estate mode x))
+; Same as rtl-c-parsed but X is unparsed.
+(define (rtl-c++ mode x extra-vars-alist . overrides)
+ ; ??? rtx-compile could return a closure, then we wouldn't have to
+ ; pass EXTRA-VARS-ALIST to two routines here.
+ (let ((estate (estate-make-for-normal-rtl-c++ extra-vars-alist overrides)))
+ (rtl-c-with-estate estate mode (rtx-compile #f x extra-vars-alist)))
+; Top level routines for getting/setting values.
+; Return a <c-expr> node to get the value of SRC in mode MODE.
+; ESTATE is the current rtl evaluation state.
+; SRC is one of:
+; - <c-expr> node
+; - rtl expression (e.g. '(add WI dr sr))
+; - sequence's local variable name
+; - sequence's local variable object
+; - operand name
+; - operand object
+; - a string of C code
+; FIXME: Reduce acceptable values of SRC.
+; The result has mode MODE, unless MODE is the "default mode indicator"
+; (DFLT) in which case the mode of the result is derived from SRC.
+; If SRC is a string, MODE can't be VOID or DFLT.
+; ??? mode compatibility checks are wip
+(define (rtl-c-get estate mode src)
+ (logit 4 "(rtl-c-get " (mode-real-name mode) " " (rtx-strdump src) ")\n")
+ (let ((mode (mode:lookup mode)))
+ (cond ((c-expr? src)
+ (cond ((or (mode:eq? 'VOID mode)
+ (mode:eq? 'DFLT mode)
+ (mode:eq? (cx:mode src) mode))
+ src)
+ ((-rtx-mode-compatible? mode (cx:mode src))
+ (cx-new-mode mode src))
+ (else
+ (error (string-append "incompatible mode for "
+ "(" (obj:name (cx:mode src)) ") "
+ "\"" (cx:c src) "\""
+ ": ")
+ (obj:name mode)))))
+ ; The recursive call to rtl-c-get is in case the result of rtx-eval
+ ; is a hardware object, rtx-func object, or another rtl expression.
+ ((rtx? src)
+ (let ((evald-src (rtx-eval-with-estate src mode estate)))
+ ; There must have been some change, otherwise we'll loop forever.
+ (assert (not (eq? src evald-src)))
+ (rtl-c-get estate mode evald-src)))
+ ((or (and (symbol? src) (current-op-lookup src))
+ (operand? src))
+ (begin
+ (if (symbol? src)
+ (set! src (current-op-lookup src)))
+ (cond ((mode:eq? 'DFLT mode)
+ ; FIXME: If we fetch the mode here, operands can assume
+ ; they never get called with "default mode".
+ (send src 'cxmake-get estate mode #f #f))
+ ((-rtx-mode-compatible? mode (op:mode src))
+ (let ((mode (-rtx-lazy-sem-mode mode)))
+ (send src 'cxmake-get estate mode #f #f)))
+ (else
+ (error (string-append "operand " (obj:name src)
+ " referenced in incompatible mode: ")
+ (obj:name mode))))))
+ ((or (and (symbol? src) (rtx-temp-lookup (estate-env estate) src))
+ (rtx-temp? src))
+ (begin
+ (if (symbol? src)
+ (set! src (rtx-temp-lookup (estate-env estate) src)))
+ (cond ((mode:eq? 'DFLT mode)
+ (send src 'cxmake-get estate (rtx-temp-mode src) #f #f))
+ ((-rtx-mode-compatible? mode (rtx-temp-mode src))
+ (let ((mode (-rtx-lazy-sem-mode mode)))
+ (send src 'cxmake-get estate mode #f #f)))
+ (else (error (string-append "sequence temp " (rtx-temp-name src)
+ " referenced in incompatible mode: ")
+ (obj:name mode))))))
+ ((integer? src)
+ ; Default mode of string argument is INT.
+ (if (or (mode:eq? 'DFLT mode) (mode:eq? 'VOID mode))
+ (cx:make INT (number->string src))
+ (cx:make mode (number->string src))))
+ ((string? src)
+ ; Default mode of string argument is INT.
+ (if (or (mode:eq? 'DFLT mode) (mode:eq? 'VOID mode))
+ (cx:make INT src)
+ (cx:make mode src)))
+ (else (error "rtl-c-get: invalid argument:" src))))
+; Return a <c-expr> object to set the value of DEST to SRC.
+; ESTATE is the current rtl evaluation state.
+; DEST is one of:
+; - <c-expr> node
+; - rtl expression (e.g. '(mem QI dr))
+; SRC is a <c-expr> object.
+; The mode of the result is always VOID (void).
+(define (rtl-c-set-quiet estate mode dest src)
+ ;(display (list 'rtl-c-set-quiet mode dest src)) (newline)
+ (let ((xdest (cond ((c-expr? dest)
+ dest)
+ ((rtx? dest)
+ (rtx-eval-with-estate dest mode estate))
+ (else
+ (error "rtl-c-set-quiet: invalid dest:" dest)))))
+ (if (not (object? xdest))
+ (error "rtl-c-set-quiet: invalid dest:" dest))
+ (let ((mode (if (mode:eq? 'DFLT mode)
+ (-rtx-obj-mode xdest)
+ (-rtx-lazy-sem-mode mode))))
+ (assert (mode? mode))
+ (cx:make VOID (send xdest 'gen-set-quiet
+ estate mode #f #f
+ (rtl-c-get estate mode src)))))
+; Same as rtl-c-set-quiet except also print TRACE_RESULT message.
+; ??? One possible change is to defer the (rtl-c-get src) call to dest's
+; set handler. Such sources would be marked accordingly and rtl-c-get
+; would recognize them. This would allow, for example, passing the address
+; of the result to the computation.
+(define (rtl-c-set-trace estate mode dest src)
+ ;(display (list 'rtl-c-set-trace mode dest src)) (newline)
+ (let ((xdest (cond ((c-expr? dest)
+ dest)
+ ((rtx? dest)
+ (rtx-eval-with-estate dest mode estate))
+ (else
+ (error "rtl-c-set-trace: invalid dest:" dest)))))
+ (if (not (object? xdest))
+ (error "rtl-c-set-trace: invalid dest:" dest))
+ (let ((mode (if (mode:eq? 'DFLT mode)
+ (-rtx-obj-mode xdest) ; FIXME: internal routines
+ (-rtx-lazy-sem-mode mode))))
+ (assert (mode? mode))
+ (cx:make VOID (send xdest 'gen-set-trace
+ estate mode #f #f
+ (rtl-c-get estate mode src)))))
+; Emit C code for each rtx function.
+; Table mapping rtx function to C generator.
+(define -rtl-c-gen-table #f)
+; Return the C generator for <rtx-func> F.
+(define (rtl-c-generator f)
+ (vector-ref -rtl-c-gen-table (rtx-num f))
+; Support for explicit C/C++ code.
+; ??? Actually, "support for explicit foreign language code".
+; s-c-call needs a better name but "unspec" seems like obfuscation.
+; ??? Need to distinguish owner of call (cpu, ???).
+(define (s-c-call estate mode name . args)
+ (cx:make mode
+ (string-append
+ (if (estate-output-language-c++? estate)
+ (string-append "current_cpu->" name " (")
+ ; FIXME: Prepend @cpu@_ to name here, and delete @cpu@_ from
+ ; description file.
+ (string-append name " (current_cpu"))
+ (let ((c-args
+ (string-map (lambda (arg)
+ (string-append
+ ", "
+ (cx:c (rtl-c-get estate DFLT arg))))
+ args)))
+ (if (estate-output-language-c++? estate)
+ (string-drop 2 c-args)
+ c-args))
+ ; If the mode is VOID, this is a statement.
+ ; Otherwise it's an expression.
+ (if (or (mode:eq? 'DFLT mode)
+ (mode:eq? 'VOID mode))
+ ");\n"
+ ")")
+ ))
+; Same as c-call except there is no particular owner of the call.
+; In general this means making a call to a non-member function,
+; whereas c-call makes calls to member functions (in C++ parlance).
+(define (s-c-raw-call estate mode name . args)
+ (cx:make mode
+ (string-append
+ name " ("
+ (string-drop 2
+ (string-map (lambda (elm)
+ (string-append
+ ", " (cx:c (rtl-c-get estate DFLT elm))))
+ args))
+ ; If the mode is VOID, this is a statement.
+ ; Otherwise it's an expression.
+ (if (or (mode:eq? 'DFLT mode)
+ (mode:eq? 'VOID mode))
+ ");\n"
+ ")")
+ ))
+; Standard arithmetic operations.
+; Return a boolean indicating if a cover function/macro should be emitted
+; to perform an operation.
+; C-OP is a string containing the C operation or #f if there is none.
+; MODE is the mode of the operation.
+(define (-rtx-use-sem-fn? estate c-op mode)
+ ; If no C operation has been provided, use a macro, or
+ ; if this is the simulator and MODE is not a host mode, use a macro.
+; (or (not c-op)
+; (and (estate-rtl-cover-fns? estate)
+; (not (mode:host? mode))))
+ ; FIXME: The current definition is a temporary hack while host/target-ness
+ ; of INT/UINT is unresolved.
+ (and (not (obj-has-attr? mode 'FORCE-C))
+ (or (not c-op)
+ (and (estate-rtl-cover-fns? estate)
+ (or (insn? (estate-owner estate))
+ (not (mode:host? mode))))))
+; One operand referenced, result is in same mode.
+(define (s-unop estate name c-op mode src)
+ (let* ((val (rtl-c-get estate mode src))
+ ; Refetch mode in case it was DFLT and ensure unsigned->signed.
+ (mode (cx:mode val))
+ (sem-mode (-rtx-sem-mode mode)))
+ ; FIXME: Argument checking.
+ (if (-rtx-use-sem-fn? estate c-op mode)
+ (if (mode-float? mode)
+ (cx:make sem-mode
+ (string-append "(* CGEN_CPU_FPU (current_cpu)->ops->"
+ (string-downcase name)
+ (string-downcase (obj:name sem-mode))
+ ") (CGEN_CPU_FPU (current_cpu), "
+ (cx:c val) ")"))
+ (cx:make sem-mode
+ (string-append name (obj:name sem-mode)
+ " (" (cx:c val) ")")))
+ (cx:make mode ; not sem-mode on purpose
+ (string-append "(" c-op " ("
+ (cx:c val) "))"))))
+; Two operands referenced in the same mode producing a result in the same mode.
+; If MODE is DFLT, use the mode of SRC1.
+; ??? Will eventually want to handle floating point modes specially. Since
+; bigger modes may get clumsily passed (there is no pass by reference in C) and
+; since we want to eventually handle lazy transformation, FP values could be
+; passed by reference. This is easy in C++. C requires more work and is
+; defered until it's warranted.
+; Implementing this should probably be via a new cxmake-get-ref method,
+; rather then complicating cxmake-get. Ditto for rtl-c-get-ref/rtl-c-get.
+(define (s-binop estate name c-op mode src1 src2)
+ (let* ((val1 (rtl-c-get estate mode src1))
+ ; Refetch mode in case it was DFLT and ensure unsigned->signed.
+ (mode (cx:mode val1))
+ (sem-mode (-rtx-sem-mode mode))
+ (val2 (rtl-c-get estate mode src2)))
+ ; FIXME: Argument checking.
+ (if (-rtx-use-sem-fn? estate c-op mode)
+ (if (mode-float? mode)
+ (cx:make sem-mode
+ (string-append "(* CGEN_CPU_FPU (current_cpu)->ops->"
+ (string-downcase name)
+ (string-downcase (obj:name sem-mode))
+ ") (CGEN_CPU_FPU (current_cpu), "
+ (cx:c val1) ", "
+ (cx:c val2) ")"))
+ (cx:make sem-mode
+ (string-append name (obj:name sem-mode)
+ " (" (cx:c val1) ", "
+ (cx:c val2) ")")))
+ (cx:make mode ; not sem-mode on purpose
+ (string-append "(("
+ (cx:c val1)
+ ") " c-op " ("
+ (cx:c val2)
+ "))"))))
+; Same as s-binop except there's a third argument which is always one bit.
+(define (s-binop-with-bit estate name mode src1 src2 src3)
+ (let* ((val1 (rtl-c-get estate mode src1))
+ ; Refetch mode in case it was DFLT and ensure unsigned->signed.
+ (mode (-rtx-sem-mode (cx:mode val1)))
+ (val2 (rtl-c-get estate mode src2))
+ (val3 (rtl-c-get estate 'BI src3)))
+ ; FIXME: Argument checking.
+ (cx:make mode
+ (string-append name (obj:name mode)
+ " ("
+ (cx:c val1) ", "
+ (cx:c val2) ", "
+ (cx:c val3)
+ ")")))
+; Shift operations are slightly different than binary operations:
+; the mode of src2 is any integral mode.
+; ??? Note that some cpus have a signed shift left that is semantically
+; different from a logical one. May need to create `sla' some day. Later.
+(define (s-shop estate name c-op mode src1 src2)
+ (let* ((val1 (rtl-c-get estate mode src1))
+ ; Refetch mode in case it was DFLT and ensure unsigned->signed
+ ; [sign of operation is determined from operation name, not mode].
+ (mode (cx:mode val1))
+ (sem-mode (-rtx-sem-mode mode))
+ (val2 (rtl-c-get estate mode src2)))
+ ; FIXME: Argument checking.
+ (if (-rtx-use-sem-fn? estate c-op mode)
+ (cx:make sem-mode
+ (string-append name (obj:name sem-mode)
+ " (" (cx:c val1) ", "
+ (cx:c val2) ")"))
+ (cx:make mode ; not sem-mode on purpose
+ (string-append "("
+ ; Ensure correct sign of shift.
+ (cond ((equal? name "SRL")
+ (string-append "("
+ (if (eq? (mode:class mode) 'UINT)
+ ""
+ "unsigned ")
+ (mode:non-mode-c-type mode)
+ ") "))
+ ((equal? name "SRA")
+ (string-append "("
+ (mode:non-mode-c-type mode)
+ ") "))
+ (else ""))
+ "(" (cx:c val1) ") "
+ c-op
+ " (" (cx:c val2) "))"))))
+; Process andif, orif.
+; SRC1 and SRC2 have any arithmetic mode.
+; The result has mode BI.
+; ??? May want to use INT as BI may introduce some slowness
+; in the generated code.
+(define (s-boolifop estate name c-op src1 src2)
+ (let* ((val1 (rtl-c-get estate DFLT src1))
+ (val2 (rtl-c-get estate DFLT src2)))
+ ; FIXME: Argument checking.
+ ; If this is the simulator and MODE is not a host mode, use a macro.
+ ; ??? MODE here being the mode of SRC1. Maybe later.
+ (if (estate-rtl-cover-fns? estate)
+ (cx:make (mode:lookup 'BI)
+ (string-append name ; "BI", leave off mode, no need for it
+ " (" (cx:c val1) ", "
+ (cx:c val2) ")"))
+ (cx:make (mode:lookup 'BI)
+ (string-append "(("
+ (cx:c val1)
+ ") " c-op " ("
+ (cx:c val2)
+ "))"))))
+; Mode conversions.
+(define (s-convop estate name mode s1)
+ ; Get S1 in its normal mode, then convert.
+ (let ((s (rtl-c-get estate DFLT s1))
+ (mode (mode:lookup mode)))
+ (if (and (not (estate-rtl-cover-fns? estate))
+ (mode:host? (cx:mode s)))
+ (cx:make mode
+ (string-append "((" (obj:name mode) ")"
+ " (" (obj:name (cx:mode s)) ")"
+ " (" (cx:c s) "))"))
+ (if (or (mode-float? mode)
+ (mode-float? (cx:mode s)))
+ (cx:make mode
+ (string-append "(* CGEN_CPU_FPU (current_cpu)->ops->"
+ (string-downcase name)
+ (string-downcase (obj:name (-rtx-sem-mode (cx:mode s))))
+ (string-downcase (obj:name (-rtx-sem-mode mode)))
+ ") (CGEN_CPU_FPU (current_cpu), "
+ (cx:c s) ")"))
+ (cx:make mode
+ (string-append name
+ (obj:name (-rtx-sem-mode (cx:mode s)))
+ (obj:name (-rtx-sem-mode mode))
+ " (" (cx:c s) ")")))))
+; Compare SRC1 and SRC2 in mode MODE. The result has mode BI.
+; NAME is one of eq,ne,lt,le,gt,ge,ltu,leu,gtu,geu.
+; ??? May want a host int mode result as BI may introduce some slowness
+; in the generated code.
+(define (s-cmpop estate name c-op mode src1 src2)
+ (let* ((val1 (rtl-c-get estate mode src1))
+ ; Refetch mode in case it was DFLT.
+ (mode (cx:mode val1))
+ (val2 (rtl-c-get estate mode src2)))
+ ; FIXME: Argument checking.
+ ; If no C operation has been provided, use a macro, or
+ ; if this is the simulator and MODE is not a host mode, use a macro.
+ (if (-rtx-use-sem-fn? estate c-op mode)
+ (if (mode-float? mode)
+ (cx:make (mode:lookup 'BI)
+ (string-append "(* CGEN_CPU_FPU (current_cpu)->ops->"
+ (string-downcase name)
+ (string-downcase (obj:name (-rtx-sem-mode mode)))
+ ") (CGEN_CPU_FPU (current_cpu), "
+ (cx:c val1) ", "
+ (cx:c val2) ")"))
+ (cx:make (mode:lookup 'BI)
+ (string-append (string-upcase name)
+ (if (memq name '(eq ne))
+ (obj:name (-rtx-sem-mode mode))
+ (obj:name mode))
+ " (" (cx:c val1) ", "
+ (cx:c val2) ")")))
+ (cx:make (mode:lookup 'BI)
+ (string-append "(("
+ (cx:c val1)
+ ") " c-op " ("
+ (cx:c val2)
+ "))"))))
+; Conditional execution.
+; `if' in RTL has a result, like ?: in C.
+; We support both: one with a result (non VOID mode), and one without (VOID mode).
+; The non-VOID case must have an else part.
+; MODE is the mode of the result, not the comparison.
+; The comparison is expected to return a zero/non-zero value.
+; ??? Perhaps this should be a syntax-expr. Later.
+(define (s-if estate mode cond then . else)
+ (if (> (length else) 1)
+ (error "if: too many elements in `else' part" else))
+ (let ()
+ (if (or (mode:eq? 'DFLT mode)
+ (mode:eq? 'VOID mode))
+ (cx:make mode
+ (string-append "if (" (cx:c (rtl-c-get estate DFLT cond)) ")"
+ " {\n" (cx:c (rtl-c-get estate mode then)) "}"
+ (if (not (null? else))
+ (string-append " else {\n"
+ (cx:c (rtl-c-get estate mode (car else)))
+ "}\n")
+ "\n")
+ ))
+ (if (= (length else) 1)
+ (cx:make mode
+ (string-append "(("
+ (cx:c (rtl-c-get estate DFLT cond))
+ ") ? ("
+ (cx:c (rtl-c-get estate mode then))
+ ") : ("
+ (cx:c (rtl-c-get estate mode (car else)))
+ "))"))
+ (error "non-VoidMode `if' must have `else' part"))))
+; A multiway `if'.
+; If MODE is VOID emit a series of if/else's.
+; If MODE is not VOID, emit a series of ?:'s.
+; COND-CODE-LIST is a list of lists, each sublist is a list of two elements:
+; condition, code. The condition part must return a zero/non-zero value, and
+; the code part is treated as a `sequence'.
+; This defer argument evaluation, the syntax
+; ((... condition ...) ... action ...)
+; needs special parsing.
+; FIXME: Need more error checking of arguments.
+(define (s-cond estate mode . cond-code-list)
+ (let ((vm? (or (mode:eq? 'DFLT mode) (mode:eq? 'VOID mode))))
+ (if (null? cond-code-list)
+ (error "empty `cond'"))
+ (let ((if-part (if vm? "if (" "("))
+ (then-part (if vm? ") " ") ? "))
+ (elseif-part (if vm? " else if (" " : ("))
+ (else-part (if vm? " else " " : "))
+ (fi-part (if vm? "" ")")))
+ (let loop ((result
+ (string-append
+ if-part
+ (cx:c (rtl-c-get estate DFLT (caar cond-code-list)))
+ then-part
+ (cx:c (apply s-sequence
+ (cons estate
+ (cons mode
+ (cons nil
+ (cdar cond-code-list))))))))
+ (ccl (cdr cond-code-list)))
+ (cond ((null? ccl) (cx:make mode result))
+ ((eq? (caar ccl) 'else)
+ (cx:make mode
+ (string-append
+ result
+ else-part
+ (cx:c (apply s-sequence
+ (cons estate
+ (cons mode
+ (cons nil
+ (cdar ccl)))))))))
+ (else (loop (string-append
+ result
+ elseif-part
+ (cx:c (rtl-c-get estate DFLT (caar ccl)))
+ then-part
+ (cx:c (apply s-sequence
+ (cons estate
+ (cons mode
+ (cons nil
+ (cdar ccl)))))))
+ (cdr ccl)))))))
+; Utility of s-case to print a case prefix (for lack of a better term).
+(define (-gen-case-prefix val)
+ (string-append " case "
+ (cond ((number? val)
+ (number->string val))
+ ((symbol? val)
+ (string-upcase (gen-c-symbol val))) ; yes, upcase
+ ((string? val) val)
+ (else
+ (parse-error "case:" "bad case" val)))
+ " : ")
+; Utility of s-case to handle a void result.
+(define (s-case-vm estate test case-list)
+ (cx:make
+ (string-append
+ " switch ("
+ (cx:c (rtl-c-get estate DFLT test))
+ ")\n"
+ " {\n"
+ (string-map (lambda (case-entry)
+ (let ((caseval (car case-entry))
+ (code (cdr case-entry)))
+ (string-append
+ (cond ((list? caseval)
+ (string-map -gen-case-prefix caseval))
+ ((eq? 'else caseval)
+ (string-append " default : "))
+ (else
+ (-gen-case-prefix caseval)))
+ (cx:c (apply s-sequence
+ (cons estate (cons VOID (cons nil code)))))
+ " break;\n")))
+ case-list)
+ " }\n"))
+; Utility of s-case-non-vm to generate code to perform the test.
+(define (-gen-non-vm-case-test estate mode test cases)
+ (assert (not (null? cases)))
+ (let loop ((result "") (cases cases))
+ (if (null? cases)
+ result
+ (let ((case (cond ((number? (car cases))
+ (car cases))
+ ((symbol? (car cases))
+ (if (enum-lookup-val (car cases))
+ (rtx-make 'enum mode (car cases))
+ (context-error (estate-context estate)
+ "symbol not an enum"
+ (car cases))))
+ (else (error "invalid case" (car cases))))))
+ (loop (string-append
+ result
+ (if (= (string-length result) 0)
+ ""
+ " || ")
+ (cx:c (rtl-c-get estate mode test))
+ " == "
+ (cx:c (rtl-c-get estate mode case)))
+ (cdr cases)))))
+; Utility of s-case to handle a non-void result.
+; This is expanded as a series of ?:'s.
+(define (s-case-non-vm estate mode test case-list)
+ (let ((if-part "(")
+ (then-part ") ? ")
+ (elseif-part " : (")
+ (else-part " : ")
+ (fi-part ")"))
+ (let loop ((result
+ (string-append
+ if-part
+ (-gen-non-vm-case-test estate mode test (caar case-list))
+ then-part
+ (cx:c (apply s-sequence
+ (cons estate
+ (cons mode
+ (cons nil
+ (cdar case-list))))))))
+ (cl (cdr case-list)))
+ (cond ((null? cl) (cx:make mode result))
+ ((eq? (caar cl) 'else)
+ (cx:make mode
+ (string-append
+ result
+ else-part
+ (cx:c (apply s-sequence
+ (cons estate
+ (cons mode
+ (cons nil
+ (cdar cl)))))))))
+ (else (loop (string-append
+ result
+ elseif-part
+ (-gen-non-vm-case-test estate mode test (caar cl))
+ then-part
+ (cx:c (apply s-sequence
+ (cons estate
+ (cons mode
+ (cons nil
+ (cdar cl)))))))
+ (cdr cl))))))
+; C switch statement
+; To follow convention, MODE is the first arg.
+; FIXME: What to allow for case choices is wip.
+(define (s-case estate mode test . case-list)
+ (if (or (mode:eq? 'DFLT mode) (mode:eq? 'VOID mode))
+ (s-case-vm estate test case-list)
+ (s-case-non-vm estate mode test case-list))
+; Parallels and Sequences
+; Temps for `parallel' are recorded differently than for `sequence'.
+; ??? I believe this is because there was an interaction between the two.
+(define -par-temp-list nil)
+; Record a temporary needed for a parallel in mode MODE.
+; We just need to record the mode with a unique name so we use a <c-expr>
+; object where the "expression" is the variable's name.
+(define (-par-new-temp! mode)
+ (set! -par-temp-list
+ (cons (cx:make mode (string-append "temp"
+ (number->string
+ (length -par-temp-list))))
+ -par-temp-list))
+ (car -par-temp-list)
+; Return the next temp from the list, and leave the list pointing to the
+; next one.
+(define (-par-next-temp!)
+ (let ((result (car -par-temp-list)))
+ (set! -par-temp-list (cdr -par-temp-list))
+ result)
+(define (-gen-par-temp-defns temp-list)
+ ;(display temp-list) (newline)
+ (string-append
+ " "
+ ; ??? mode:c-type
+ (string-map (lambda (temp) (string-append (obj:name (cx:mode temp)) " " (cx:c temp) ";"))
+ temp-list)
+ "\n")
+; Parallels are handled by converting them into two sequences. The first has
+; all set destinations replaced with temps, and the second has all set sources
+; replaced with those temps.
+; ??? Revisit later to see if (if ...) and (set pc ...) is ok.
+; How about disallowing if's and jump's inside parallels?
+; One can still put a parallel inside an `if' however.
+(define (-par-replace-set-dests estate exprs)
+ (let ((sets (list 'set 'set-quiet
+ (rtx-lookup 'set) (rtx-lookup 'set-quiet))))
+ (letrec ((replace
+ (lambda (expr)
+ (let ((name (car expr))
+ (options (rtx-options expr))
+ (mode (rtx-mode expr)))
+ (if (memq name sets)
+ (list name
+ options
+ mode
+ (-par-new-temp! ; replace dest with temp
+ (if (mode:eq? 'DFLT mode)
+ (rtx-lvalue-mode-name estate (rtx-set-dest expr))
+ mode))
+ (rtx-set-src expr))
+ (cons name
+ (cons options
+ (cons mode (replace (rtx-args expr)))))))))
+ )
+ (map replace exprs)))
+; This must process expressions in the same order as -par-replace-set-dests!
+(define (-par-replace-set-srcs estate exprs)
+ (let ((sets (list 'set 'set-quiet
+ (rtx-lookup 'set) (rtx-lookup 'set-quiet))))
+ (letrec ((replace
+ (lambda (expr)
+ (let ((name (car expr))
+ (options (rtx-options expr))
+ (mode (rtx-mode expr)))
+ (if (memq name sets)
+ (list name
+ options
+ mode
+ (rtx-set-dest expr)
+ (-par-next-temp!)) ; the source's temp
+ (cons name
+ (cons options
+ (cons mode (replace (cddr expr)))))))))
+ )
+ (map replace exprs)))
+; Return a <c-expr> node for a `parallel'.
+(define (s-parallel estate . exprs)
+ (begin
+ ; Initialize -par-temp-list for -par-replace-set-dests.
+ (set! -par-temp-list nil)
+ (let* ((set-dests (string-map (lambda (e)
+ (rtl-c-with-estate estate VOID e))
+ (-par-replace-set-dests estate exprs)))
+ (temps (reverse! -par-temp-list)))
+ ; Initialize -par-temp-list for -par-replace-set-srcs.
+ (set! -par-temp-list temps)
+ (cx:make VOID
+ (string-append
+ ; FIXME: do {} while (0); doesn't get "optimized out"
+ ; internally by gcc, meaning two labels and a loop are
+ ; created for it to have to process. We can generate pretty
+ ; big files and can cause gcc to require *lots* of memory.
+ ; So let's try just {} ...
+ "{\n"
+ (-gen-par-temp-defns temps)
+ set-dests
+ (string-map (lambda (e)
+ (rtl-c-with-estate estate VOID e))
+ (-par-replace-set-srcs estate exprs))
+ "}\n")
+ )))
+; Return a <c-expr> node for a `sequence'.
+(define (s-sequence estate mode env . exprs)
+ (let* ((env (rtx-env-make-locals env)) ; compile env
+ (estate (estate-push-env estate env)))
+ (if (or (mode:eq? 'DFLT mode)
+ (mode:eq? 'VOID mode))
+ (cx:make mode
+ (string-append
+ ; FIXME: do {} while (0); doesn't get "optimized out"
+ ; internally by gcc, meaning two labels and a loop are
+ ; created for it to have to process. We can generate pretty
+ ; big files and can cause gcc to require *lots* of memory.
+ ; So let's try just {} ...
+ "{\n"
+ (gen-temp-defs estate env)
+ (string-map (lambda (e)
+ (rtl-c-with-estate estate DFLT e))
+ exprs)
+ "}\n"))
+ (cx:make mode
+ (string-append
+ ; Don't use GCC extension unless necessary.
+ (if (rtx-env-empty? env) "(" "({ ")
+ (gen-temp-defs estate env)
+ (string-drop 2
+ (string-map
+ (lambda (e)
+ (string-append
+ ", "
+ (rtl-c-with-estate estate DFLT e)))
+ exprs))
+ (if (rtx-env-empty? env) ")" "; })")))))
+; *****************************************************************************
+; RTL->C generators for each rtx function.
+; Return code to set FN as the generator for RTX.
+(defmacro define-fn (rtx args expr . rest)
+ `(begin
+ (assert (rtx-lookup (quote ,rtx)))
+ (vector-set! table (rtx-num (rtx-lookup (quote ,rtx)))
+ (lambda ,args ,@(cons expr rest))))
+(define (rtl-c-init!)
+ (set! -rtl-c-gen-table (rtl-c-build-table))
+; The rest of this file is one big function to return the rtl->c lookup table.
+(define (rtl-c-build-table)
+ (let ((table (make-vector (rtx-max-num) #f)))
+; Error generation
+(define-fn error (estate options mode message)
+ (let ((c-call (s-c-call estate mode "cgen_rtx_error"
+ (string-append "\""
+ (backslash "\"" message)
+ "\""))))
+ (if (or (mode:eq? 'DFLT mode) (mode:eq? 'VOID mode))
+ c-call
+ (cx:make mode (string-append "(" (cx:c c-call) ", 0)"))))
+; Enum support
+(define-fn enum (estate options mode name)
+ (cx:make mode (string-upcase (gen-c-symbol name)))
+; Instruction field support.
+; ??? This should build an operand object like -build-ifield-operand! does
+; in semantics.scm.
+; ??? Mode support is wip.
+(define-fn ifield (estate options mode ifld-name)
+ (if (estate-ifield-var? estate)
+ (cx:make 'UINT (gen-c-symbol ifld-name))
+ (cx:make 'UINT (string-append "FLD (" (gen-c-symbol ifld-name) ")")))
+; (let ((f (current-ifld-lookup ifld-name)))
+; (make <operand> ifld-name ifld-name
+; (atlist-cons (bool-attr-make 'SEM-ONLY #t)
+; (obj-atlist f))
+; (obj:name (ifld-hw-type f))
+; (obj:name (ifld-mode f))
+; (make <hw-index> 'anonymous
+; 'ifield (ifld-mode f) f)
+; nil #f #f))
+; Operand support
+(define-fn operand (estate options mode object-or-name)
+ (cond ((operand? object-or-name)
+ object-or-name)
+ ((symbol? object-or-name)
+ (let ((object (current-op-lookup object-or-name)))
+ (if (not object)
+ (context-error (estate-context estate)
+ "undefined operand" object-or-name))
+ object))
+ (else
+ (context-error (estate-context estate)
+ "bad arg to `operand'" object-or-name)))
+(define-fn xop (estate options mode object) object)
+(define-fn local (estate options mode object-or-name)
+ (cond ((rtx-temp? object-or-name)
+ object-or-name)
+ ((symbol? object-or-name)
+ (let ((object (rtx-temp-lookup (estate-env estate) object-or-name)))
+ (if (not object)
+ (context-error (estate-context estate)
+ "undefined local" object-or-name))
+ object))
+ (else
+ (context-error (estate-context estate)
+ "bad arg to `local'" object-or-name)))
+(define-fn reg (estate options mode hw-elm . indx-sel)
+ (let ((indx (or (list-maybe-ref indx-sel 0) 0))
+ (sel (or (list-maybe-ref indx-sel 1) hw-selector-default)))
+ (s-hw estate mode hw-elm indx sel))
+(define-fn raw-reg (estate options mode hw-elm . indx-sel)
+ (let ((indx (or (list-maybe-ref indx-sel 0) 0))
+ (sel (or (list-maybe-ref indx-sel 1) hw-selector-default)))
+ (let ((result (s-hw estate mode hw-elm indx sel)))
+ (obj-cons-attr! result (bool-attr-make 'RAW #t))
+ result))
+(define-fn mem (estate options mode addr . sel)
+ (s-hw estate mode 'h-memory addr
+ (if (pair? sel) (car sel) hw-selector-default))
+(define-fn pc (estate options mode)
+ s-pc
+(define-fn ref (estate options mode name)
+ (if (not (insn? (estate-owner estate)))
+ (error "ref: not processing an insn"))
+ (cx:make 'UINT
+ (string-append
+ "(referenced & (1 << "
+ (number->string
+ (op:num (insn-lookup-op (estate-owner estate) name)))
+ "))"))
+; ??? Maybe this should return an operand object.
+(define-fn index-of (estate options mode op)
+ (send (op:index (rtx-eval-with-estate op 'DFLT estate)) 'cxmake-get estate 'DFLT)
+(define-fn clobber (estate options mode object)
+ (cx:make VOID "; /*clobber*/\n")
+(define-fn delay (estate options mode n rtx)
+ (s-sequence (estate-with-modifiers estate '((#:delay))) VOID '() rtx) ; wip!
+; Gets expanded as a macro.
+;(define-fn annul (estate yes?)
+; (s-c-call estate 'VOID "SEM_ANNUL_INSN" "pc" yes?)
+(define-fn skip (estate options mode yes?)
+ (send pc 'cxmake-skip estate yes?)
+ ;(s-c-call estate 'VOID "SEM_SKIP_INSN" "pc" yes?)
+(define-fn eq-attr (estate options mode obj attr-name value)
+ (cx:make 'INT
+ (string-append "(GET_ATTR ("
+ (gen-c-symbol attr-name)
+ ") == "
+ (gen-c-symbol value)
+ ")"))
+(define-fn attr (estate options mode owner attr-name)
+ (cond ((equal? owner '(current-insn () DFLT))
+ (s-c-raw-call estate 'INT "GET_ATTR"
+ (string-upcase (gen-c-symbol attr-name))))
+ (else (error "attr: unsupported object type:" owner)))
+(define-fn const (estate options mode c)
+ (assert (not (mode:eq? 'VOID mode)))
+ (if (mode:eq? 'DFLT mode)
+ (set! mode 'INT))
+ (let ((mode (mode:lookup mode)))
+ (cx:make mode
+ (cond ((or (mode:eq? 'DI mode)
+ (mode:eq? 'UDI mode))
+ (string-append "MAKEDI ("
+ (gen-integer (high-part c)) ", "
+ (gen-integer (low-part c))
+ ")"))
+ ((and (<= #x-80000000 c) (> #x80000000 c))
+ (number->string c))
+ ((and (<= #x80000000 c) (>= #xffffffff c))
+ ; ??? GCC complains if not affixed with "U" but that's not k&r.
+ ;(string-append (number->string val) "U"))
+ (string-append "0x" (number->string c 16)))
+ ; Else punt.
+ (else (number->string c)))))
+(define-fn join (estate options out-mode in-mode arg1 . arg-rest)
+ ; FIXME: Endianness issues undecided.
+ ; FIXME: Ensure correct number of args for in/out modes.
+ ; Ensure compatible modes.
+ (apply s-c-raw-call (cons estate
+ (cons out-mode
+ (cons (string-append "JOIN"
+ in-mode
+ out-mode)
+ (cons arg1 arg-rest)))))
+(define-fn subword (estate options mode value word-num)
+ (let* ((mode (mode:lookup mode))
+ (val (rtl-c-get estate DFLT value))
+ ; Refetch mode in case it was DFLT.
+ (val-mode (cx:mode val)))
+ (cx:make mode
+ (string-append "SUBWORD" (obj:name val-mode) (obj:name mode)
+ " (" (cx:c val)
+ (if (mode-bigger? val-mode mode)
+ (string-append
+ ", "
+ (if (number? word-num)
+ (number->string word-num)
+ (cx:c (rtl-c-get estate DFLT word-num))))
+ "")
+ ")")))
+(define-fn c-code (estate options mode text)
+ (cx:make mode text)
+(define-fn c-call (estate options mode name . args)
+ (apply s-c-call (cons estate (cons mode (cons name args))))
+(define-fn c-raw-call (estate options mode name . args)
+ (apply s-c-raw-call (cons estate (cons mode (cons name args))))
+(define-fn nop (estate options mode)
+ (cx:make VOID "((void) 0); /*nop*/\n")
+(define-fn set (estate options mode dst src)
+ (if (insn? (estate-owner estate))
+ (rtl-c-set-trace estate mode dst (rtl-c-get estate mode src))
+ (rtl-c-set-quiet estate mode dst (rtl-c-get estate mode src)))
+(define-fn set-quiet (estate options mode dst src)
+ (rtl-c-set-quiet estate mode dst (rtl-c-get estate mode src))
+(define-fn neg (estate options mode s1)
+ (s-unop estate "NEG" "-" mode s1)
+(define-fn abs (estate options mode s1)
+ (s-unop estate "ABS" #f mode s1)
+(define-fn inv (estate options mode s1)
+ (s-unop estate "INV" "~" mode s1)
+(define-fn not (estate options mode s1)
+ (s-unop estate "NOT" "!" mode s1)
+(define-fn add (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-binop estate "ADD" "+" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn sub (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-binop estate "SUB" "-" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn addc (estate options mode s1 s2 s3)
+ (s-binop-with-bit estate "ADDC" mode s1 s2 s3)
+(define-fn add-cflag (estate options mode s1 s2 s3)
+ (s-binop-with-bit estate "ADDCF" mode s1 s2 s3)
+(define-fn add-oflag (estate options mode s1 s2 s3)
+ (s-binop-with-bit estate "ADDOF" mode s1 s2 s3)
+(define-fn subc (estate options mode s1 s2 s3)
+ (s-binop-with-bit estate "SUBC" mode s1 s2 s3)
+(define-fn sub-cflag (estate options mode s1 s2 s3)
+ (s-binop-with-bit estate "SUBCF" mode s1 s2 s3)
+(define-fn sub-oflag (estate options mode s1 s2 s3)
+ (s-binop-with-bit estate "SUBOF" mode s1 s2 s3)
+;(define-fn zflag (estate options mode value)
+; (list 'eq mode value (list 'const mode 0))
+;(define-fn nflag (estate options mode value)
+; (list 'lt mode value (list 'const mode 0))
+(define-fn mul (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-binop estate "MUL" "*" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn div (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-binop estate "DIV" "/" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn udiv (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-binop estate "UDIV" "/" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn mod (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-binop estate "MOD" "%" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn umod (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-binop estate "UMOD" "%" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn sqrt (estate options mode s1)
+ (s-unop estate "SQRT" #f mode s1)
+(define-fn cos (estate options mode s1)
+ (s-unop estate "COS" #f mode s1)
+(define-fn sin (estate options mode s1)
+ (s-unop estate "SIN" #f mode s1)
+(define-fn min (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-binop estate "MIN" #f mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn max (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-binop estate "MAX" #f mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn umin (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-binop estate "UMIN" #f mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn umax (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-binop estate "UMAX" #f mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn and (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-binop estate "AND" "&" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn or (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-binop estate "OR" "|" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn xor (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-binop estate "XOR" "^" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn sll (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-shop estate "SLL" "<<" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn srl (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-shop estate "SRL" ">>" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn sra (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-shop estate "SRA" ">>" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn ror (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-shop estate "ROR" #f mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn rol (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-shop estate "ROL" #f mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn andif (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-boolifop estate "ANDIF" "&&" s1 s2)
+(define-fn orif (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-boolifop estate "ORIF" "||" s1 s2)
+(define-fn ext (estate options mode s1)
+ (s-convop estate "EXT" mode s1)
+(define-fn zext (estate options mode s1)
+ (s-convop estate "ZEXT" mode s1)
+(define-fn trunc (estate options mode s1)
+ (s-convop estate "TRUNC" mode s1)
+(define-fn fext (estate options mode s1)
+ (s-convop estate "FEXT" mode s1)
+(define-fn ftrunc (estate options mode s1)
+ (s-convop estate "FTRUNC" mode s1)
+(define-fn float (estate options mode s1)
+ (s-convop estate "FLOAT" mode s1)
+(define-fn ufloat (estate options mode s1)
+ (s-convop estate "UFLOAT" mode s1)
+(define-fn fix (estate options mode s1)
+ (s-convop estate "FIX" mode s1)
+(define-fn ufix (estate options mode s1)
+ (s-convop estate "UFIX" mode s1)
+(define-fn eq (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-cmpop estate 'eq "==" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn ne (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-cmpop estate 'ne "!=" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn lt (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-cmpop estate 'lt "<" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn le (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-cmpop estate 'le "<=" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn gt (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-cmpop estate 'gt ">" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn ge (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-cmpop estate 'ge ">=" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn ltu (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-cmpop estate 'ltu "<" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn leu (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-cmpop estate 'leu "<=" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn gtu (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-cmpop estate 'gtu ">" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn geu (estate options mode s1 s2)
+ (s-cmpop estate 'geu ">=" mode s1 s2)
+(define-fn member (estate options mode value set)
+ ; FIXME: Multiple evalutions of VALUE.
+ (let ((c-value (rtl-c-get estate 'DFLT value))
+ (set (rtx-number-list-values set)))
+ (let loop ((set (cdr set))
+ (code (string-append "(" (cx:c c-value)
+ " == "
+ (gen-integer (car set))
+ ")")))
+ (if (null? set)
+ (cx:make (mode:lookup 'BI) (string-append "(" code ")"))
+ (loop (cdr set)
+ (string-append code
+ " || ("
+ (cx:c c-value)
+ " == "
+ (gen-integer (car set))
+ ")")))))
+(define-fn if (estate options mode cond then . else)
+ (apply s-if (append! (list estate mode cond then) else))
+(define-fn cond (estate options mode . cond-code-list)
+ (apply s-cond (cons estate (cons mode cond-code-list)))
+(define-fn case (estate options mode test . case-list)
+ (apply s-case (cons estate (cons mode (cons test case-list))))
+(define-fn parallel (estate options mode ignore expr . exprs)
+ (apply s-parallel (cons estate (cons expr exprs)))
+(define-fn sequence (estate options mode locals expr . exprs)
+ (apply s-sequence
+ (cons estate (cons mode (cons locals (cons expr exprs)))))
+(define-fn closure (estate options mode expr env)
+ ; ??? estate-push-env?
+ (rtl-c-with-estate (estate-new-env estate env) DFLT expr)
+; The result is the rtl->c generator table.
+)) ; End of rtl-c-build-table