path: root/expect/example/gethostbyaddr
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Diffstat (limited to 'expect/example/gethostbyaddr')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/expect/example/gethostbyaddr b/expect/example/gethostbyaddr
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..ca27f0f7be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/expect/example/gethostbyaddr
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+#!../expect --
+# gethostbyaddr a.b.c.d - translate an internet address to a FQDN,
+# guessing (a lot) if necessary.
+# Author: Don Libes, NIST
+# Version 4.0
+# Written: January 11, 1991
+# Last revised: March 21, 1996
+# By default, return a FQDN (fully qualified domain name) or descriptive
+# string (if FQDN is not easily determinable). This is tagged with a brief
+# explanation of how it was determined.
+# If the host part of the FQDN cannot be determined, the original IP address
+# is used.
+# Optional arguments act as toggles: Default
+# -t tag names with a description of how derived. true
+# -v verbose. false
+# -r reverse names to see if they resolve back to orig IP address. true
+# -n query nic for a descriptive string if it begins to look like true
+# the FQDN may be hard to derive.
+# -d turn on debugging to expose underlying dialogue false
+# These options and others (see below) may be set in a ~/.gethostbyaddr file
+# To set options from that file, use the same syntax as below.
+set timeout 120 ;# timeout query after this many seconds
+set tag 1 ;# same as -t
+set reverse 1 ;# same as -r
+set verbose 0 ;# same as -v
+set nic 1 ;# same as -n
+set debug 0 ;# same as -d
+log_user 0
+proc usage {} {
+ send_user "usage: gethostbyaddr \[options\] a.b.c.d\n"
+ send_user "options meaning (all options act as toggles) default\n"
+ send_user " -t tag with derivation description true\n"
+ send_user " -v verbose false\n"
+ send_user " -r reverse back to IP addr for verification true\n"
+ send_user " -n query nic true\n"
+ send_user " -d produce debugging output false\n"
+ send_user "options must be separate.\n"
+ exit
+if [file readable ~/.gethostbyaddr] {source ~/.gethostbyaddr}
+while {[llength $argv]>0} {
+ set flag [lindex $argv 0]
+ switch -- $flag \
+ "-v" {
+ set verbose [expr !$verbose]
+ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
+ } "-r" {
+ set reverse [expr !$reverse]
+ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
+ } "-n" {
+ set nic [expr !$nic]
+ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
+ } "-t" {
+ set tag [expr !$tag]
+ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
+ } "-d" {
+ set debug [expr !$debug]
+ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
+ debug $debug
+ } default {
+ break
+ }
+set IPaddress $argv
+if [llength $argv]!=1 usage
+if 4!=[scan $IPaddress "%d.%d.%d.%d" a b c d] usage
+proc vprint {s} {
+ global verbose
+ if !$verbose return
+ send_user $s\n
+# dn==1 if domain name, 0 if text (from nic)
+proc printhost {name how dn} {
+ global reverse tag IPaddress
+ if {$dn && $reverse} {
+ set verified [verify $name $IPaddress]
+ } else {set verified 0}
+ if {$verified || !$reverse || !$dn} {
+ if $tag {
+ send_user "$name ($how)\n"
+ } else {
+ send_user "$name\n"
+ }
+ if {$verified || !$reverse} {
+ close
+ wait
+ exit
+ }
+ }
+# return 1 if name resolves to IP address
+proc verify {name IPaddress} {
+ vprint "verifying $name is $IPaddress"
+ set rc 0
+ spawn nslookup
+ expect ">*"
+ send $name\r
+ expect {
+ -re "\\*\\*\\* (\[^\r]*)\r" {
+ vprint $expect_out(1,string)
+ } timeout {
+ vprint "timed out"
+ } -re "Address:.*Address: (\[^\r]*)\r" {
+ set addr2 $expect_out(1,string)
+ if [string match $IPaddress $addr2] {
+ vprint "verified"
+ set rc 1
+ } else {
+ vprint "not verified - $name is $addr2"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close
+ wait
+ return $rc
+set bad_telnet_responses "(telnet:|: unknown).*"
+proc telnet_error {s} {
+ regexp ": (.*)\r" $s dontcare msg
+ vprint $msg
+proc guessHost {guess} {
+ global guessHost
+ if [info exists guessHost] return
+ set guessHost $guess
+proc guessDomain {guess} {
+ global guessDomain
+ if [info exists guessDomain] return
+ set guessDomain $guess
+proc guessFQDN {} {
+ global guessHost guessDomain
+ return $guessHost.$guessDomain
+# first do a simple reverse nslookup
+vprint "using nslookup"
+spawn nslookup
+expect ">*"
+send "set query=ptr\r"
+expect ">*"
+send "$d.$c.$b.$\r"
+expect {
+ timeout {
+ vprint "timed out"
+ } -re "\\*\\*\\* (\[^\r]*)\r" {
+ vprint $expect_out(1,string)
+ } -re "name = (\[^\r]*)\r" {
+ set host $expect_out(1,string)
+ printhost $host nslookup 1
+ # split out hostname from FQDN as guess for later
+ guessHost [lindex [split $host "."] 0]
+ }
+# next telnet to host and ask it what its name is
+vprint "talking smtp to $IPaddress"
+spawn telnet $IPaddress smtp
+expect {
+ -re $bad_telnet_responses {
+ telnet_error $expect_out(buffer)
+ } timeout {
+ vprint "timed out"
+ } -re "\n220 (\[^\\. ]*).?(\[^ ]*)" {
+ set host $expect_out(1,string)
+ set domain $expect_out(2,string)
+ printhost $host.$domain smtp 1
+ # if not valid FQDN, it's likely either host or domain
+ if [string length $domain] {
+ guessDomain $host.$domain
+ } else {
+ guessHost $host
+ }
+ }
+catch close
+# ask NIC for any info about this host
+if {$nic || ($d == 0)} {
+ vprint "talking to nic"
+ spawn telnet
+ expect {
+ -re $bad_telnet_responses {
+ telnet_error $expect_out(buffer)
+ } timeout {
+ vprint "timed out"
+ } "InterNIC >" {
+ send "whois\r"
+ expect "Whois: "
+ vprint "getting info on network $a.$b.$c"
+ send "net $a.$b.$c\r"
+ expect {
+ "No match*" {
+ vprint "no info"
+ expect "Whois: "
+ vprint "getting info on network $a.$b"
+ send "net $a.$b\r"
+ expect {
+ "No match*" {
+ vprint "no info"
+ } -re "net\r\n(\[^\r]*)\r" {
+ printhost $expect_out(1,string) nic 0
+ } timeout {
+ vprint "timed out"
+ }
+ }
+ } -re "net\r\n(\[^\r]*)\r" {
+ printhost $expect_out(1,string) nic 0
+ } timeout {
+ vprint "timed out"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch close
+ wait
+ if {$d == 0} exit
+# ask other hosts in the same class C what their name is
+# so that we can at least get the likely domain
+# do this in two loops - first from current IP address down to 0
+# and then next from current IP address up to 255
+# give up guessing host name
+guessHost "unknown"
+for {set i [expr $d-1]} {$i>0} {incr i -1} {
+ vprint "talking smtp to $a.$b.$c.$i"
+ spawn telnet $a.$b.$c.$i smtp
+ expect {
+ -re $bad_telnet_responses {
+ telnet_error $expect_out(buffer)
+ } timeout {
+ vprint "timed out"
+ } -re "\n220 (\[^\\. ]*).?(\[^ ]*)" {
+ set host $expect_out(1,string)
+ set domain $expect_out(2,string)
+ printhost $guessHost.$domain "smtp - $a.$b.$c.$i is $host.$domain" 1
+ # if not valid FQDN, it's likely either host or domain
+ # don't bother recording host since it can't be for
+ # original addr.
+ if [string length $domain] {
+ guessDomain $host.$domain
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch close
+ wait
+for {set i [expr $d+1]} {$i<255} {incr i} {
+ vprint "talking smtp to $a.$b.$c.$i"
+ spawn telnet $a.$b.$c.$i smtp
+ expect {
+ -re $bad_telnet_responses {
+ telnet_error $expect_out(buffer)
+ } timeout {
+ vprint "timed out"
+ } -re "\n220 (\[^ ]*.(\[^ ])) " {
+ set host $expect_out(1,string)
+ set domain $expect_out(2,string)
+ printhost $guessHost.$domain "smtp - $a.$b.$c.$i is $host.$domain" 1
+ # if not valid FQDN, it's likely either host or domain
+ # don't bother recording host since it can't be for
+ # original addr.
+ if [string length $domain] {
+ guessDomain $host.$domain
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch close
+ wait
+# print our best guess as to the name
+# How pathetic. Print something, anything!
+if {!$verbose && !$tag} {send_user [guessFQDN]}