path: root/expect/example/tkpasswd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'expect/example/tkpasswd')
1 files changed, 630 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/expect/example/tkpasswd b/expect/example/tkpasswd
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..68e9c441f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/expect/example/tkpasswd
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+#!/depot/path/expectk -f
+# tkpasswd - Change passwords using Expectk
+# Author: Don Libes, NIST, October 1, 1993
+# Version: 1.8 - Added support for Tk 4.1
+# There is no man page. However, there is some on-line help when you run
+# the program. Technical details and insights are described in the
+# O'Reilly book "Exploring Expect".
+proc prog_exists {prog} {
+ global env
+ foreach dir [split $env(PATH) :] {
+ if [file executable $dir/$prog] {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+frame .type -relief raised -bd 1
+radiobutton .passwd -text passwd -variable passwd_cmd \
+ -value {passwd {cat /etc/passwd}} \
+ -anchor w -command get_users -relief flat
+pack .passwd -in .type -fill x
+if [prog_exists yppasswd] {
+ radiobutton .yppasswd -text yppasswd -variable passwd_cmd \
+ -value {yppasswd {ypcat passwd}} \
+ -anchor w -command get_users -relief flat
+ pack .yppasswd -in .type -fill x
+if [prog_exists nispasswd] {
+ radiobutton .nispasswd -text nispasswd -variable passwd_cmd \
+ -value {nispasswd {niscat passwd}} \
+ -anchor w -command get_users -relief flat
+ pack .nispasswd -in .type -fill x
+pack .type -fill x
+frame .sort -relief raised -bd 1
+radiobutton .unsorted -text unsorted -variable sort_cmd -value " " \
+ -anchor w -relief flat -command get_users
+radiobutton .name -text name -variable sort_cmd -value "| sort" \
+ -anchor w -relief flat -command get_users
+radiobutton .uid -text uid -variable sort_cmd -value "| sort -t: -n +2" \
+ -anchor w -relief flat -command get_users
+pack .unsorted .name .uid -in .sort -fill x
+pack .sort -fill x
+frame .users -relief raised -bd 1
+# has to be wide enough for 8+1+5=14
+text .names -yscrollcommand ".scroll set" -width 14 -height 1 \
+ -font "*-bold-o-normal-*-120-*-m-*" -setgrid 1
+.names tag configure nopassword -relief raised
+.names tag configure selection -relief raised
+set iscolor 0
+if {[winfo depth .] > 1} {
+ set iscolor 1
+if {$iscolor} {
+ .names tag configure nopassword -background red
+ .names tag configure selection -background green
+} else {
+ .names tag configure nopassword -background black -foreground white
+ .names tag configure selection -background white -foreground black
+scrollbar .scroll -command ".names yview" -relief raised
+pack .scroll -in .users -side left -fill y
+pack .names -in .users -side left -fill y
+pack .users -expand 1 -fill y
+wm minsize . 14 1
+wm maxsize . 14 999
+wm geometry . 14x10
+frame .password_frame -relief raised -bd 1
+entry .password -textvar password -relief sunken -width 1
+focus .password
+bind .password <Return> password_set
+label .prompt -text "Password:" -bd 0
+button .password_set -text "set" -command password_set
+button .generate_button -text "generate" -command password_generate
+pack .prompt .password -in .password_frame -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2
+pack .password_set .generate_button -in .password_frame -side left -expand 1 -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2
+pack .password_frame -fill x
+set dict_loaded 0
+checkbutton .dict -text "test dictionary" -variable dict_check \
+ -command {if !$dict_loaded load_dict} \
+ -anchor w
+pack .dict -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2
+button .quit -text quit -command exit
+button .help_button -text help -command help
+pack .quit .help_button -side left -expand 1 -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2
+proc help {} {
+ if [catch {toplevel .help}] return
+ message .help.text -text \
+"tkpasswd - written by Don Libes, NIST, 10/1/93.
+Click on passwd (local users) or yppasswd (NIS users).\
+Select user using mouse (or keys - see below).\
+Enter password or press ^G to generate a random password.\
+(Press ^A to adjust the generation parameters.)\
+Press return to set the password.\
+If the dictionary is enabled and the password is in it,\
+the password is rejected.
+You must be root to set local passwords besides your own.\
+If you are not root, you must also enter an old password\
+when requested.
+You do not have to move mouse into password field(s) to enter password.\
+^U clears password field.\
+^N and ^P select next/previous user.\
+M-n and M-p select next/previous user with no password.\
+(Users with no passwords are highlighted.)"
+ button .help.ok -text "ok" -command {destroy .help}
+ pack .help.text
+ pack .help.ok -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2
+# get list of local users
+proc get_users {} {
+ global sort_cmd passwd_cmd
+ global nopasswords ;# line numbers of entries with no passwords
+ global last_line ;# last line of text box
+ global selection_line
+ .names delete 1.0 end
+ set file [open "|[lindex $passwd_cmd 1] $sort_cmd"]
+ set last_line 1
+ set nopasswords {}
+ while {[gets $file buf] != -1} {
+ set buf [split $buf :]
+ if [llength $buf]>2 {
+ # normal password entry
+ .names insert end "[format "%-8.8s %5d" [lindex $buf 0] [lindex $buf 2]]\n"
+ if 0==[string compare [lindex $buf 1] ""] {
+ .names tag add nopassword \
+ {end - 2 line linestart} \
+ {end - 2 line lineend}
+ lappend nopasswords $last_line
+ }
+ } else {
+ # +name style entry
+ .names insert end "$buf\n"
+ }
+ incr last_line
+ }
+ incr last_line -1
+ close $file
+ set selection_line 0
+proc feedback {msg} {
+ global password
+ set password $msg
+ .password select from 0
+ .password select to end
+ update
+proc load_dict {} {
+ global dict dict_loaded
+ feedback "loading dictionary..."
+ if 0==[catch {open /usr/dict/words} file] {
+ rename set s
+ foreach w [split [read $file] "\n"] {s dict($w) ""}
+ close $file
+ rename s set
+ set dict_loaded 1
+ feedback "dictionary loaded"
+ } else {
+ feedback "dictionary missing"
+ .dict deselect
+ }
+# put whatever security checks you like in here
+proc weak_password {password} {
+ global dict dict_check
+ if $dict_check {
+ feedback "checking password"
+ if [info exists dict($password)] {
+ feedback "sorry - in dictionary"
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+proc password_set {} {
+ global password passwd_cmd selection_line
+ set new_password $password
+ if {$selection_line==0} {
+ feedback "select a user first"
+ return
+ }
+ set user [lindex [.names get selection.first selection.last] 0]
+ if [weak_password $password] return
+ feedback "setting password . . ."
+ set cmd [lindex $passwd_cmd 0]
+ spawn -noecho $cmd $user
+ log_user 0
+ set last_msg "error in $cmd"
+ while 1 {
+ expect {
+ -nocase "old password:" {
+ exp_send "[get_old_password]\r"
+ } "assword*:" {
+ exp_send "$new_password\r"
+ } -re "(.*)\r\n" {
+ set last_msg $expect_out(1,string)
+ } eof break
+ }
+ }
+ set status [wait]
+ if [lindex $status 3]==0 {
+ feedback "set successfully"
+ } else {
+ feedback $last_msg
+ }
+# defaults for generating passwords
+set length 9
+set minnum 2
+set minlower 5
+set minupper 2
+set distribute 0
+proc parameter_filename {} {
+ set file .tkpasswd.rc
+ if [info exists env(DOTDIR)] {
+ set file "$env(DOTDIR)/$file"
+ }
+ return ~/$file
+catch {source [parameter_filename]}
+# save parameters in a file
+proc save_parameters {} {
+ global minnum minlower minupper length
+ if [catch {open [parameter_filename] w} f] {
+ # should never happen, so don't bother with window code
+ puts "tkpasswd: could not write [parameter_filename]"
+ return
+ }
+ puts $f "# This is the .tkpasswd.rc file. Do not edit it by hand as"
+ puts $f "# it is automatically maintained by tkpasswd. Any manual"
+ puts $f "# modifications will be lost."
+ puts $f ""
+ puts $f "set length $length"
+ puts $f "set minnum $minnum"
+ puts $f "set minupper $minupper"
+ puts $f "set minlower $minlower"
+ close $f
+# insert char into password at a random position
+proc insert {pvar char} {
+ upvar $pvar p
+ set p [linsert $p [rand [expr 1+[llength $p]]] $char]
+# given a size, distribute between left and right hands
+# taking into account where we left off
+proc psplit {max lvar rvar} {
+ upvar $lvar left $rvar right
+ global isleft
+ if {$isleft} {
+ set right [expr $max/2]
+ set left [expr $max-$right]
+ set isleft [expr !($max%2)]
+ } else {
+ set left [expr $max/2]
+ set right [expr $max-$left]
+ set isleft [expr $max%2]
+ }
+proc password_generate {} {
+ global password length minnum minlower minupper
+ global lpass rpass initially_left isleft
+ global distribute
+ if {$distribute} {
+ set lkeys {q w e r t a s d f g z x c v b}
+ set rkeys {y u i o p h j k l n m}
+ set lnums {1 2 3 4 5 6}
+ set rnums {7 8 9 0}
+ } else {
+ set lkeys {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}
+ set rkeys {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}
+ set lnums {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
+ set rnums {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
+ }
+ set lkeys_length [llength $lkeys]
+ set rkeys_length [llength $rkeys]
+ set lnums_length [llength $lnums]
+ set rnums_length [llength $rnums]
+ # if there is any underspecification, use additional lowercase letters
+ set minlower [expr $length - ($minnum + $minupper)]
+ set lpass "" ;# password chars typed by left hand
+ set rpass "" ;# password chars typed by right hand
+ set password "" ;# merged password
+ # choose left or right starting hand
+ set initially_left [set isleft [rand 2]]
+ psplit $minnum left right
+ for {set i 0} {$i<$left} {incr i} {
+ insert lpass [lindex $lnums [rand $lnums_length]]
+ }
+ for {set i 0} {$i<$right} {incr i} {
+ insert rpass [lindex $rnums [rand $rnums_length]]
+ }
+ psplit $minlower left right
+ for {set i 0} {$i<$left} {incr i} {
+ insert lpass [lindex $lkeys [rand $lkeys_length]]
+ }
+ for {set i 0} {$i<$right} {incr i} {
+ insert rpass [lindex $rkeys [rand $rkeys_length]]
+ }
+ psplit $minupper left right
+ for {set i 0} {$i<$left} {incr i} {
+ insert lpass [string toupper [lindex $lkeys [rand $lkeys_length]]]
+ }
+ for {set i 0} {$i<$right} {incr i} {
+ insert rpass [string toupper [lindex $rkeys [rand $rkeys_length]]]
+ }
+ # merge results together
+ if {$initially_left} {
+ regexp "(\[^ ]*) *(.*)" "$lpass" x password lpass
+ while {[llength $lpass]} {
+ regexp "(\[^ ]*) *(.*)" "$password$rpass" x password rpass
+ regexp "(\[^ ]*) *(.*)" "$password$lpass" x password lpass
+ }
+ if {[llength $rpass]} {
+ append password $rpass
+ }
+ } else {
+ regexp "(\[^ ]*) *(.*)" "$rpass" x password rpass
+ while {[llength $rpass]} {
+ regexp "(\[^ ]*) *(.*)" "$password$lpass" x password lpass
+ regexp "(\[^ ]*) *(.*)" "$password$rpass" x password rpass
+ }
+ if {[llength $lpass]} {
+ append password $lpass
+ }
+ }
+set _ran [pid]
+proc rand {m} {
+ global _ran
+ set period 259200
+ set _ran [expr ($_ran*7141 + 54773) % $period]
+ expr int($m*($_ran/double($period)))
+proc gen_bad_args {msg} {
+ if ![llength [info commands .parameters.errmsg]] {
+ message .parameters.errmsg -aspect 300
+ pack .parameters.errmsg
+ }
+ .parameters.errmsg configure -text "$msg\
+Please adjust the password generation arguments."
+# tell tab what window to move between
+set parm_tabList {}
+# The procedure below is invoked in response to tabs in the entry
+# windows. It moves the focus to the next window in the tab list.
+# Arguments:
+# list - Ordered list of windows to receive focus
+proc Tab {list} {
+ set i [lsearch $list [focus]]
+ if {$i < 0} {
+ set i 0
+ } else {
+ incr i
+ if {$i >= [llength $list]} {
+ set i 0
+ }
+ }
+ focus [lindex $list $i]
+# adjust args used in password generation
+proc adjust_parameters {} {
+ global parm_tabList
+ set parm_tabList {}
+ toplevel [set w .parameters]
+# wm title $w ""
+# wm iconname $w ""
+ message $w.text -aspect 300 -text \
+"These parameters control generation of random passwords.
+It is not necessary to move the mouse into this window to operate it.\
+Press <tab> to move to the next entry.\
+Press <return> or click the <ok> button when you are done."
+ foreach desc {
+ {length {total length}}
+ {minnum {minimum number of digits}}
+ {minupper {minimum number of uppercase letters}}
+ {minlower {minimum number of lowercase letters}}} {
+ set name [lindex $desc 0]
+ set text [lindex $desc 1]
+ frame $w.$name -bd 1
+ entry $w.$name.entry -relief sunken -width 2 -textvar $name
+ bind $w.$name.entry <Tab> "Tab \$parm_tabList"
+ bind $w.$name.entry <Return> "destroy_parm_window"
+ label $w.$name.text -text $text
+ pack $w.$name.entry -side left
+ pack $w.$name.text -side left
+ lappend parm_tabList $w.$name.entry
+ }
+ frame $w.2 -bd 1
+ checkbutton $w.2.cb -text "alternate characters across hands" \
+ -relief flat -variable distribute
+ pack $w.2.cb -side left
+ button $w.ok -text "ok" -command "destroy_parm_window"
+ pack $w.text -expand 1 -fill x
+ pack $w.length $w.minnum $w.minupper $w.minlower $w.2 -expand 1 -fill x
+ pack $w.ok -side left -fill x -expand 1 -padx 2 -pady 2
+#strace 10
+ set oldfocus [focus]
+# $w.length.entry icursor end
+ tkwait visibility $w.length.entry
+ focus $w.length.entry
+# grab $w
+ tkwait window $w
+# grab release $w
+ focus $oldfocus
+#strace 0
+ save_parameters
+proc isnumber {n} {
+ regexp "^\[0-9\]+$" $n
+# destroy parm window IF all values are legal
+proc destroy_parm_window {} {
+ global minnum minlower minupper length
+ set mustbe "must be a number greater than or equal to zero."
+ # check all variables
+ if {![isnumber $length]} {
+ gen_bad_args "The total length $mustbe"
+ return
+ }
+ if {![isnumber $minlower]} {
+ gen_bad_args "The minimum number of lowercase characters $mustbe"
+ return
+ }
+ if {![isnumber $minupper]} {
+ gen_bad_args "The minimum number of uppercase characters $mustbe"
+ return
+ }
+ if {![isnumber $minnum]} {
+ gen_bad_args "The minimum number of digits $mustbe"
+ return
+ }
+ # check constraints
+ if {$minnum + $minlower + $minupper > $length} {
+ gen_bad_args \
+"It is impossible to generate a $length-character password with\
+$minnum number[pluralize $minnum],\
+$minlower lowercase letter[pluralize $minlower], and\
+$minupper uppercase letter[pluralize $minupper]."
+ return
+ }
+ destroy .parameters
+# return appropriate ending for a count of "n" nouns
+proc pluralize {n} {
+ expr $n!=1?"s":""
+proc get_old_password {} {
+ global old
+ toplevel .old
+ label .old.label -text "Old password:"
+ catch {unset old}
+ entry .old.entry -textvar old -relief sunken -width 1
+ pack .old.label
+ pack .old.entry -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2
+ bind .old.entry <Return> {destroy .old}
+ set oldfocus [focus]
+ focus .old.entry
+ tkwait visibility .old
+ grab .old
+ tkwait window .old
+ focus $oldfocus
+ return $old
+.unsorted select
+.passwd invoke
+proc make_selection {} {
+ global selection_line last_line
+ .names tag remove selection 0.0 end
+ # don't let selection go off top of screen
+ if {$selection_line < 1} {
+ set selection_line $last_line
+ } elseif {$selection_line > $last_line} {
+ set selection_line 1
+ }
+ .names yview -pickplace [expr $selection_line-1]
+ .names tag add selection $selection_line.0 [expr 1+$selection_line].0
+proc select_next_nopassword {direction} {
+ global selection_line last_line
+ global nopasswords
+ if 0==[llength $nopasswords] {
+ feedback "no null passwords"
+ return
+ }
+ if $direction==1 {
+ # is there a better way to get last element of list?
+ if $selection_line>=[lindex $nopasswords [expr [llength $nopasswords]-1]] {
+ set selection_line 0
+ }
+ foreach i $nopasswords {
+ if $selection_line<$i break
+ }
+ } else {
+ if $selection_line<=[lindex $nopasswords 0] {
+ set selection_line $last_line
+ }
+ set j [expr [llength $nopasswords]-1]
+ for {} {$j>=0} {incr j -1} {
+ set i [lindex $nopasswords $j]
+ if $selection_line>$i break
+ }
+ }
+ set selection_line $i
+ make_selection
+proc select {w coords} {
+ global selection_line
+ $w mark set insert "@$coords linestart"
+ $w mark set anchor insert
+ set first [$w index "anchor linestart"]
+ set last [$w index "insert lineend + 1c"]
+ scan $first %d selection_line
+ $w tag remove selection 0.0 end
+ $w tag add selection $first $last
+bind Text <1> {select %W %x,%y}
+bind Text <Double-1> {select %W %x,%y}
+bind Text <Triple-1> {select %W %x,%y}
+bind Text <2> {select %W %x,%y}
+bind Text <3> {select %W %x,%y}
+bind Text <B1-Motion> {}
+bind Text <Shift-1> {}
+bind Text <Shift-B1-Motion> {}
+bind Text <B2-Motion> {}
+bind .password <Control-n> {incr selection_line 1; make_selection}
+bind .password <Control-p> {incr selection_line -1;make_selection}
+bind .password <Meta-n> {select_next_nopassword 1}
+bind .password <Meta-p> {select_next_nopassword -1}
+bind .password <Control-g> {password_generate}
+bind .password <Control-a> {adjust_parameters}
+bind .password <Control-u> {set password ""}
+bind Entry <Control-c> {exit}