path: root/gdb/gdbtk/library/kod.itb
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Diffstat (limited to 'gdb/gdbtk/library/kod.itb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 474 deletions
diff --git a/gdb/gdbtk/library/kod.itb b/gdb/gdbtk/library/kod.itb
deleted file mode 100644
index f9121d4c24b..00000000000
--- a/gdb/gdbtk/library/kod.itb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-# Kernel Object Display Window for Insight.
-# Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2001 Red Hat, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
-# your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# AUTHOR: Fernando Nasser <>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# CONSTRUCTOR - create new process window
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body KodWin::constructor {args} {
- #
- # Create a window with the same name as this object
- #
- global gdb_kod_cmd
- # initialize local variables
- set LevelCmd(0) "info $gdb_kod_cmd "
- debug "Level 0 kod command is $LevelCmd(0)"
- gdbtk_busy
- build_win
- gdbtk_idle
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# METHOD: build_win - build the main KOD window
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body KodWin::build_win {} {
- # FIXME: rename this variable.
- global kodActivePane
- debug "Will build KOD window"
- cyg::PanedWindow $ -orient horizontal
- $ add titlepane
- # We would like to use a fixed pane for the buttons. However,
- # this feature of PanedWindow doesn't work.
- # $ add buttonpane -resizable 0
- $ add pane1
- $ add pane2
- # Now a frame for what is being listed, headers and list
- set tp [$ childsite titlepane]
- Labelledframe $ -text "No Kernel Objects Known" \
- -anchor nw
- set titl $
- set lf [$ get_frame]
- set p1 [$ childsite pane1]
- set p2 [$ childsite pane2]
- $p1 configure -height 120 -bd 2
- $p2 configure -height 120 -bd 2
- Labelledframe $p1.d1 -text "Details" -anchor nw
- Labelledframe $p2.d2 -text "Details" -anchor nw
- set d1 [$p1.d1 get_frame]
- set d2 [$p2.d2 get_frame]
- pack $p1.d1 $p2.d2 -side top -expand yes -fill both -padx 5 -pady 5
- set pl1 $p1.d1
- set pl2 $p2.d2
- # Setup the button box
- set bf [frame $]
- set BTop [button $ -height 1 -text Top -command [code $this top]]
- set BUp [button $bf.up -height 1 -text Up -command [code $this up]]
- set BClear [button $bf.clear -height 1 -text Clear \
- -command [code $this clear]]
- set BDisplay [button $bf.display -height 1 -text Display \
- -command [code $this display]]
- set kodActivePane pane1
- set BPane1 [radiobutton $bf.pane1 -variable kodActivePane \
- -height 1 -text "Pane 1" -value pane1]
- set BPane2 [radiobutton $bf.pane2 -variable kodActivePane \
- -height 1 -text "Pane 2" -value pane2]
- balloon register $ "Return to List of Kernel Objects"
- balloon register $bf.up "Return to previous List of Objects"
- balloon register $bf.clear "Clear Object Detail Panes\nand Active setting"
- balloon register $bf.display \
- "Display Object or\nList of Objects of this type"
- balloon register $bf.pane1 "Make Pane 1 Active"
- balloon register $bf.pane2 "Make Pane 2 Active"
- pack $ $bf.up -side left -padx 5
- pack $bf.display $bf.clear -side right -padx 5
- pack $bf.pane2 $bf.pane1 -side bottom -padx 5 -fill both
- # The list of objects
- table $lf.s -titlerows 1 \
- -colstretch last -rowstretch last -selectmode single \
- -selecttype row -variable $this \
- -yscrollcommand "$ set" -resizeborders none \
- -state disabled
- scrollbar $ -orient vertical -command "$lf.s yview"
- bind $lf.s <Double-1> [code $this display]
- $lf.s tag configure coltag -anchor nw
- grid $lf.s -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew
- grid $ -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nsw
- grid columnconfigure $lf 0 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $lf 0 -weight 1
- # Areas to display object details
- set t1 [table $d1.t1 -titlerows 1 -colstretch last -rowstretch last \
- -selectmode single -selecttype row -variable $this-pane1 \
- -yscrollcommand "$d1.s1 set" -resizeborders none \
- -rows 1 -cols 1 -state disabled]
- scrollbar $d1.s1 -orient vertical -command "$d1.t1 yview"
- set t2 [table $d2.t2 -titlerows 1 -colstretch last -rowstretch last \
- -selectmode single -selecttype row -variable $this-pane2 \
- -yscrollcommand "$d2.s2 set" -resizeborders none \
- -rows 1 -cols 1 -state disabled]
- scrollbar $d2.s2 -orient vertical -command "$d2.t2 yview"
- grid $d1.t1 -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew
- grid $d1.s1 -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nsw
- grid columnconfigure $d1 0 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $d1 0 -weight 1
- grid $d2.t2 -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew
- grid $d2.s2 -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nsw
- grid columnconfigure $d2 0 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $d2 0 -weight 1
- debug "Will pack KOD window"
- pack $ -side top -expand yes -fill both -padx 5 -pady 5
- pack $ -side top -expand no -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
- pack $ -side bottom -expand yes -fill both
- wm minsize $_top 450 500
- # Initialize button state variables for idle (called before update)
- set BState(BDisplay) disabled
- set BState(BClear) disabled
- set BState(BTop) disabled
- set BState(BUp) disabled
- # window_name "Kernel Objects"
- update dummy
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# METHOD: update - update widget when something changes
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body KodWin::update {event} {
- debug "updating kod window"
- _disable_buttons
- display_list
- display_object
- _restore_buttons
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# METHOD: display - update the display based on the selection
-# it can be a list or an actual object
-# We get here from a press on the Display button or
-# from a <Double-1> on a line of the list of objects
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body KodWin::display {} {
- upvar \#0 $this table_vals
- if {!$Running && [$lf.s cget -rows] > 1} {
- gdbtk_busy
- set linenum [$lf.s index active row]
- set object $table_vals($linenum,0)
- debug "display selection on line $linenum $object"
- incr level
- set LevelCmd($level) $LevelCmd([expr $level-1])
- append LevelCmd($level) $object
- debug "kod command for level $level is now: $LevelCmd($level)"
- update dummy
- # Run idle hooks and cause all other widgets to update
- gdbtk_idle
- }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# METHOD: display_list - display list of objects
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body KodWin::display_list {} {
- upvar \#0 $this table_vals
- debug "displaying list of objects"
- $lf.s configure -state normal
- set cmd $LevelCmd($level)
- debug "new kod command is $cmd"
- if {[catch "gdb_cmd \"$cmd\"" objects]} {
- # failed. leave window blank
- $titl configure -text "Kernel Object Display Failed"
- $lf.s delete rows 0 [$lf.s index end row]
- $lf.s configure -state disabled
- set BState(BDisplay) disabled
- return
- }
- debug "KodWin update: \n$objects"
- if {[llength $objects] == 0} {
- $titl configure -text "No Kernel Objects Known"
- # no objects listed.
- $lf.s delete rows 0 [$lf.s index end row]
- $lf.s configure -state disabled
- set BState(BDisplay) disabled
- return
- }
- # insert each line one at a time
- set num_lines -1
- foreach line [split $objects \n] {
- if {$num_lines == -1} {
- if {![string match List* $line]} {
- if {($level > 0)} {
- display_object $cmd objects
- incr level -1
- $lf.s configure -state disabled
- return
- } else {
- # if level 0 first line does not start with List ignore it
- $titl configure -text "List of Kernel Objects"
- }
- } else {
- $titl configure -text $line
- }
- # Clear listbox and headers to get new stuff.
- $lf.s delete rows 0 [$lf.s index end row]
- } elseif {$line == ""} {
- break
- } else {
- set col 0
- set list [split [string trim $line] \t]
- if {$num_lines == 0} {
- $lf.s configure -cols [llength $list] -titlerows 1
- }
- foreach item $list {
- debug "inserting $item at $num_lines,$col"
- set table_vals($num_lines,$col) $item
- incr col
- }
- }
- incr num_lines
- }
- $lf.s configure -rows [expr {$num_lines + 1}]
- if {$num_lines > 0} {
- set BState(BDisplay) active
- }
- if {$level == 0} {
- set BState(BTop) disabled
- set BState(BUp) disabled
- } else {
- set BState(BTop) active
- set BState(BUp) active
- }
- $lf.s configure -state disabled
- $lf.s see 0,0
- $lf.s activate 1,0
- _restore_buttons
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# METHOD: display_object - display information about an object
-# When called from update we have to reissue the gdb
-# command to get fresh data
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body KodWin::display_object {{cmd ""} {obj ""}} {
- debug "Displaying object details..."
- upvar $obj objects
- global kodActivePane
- debug "Active Pane is $kodActivePane"
- # Determine which frame to use
- if {$kodActivePane == "pane2"} {
- set curpan $t2
- upvar \#0 $this-pane2 pane_values
- if {$cmd != ""} {
- # save command for update
- set pane2command $cmd
- } else {
- # reuse saved command
- set cmd $pane2command
- }
- } else {
- set curpan $t1
- upvar \#0 $this-pane1 pane_values
- if {$cmd != ""} {
- # save command for update
- set pane1command $cmd
- } else {
- # reuse saved command
- set cmd $pane1command
- }
- }
- debug "curpan $curpan"
- # here we must take care of the case where the user has activated a window
- # but it does not have been filled yet. We just return.
- if {$cmd == ""} {
- return
- }
- $curpan configure -state normal
- $curpan delete rows 0 [$curpan index end row]
- if {$obj == ""} {
- debug "pane kod command is $cmd"
- if {[catch "gdb_cmd \"$cmd\"" objects]
- || $objects == ""} {
- # Failed. Tell user object no longer there.
- $curpan configure -state disabled
- return
- }
- }
- set num_lin 0
- foreach line [split $objects \n] {
- set col 0
- set list [split [string trim $line] \t]
- if {$num_lin == 0} {
- $curpan configure -cols [llength $list]
- }
- foreach item $list {
- set pane_values($num_lin,$col) $item
- incr col
- }
- incr num_lin
- }
- $curpan configure -rows $num_lin -state disabled
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# METHOD: clear - clear detail panes and reset pane selection
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body KodWin::clear {} {
- debug "going to clear detail panes and pane selection"
- $t1 configure -state normal
- $t2 configure -state normal
- $t1 delete rows 0 [$t1 index end row]
- $t2 delete rows 0 [$t2 index end row]
- $t1 configure -state disabled
- $t2 configure -state disabled
- # Default to pane 1 again.
- global kodActivePane
- set kodActivePane pane1
- set pane1command ""
- set pane2command ""
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# METHOD: top - go to the list of types of objects (top level)
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body KodWin::top {} {
- debug "going to top from level $level"
- if {$level > 0} {
- set level 0
- update dummy
- }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# METHOD: up - go to the list of objects which led to the current one
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body KodWin::up {} {
- debug "going up from level $level..."
- if {$level > 0} {
- incr level -1
- debug " level $level"
- update dummy
- }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# DESTRUCTOR - destroy window containing widget
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body KodWin::destructor {} {
- upvar \#0 $this table_vals $this-pane1 pane1_vals $this-pane2 pane2_vals
- global kodActivePane
- catch {unset table_vals}
- catch {unset pane1_vals}
- catch {unset pane2_vals}
- catch {unset kodActivePane}
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# PUBLIC METHOD: set_variable - called when user runs `set os'
-# command
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body KodWin::set_variable {event} {
- set value [$event get value]
- if {[$event get variable] == "os" && $value != ""} {
- set LevelCmd(0) "info $value "
- set level 0
- update dummy
- }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# METHOD: reconfig - used when preferences change
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body KodWin::reconfig {} {
- destroy $
- destroy $titl
- build_win
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# METHOD: busy - BusyEvent handler
-# This method should accomplish blocking
-# - clicks in the window
-# - change mouse pointer
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body KodWin::busy {event} {
- set Running 1
- _disable_buttons
- cursor watch
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# METHOD: idle - idle event handler. Run when the target is not
-# running
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body KodWin::idle {event} {
- set Running 0
- _restore_buttons
- cursor {}
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# METHOD: cursor - set the window cursor
-# This is a convenience method which simply sets the mouse
-# pointer to the given glyph.
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body KodWin::cursor {glyph} {
- $_top configure -cursor $glyph
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# PRIVATE METHOD: _disable_buttons - disable all buttons
-# Used when we are busy and can't take another event
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body KodWin::_disable_buttons {} {
- $BTop configure -state disabled
- $BUp configure -state disabled
- $BDisplay configure -state disabled
- $BClear configure -state disabled
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# PRIVATE METHOD: _restore_buttons - restore all buttons to their
-# previous states.
-# Used when we are busy and can't take another event
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-body KodWin::_restore_buttons {} {
- $BTop configure -state $BState(BTop)
- $BUp configure -state $BState(BUp)
- $BDisplay configure -state $BState(BDisplay)
- # CLEAR is always active, except when busy
- $BClear configure -state active