path: root/gdb/gdbtk/library/regwin.itb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gdb/gdbtk/library/regwin.itb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1050 deletions
diff --git a/gdb/gdbtk/library/regwin.itb b/gdb/gdbtk/library/regwin.itb
deleted file mode 100644
index a2b57b5e412..00000000000
--- a/gdb/gdbtk/library/regwin.itb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1050 +0,0 @@
-# Register display window for Insight.
-# Copyright 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Red Hat, Inc.
-# Written by Keith Seitz (
-# and Martin Hunt (
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
-# your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# Must fix:
-# o Edit menus -- weirdo interaction with tkTable. Seems okay on windows.
-# Needs more testing on unix (popup edit menu item).
-# Want really badly:
-# o Multiple selections
-# o Multiple displays
-# o Better resizing
-# o Register groups (gdb and user-defined)
-# o format register values before inserting into table?
-# (Instead of displaying "0x0", we should use "0x00000000" on
-# machines with 32-bit regs, "0x0000000000000000" on machines
-# with 64-bit regs, etc. Maybe user-defined formats, i.e.,
-# "0x0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000"?)
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: RegWin::constructor
-# DESCRIPTION: Create a new register window
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::constructor {args} {
- eval itk_initialize $args
- gdbtk_busy
- window_name "Registers" "Regs"
- _build_win
- _layout_table
- # Clear gdb's changed list
- catch {gdb_reginfo changed}
- gdbtk_idle
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: RegWin::destructor
-# DESCRIPTION: Destroys the register window
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::destructor {} {
- debug
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: RegWin::_load_prefs
-# DESCRIPTION: Load register preferences
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_load_prefs {} {
- debug
- # Find out largest register name length.
- set _max_label_width 0; # for reg labels
- set _reg_display_list {}
- set _register(hidden) {}
- set regs [gdb_reginfo group $_group]
- foreach r [gdb_reginfo name -numbers $regs] {
- set nm [lindex $r 0]
- set rn [lindex $r 1]
- set size [string length $nm]
- if {$size > $_max_label_width} {
- set _max_label_width $size
- }
- # Set type from prefs or default to first in list of types
- set _types($rn) [gdb_reginfo type $rn]
- set tp [pref getd gdb/reg/${nm}-type]
- set _type($rn,name) ""
- if {$tp != ""} {
- foreach t $_types($rn) {
- if {[lindex $t 0] == $tp} {
- set _type($rn,name) $tp
- set _type($rn,addr) [lindex $t 1]
- set _type($rn,code) [lindex $t 2]
- break
- }
- }
- }
- if {$_type($rn,name) == ""} {
- # either not set or couldn't find it in list of types
- set _type($rn,name) [lindex [lindex $_types($rn) 0] 0]
- set _type($rn,addr) [lindex [lindex $_types($rn) 0] 1]
- set _type($rn,code) [lindex [lindex $_types($rn) 0] 2]
- }
- # Check preferences for format
- set _format($rn) [pref getd gdb/reg/${nm}-format]
- if {$_format($rn) == ""} {
- # no preference set. Set it to hex or float
- if {$_type($rn,code) == "int"} {
- set _format($rn) "x"
- } else {
- set _format($rn) "f"
- }
- pref setd gdb/reg/${nm}-format $_format($rn)
- }
- gdb_reginfo format $rn $_type($rn,addr) $_format($rn)
- # Check if the user prefers not to show this register
- if {[pref getd gdb/reg/$nm] == "no"} {
- set _cell($rn) hidden
- lappend _register(hidden) $rn
- } else {
- lappend _reg_display_list $rn
- }
- # assume editable, for now
- set _editable($rn) 1
- }
- incr _max_label_width 2; # padding
-# Table layout/display methods
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private method RegWin::_build_win
-# DESCRIPTION: Builds the register window from widgets
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# NOTES: This method should only be called once for
-# each RegWin. To change the layout of the table
-# in the window, use RegWin::_layout_table.
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_build_win {} {
- # Create scrollbars and table
- itk_component add vscroll {
- scrollbar $itk_interior.vs -orient vertical
- }
- itk_component add hscroll {
- scrollbar $itk_interior.hs -orient horizontal
- }
- itk_component add table {
- ::table $itk_interior.tbl -variable [scope _data] \
- -browsecmd [code $this _select_cell %S] -font global/fixed \
- -colstretch unset -rowstretch unset -selectmode single \
- -resizeborders none -multiline false -colwidth 18 \
- -autoclear 0 -bg $::Colors(bg) \
- -padx 5 -xscrollcommand [code $itk_component(hscroll) set] \
- -yscrollcommand [code $itk_component(vscroll) set]
- } {
- keep -foreground
- keep -insertbackground
- keep -highlightcolor
- keep -highlightbackground
- }
- bind $itk_component(table) <Up> \
- [format "%s; break" [code $this _move up]]
- bind $itk_component(table) <Down> \
- [format "%s; break" [code $this _move down]]
- bind $itk_component(table) <Left> \
- [format "%s; break" [code $this _move left]]
- bind $itk_component(table) <Right> \
- [format "%s; break" [code $this _move right]]
- bind $itk_component(table) <3> \
- [code $this _but3 %x %y %X %Y]
- bind $itk_component(table) <Double-1> break
- bind $itk_component(table) <1> \
- [code $this _edit %x %y]
- bind $itk_component(table) <Return> \
- [format "%s; break" [code $this _accept_edit]]
- bind $itk_component(table) <KP_Enter> \
- [format "%s; break" [code $this _accept_edit]]
- bind $itk_component(table) <Escape> \
- [code $this _unedit]
- $itk_component(hscroll) configure -command [code $itk_component(table) xview]
- $itk_component(vscroll) configure -command [code $itk_component(table) yview]
- # Create/configure tags for various display styles
- # normal - the "normal" display style
- # highlight - changed registers are highlighted
- # sel - the selection fg/bg should conform to standard
- # header - used on the register name cells and empty cells
- # edit - used on a cell being edited
- $itk_component(table) tag configure normal \
- -state disabled -bg $::Colors(textbg) -fg $::Colors(textfg)
- $itk_component(table) tag configure sel -bg $::Colors(sbg) -fg $::Colors(sfg)
- $itk_component(table) tag configure highlight -bg $::Colors(change) -fg black
- $itk_component(table) tag raise highlight
- $itk_component(table) tag configure header \
- -anchor w -state disabled -relief raised
- $itk_component(table) tag configure disabled \
- -state disabled
- $itk_component(table) tag raise active
- $itk_component(table) tag configure edit \
- -state normal
- $itk_component(table) tag raise edit
- $itk_component(table) tag raise sel
- itk_component add frame {
- frame $itk_interior.m
- }
- iwidgets::optionmenu $itk_component(frame).opt -labeltext "Group:" \
- -labelpos w -command [code $this _select_group]
- eval $itk_component(frame).opt insert end [gdb_reginfo grouplist]
- $itk_component(frame).opt select "all"
- pack $itk_component(frame).opt -anchor nw
- grid $itk_component(frame) -row 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid $itk_component(table) -row 1 -column 0 -sticky news
- grid $itk_component(vscroll) -row 1 -column 1 -sticky ns
- grid $itk_component(hscroll) -row 2 -column 0 -sticky ew
- grid columnconfigure $itk_interior 0 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $itk_interior 0 -weight 0
- grid rowconfigure $itk_interior 1 -weight 1
- # Add popup menu - we populate it in the event handler
- itk_component add popup {
- menu $itk_interior.pop -tearoff 0
- } {}
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private method RegWin::_layout_table
-# DESCRIPTION: Configures and lays out the table
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# NOTES: Uses preferences to determine if/how a register
-# is displayed
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_layout_table {} {
- debug
- if {[info exists _cell]} {
- unset _cell
- unset _register
- }
- # Clear any column spans
- foreach span [$itk_component(table) spans] {
- $itk_component(table) spans $span 0,0
- }
- _load_prefs
- # Fill data array with register names.
- #
- # The table is indexed by (row,col). All odd columns will contain
- # register values and all even columns will contain the labels.
- #
- set x 0
- set y 0
- # get register list
- set regs [gdb_reginfo name -numbers $_reg_display_list]
- # Set table dimensions
- set num [llength $regs]
- set _rows [pref get gdb/reg/rows]
- set _cols [expr $num / $_rows]
- if {[expr $num % $_rows] != 0} { incr _cols }
- set _cols [expr 2 * $_cols]
- $itk_component(table) configure -cols $_cols -rows $_rows
- # get values
- if {[catch {gdb_reginfo value $_reg_display_list} values]} {
- dbug W "values=$values"
- set values ""
- }
- set i 0
- # now build table
- foreach r $regs {
- set name [lindex $r 0]
- set rn [lindex $r 1]
- set _cell($rn) "$y,[expr {$x+1}]"
- set _register($_cell($rn)) $rn
- set _data($y,$x) $name
- set _data($_cell($rn)) [lindex $values $i]
- incr i
- # Go to next row/column
- incr y
- if {$y == $_rows} {
- set _col_size([expr {$x+1}]) 0
- # Size the column
- if {$::gdb_running} {
- _size_column [expr {$x+1}] 1
- }
- $itk_component(table) width $x $_max_label_width
- $itk_component(table) tag col header $x
- $itk_component(table) tag col normal [expr {$x+1}]
- set y 0
- incr x 2
- }
- }
- # Mark empty cells
- while {$y != $_rows && $x != $_cols} {
- set _data($y,$x) ""
- set _data($y,[expr {$x+1}]) ""
- $itk_component(table) spans $y,$x 0,1
- $itk_component(table) tag cell header $y,$x
- set _col_size([expr {$x+1}]) 0
- incr y
- if {$y == $_rows} {
- # Size the column
- if {$::gdb_running} {
- _size_column [expr {$x+1}] 1
- }
- $itk_component(table) width $x $_max_label_width
- $itk_component(table) tag col header $x
- $itk_component(table) tag col normal [expr {$x+1}]
- set y 0
- incr x 2
- }
- }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private method RegWin::_size_cell_column
-# DESCRIPTION: Resize the column for a given cell.
-# cell - the cell whose column is to be resized
-# down - whether the resizing should size the column
-# down or just up.
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# NOTES: See _size_column for the reasoning for the "down"
-# option.
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_size_cell_column {cell down} {
- set col [string trim [lindex [split $cell ,] 1] ()]
- _size_column $col $down
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private method RegWin::_size_column
-# DESCRIPTION: Resize the given column
-# col - the column to be resized
-# down - whether the resizing should size the column
-# RETURNS: down or just up.
-# NOTES: The down option allows column sizes to change down
-# as well as up. For most cases, this is what is
-# wanted. However, when the user is stepping, it is
-# really annoying to see the column sizes changing.
-# It's bad enough we must size up, but going down
-# is just too much. Consequently, when updating the
-# contents of the table, we specify that the columns
-# should not downsize. This helps mitigate the
-# annoyance.
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_size_column {col down} {
- set max 0
- foreach cell [array names _data *,$col] {
- set len [string length $_data($cell)]
- if {$len > $max} { set max $len }
- }
- if {($down && $max != $_col_size($col))
- || (!$down && $max > $_col_size($col))} {
- set _col_size($col) $max
- $itk_component(table) width $col [expr {$max + 2}]
- # Force the table to update itself
- after idle event generate $itk_component(table) <Configure> \
- -width [winfo width $itk_component(table)]
- }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private method RegWin::reconfig
-# DESCRIPTION: Reconfigures register window when a preference
-# changes.
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::reconfig {} {
- $itk_component(table) tag configure normal \
- -state disabled -bg $::Colors(textbg) -fg $::Colors(textfg)
-# Table event handlers and related methods
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private method RegWin::_accept_edit
-# DESCRIPTION: Change a register's value
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# NOTES: Event handler for <Enter> and <KP_Enter>
-# in table
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_accept_edit {} {
- debug
- set cell [$itk_component(table) tag cell edit]
- if {[llength $cell] == 1 && [info exists _register($cell)]} {
- # Select the same cell again. This forces the table
- # to keep this value. Otherwise, we'll never see it...
- _select_cell $cell
- set rn $_register($cell)
- set n [gdb_reginfo name $rn]
- if {[llength $_types($rn)] > 1} {
- append n ".$_type($rn,name)"
- }
- set v [string trim [$itk_component(table) curvalue] \ \r\n]
- debug "n=$n v=$v"
- if {$v != ""} {
- if {[catch {gdb_cmd "set \$${n}=$v"} result]} {
- tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -message $result \
- -title "Error in Expression" -parent $_top
- }
- }
- # Always update the register, even for error conditions. This
- # will ensure that the cell's old value is restored to the table.
- _update_register $_register($cell)
- _size_cell_column $cell 1
- }
- _unedit
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private method RegWin::_add_to_watch
-# DESCRIPTION: Add a register to the watch window
-# ARGUMENTS: rn - the register number to add to the WatchWin
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# NOTES: Only works with one WatchWin...
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_add_to_watch {rn} {
- [ManagedWin::open WatchWin] add "\$[gdb_reginfo name $rn]"
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private method RegWin::_add_to_watch
-# DESCRIPTION: Add a register to the watch window
-# ARGUMENTS: rn - the register number to add to the WatchWin
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# NOTES: Only works with one WatchWin...
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_open_memory {rn} {
- ManagedWin::open MemWin -force -addr_exp $_data($_cell($rn))
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private method RegWin::_but3
-# DESCRIPTION: Configure the popup menu before posting it
-# ARGUMENTS: x - x-coordinate of buttonpress
-# y - y-coordinate
-# X - x-root coordinate
-# Y - y-root coordinate
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_but3 {x y X Y} {
- # Only post the menu when we're not executing the inferior,
- # the inferior is in a runnable state, and we're not in a disabled
- # cell.
- if {!$_running && $::gdb_running} {
- # Select the register
- set cell [_select_cell [$itk_component(table) index @$x,$y]]
- if {[info exists _register($cell)]} {
- set rn $_register($cell)
- set name [gdb_reginfo name $rn]
- $itk_component(popup) delete 0 end
- $itk_component(popup) add command -label $name -state disabled
- $itk_component(popup) add separator
- if {[llength $_types($rn)] > 1} {
- foreach t $_types($rn) {
- $itk_component(popup) add radio -label [lindex $t 0] \
- -variable [scope _type($rn,addr)] \
- -value [lindex $t 1] \
- -command [code $this _change_format $rn [lindex $t 0]]
- }
- $itk_component(popup) add separator
- }
- $itk_component(popup) add radio -label "Hex" \
- -variable [scope _format($rn)] -value x \
- -command [code $this _change_format $rn]
- if {$_type($rn,code) == "int"} {
- $itk_component(popup) add radio -label "Decimal" \
- -variable [scope _format($rn)] -value d \
- -command [code $this _change_format $rn]
- $itk_component(popup) add radio -label "Unsigned" \
- -variable [scope _format($rn)] -value u \
- -command [code $this _change_format $rn]
- } elseif {$_type($rn,code) == "float"} {
- $itk_component(popup) add radio -label "Floating Point" \
- -variable [scope _format($rn)] -value f \
- -command [code $this _change_format $rn]
- }
- $itk_component(popup) add separator
- if {$_editable($rn)} {
- set state normal
- } else {
- set state disabled
- }
- if {$_type($rn,code) == "int"} {
- $itk_component(popup) add command \
- -label "Open Memory Window" -command [code $this _open_memory $rn]
- }
- $itk_component(popup) add command \
- -label "Add to Watch" -command [code $this _add_to_watch $rn]
- $itk_component(popup) add separator
- $itk_component(popup) add command \
- -label "Remove from Display" \
- -command [code $this _delete_from_display $rn]
- if {[llength $_register(hidden)] != 0} {
- $itk_component(popup) add command -label "Display all Registers" \
- -command [code $this _display_all]
- }
- # Help
- $itk_component(popup) add separator
- $itk_component(popup) add command \
- -label "Help" -command {open_help register.html}
- # Close
- $itk_component(popup) add separator
- $itk_component(popup) add command -label "Close" \
- -underline 0 -command [code delete object $this]
- tk_popup $itk_component(popup) $X $Y
- }
- }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private method RegWin::_delete_from_display
-# DESCRIPTION: Remove a register from the display
-# ARGUMENTS: rn - the register number to remove
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_delete_from_display {rn} {
- # Mark the cell as hidden
- set index [lsearch $_reg_display_list $rn]
- if {$index != -1} {
- pref setd gdb/reg/[gdb_reginfo name $rn] no
- set _reg_display_list [lreplace $_reg_display_list $index $index]
- # Relayout table
- _layout_table
- }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private method RegWin::_display_all
-# DESCRIPTION: Display all registers in the window
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_display_all {} {
- # Unhide all hidden registers
- foreach r $_register(hidden) {
- pref setd gdb/reg/[gdb_reginfo name $r] {}
- }
- # Note which register is active and restore it
- if {[catch {$itk_component(table) index active} cell]} {
- set active {}
- } else {
- set active $_register($cell)
- }
- _layout_table
- if {$active != ""} {
- $itk_component(table) activate $_cell($active)
- }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private method RegWin::_edit
-# DESCRIPTION: Enables a cell for editing
-# x - the x coordinate of the button press
-# y - the y coordinate of the button press
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# NOTES: Event handler for <1> in table.
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_edit {x y} {
- _select_cell [$itk_component(table) index @$x,$y]
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private method _move
-# DESCRIPTION: Handle arrow key events in table
-# ARGUMENTS: direction - "up", "down", "left", "right"
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# NOTES: Event handler for <Up>, <Down>, <Left>, <Right>
-# in table. This is needed because the table
-# has some rather strange bindings for moving
-# the insertion cursor when editing a cell.
-# This method will move to the next cell when
-# we're not editing, or it will move the icursor
-# if we are editing.
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_move {direction} {
- debug $direction
- # If there is no active cell, the table will call error
- if {[catch {$itk_component(table) index active row} row]} {
- return
- }
- if {[$itk_component(table) tag cell edit] != ""} {
- # Editing
- switch $direction {
- up {
- # Go to beginning
- $itk_component(table) icursor 0
- }
- down {
- # Go to end
- $itk_component(table) icursor end
- }
- left {
- # Go left one character
- set ic [$itk_component(table) icursor]
- if {$ic > 0} {
- $itk_component(table) icursor [expr {$ic - 1}]
- }
- }
- right {
- # Go right one character
- set ic [$itk_component(table) icursor]
- if {$ic < [$itk_component(table) icursor end] } {
- $itk_component(table) icursor [expr {$ic + 1}]
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- # Not editing
- set col [$itk_component(table) index active col]
- switch $direction {
- up {
- incr row -1
- if {$row < 0} {
- # go to bottom
- set row $_rows
- }
- }
- down {
- incr row 1
- if {$row == $_rows} {
- # go to top
- set row 0
- }
- }
- left {
- incr col -2
- if {$col < 0} {
- # go to right
- set col [expr {$_cols -1}]
- }
- }
- right {
- incr col 2
- if {$col > $_cols} {
- # go to left
- set col 0
- }
- }
- }
- # clear the selection
- # FIXME: multiple selections?
- $itk_component(table) selection clear all
- _select_cell $row,$col
- }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private method RegWin::_select_cell
-# DESCRIPTION: Selects a given cell in the table
-# cell - the table index to select
-# RETURNS: The actual cell selected
-# NOTES: Adjusts the cell index so that it always
-# selects the value cell for a register
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_select_cell {cell} {
- # Abort an edit
- _unedit
- # check if going to label. If so, highlight next
- set row [lindex [split $cell ,] 0]
- set col [lindex [split $cell ,] 1]
- if {[expr {$col % 2}] == 0} {
- # going onto a label
- incr col 1
- }
- set cell "$row,$col"
- # Make the selected cell the active one
- $itk_component(table) activate $row,$col
- $itk_component(table) see active
- # Select this cell and its label
- # FIXME: multiple selections?
- $itk_component(table) selection clear all
- $itk_component(table) selection set $cell $row,[expr {$col-1}]
- # Now mark the cell as being edited.
- if {$::gdb_running && [info exists _register($cell)]} {
- $itk_component(table) tag cell edit $cell
- }
- focus $itk_component(table)
- return $cell
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private method RegWin::_unedit
-# DESCRIPTION: Cancels an edit
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_unedit {} {
- # clear the tag
- set cell [$itk_component(table) tag cell edit]
- if {$cell != ""} {
- $itk_component(table) selection clear all
- $itk_component(table) tag cell normal $cell
- focus $itk_component(table)
- }
-# Register operations
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private method RegWin::_get_value
-# DESCRIPTION: Get the value of a register
-# ARGUMENTS: rn - the register number whose value should be
-# fetched
-# RETURNS: The register's value or ""
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_get_value {rn} {
- if {[catch {gdb_reginfo value $rn} value]} {
- dbug W "\"gdb_reginfo value $rn\" returned $value"
- set value ""
- } else {
- set value [string trim $value \ ]
- }
- return $value
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private method RegWin::_change_format
-# DESCRIPTION: Change the display format of the register
-# ARGUMENTS: rn - the register number to change
-# newtype - type name (optional if just format changed)
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_change_format {rn {newtype {}}} {
- set name [gdb_reginfo name $rn]
- if {$newtype != ""} {
- set _type($rn,name) $newtype
- pref setd gdb/reg/${name}-type $newtype
- }
- gdb_reginfo format $rn $_type($rn,addr) $_format($rn)
- # Set the new format in prefs.
- pref setd gdb/reg/${name}-format $_format($rn)
- _update_register $rn
- _size_cell_column $_cell($rn) 1
- # Show the active cell in case it's moved as a result
- # of resizing the columns.
- $itk_component(table) see active
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private_method RegWin::_update_register
-# DESCRIPTION: Updates the value of a register and refreshes
-# the table
-# rn - the register number to update
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_update_register {rn} {
- set _data($_cell($rn)) [_get_value $rn]
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: private_method RegWin::_select_group
-# DESCRIPTION: Changes the register group. Callback
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::_select_group {} {
- set gr [$itk_component(frame).opt get]
- debug $gr
- if {$gr == ""} {
- return
- }
- # Change anything on the old change list back to normal
- foreach r $_change_list {
- if {[info exists _cell($r)] && $_cell($r) != "hidden"} {
- $itk_component(table) tag cell normal $_cell($r)
- }
- }
- set _group $gr
- _layout_table
- # highlight changed registers if they still exist in the new group
- foreach r $_change_list {
- if {[info exists _cell($r)] && $_cell($r) != "hidden" && $_data($_cell($r)) != ""} {
- $itk_component(table) tag cell highlight $_cell($r)
- }
- }
- # Clear gdb's change list
- catch {gdb_reginfo changed}
-# Gdb Events
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: public method RegWin::arch_changed
-# DESCRIPTION: ArchChangedEvent handler
-# ARGUMENTS: event - the ArchChangedEvent (not used)
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::arch_changed {event} {
- # When the arch changes, gdb will callback into gdbtk-register.c
- # to swap out the old register set, so we need only redraw the
- # window, updating the register names and numbers.
- _layout_table
- # Clear gdb's change list
- catch {gdb_reginfo changed}
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: public method RegWin::busy
-# DESCRIPTION: BusyEvent handler
-# ARGUMENTS: event - the BusyEvent (not used)
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::busy {event} {
- # Abort any edit. Need to check if the table is constructed,
- # since we call gdbtk_busy when we're created...
- if {[info exists itk_component(table)]} {
- _unedit
- }
- # Set fencepost
- set _running 1
- # Set cursor
- $_top configure -cursor watch
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: public method RegWin::idle
-# DESCRIPTION: IdleEvent handler
-# ARGUMENTS: event - the IdleEvent (not used)
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::idle {event} {
- # Clear fencepost
- set _running 0
- # Reset cursor
- $_top configure -cursor {}
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: public method RegWin::set_variable
-# DESCRIPTION: SetVariableEvent handler
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::set_variable {event} {
- switch [$event get variable] {
- disassembly-flavor {
- _layout_table
- }
- }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME: public method RegWin::update
-# DESCRIPTION: UpdateEvent handler
-# ARGUMENTS: event - the UpdateEvent (not used)
-# RETURNS: Nothing
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-itcl::body RegWin::update {event} {
- debug
- # Change anything on the old change list back to normal
- foreach r $_change_list {
- if {[info exists _cell($r)] && $_cell($r) != "hidden"} {
- $itk_component(table) tag cell normal $_cell($r)
- }
- }
- # Now update and highlight the newly changed values
- set _change_list {}
- if {![catch {gdb_reginfo changed $_reg_display_list} changed]} {
- set _change_list $changed
- }
- # Problem: if the register was invalid (i.e, we were not running),
- # its old value will probably be "0x0". Now if we run and its real
- # value is "0x0", then it will appear as a blank in the register
- # window. Safegaurd against that here by adding any such register
- # which is not already in the change list.
- foreach r $_reg_display_list {
- if {$_data($_cell($r)) == "" && [lsearch $_change_list $r] == -1} {
- lappend _change_list $r
- }
- }
- # Tag the changed cells and resize the columns
- set cols {}
- foreach r $_change_list {
- _update_register $r
- if {$_data($_cell($r)) != ""} {
- $itk_component(table) tag cell highlight $_cell($r)
- }
- set col [lindex [split $_cell($r) ,] 1]
- if {[lsearch $cols $col] == -1} {
- lappend cols $col
- }
- }
- foreach col $cols {
- set col [string trim $col ()]
- _size_column $col 0
- }