path: root/gdb/gdbtk/library/warning.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'gdb/gdbtk/library/warning.tcl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/gdb/gdbtk/library/warning.tcl b/gdb/gdbtk/library/warning.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aee2830a98..00000000000
--- a/gdb/gdbtk/library/warning.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Warning dialog for GDBtk.
-# Copyright 1998, 1999 Cygnus Solutions
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
-# your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME:
-# class WarningDlg
-# DESC:
-# This class implements a warning dialog. It has an optional checkbox
-# that the user can select to disable all warnings of the same type.
-# ARGS:
-# -ignorable "class" - Causes an ignorable dialog to be created.
-# "class" is the warning class that will be either
-# displayed or ignored. It may be any string, so
-# long as the same string is used for all related
-# warning messages.
-# -message "msg" - Message to be displayed.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class WarningDlg {
- inherit ManagedWin ModalDialog
- public {
- variable ignorable ""
- variable message ""
- method constructor {args}
- }
- protected common ignore
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NAME:
-# WarningDlg::constructor
-# DESC:
-# Creates the warning dialog.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-body WarningDlg::constructor {args} {
- debug $args
- window_name "Warning"
- eval itk_initialize $args
- if {$ignorable == ""} {
- tk_messageBox -message $message -type ok -icon warning -default ok \
- -parent [winfo toplevel $itk_interior]
- delete
- return
- } else {
- if {[info exists ignore($ignorable)]} {
- if {$ignore($ignorable)} {
- delete
- return
- }
- } else {
- set ignore($ignorable) 0
- }
- }
- frame $itk_interior.f
- frame $itk_interior.f.a -relief raised -bd 1
- frame $itk_interior.f.b -relief raised -bd 1
- set f $itk_interior.f.a
- label $f.bitmap -bitmap warning
- label $f.lab -text $message
- pack $f.bitmap $f.lab -side left -padx 10 -pady 10
- if {$ignorable != ""} {
- checkbutton $itk_interior.f.b.ignore -text "Don't show this warning again" \
- -variable [scope ignore($ignorable)] -anchor w
- }
- button $itk_interior.f.b.ok -text OK -underline 0 -command [code $this unpost]
- bind $itk_interior.f.b.ok <Return> \
- "$itk_interior.f.b.ok flash; $itk_interior.f.b.ok invoke"
- focus $itk_interior.f.b.ok
- if {$ignorable != ""} {
- pack $itk_interior.f.b.ignore
- }
- pack $itk_interior.f.b.ok -expand yes -side left
- pack $itk_interior.f.a
- pack $itk_interior.f.b -fill x
- pack $itk_interior.f