path: root/itcl/CHANGES
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+ [incr Tcl] - CHANGE LOG
+ ----------------------- CHANGES FROM itcl-1.5 --------------------------
+ Release itcl-2.0 provides a new syntax for defining classes. The
+ new syntax is accessed using the new "itcl::class" command. For the
+ time being, the old syntax will be supported via the old "itcl_class"
+ command, but support for this will be phased out over time.
+ Because both syntaxes are supported, the new version is "backward
+ compatible" with the previous itcl-1.5 release. However, there are
+ some semantic changes that may break existing scripts. These are
+ listed in detail in the section "INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES".
+ Following is a brief catalog of new commands available in this release.
+ == Tcl with Namespaces =================================================
+ delete namespace name ?name...?
+ Deletes one or more namespaces, destroying all commands, variables,
+ and child namespaces within it.
+ ensemble name {
+ option optName arglist body
+ option optName arglist body
+ ...
+ ensemble optName {
+ option subOptName arglist body
+ option subOptName arglist body
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ Adds options to an ensemble called "name". If the ensemble does
+ not already exist, it is created automatically. An "ensemble" is
+ a toplevel command that groups a collection of sub-commands. For
+ example, the usual Tcl "info" command is an ensemble with options
+ like "globals", "level", "tclversion", etc.
+ Ensembles are good for two reasons. First, new options can be
+ integrated in without modifying any source code or "switch"
+ statements. For example, [incr Tcl] adds the "info classes"
+ and "info objects" commands simply by adding options to the
+ "info" ensemble. Second, error messages are generated automatically
+ by the ensemble mechanism. Try invoking "info" with no options
+ and see the result.
+ Each option declaration is just like a Tcl proc declaration,
+ with an option name, arglist and body. Ensembles can also
+ contain sub-ensembles with more options.
+ import add name ?name...? ?-where pos...?
+ import all ?name?
+ import list ?importList?
+ import remove name ?name...?
+ Used to manipulate the "import" list for the current namespace.
+ When one namespace imports another, it gains access to all of
+ its public commands/variables as if they were part of the
+ same namespace. In other words, one namespace can be integrated
+ seamlessly into another by adding it to the import list of the
+ other namespace. By default, each namespace imports its parent,
+ so most namespaces import the global scope in some fashion.
+ The form "import list" is used to query or set the import list
+ for the current namespace. The form "import all" returns the
+ namespace search path that is consulted when commands/variables
+ are accessed.
+ info context
+ Returns the current namespace context. The global namespace
+ context is reported here as "", so it is easy to build
+ namespace paths like this:
+ set path "[info context]::name"
+ info namespace all ?pattern?
+ Returns a list of namespaces found in the current namespace
+ context, whose names match an optional string pattern. This
+ includes children of the current namespace, and children of
+ all imported namespaces.
+ info namespace children ?name?
+ Returns a list of child namespaces for namespace "name",
+ or for the current namespace if "name" is not specified.
+ info namespace parent ?name?
+ Returns the parent namespace for namespace "name", or
+ for the current namespace if "name" is not specified.
+ info namespace qualifiers string
+ Parses a string of the form "namesp::namesp::name", and returns
+ the leading "namesp::namesp" scope qualifiers.
+ info namespace tail string
+ Parses a string of the form "namesp::namesp::name", and returns
+ the trailing "name" element.
+ info protection ?-command? ?-variable? name
+ Returns the protection level for an element. By default, "name"
+ is treated as a command name, but the "-command" or "-variable"
+ flags can be used to request a specific treatment.
+ info which ?-command? ?-variable? ?-namespace? name
+ Reports the full namespace path (e.g., "::namesp::namesp::name")
+ for an element. By default, "name" is treated as a command name,
+ but the "-command", "-variable" and "-namespace" flags can be
+ used to request a specific treatment.
+ namespace name ?-local? ?-enforced val? ?--? ?commands?
+ This is the usual mechanism for creating a namespace and defining
+ elements within it.
+ If namespace "name" does not exist, it is created automatically.
+ The namespace name may include a full namespace path (e.g.,
+ "namesp::namesp::namesp"). During the search for this namespace,
+ all imported namespaces are consulted. If the "-local" flag is
+ specified, then the search is restricted to the local namespace;
+ this prevents against accidentally importing a namespace if the
+ intent is to create a child namespace.
+ If the "-enforced" flag is specified, then "val" is treated as a
+ boolean value; if true, then command/variable enforcement is
+ turned on for this namespace. Each time a new command is
+ referenced within the namespace, Tcl automatically calls a
+ procedure:
+ enforce_cmd <name>
+ with the <name> of the command that is about to be executed. The
+ "enforce_cmd" proc can return an error, and access to that command
+ will be denied. It can return another command name, or a more
+ specific namespace path, and that command will be used instead.
+ Or it can return "", and command lookup will continue via the
+ normal namespace rules (i.e., in local scope, imported namespaces,
+ etc.).
+ Each time a new variable is referenced within an enforced
+ namespace, Tcl automatically calls a procedure:
+ enforce_var <name>
+ with the <name> of a global variable that is being referenced.
+ The "enforce_var" proc can return an error, and access to that
+ variable will be denied. It can return another variable name,
+ or a more specific namespace path, and that variable will be
+ used instead. Or it can return "", and variable lookup will
+ continue via the normal namespace rules (i.e., in local scope,
+ imported namespaces, etc.).
+ Note that command/variable enforcement done at the Tcl language
+ level can be slow. There is also a C language interface for
+ the same functionality, which offers much better performance.
+ The namespace is first found and updated with whatever flags were
+ specified. After that, if a "commands" string was specified, it
+ is executed in the context of the namespace.
+ public command ?arg arg...?
+ protected command ?arg arg...?
+ private command ?arg arg...?
+ These commands attach a particular protection level to whatever
+ commands or variables are created while executing the specified
+ command. They are used in conjunction with commands like
+ "proc" and "variable" to create public/protected/private elements.
+ scope string
+ code ?-namespace name? command ?arg arg ...?
+ @scope namespace value
+ The "scope" command takes a string and encodes it into an "@scope"
+ declaration. The "code" command performs a similar function,
+ but accepts multiple arguments and is usually used to wrap up
+ code fragments. The "@scope" declaration keeps a value (like a
+ variable name or code fragment) together with its context
+ namespace. It can be executed like an ordinary command:
+ set cmd {@scope :: puts}
+ $cmd "hello world!"
+ or used as an ordinary variable name:
+ set var {@scope :: auto_path}
+ lappend $var /usr/local/mylib
+ The difference, however, is that an "@scope" value bypasses the
+ usual access protections and guarantees that values have the
+ proper scope.
+ Ordinary variable names refer to variables in the global
+ namespace. Ordinary code fragments are usually interpreted
+ by extensions like Tk in the global namespace. The "scope"
+ and "code" commands are used to wrap up variable names and
+ code fragments to preserve the namespace context. For example:
+ namespace foo {
+ private variable state 0
+ private proc show_state {mesg} {
+ global state
+ puts "$mesg: $state"
+ }
+ checkbutton .cb -text "Toggle" \
+ -variable [scope state] \
+ -command [code show_state "current state"]
+ pack .cb
+ }
+ In this example, the checkbutton is tied to the variable
+ "foo::state" and executes the command "foo::show_state"
+ whenever it is pressed.
+ When a Tk widget uses commands and variables within a
+ namespace, these names should be wrapped up as scoped
+ values, as shown above.
+ variable name ?value?
+ Creates a variable called "name" and initializes it to an optional
+ value. This is normally used in conjunction with public, protected
+ and private commands to declare variables within a namespace:
+ namespace foo {
+ public variable x 0
+ private variable y 1
+ }
+ If the variable "name" already exists, it updated to have
+ the protection level that is currently active.
+ == Tk with Namespaces ==================================================
+ bind...
+ Recognizes and expands the following fields within command
+ strings:
+ %q => Replaced with the fully-qualified access command
+ for the widget receiving the event. For example,
+ namespace foo {
+ namespace bar {
+ button .b -text "Hello World!"
+ }
+ }
+ The fully-qualified access command for this widget
+ is "::foo::bar::.b". The "%q" field should be used
+ instead of "%W" as the widget access command:
+ bind Button <Key-Return> "%q flash; %q invoke"
+ %M => Replaced with the window path name of the mega-widget
+ containing the window receiving the event. For example,
+ if an "entryfield" mega-widget ".x" contains an entry
+ widget ".x.entry", bindings added to ".x.entry" will
+ replace "%M" with ".x". This allows generic bindings
+ to be added to component widgets which affect the
+ mega-widget as a whole.
+ For this to work properly, mega-widget packages must
+ register their component widgets using Itk_SetMegaWidget().
+ winfo command window
+ Returns the fully-qualified access command for the widget "window".
+ This is equivalent to the "%q" field in bindings, and is useful
+ in procedures where the only the window name is known:
+ foreach kid [winfo children $win] {
+ [winfo command $kid] configure -bg blue
+ }
+ winfo megawidget window
+ Returns the window path name of the mega-widget containing "window"
+ as a component. This is equivalent to the "%M" field in bindings,
+ and is useful in procedures where only the component window name
+ is known. For this to work properly, mega-widget packages must
+ register their component widgets using Itk_SetMegaWidget().
+ == [incr Tcl] ==========================================================
+ delete class name ?name...?
+ Deletes one or more object classes. Deleting a class also
+ causes all derived classes, and all objects belonging to the
+ class, to be deleted as well.
+ delete object name ?name...?
+ Deletes one or more objects. If the access command for an
+ object resides in another namespace, then the full namespace
+ path should be used:
+ delete object foo::bar::x
+ info classes ?pattern?
+ Returns a list of all classes in the current namespace
+ whose names match an optional string pattern.
+ info objects ?-class className? ?-isa className? ?pattern?
+ Returns a list of all objects whose names match an optional
+ string pattern. If the "-class" option is specified, then
+ the list is further restricted to those objects whose
+ most-specific class is "className". If the "-isa" option
+ is specified, then the list is further restricted to those
+ objects who belong to class "className".
+ itcl::class name { definition }
+ Used to create define a new class "name". The "definition"
+ commands include:
+ inherit baseClass ?baseClass...?
+ constructor arglist ?init? body
+ destructor body
+ method name ?arglist? ?body?
+ proc name ?arglist? ?body?
+ variable name ?init? ?config?
+ common name ?init?
+ public command ?arg arg...?
+ protected command ?arg arg...?
+ private command ?arg arg...?
+ Note that the constructor statement has changed to include an
+ optional "init" argument. This is an initialization statement
+ that can be used to call out base class constructors. If it
+ is not included, base classes are constructors are invoked
+ automatically without any arguments.
+ The "variable" statement is now used to create object-specific
+ data members. The "common" statement is used to create "common"
+ variables, which are global within the class namespace. Both
+ types of variables can be designated public, protected or
+ private.
+ itcl::body class::func arglist body
+ Used to define the body of a class member function outside of
+ the class definition. If "body" declarations are kept in a
+ separate file, they can be sourced again and again to test
+ changes as bugs are fixed. If an "arglist" is specified in
+ the class definition, then the "arglist" for the body definition
+ must have the same meaning.
+ itcl::configbody class::option body
+ Similar to the "body" command, but used to define the configuration
+ code for a public variable.
+ itcl_class name { old-style-definition } \__ backward compatibility
+ itcl_info option ?arg arg...? /
+ == [incr Tk] ===========================================================
+ itcl::class name {
+ ...
+ itk_option define -switch resName resClass initVal ?configCode?
+ }
+ The "itk_option define" command is recognized at the level of
+ the class definition. It defines a new mega-widget option with
+ the given switch name and X11 resource database names. The
+ "initVal" is used as a last resort to initialize the option
+ if no other value can be queried from the X11 resource database.
+ If "configCode" is specified, it is executed whenever the option
+ is modified via the "configure" method. The "configCode" can
+ also be specified outside of the class definition via the
+ "itcl::configbody" command.
+ Methods provided by itk::Archetype base class:
+ component
+ component name
+ component name command ?arg arg...?
+ Used to query or access components within a mega-widget. With
+ no arguments, this returns a list of component widgets that
+ are accessible in the current scope. Note that component
+ widgets obey any public/protected/private access restriction
+ that is in force when the component is created.
+ With one argument, this returns the window path name for a
+ component with the symbolic name "name".
+ In any other case, the remaining arguments are invoked as a
+ method on the component with the symbolic name "name".
+ configure
+ configure option
+ configure option value ?-switch value...?
+ Works just like the usual Tk configure method, but for mega-widgets.
+ Here options are really composite widget options. When set, they
+ trigger changes to many different internal components, and may
+ invoke many bits of "configCode" for options defined by "itk_option
+ define". However, there is only one value for the composite option.
+ cget option
+ Works just like the usual Tk cget method, but for mega-widgets.
+ Returns the current value for a composite widget option.
+ itk_component add name {create-commands} ?{option-commands}?
+ Adds a new mega-widget component with the symbolic name "name".
+ Invokes the "create-commands" to create the component, and
+ invokes "option-commands" to integrate its options into the
+ composite list. By default, no options are integrated. Options
+ may be added using the following commands:
+ keep option ?option...?
+ ignore option ?option...?
+ rename oldswitch newswitch resname resclass
+ usual ?tag?
+ itk_component delete name ?name...?
+ Deletes an existing mega-widget component with the symbolic
+ name "name". The component will still exist as a widget,
+ but it will no longer be accessible as a component for this
+ mega-widget. Any options associated with the component are
+ removed from the composite list.
+ Note that you can destroy a component like any ordinary widget:
+ destroy
+ Components automatically detach themselves from their mega-widget
+ parent when destroyed, so "itk_component delete" is not used
+ very often.
+ itk_option add option ?option...? \__ class::option
+ itk_option remove option ?option...? / component.option
+ Adds or removes an option from the composite option list for
+ a mega-widget. These commands cannot be used at the level of
+ the class definition; they must be invoked for a particular
+ mega-widget. They usually appear in the constructor for a
+ mega-widget class, to add or redefine options in components
+ created by a base class. For example, the base classes
+ itk::Toplevel and itk::Widget keep only the bare minimum
+ options for their "hull" component: -background and -cursor.
+ If you want your mega-widget to have a border around it, you
+ can add the hull options back in:
+ itcl::class MyWidget {
+ inherit itk::Widget
+ constructor {args} {
+ itk_option add hull.borderwidth hull.relief
+ }
+ }
+ itk_initialize ?option value option value...?
+ Initializes the composite option list for a mega-widget.
+ This method should be invoked within the constructor for each
+ mega-widget class. It is usually included the end of the
+ constructor, below the component creation code. It integrates
+ all "itk_option" options defined in the current class into
+ the composite configuration list, and includes "-option value"
+ settings usually received as arguments to the constructor.
+ When this is executed in the most-specific class, it scans
+ through the composite option list and makes sure that all
+ options have been properly initialized.
+ itk::usual tag ?commands?
+ Used outside of a mega-widget class definition to declare
+ the "usual" option-handling commands for the mega-widget.
+ These commands suggest how the configuration options should
+ be handled if the mega-widget becomes a component of an even
+ larger mega-widget. They include commands like "keep" and
+ "rename".
+ >> Object construction/destruction now follows C++ model.
+ In the previous release, object construction started at the
+ most-specific constructor. Base class constructors could
+ be called out explicitly within the body of a constructor.
+ If they were not, they were invoked implicitly when the
+ constructor finished executing. This led to a construction
+ model that was backward from C++, and contrary to what most
+ people expected. Destructors were backwards in a similar
+ manner.
+ In the current release, object construction starts at the
+ least-specific class in the hierarchy, and proceeds to the
+ most-specific class. Therefore, each base class is fully
+ constructed before the derived class constructor is executed.
+ Arguments are now passed to base class constructors through
+ an optional "initialization" statement. This statement is
+ included between the argument list and the body of the
+ constructor, so the syntax is reminiscent of C++:
+ class Base {
+ constructor {x y} {
+ ...constructor body...
+ }
+ }
+ class Derived {
+ inherit Base
+ constructor {x y z} {
+ Base::constructor $x $y << "initialization"
+ } {
+ ...constructor body...
+ }
+ }
+ Note that variables from the argument list (e.g., $x and $y)
+ can be referenced within the initialization statement. With
+ multiple inheritance, each of the base class constructors
+ can be called out individually.
+ Object destruction is the exact opposite of construction.
+ It proceeds from most-specific to least-specific class.
+ >> All class methods are now implicitly virtual
+ In the previous release, all method names were interpreted
+ with respect to the current class scope and its base classes.
+ If you wanted a method to act virtual, you had to explicitly
+ preface it with the "virtual" command each time you used it.
+ This proved to be error prone.
+ In the new release, all methods are virtual by default. If
+ you invoke a method with a simple name, the most-specific
+ method with that name will be invoked, regardless of your
+ class scope:
+ class Base {
+ constructor {} {show}
+ method show {} {puts "Base::show"}
+ }
+ class Derived {
+ inherit Base
+ constructor {} {show}
+ method show {} {puts "Derived::show"}
+ }
+ The method "show" called out in the constructors for both of
+ these classes is virtual. When Base::constructor is executed
+ it finds the most-specific "show" method and prints
+ "Derived::show". When Derived::constructor is executed, it
+ finds the most-specific "show" method and prints "Derived::show"
+ again.
+ If you want to invoke a particular method, you have to scope
+ it explicity:
+ class Base {
+ constructor {} {Base::show}
+ method show {} {puts "Base::show"}
+ }
+ class Derived {
+ inherit Base
+ constructor {} {Derived::show}
+ method show {} {puts "Derived::show"}
+ }
+ >> Within class methods/procs the "global" command now refers to
+ variables within the class namespace.
+ In the previous release, the "global" command was used to
+ access variables at the global scope. The "global" command
+ now refers to variables that are "global" within the current
+ namespace context. Within the scope of a class, this refers
+ to "global" class variables. Note that common data members
+ are global variables, but they can be accessed transparently,
+ without any special "global" declaration. You can also create
+ ordinary global variables within a class, but you will have to
+ declare them each time they are used with a "global" statement.
+ The new scheme will allow classes to have their own private
+ global variables (e.g., for interacting with widgets) without
+ flooding the global namespace.
+ If you really want to access a variable at the "::" global
+ scope, use its complete path name:
+ itcl::class Foo {
+ method getenv {name} {
+ global ::env
+ return $env($name)
+ }
+ }
+ >> "this" variable used to be included in every class scope
+ In the previous release, each class scope included a separate
+ "this" variable containing the object name. There is now only
+ one "this" variable, kept in the most-specific class scope.
+ It can still be referenced as if it belongs to all classes,
+ e.g., "Base::this", "Derived::this".
+ This change is probably not important to most applications.
+ But it did break my test suite, which expected to find many
+ different "this" variables coming back from the "info" command.
+ >> "this" variable now contains complete namespace path for the
+ object access command
+ This change will break many scripts written for mega-widgets.
+ In the previous release, mega-widgets had a window name and an
+ access command name that were interchangeable. For example,
+ you would create a widget ".dialog" and configure it using
+ the ".dialog" command. Inside of this widget there was a
+ "this" variable containing the name ".dialog".
+ In the current release, an object can exist in any namespace,
+ so the complete namespace path is a part of the object's
+ identity. Instead of just ".dialog", the "this" variable will
+ now contain a name like "::.dialog" or "::foo::.dialog". But
+ the window name is still just ".dialog".
+ Scripts that used to use "$this" as a window name:
+ wm title $this "Dialog"
+ must now use the [incr Tk] "hull" component instead:
+ wm title $itk_component(hull) "Dialog"
+ If for some other reason you need the simple object name at the
+ end of the namespace path, you can get at it using the
+ "info namespace tail" command:
+ set oldthis [info namespace tail $this]
+ >> "#auto" generated names now start with lower-case letter
+ In the previous release, "#auto" could be used in place of
+ an object name to produce an automatically generated name:
+ Toaster #auto -heat light
+ The names were generated by adding a unique number onto the
+ class name: "Toaster0", "Toaster1", etc.
+ The current release supports the same functionality, except
+ that the names generated are guaranteed to start with a
+ lowercase letter: "toaster0", "toaster1", etc. This helps
+ out in the mega-widget arena, where window names must start
+ with lowercase letters.
+ >> "config" argument used to allow multiple default values
+ The magic "config" argument used to allow multiple default
+ values, which were simply concatenated into a single value
+ before processing. For example, in the previous release
+ you could say:
+ itcl_class Foo {
+ method test {x y {config -foo 0 -bar 0}} {
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ and if the "test" method was used without extra configuration
+ arguments, they would default to "-foo 0 -bar 0".
+ In the current release, you must make the default value for
+ a "config" argument a single string:
+ itcl::class Foo {
+ method test {x y {config "-foo 0 -bar 0"}} {
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ >> "info class" now acts "virtual"
+ In the previous release, the "info class" command would report
+ the current class context. In a base class method, it would
+ report the base class name, and in a derived class method, it
+ would report the derived class name. If you wanted to know
+ the most-specific class for an object, you would have to use
+ the "virtual" command explicitly:
+ itcl_class Base {
+ method whatAmI {} {
+ return [virtual info class]
+ }
+ }
+ The "info" command is now virtual by default, as long as an
+ object context is present. This means that you can drop the
+ "virtual" command:
+ itcl::class Base {
+ method whatAmI {} {
+ return [info class]
+ }
+ }
+ If you really want to know the current class scope, use the
+ "info context" command instead to query the current namespace
+ context.
+ If an object context is not present (i.e., in the body of a
+ common class "proc"), the "info class" command reverts to
+ the current class context, the same as the "info context" command.
+ >> Library procedures "itcl_unload" and "itcl_reload" have been removed
+ In the previous release, the library procedure "itcl_unload"
+ provided a way of deleting a class. You can now do the same
+ thing using the "delete class" command:
+ delete class Toaster
+ This deletes the specified class, all derived classes, and all
+ objects belonging to this class. If autoloading is set up,
+ you can reload a deleted class just by invoking its name.
+ The old "itcl_reload" function is now trivial:
+ proc itcl_reload {class} {
+ delete class $class
+ $class
+ }
+ >> Class definition no longer recognizes ordinary Tcl commands.
+ As an undocumented "feature" of the previous release, you could
+ include ordinary Tcl commands in the body of your class definition.
+ For example:
+ itcl_class Foo {
+ ...
+ if {$somevar} {
+ public foo
+ }
+ }
+ In the new release, only class definition commands are allowed
+ within the body of a class definition. You can, however, use Tcl
+ commands outside of the class definition to modify the class
+ definition as a string, and then define the class:
+ set defn {
+ method test {} {return "test"}
+ }
+ if {$somevar} {
+ append defn "public variable foo"
+ }
+ class Foo $defn
+ >> an object can be renamed by renaming its access command
+ In the previous release, an object's identity was fixed when
+ it was created. In the new release, the object is tied
+ directly to its access command. If you rename the access
+ command, you have renamed the object. The "this" variable
+ automatically keeps in sync with name changes. If you delete
+ the access command, you automatically delete the object.
+ Toaster new -heat light
+ rename new fred << rename Toaster
+ fred toast 2
+ fred toast 1
+ rename fred "" << delete Toaster
+ >> Bodies of methods, procs and public variables can be defined
+ outside of the class definition, and can be redefined on the fly.
+ In the previous release, all of the code related to a class was
+ defined within the class definition. This kept everything
+ together in one place, but it made it difficult to get an overview
+ of the class interface.
+ In the new release, bodies can be defined outside of the class
+ definition, perhaps in a separate file. When debugging, the
+ implementations can be fixed and sourced again and again, without
+ having to delete existing objects and classes.
+ Use the "itcl::body" command to redefine the body of a class
+ method or proc. Use "itcl::configbody" to redefine the configuration
+ code associated with a public variable. For example:
+ itcl::class Toaster {
+ constructor {args} {
+ eval configure $args
+ }
+ destructor {
+ if {$crumbs > 0} {
+ error "cannot destroy dirty toaster: clean first"
+ }
+ }
+ method toast {nslices}
+ method clean {}
+ public variable heat 3
+ protected variable crumbs 0
+ }
+ itcl::body Toaster::toast {nslices} {
+ if {$nslices < 1 || $nslices > 2} {
+ error "bad number of slices: should be 1 or 2"
+ }
+ set crumbs [expr $crumbs+$heat*$nslices]
+ if {$crumbs >= 50} {
+ puts stderr "== FIRE! FIRE! =="
+ }
+ }
+ itcl::body Toaster::clean {} {
+ set crumbs 0
+ }
+ itcl::configbody Toaster::heat {
+ if {$heat < 1 || $heat > 5} {
+ error "invalid setting \"$heat\": should be 1-5"
+ }
+ }
+ If an argument list is specified in the class definition, then
+ the same argument list must be used when the implementation is
+ redefined. The variable names can change, but the meaning of
+ the arguments must be the same. If you leave the argument
+ list out of the class definition, or if you include the "args"
+ argument, the argument list can change.
+ >> C procedures can be integrated into class definitions
+ Any method body that is specified as "@symbol" is treated as a
+ reference to a C procedure with the symbolic name "symbol".
+ Symbolic names are established by registering C procedures
+ via the Itcl_RegisterC() procedure. This is usually done
+ when the interpreter starts up in the Tcl_AppInit() procedure:
+ if (Itcl_RegisterC(interp, "foo", My_FooCmd) != TCL_OK) {
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ This registers a procedure My_FooCmd() with the symbolic name
+ "foo". It can be used as the implementation for a class method,
+ proc, or bit of configuration code simply by specifying "@foo"
+ in place of the Tcl code body.
+ These C procedures are just like ordinary Tcl command handlers.
+ They take the usual arguments:
+ int My_FooCmd(ClientData cdata, Tcl_Interp *interp,
+ int argc, char** argv)
+ {
+ ...
+ return TCL_OK;
+ }
+ including the (argc,argv) arguments from the command line. But
+ before these procedures are invoked, the proper class scope is
+ established so that object data members can be accessed as if
+ they were ordinary variables via Tcl_GetVar() and Tcl_SetVar().
+ Look at the [incr Tk] base class itk::Archetype as an example
+ for integrating C code.
+ >> "#auto" can be buried within an object name: ".x.y.z.#auto"
+ In the previous release, "#auto" was a keyword that could be
+ used in place of an object name. It can now be used as a
+ part of the object name, making it easier to generate automatic
+ names for mega-widgets.
+ >> Every object now has built-in "configure" and "cget" methods
+ that follow the Tk paradigm. For [incr Tk] widgets, they follow
+ the paradigm exactly. The ordinary [incr Tcl] objects, the
+ X11 resource values are missing.
+ >> There is no longer a built-in "delete" method, so classes can
+ define their own "delete" operations.
+ Instead of "objName delete", use the new "delete object" command:
+ Toaster fred -heat dark
+ delete object fred
+ >> All data members can be declared public, protected or private.
+ Private data members can only be accessed in the class where
+ they are defined. Protected data members can be accessed in
+ the defining class and all derived classes. Public data members
+ can be accessed like protected data members, but are also
+ recognized as configuration options by the built-in "configure"
+ and "cget" methods.
+ >> In [incr Tk], options are now defined outside of the constructor,
+ at the level of the class definition.
+ >> In [incr Tk], configuration options belonging to components
+ created in a base class can be added or removed in derived
+ classes.
+ The base classes "itk::Toplevel" and "itk::Widget" are now stripped
+ down to the bare minimum options. For example, if you want to add
+ "-width" and "-height" options for the hull component, do this using
+ the "itk_option" command in the body of the constructor:
+ class MyWidget {
+ inherit itk::Widget
+ constructor {args} {
+ itk_option add hull.widget hull.height
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ Options can be added and removed on-the-fly during normal operation,
+ but this is not recommended, since it could lead to a confusing
+ interface.
+ >> In [incr Tk], components can now be added or removed on-the-fly.
+ The "itk_component" method now supports "add" and "delete"
+ operations that are used to add/delete components.
+ >> All [incr Tk] widgets can be destroyed like normal Tk widgets.
+ If you destroy a component widget, for example, it will automatically
+ remove itself from its parent via "itk_component delete". Likewise,
+ when a parent widget is destroyed, it will automatically destroy
+ all component widgets.
+ >> In [incr Tk], the "itk::Archetype::component" method now provides
+ access to mega-widget components.
+ In the previous [incr Tk] prototype, the "component" method had
+ a different syntax and only supported query operations. You can
+ now access an internal component via the "component" method using
+ its symbolic name:
+ .dialog component hull configure -width 450 -height 500
+ This example accesses the "hull" component of the ".dialog"
+ mega-widget, and sets the width and height options.
+ ---------------------- RELEASE 2.0beta - 9/6/95 ------------------------
+9/8/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed menus to work properly within namespaces. Menu library code
+ now recognizes the proper namespace context for all "-menu" options.
+9/8/95 (new feature)
+ Added "winfo command name" option to report the scoped access command
+ for a given window.
+9/8/95 (configuration changes)
+ - fixed "sed" invocation in iwidgets Makefile
+ - added configuration guesses for Tadpole Sparcbook
+ - added George Howlett's test for "gcc", so that "-fwritable-strings"
+ is added even if gcc is masquerading as "cc"
+ - fixed tcl/tk configure scripts to have default prefix "/usr/local/itcl"
+ or wherever itclsh/itkwish is installed
+ - fixed makefiles to use $(MAKE) instead of "make"
+9/9/95 (bug fix)
+ Protected references to obj->accessCmd to avoid seg faults when
+ an object is being destroyed.
+9/9/95 (new features)
+ Changed the syntax of the "namespace" command:
+ namespace name ?-local? ?-hidden val? ?-enforced val? ?--? ?commands?
+ Flags now follow the namespace name, and the "commands" body is
+ optional. The "-hidden" option allows a namespace to be hidden
+ during "info namespace all" queries. The "-enforced" option turns
+ command/variable enforcement on or off.
+ Update "info namespaces all" command to allow for display of hidden
+ namespaces: info namespaces all ?-hidden? ?pattern?
+9/10/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "auto_mkindex" to work properly for procs defined within
+ namespaces. Added support for itcl::class, itcl::body and
+ itcl::configbody as well. Added tests for tclIndex file generation.
+9/11/95 (configuration changes)
+ Fixed makefiles to reference sources and libraries properly, so
+ it should be possible to build different object trees for
+ different platforms with "gmake".
+9/13/95 (configuration changes)
+ Added "AC_C_CROSS" to configure files, so configuration should work
+ properly on Solaris 2.4.
+9/13/95 (bug fix)
+ Changed option configuration to work synchronously, and added
+ "itk_initialize" command to initialize the configuration options
+ for each mega-widget class. The original behavior of handling
+ option changes via "do-when-idle" has been removed.
+9/13/95 (bug fix)
+ Changed all structure members called "namespace" to "namesp".
+ This allows the code to compile correctly under C++.
+9/13/95 (configuration changes)
+ - added support for "i[34]86:BSD/OS" in "config/config.guess"
+ - fixed "test" target for iwidgets
+9/13/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "global" command and other places where namespace paths
+ are parsed to allow for a single ":" in command/variable names.
+9/13/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a problem which caused class-based options to be lost when
+ a widget class was defined within a proc.
+9/14/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed class access command so that when it is deleted, it
+ automatically destroys the class. This also fixed a seg fault
+ that occurred when an object's access command stomped on the
+ class access command.
+9/14/95 (enhancement)
+ Fixed "scope" command and the @scope facility so that null strings
+ can be passed around without all of the extra scoping info.
+ ----------------------- RELEASE 2.0b2 - 9/14/95 ------------------------
+9/15/95 (enhancement)
+ Changed error messages reported when a class method/proc gets the
+ wrong number of arguments to report the usage information, like:
+ {wrong # args: should be "obj foo x y ?arg arg...?"}
+9/18/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a seg fault that occurred when the "cget" method was called
+ with no args.
+9/18/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug that caused private variables in a base class to be
+ uninitialized, even if an initial value was specified in the
+ class definition.
+9/22/95 (configuration changes)
+ Added the "SHELL=/bin/sh" statement to the main makefile. This
+ fixes build problems on SGI machines.
+10/9/95 (paradigm shift)
+ Removed the implicit scoping from any facility that takes a command
+ or variable name. Implicit scoping made it difficult to pass a
+ command string or variable name into a wrapper proc and yet preserve
+ the scope that it came from. All scoping is now explicit. All
+ commands and variables are interpreted in the global "::" scope
+ unless they are wrapped in an "@scope" declaration. Commands can
+ be wrapped up like this:
+ button .b -text "Push Me" -command [code .b configure -bg red]
+ Variable names can be wrapped up like this:
+ radiobutton .rb1 -text "Choice #1" -variable [scope mode] -value 1
+ The "code" and "scope" commands wrap up strings with an "@scope"
+ specification which preserves the namespace context.
+10/17/95 (paradigm shift)
+ Changed the "%C" option of the "bind" command to return a scoped
+ command of the form "@scope namespace widget" that can be used to
+ access the widget. "%C" should be used instead of the usual "%W"
+ window name when attempting to access the widget. Bindings should
+ be written like this:
+ bind Entry <FocusIn> {%C configure -bg white}
+ bind Entry <FocusOut> {%C configure -bg gray}
+ The command "%C" can be used to access the widget regardless which
+ namespace it belongs to.
+10/31/95 (enhancement)
+ Fixed "unknown" command to support a general facility for adding
+ unknown command handlers. The "unknown_handler" proc is used to
+ register new handlers. Each time an unknown command is encountered,
+ each of the handlers is invoked to attempt to handle the command.
+ If a handler returns "-code continue", control passes to the next
+ handler on the list. Handlers are invoked in the order opposite to
+ the way they were registered. Extensions can use this facility to
+ add their own handlers into the "unknown" scheme.
+11/7/95 (enhancement)
+ Added a "backward-compatibility" mode to [incr Tcl]. By default,
+ widget names can now be used as access commands in any namespace,
+ even if the widget access command exists in another namespace.
+ This emulates the normal Tk behavior that widgets are global resources
+ in the application that can be accessed anywhere. This behavior can
+ be disabled by setting the global variable "itcl_purist" to "1". When
+ this variable is set non-zero, care must be used to use "%C" or
+ "[winfo command %W]" as an access command when the widget is used
+ outside of the namespace that contains it. From the standpoint of
+ the object-oriented paradigm, the "purist" mode is better since it
+ supports encapsulation. The "backward-compatible" mode, however,
+ allows [incr Tcl] to work better with existing Tk applications and
+ extensions.
+11/22/95 (bug fix and enhancement)
+ Fixed the built-in "info" command for classes to include the "info
+ classes" and "info objects" queries. These were initially overlooked
+ in a hard-wired list of "info" queries.
+ Fixed the ensemble facility in general to support unknown options
+ via an "@error" handler. Any option registered with the name "@error"
+ is treated as an error handler for the ensemble. Arguments passed
+ to the option include the ensemble name, the unknown option, and all
+ remaining arguments. For the built-in "info" command, the "@error"
+ handler passes any unknown options to the usual Tcl "info" command,
+ so all of the standard options are automatically available.
+11/23/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed usual tkerror dialog to truncate error messages at 5 lines.
+ The usage information returned by an ensemble or itcl object can
+ be much longer, causing the "Stack Trace" button to get lost in
+ many cases.
+11/27/95 (bug fix)
+ Removed the constructor/destructor from the list of public methods
+ returned as usage information when an unknown method is encountered
+ on an object.
+12/2/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed error reporting for object construction. Used to say
+ something like "object constructor x y z" which made it look
+ like a method invocation. Now says "class object x y z" which
+ looks more like the call that the user made to trigger the error.
+12/4/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed class creation and object creation to avoid clobbering
+ existing commands with new class/object access commands. This
+ prevents all hell from breaking loose when a command like
+ "class set {...}" is invoked.
+12/6/95 (configuration changes)
+ Fixed parsing of namespace paths to use local storage instead of
+ assuming that strings are writable. This means that the
+ "-fwritable-strings" option is no longer necessary for GCC and
+ other compilers that store static strings in the program text
+ segment. This option has been removed from all ""
+ files. Linux users will no longer see core dumps on start-up.
+12/8/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "upvar" so that class data members can be accessed from
+ another calling procedure. This fixed a problem with using
+ "parray" from within class methods.
+12/9/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "@scope" variable references so that variables can be created
+ using "@scope" in any context and referenced later.
+12/9/95 (feature change)
+ Removed "-hidden" option from namespaces. It seemed to complicated
+ and quirky to explain on the man page. Instead, all parser
+ namespaces like "scope-parser" and "mkindex-parser" are grouped
+ into a "::tcl" namespace. This keeps them somewhat hidden even
+ without any special treatment.
+12/9/95 (minor enhancement)
+ Added "array" command to class definition parser, so it can be
+ used along with "set" to initialize common arrays.
+12/10/95 (paradigm shift)
+ Removed the "%C" pattern from the expansions recognized by the
+ "bind" command, in favor of the following scheme:
+ %W ........ name of widget receiving event
+ %M ........ name of mega-widget containing widget receiving event
+ %q ........ fully-qualified command name of widget receiving event
+ %Q ........ fully-qualified command name of mega-widget receiving event
+ Fixed "winfo command" to return the fully-qualified command name of
+ a widget (instead of a scoped access command) to be consistent with
+ the "%q" bind pattern.
+12/10/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed Tk library code to use "%q" and "winfo command", so that the
+ default widget behaviors will work even in "itcl_purist" mode.
+12/11/95 (minor enhancement)
+ Added "winfo megawidget" query, which will return the name of the
+ mega-widget containing a specified component widget. In order for
+ this to work, a mega-widget package must use the procedure
+ Itcl_SetMegaWidget() to register each component as it is added
+ to a mega-widget.
+12/12/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed Archetype base class to keep all options sorted in alphabetical
+ order. This way they can be reported back by the "configure" method
+ in alphabetical order. Options are now initialized by "itk_initialize"
+ in alphabetical order as well.
+12/12/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the Archetype base class to register each component widget with
+ Tk via Itk_SetMegaWidget(). This means that "winfo megawidget" and
+ "%Q" can be used to reference the containing mega-widget for any component.
+12/12/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the "configure" method in the Archetype base class so that when
+ an error is encountered while setting a configuration option, the option
+ is set back to its previous value.
+12/12/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the "itk_component add" method to find access commands for
+ components even if they are created in the global scope. Components
+ that are meant to be shared can be created using "uplevel #0". The
+ access command for this component will be installed in the global scope,
+ and therefore available to all other namespaces.
+ Syntactic sugar like a "-global" option would be nice, but references
+ like $itk_component(...) must be substituted in the calling scope, and
+ it is not possible to get these properly substituted and still maintain
+ the boundaries around arguments.
+12/12/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed Archetype base class to handle public/protected/private components
+ properly. The usual public/protected/private commands can be used in
+ conjunction with "itk_component add" to set the protection level of a
+ component. The protection level affects the action of the "component"
+ method. Public components are reported in any namespace, and are
+ accessible from any namespace. Protected components are accessible
+ within a base class and derived classes. Private components are
+ accessible only within the class where they are defined. This feature
+ can be used to keep unimportant components (such as frames) off of the
+ component list that a client would see.
+12/13/95 (enhancement)
+ Added "usual" and "ignore" commands for processing component widget
+ configuration options. The "usual" command finds the usual code fragment
+ for the widget class of the component, and executes it. The command
+ "itk::usual" can be used to register option code for new widget classes.
+ The "ignore" command can be used to override previous "keep" and "rename"
+ commands. This is useful for removing options that the "usual" code
+ keeps or renames.
+ Fixed the "itk_component add" command so that if the option handling code
+ is not specified, the "usual" command is invoked automatically.
+12/13/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the Archetype base class to handle the immutable Tk options
+ properly. Options like -class, -colormap, -screen and -visual can only
+ be set at creation time. The itk_option array is now properly
+ initialized to report their creation value.
+12/14/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "itk_option add" command to report errors properly for unknown
+ options.
+12/14/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "body" command to report errors properly for unknown functions.
+12/14/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug in the handling of TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY flag when looking up
+ class variables. Previously, this was ignored, so object-specific
+ variables could be accessed in a "global" context by Tk widgets.
+ This caused some strange behavior when object-specific variables
+ were used in conjunction with widget options like "-textvariable".
+ Tk widgets now properly interact with classes via global variables.
+12/14/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "auto_mkindex" to recognize procs within class definitions and
+ add them to the "tclIndex" file.
+12/15/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "body" command to find functions only in the specified class.
+ The bug caused a base class method to be redefined whenever a "body"
+ command was issued for a derived class if the method was not declared
+ in the derived class. Made a corresponding fix to the "configbody"
+ command for public variables.
+12/15/95 (enhancement)
+ Added the following commands to the class definition parser: bind,
+ scope and code. This allows generic class bindings to be included
+ in the body of a class definition.
+12/15/95 (enhancement)
+ Added "-clientdata" option in itk::Archetype base class so that
+ all widgets will have an extra field for client data. For application
+ developers, this may come in handy.
+12/16/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the itk::Archetype base class so that if "itk_option add" or
+ "itk_option remove" is called for ordinary class-based options before
+ "itk_initialize" (which normally integrates them in) it does not cause
+ a problem.
+12/17/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed namespace resolution so that a command/variable with a
+ specific path like "itk::body" will not be found in another
+ imported namespace. For the import list to be followed, the
+ command name must be generic like "body".
+12/19/95 (configuration changes)
+ Changed from generic directories like "tcl" and "tk" to directory
+ names with version numbers like "tcl7.4" and "tk4.0".
+12/19/95 (bug fix)
+ Changed names like "itcl_library" and "itcl_purist" to "itcl::library"
+ and "itcl::purist". This makes more sense in the documentation, since
+ the underbar stuff is no longer needed with namespaces, and extension
+ writers are discouraged from using it.
+12/21/95 (bug fix)
+ Changed handling of argument lists for functions with Tcl or C
+ implementations. All argument lists are now treated as Tcl
+ argument specifications. For Tcl implementations, this determines
+ what arguments are available in the body of the procedure; for C
+ implementations, this merely gives the intended usage information
+ for the function (the C implementation may choose to ignore this
+ and do something else). This fix makes it easier to override
+ C implementations with Tcl procedure bodies.
+12/25/95 (bug fix)
+ Split the usual TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY flag into two meanings: TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY
+ now means "a global variable in the global namespace", and ITCL_GLOBAL_VAR
+ means "a global variable in the current namespace". This enhancement
+ fixes Tk (and many other extensions) which request global variables.
+ A plain variable name together with TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY is now interpreted
+ as an ordinary Tcl global variable, so the behavior is backward-compatible.
+ A scoped variable reference will work properly with namespaces. If
+ extension writers get more ambitious, they can start using the
+ ITCL_GLOBAL_VAR flag, which will make their extensions namespace-friendly.
+12/26/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "@scope" command so that extra arguments added at the end are
+ kept as proper list elements when added to the command string. This
+ makes sure that boundaries around Tcl words are not lost when the
+ scoped command is interpreted.
+12/28/95 (minor enhancement)
+ Added "config" method to the Archetype base class as an alias for
+ the usual "configure" method. Many Tk applications use "config"
+ as an abbreviation for "configure", so this fix improves compatibility
+ with other packages.
+12/28/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed Itcl_SaveInterpState() and Itcl_RestoreInterpState() to
+ properly save/restore the interp state even for commands like
+ Tcl_SetCmd(), which are sloppy about setting the interpreter
+ result. This fixed bad memory references that were encountered
+ in enforced namespaces.
+12/28/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed Itcl_DeleteNamesp() to allow variable traces to be fired
+ off properly when a namespace is destroyed.
+12/30/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the Archetype base class to do the "ignore" operation
+ properly for mega-widget options. A bug was causing a single
+ "ignore" request not only to eliminate the desired option, but
+ to eliminate options that were renamed to the "ignore" name
+ as well.
+ ------------------------ RELEASE 2.0 - 12/31/95 ------------------------
+1/2/96 (cleanup)
+ Fixed some compiler warnings reported by Christopher Hylands
+ (cxh@EECS.Berkeley.EDU)
+1/4/96 (cleanup)
+ Fixed the description of the last test in itk/tests/option.test.
+1/4/96 (cleanup)
+ Fixed code examples in man pages. Lines starting with "." now
+ start with the null character "\&", to avoid errors with troff.
+1/5/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug in tkMenuUnpost. Popup menus associated with something
+ other than a menubutton can now be unposted properly.
+1/10/96 (bug fix)
+ If an error occurs during construction, all destructors are now
+ invoked--even if an error is encountered. All destructor errors
+ are completely ignored. This fixed a core dump reported by
+ Christopher Hylands (cxh@EECS.Berkeley.EDU).
+2/5/96 (cleanup)
+ Fixed memory leaks reported by Forest Rouse (
+ Also fixed a problem in Itcl_DeleteNamesp() with the way that
+ the variable cache was destroyed. This caused a core dump on Solaris
+ systems when a namespace was deleted.
+2/8/96 (cleanup)
+ Fixed itk tests to ignore any resources that the user might have
+ on the desktop (e.g., *background: red)
+2/11/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed auto_mkindex so that the "proc" command accepts arglist and
+ body as optional arguments. Within class definitions, these
+ parameters may not be specified. Also, fixed the "source" command
+ so that it is ignored within the file being indexed. Otherwise,
+ it brought in program elements that confused the index.
+2/15/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the unknown command to save errorInfo and restore it before
+ invoking each handler. This fixed an irritating bug that caused
+ the first error message to be lost as "tkerror" was autoloaded.
+2/20/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug in variable lookup that allowed private/protected
+ variables to be set from outside the normal context. On initial
+ lookup variables were being passed over, but since they did not
+ appear to exist, they were being created. Variables are now
+ protected from being set or redeclared from an improper context.
+3/1/96 (enhancement)
+ Changed namespaces to import from their parent in "protected"
+ mode instead of "public" mode. This is a better default, since
+ it emphasizes the strong relationship between a parent and a
+ child. They can share variables that are hidden from anyone else.
+3/5/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the "info objects" to autoload any classes referenced by
+ "-isa" or "-class" that are not yet defined.
+3/12/96 (enhancement)
+ Fixed class parser to recognize commands at the global scope.
+ This makes it possible to embed normal Tcl commands like an
+ "if" statement within a class definition. It also makes it
+ easy to extend the class parser by defining procs in the
+ ::itcl::parser namespace.
+3/17/96 (enhancement)
+ Fixed "usual" command so that with no arguments, it returns a
+ list of all known tags. Each tag name can be used to query its
+ associated code.
+3/19/96 (enhancement)
+ Fixed the "configure" method for mega-widgets to include public
+ variables as configuration options. Normally, mega-widget
+ classes use "itk_option define" to define configuration options.
+ However, if a mega-widget includes an ordinary itcl class as
+ a base class, it should provide access to the base class options.
+ Public variables are now integrated into the composite option
+ list by "itk_initialize".
+4/2/96 (enhancement)
+ Added a "chain" command to the built-ins available in each class.
+ A command like "chain 1 2 3" invokes the next implementation of
+ the current method/proc found looking up the inheritance hierarchy
+ toward base classes. This can be used to invoke a base class method
+ in a generic way, without hard-coding the base class name.
+4/10/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "configure" operation for mega-widgets. Previously, if an
+ error was encountered during configuration, the value in itk_option
+ was set back to the previous value, but some parts of the mega-widget
+ might be left in a partially configured state. Now, if an error is
+ encountered and the option is set back to its previous value, the
+ change is propagated down to all parts, so the widget remains in a
+ consistent state.
+4/15/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug reported by Karel Zuiderveld (
+ related to virtual method selection in "itcl_methods.c". If for some
+ reason a method name was not found in the virtual table, the table
+ access caused a core dump. This is now fixed.
+5/13/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "itk_initialize" to recognize errors when executing the "config"
+ code associated with configuration options. Any error immediately
+ causes itk_initialize to abort, which usually aborts construction.
+5/13/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug in Itcl_SaveInterpState() and Itcl_RestoreInterpState()
+ which caused error information to get lost during object construction
+ when errors were encountered. The new iPtr->appendResult buffer was
+ being ignored, and results in this buffer were getting lost.
+6/1/96 (bug fix)
+ Changed the internal Interp and TkWindow data structures so that all
+ of the extra [incr Tcl] data members are at the bottom of the structure.
+ This should prevent errors when modules that have been compiled against
+ vanilla Tcl/Tk are dynamically loaded into [incr Tcl].
+6/12/96 (enhancement)
+ Integrated changes for "itcl2.0+3" release by Karel Zuiderveld,
+ Jan Nijtmans and Vince Darley. This added support for tcl7.5/tk4.1,
+ dynamic loading, canvas improvements, and support for Macintosh
+ environments. Many thanks to these guys for all of their hard
+ work!
+6/22/96 (installation)
+ Changed the way things are installed:
+ - the startup file "init.itcl" is now called "itcl.tcl"
+ - the startup file "init.itk" is now called "itk.tcl"
+ - libraries, include files and man pages are now installed under
+ a special "itcl" directory to avoid conflicts with a vanilla
+ Tcl/Tk installation. For example, if your --prefix is set
+ to /usr/local, things would be installed as follows:
+ /usr/local/bin ............ executables:
+ ish = tclsh with namespaces
+ iwish = wish with namespaces
+ itclwish = tclsh with namespaces and classes
+ itkwish = wish with namespaces and classes
+ /usr/local/include/itcl ... include files
+ /usr/local/lib/itcl ....... libraries
+ /usr/local/man/itcl ....... manual pages
+6/24/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "itkwish" so that it requires the Iwidgets package automatically
+ during initialization. For all other shells, you must specifically
+ request Iwidgets with a statement like "package require Iwidgets"
+6/26/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed Tk_CanvasTagsParseProc to avoid dumping core when an item
+ is configured with a null tag string.
+6/26/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed PolygonToPoint() in tkCanvPoly.c so that invisible polygons
+ (with no outline and no fill) are still considered when picking
+ the closest item. Without this fix, programs like the "floor plan"
+ in the Tk widget demo will not work.
+6/26/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the [incr Widgets] "feedback" widget to do a full update on
+ each step. Without this, changes appear from time to time, but
+ the bar does not grow smoothly.
+6/26/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed fileselectiondialog and fileselectionbox to update directory
+ list properly when "-directory" option is configured.
+6/28/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "itk_option define" to properly preserve a "config" code
+ body so that it can be released if it is redefined later.
+ ------------------------ RELEASE 2.1 - 6/28/96 -------------------------
+7/22/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed C-level variable access so flags like ITCL_FIND_LOCAL_ONLY
+ can be passed into Tcl_GetVar() and Tcl_SetVar().
+7/25/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the "notebook" widget in the [incr Widgets] set. The "index"
+ method now supports pattern matching and index names with spaces in
+ them.
+8/1/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed destructor invocation so that if an object is being
+ destructed and you try to delete it again, it will report an
+ error.
+8/7/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the "inherit" command to make sure all names are really
+ valid classes. Previously, trying to inherit from a proc would
+ dump core.
+8/29/96 (enhancement)
+ Integrated with itcl2.1+2 (tcl7.5p1/tk4.1p1).
+9/1/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the Itcl_RegisterC() procedure so that the same name can be
+ registered more than once, as long as it has the same function
+ pointer.
+9/7/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug in method access for protected methods. There was a
+ problem when a base class defined a method, and a derived class
+ overloaded the method, and the method was accessed from the base
+ class namespace. Added function Itcl_CanAccessMethod() to check
+ for overloaded methods and allow access accordingly.
+9/13/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the Itcl_RestoreInterpState() procedure so that the "errorCode"
+ variable is restored properly. There was a problem when the
+ error code contained a list of elements.
+9/20/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug in the way namespaces were deleted. The hash table of
+ child namespaces was being traversed while elements within it were
+ being deleted. This caused a core dump when you tried to exit
+ the application with a command like "destroy .".
+9/28/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the way that errors are reported when a base class is constructed
+ with the wrong arguments. Previously, the error message showed the
+ object creation command like "wrong # args: should be Foo name val1 val2".
+ Now, it shows the base class constructor name, so it is more obvious
+ where the error is coming from.
+10/5/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug in constructor invocations. All base class constructors
+ are now invoked properly, even if a derived class does not have a
+ constructor.
+10/9/96 (enhancement)
+ Added proper support for safe interpreters. You can now use namespace
+ commands in a safe interpreter, and you can load Itcl as a safe package.
+10/11/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a core dump with "namespace foo {info locals}". The namespace
+ call frame was not being set up properly, so the local variable table
+ was garbage. Normally, you don't access local variables at the
+ namespace level. But now it is fixed.
+10/14/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the Itcl_RegisterC() procedure so that each interpreter has
+ its own list of symbolic function names. This avoids global data
+ and makes more sense for people using multiple interpreters.
+10/20/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed variable lookup so that when you try to access a variable
+ like "::foo::x" inside of a procedure, you get an error instead
+ of a local variable named "::foo::x". Variables like this need
+ to be declared global.
+10/22/96 (enhancement)
+ Fixed the built-in "isa" method to autoload class definitions as
+ needed for each "isa" test. If a class is not defined and cannot
+ be autoloaded, it is an error.
+10/26/96 (enhancement)
+ Fixed "delete object" command so that objects can be deleted
+ using scoped values for the object name.
+10/29/96 (enhancement)
+ Integrated with itcl2.1+5 (tcl7.6/tk4.2).
+11/1/96 (porting)
+ Removed "plus" and "dash" patches to allow for porting to Windows95
+ and Macintosh platforms. Simplified configuration and makefiles
+ for Unix platforms.
+11/4/96 (installation)
+ Fixed configuration and makefiles to support building in a
+ separate directory. There is a bug in "autoconf" which prevents
+ this from going smoothly. You have to copy all of the configure
+ scripts to a separate tree (e.g., using a tar file), and then build.
+11/5/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug in the way variables were reported by the built-in
+ "info" command for classes and objects. Private variables in
+ a base class were incorrectly reported as "<undefined>". They
+ are now reported properly.
+11/10/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the "this" variable so that if an object is deleted while it
+ is still in use, its name is properly reported as the null string.
+11/10/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the way namespaces are deleted so that the "::errorInfo" and
+ "::errorCode" variables remain intact until everything else has been
+ destroyed. These variables are needed if any errors are encountered
+ as an interpreter is being destroyed.
+11/11/96 (installation)
+ Split the "" file into separate "" and
+ "" files.
+11/11/96 (installation)
+ Fixed the package installation to conform to tcl7.6/tk4.2. The
+ pkgIndex.tcl files are now stored in the library directory for
+ each package.
+11/13/96 (enhancement)
+ Overhauled the scrolledcanvas widget. It is now about an order of
+ magnitude faster.
+11/14/96 (enhancement)
+ Overhauled the [incr Widgets] "catalog" demo. When you pick any
+ mega-widget class, the demo displays an example widget, the code
+ used to build it, the class hierarchy, and the man page.
+11/23/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the way the "inherit" command autoloads class definitions.
+ Previously, it invoked the class name as a command. Now, it uses
+ the "auto_load" command.
+11/23/96 (installation)
+ Fixed the "configure" files to use "mkinstalldirs" instead of "mkdir"
+ so that the entire distribution can be built in a separate directory
+ starting with a single "configure" file. Fixed the way the distribution
+ is created to make this patch for each new distribution.
+11/23/96 (installation)
+ Fixed the iwidgets installation so that the installed files (instead
+ of the source files) are chmod'd to have the proper permissions.
+11/29/96 (installation)
+ Fixed iwidgets (combobox, optionmenu, shell) so that they don't rely
+ on "tkwait visibility" before doing a grab. On the Macintosh, this
+ only works the first time a window is mapped. After that, this
+ command does not return control, even when a window is remapped.
+11/30/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "tk4.2/library/menu.tcl", moving a comment in a switch statement
+ above the default case into the default case. When the comment is
+ above the case, it is treated as a list element and a parsing error
+ occurs. You can trigger the error with a command like "tkMenuFind . x".
+ When the comment is inside the case, everything works fine.
+11/30/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a memory error that occured when an interpreter was destroyed.
+ One namespace (e.g., base class) caused another (e.g., derived class)
+ to be destroyed. Then the namespace was destroyed again later on.
+ Now, as we iteration through the safeCopy list, we check to make
+ sure the namespace still exists.
+11/30/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed entryfield mega-widget to avoid using the "%s" state field
+ for key presses. It was using it to find out whether or not Control,
+ Shift, or Alt keys were being held down during a key press. But this
+ field confuses Alt with NumLock when you go between Unix and Windows
+ platforms. The entryfield appeared to be broken when NumLock was
+ turned on. Nothing is lost if we simply ignore it and let all
+ keypresses through.
+12/1/96 (installation)
+ Fixed the way that "pkgIndex.tcl" files are built for Itcl/Itk.
+ When you build with "--enable-shared", the package files load the
+ shared library, but when you build without, the package files
+ use {load "" Itcl} to get the static package. This lets you
+ do "package require" commands in slave interpreters, even if
+ things were built with static packages.
+12/1/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed how namespaces are deleted when an interpreter is deleted.
+ Previously, namespaces were deleted after the assocData for the
+ interp. If any background errors occurred while the namespace
+ was being deleted, they caused seg faults later on. Now, the
+ global namespace is cleared (but not deleted) *before* deleting
+ the assocData. Any background errors are deleted, and the global
+ namespace is finally deleted at that point.
+12/2/96 (enhancement) JCI
+ Defined "tkOpenDocument" in tk.tcl so that Macintosh users can
+ double-click on an [incr Tcl] source file, and itkwish will be
+ invoked to execute it.
+12/2/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the entryfield widget so that characters like: " [ ] { } \ &
+ are substituted properly into the "%c" field when doing character
+ validation.
+12/2/96 (enhancement) **POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY**
+ Changed the HTML parsing in the scrolledhtml widget to speed it up.
+ Also, changed the "-feedback" option so that it appends two numbers
+ on the end of the feedback command: the current position and the
+ maximum position. This frees the caller from having to figure out
+ the maximum position.
+12/2/96 (enhancement)
+ Added "-borderwidth", "-relief" and "-elementborderwidth" options
+ to the feedback widget, so you can control its appearance a little
+ better.
+ ------------------------ RELEASE 2.2 - 12/3/96 -------------------------
+12/12/96 (installation)
+ Fixed "iwidgets.tcl" initialization file to rely on the environment
+ variable IWIDGETS_LIBRARY (if it exists), and use the compiled-in
+ path as a last resort. That way, the user can override the iwidgets
+ library with an environment variable setting.
+12/12/96 (installation)
+ Fixed the "catalog" demo for [incr Widgets] to help support Windows3.1.
+ The code is now arranged to make it easy to translate between the
+ real demo names and DOS 8.3 file names.
+12/13/96 (bug fix)
+ Added a "usual" test for all of the [incr Widgets]. This checks to
+ make sure that there is a bit of "usual" code for each widget, that
+ the options in the "usual" code are valid, and that all of the
+ widgets mix together without errors.
+4/11/97 (enhancement)
+ Merged in patches for tcl7.6p2/tk4.2p2 (jingham)
+5/17/97 (bug fix)
+ Fixed itk::Toplevel to have the hull keep the -takefocus option.
+ This fixed a problem with the tab ring in iwidget dialogs.
+6/1/98 (complete rewrite)
+ Rewrote the entire package to work with Tcl8.0 namespaces and the
+ new byte code compiler.
+ ----------------------- RELEASE 3.0a1 - 6/16/98 ------------------------
+7/23/98 (bug fix)
+ Removed references to Tcl internal macros such as TclDecrRefCount.
+ This was causing problems under Windows, since those macros use
+ global variables that are not available outside of tcl80.dll.
+7/23/98 (bug fix)
+ Added my own definition of the assert macro. Since Tcl/Tk doesn't
+ use assert, the default version was causing build problems with
+ gcc.
+7/27/98 (configuration change)
+ Changed all "configure" scripts to rely on and
+ for compile options.
+7/27/98 (configuration change)
+ Changed the initialization process for Itcl/Itk. Both packages now
+ key off of tcl_library to find their initialization scripts.
+7/27/98 (configuration change)
+ Removed IWIDGETS_LIBRARY environment variable from the Iwidgets
+ package. If Iwidgets is installed properly, this variable is not
+ needed.
+7/29/98 (configuration change)
+ Added Scott Stanton's patch to the initialization process. The
+ last-ditch installation directory is no longer compiled into the
+ itcl sources. Instead, itcl searches for the installation directory
+ starting from $tcl_library. Also, if the variable itcl::library is
+ set before loading itcl, then itcl aborts the search and uses that
+ as its library directory.
+7/30/98 (Macintosh)
+ Added Jim Ingham's patches for the Mac.
+7/30/98 (configuration)
+ Fixed Makefiles for Iwidgets 2.2/3.0 to avoid a problem while
+ installing the demo images/html. The INSTALL_DATA program may
+ have a relative name (../../config/install-sh) so we must be
+ careful to "cd" into library, demos, etc., but not into other
+ directories below them.
+8/8/98 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "namespace import" to work with autoloading. If you
+ execute "namespace import iwidgets::*", the auto_import proc
+ will create stubs for all of the iwidgets commands. Executing
+ one of the stubs triggers autoloading for the appropriate command.
+8/10/98 (bug fix)
+ Integrated changes from Scriptics team to work seamlessly with
+ Tcl 8.0.3.
+8/10/98 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the iwidgets::optionmenu to work properly under Windows 95/NT.
+ Extended the "get" method in iwidgets3.0 so that you can query
+ existing elements from an optionmenu.
+ ------------------------ RELEASE 3.0 - 8/11/98 -------------------------
+8/16/98 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the windows pkgIndex.tcl files for Itcl and Itk to properly
+ load their .dll. Also fixed iwidgets/catalog to package require
+ Itcl, Itk, and to import ::itcl::* to get "class" defined. (BW)
+12/21/99 (bug fix)
+ Fixed tests for auto_mkindex to work properly outside of itkwish.
+ Tests now include "namespace import itcl::*" instead of assuming that
+ this behavior is built into the wish.
+4/18/00 (feature enhancement)
+ Fixed itcl::find to find classes and objects in *all* namespaces
+ in the interpreter. Until this fix, the itcl::find command would
+ report only the objects in the active namespace or the global
+ namespace. Being able to find classes/objects in all namespaces
+ makes debugging easier. Thanks to Chad Smith for pushing to make
+ this change happen.
+6/26/00 (bug fix)
+ Fixed Itcl_ClassVarResolver so that the formal parameters in a
+ method/proc take precedence over class data members.
+6/30/00 (bug fix)
+ Fixed all itcl/itk/iwidgets3.0.0 tests to run cleanly with the new
+ tcltest package.
+7/1/00 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "itk_component delete" so that the composite option list is
+ cleaned up whenever a component is deleted. For example, suppose
+ a component is the sole contributor of -font. When that component
+ is removed via "itk_component delete", the -font option goes away
+ as well. Also fixed the handling of the itk-delete-* binding for
+ the component. When the component is removed, the binding tag
+ is also removed by itk::remove_destroy_hook.
+7/5/00 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the check done during object creation to avoid clobbering
+ existing commands. Previously, itcl would look for any command--
+ in the local *and* global namespace--that might be clobbered.
+ Now, it looks for commands only in the local namespace, since
+ those are the only ones that could truly be clobbered.
+7/5/00 (cleanup)
+ Removed obsolete Makefile/configure files in the various "unix"
+ directories. Makefiles and configure files now reside one level
+ above, in the standard TEA place.
+7/11/00 (stubs cleanup) <>
+ Fix the build so static links do not use the stubs library.
+8/1/00 (stubs cleanup) <>
+ Added missing declarations for Itcl_InitStubs and Itk_InitStubs
+ and simplified how Itcl Stubs are set in Initialize() of itk_cmds.c
+8/1/00 (Makefile) <>
+ Added config/installFiles.tcl and changed the various
+ files to use this instead of install-sh. installFiles.tcl can
+ optimize out a copy if the target file is already up-to-date.
+ This eliminates conflicts from parallel builds on different platforms
+ where one build is zipping up the installed files while another platform
+ is copying platform-independent files (i.e., the iwidgets demos).
+8/4/00 (stubs cleanup) <>
+ Fixed dll linkage problem with the prototypes of the 2 XX_InitStubs
+ functions use. I copied the core too literally. Stubs libraries are
+ always static, so there's no need to play games with __declspec on
+ windows.
+8/7/00 (stubs cleanup) <>
+ Cleaned up use of Itcl_InitStubs by Itk. Finally got it right after
+ much flailing about. itcl.h has the correct definitions, and
+ itclStubLib.c has the correct #ifdefs.
+ Also nuked extra definitions of itclStubsPtr from the itk_cmds.c file.
+8/17/00 (more stubs cleanup) <>
+ Tcl_InitStubs in itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c was using the TCL_VERSION macro
+ set by the tcl.h header. Changed it to be "8.1" instead as it doesn't
+ matter unless Itcl needs special/new features of the core it's header is
+ from. But it doesn't.. so hard code it for an 8.1 minimum to make the
+ Itcl library have a better version range with the core as specific
+ version tracking with the core isn't needed (at this time).
+ ------------------------ RELEASE 3.2 - 08/18/00 ------------------------
+9/22/00 (stubs cleanup) <>
+ Itcl_InitStub prototype in itcl/generic/itcl.h was getting name mangled
+ by c++ compilers. Fixed with an 'extern "C"' appropriately applied.
+4/07/01 (bug fix) <>
+ Tcl's internal header, tclInt.h, in 8.4a2 got a small change in the Command
+ structure that needed 2 changes in Itcl to resolve. 1) #if/#else/#endif blocks
+ added in itcl_class.c and itc_ensemble.c allowing Itcl to compile. 2) added
+ a global variable called itclCompatFlags that's sets a flag in Itcl_Init()
+ that will modify the logic around access to cmdPtr->flags/deleted. This
+ way, any core compile will yield a fully forward/backward compatible
+ binary (correct logic set at runtime).
+5/22/01 (bug fixes) <>
+ lives again! Brought back from it's death to conquere windows
+ once again for users who prefer to avoid (or can't understand or get the tools
+ installed for) the TEA build system.
+ Also, numerous fixes relating to Kevin Kenny's Tcl API mods for better CONST
+ support. The latest headers for Tcl where throwing warnings all over the place
+ about type errors. I fixed the sources, but haven't checked against older
+ headers yet. \ No newline at end of file