path: root/itcl/iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/datefield.n.html
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+<TITLE>datefield - Create and manipulate a date field widget</TITLE>
+<H1>datefield - Create and manipulate a date field widget</H1>
+<B>datefield<I> <I>pathName </I>?<I>options</I>?
+itk::Widget &lt;- LabeledWidget &lt;- datefield
+<table cellpadding=5>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+See the <A HREF=""> "options" </A> manual entry for details on the standard options.
+<table cellpadding=5>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+See the <A HREF="labeledwidget.n.html"> "labeledwidget" </A> class manual entry for details on the
+inherited options.
+Name: <B>childSitePos</B>
+Class: <B>Position</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-childsitepos</B>
+Specifies the position of the child site in the date field: <B>n</B>,
+<B>s</B>, <B>e</B>, or <B>w</B>. The default is e.
+Name: <B>command</B>
+Class: <B>Command</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-command</B>
+Specifies a Tcl command to be executed upon detection of a Return key
+press event.
+Name: <B>iq</B>
+Class: <B>Iq</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-iq</B>
+Specifies the level of intelligence to be shown in the actions
+taken by the datefield during the processing of keypress events.
+Valid settings include <B>high</B>, <B>average</B>, and <B>low</B>.
+With a high iq,the date prevents the user from typing in an
+invalid date. For example, if the current date is 05/31/1997 and
+the user changes the month to 04, then the day will be instantly
+modified for them to be 30. In addition, leap years are fully
+taken into account. With average iq, the month is limited to the
+values of 01-12, but it is possible to type in an invalid day.
+A setting of low iq instructs the widget to do no validity
+checking at all during date entry. With both average and low
+iq levels, it is assumed that the validity will be determined
+at a later time using the date's <B>isvalid</B> command.
+Name: <B>state</B>
+Class: <B>State</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-state</B>
+Specifies one of two states for the datefield: <B>normal</B> or <B>disabled</B>.
+If the datefield is disabled then input is not accepted. The default is
+Name: <B>textBackground</B>
+Class: <B>Background</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-textbackground</B>
+Background color for inside textual portion of the entry field. The value
+may be given in any of the forms acceptable to <B>Tk_GetColor</B>.
+Name: <B>textFont</B>
+Class: <B>Font</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-textfont</B>
+Name of font to use for display of text in datefield. The value
+may be given in any of the forms acceptable to <B>Tk_GetFont</B>.
+The <B>datefield</B> command creates an enhanced text entry widget for
+the purpose of date entry with various degrees of built-in intelligence.
+The <B>datefield</B> command creates a new Tcl command whose
+name is <I>pathName</I>. This
+command may be used to invoke various
+operations on the widget. It has the following general form:
+<I>pathName option </I>?<I>arg arg ...</I>?
+<I>Option</I> and the <I>arg</I>s
+determine the exact behavior of the command. The following
+commands are possible for datefield widgets:
+<DT> <I>pathName <B>cget</B> <I>option</I>
+<DD> Returns the current value of the configuration option given
+by <I>option</I>.
+<I>Option</I> may have any of the values accepted by the <B>datefield</B>
+<DT> <I>pathName</I> <B>configure</B> ?<I>option</I>? ?<I>value option value ...</I>?
+<DD> Query or modify the configuration options of the widget.
+If no <I>option</I> is specified, returns a list describing all of
+the available options for <I>pathName</I> (see <B>Tk_ConfigureInfo</B> for
+information on the format of this list). If <I>option</I> is specified
+with no <I>value</I>, then the command returns a list describing the
+one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding
+sublist of the value returned if no <I>option</I> is specified). If
+one or more <I>option-value</I> pairs are specified, then the command
+modifies the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in
+this case the command returns an empty string.
+<I>Option</I> may have any of the values accepted by the <B>datefield</B>
+<DT> <I>pathName <B>get</B> ?<B>format</B>?
+<DD> Returns the current contents of the datefield in a format of
+string or as an integer clock value using the <B>-string</B> and <B>-clicks</B>
+format options respectively. The default is by string. Reference the
+clock command for more information on obtaining dates and their
+<DT> <I>pathName <B>isvalid</B>
+<DD> Returns a boolean indication of the validity of the currently
+displayed date value. For example, 03/03/1960 is valid whereas
+02/29/1997 is invalid.
+<DT> <I>pathName <B>show</B> <I>date</I>
+<DD> Changes the currently displayed date to be that of the date
+argument. The date may be specified either as a string, an
+integer clock value or the keyword "now". Reference the clock
+command for more information on obtaining dates and their formats.
+Name: <B>date</B>
+Class: <B>Entry</B>
+The date component provides the entry field for date input and display.
+See the <A HREF=""> "entry" </A> widget manual entry for details on the date component item.
+ proc returnCmd {} {
+ puts [.df get]
+ }
+ datefield .df -command returnCmd
+ pack .df -fill x -expand yes -padx 10 -pady 10
+<A HREF="">Mark L. Ulferts</A>
+datefield, widget