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-'\" Copyright (c) 1990-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
-'\" Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-'\" See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
-'\" of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-'\" RCS: @(#) $Id$
-'\" man.macros
-.TH Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj 3 8.1 Tk "Tk Library Procedures"
-Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj, Tk_Get3DBorder, Tk_Get3DBorderFromObj, Tk_Draw3DRectangle, Tk_Fill3DRectangle, Tk_Draw3DPolygon, Tk_Fill3DPolygon, Tk_3DVerticalBevel, Tk_3DHorizontalBevel, Tk_SetBackgroundFromBorder, Tk_NameOf3DBorder, Tk_3DBorderColor, Tk_3DBorderGC, Tk_Free3DBorderFromObj, Tk_Free3DBorder \- draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
-\fB#include <tk.h>\fR
-.VS 8.1
-\fBTk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj(\fIinterp, tkwin, objPtr\fB)\fR
-\fBTk_Get3DBorder(\fIinterp, tkwin, colorName\fB)\fR
-\fBTk_Get3DBorderFromObj(\fItkwin, objPtr\fB)\fR
-\fBTk_Draw3DRectangle(\fItkwin, drawable, border, x, y, width, height, borderWidth, relief\fB)\fR
-\fBTk_Fill3DRectangle(\fItkwin, drawable, border, x, y, width, height, borderWidth, relief\fB)\fR
-\fBTk_Draw3DPolygon(\fItkwin, drawable, border, pointPtr, numPoints, polyBorderWidth, leftRelief\fB)\fR
-\fBTk_Fill3DPolygon(\fItkwin, drawable, border, pointPtr, numPoints, polyBorderWidth, leftRelief\fB)\fR
-\fBTk_3DVerticalBevel\fR(\fItkwin, drawable, border, x, y, width, height, leftBevel, relief\fB)\fR
-\fBTk_3DHorizontalBevel\fR(\fItkwin, drawable, border, x, y, width, height, leftIn, rightIn, topBevel, relief\fB)\fR
-\fBTk_SetBackgroundFromBorder(\fItkwin, border\fB)\fR
-CONST char *
-XColor *
-GC *
-\fBTk_3DBorderGC(\fItkwin, border, which\fB)\fR
-.VS 8.1
-\fBTk_Free3DBorderFromObj(\fItkwin, objPtr\fB)\fR
-.AS "Tk_3DBorder" borderWidth
-.AP Tcl_Interp *interp in
-Interpreter to use for error reporting.
-.AP Tk_Window tkwin in
-Token for window (for all procedures except \fBTk_Get3DBorder\fR,
-must be the window for which the border was allocated).
-.AP Tcl_Obj *objPtr in
-.VS 8.1
-Pointer to object whose value describes color corresponding to
-background (flat areas). Illuminated edges will be brighter than
-this and shadowed edges will be darker than this.
-.AP char *colorName in
-Same as \fIobjPtr\fR except value is supplied as a string rather
-than an object.
-.AP Drawable drawable in
-X token for window or pixmap; indicates where graphics are to be drawn.
-Must either be the X window for \fItkwin\fR or a pixmap with the
-same screen and depth as \fItkwin\fR.
-.AP Tk_3DBorder border in
-Token for border previously allocated in call to \fBTk_Get3DBorder\fR.
-.AP int x in
-X-coordinate of upper-left corner of rectangle describing border
-or bevel, in pixels.
-.AP int y in
-Y-coordinate of upper-left corner of rectangle describing border or
-bevel, in pixels.
-.AP int width in
-Width of rectangle describing border or bevel, in pixels.
-.AP int height in
-Height of rectangle describing border or bevel, in pixels.
-.AP int borderWidth in
-Width of border in pixels. Positive means border is inside rectangle
-given by \fIx\fR, \fIy\fR, \fIwidth\fR, \fIheight\fR, negative means
-border is outside rectangle.
-.AP int relief in
-Indicates 3-D position of interior of object relative to exterior;
-for \fBTk_Fill3DRectangle\fR).
-.AP XPoint *pointPtr in
-Pointer to array of points describing the set of vertices in a polygon.
-The polygon need not be closed (it will be closed automatically if it
-.AP int numPoints in
-Number of points at \fI*pointPtr\fR.
-.AP int polyBorderWidth in
-Width of border in pixels. If positive, border is drawn to left of
-trajectory given by \fIpointPtr\fR; if negative, border is drawn to
-right of trajectory. If \fIleftRelief\fR is TK_RELIEF_GROOVE or
-TK_RELIEF_RIDGE then the border is centered on the trajectory.
-.AP int leftRelief in
-Height of left side of polygon's path relative to right. TK_RELIEF_RAISED
-means left side should appear higher and TK_RELIEF_SUNKEN means right side
-should appear higher;
-TK_RELIEF_GROOVE and TK_RELIEF_RIDGE mean the obvious things.
-For \fBTk_Fill3DPolygon\fR, TK_RELIEF_FLAT may also be specified to
-indicate no difference in height.
-.AP int leftBevel in
-Non-zero means this bevel forms the left side of the object; zero means
-it forms the right side.
-.AP int leftIn in
-Non-zero means that the left edge of the horizontal bevel angles in,
-so that the bottom of the edge is farther to the right than
-the top.
-Zero means the edge angles out, so that the bottom is farther to the
-left than the top.
-.AP int rightIn in
-Non-zero means that the right edge of the horizontal bevel angles in,
-so that the bottom of the edge is farther to the left than the top.
-Zero means the edge angles out, so that the bottom is farther to the
-right than the top.
-.AP int topBevel in
-Non-zero means this bevel forms the top side of the object; zero means
-it forms the bottom side.
-.AP int which in
-Specifies which of the border's graphics contexts is desired.
-These procedures provide facilities for drawing window borders in a
-way that produces a three-dimensional appearance.
-.VS 8.1
-allocates colors and Pixmaps needed to draw a border in the window
-given by the \fItkwin\fR argument. The value of \fIobjPtr\fR
-is a standard Tk color name that determines the border colors.
-The color indicated by \fIobjPtr\fR will not actually be used in
-the border; it indicates the background color for the window
-(i.e. a color for flat surfaces).
-The illuminated portions of the border will appear brighter than indicated
-by \fIobjPtr\fR, and the shadowed portions of the border will appear
-darker than \fIobjPtr\fR.
-\fBTk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj\fR returns a token that may be used in later calls
-to \fBTk_Draw3DRectangle\fR. If an error occurs in allocating information
-for the border (e.g. a bogus color name was given)
-then NULL is returned and an error message is left in \fIinterp->result\fR.
-If it returns successfully, \fBTk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj\fR caches
-information about the return value in \fIobjPtr\fR, which speeds up
-future calls to \fBTk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj\fR with the same \fIobjPtr\fR
-and \fItkwin\fR.
-\fBTk_Get3DBorder\fR is identical to \fBTk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj\fR except
-that the color is specified with a string instead of an object. This
-prevents \fBTk_Get3DBorder\fR from caching the return value, so
-\fBTk_Get3DBorder\fR is less efficient than \fBTk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj\fR.
-\fBTk_Get3DBorderFromObj\fR returns the token for an existing border, given
-the window and color name used to create the border.
-\fBTk_Get3DBorderFromObj\fR doesn't actually create the border; it must
-already have been created with a previous call to
-\fBTk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj\fR or \fBTk_Get3DBorder\fR. The return
-value is cached in \fIobjPtr\fR, which speeds up
-future calls to \fBTk_Get3DBorderFromObj\fR with the same \fIobjPtr\fR
-and \fItkwin\fR.
-Once a border structure has been created, \fBTk_Draw3DRectangle\fR may be
-invoked to draw the border.
-The \fItkwin\fR argument specifies the
-window for which the border was allocated, and \fIdrawable\fR
-specifies a window or pixmap in which the border is to be drawn.
-\fIDrawable\fR need not refer to the same window as \fItkwin\fR, but it
-must refer to a compatible
-pixmap or window: one associated with the same screen and with the
-same depth as \fItkwin\fR.
-The \fIx\fR, \fIy\fR, \fIwidth\fR, and
-\fIheight\fR arguments define the bounding box of the border region
-within \fIdrawable\fR (usually \fIx\fR and \fIy\fR are zero and
-\fIwidth\fR and \fIheight\fR are the dimensions of the window), and
-\fIborderWidth\fR specifies the number of pixels actually
-occupied by the border. The \fIrelief\fR argument indicates
-which of several three-dimensional effects is desired:
-TK_RELIEF_RAISED means that the interior of the rectangle should appear raised
-relative to the exterior of the rectangle, and
-TK_RELIEF_SUNKEN means that the interior should appear depressed.
-TK_RELIEF_GROOVE and TK_RELIEF_RIDGE mean that there should appear to be
-a groove or ridge around the exterior of the rectangle.
-\fBTk_Fill3DRectangle\fR is somewhat like \fBTk_Draw3DRectangle\fR except
-that it first fills the rectangular area with the background color
-(one corresponding
-to the color used to create \fIborder\fR). Then it calls
-\fBTk_Draw3DRectangle\fR to draw a border just inside the outer edge of
-the rectangular area. The argument \fIrelief\fR indicates the desired
-effect (TK_RELIEF_FLAT means no border should be drawn; all that
-happens is to fill the rectangle with the background color).
-The procedure \fBTk_Draw3DPolygon\fR may be used to draw more complex
-shapes with a three-dimensional appearance. The \fIpointPtr\fR and
-\fInumPoints\fR arguments define a trajectory, \fIpolyBorderWidth\fR
-indicates how wide the border should be (and on which side of the
-trajectory to draw it), and \fIleftRelief\fR indicates which side
-of the trajectory should appear raised. \fBTk_Draw3DPolygon\fR
-draws a border around the given trajectory using the colors from
-\fIborder\fR to produce a three-dimensional appearance. If the trajectory is
-non-self-intersecting, the appearance will be a raised or sunken
-polygon shape. The trajectory may be self-intersecting, although
-it's not clear how useful this is.
-\fBTk_Fill3DPolygon\fR is to \fBTk_Draw3DPolygon\fR what
-\fBTk_Fill3DRectangle\fR is to \fBTk_Draw3DRectangle\fR: it fills
-the polygonal area with the background color from \fIborder\fR,
-then calls \fBTk_Draw3DPolygon\fR to draw a border around the
-area (unless \fIleftRelief\fR is TK_RELIEF_FLAT; in this case no
-border is drawn).
-The procedures \fBTk_3DVerticalBevel\fR and \fBTk_3DHorizontalBevel\fR
-provide lower-level drawing primitives that are used by
-procedures such as \fBTk_Draw3DRectangle\fR.
-These procedures are also useful in their own right for drawing
-rectilinear border shapes.
-\fBTk_3DVerticalBevel\fR draws a vertical beveled edge, such as the
-left or right side of a rectangle, and \fBTk_3DHorizontalBevel\fR
-draws a horizontal beveled edge, such as the top or bottom of a
-Each procedure takes \fIx\fR, \fIy\fR, \fIwidth\fR, and \fIheight\fR
-arguments that describe the rectangular area of the beveled edge
-(e.g., \fIwidth\fR is the border width for \fBTk_3DVerticalBevel\fR).
-The \fIleftBorder\fR and \fItopBorder\fR arguments indicate the
-position of the border relative to the ``inside'' of the object, and
-\fIrelief\fR indicates the relief of the inside of the object relative
-to the outside.
-\fBTk_3DVerticalBevel\fR just draws a rectangular region.
-\fBTk_3DHorizontalBevel\fR draws a trapezoidal region to generate
-mitered corners; it should be called after \fBTk_3DVerticalBevel\fR
-(otherwise \fBTk_3DVerticalBevel\fR will overwrite the mitering in
-the corner).
-The \fIleftIn\fR and \fIrightIn\fR arguments to \fBTk_3DHorizontalBevel\fR
-describe the mitering at the corners; a value of 1 means that the bottom
-edge of the trapezoid will be shorter than the top, 0 means it will
-be longer.
-For example, to draw a rectangular border the top bevel should be
-drawn with 1 for both \fIleftIn\fR and \fIrightIn\fR, and the
-bottom bevel should be drawn with 0 for both arguments.
-The procedure \fBTk_SetBackgroundFromBorder\fR will modify the background
-pixel and/or pixmap of \fItkwin\fR to produce a result compatible
-with \fIborder\fR. For color displays, the resulting background will
-just be the color specified when \fIborder\fR was created; for monochrome
-displays, the resulting background
-will be a light stipple pattern, in order to distinguish the background from
-the illuminated portion of the border.
-Given a token for a border, the procedure \fBTk_NameOf3DBorder\fR
-will return the color name that was used to create the border.
-The procedure \fBTk_3DBorderColor\fR returns the XColor structure
-that will be used for flat surfaces drawn for its \fIborder\fR
-argument by procedures like \fBTk_Fill3DRectangle\fR.
-The return value corresponds to the color name that was used to
-create the border.
-The XColor, and its associated pixel value, will remain allocated
-as long as \fIborder\fR exists.
-The procedure \fBTk_3DBorderGC\fR returns one of the X graphics contexts
-that are used to draw the border.
-The argument \fIwhich\fR selects which one of the three possible GC's:
-TK_3D_FLAT_GC returns the context used for flat surfaces,
-TK_3D_LIGHT_GC returns the context for light shadows,
-and TK_3D_DARK_GC returns the context for dark shadows.
-.VS 8.1
-When a border is no longer needed, \fBTk_Free3DBorderFromObj\fR
-or \fBTk_Free3DBorder\fR should
-be called to release the resources associated with it.
-For \fBTk_Free3DBorderFromObj\fR the border to release is specified
-with the window and color name used to create the
-border; for \fBTk_Free3DBorder\fR the border to release is specified
-with the Tk_3DBorder token for the border.
-There should be exactly one call to \fBTk_Free3DBorderFromObj\fR or
-\fBTk_Free3DBorder\fR for each call to \fBTk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj\fR
-or \fBTk_Get3DBorder\fR.
-3D, background, border, color, depressed, illumination, object, polygon, raised, shadow, three-dimensional effect