path: root/tix/demos/MkSample.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tix/demos/MkSample.tcl')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tix/demos/MkSample.tcl b/tix/demos/MkSample.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..20ca11753db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tix/demos/MkSample.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+# MkSample.tcl --
+# This file implements the "Sample" page in the widget demo
+# This file has not been properly documented. It is NOT intended
+# to be used as an introductory demo program about Tix
+# programming. For such demos, please see the files in the
+# demos/samples directory or go to the "Samples" page in the
+# "widget demo"
+# Copyright (c) 1996, Expert Interface Technologies
+# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
+# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+set tix_demo_running 1
+set samples_dir [tixNSubFolder $demo_dir samples]
+set sample_filename {}
+uplevel #0 source [list [tixNSubFolder $samples_dir AllSampl.tcl]]
+proc MkSample {nb page} {
+ global tixOption
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ set w [$nb subwidget $page]
+ set pane [tixPanedWindow $w.pane -orient horizontal]
+ pack $pane -expand yes -fill both
+ set f1 [$pane add 1 -expand 1]
+ set f2 [$pane add 2 -expand 3]
+ $f1 config -relief flat
+ $f2 config -relief flat
+ # Left pane: the Tree:
+ #
+ set lab [label $f1.lab -text "Select a sample program:" -anchor w]
+ set tree [tixTree $f1.slb \
+ -options {
+ hlist.selectMode single
+ hlist.width 40
+ }]
+ $tree config \
+ -command "Sample:Action $w $tree run" \
+ -browsecmd "Sample:Action $w $tree browse"
+ pack $lab -side top -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
+ pack $tree -side top -fill both -expand yes -padx 5
+ # Right pane: the Text
+ #
+ set labe [tixLabelEntry $f2.lab -label "Source:" -options {
+ label.anchor w
+ }]
+ $labe subwidget entry config -state disabled
+ set stext [tixScrolledText $f2.stext]
+ set f3 [frame $f2.f3]
+ set run [button $ -text "Run ..." \
+ -command "Sample:Action $w $tree run"]
+ set view [button $f3.view -text "View Source in Browser ..." \
+ -command "Sample:Action $w $tree view"]
+ pack $run $view -side left -fill y -pady 2
+ pack $labe -side top -fill x -padx 7 -pady 2
+ pack $f3 -side bottom -fill x -padx 7
+ pack $stext -side top -fill both -expand yes -padx 7
+ #
+ # Set up the text subwidget
+ set text [$stext subwidget text]
+ bind $text <1> "focus %W"
+ bind $text <Up> "%W yview scroll -1 unit"
+ bind $text <Down> "%W yview scroll 1 unit"
+ bind $text <Left> "%W xview scroll -1 unit"
+ bind $text <Right> "%W xview scroll 1 unit"
+ bind $text <Tab> {focus [tk_focusNext %W]; break}
+ bindtags $text "$text Text [winfo toplevel $text] all"
+ $text config -bg [$tree subwidget hlist cget -bg] \
+ -state disabled -font $tixOption(fixed_font) -wrap none
+ $run config -state disabled
+ $view config -state disabled
+ global demo
+ set demo(w:run) $run
+ set demo(w:view) $view
+ set demo(w:tree) $tree
+ set demo(w:lab1) $labe
+ set demo(w:stext) $stext
+ set hlist [$tree subwidget hlist]
+ $hlist config -separator "." -width 30 -drawbranch 0 \
+ -wideselect false
+ set style [tixDisplayStyle imagetext -refwindow $hlist \
+ -fg #202060 -padx 4]
+ uplevel #0 set TRANSPARENT_GIF_COLOR [$hlist cget -bg]
+ set file [tix getimage textfile]
+ set folder [tix getimage openfold]
+ ForAllSamples root "" \
+ [list AddSampleToHList $tree $hlist $style $file $folder]
+# AddSampleToHList --
+# A callback from ForAllSamples. Add all the possible sample files
+# into the Tree widget.
+proc AddSampleToHList {tree hlist style file folder token type text dest} {
+ case $type {
+ d {
+ return [$hlist addchild $token -itemtype imagetext -style $style \
+ -image $folder -text $text]
+ }
+ done {
+ if {![tixStrEq $token ""]} {
+ $tree setmode $token close
+ $tree close $token
+ }
+ }
+ f {
+ return [$hlist addchild $token -itemtype imagetext \
+ -image $file -text $text -data [list $text $dest]]
+ }
+ }
+proc Sample:Action {w slb action args} {
+ global samples demo_dir demo samples_dir
+ set hlist [$slb subwidget hlist]
+ set ent [$hlist info anchor]
+ if {$ent == ""} {
+ $demo(w:run) config -state disabled
+ $demo(w:view) config -state disabled
+ return
+ }
+ if {[$hlist info data $ent] == {}} {
+ # This is just a comment
+ $demo(w:run) config -state disabled
+ $demo(w:view) config -state disabled
+ return
+ } else {
+ $demo(w:run) config -state normal
+ $demo(w:view) config -state normal
+ }
+ set theSample [$hlist info data $ent]
+ set title [lindex $theSample 0]
+ set prog [lindex $theSample 1]
+ case $action {
+ "run" {
+ RunProg $title $prog
+ }
+ "view" {
+ LoadFile [tixNSubFolder $samples_dir $prog]
+ }
+ "browse" {
+ # Bring up a short description of the sample program
+ # in the scrolled text about
+ set text [$demo(w:stext) subwidget text]
+ uplevel #0 set sample_filename [list [tixNSubFolder $samples_dir $prog]]
+ tixWidgetDoWhenIdle ReadFileWhenIdle $text
+ $demo(w:lab1) subwidget entry config -state normal
+ $demo(w:lab1) subwidget entry delete 0 end
+ $demo(w:lab1) subwidget entry insert end [tixNSubFolder $samples_dir $prog]
+ $demo(w:lab1) subwidget entry xview end
+ $demo(w:lab1) subwidget entry config -state disabled
+ }
+ }
+proc RunProg {title prog} {
+ global samples demo_dir demo samples_dir
+ set w .[lindex [split $prog .] 0]
+ set w [string tolower $w]
+ if [winfo exists $w] {
+ wm deiconify $w
+ raise $w
+ return
+ }
+ uplevel #0 source [list [tixNSubFolder $samples_dir $prog]]
+ toplevel $w
+ wm title $w $title
+ RunSample $w
+proc LoadFile {filename} {
+ global tixOption
+ set tmp $filename
+ regsub -all . $filename _ tmp
+ set w [string tolower .$tmp]
+ if [winfo exists $w] {
+ wm deiconify $w
+ raise $w
+ return
+ }
+ toplevel $w
+ wm title $w "Source View: $filename"
+ button $w.b -text Close -command "destroy $w"
+ set t [tixScrolledText $w.text]
+ tixForm $w.b -left 0 -bottom -0 -padx 4 -pady 4
+ tixForm $w.text -left 0 -right -0 -top 0 -bottom $w.b
+ $t subwidget text config -highlightcolor [$t cget -bg] -bd 2 \
+ -bg [$t cget -bg] -font $tixOption(fixed_font)
+ if {$filename == {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ set text [$w.text subwidget text]
+ $text config -wrap none
+ ReadFile $text $filename
+proc ReadFileWhenIdle {text} {
+ global sample_filename
+ if ![file isdir $sample_filename] {
+ ReadFile $text $sample_filename
+ }
+proc ReadFile {text filename} {
+ set oldState [$text cget -state]
+ $text config -state normal
+ $text delete 0.0 end
+ set fd [open $filename {RDONLY}]
+ $text delete 1.0 end
+ while {![eof $fd]} {
+ $text insert end [gets $fd]\n
+ }
+ close $fd
+ $text see 1.0
+ $text config -state $oldState