# # Finddialog # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # This class implements a dialog for searching text. It prompts the # user for a search string and the method of searching which includes # case sensitive, regular expressions, backwards, and all. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # AUTHOR: Mark L. Ulferts EMAIL: mulferts@austin.dsccc.com # # @(#) RCS: $Id$ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 1996 DSC Technologies Corporation # ====================================================================== # Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and license this software # and its documentation for any purpose, and without fee or written # agreement with DSC, is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright # notice appears in all copies and that both the copyright notice and # warranty disclaimer below appear in supporting documentation, and that # the names of DSC Technologies Corporation or DSC Communications # Corporation not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the # software without specific, written prior permission. # # DSC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING # ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, AND NON- # INFRINGEMENT. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE # AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, # SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. IN NO EVENT SHALL # DSC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR # ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTUOUS ACTION, # ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS # SOFTWARE. # ====================================================================== # # Usual options. # itk::usual Finddialog { keep -background -cursor -foreground -selectcolor } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # IPRFINDDIALOG # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::class ::iwidgets::Finddialog { inherit iwidgets::Dialogshell constructor {args} {} itk_option define -selectcolor selectColor Background {} itk_option define -clearcommand clearCommand Command {} itk_option define -matchcommand matchCommand Command {} itk_option define -patternbackground patternBackground Background \#707070 itk_option define -patternforeground patternForeground Foreground White itk_option define -searchbackground searchBackground Background \#c4c4c4 itk_option define -searchforeground searchForeground Foreground Black itk_option define -textwidget textWidget TextWidget {} public { method clear {} method find {} } protected { method _get {setting} method _textExists {} common _optionValues ;# Current settings of check buttons. common _searchPoint ;# Starting location for searches common _matchLen ;# Matching pattern string length } } # # Provide a lowercased access method for the ::finddialog class. # proc ::iwidgets::finddialog {pathName args} { uplevel ::iwidgets::Finddialog $pathName $args } # # Use option database to override default resources of base classes. # option add *Finddialog.title "Find" widgetDefault # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # CONSTRUCTOR # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body ::iwidgets::Finddialog::constructor {args} { # # Add the find pattern entryfield. # itk_component add pattern { iwidgets::Entryfield $itk_interior.pattern -labeltext "Find:" } bind [$itk_component(pattern) component entry] \ "[itcl::code $this invoke]; break" # # Add the find all checkbutton. # itk_component add all { checkbutton $itk_interior.all \ -variable [itcl::scope _optionValues($this-all)] \ -text "All" } # # Add the case consideration checkbutton. # itk_component add case { checkbutton $itk_interior.case \ -variable [itcl::scope _optionValues($this-case)] \ -text "Consider Case" } # # Add the regular expression checkbutton. # itk_component add regexp { checkbutton $itk_interior.regexp \ -variable [itcl::scope _optionValues($this-regexp)] \ -text "Use Regular Expression" } # # Add the find backwards checkbutton. # itk_component add backwards { checkbutton $itk_interior.backwards \ -variable [itcl::scope _optionValues($this-backwards)] \ -text "Find Backwards" } # # Add the find, clear, and close buttons, making find be the default. # add Find -text Find -command [itcl::code $this find] add Clear -text Clear -command [itcl::code $this clear] add Close -text Close -command [itcl::code $this deactivate 0] default Find # # Use the grid to layout the components. # grid $itk_component(pattern) -row 0 -column 0 \ -padx 10 -pady 10 -columnspan 4 -sticky ew grid $itk_component(all) -row 1 -column 0 grid $itk_component(case) -row 1 -column 1 grid $itk_component(regexp) -row 1 -column 2 grid $itk_component(backwards) -row 1 -column 3 grid columnconfigure $itk_interior 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $itk_interior 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $itk_interior 2 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $itk_interior 3 -weight 1 # # Initialize all the configuration options. # eval itk_initialize $args } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTIONS # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -clearcommand # # Specifies a command to be invoked following a clear operation. # The command is meant to be a means of notification that the # clear has taken place and allow other actions to take place such # as disabling a find again menu. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::configbody iwidgets::Finddialog::clearcommand {} # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -matchcommand # # Specifies a command to be invoked following a find operation. # The command is called with a match point as an argument. Should # a match not be found the match point is {}. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::configbody iwidgets::Finddialog::matchcommand {} # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -patternbackground # # Specifies the background color of the text matching the search # pattern. It may have any of the forms accepted by Tk_GetColor. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::configbody iwidgets::Finddialog::patternbackground {} # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -patternforeground # # Specifies the foreground color of the pattern matching a search # operation. It may have any of the forms accepted by Tk_GetColor. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::configbody iwidgets::Finddialog::patternforeground {} # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -searchforeground # # Specifies the foreground color of the line containing the matching # pattern from a search operation. It may have any of the forms # accepted by Tk_GetColor. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::configbody iwidgets::Finddialog::searchforeground {} # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -searchbackground # # Specifies the background color of the line containing the matching # pattern from a search operation. It may have any of the forms # accepted by Tk_GetColor. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::configbody iwidgets::Finddialog::searchbackground {} # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTION: -textwidget # # Specifies the scrolledtext or text widget to be searched. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::configbody iwidgets::Finddialog::textwidget { if {$itk_option(-textwidget) != {}} { set _searchPoint($itk_option(-textwidget)) 1.0 } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHOD: clear # # Clear the pattern entryfield and the indicators. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body ::iwidgets::Finddialog::clear {} { $itk_component(pattern) clear if {[_textExists]} { set _searchPoint($itk_option(-textwidget)) 1.0 $itk_option(-textwidget) tag remove search-line 1.0 end $itk_option(-textwidget) tag remove search-pattern 1.0 end } if {$itk_option(-clearcommand) != {}} { eval $itk_option(-clearcommand) } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHOD: find # # Search for a specific text string in the text widget given by # the -textwidget option. Should this option not be set to an # existing widget, then a quick exit is made. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body ::iwidgets::Finddialog::find {} { if {! [_textExists]} { return } # # Clear any existing indicators in the text widget. # $itk_option(-textwidget) tag remove search-line 1.0 end $itk_option(-textwidget) tag remove search-pattern 1.0 end # # Make sure the search pattern isn't just blank. If so, skip this. # set pattern [_get pattern] if {[string trim $pattern] == ""} { return } # # After clearing out any old highlight indicators from a previous # search, we'll be building our search command piece-meal based on # the current settings of the checkbuttons in the find dialog. The # first we'll add is a variable to catch the count of the length # of the string matching the pattern. # set precmd "$itk_option(-textwidget) search \ -count [list [itcl::scope _matchLen($this)]]" if {! [_get case]} { append precmd " -nocase" } if {[_get regexp]} { append precmd " -regexp" } else { append precmd " -exact" } # # If we are going to find all matches, then the start point for # the search will be the beginning of the text; otherwise, we'll # use the last known starting point +/- a character depending on # the direction. # if {[_get all]} { set _searchPoint($itk_option(-textwidget)) 1.0 } else { if {[_get backwards]} { append precmd " -backwards" } else { append precmd " -forwards" } } # # Get the pattern to be matched and add it to the search command. # Since it may contain embedded spaces, we'll wrap it in a list. # append precmd " [list $pattern]" # # If the search is for all matches, then we'll be performing the # search until no more matches are found; otherwise, we'll break # out of the loop after one search. # while {1} { if {[_get all]} { set postcmd " $_searchPoint($itk_option(-textwidget)) end" } else { set postcmd " $_searchPoint($itk_option(-textwidget))" } # # Create the final search command out of the pre and post parts # and evaluate it which returns the location of the matching string. # set cmd {} append cmd $precmd $postcmd if {[catch {eval $cmd} matchPoint] != 0} { set _searchPoint($itk_option(-textwidget)) 1.0 return {} } # # If a match exists, then we'll make this spot be the new starting # position. Then we'll tag the line and the pattern in the line. # The foreground and background settings will lite these positions # in the text widget up. # if {$matchPoint != {}} { set _searchPoint($itk_option(-textwidget)) $matchPoint $itk_option(-textwidget) tag add search-line \ "$_searchPoint($itk_option(-textwidget)) linestart" \ "$_searchPoint($itk_option(-textwidget))" $itk_option(-textwidget) tag add search-line \ "$_searchPoint($itk_option(-textwidget)) + \ $_matchLen($this) chars" \ "$_searchPoint($itk_option(-textwidget)) lineend" $itk_option(-textwidget) tag add search-pattern \ $_searchPoint($itk_option(-textwidget)) \ "$_searchPoint($itk_option(-textwidget)) + \ $_matchLen($this) chars" } # # Set the search point for the next time through to be one # character more or less from the current search point based # on the direction. # if {[_get all] || ! [_get backwards]} { set _searchPoint($itk_option(-textwidget)) \ [$itk_option(-textwidget) index \ "$_searchPoint($itk_option(-textwidget)) + 1c"] } else { set _searchPoint($itk_option(-textwidget)) \ [$itk_option(-textwidget) index \ "$_searchPoint($itk_option(-textwidget)) - 1c"] } # # If this isn't a find all operation or we didn't get a match, exit. # if {(! [_get all]) || ($matchPoint == {})} { break } } # # Configure the colors for the search-line and search-pattern. # $itk_option(-textwidget) tag configure search-line \ -foreground $itk_option(-searchforeground) $itk_option(-textwidget) tag configure search-line \ -background $itk_option(-searchbackground) $itk_option(-textwidget) tag configure search-pattern \ -background $itk_option(-patternbackground) $itk_option(-textwidget) tag configure search-pattern \ -foreground $itk_option(-patternforeground) # # Adjust the view to be the last matched position. # if {$matchPoint != {}} { $itk_option(-textwidget) see $matchPoint } # # There may be multiple matches of the pattern on a single line, # so we'll set the tag priorities such that the pattern tag is higher. # $itk_option(-textwidget) tag raise search-pattern search-line # # If a match command is defined, then call it with the match point. # if {$itk_option(-matchcommand) != {}} { [subst $itk_option(-matchcommand)] $matchPoint } # # Return the match point to the caller so they know if we found # anything and if so where # return $matchPoint } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _get setting # # Get the current value for the pattern, case, regexp, or backwards. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body ::iwidgets::Finddialog::_get {setting} { switch $setting { pattern { return [$itk_component(pattern) get] } case { return $_optionValues($this-case) } regexp { return $_optionValues($this-regexp) } backwards { return $_optionValues($this-backwards) } all { return $_optionValues($this-all) } default { error "bad get setting: \"$setting\", should be pattern,\ case, regexp, backwards, or all" } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _textExists # # Check the validity of the text widget option. Does it exist and # is it of the class Text or Scrolledtext. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body ::iwidgets::Finddialog::_textExists {} { if {$itk_option(-textwidget) == {}} { return 0 } if {! [winfo exists $itk_option(-textwidget)]} { error "bad finddialog text widget value: \"$itk_option(-textwidget)\",\ the widget doesn't exist" } if {([winfo class $itk_option(-textwidget)] != "Text") && ([itcl::find objects -isa iwidgets::Scrolledtext *::$itk_option(-textwidget)] == "")} { error "bad finddialog text widget value: \"$itk_option(-textwidget)\",\ must be of the class Text or based on Scrolledtext" } return 1 }