/* Instruction opcode header for iq2000. THIS FILE IS MACHINE GENERATED WITH CGEN. Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU Binutils and/or GDB, the GNU debugger. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef IQ2000_OPC_H #define IQ2000_OPC_H /* -- opc.h */ /* Allows reason codes to be output when assembler errors occur. */ #define CGEN_VERBOSE_ASSEMBLER_ERRORS /* Override disassembly hashing - there are variable bits in the top byte of these instructions. */ #define CGEN_DIS_HASH_SIZE 8 #define CGEN_DIS_HASH(buf,value) (((* (unsigned char*) (buf)) >> 6) % CGEN_DIS_HASH_SIZE) /* following activates check beyond hashing since some iq2000 and iq10 instructions have same mnemonics but different functionality. */ #define CGEN_VALIDATE_INSN_SUPPORTED extern int iq2000_cgen_insn_supported (CGEN_CPU_DESC cd, CGEN_INSN *insn); /* -- asm.c */ /* Enum declaration for iq2000 instruction types. */ typedef enum cgen_insn_type { IQ2000_INSN_INVALID, IQ2000_INSN_ADD2, IQ2000_INSN_ADD, IQ2000_INSN_ADDI2 , IQ2000_INSN_ADDI, IQ2000_INSN_ADDIU2, IQ2000_INSN_ADDIU, IQ2000_INSN_ADDU2 , IQ2000_INSN_ADDU, IQ2000_INSN_ADO162, IQ2000_INSN_ADO16, IQ2000_INSN_AND2 , IQ2000_INSN_AND, IQ2000_INSN_ANDI2, IQ2000_INSN_ANDI, IQ2000_INSN_ANDOI2 , IQ2000_INSN_ANDOI, IQ2000_INSN_NOR2, IQ2000_INSN_NOR, IQ2000_INSN_OR2 , IQ2000_INSN_OR, IQ2000_INSN_ORI2, IQ2000_INSN_ORI, IQ2000_INSN_RAM , IQ2000_INSN_SLL, IQ2000_INSN_SLLV2, IQ2000_INSN_SLLV, IQ2000_INSN_SLMV2 , IQ2000_INSN_SLMV, IQ2000_INSN_SLT2, IQ2000_INSN_SLT, IQ2000_INSN_SLTI2 , IQ2000_INSN_SLTI, IQ2000_INSN_SLTIU2, IQ2000_INSN_SLTIU, IQ2000_INSN_SLTU2 , IQ2000_INSN_SLTU, IQ2000_INSN_SRA2, IQ2000_INSN_SRA, IQ2000_INSN_SRAV2 , IQ2000_INSN_SRAV, IQ2000_INSN_SRL, IQ2000_INSN_SRLV2, IQ2000_INSN_SRLV , IQ2000_INSN_SRMV2, IQ2000_INSN_SRMV, IQ2000_INSN_SUB2, IQ2000_INSN_SUB , IQ2000_INSN_SUBU2, IQ2000_INSN_SUBU, IQ2000_INSN_XOR2, IQ2000_INSN_XOR , IQ2000_INSN_XORI2, IQ2000_INSN_XORI, IQ2000_INSN_BBI, IQ2000_INSN_BBIN , IQ2000_INSN_BBV, IQ2000_INSN_BBVN, IQ2000_INSN_BEQ, IQ2000_INSN_BEQL , IQ2000_INSN_BGEZ, IQ2000_INSN_BGEZAL, IQ2000_INSN_BGEZALL, IQ2000_INSN_BGEZL , IQ2000_INSN_BLTZ, IQ2000_INSN_BLTZL, IQ2000_INSN_BLTZAL, IQ2000_INSN_BLTZALL , IQ2000_INSN_BMB0, IQ2000_INSN_BMB1, IQ2000_INSN_BMB2, IQ2000_INSN_BMB3 , IQ2000_INSN_BNE, IQ2000_INSN_BNEL, IQ2000_INSN_JALR, IQ2000_INSN_JR , IQ2000_INSN_LB, IQ2000_INSN_LBU, IQ2000_INSN_LH, IQ2000_INSN_LHU , IQ2000_INSN_LUI, IQ2000_INSN_LW, IQ2000_INSN_SB, IQ2000_INSN_SH , IQ2000_INSN_SW, IQ2000_INSN_BREAK, IQ2000_INSN_SYSCALL, IQ2000_INSN_ANDOUI , IQ2000_INSN_ANDOUI2, IQ2000_INSN_ORUI2, IQ2000_INSN_ORUI, IQ2000_INSN_BGTZ , IQ2000_INSN_BGTZL, IQ2000_INSN_BLEZ, IQ2000_INSN_BLEZL, IQ2000_INSN_MRGB , IQ2000_INSN_MRGB2, IQ2000_INSN_BCTXT, IQ2000_INSN_BC0F, IQ2000_INSN_BC0FL , IQ2000_INSN_BC3F, IQ2000_INSN_BC3FL, IQ2000_INSN_BC0T, IQ2000_INSN_BC0TL , IQ2000_INSN_BC3T, IQ2000_INSN_BC3TL, IQ2000_INSN_CFC0, IQ2000_INSN_CFC1 , IQ2000_INSN_CFC2, IQ2000_INSN_CFC3, IQ2000_INSN_CHKHDR, IQ2000_INSN_CTC0 , IQ2000_INSN_CTC1, IQ2000_INSN_CTC2, IQ2000_INSN_CTC3, IQ2000_INSN_JCR , IQ2000_INSN_LUC32, IQ2000_INSN_LUC32L, IQ2000_INSN_LUC64, IQ2000_INSN_LUC64L , IQ2000_INSN_LUK, IQ2000_INSN_LULCK, IQ2000_INSN_LUM32, IQ2000_INSN_LUM32L , IQ2000_INSN_LUM64, IQ2000_INSN_LUM64L, IQ2000_INSN_LUR, IQ2000_INSN_LURL , IQ2000_INSN_LUULCK, IQ2000_INSN_MFC0, IQ2000_INSN_MFC1, IQ2000_INSN_MFC2 , IQ2000_INSN_MFC3, IQ2000_INSN_MTC0, IQ2000_INSN_MTC1, IQ2000_INSN_MTC2 , IQ2000_INSN_MTC3, IQ2000_INSN_PKRL, IQ2000_INSN_PKRLR1, IQ2000_INSN_PKRLR30 , IQ2000_INSN_RB, IQ2000_INSN_RBR1, IQ2000_INSN_RBR30, IQ2000_INSN_RFE , IQ2000_INSN_RX, IQ2000_INSN_RXR1, IQ2000_INSN_RXR30, IQ2000_INSN_SLEEP , IQ2000_INSN_SRRD, IQ2000_INSN_SRRDL, IQ2000_INSN_SRULCK, IQ2000_INSN_SRWR , IQ2000_INSN_SRWRU, IQ2000_INSN_TRAPQFL, IQ2000_INSN_TRAPQNE, IQ2000_INSN_TRAPREL , IQ2000_INSN_WB, IQ2000_INSN_WBU, IQ2000_INSN_WBR1, IQ2000_INSN_WBR1U , IQ2000_INSN_WBR30, IQ2000_INSN_WBR30U, IQ2000_INSN_WX, IQ2000_INSN_WXU , IQ2000_INSN_WXR1, IQ2000_INSN_WXR1U, IQ2000_INSN_WXR30, IQ2000_INSN_WXR30U , IQ2000_INSN_LDW, IQ2000_INSN_SDW, IQ2000_INSN_J, IQ2000_INSN_JAL , IQ2000_INSN_BMB, IQ2000_INSN_ANDOUI_Q10, IQ2000_INSN_ANDOUI2_Q10, IQ2000_INSN_ORUI_Q10 , IQ2000_INSN_ORUI2_Q10, IQ2000_INSN_MRGBQ10, IQ2000_INSN_MRGBQ102, IQ2000_INSN_JQ10 , IQ2000_INSN_JALQ10, IQ2000_INSN_JALQ10_2, IQ2000_INSN_BBIL, IQ2000_INSN_BBINL , IQ2000_INSN_BBVL, IQ2000_INSN_BBVNL, IQ2000_INSN_BGTZAL, IQ2000_INSN_BGTZALL , IQ2000_INSN_BLEZAL, IQ2000_INSN_BLEZALL, IQ2000_INSN_BGTZ_Q10, IQ2000_INSN_BGTZL_Q10 , IQ2000_INSN_BLEZ_Q10, IQ2000_INSN_BLEZL_Q10, IQ2000_INSN_BMB_Q10, IQ2000_INSN_BMBL , IQ2000_INSN_BRI, IQ2000_INSN_BRV, IQ2000_INSN_BCTX, IQ2000_INSN_YIELD , IQ2000_INSN_CRC32, IQ2000_INSN_CRC32B, IQ2000_INSN_CNT1S, IQ2000_INSN_AVAIL , IQ2000_INSN_FREE, IQ2000_INSN_TSTOD, IQ2000_INSN_CMPHDR, IQ2000_INSN_MCID , IQ2000_INSN_DBA, IQ2000_INSN_DBD, IQ2000_INSN_DPWT, IQ2000_INSN_CHKHDRQ10 , IQ2000_INSN_RBA, IQ2000_INSN_RBAL, IQ2000_INSN_RBAR, IQ2000_INSN_WBA , IQ2000_INSN_WBAU, IQ2000_INSN_WBAC, IQ2000_INSN_RBI, IQ2000_INSN_RBIL , IQ2000_INSN_RBIR, IQ2000_INSN_WBI, IQ2000_INSN_WBIC, IQ2000_INSN_WBIU , IQ2000_INSN_PKRLI, IQ2000_INSN_PKRLIH, IQ2000_INSN_PKRLIU, IQ2000_INSN_PKRLIC , IQ2000_INSN_PKRLA, IQ2000_INSN_PKRLAU, IQ2000_INSN_PKRLAH, IQ2000_INSN_PKRLAC , IQ2000_INSN_LOCK, IQ2000_INSN_UNLK, IQ2000_INSN_SWRD, IQ2000_INSN_SWRDL , IQ2000_INSN_SWWR, IQ2000_INSN_SWWRU, IQ2000_INSN_DWRD, IQ2000_INSN_DWRDL , IQ2000_INSN_CAM36, IQ2000_INSN_CAM72, IQ2000_INSN_CAM144, IQ2000_INSN_CAM288 , IQ2000_INSN_CM32AND, IQ2000_INSN_CM32ANDN, IQ2000_INSN_CM32OR, IQ2000_INSN_CM32RA , IQ2000_INSN_CM32RD, IQ2000_INSN_CM32RI, IQ2000_INSN_CM32RS, IQ2000_INSN_CM32SA , IQ2000_INSN_CM32SD, IQ2000_INSN_CM32SI, IQ2000_INSN_CM32SS, IQ2000_INSN_CM32XOR , IQ2000_INSN_CM64CLR, IQ2000_INSN_CM64RA, IQ2000_INSN_CM64RD, IQ2000_INSN_CM64RI , IQ2000_INSN_CM64RIA2, IQ2000_INSN_CM64RS, IQ2000_INSN_CM64SA, IQ2000_INSN_CM64SD , IQ2000_INSN_CM64SI, IQ2000_INSN_CM64SIA2, IQ2000_INSN_CM64SS, IQ2000_INSN_CM128RIA2 , IQ2000_INSN_CM128RIA3, IQ2000_INSN_CM128RIA4, IQ2000_INSN_CM128SIA2, IQ2000_INSN_CM128SIA3 , IQ2000_INSN_CM128SIA4, IQ2000_INSN_CM128VSA, IQ2000_INSN_CFC, IQ2000_INSN_CTC } CGEN_INSN_TYPE; /* Index of `invalid' insn place holder. */ #define CGEN_INSN_INVALID IQ2000_INSN_INVALID /* Total number of insns in table. */ #define MAX_INSNS ((int) IQ2000_INSN_CTC + 1) /* This struct records data prior to insertion or after extraction. */ struct cgen_fields { int length; long f_nil; long f_anyof; long f_opcode; long f_rs; long f_rt; long f_rd; long f_shamt; long f_cp_op; long f_cp_op_10; long f_cp_grp; long f_func; long f_imm; long f_rd_rs; long f_rd_rt; long f_rt_rs; long f_jtarg; long f_jtargq10; long f_offset; long f_count; long f_bytecount; long f_index; long f_mask; long f_maskq10; long f_maskl; long f_excode; long f_rsrvd; long f_10_11; long f_24_19; long f_5; long f_10; long f_25; long f_cam_z; long f_cam_y; long f_cm_3func; long f_cm_4func; long f_cm_3z; long f_cm_4z; }; #define CGEN_INIT_PARSE(od) \ {\ } #define CGEN_INIT_INSERT(od) \ {\ } #define CGEN_INIT_EXTRACT(od) \ {\ } #define CGEN_INIT_PRINT(od) \ {\ } #endif /* IQ2000_OPC_H */