path: root/docs/reference/gtk/tmpl/gtksocket.sgml
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diff --git a/docs/reference/gtk/tmpl/gtksocket.sgml b/docs/reference/gtk/tmpl/gtksocket.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae9ea670f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/reference/gtk/tmpl/gtksocket.sgml
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+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+Container for widgets from other processes.
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+Together with #GtkPlug, #GtkSocket provides the ability
+to embed widgets from one process into another process
+in a fashion that is transparent to the user. One
+process creates a #GtkSocket widget and, passes the
+XID of that widget's window to the other process,
+which then creates a #GtkPlug window with that XID.
+Any widgets contained in the #GtkPlug then will appear
+inside the first applications window.
+The XID of the socket's window is obtained by using
+the GTK_WINDOW_XWINDOW() macro from the header
+file &lt;gdk/gdkx.h&gt;. Before using this macro,
+the socket must have been realized, and for hence,
+have been added to its parent.
+<title> Obtaining the XID of a socket </title>
+#include &lt;gdk/gdkx.h&gt;
+GtkWidget *socket = gtk_socket_new();
+gtk_widget_show (socket);
+gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (parent), socket);
+/* The following call is only necessary if one of
+ * the ancestors of the socket is not yet visible.
+ */
+gtk_widget_realize (socket);
+g_print ("The XID of the sockets window is %#x\n",
+ GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW (socket->window));
+Note that if you pass the XID of the socket to another
+process that will create a plug in the socket, you
+must make sure that the socket widget is not destroyed
+until that plug is created. Violating this rule will
+cause unpredictable consequences, the most likely
+consequence being that the plug will appear as a
+separate toplevel window. You can check if the plug
+has been created by examining the
+<StructField>plug_window</StructField> field of the
+#GtkSocket structure. If this field is non-NULL,
+then the plug has been succesfully created inside
+of the socket.
+When GTK+ is notified that the embedded window has been
+destroyed, then it will destroy the socket as well. You
+should always, therefore, be prepared for your sockets
+to be destroyed at any time when the main event loop
+is running.
+A socket can also be used to swallow arbitrary
+pre-existing top-level windows using gtk_socket_steal(),
+though the integration when this is done will not be as close
+as between a #GtkPlug and a #GtkSocket.</para>
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<listitem><para>the widget that plugs into a #GtkSocket.</para></listitem>
+<!-- ##### STRUCT GtkSocket ##### -->
+The #GtkEditable structure contains the following field.
+(This field should be considered read-only. It should
+never be set by an application.)
+<informaltable pgwide=1 frame="none" role="struct">
+<tgroup cols="2"><colspec colwidth="2*"><colspec colwidth="8*">
+<entry>#GdkWindow *plug_window;</entry>
+<entry>the window embedded inside this #GtkSocket.</entry>
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gtk_socket_new ##### -->
+Create a new empty #GtkSocket.
+@Returns: the new #GtkSocket.
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gtk_socket_steal ##### -->
+Reparents a pre-existing toplevel window into a
+@socket: a #GtkSocket.
+@wid: the XID of an existing toplevel window.