stages: - build - analysis - docs - deploy # Common variables variables: CCACHE_DIR: _ccache COMMON_MESON_FLAGS: "-Dwerror=true -Dglib:werror=false" LOADERS_FLAGS: "-Dpng=true -Djpeg=true -Dtiff=true" MESON_TEST_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER: 3 FEDORA_IMAGE: "" .only-default: only: - branches except: - tags .build-linux: extends: .only-default before_script: - mkdir -p _ccache script: - meson setup ${COMMON_MESON_FLAGS} ${LOADERS_FLAGS} ${BUILD_OPTS} _build . - meson compile -C _build - .gitlab/scripts/ _build artifacts: when: always name: "gdk-pixbuf-${CI_JOB_NAME}-${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" paths: - "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/_build/meson-logs" - "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/_build/report-${CI_JOB_NAME}.xml" reports: junit: - "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/_build/report-${CI_JOB_NAME}.xml" cache: key: "$CI_JOB_NAME" paths: - _ccache/ style-check-diff: extends: .only-default image: $FEDORA_IMAGE stage: .pre allow_failure: true script: - .gitlab/scripts/ meson-fedora-x86_64: stage: build extends: .build-linux image: ${FEDORA_IMAGE} needs: [] macos: stage: build needs: [] only: - branches@GNOME/gdk-pixbuf except: - tags tags: - macos before_script: - pip3 install --user meson==0.56 - pip3 install --user ninja - export PATH=/Users/gitlabrunner/Library/Python/3.7/bin:$PATH script: - meson setup -Dintrospection=disabled -Dinstalled_tests=false -Dman=false -Dgtk_doc=false _build - meson compile -C _build artifacts: when: always paths: - "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/_build/meson-logs" msys2-mingw64: stage: build needs: [] tags: - win32-ps variables: MSYSTEM: "MINGW64" CHERE_INVOKING: "yes" script: - C:\msys64\usr\bin\pacman --noconfirm -Syyuu - C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "bash -x ./.gitlab/ci/" artifacts: name: "gdk-pixbuf-${env:CI_JOB_NAME}-${env:CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" when: always paths: - _build/meson-logs release-build: stage: build extends: .build-linux image: ${FEDORA_IMAGE} needs: [] variables: BUILD_OPTS: "-Dbuildtype=release" reference: stage: docs image: ${FEDORA_IMAGE} needs: [] variables: BUILD_OPTS: "-Dbuildtype=release -Dgtk_doc=true" script: - meson setup ${COMMON_MESON_FLAGS} ${LOADERS_FLAGS} ${BUILD_OPTS} _build . - meson compile -C _build - mkdir -p _reference - mv _build/docs/gdk-pixbuf/ _reference/gdk-pixbuf/ - mv _build/docs/gdk-pixdata/ _reference/gdk-pixdata/ artifacts: when: on_success paths: - _reference static-scan: image: $FEDORA_IMAGE stage: analysis needs: [] variables: BUILD_OPTS: "--buildtype=debug" script: - meson setup ${COMMON_MESON_FLAGS} ${LOADERS_FLAGS} ${BUILD_OPTS} _scan_build - ninja -C _scan_build scan-build artifacts: paths: - _scan_build/meson-logs allow_failure: true # Run tests with the address sanitizer. We need to turn off introspection, # since it is incompatible with asan asan-build: image: $FEDORA_IMAGE tags: [ asan ] stage: analysis needs: [] variables: script: - CC=clang meson setup --buildtype=debugoptimized -Db_sanitize=address -Db_lundef=false -Dintrospection=disabled _build - meson compile -C _build - .gitlab/scripts/ _build artifacts: paths: - _build/meson-logs allow_failure: true release-dist: stage: build image: ${FEDORA_IMAGE} needs: [] variables: BUILD_OPTS: "-Dbuildtype=release -Dgtk_doc=true" script: - meson ${COMMON_MESON_FLAGS} ${LOADERS_FLAGS} ${BUILD_OPTS} _build . - meson compile -C _build - meson dist -C _build - tar -c -J -f _build/gdk-pixbuf-docs-${CI_COMMIT_TAG}.tar.xz _build/docs/gdk-pixbuf/ - tar -c -J -f _build/gdk-pixdata-docs-${CI_COMMIT_TAG}.tar.xz _build/docs/gdk-pixdata/ artifacts: when: on_success paths: - _build/meson-dist/gdk-pixbuf-${CI_COMMIT_TAG}.tar.xz - _build/gdk-pixbuf-docs-${CI_COMMIT_TAG}.tar.xz - _build/gdk-pixdata-docs-${CI_COMMIT_TAG}.tar.xz only: - tags pages: stage: deploy needs: [reference] script: - mv _reference public artifacts: paths: - public only: - master