GtkRadioToolButton A toolbar item that contains a radio button. A #GtkRadioToolButton is a #GtkToolItem that contains a radio button, that is, a button that is part of a group of toggle buttons where only one button can be active at a time. Use gtk_radio_tool_button_new() to create a new #GtkRadioToolButton. use gtk_radio_tool_button_new_from_widget() to create a new #GtkRadioToolButton that is part of the same group as an existing #GtkRadioToolButton. Use gtk_radio_tool_button_new_from_stock() or gtk_radio_tool_button_new_from_widget_with_stock() to create a new #GtkRAdioToolButton containing a stock item. #GtkToolbar The toolbar widget #GtkToolButton An ancestor class of GtkRadioToolButton. The properties "label_widget", "label", "icon_widget", and "stock_id" on #GtkToolButton determine the label and icon used on a #GtkRadioToolButton. #GtkSeparatorToolItem A subclass of #GtkToolItem that separates groups of items on a toolbar. It is usually a good idea to put a separator before and after a group of #GtkRadioToolButtons on a #GtkToolbar. The #GtkRadioToolButton contains only private data and should only be accessed through the functions described below. @group: @Returns: @group: @stock_id: @Returns: @group: @Returns: @group: @stock_id: @Returns: @button: @Returns: @button: @group: