/* GTK - The GIMP Toolkit * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald * GtkStatusbar Copyright (C) 1998 Shawn T. Amundson * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* * Modified by the GTK+ Team and others 1997-2000. See the AUTHORS * file for a list of people on the GTK+ Team. See the ChangeLog * files for a list of changes. These files are distributed with * GTK+ at ftp://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk/. */ #include "gtkframe.h" #include "gtklabel.h" #include "gtksignal.h" #include "gtkstatusbar.h" enum { SIGNAL_TEXT_PUSHED, SIGNAL_TEXT_POPPED, SIGNAL_LAST }; static void gtk_statusbar_class_init (GtkStatusbarClass *class); static void gtk_statusbar_init (GtkStatusbar *statusbar); static void gtk_statusbar_destroy (GtkObject *object); static void gtk_statusbar_update (GtkStatusbar *statusbar, guint context_id, const gchar *text); static GtkContainerClass *parent_class; static guint statusbar_signals[SIGNAL_LAST] = { 0 }; GtkType gtk_statusbar_get_type (void) { static GtkType statusbar_type = 0; if (!statusbar_type) { static const GtkTypeInfo statusbar_info = { "GtkStatusbar", sizeof (GtkStatusbar), sizeof (GtkStatusbarClass), (GtkClassInitFunc) gtk_statusbar_class_init, (GtkObjectInitFunc) gtk_statusbar_init, /* reserved_1 */ NULL, /* reserved_2 */ NULL, (GtkClassInitFunc) NULL, }; statusbar_type = gtk_type_unique (GTK_TYPE_HBOX, &statusbar_info); } return statusbar_type; } static void gtk_statusbar_class_init (GtkStatusbarClass *class) { GtkObjectClass *object_class; GtkWidgetClass *widget_class; GtkContainerClass *container_class; object_class = (GtkObjectClass *) class; widget_class = (GtkWidgetClass *) class; container_class = (GtkContainerClass *) class; parent_class = gtk_type_class (GTK_TYPE_HBOX); object_class->destroy = gtk_statusbar_destroy; class->messages_mem_chunk = g_mem_chunk_new ("GtkStatusBar messages mem chunk", sizeof (GtkStatusbarMsg), sizeof (GtkStatusbarMsg) * 64, G_ALLOC_AND_FREE); class->text_pushed = gtk_statusbar_update; class->text_popped = gtk_statusbar_update; statusbar_signals[SIGNAL_TEXT_PUSHED] = gtk_signal_new ("text_pushed", GTK_RUN_LAST, GTK_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (GtkStatusbarClass, text_pushed), gtk_marshal_VOID__UINT_STRING, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 2, GTK_TYPE_UINT, GTK_TYPE_STRING); statusbar_signals[SIGNAL_TEXT_POPPED] = gtk_signal_new ("text_popped", GTK_RUN_LAST, GTK_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (GtkStatusbarClass, text_popped), gtk_marshal_VOID__UINT_STRING, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 2, GTK_TYPE_UINT, GTK_TYPE_STRING); gtk_object_class_add_signals (object_class, statusbar_signals, SIGNAL_LAST); } static void gtk_statusbar_init (GtkStatusbar *statusbar) { GtkBox *box; box = GTK_BOX (statusbar); box->spacing = 2; box->homogeneous = FALSE; statusbar->frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); gtk_frame_set_shadow_type (GTK_FRAME (statusbar->frame), GTK_SHADOW_IN); gtk_box_pack_start (box, statusbar->frame, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show (statusbar->frame); statusbar->label = gtk_label_new (""); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (statusbar->label), 0.0, 0.0); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (statusbar->frame), statusbar->label); gtk_widget_show (statusbar->label); statusbar->seq_context_id = 1; statusbar->seq_message_id = 1; statusbar->messages = NULL; statusbar->keys = NULL; } GtkWidget* gtk_statusbar_new (void) { return gtk_type_new (GTK_TYPE_STATUSBAR); } static void gtk_statusbar_update (GtkStatusbar *statusbar, guint context_id, const gchar *text) { g_return_if_fail (statusbar != NULL); g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_STATUSBAR (statusbar)); if (!text) text = ""; gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (statusbar->label), text); } guint gtk_statusbar_get_context_id (GtkStatusbar *statusbar, const gchar *context_description) { gchar *string; guint *id; g_return_val_if_fail (statusbar != NULL, 0); g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_STATUSBAR (statusbar), 0); g_return_val_if_fail (context_description != NULL, 0); /* we need to preserve namespaces on object datas */ string = g_strconcat ("gtk-status-bar-context:", context_description, NULL); id = gtk_object_get_data (GTK_OBJECT (statusbar), string); if (!id) { id = g_new (guint, 1); *id = statusbar->seq_context_id++; gtk_object_set_data_full (GTK_OBJECT (statusbar), string, id, (GtkDestroyNotify) g_free); statusbar->keys = g_slist_prepend (statusbar->keys, string); } else g_free (string); return *id; } guint gtk_statusbar_push (GtkStatusbar *statusbar, guint context_id, const gchar *text) { GtkStatusbarMsg *msg; GtkStatusbarClass *class; g_return_val_if_fail (statusbar != NULL, 0); g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_STATUSBAR (statusbar), 0); g_return_val_if_fail (text != NULL, 0); class = GTK_STATUSBAR_GET_CLASS (statusbar); msg = g_chunk_new (GtkStatusbarMsg, class->messages_mem_chunk); msg->text = g_strdup (text); msg->context_id = context_id; msg->message_id = statusbar->seq_message_id++; statusbar->messages = g_slist_prepend (statusbar->messages, msg); gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (statusbar), statusbar_signals[SIGNAL_TEXT_PUSHED], msg->context_id, msg->text); return msg->message_id; } void gtk_statusbar_pop (GtkStatusbar *statusbar, guint context_id) { GtkStatusbarMsg *msg; g_return_if_fail (statusbar != NULL); g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_STATUSBAR (statusbar)); if (statusbar->messages) { GSList *list; for (list = statusbar->messages; list; list = list->next) { msg = list->data; if (msg->context_id == context_id) { GtkStatusbarClass *class; class = GTK_STATUSBAR_GET_CLASS (statusbar); statusbar->messages = g_slist_remove_link (statusbar->messages, list); g_free (msg->text); g_mem_chunk_free (class->messages_mem_chunk, msg); g_slist_free_1 (list); break; } } } msg = statusbar->messages ? statusbar->messages->data : NULL; gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (statusbar), statusbar_signals[SIGNAL_TEXT_POPPED], (guint) (msg ? msg->context_id : 0), msg ? msg->text : NULL); } void gtk_statusbar_remove (GtkStatusbar *statusbar, guint context_id, guint message_id) { GtkStatusbarMsg *msg; g_return_if_fail (statusbar != NULL); g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_STATUSBAR (statusbar)); g_return_if_fail (message_id > 0); msg = statusbar->messages ? statusbar->messages->data : NULL; if (msg) { GSList *list; /* care about signal emission if the topmost item is removed */ if (msg->context_id == context_id && msg->message_id == message_id) { gtk_statusbar_pop (statusbar, context_id); return; } for (list = statusbar->messages; list; list = list->next) { msg = list->data; if (msg->context_id == context_id && msg->message_id == message_id) { GtkStatusbarClass *class; class = GTK_STATUSBAR_GET_CLASS (statusbar); statusbar->messages = g_slist_remove_link (statusbar->messages, list); g_free (msg->text); g_mem_chunk_free (class->messages_mem_chunk, msg); g_slist_free_1 (list); break; } } } } static void gtk_statusbar_destroy (GtkObject *object) { GtkStatusbar *statusbar; GtkStatusbarClass *class; GSList *list; g_return_if_fail (object != NULL); g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_STATUSBAR (object)); statusbar = GTK_STATUSBAR (object); class = GTK_STATUSBAR_GET_CLASS (statusbar); for (list = statusbar->messages; list; list = list->next) { GtkStatusbarMsg *msg; msg = list->data; g_free (msg->text); g_mem_chunk_free (class->messages_mem_chunk, msg); } g_slist_free (statusbar->messages); statusbar->messages = NULL; for (list = statusbar->keys; list; list = list->next) g_free (list->data); g_slist_free (statusbar->keys); statusbar->keys = NULL; GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy (object); }