# Resources; we cannot use gnome.compile_resources() here, because we need to # override the environment in order to use the utilities we just built instead # of the system ones resources_c = custom_target('resources.c', input: 'resources.gresource.xml', output: 'resources.c', command: [ gen_resources, '--pixdata=@0@'.format(gdk_pixbuf_pixdata.full_path()), '--loaders=@0@'.format(loaders_cache.full_path()), '--sourcedir=@0@'.format(meson.current_source_dir()), '--source', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', ], depends: [ gdk_pixbuf_pixdata, loaders_cache, ], ) resources_h = custom_target('resources.h', input: 'resources.gresource.xml', output: 'resources.h', command: [ gen_resources, '--pixdata=@0@'.format(gdk_pixbuf_pixdata.full_path()), '--loaders=@0@'.format(loaders_cache.full_path()), '--sourcedir=@0@'.format(meson.current_source_dir()), '--header', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', ], depends: [ gdk_pixbuf_pixdata, loaders_cache, ], ) # [ test name, [ test suites ], needs_resources (opt) ] # # test suites: # - conform: Behavior conformance test # - security: CVEs and the like # - slow: Needs special timeout value # - format: Per-format test # - io: Loading/saving # - ops: Pixel operations installed_tests = [ [ 'pixbuf-construction', ['conform'], ], [ 'animation', ['format'], ], [ 'cve-2015-4491', ['security'], true ], [ 'pixbuf-fail', ['conform', 'slow'], ], [ 'pixbuf-icon-serialize', ['conform'], ], [ 'pixbuf-randomly-modified', ['slow'], ], [ 'pixbuf-threads', ['io'], ], [ 'pixbuf-gif', ['io'], ], [ 'pixbuf-icc', ['io'], ], [ 'pixbuf-jpeg', ['format'], ], [ 'pixbuf-dpi', ['io'], ], [ 'pixbuf-pixdata', ['format'], true ], [ 'pixbuf-stream', ['io'], ], [ 'pixbuf-reftest', ['conform'], ], [ 'pixbuf-resource', ['io'], true ], [ 'pixbuf-scale', ['ops'], ], [ 'pixbuf-scale-two-step', ['ops'], ], [ 'pixbuf-short-gif-write', ['format'], ], [ 'pixbuf-gif-circular-table', ['format'], ], [ 'pixbuf-save', ['io'] ], [ 'pixbuf-readonly-to-mutable', ['conform'], ], [ 'pixbuf-composite', ['ops'], ], [ 'pixbuf-area-updated', ['slow'], ], ] test_data = [ 'test-image.png', 'test-animation.gif', '1_partyanimsm2.gif', 'test-animation.ani', 'icc-profile.jpeg', 'icc-profile.png', 'dpi.jpeg', 'dpi.png', 'dpi.tiff', 'premature-end.png', 'premature-end.jpg', 'bug143608-comment.jpg', 'bug725582-testrotate.jpg', 'bug725582-testrotate.png', 'bug753605-atsize.jpg', 'cve-2015-4491.bmp', 'large.png', 'large.jpg', 'bug775218.jpg', 'test-image.pixdata', 'test-image-rle.pixdata', 'bug775693.pixdata', 'bug775229.pixdata', 'aero.gif', ] installed_test_bindir = join_paths(gdk_pixbuf_libexecdir, 'installed-tests', meson.project_name()) installed_test_datadir = join_paths(gdk_pixbuf_datadir, 'installed-tests', meson.project_name()) if get_option('installed_tests') install_data(test_data, install_dir: installed_test_bindir) install_subdir('test-images', install_dir: installed_test_bindir) endif test_deps = gdk_pixbuf_deps + [ gdkpixbuf_dep ] foreach t: installed_tests test_name = t[0] test_sources = [ test_name + '.c', 'test-common.c' ] test_suites = t[1] needs_resources = t.get(2, false) if needs_resources test_sources += [ resources_c, resources_h ] endif custom_target(test_name + '.test', output: test_name + '.test', command: [ gen_installed_test, '--testbindir=@0@'.format(installed_test_bindir), '--testbin=@0@'.format(test_name), '@OUTPUT@', ], install: get_option('installed_tests'), install_dir: installed_test_datadir, ) test_bin = executable(test_name, test_sources, dependencies: test_deps, include_directories: [ root_inc, gdk_pixbuf_inc, ], c_args: common_cflags, install: get_option('installed_tests'), install_dir: installed_test_bindir, ) # Two particularly slow tests if test_suites.contains('slow') timeout = 300 else timeout = 30 endif test(test_name, test_bin, suite: test_suites, args: [ '-k', '--tap' ], env: [ 'G_TEST_SRCDIR=@0@'.format(meson.current_source_dir()), 'G_TEST_BUILDDIR=@0@'.format(meson.current_build_dir()), 'GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE=@0@'.format(loaders_cache.full_path()), ], timeout: timeout, ) endforeach executable('pixbuf-read', 'pixbuf-read.c', dependencies: test_deps, include_directories: [ root_inc, include_directories('../gdk-pixbuf') ], c_args: common_cflags, )