path: root/docs/uk
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authorBrian Cameron <>2006-10-30 21:13:55 +0000
committerBrian Cameron <>2006-10-30 21:13:55 +0000
commit75454c33e40b72c84d3f7d40feedd1001e5c91ff (patch)
tree834f0fb4fde45daeca0e889b14e7936708b24b41 /docs/uk
parent9a95d44e1048b9a5f909f13231360f0530e7cb29 (diff)
*** empty log message ***
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/uk')
1 files changed, 825 insertions, 648 deletions
diff --git a/docs/uk/gdm.xml b/docs/uk/gdm.xml
index 4ebe0a4c..eab46179 100644
--- a/docs/uk/gdm.xml
+++ b/docs/uk/gdm.xml
@@ -4460,646 +4460,797 @@ homogeneous="bool"&gt;
- <para>Окрім того, можна мати довільний ідентифікатор (рекомендується, щоб вони починались з 'custom', щоб не конфліктувати з наступними доповненими версіями цієї специфікації) та запитувати у користувача додаткову інформацію. Дивіться розділ 'Власні віджети'</para>
- <para>Елементи позначок можуть мати такі ідентифікатори:</para>
- <term>clock</term>
+ <term>userlist-rect</term>
+ This id can be specified for the <rect> object containing the
+ userlist and if the userlist is empty then this rectangle will
+ not be shown. This allows the theme to define something like
+ an area with a different color and/or alpha to surround the
+ userlist, but only if there are users to display.
+ Furthermore, you can have an arbitrary id (I'd recommend starting
+ the id with 'custom' not to conflict with future additions to this
+ spec) and ask extra information of the user. See the section
+ 'Custom Widgetry'
+ Label items can have id values as follows:
+ clock
Label that displays the date and time.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>pam-prompt</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
+ pam-prompt
Label that displays the PAM prompt. This is the prompt that PAM
uses to ask for username, password, etc...
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>pam-error</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
+ pam-error
Label that displayst PAM/GDM error messages. Such as when user
can't log in.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>pam-error-logo</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
+ pam-error-logo
An image that will be displayed only when a pam-error message
is being displayed. This is useful for displaying an
- "Attention" icon, for example. This feature is
+ Attention icon, for example. This feature is
supported in GDM 2.14.6 and later.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>pam-message</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
+ pam-message
Label that displays the PAM message. These are messages that
PAM/GDM gives about state of the account, help about the
prompts and other information.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>timed-label</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Позначка, що відображає інформацію про вхід у сеанс.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
+ timed-label
+ Label that displays timed login information.
- <para>прямокутники можуть мати такі значення ідентифікаторів:</para>
+ Rectangles can have id values as follows:
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>caps-lock-warning</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Відображає значок, який показує чи нажата клавіша CAPS LOCK.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
+ caps-lock-warning
+ Displays an icon that shows if the
+ CAPS LOCK key is depressed. This rectangle
+ will be hidden/shown appropriately
- <para>
If an item is of type rect, the item can be a button. Buttons
- must also include a "button" value as follows:
-&lt;item type="rect" id="disconnect_button" button="true"&gt;.
- </para>
+ must also include a button value as follows:
- <para>
+item type=rect id=disconnect_button button=true.
Possible values for button ids are as follows.
- </para>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>chooser_button</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Запускає програму вибору XDMCP.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
+ chooser_button
+ Runs the XDMCP chooser.
- <varlistentry>
- <term>config_button</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Запускає програму налаштовування GDM.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
+ config_button
+ Runs the GDM configuration application.
- <varlistentry>
- <term>custom_cmd_button[0-9]</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Runs the <filename>n-th</filename> custom command.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>disconnect_button</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Відключає від віддаленого сеансу.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
+ custom_cmd_button[0-9]
+ Runs the n-th custom command.
+ disconnect_button
+ Disconnect from remote session.
- <varlistentry>
- <term>language_button</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Відображає діалогове вікно вибору мови.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
+ language_button
+ Displays the language selection dialog.
- <varlistentry>
- <term>halt_button</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Зупиняє (вимикає) систему.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
+ halt_button
+ Halt (shuts down) the system.
- <varlistentry>
- <term>reboot_button</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Перезапуск системи.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
+ reboot_button
+ Restart the system.
- <varlistentry>
- <term>session_button</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Виводить список доступних сеансів.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
+ session_button
+ List and select from available sessions.
- <varlistentry>
- <term>suspend_button</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Призупиняє систему.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
+ suspend_button
+ Suspend the system.
- <varlistentry>
- <term>system_button</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
+ system_button
Perform halt/restart/suspend/etc. options (if allowed by GDM
configuration). Also allows user to run configurator if user
enters root password (again if allowed by GDM configuration).
This is usually now labeled Actions, and referred to as the
Actions menu.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="positionnodes">
- <title>Вузол позиції</title>
+ Position Node
- <para>
- Each item can specify its position and size via the "pos"
+ Each item can specify its position and size via the pos
node. For example:
-&lt;pos x="0" y="4" width="100%" height="100%"/&gt;
- </para>
- <para>Обидві позиції та розмір може бути вказаний у відсотках та елемент буде займати вказаний відсоток розміру поточного контейнера. Елементи, не укладені у контейнер, займаються вказаний відсоток екрану.</para>
+pos x=0 y=4 width=100% height=100%/
- <para>Для x та y, також можна вказати від'ємне значення розташування, що буде означати відлік від правого чи нижнього боку. Але це стосується лише абсолютних координат. Якщо вказано від'ємне значення відсотків, відлік все одно буде з того самого боку.</para>
- <para>
+ Both position and size can be given in percent and it will be taken
+ as the percentage of the size of the current container. For toplevel
+ items it's the percentage of the whole screen.
+ For x and y, you can also specify a negative position which means
+ position from the right or bottom edge. But this only applies with
+ absolute coordinates. With percentage you can specify negative
+ position and it will be still from the same edge.
The position also specifies the anchor of the item, this can be
- "n" "ne" "e" "se"
- "s" "sw" "w" and "nw" or
- "center" which stand for the different edges/corners or
- "center" for center. For example:
-&lt;pos x="10%" y="50%" anchor="w" width="80%" height="95"/&gt;
- </para>
+ n ne e se
+ s sw w and nw or
+ center which stand for the different edges/corners or
+ center for center. For example:
- <para>Якщо елемент містить контейнер, можна вказати ширину та висоту "box", що означає, що вони вважаються шириною та висотою контейнера, тобто елементи у контейнері плюс відступи.</para>
+pos x=10% y=50% anchor=w width=80% height=95/
- <para>Якщо елемент містить зображення SVG, ви можете вказати ширину та висоту "scale", що означає, що масштаб зображення SVG буде змінено, щоб воно пристосувалось до запитаної області.</para>
- <para>Можна вказати властивості "expand" значення "true" чи false. Якщо вказано true, тоді дочірній елемент буде розширено наскільки це можливо (тобто він займатиме більше простору, якщо він є).</para>
+ If the item contains a box, you can specify width and height to be
+ box to mean that they are supposed to be the width and
+ height of the box, that is the items in the box plus the padding.
- <para>
+ If the item contains an SVG image, you can specify width and height
+ to be scale to mean that the SVG image should be scaled
+ to fit the requested area.
+ You can also specify an expand property to either be
+ true or false. If true then the child will be expanded
+ in the box as much as possible (that is it will be given more space
+ if available).
There are two extra properties you can specify (as of for
- labels (and labels only). The first is "max-width" which
+ labels (and labels only). The first is max-width which
will specify the maximum width of the label in pixels. And the
- second is "max-screen-percent-width" which specifies the
+ second is max-screen-percent-width which specifies the
maximum percentage of the screen width that the label can occupy.
By default no label will occupy more then 90% of the screen by width.
An example may be:
-&lt;item type="label"&gt;
-&lt;pos x="10%" max-screen-percent-width="50%"/&gt;
- </para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="shownodes">
- <title>Вузол Show</title>
+item type=label
+pos x="10%" max-screen-percent-width="50%"/
- <para>Вузли типу Some можуть відображатись у кількох режимах, як при віддаленому режимі. Декілька значень можна вказати та вони мають розділятись комами. Можливі значення:</para>
+ Show Node
- <para><filename>console</filename> - консольний режим.</para>
- <para><filename>console-fixed</filename> - консольний не-гнучкий режим.</para>
- <para><filename>console-flexi</filename> - консольний та гнучкий режим.</para>
- <para><filename>flexi</filename> - гнучкий режим.</para>
- <para><filename>remote</filename> - віддалений режим.</para>
- <para><filename>remote-flexi</filename> - віддалений та гнучкий режим.</para>
+ Some items may only display in certain modes, like when doing a
+ remote display. Multiple values can be specified and must be
+ separated with commas. The following values are possible:
- <para>
+ console - In console mode.
+ console-fixed - In console non-flexi mode.
+ console-flexi - In console flexi mode.
+ flexi - In flexi mode.
+ remote - In remote mode.
+ remote-flexi - In remote flexi mode.
For example:
-&lt;show modes="flexi,remote"/&gt;
- </para>
- <para>Також ви можете вказати значення "type", щоб позначити, що певні елементи мають відображатись якщо type має значення true. Допустимі значення:</para>
+show modes=flexi,remote/
- <para>
- <filename>chooser</filename>, if ChooserButton is set to
- "true" in the GDM configuration.
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>config</filename>, if ConfigAvailable is set to
- "true" in the GDM configuration.
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>custom_cmd[0-9]</filename>, if <filename>n-th</filename>
+ You can also specify the type value to indicate that
+ certain items should only be displayed if the type is true. Valid
+ values include the following:
+ chooser, if ChooserButton is set to
+ true in the GDM configuration.
+ config, if ConfigAvailable is set to
+ true in the GDM configuration.
+ custom_cmd[0-9], if n-th
CustomCommand is specified in the GDM configuration.
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>halt</filename>, if HaltDaemon is specified in
+ halt, if HaltDaemon is specified in
the GDM configuration.
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>reboot</filename>, if RebootCommand is specified in
+ reboot, if RebootCommand is specified in
the GDM configuration.
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>suspend</filename>, if SuspendCommand is specified in
+ suspend, if SuspendCommand is specified in
the GDM configuration.
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>system</filename>, if SystemMenu is specified in
+ system, if SystemMenu is specified in
the GDM configuration.
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>timed</filename>, if TimedLoginEnabled is set to
- "true" in the GDM configuration.
- </para>
+ timed, if TimedLoginEnabled is set to
+ true in the GDM configuration.
- <para>
For example:
-&lt;show modes="console" type="system"/&gt;
- </para>
- <para>
+show modes=console type=system/
Note that if SystemMenu is off then the halt, restart, suspend,
chooser and config choices will not be shown, so this is a global
toggle for them all. See some of the standard themes for how the
show modes are used.
- </para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="noractprenodes">
- <title>Вузли Normal/Active/Prelight</title>
+ Normal/Active/Prelight Nodes
- <para>В залежності від типу вузла (за винятком списку користувачів - дивіться вузол Color нижче), можна вказати його колір, шрифт, або зображення у наступних тегах:</para>
+ Depending on the item type (except for userlist - refer to Color node
+ below), it can specify its color, font, or image via the following
+ tags:
- <para><filename>normal</filename> - звичайний стан.</para>
- <para><filename>active</filename> - стан, коли елемент має фокус вводу.</para>
- <para><filename>prelight</filename> - коли миша знаходиться над елементом.</para>
+ normal - normal state.
+ active - when the item has active focus.
+ prelight - when the mouse is hovering over the
+ item.
- <para>
- When item is "rect" (alpha can be omitted and defaults to
+ When item is rect (alpha can be omitted and defaults to
-&lt;normal color="#ffffff" alpha="0.0"&gt;
- </para>
- <para>
- When item is "label"
-&lt;normal color="#ffffff" font="Sans 14"/&gt;
- </para>
+normal color=#ffffff alpha=0.0
- <para>
- When the item type is "pixmap" or "SVG", then the
+ When item is label
+normal color=#ffffff font=Sans 14/
+ When the item type is pixmap or SVG, then the
normal, active, and prelight tags specify the images to use as
-&lt;normal file="picture.png" tint="#dddddd"/&gt;
- </para>
- <para>Зауважте, що відносні назви шляхів мають бути у тому самому каталозі, що й <filename>.xml</filename> файл теми у <filename>&lt;share&gt;/gdm/themes/&lt;theme_name&gt;</filename>.</para>
+normal file=picture.png tint=#dddddd/
- <para>
+ Note that relative pathnames are assumed to be in the same
+ directory as the theme .xml file in
+ share/gdm/themes/theme_name.
Note that alternative image file can be specified using the altfile[n]
property. GDM will use the last valid image filename specified.
For example:
-&lt;normal file="picture.png" altfile1="distribution-blah-image.png" altfile2="distribution-foo-image.png"/&gt;
- If <filename>distribution-foo-image.png</filename> is a valid image
+normal file=picture.png altfile1=distribution-blah-image.png altfile2=distribution-foo-image.png/
+ If distribution-foo-image.png is a valid image
filename it will be used. Otherwise distribution-blah-image.png will
be used if valid.
- </para>
- </sect3>
+ Face Browser Icon/Label Color Nodes
- <sect3 id="listcoloronodes">
- <title>Значок перегляду портретів/вузли кольорів позначки</title>
+ If the item type is of userlist, then the background color for the
+ icon and label can be set separately via the the following tag:
- <para>Якщо тип елемента - список користувачів, тоді колір тла для значка та позначки можуть визначатись окремо таким тегом:</para>
- <para>
-&lt;color iconcolor="#dddddd" labelcolor="#ffffff"/&gt;
- </para>
- </sect3>
+color iconcolor=#dddddd labelcolor=#ffffff/
- <sect3 id="textnodes">
- <title>Текстовий вузол</title>
- <para>
+ Text Node
Text tags are used by labels. They can be used to display
- localized text as follows (if the "xml:lang" attribute is
+ localized text as follows (if the xml:lang attribute is
omitted, the C locale is assumed):
-&lt;text xml:lang="fr"&gt;Option&lt;/text&gt;
- </para>
- <para>
+text xml:lang=frOption/text
You can include pango markup in the text nodes for labels, however
you must encode it. So for example to have the label of
- "foo&lt;sup&gt;bar&lt;/sup&gt;", you must type:
- </para>
+ foosupbar/sup, you must type:
- <para>Текстові вузли можуть містити наступні спеціальні послідовності символів:</para>
- <para>
+ Text nodes can contain the following special character sequences
+ which will be translated as follows:
%% - A literal % character
- </para>
- <para>%c - час годинника. Лише позначки з ідентифікатором "clock" будуть оновлюватись кожну секунду. Інші позначки будуть містити статичне значення часу.</para>
- <para>%d - назва дисплею (змінна оточення DISPLAY)</para>
- <para>%h - назва вузла (вивід gethostname)</para>
- <para>%m - назва машини (вивід uname.machine)</para>
- <para>
+ %c - Clock time. Only labels with the clock id will
+ update automatically every second. Other labels will contain a
+ static timestamp.
+ %d - Display name (DISPLAY environment variable)
+ %h - Hostname (gethostname output)
+ %m - Machine name (uname.machine output)
%n - Node name (uname.nodename output)
- </para>
- <para>%o - назва домену (вивід getdomainname)</para>
- <para>%r - назва випуску (вивід uname.release)</para>
- <para>%s - назва системи (вивід uname.sysname)</para>
- <para>%t - поточне значення затримки для входу із затримкою з конфігураційного файл (0 - якщо вимкнено), за яким йде слово "seconds", якщо значення більше ніж 1 або слово "second" якщо значення дорівнює 1. Ця символьна послідовність призначена для внутрішнього використання всередині для відображення повідомлень типу "позначка часу", що автоматично оновлюються кожної секунди.</para>
- <para>%u - ім'я користувача для входу із затримкою з конфігураційного файлу (порожнє, якщо вимкнено) Ця символьна послідовність призначена для внутрішнього використання всередині для відображення повідомлень типу "позначка часу", що автоматично оновлюються кожної секунди.</para>
- <para>\n - переведення каретки</para>
- <para>
+ %o - Domain name (getdomainname output)
+ %r - Release name (uname.release output)
+ %s - System name (uname.sysname output)
+ %t - Current timed delay value from configuration file (0 if off)
+ followed by the word seconds if value is greater than 1
+ or the word second if the value is 1. This character
+ sequence is intended to be only used internally to display the
+ timed-label message, which is automatically updated every
+ second.
+ %u - Timed username value from configuration file (empty if off)
+ This character sequence is intended to be only used internally to
+ display the timed-label message, which is automatically
+ updated every second.
+ \n - Carriage return
_ - An underscore causes the following character to be underlined.
If it precedes a % character sequence, the string that replaces the
character sequence is underlined.
- </para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="stocklabels">
- <title>Stock</title>
+ Stock
- <para>Деякі загальні локалізовані позначки можна вказувати через теги з набору. Якщо вказано тег "stock", тоді тег "text" ігнорується. Слід використовувати позначки з набору позначок, замість призначення перекладеного значення у тему. При цьому прискорюється час завантаження та краще відбувається переклад. Можливі значення:</para>
+ Certain common localized labels can be specified via the stock
+ tags. The text tag is ignored if the stock
+ tag is used. You should really use the stock labels rather then
+ just putting all the translations into the themes. This gives
+ faster load times and likely better translations. The following
+ values are valid:
- <para>
- <filename>cancel</filename>, _("_Cancel"
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>caps-lock-warning</filename>,
- _("Caps Lock key is on."
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>chooser</filename>, _("Remote Login via _XDMCP"
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>config</filename>, _("_Configure"
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>custom_cmd[0-9]</filename>, _("Custom_[0-9]"
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>disconnect</filename>, _("D_isconnect"
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>halt</filename>, _("Shut _Down"
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>language</filename>, _("_Language"
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>ok</filename>, _("_OK"
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>quit</filename>, _("_Quit"
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>reboot</filename>, _("_Restart"
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>session</filename>, _("_Session"
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>startover</filename>, _("_Start Over"
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>suspend</filename>, _("Sus_pend"
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>system</filename>, _("_Actions"
- (Formerly "S_ystem"
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>timed-label</filename>,
- _("User %u will login in %t"
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>username-label</filename>, _("Username:"
- </para>
- <para>
- <filename>welcome-label</filename>, _("Welcome to %n"
- </para>
+ cancel, _(_Cancel
+ caps-lock-warning,
+ _(Caps Lock key is on.
+ chooser, _(Remote Login via _XDMCP
+ config, _(_Configure
+ custom_cmd[0-9], _(Custom_[0-9]
+ disconnect, _(D_isconnect
+ halt, _(Shut _Down
+ language, _(_Language
+ ok, _(_OK
+ quit, _(_Quit
+ reboot, _(_Restart
+ session, _(_Session
+ startover, _(_Start Over
+ suspend, _(Sus_pend
+ system, _(_Actions
+ (Formerly S_ystem
+ timed-label,
+ _(User %u will login in %t
+ username-label, _(Username:
+ welcome-label, _(Welcome to %n
- <para>
For example:
-&lt;stock type="welcome-label"&gt;
- </para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="customwidgetry">
- <title>Власні віджети</title>
+stock type=welcome-label
- <para>
+ Custom Widgetry
Currently there is one item which is customizable and this is
the list item. If you need to ask the user extra things, such as
to pick from a list of places to log into, or set of custom login
sessions you can setup the list item and add listitem children that
describe the choices. Each listitem must have an id and a text
child. The choice will be recorded in the file
- <filename>&lt;ServAuthDir&gt;/&lt;display&gt;.GreeterInfo</filename>
- as <filename>&lt;list id&gt;=&lt;listitem id&gt;</filename>.
- </para>
+ ServAuthDir/display.GreeterInfo
+ as list id=listitem id.
- <para>
For example suppose we are on display :0,
- <filename>ServAuthDir</filename> is
- <filename>&lt;var&gt;/lib/gdm</filename> and we have the following in the
+ ServAuthDir is
+ var/lib/gdm and we have the following in the
- </para>
-&lt;item type="list" id="custom-config"&gt;
-&lt;pos anchor="nw" x="1" y="1" height="200" width="100"&gt;
-&lt;listitem id="foo"&gt;
-&lt;listitem id="bar"&gt;
- <para>
+item type=list id=custom-config
+pos anchor=nw x=1 y=1 height=200 width=100
+listitem id=foo
+listitem id=bar
Then if the user chooses 'Foo' then
- <filename>&lt;var&gt;/lib/gdm/:0.GreeterInfo</filename> will contain:
+ var/lib/gdm/:0.GreeterInfo will contain:
- </para>
- </sect3>
- </sect2>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="accessibility">
- <title>Спеціальні можливості</title>
- <para>
- GDM supports "Accessible Login" to allow users to log in to
+ Accessibility
+ GDM supports Accessible Login to allow users to log in to
their desktop session even if they cannot easily use the screen, mouse,
- or keyboard in the usual way. Only the "Standard Greeter"
+ or keyboard in the usual way. Only the Standard Greeter
supports accessibility, so use this login GUI for accessibility
- support. This is done by specifying the "Standard Greeter"
- in the "Local" tab for the console display and specifying
- the "Standard Greeter" in the "Remote" tab for
- remote displays. Or you can modify the <filename>Greeter</filename>
- configuration option by hand to be <command>gdmlogin</command>.
- </para>
+ support. This is done by specifying the Standard Greeter
+ in the Local tab for the console display and specifying
+ the Standard Greeter in the Remote tab for
+ remote displays. Or you can modify the Greeter
+ configuration option by hand to be gdmlogin.
- <para>
The Standard Greeter supports the ability to launch assistive
- technologies at login time via configurable "gestures" from
+ technologies at login time via configurable gestures from
the standard keyboard, pointing device, or switch device attached to
the USB or PS/2 mouse port. Also the user can change the visual
appearance of the login UI before logging in, for instance to use a
higher-contrast color scheme for better visibility.
- </para>
- <sect2 id="accessibilityconfig">
- <title>Налаштовування спеціальних можливостей</title>
- <para>
+ Accessibility Configuration
In order to enable Accessible Login, the system administrator must
make some changes to the default login configuration by manually
modifying three human-readable configuration files, stored in
the GDM configuration, AccessKeyMouseEvents and
- </para>
- <para>
In order to allow users to change the color and contrast scheme of
the login dialog, make sure the
- <filename>AllowThemeChange</filename> parameter in the GDM
- configuration is set to "true".
- </para>
+ AllowThemeChange parameter in the GDM
+ configuration is set to true.
- <para>
To restrict user changes to the visual appearance to a subset of
- available themes, the <filename>GtkThemesToAllow</filename>
+ available themes, the GtkThemesToAllow
parameter in the GDM configuration can be set to a list of
acceptable themes separated by commas. For example:
- </para>
- <para>
To enable the use of assistive technologies such as the Onscreen
Keyboard, Screen Reader, or Magnifier, the
- <filename>AddGtkModules</filename> parameter in the GDM
- configuration must be uncommented and set to "true".
- Also the <filename>GtkModulesList</filename> parameter must be
+ AddGtkModules parameter in the GDM
+ configuration must be uncommented and set to true.
+ Also the GtkModulesList parameter must be
uncommented and set as follows:
- </para>
- <para>
The use of assistive technologies and the atk-bridge module
- requires the registry daemon, <command>at-spi-registryd</command>,
+ requires the registry daemon, at-spi-registryd,
to be running. This is handled by the GDM GUI starting with
version 2.17.
- </para>
- <para>
System administrators may wish to load only the minimum subset of
these modules which is required to support their user base.
Depending on the end-user needs, not all of the above GtkModules
may need to be loaded. If your end-users need the integrated
- Screen Reader and Magnifier, you must include "gail" and
- "atk-bridge". If your end-users will be using a
+ Screen Reader and Magnifier, you must include gail and
+ atk-bridge. If your end-users will be using a
pointing device without buttons or switches, include
- "dwellmouselistener". If some of your users will use
+ dwellmouselistener. If some of your users will use
pointing devices with switches, alternative physical keyboards, or
- switch/button devices, include "keymouselistener".
+ switch/button devices, include keymouselistener.
Including all four is suitable for most system configurations.
The Onscreen Keyboard can operate without gail and atk-bridge, but
with a reduced feature set; for optimum accessibility we recommend
including both gail and atk-bridge.
- </para>
- <para>
- Once "keymouselistener" and/or
- "dwellmouselistener" have been added to the GtkModules
+ Once keymouselistener and/or
+ dwellmouselistener have been added to the GtkModules
loaded by GDM, you can assign end-user actions with the launching
of specific assistive technologies. These gesture associations
are contained in files AccessKeyMouseEvents and
AccessDwellMouseEvents, respectively. Both files are located in
- the &lt;etc&gt;/gdm/modules directory. The gesture format is
+ the etc/gdm/modules directory. The gesture format is
described in the two configuration files.
- </para>
- <para>
The AccessKeyMouseEvents file controls the keymouselistener
Gesture Listener and is used to define key-press, mouse button,
or XInput device sequences that can be used to launch applications
needed for accessibility. In order to reduce the likelihood of
- unintentional launch, these "gestures" may be associated
+ unintentional launch, these gestures may be associated
with multiple switch presses and/or minimum durations. Note that
the XKB extension is needed for key gestures to work, so you may
need to add +xkb to your Xserver command line for gestures to
work properly.
- </para>
- <para>
The DwellKeyMouseEvents file controls the dwellmouselistner and
supports gestures that involve only motion of a pointing device
such as the system mouse of an alternative pointing device such
as a head pointer or trackball may also be defined. All gestures
are specified by the same syntax; that is, there is no distinction
- between a "core mouse" gesture and motion from an
+ between a core mouse gesture and motion from an
alternate input device.
- </para>
- <para>
- Motion gestures are defined as "crossing events" into
+ Motion gestures are defined as crossing events into
and out of the login dialog window. If the
- "dwellmouselistener" GtkModule is loaded, alternative
- pointing devices are temporarily "latched" to the core
+ dwellmouselistener GtkModule is loaded, alternative
+ pointing devices are temporarily latched to the core
pointer, such that motion from alternative devices results in
movement of the onscreen pointer.
- </para>
- <para>Для використання служби промови тексту під час входу (наприклад, при використанні програми читання екрану в режимі speech) на деяких операційних системах, GDM user must be made a member of the "audio" group</para>
+ In order to use text-to-speech services at login time (for
+ instance, when using the Screen Reader in speech mode) on some
+ operating systems, the GDM user must be made a member of the
+ audio group
- <para>
Currently GDM does not remember what accessible technology
programs have been started when switching applications. So
if the user switches between the login program and the
@@ -5108,9 +5259,9 @@ GtkModulesList=gail:atk-bridge:dwellmouselistener:keymouselistener
session so that the assistive technologies required are
started automatically (or have appropriate key-bindings
defined to start them) after the user session has started.
- </para>
- <para>
There are some issues that cause users to have problems
getting the gesture listeners to work. It is recommended that
people use GDM version or later for best results.
@@ -5120,7 +5271,7 @@ GtkModulesList=gail:atk-bridge:dwellmouselistener:keymouselistener
with a duration greater than 0 to always fail. A workaround
is to simply redefine all key gestures so they have zero length
duration. Some versions of GOK and gnopernicus will not launch
- unless the "gdm" user has a writable home directory.
+ unless the gdm user has a writable home directory.
If you see an hourglass cursor when you complete a gesture but the
program does not start, then you are likely having this problem.
It should be considered a bug for AT programs to require having a
@@ -5128,67 +5279,67 @@ GtkModulesList=gail:atk-bridge:dwellmouselistener:keymouselistener
program if you encounter this problem. Also note that some input
devices require X server configuration before GDM will recognize
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="accessibilitysound">
- <title>Налаштовування звуку спеціальних пожливостей</title>
- <para>
+ Accessibility Login Sound Configuration
By default, GDM requires a media application such as
- "sox" to be present to play sounds for successful or
+ sox to be present to play sounds for successful or
failed login. GDM defaults
the location of this application to
- <filename>&lt;bin&gt;/play</filename> (or
- <filename>&lt;bin&gt;/audioplay</filename> on Solaris. This can
+ bin/play (or
+ bin/audioplay on Solaris. This can
be changed via the SoundProgram GDM configuration option.
Typically most text-to-speech programs (such as ORCA or
Gnopernicus) use a separate mechanism to play audio.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="solaris">
- <title>Спеціальні функції Solaris</title>
+ Solaris Specific Features
- <sect2 id="solarisconfiguration">
- <title>Налаштовування Solaris</title>
- <para>
+ Solaris Configuration
On Solaris, the following configuration is recommended.
This turns on IPv6 and also turns on PreFetch for
performance benefit.
./ --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/X11 --localstatedir=/var
--libexecdir=/usr/lib --enable-ipv6=yes --with-at-bindir=/usr/sfw/bin
--with-prefetch --with-post-path=/usr/openwin/bin
- </para>
- <para>
Configuring GDM with the
- "--with-post-path=/usr/openwin/bin" on Solaris is
+ --with-post-path=/usr/openwin/bin on Solaris is
recommended for access to programs like Xnest.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="solarislogindevperm">
- <title>Solaris /etc/logindevperm</title>
- <para>
+ Solaris /etc/logindevperm
GDM supports /etc/logindevperm, but only on Solaris 10 and higher.
Refer to the logindevperm.4 man page for more information.
- </para>
- <para>
To make /etc/logindevperm functionality work on Solaris 9 or
earlier you would have to hack the GDM PreSession and
PostSession script to chmod the device permissions directly. In
other words, if /etc/logindevperm had a listing like this:
- </para>
+/dev/console 0600 /dev/sound/* # audio devices
-/dev/console 0600 /dev/sound/* # звукові пристрої
- <para>
The PreSession script would need to be modified to chown
/dev/console to the user:group who is logging into the console
and ensure whatever permissions is specified in /etc/logindevperm
@@ -5197,12 +5348,12 @@ GtkModulesList=gail:atk-bridge:dwellmouselistener:keymouselistener
use the value in the /etc/logindevperm file). Linux uses a
different mechanism for managing device permissions, so this
extra scripting is not needed.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="solarisautomaticlogin">
- <title>Автоматичний вхід на Solaris</title>
- <para>
+ Solaris Automatic Login
Automatic login does not work on Solaris because PAM is not
configured to support this feature by default. Automatic
login is a GDM feature that is not enabled by default, so you
@@ -5211,195 +5362,209 @@ GtkModulesList=gail:atk-bridge:dwellmouselistener:keymouselistener
specified username on startup without asking for username
and password. This is an insecure way to set up your
- </para>
- <para>
If using Solaris 10 or lower, then you need to compile
the pam_allow.c code provided with the GDM release and
install it to /usr/lib/security (or provide the full path
in /etc/pam.conf) and ensure it is owned by uid 0 and not
group or world writable.
- </para>
- <para>
The following are reasonable pam.conf values for turning on
automatic login in GDM. Make sure to read the PAM documentation
(e.g. pam.d/pam.conf man page) and be comfortable with the
security implications of any changes you intend to make to
your configuration.
- </para>
gdm-autologin auth required
gdm-autologin auth sufficient
gdm-autologin account sufficient
gdm-autologin session sufficient
gdm-autologin password sufficient
- <para>
The above setup will cause no lastlog entry to be generated. If
a lastlog entry is desired, then use the following for session:
- </para>
gdm-autologin session required
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="solarisother">
- <title>Інші особливості Solaris</title>
- <para>GDM підтримує деякі специфічні властивості Solaris:</para>
- <para>
+ Other Solaris Features
+ GDM supports a few features specific to Solaris, as follows:
GDM supports Solaris Auditing if running on Solaris 10 or
higher. GDM should not be used if auditing is needed and
running Solaris 9 or older.
- </para>
- <para>
GDM supports a security feature which causes the X server to
run as the user instead of as the root user. GDM must be using
PAM for this feature to be enabled, which is the normal case
for Solaris. This second feature has the side-effect of
causing the X server to always restart between sessions, which
disables the AlwaysRestartServer configuration option.
- </para>
- <para>
- Solaris supports the <filename>/etc/default/login</filename>
- interface, which affects the <filename>DefaultPath</filename>,
- <filename>RootPath</filename>,
- <filename>PasswordRequired</filename>, and
- <filename>AllowRemoteRoot</filename> options as described in the
- "Configuration" section.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- </sect1>
+ Solaris supports the /etc/default/login
+ interface, which affects the DefaultPath,
+ RootPath,
+ PasswordRequired, and
+ AllowRemoteRoot options as described in the
+ Configuration section.
- <sect1 id="exampleconf">
- <title>Приклади конфігурацій</title>
+ Example Configurations
- <para>У цій секції наведені приклади конфігурацій, які корисні у різних випадках.</para>
+ This section has some example configurations that are useful for
+ various setups.
- <sect2 id="terminallab">
- <title>Термінальна лабораторія з одним сервером</title>
+ Terminal Lab With One Server
- <para>
Suppose you want to make a lab full of X terminals that all connect
to one server machine. So let's call one X terminal
- <filename>xterminal</filename> and let's call the server machine
- <filename>appserver</filename>. You install GDM on both.
- </para>
+ xterminal and let's call the server machine
+ appserver. You install GDM on both.
+ On appserver you enable XDMCP, so you have
- <para>
- On <filename>appserver</filename> you enable XDMCP, so you have
If you want no local screens here, you can then
- make the <filename>[servers]</filename> section empty.
- </para>
+ make the [servers] section empty.
- <para>
- On the <filename>xterminal</filename> you disable XDMCP (you don't
+ On the xterminal you disable XDMCP (you don't
want anyone to connect to the xterminal really). You will add a
- server type perhaps called <filename>Terminal</filename> as follows:
+ server type perhaps called Terminal as follows:
name=Terminal server
command=/path/to/X -terminate
This definition should in fact be included in the standard
configuration file. Notice that we made the
- <filename>handled</filename> key false since we don't want GDM to
+ handled key false since we don't want GDM to
handle this server localy. Also note that we have not yet added the
- <filename>-query</filename> argument, you can add that here, or in the
- <filename>[servers]</filename> section. We'll define our local
+ -query argument, you can add that here, or in the
+ [servers] section. We'll define our local
servers as follows:
0=Terminal -query appserver
This will run a direct XDMCP query to the server named
- <filename>appserver</filename>.
- </para>
- </sect2>
+ appserver.
- <sect2 id="terminallabtwo">
- <title>Термінальна лабораторія з двома або кількома серверами</title>
+ Terminal Lab With Two Or More Servers
- <para>Скажімо ви хочете створити лабораторію з X-терміналами, які з'єднані з кількома серверами. Тож створимо їх <filename>appserverone</filename> та <filename>appservertwo</filename>. Знову назвемо наш сервер X-терміналів <filename>xterminal</filename>. Параметри на обох серверах такі ж як і у випадку з одним сервером. Не слід явно вмикати непрямі запити до сервера, бо на X-терміналах локально запускається селектор вузлів.</para>
+ Suppose you want to make a lab full of X terminals that all connect
+ to some choice of servers. For now let's make it
+ appserverone and
+ appservertwo. Again we'll call our example X
+ terminal server xterminal. The setup on both
+ servers is the same as with the case of one server in the previous
+ section. You do not need to explicitly enable indirect queries on the
+ server since we'll run the choosers locally on the X terminals.
- <para>
- So on the <filename>xterminal</filename> you again disable XDMCP.
- You will add a server type perhaps called <filename>Chooser</filename>
+ So on the xterminal you again disable XDMCP.
+ You will add a server type perhaps called Chooser
as follows:
name=Chooser server
And again this definition should in fact be included in the standard
configuration file. Notice that we made the
- <filename>chooser</filename> key true here. This will run the XDMCP
+ chooser key true here. This will run the XDMCP
chooser for this server, and when the user chooses a host GDM will run
a query for that host. Then we will define our local servers as
- </para>
- <para>
The XDMCP chooser on the X terminal will normally give a broadcast
query to see which servers exist on the network. If the two servers
are not reachable by a broadcast query, you must add them by hand to
- the configuration file. So in the <filename>[chooser]</filename>
+ the configuration file. So in the [chooser]
section you would have:
and any other servers you wish the users to be able to connect to.
- </para>
- <para>
Sometimes you may want to run the chooser on the server side however.
Then what you want to do is to run a configuration similar to the
previous section about the one server configuration with XDMCP
- indirect queries enabled on <filename>appserver</filename> and on the
+ indirect queries enabled on appserver and on the
X terminals you'd have
0=Terminal -indirect appserver
This way for example you only have to maintain one
- <filename>Hosts</filename> entry. However as a disadvantage then,
- the <filename>appserver</filename> must then always be available. So
+ Hosts entry. However as a disadvantage then,
+ the appserver must then always be available. So
it's not good for situations where you want to have several servers
and not all of them have to be on all the time. You could also have
one of the X terminals handle indirect XDMCP queries and serve up the
chooser to the other X terminals.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="customcommand">
- <title>Defining Custom Commands</title>
+ Defining Custom Commands
- <para>
Suppose you want to add a custom command to the GDM menu that will give
you the oportunity to boot into other operating system such as Windoze.
Jsut add the following options into the
- <filename>[customcommand]</filename> section of the GDM configuration
+ [customcommand] section of the GDM configuration
- <screen>
@@ -5407,24 +5572,24 @@ Hosts=appserverone,appservertwo
CustomCommandText0=Are you sure you want to restart the computer into Windoze?
CustomCommandTooltip0=Restarts the computer into Windoze
- </screen>
CustomCommand0 specifies two commands separated by a semicolon:
- <filename>/sbin/rebootwindoze</filename> and
- <filename>/usr/local/sbin/rebootwindoze</filename>. GDM will use
+ /sbin/rebootwindoze and
+ /usr/local/sbin/rebootwindoze. GDM will use
the first valid command in the list. This allows different
commands for different operating systems to be included.
- </para>
- <para>
Note, that besides being able to customise this option to reboot into
different operating systems you can also use it to define your own
custom behaviours that you wish to run from the GDM menu. Suppose you
want to give users the oportunity to run system update scripts from the
login screen. Add the following options into the
- <filename>[customcommand]</filename> section of your GDM configuration
+ [customcommand] section of your GDM configuration
- <screen>
CustomCommandLabel0=_Update Me
@@ -5432,13 +5597,13 @@ Hosts=appserverone,appservertwo
CustomCommandText0=Are you sure you want to update the system software?
CustomCommandTooltip0=Updates the system
- </screen>
- </para>
- <para>
Both custom commands could be defined as follows.
- <screen>
@@ -5453,13 +5618,13 @@ Hosts=appserverone,appservertwo
CustomCommandText1=Are you sure you want to update the system software?
CustomCommandTooltip1=Updates the system
- </screen>
- </para>
- <para>
There can be up to 10 custom commands numbered 0-9.
- <screen>
@@ -5484,55 +5649,55 @@ Hosts=appserverone,appservertwo
- </screen>
- </para>
- </sect2>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="troubleshooting">
- <title>Усунення проблем</title>
+ Troubleshooting
- <para>
This section discusses helpful tips for getting GDM working. In general,
if you have a problem using GDM, you can submit a bug to the
- "gdm" category in
- <ulink type="http" url=""></ulink>
+ gdm category in
or send an email to the
- <address><email></email></address> mail list.
- </para>
+ mail list.
- <para>
If GDM is failing to work properly, it is always a good idea to include
- debug information. Use the <command>gdmsetup</command> command to turn
- on debug ("Enable debug messages to system log" checkbox in the
- "Security" tab), then use GDM to the point where it fails, and
+ debug information. Use the gdmsetup command to turn
+ on debug (Enable debug messages to system log checkbox in the
+ Security tab), then use GDM to the point where it fails, and
include the GDM output sent to your system log
- (<filename>&lt;var&gt;/log/messages</filename> or
- <filename>&lt;var&gt;/adm/messages</filename> depending on your operating
+ (var/log/messages or
+ var/adm/messages depending on your operating
system). Since the system log can be large, please only include the GDM
debug information and do not sent the entire file. If you do not see any
GDM syslog output, you may need to configure syslog (see syslog.3c man
- </para>
- <para>
You should not leave debug on after collecting data. It will clutter your
syslog and slow system performance.
- </para>
- <sect2 id="wontstart">
- <title>GDM не запускається</title>
+ GDM Will Not Start
- <para>
There are a many problems that can cause GDM to fail to start, but
this section will discuss a few common problems and how to approach
tracking down a problem with GDM starting. Some problems will
cause GDM to respond with an error message or dialog when it tries
to start, but it can be difficult to track down problems when GDM
fails silently.
- </para>
- <para>
First make sure that the Xserver is configured properly. The
GDM configuration file contains a command in the [server-Standard]
section that is used for starting the Xserver. Verify that this
@@ -5543,68 +5708,80 @@ Hosts=appserverone,appservertwo
also be that your Xserver requires different command-line options.
If so, then modify the Xserver command in the GDM configuration file
so that it is correct for your system.
- </para>
- <para>
Another common problem is that the GDM greeter program is having
trouble starting. This can happen, for example, if GDM cannot find
a needed library or other resource. Try starting the Xserver and
a terminal program, set the shell environment variable
- <command>&lt;lib&gt;/gdmlogin</command>
- or <command>&lt;lib&gt;/gdmgreeter</command>. Any error messages
+ lib/gdmlogin
+ or lib/gdmgreeter. Any error messages
echoed to the terminal will likely highlight the problem. Also,
turning on debug and checking the output sent to the system log
will often highlight the problem.
- </para>
- <para>
- Also make sure that the <filename>/tmp</filename> directory has
+ Also make sure that the /tmp directory has
reasonable ownership and permissions, and that the machine's file
system is not full. These problems will cause GDM to fail to start.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="notaccessfile">
- <title>GDM не може отримати доступ до параметрів користувача</title>
+ GDM Will Not Access User Settings
- <para>
GDM saves user settings, such as your default session and default
- language, in the <filename>~/.dmrc</filename>. Other files, such
- as the user's <filename>~/.Xauthority</filename> file will also
+ language, in the ~/.dmrc. Other files, such
+ as the user's ~/.Xauthority file will also
affect login. GDM, by default, is strict about how it tries to
access files in the user's home directory, and will ignore the file if
they do not conform to certain rules. You can use the
- <filename>RelaxPermissions</filename> configuration option to
+ RelaxPermissions configuration option to
make GDM less strict about how it accesses files in the user's
home directory, or correct the permissions issues that cause GDM
to ignore the file. This is discussed in detail described in the
- "File Access" section of the "Overview".
- </para>
- </sect2>
- </sect1>
+ File Access section of the Overview.
- <!-- ============= Application License ============================= -->
- <sect1 id="license">
- <title>Ліцензія</title>
- <para>Ця програма є вільним програмним забезпеченням; ви можете розповсюджувати її ат/чи змінювати на умовах ліцензії <ulink type="help" url="gnome-help:gpl"><citetitle>GNU General Public License</citetitle></ulink> яка опублікована Free Software Foundation; версії 2 цієї ліцензії, або (за вашим бажанням) будь-якої більш пізньої версії.</para>
- <para>Ця програма поширюється з надією, що буде корисною, але БЕЗ БУДЬ_ЯКИХ ГАРАНТІЙ; навіть без неявної гарантії ПРИДАТНОСТІ ДО ПРОДАЖУ або ВІДПОВІДНОСТІ ПЕВНІЙ МЕТІ. Докладніше про це дивіться у <citetitle>GNU General Public License</citetitle>.</para>
- <para>Копія <citetitle>GNU General Public License</citetitle> включається як додаток до <citetitle>Довідки користувача GNOME</citetitle>. Також можна отримати копію <citetitle>GNU General Public License</citetitle> від Free Software Foundation відвідавши <ulink type="http" url="">їх веб-сайт</ulink> або написавши за адресою <address> Free Software Foundation, Inc. <street>59 Temple Place</street> - Suite 330 <city>Boston</city>, <state>MA</state><postcode>02111-1307</postcode><country>USA</country></address></para>
- </sect1>
-<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
-Local variables:
-mode: sgml
+ License
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the
+ GNU General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ A copy of the GNU General Public License is
+ included as an appendix to the GNOME Users
+ Guide. You may also obtain a copy of the
+ GNU General Public License from the Free
+ Software Foundation by visiting their Web site or by writing to
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place - Suite 330
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307